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theatre edition
life ain't shit but a fat vagina
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I'm an alpha male
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tomorrow is my birthday

i am signing up everywhere so i can get free birthday shit and optimizing my route

dennys breakfast
then grab a free coffee from starbucks
then free smoothie from booster juice
then free breakfast sandwich from tims
free cinnamon bun from cobbs
free 6" sub from mr sub
papa johns free panookie

then i finish the night with free nachos from canadian brewhouse (after ordering two drinks, i'll just get the cheapest beer)

t. türk traveler
anime is satanic
dont let your children watch anime or they will go to hell
take away all of your childrens electronics and homeschool them
throw away everything satanic
I rape alpha males for breakfast
fuckin based
Sounds kinda depressing but I respect the hustle
im an unreliable narrator
Kind of based
where's the birthday sex?
hi gayson
ayo dis nigga be FAT
this is improper ebonics. no black person would say this
Stop watching anime
don't worry i also apply for asylum, have hundreds of thousands back home but only keep less than 2000 in canada just to get welfare, been using same mcdonalds drink cup
for 3 months and i only order the burgers no combo from app and use the same cup i bring from home and refill it, get free food from food banks, dodge fares in all public transport and when they fine me i use a fake student id and say thats the only id on me, lie in credit card applications, use AI enchanced photos on dating websites
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Me so sleepy
I want to buy toys but i dont want to be seen as a manchild
nigga fuck outta here fuck ahhh nigga
ayo look at dis suga finga lickin ass nigga
he got the damn dennys space station flyin round his blackhole lookin ass shiiiiiiiiiiiit
The moment I had saved $100k from my job I became so shit with money, easily spending $30 a day on fast food and takeout and drinks at bars.
It just became a blur. Oh parking is $6? Not my problem. A cocktail is $13 plus tip? Not my problem. A band is playinng at the bar and you have to pay $10 cover fee? Why not.
This thread is really boring. What steps can we take to improve its quality?
Was flipping throught the menu at an airport restaurant and found an item which looked exactly like the halal snackpack
sex toys
you can slap yourself in the head
smashing my head on my desk like russian super mario kid
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star wars and legos
I miss the taste of mid make your own burgers from the family bbq, everyone's gotten too chefy now and want to make impressive food
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It's Stanislav Petrov day
average day staring at screens and buttons
just order mcdonalds drink once, keep the cup and only order burgers/fries from now on.

i sometimes just order an ice cream, bring the cup from home and drink 4 cups of whatever soft drink i like, then go to toilet and wash it and bring it back home

i always walk, never pay parking, never tip and if someone is bold enough to question tipping i say we don't tip in armenia

i also pretend to go on walks on hiking trails just to stare at womens asses
your computer doesn't have that kind of SOVL
Very based
>saved the world
>only got $1000
that's a lot for a communist
buiness idea
cute gfs for everyone
andrew yang wants to give me $1000? alright, i'm going to bat for you andrew yang
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Better idea: free munchie box delivered to every American household 3 times a week
all girls in NA are either fat or stinky but usually both
business idea: umbrella for the sun
I never said it was my computer. It's just with those kinds of panels sometimes the alarm is just the alarm itself being retarded
business idea: parasols for water
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You have a right to defend yourself. If you can't hide or escape, prepare to fight. Find any object that can aid in defense.
>dry sausage that tastes plastic
>overcooked mystery meat
>hashish colored hash browns
>sauces in cancerogen packs
>bread that lasts 2 years
>diced GMOshrooms
>burnt eggs
>very small GMObeans

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is there seriously a turk in canada posting here
this is better
Touch grass
dose beans look sad. the fried tomatoes or whatever are also sad. id demolish the rest in one sitting.
Youre an armenian turk? Or you larp as armenian as a joke.

All that sounds more trouble than its worth just get an easy part time job.

There are all kinds of easy part time jobs people dont know about. I was once paid $20/hour for 15 hours a week for a summer by the government to help construct an art installation.
Just connecting cables and tubes and sawing wood with my earbuds for $300 a week it was so comfy.

I'm trying to find something like that through the military, they have such a huge budget in this country there must be some kind of bullshit part time job they offer out of laziness
Bongs are disgusting with their insistence on adding those beans to their meals
A fucking leaf
most of these places now require you to register your birthday months in advance, that hustle is long over
just had sex
beans are delicious, I love mexicans
vgh... the turks are at the gates... those damned franks have doomed us
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I feel bad for worldoftshirts
I've always liked the term "flicking the bean", it's such a lighthearted way to describe it
body still aches from working out on wednesday
It's very femoid tier
Being anti-car is a right-wing position.
Only women and jasonkin can't drive so no it isn't
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constantinople has fallen... the emperor has fled the palace, and it is every man for himself... tell the slavs... to build their stockades high...
jason cant drive?
i waited for it
and waited
wtf? The right-wing loved gas and diesel vehicles. It's leftists that are eternally seething about more people needing to use EVs or no vehicles at all.
Unless you mean just cars, and I guess that's sorta correct, as the right loves trucks.
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This is legitimately hilarious
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>constantinople has fallen... the emperor has fled the palace, and it is every man for himself... tell the slavs... to build their stockades high...
landlordberg just kicked his neet faggot son out of their house. kek good thing its weekend so i can witness this shit
i think i got popcorn somewhere
did you film it
>caht gpt actually asks me questions based on interests and stuff I've already asked it about
ermmm what the sigma
im back
im guesesing it's dramatic? if you record it I could try to make a midwest emo meme
Johnny Turk, he was ready
He'd primed himself well
He showered us with bullets, and he rained us with shells
And in five minutes flat, he'd blown us all to Hell
Nearly blew us straight back to Australia
ur supposed to ask it questions
I'm so bored
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eating canadian twink bussy
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nope wont film it. not after that retard doxxed himself 2 weeks ago. just white trash screaming at each other like they are in reality tv or something
Sometimes I'll do this thing where I'll have it ask me questions based on myself or whatever and then recommend something. I was looking for music a few seconds ago. I've also had it recommend haircuts, anime characters, online store ideas, and art projects
you couldn't pay me to do this
how's it going fella
what will you call this invention
beans are good with breakfast and i don't care
i say this and do this
hi how are you as well
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going ok
doing okay bud. what about you?
nigga stop double posting
shhh. otherwise we cant spot her
that's good buddy
she's so desperate for attention lmao
>that retard doxxed himself 2 weeks ago
ever drink so much blue gatorade you start to pee blue
i want to be better than ok
business idea: cum
i'm doing good thanks i have a bit of a headache but i've had a good day today
brian doxxed his house bitching about Mexicans across the street
there are no females in /cum/ only fat mystery meat nu-americans males. sometimes it feels like I'm the last of my kind
just spiked out of a range. seems like spike is done and now were geading into a chunnel
hello bro
i would reply to each of you individually but it takes too long to do that and people get mad when i mass reply so i hope you are all doing well
nice to hear bud
Are you Anglo-American or Urkel
shes alright. very few posters have a problem with her here
no, sounds bad
you will be
no thanks!
A little jealous of that hello guy getting 6 (you)s
everyone reply to this anon immediately
the former
/cum/ prefers low effort posts
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you should be jealous you didn't get sick trips like this guy did
missing mandick ngl
i think im ovulating
haha no way. not only is he a degenerate but hes legit retarded
I dont know what to do with myself i feel lost i want to cry and destroy my room
yeh it's normal for them
dont be sad
it's just that low effort posts are more common. A high effort post just gets lost in the sauce most of the time
it is weird that sometimes someone will be like "just farted" and get like 10 replies
Going out to bars is obviously not helping me meet anyone so instead of going out and wasting money I will drink at home alone instead
do it bro, you don't need that junk cluttering up the place
how's it going ale?
what's going on? did anything happen tonight to make you feel this way?
I cant I hate when my room is a mess
you're not alone when you have /cum/
develop mental illnesses as a coping mechanism for survival
spinster is wendy and we're the lost boys
that's how she sees it
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>thread very slow
>everyone still ignored my post
y-yeah just lost in the sauce I guess
you're not ovulating you retardo tranny
Im just frustrated about my life i feel stuck and hopeless im sick of waiting for my life to "finally" start
ale whats the difference between ale, beer, lager, stout, etc
what one is it
you are like whiny little babby

nobody like whiny babby
Based, I die a little inside when some American named like William Smithson claims to be Irish or German
What's something that's interesting?
i mean you can always start small, just do one positive thing to give you some feeling of agency back, i know it's cliche but stuff like cleaning your room or doing the laundry go a long way. you can't fix your life in one night, just take one small step tonight, that's all you can do
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**hugs you**
you know anyone can have a last name
can you tell someone's background by their physical features or do you have that face-blindness autism
wasn't today dwabi
he probably is more irish or german than his lastname though. Like my friend has an irish lastname but like 90% of his family is italian
injecting saline into my penis
p good
i took a shower
did the skin care
i got in my jammies

lifes good as a woman
the names
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i deleted my entire pictures folder so im pasting from my google photos archive from my phone
ur supposed to inject it into ur balls dummy guy that's what all the faggots do. fagthestics
>he doesn't let worms and leeches crawl in
is that how those guys get the giant engorged penises for sounding
fairly based, i'll say
what's your skin care routine
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>i deleted my entire pictures folder so im pasting from my google photos archive from my phone
why would you do that...
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>nobody forced people to reply
>yet everyone did almost at the same time
>yet that same post was/will be ignored when it was/is posted other times
Chaos theory or something
I try to do that but i know im so far behind people my age i just lose all motivation and sink lower
you can see el chado underneath the fat
i'm a taste maker. in a couple years everyone will be pinning in the shaft
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i unno
I know, I was referring to the people that act like they are 110% Irish despite being very obviously mostly something else
just had a cromulent fuckcrustable of a day
you're always gonna be bummed out if you compare yourself to others, and you just see what's going on with them at the surface level anyway. don't worry about what your peers are up to, and just focus on yourself. how old are you?
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want to make a new minecraft world but i know id play for 10 minutes then quit
now to trim my beard and polish my funko pops so they're nice and shiny for the stream
my local 7/11 sells a lot of mexican pipo snacks, some of them are gross but today I bought a bag of peanuts, dried chilis, and dried garlic cloves, and it is DELICIOUS
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There may actually be hope for /cum/...
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crazy how much the simpsons declined culturally, if it wasn't for thirdies posting edited screenshots claiming it was the illuminati predictions I think I would never ever hear about the show
not sure what this has to do with my post but thanks for the (You)
i need euthanasia legalized
youth in asia is legal
do you know what i am saying?
>imagine force feeding these to buttpoo, mousepedo and the fag
Funny how the english are just another flavor of celtic. Theyre at most 40% anglo saxon, and only 8000 normans ever crossed over the channel into england.

Yet the english celts managed to invent loads of mathematics, physics, engineering, the industrial revolution, darwinism, theory of electromagnetic waves, list goes on and on.
Wonder why theyre so different from the gaels in ireland and scotland

Ireland was also conquered by the normans
oh you'll be okay anon
a lot of my troubles back then and stuff that kept me up at night, in hindsight i'm not even sure why i was worried about things like that
you're not even 25, you still have plenty of time to right the ship, i promise.
like i said, start small. you can't fix everything in a day. you will find your niche eventually, you have plenty of time to be anxious about the future when you're older, you'll find your way
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soyjaks are the funniest shit on the planet
whatchu talmbout willis?!
this is unironically great news
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The worst part of the weekend is the whiner shows up and whines constantly for hours on end. go to a therapist or something, fuck
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to all the people suffering from depression or any other mental illness: life gets better
i know this cuz ive been there, done that
i used to be a batshit crazy hikikomori neet femcel tranny that had no friends
but i got better, and even if my life is not perfect, its better

it WILL get better, you gotta have faith
were all the same soul, were all in this together, were ALL gonna make it
#swag #yolo
/cum/ is my therapist you fucking faggot
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nobody cares and you're shit
actually I whine here every day
i don't care though HAHA
wow if a nasty mexican tranny and a bitch with a million dollar trust fund say things will get better then maybe life really can turn up for me
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shut up
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>wahhh life is le heckin hard n stuff
>Ireland was also conquered by the normans
They also scared Scotland into submission by chimping out on Northern England
life isn't hard, i'm just soft
can a nigga get some viagra?
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im not nasty im actually quite pretty tyvm

now i sleep
it's doubtful you went from nasty to pretty, it's more likely you're just on some weird medications
im too based
im an appropriate amount of based
this man is too based to live
i'm kinda bluepilled ngl
pretty cringe
i'm greypilled
i've accepted depression will be a constant in my life
is there a personality test i can take to see where i lie on the based/cringe spectrum
what does that mean, like you can't talk to normies without seeing them as brainwashed?
i'm a bluepilled cringecel
i havent posted a single frog or wojak in like 6 years.
get on my level
no need. this post says it all
You're missing out
i knew i was based thanks
Now how can a nigga borrow some viagra
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I'm purely based. believe it brother!
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too cringe
refs blew another game ending call, I hate them so much
every now and then I try to look up a meme and it isnt the first few results anymore
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There have been amazing advances in the field of 'jaks since then. Things that are barely comprehensible.
its okay we still loooove you
pic not related?
at some point, i lost the ability to tell if something was cringe or not
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the other day I got gas near a highschool and finished right before the game ended so I didnt have to wait in traffic
grim thread
my dick is militated from circumcision look up skin bridge
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i want to drive a truck right over your head and bust it like a grape. you're laying flat on the road and i take the tire right over your head at about 20 miles an hour and just pop it like a big tick
The lid is off. The stack is burning. I saw it
I had those batman jammies as a young 'un
circumcision should be outlawed honestly
it's genital mutilation
depends on how pretentious you want to sound
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for me, it's the classical art high effort gems
i had a batman toy gun
might roll some dice
i wouldn't date a woman with ugly feet,teeth,hands or ankles

eyes must be green,hazel or blue
that meme where womemes rate themselves and put an asian girl last and a fat girl first and then the boiz rate them and they put the asian girl first and the fat girl last
crazy how old these pics looks but it was only 2003
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that gen was so darn comfy. i doubt well get such levels of comfy ever again. probably the last time /tv/ was consistently making good oc
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>eyes must be green,hazel or blue
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what kind of book causes an epiphany like this?
the quran
The Camp of the Saints
the sailor who fell from the sea
Security Analysis`
>t. anon who is unable to make eye contact with a woman
tranpa is that you
i like blue eyes, and hazel eyes are very pretty when the sun hits them in a certain way too
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lick lick lick lick lick
hazel eyes are the worst because people with them are always trying to prove they aren't part of the brown-eyed horde
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do you like australian girls?
i wouldn't mind if i perished
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shut the fuck up
>according to the SCIENCE these are the exact same species. Exact same subspecies. Exact same race (only 1 btw)
Shan't be believing that
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lick lick lick
brown eyes are underrated ig
holy crap i remember that
nah yeah
brian is back?
those are girl toes
wow you remember some shit from 2006 get a load of rain man over here
there's a lot more going on with brown eyes than people realize
brown eyes look good on cute women. especially cute latinas, hapas, hapatinas, anglotinas, etc.

brown eyes in men look hellspawn or buggish

t.brown eyed goblin
yeah nah
if you don't include the dark/black brown ones, yes
it came out in 2002 dude out in 2002 not 2005 2002
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what are you some sort of SCIENCE denier? reported to the longhouse
I was 6 years old in 2006
I get the free Starbucks every year. You know you can get any one item for free, right? You can make it as fancy as you want. I get a decked out large frappuccino worth like $10 on my bday.
don't be so hard on yourself dude
brown eyes can be very nice, you aren't a goblin jeez
is your life bad? if so, is it mostly bad luck or other people harming you?
my life is good. i am a bad person doe
I only notice someones eye color if it is very striking blue eyes
it really doesn't affect attractiveness otherwise in my opinion
my eyes are the color of these things. women don't care about eye color very much at all if they like you they'll just say whatever color yours are is their favorite
i have... purples eyes... they're ROYAL, simply royal
I hve dark brown eyes and hair and never grew my beard out although sometimes the whiskers looked a bit weird in the light.

Now Ive grown it out for the first time and there are big streaks of blonde and red hair.
I stared at it in the mirror for like an hour. Cant believe how much I used to cope about aryan features being superficial and meaningless.
It just looks cool. End of story. you cannot fucking suffer with blonde hair and blue/green eyes, God gifted you a free dopamine rush every time you look in the mirror
>it really doesn't affect attractiveness otherwise in my opinion
Are you White?
I have blue eyes. It's pretty based.
my eyes are blue and my offspring will have brown because I only trust asians to raise kids
i don't think my eyes are based, sadly
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i haven't seen the root beer barrels in a long time wow
you must be beating back ladies with both arms huh
ermmm if blonde hair and blue eyes are aryan then why do finns have the highest rates of blonde hair and blue eyes, yet they don't speak an indo-european (aryan) language?
>these guys released a multi-platinum alt rock album when they were FIFTEEN years old and its actually good
the itinerary
yesterday - the beatles
today - smashing pumpkins
tomorrow - silverchair
they're all required to learn some swedish in school, so your premise is wrong
>I only trust asians to raise kids
East Asians are unironically worse at raising kids now than before. t. lives in Chinknada
my black coworker thinks i'm funny and gave me a cigarette and some of his cheetos. It must be because I don't bullshit and speak my mind, black people are sensitive to that sort of thing and can tell if a white person is trying to trick them with language
any cute girls here want to hang out?
I appreciate your post
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good night
10 posts early and no previous
I just tried electric blue pepsi and it's disgusting
that is all
night bud
this isn't 'nam, there are rules
Janny hasn't deleted an early all week, only posts mentioning Tr- ha almost got me
*puts on whinging british voice*
I just tried electric blue pepsi and it's disgusting
that is all
Harry S. Truman, the guy who was leading America when we vaporized a few hundred thousand Japanese pipo?
This is just a result of the randomness of history and how people are forced to interact

Finlands history is the story of a tiny group of blonde people migrating to an empty region without any competitors and becoming a giant group of blonde people

Scandinavia's history is a ton of different tribes some swarthy, some fair featured, in which the fair features slowly became dominant because the blonde men were the ones to survive and have lots of children

That history is part of why blondism is associated with supremacy in scandinavia but not finland
that's because white liberals will talk down to black people, they will literally dumb down their language. And most blacks can spot it, and of course find it patronizing.
how so?
Plus I was also thinking of east asian women anyways

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