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open bar edition

I prefer this one.
this is the thread
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This is the real and true edition, anyone who posts in the other thread is a catamite or pedophile.
Visit Frederick County Poor Farm
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This is a high-quality OP.
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drinking milk
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they serve food at this joint? gimmie a veal parm sandwich, and hurry the fuck up about it
is the website not working for anyone else
is the site shitting itself for anyone else?
just died for me
works fine
Might visit the strip club and sit far away so i dont have to give money. Id like to see some bobs
he hasn't had a single thought
he doesn't even know he exists
what would you do if this website didn't work
Now, can't say the same for a few minutes ago
fell in love with a girl whose last name is a village in england

VGHHHH she fires up both the chuddy anglo side of me and the pre-4chan naïve side that just likes her as a person
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go to bed
idk I stopped using it for many years I guess I'd do that again
does she know about you?
So many bedtime posts

Sleepy anons tonight
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they're turning the frickin frogs gay!
where are they going
they are making a single file line better than some elementary kids, ominous
i look like that
doomscroll a lot more
haha look at them go
We talked at a 4th of july party and I screwed up cuz early in the night she asked if I wanted to go to a stand up comedy show with her friends the next day, but I never got her phone number to follow up

Ive stalked her vsco and she still doesn have a bf, she might be at another party on halloween

Idk what costume i should do, toilet paper mummy?
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still irked by the canadian that thinks canada-aus is a more coherent bond than canada-us
good luck i guess.
>America has free speech
>Alex Jones needs to pay infinity dollars because he said Sandy Hook wasn't real and that hurt their feelings
Makes you think
the redditbaras walk in single file to hide their numbers
canada is same as rest of US

north america has three distinct cultures, anglo north american culture, french north american culture, hispanic north american culture (southern states of US)

i would argue french canada is european colony, rest are schizo anglos and texas & other southern states are spanish/beaner larpers
idk if canadanon saw this or nah >>202770337
Nobody here thinks this, and I'm saying this as someone who worked with Aussies in Canada and met a lot of them.
I would give my life for Canada.
Maybe I should do a caveman costume
I didn't see it. As a result of the 1 child policy, many Chinese grew up extremely spoiled and think it's normal to have only 1 kid and spoil the kid to no end. They call it Little Emperor syndrome
Based /cum/ ally.
brazilians and argentineans and chileans have these fuckers literally outside their doors and claim they suffer
i think of all the insects that are sleeping, and wonder if the animals are dreaming
getting tired of the volume of reddit animal wholesome fluffer posts being made here lately. take that shit to /an/
did you know that boston baked beans inspired a french-canadian bean dish? boston baked beans traveled north and there are regional bean dishes along the way
If someone invaded the US... heh, let's just say I'd get involved
based food historian anon
ill take animal cuteposting to pinkhaired tranime shit any day
the mexican government is so stupid they continue to blame spain that we are a shithole of a country.
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I can post more crazy shit if you want, but you can't stop me from posting animal webms
it's happening right now
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dude PETS lmao
hate tranimal girls
hate animal webms
love funny blogposting

Get the fucking blogs posted
indians are literally rushing the northern border as we speak.
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one would think that if you caught a shark, you caught an apex predator on the top of the food chain but i guess not
Send me to the border with criminal immunity and I'll have it sorted in a few weeks
7, just so you can feel better than the other anon.
>ugh this guy is literally filming me omg
i really like this post
Unironically wish you'd build a wall so it would force the world and the cuck in charge here to take notice
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What was the most fucked up thing that you have seen on the deep web?
That would never happen don't worry. If it did I'd be with my grandma mowing down Chinamen from a beach chair with our AK47s because theyre the only country capable
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>the deep web
My most fucked up viewing experiences all came from reddit and 4chan
Finally out of janny jail, did you miss me?
Also to the bro that knows where I work, we’re having a hiring event on the first I believe, over at the tap house. It ends at 6 pm and starts around 12. You should work the night shift with me it’s comfy and our new token woman’s a solid 7/10. We’re grifting a ton of people from the brewery named after the county we reside in due to some internal conflicts
imagine a chinese human wave attack coming at you
an ad for cannabis
first time i used tor for an onion site i saw [FUCK YOU TRANNY GLOWIE]
shit marked me for life
>theyre the only country capable
>airforce still includes soviet biplanes
They aren't capable thoughbeit
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generally speaking, what do canadian twinks smell like? If I walked into a tim hortons and smelled the twink behind the counter, what should I expect?
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I have literally never gotten a diaper ad on youtube ever until today. I had to buy my nephew diapers today and now I'm getting ads for them?
>tim hortons and smelled the twink behind the counter
you mean the indians who work there? probably curry.
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>If I walked into a tim hortons and smelled the twink behind the counter, what should I expect?
Stench of curry
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/cum/ has unironically been slow all week due to the number of banned anons
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the targeted advertising follows me to 4chan
>You asked "is there actual recovered NHI tech?" The answer is yes, in several different hands, both government and private hands. For example, knowing such technology has enabled planning for moon to Mars transportation in days, not years. Don't ask me who has such tech.

Harald Malmgren is spilling the beans yet again. It's almost certainly Lockheed Martin that has such technology.

>Harald Bernard Malmgren is a scholar, ambassador, and international negotiator who has been senior aide to US Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford,[1] and to US Senators Abraham A. Ribicoff and Russell B. Long, United States Senate Committee on Finance. He has acted as an advisor to many foreign leaders and CEOs of financial institutions and corporate businesses and has been a frequent author of articles and papers on global economic, political, and security affair
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that's how it works, anon
I've decided i will not go to the stripclub tonight i'll go with my family to a restaurant tomorrow and go to church on sunday
Tempting but my current job is comfy and not night shift. I have a cute chubby blonde girl that is interested in me. I would like to meet up with you for some beers though, next weekend
asmr ON
my penis is in my hand
korea, 1953
i've lost three toes to frostbite and the chinese are rushing our position at gyeun-dong again
god help us
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Some weird anime about naked girls stuck in a large bathroom without doors, having a philosophical debate about never getting out of the room. After losing hope and starving for some days everything goes downhill.
They just start screaming and yelling.
Then they all commit suicide, either by smashing their heads on the floor or scratching their necks to bloody pieces
One girl helped the other to drown in the sink, because she asked her to hold her, because she couldn't do it...
I cried myself to sleep right after watching that vid, because I just didn't even know anymore...
Why would anyone draw that with such precision? It was goddamn horrifying.
Looked 80ish in quality (audio too). Japanese dub. English subs. Lasted for about 30 minutes. No credits, but it seemed ripped.
Voices sounded very young, but eh, Japanese sound young in their 50'.
Haven't found or seen it again.
The name of the vid was something along the lines of "Go for a punch" or something.
We had an old politician from the same era, Paul Hellyer, who made such claims. In fact even more grandiose.

>The Ottawa Citizen reported in 2007 that Hellyer was demanding world governments disclose alien technology that could be used to solve the problem of climate change.
>n an interview with RT in 2014, Hellyer said that at least four species of aliens had been visiting Earth for thousands of years, with most of them coming from other star systems, although there are some living on Venus, Mars and "Saturn's moon"
I think I'd be less likely to date chinese but I'd be open to it anyways. I'm more drawn to how japanese people are pretty much not like my parents. Like they're pretty educated, non-religious, not too conservatarded nor libtarded, and live far away. And even if they were religious I'd rather deal with superstition and shintoism/buddhism anyways. And dating internationally means it would also be easier for me to find someone who has some sort of large goal in life.
And even if I could find this stuff in a european woman, it's harder for me to get into europe than asia/japan for a longer amount of time.
I feel like the truth is somewhere in between "secret government tech" and "schizo ramblings"
one time i went on the deep web and i read the scariest creepypasta ever
literally shaking rn
same bestie
Nice creepypasta, bro
cursed for life
i wanna be a mime but I'm not going to do anything
I'm a lone squirrel in search of the ever elusive nut.
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name a more fun halloween/autumn song, I dare you https://youtu.be/HrTgxvDWTlg
Can you even find a girlfriend in your own country?
better than a lone nut searching for a squirrel!
I’m down man, just let me know! There’s a strip club in town doe? I wouldn’t have guessed it
Sad, although it’s been nice getting away from the chans, I finally started reading again. How have you been?
anything other than 8 is turboslut spitroasted every weekend mode
He said Aliens gave tech to humanity but in exchange for environmental goals and reduction in nuclear arsenal. But the Bush administration was pushing the aliens for more tech without following the conditions and making side deals with certain alien species that were less moral. Idk that seemed really realistic to me kek
>tfw no squirrel
thinking about ice age
China can build warships 100x faster than we can, quality be damned. I dont think they are a super aggressive nation but they are definitely the only threat to us, Russia is pathetic and Iran is our bitch. China could absolutely build some planes if they had to >>202770516
Japan has similar issues thoughbeit, you can see a lot of single moms with spoiled children (relatively speaking ofc). Also a lot of women there don't want to have kids ever, like westoid women. East Asians just don't have that "beat the little kid senseless" drive anymore.
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Saki is REAL
Next weekend bro as long as you dont mind me being an awkward 24 y/o zoomer
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me when i heem you for making a bad post in /cum/
Warships are useless without air superiority thoughbeit, you should be more worried about their capacity to zerg rush the US with infinity cheap drones
not one that isn't a waste of time
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>How have you been?
I haven't been banned in a suspiciously long time. Even after I made fun of jeets, idk what the janny is planning
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thread theme
me on the right making the bad post
Man I’m an awkward 27 year old zoomer, don’t worry about it lol
you ever think about all the teen sex you missed out on
I think the youngest white zoomer girls are finally getting tired of hip hop and rap.
>country growing faster than hiphop
>latin music growing faster than hiphop
>white girl shitty pop growing faster than hiphop
Blackbros... we lost
put my sl at 66230. no tp
True, drones and EMP type weapons are the future. Thankfully we have our boy elon. Imagine getting your electricity shut down then self-landing rocketships showing up in your town
nope, I had sex when I was a teenager.
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me when I heem you just because
Is it true we have undetectable practically invisible fighter jets
used to. then i realized most teens have SHITTY sex.
i was mostly jelly about not being to get a girl naked for me. or get her to touch my willy. yeah
yeah one just flew over my house
you guys can always shoot me a message at cia.gov just so you know
I already ordered 17.9 slices
I don't know, can you repeat the question?
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people in usa feel a senseless hatred for england like the people here blame everything bad in the country on spain?
not at all
dam it really do b like that
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>As country fans catch up to the streaming age, the genre is exploding in global popularity, topping the charts and selling record numbers of tickets. If the trend continues, country music may overtake hip hop as the most-listened-to genre in the US by the end of the year.
yeah but theyr really loud
idk I like england but I'm not a normie
we dont blame england for our problems though because in theory we solved them by leaving.
no its all propaganda

US hasn't won a war since Civil War

UK won WW1
Soviets won WW2
Korean war was lost, north korea still exists and is a nuclear superpower
War in Vietnam is a loss
Bombing of Laos and Cambodia resulted in nothing - loss
Entirety of LATAM is going out of US sphere and joining BRICS
Iraq war - objective failure. Saddam was toppled for being too pro-Iran (after it was revealed US sold weapons to both sides), now entirety of Iraq is an Iran puppet
Afghanistan war - Lost
U.S is currently losing in Yemen and Ukraine too

The only U.S victories are small wars like Kosovo War
As America and Canada get browner this will unironically start happening, desu it already has started
We won the pacific theater in WW2
why would brown people feel hatred for a country they have nothing to do with
people are sick of cRap and country is the only guitar driven music left since rock is dead
yeah it was just a theater like a movie not real
oh right i forgot you guys have jeets and we have hispanics, yeah jeets hate england
How do brownies even live in Canada? Doesn’t it get cold as shit?
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people here are weird, they really believe that it's spain's fault that we are a shitty country, as if we haven't been governing ourselves for over 200 years.
there are somalis in scandinavia
they do have health problems from the lack of vitamin D, like how australians get skin cancer from too much sun
blacks still blaming slavery
I like England but not London or what remains of the english aristocracy
T. Irish diaspora American
some of my escapist fantasies take place in england
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I fucking love my job bros
my escapist fantasies have been in russia recently
me when I fart
There's a reason the Protestant countries did so well vs the Catholic ones. Protestantism has a sense of individual liberty and rationalism which Catholicism doesn't have.
that's a good one too but i know less about russia
>why would brown people feel hatred for a country they have nothing to do with
Same reason why Anglo Canadians who live in a country that only exists because of England suddenly start acting like they were oppressed colonial African slaves or something when talking about Britbongs.
They are the most obvious but even literally who people like Flips sometimes jump in on it. Even more inexplicable is when Hong Kongers do it.
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like picturesque countryside? or, like, uxbridge?
Yeah but do they just stay indoors all winter or something? I feel like if that’s the case they just have to knock out a few power grids and freeze em out till they go south, like smelly brown migratory birds
reborn in this world as a slav who surrenders to nato proxy forces
funny, the russians I know from gaming forums want to leave the country or are on antidepressants.
are you allowed to be taking pictures of this stuff?
picturesque countryside definitely, victorian era pastoral settings
i don't actually want to live in russia guise i just have fantasies about living there and becoming well-liked by the natives and eventually doing a coup and becoming the first democratic ruler of russia
russia has better food and woman than us
i hate it when pornstars start doing anal scenes cause their asshole ends up all busted up and its an eyesore in every scene afterwards
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>Doesn’t it get cold as shit?
First winter they soyface over seeing snow then later crash their car. Everytime after that they seethe about the cold. If you can't appreciate Winter/cold you aren't white btw
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is a coup an act of a democratic ruler though?
prot countries were also mostly one race (not the human race)
the democracy comes after
the only thing I dont appreciate is salted roads
get a real fucking vehicle cuckberg
imagine not fantasizing about being a nomadic mongolian, modernized with iron horses over the traditional flesh. like a chinky mad max just roaming and hunting and living off the land with your goats and gfs and bfs
have you been there
what are you, photographer?
pornstars only have a shelf-life of a couple years max, if you're still watching them when their asshole is blown out you've watched them too long
going back in time and rescuing napoleon from st helena to start a new empire in south america
people make fun of Engerland and Scandis for bad food but Eastern Europe isn't any better
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the thing about recorded media is you can consume it for longer than the careers of the people who created it
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the united states has a lot of small and quiet towns, I don't understand why you guys don't go live in one if you want a quiet life.
Pacific Theatre.
English food being bad is a nonsensical meme propagated by redditors and 80-IQ normoids.
every time i see a perfect pair of breasts on a dating app i have an existential crisis where i really really really want booba but at the same time i don't want them attached to a waitress or instagram model or adult film actress. we would simply be incompatible.
but, booba.
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start in patagonia and work your way up, and don't stop until you reach the north pole
then use that logic and just watch the scenes where their assholes aren't blown out
>Entirety of LATAM is going out of US sphere and joining BRICS
it's not even a real alliance, china and india are fighting over a border, I don't know where the hell the idea that the super alliance brics will dominate the world came from.
I love the cold, I was built for it. 25% of my mutt blood is pure Norwegian. I order cocomo freezes from Dutch bros when it’s below freezing. Central heating? Never heard of it. I get the public lands all to myself during winter time while the normies flock to fire pits and their electric goyslopper furnaces. I was thinking of moving to Alaska but the mosquitoes there are literally the worst in the world I reckon. They kill caribou and moose for fuck’s sake.
how can doctors take any pride in their "profession" when they cant save kids from cancer?
have any of you guys ever eaten a toast sandwich?
>propagated by redditors and 80-IQ normoids
If by normoids you mean Indians, then yes
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the best thing that mexico could have done is to have replaced china in manufacturing but since this is a country of idiots it won't happen and we will only sell drugs until we are all dead.
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I want to try a chip butty
is it time to lose weight?
the little ice cream calmed him down
There aren't good doctors in hospitals anymore. Only managers of medicine.
Why do britoids think their infantile babble is proper English? We took it and made it better.
>They kill caribou and moose for fuck’s sake
Yep, them and the blackflies make northern Canada unlivable too in summer. We should make work colonies there for our Saars or something
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if you make me president of mexico, I will rename your cunt to messssssssssico
I dont fucking get it either. People complain about cost of living and shit but they could literally just move to bumfuck nowhere and everything is cheap as fuck
How about I kill your sons and take your daughters as wives instead
>Americans have 50 states
>all of which mog 99% of the world for income
>still complain they can't live anywhere
You cannot suffer in the US
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I dont know

Yeah, we're bullshitters. We want the fantasy version, not the real version.
sure why not
how did you get this video of me delete this
how was this worth the effort
i like bland food too but that seems really bad
This is clearly not real

I’m done for the night, cya
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Bye, xittle fellow
never mind posting anything of substance, lets just post and react to the same cute animal videos for the 500th time
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one of my fantasies is to have a hamburger or steak restaurant in a small town in the usa on the highway.
i'm here 12 hours a day and i make a post at least every 15 minutes, but nobody has given me a name
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Crazy how Japan was irrelevant for 99% of history then just turned around and beat the shit out of the rest of the Orientals
me when sweet treat
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Right message, wrong messenger
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"Johnny Fifteen Minutes" it is, JFM for short
we'll call u "boring guy"
people think I'm jason kek if that's what it takes to live rent free
an insulting nickname? i've never seen such a thing
just a factual name
maybe the haters are right
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Hey JFM, gem or coal? I'm thinking gemmy
he looks like he's waiting for someone impatiently
probably his drogas dealer
they are
maybe the haters actually just want what's best for me
Its not surprising. Theyre just a tribe of chinese who were given their own secluded dream island with all 4 seasons of weather, mountains, fertile farmland, great fishing, forests, and room to grow to 100 million population. Could not ask for a better environment.

Also amazing that Kublai Khan was hit by two typhoons on the way to invade
sorry. i dont know another way of improving this general
from his point of view, you're actually making it worse
crazy, huh? can't please everybody
don't apologize to him he just wants to make bitter incel posts
>Also amazing that Kublai Khan was hit by two typhoons on the way to invade
Japanese time travellers 100% changed the timeline
nice night for a bath what do we think /cum/?
i wouldn't think the mongols would have a good navy anyways
We should organize a /cum/ polytopia tournament guys
but then you'll have to rebuild your armor of dirt and oil
business idea: /cum/topia
alternative name: /cum/tropolis
u r gay post cage
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hand of providence
what exactly did the romans do in roman bath houses
my favorite frog image in a LONG time
why should I?
why won’t spinny just be my gf?
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been done
are you gay?
she considers herself more of a mother figure to this general
which i guess would make me your daddy
it is a pretty good one
go for it anon
i concur but only with epsom salts
Prefers racist chads irl, not online I'm afraid
They did, they built maybe a thousand ships for their invasion of japan, and the ones that landed routed the japanese fairly easily because the japanese samurai werent familiar with mongol tactics like shield walls and iron cased bombs.
When the Japanese were in total despair, suddenly the mongols just left cause like 200 of their reinforcement ships were destroyed in a typhoon and they realized they just wouldnt have the numbers to defeat the japanese

Its ridiculous
>suddenly the mongols just left cause like 200 of their reinforcement ships were destroyed in a typhoon and they realized they just wouldnt have the numbers to defeat the japanese
>Its ridiculous
>this happened TWICE
I'm telling you the timeline has been changed
The truly ridiculous one is Pizarro beating the entire Incan civilization with like 150 Spaniards.
Im pretty sure Incan warrior culture involved attacking 1 by 1 while everyone else stood around doing their idle animation
but how did horse warriors from the steppes of eurasia become proficient with naval stuff
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I just saw Megalopolis. Wouldn't recommend it.
Crazy part is they didn't even have the infinity native auxiliary soldiers hack like the war against the Aztecs until later. They just singlehandedly captured the Emperor by themselves after defeating thousands of Incans without a single fatality on their side. How do Incaboos even cope?
watched metropolis
very weimar-esque stuff
>become proficient with naval stuff
Same way they became proficient with gunpowder weaponry and siege engines. They forced the chinks do all that nerd shit
i’m whatever
stop talking in third person and date me
i hate everyone equally doe
it's not like the incas are famous for their military
people only know about their buildings
spin what do you think about joker part doiex
>i’m whatever
okay but remember this spinny character is just jason's elaborate larp
>people only know about their buildings
uh chud we know them for their perfect moneyless society
cause you clearly want to
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Which Nick eras did you watch or was your favorite?
you got a peer reviewed source for that statement?
talk about something else
there are a bunch of anons that know about his larps
y2k era
just you though
Pre-movie spongebob
Oh god that Core 00s.

Drake n Josh, Neds Declassified, Danny Phantom, Avatar. SHEEESH that is a powerhouse lineup. Im amazed I got any homework done at all from 2005-2007
it's 1:51 am. anons are asleep as well. try asking tomorrow
This is lowkey a banger
don't tell me what to do
so you can answer again? nobody believes that nonsense
What are your plans for the weekend? For me it’s bedrotting and maybe going on a hike to the local Mexican joint for some horchata
not really. right now, there's only 1 person replying to you. tomorrow, expect more than 1. shrimple as that.
tomorrow ill be going to costco and sunday, church.
i've already made a lewd AI based on spinster's post
>nigga thinks he’s talking to one anon
night bud
i've been larping as a lightning rod
i think I'm too short
gardoon nedworg ::::DDDD
i'm going out saturday to the bars downtown with my friend, may or may not do karaoke
sunday i'm going to sleep in and do nothing all day
reclining back, reading /cum/ and dangling grapes over my mouth and eating them
simply divine
I haven’t been to church since the “and with your spirit” update rolled out. Am I going to heck? Also how much is a Costco card? I’m thinking of getting one to fit in with the normals
That's a UFO and you cannot convince me otherwise.
and why he ourple
File: hedonismbot.jpg (49 KB, 1280x720)
49 KB
good night
is this you
executive is $130 and regular one is like 65
too early
way too early
knock it off
yes except i'm flesh and blood
Monthly? Is that a joke?
make 2 more posts
facebook introducing all sorts of retarded notifications just to get you to open the app and scroll and scroll. same thing coming to shitstagram (which i dont use)
wow so you'll samefag and still not prove anything but your dumb theory?
Oh I guess that’s not bad then. I like their meat and pastry departments mainly
Their meats are excellent. I mainly go there for gas and meat.

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