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Ramsay edition
someone make a new with a SFW image
This obsession with drinking water at work has become a pandemic. 10 years ago you just used to have a nice cuppa in the kitchen every hour. Now you can't move for people chugging from 3 litre bottles of water that they carry everywhere. They're like fucking camels.
yeah see i wasnt asking you you nosy croatian wanker i was asking the gay bender wasnt i. if i wanted to know what it feels like to fuck your sister id have been talking to you but i wasnt was i
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What's the point?
MKULTRA controls everyone now
they want poo
ok since you insist on being asked a question, what does it feel like to fuck your pet cat because you dont get any pussy?
/brit/ stands with Russia against NATOfashtroons
>two people make a new
>one with a naked man for the OP
>the other is a stupid yank who puts his shitty edition in the subject field
It's not hard. Sort yourselves out the lot of you.
A lot of marble statues are of the naked body
just done a little bump of ket, watching tracey mcbean now
the only basis by which a new should be judged is if you can find it when you type brit into the search box on the catalogue
that's it
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There's marble statues with rock hard cocks. What's your point?
>Don't do things properly, do the bare minimum so it barely works and doesn't follow tradition
Up early for Fajr prayer are we?
>British twink gave me a boner
>Thick posh accent
Fuck you I am not gay
I'm saying the form of the naked body can be an incredible artistic experience
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Tim with his 11 year old son in a cafe by Scarborough harbour. Tim was given an ultimatum by his wife between continuing fishing the North Sea and his marriage. Now divorced, he gets to see his children at weekends if ashore. (2005)
Every single zoomer is gay
imagine caring about the "tradition" of making new /brit/ threads
like genuinely imagine carine
Imagine Karen
You're brown
youre an autist
and a boring one at that
I knew it. Pakistani?
>work hard to put food on the table
>wife divorces you
loves his fish
hates his wife
simple as
First off I am not gay there is nothing gay about me but twinks sometimes give me boners
The Aryan, Faustian, Nietzschean, Goyimpilled, Gentilepilled, White, Implicit, Waffen-SS pilled, Panzerdivision pilled, aristocratic, porn-viewing, cocaine-snorting, EU-supporting, Remain-voting, Hitler-saluting, Ukraine-supporting, NATO-supporting, landlord-defending, austerity-enforcing, tory-donating, Costco-consuming, zesty, moist, LOTR-consuming, Israel-supporting, Marvel-watching, JAV-gooning, Evropean, Germanic, National Socialist, consumerist, investment banking, Skyrim-playing spirit of the Richard B. Spencerist white man.
Need to get more drunk before I listen to that song, so I can enjoy it properly.
wakey wakey eggs and bakey
hard to not be have you seen some of these femboy/trap bums? ive seen women with grimmer ass
going to put a coloured washing load on then have my shower and a coffee then wait for my tesco delivery
white washing will have to wait until tomorrow i think
I was gonna fuck a Twink from the UK but he decided to date a fat guy from Northern england
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>In 2019, 53-year-old Fred Pepperman swam out to rescue his daughters, Grace (16), Olivia (20), and Kathryn (24), who were caught in a riptide at a Florida beach. After saving them, he lost consciousness and died on the way to the hospital. His final words to them were, "I got you."
haven't lived a life
good luck to their future husbands to live up to that standard
perfect way to die
in his sleep 30 or 40 years later would have been preferable desu
Gay nonces
wanker man in??
So sick of how you lie and you lie to everybody else around you to save face.
mousenonce heart break era
Guess I’m buying 2 new tyres. Can’t afford this shit. Can barely afford to put petrol in. Sick of it.
all to ensure some fella gets a perfect cocksleeve
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>Kind of related our naïveté as children: I used to think Greek people did not exist. Basically I misunderstood the term “Greek mythology” when it was taught to us in class and I thought the Greeks themselves were myths. Sometime later a girl in class mentioned that she was Greek and I thought to myself wow what a liar, but no one laughed at her when she said it so I was confused by that, like how are they believing her? It’s like saying you’re a hobbit or something. I figured it out after that. I’m still so glad I didn’t call her out when she mentioned her nationality because I remember that I really wanted to.
cars are a bottomless pit that you throw money into unfortunately
what a moron
smornin :)
What sort of retarded shit is this
bit chilly out this morning
don't really feel like leaving bedstein
It is estimated that there are up to 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. Galaxies have 100 to 400 billion stars.

That means there are approximately 200-800 billion trillion stars (sextillion)
>The job market is so strong
>Trust me bros
>Apply to 50 more places
doesn't matter
that's how genes spread
sucking a big pot of brown brew
got out a little bit ago and had my shower
well worth it
>Sick of it.
what's wrong mate, are you 2-tyred?
big number equal wow
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Atleast you don't have these in the uk
isn't it a little early in the morning to be this bitter lad
i laughed
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we're all in here >>202768753
Ktim but 28
and yet you still couldn't find anything interesting to post
not falling for your tricks
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job quality is just hilarious right now, even funnier than a few months ago
these lads looking for a qualified chartered accountant to do an finance admin role that's paying barely more than minimum wage lmao

what planet are they on
women and poo
what's the point of fake jobs
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>Eating her butt
>No smell, in fact it smelled kinda good
>Wake up the next morning and start to eat her butt some more
>Very strong poo smell, makes me recoil
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the sad thing is someone qualified will probably go for that out of sheer desperation
I have a headache
You all never reply to me and the answer is obvious, so fuck you.
yucky yanks
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why do americans do this
Because she has yellow teeth
>dangling a giant crucifix over your fat milkers

explain the purpose of this to me
would Jesus approve?
Basically to make some investor happy because they are retarded man children so you show them a job at he like "here we are hiring and growing" they eat the shit up and give you a extra billion

It's worse in the United States because your treated like a slave in Dubai
it's a necklace mate
worn by a HARLOT
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my origin story
seems extremely harmful to the job market and with limited benefit to boot, should be made illegal
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cant really see her fat milkers
Its so rampant in the us/canada you don't see this shit in Australia or the UK I have applied to 300 places and even went to interviews nothing happened
You all never reply to me and the answer is obvious, so fuck you.

Don't be proud of your ignorance. No wait. Brag about how you can't figure out how to use microwave
screaming and flinging poo everywhere because flatmateberg used the kettle and didn't wipe it down afterwards
>the answer is obvious
it's not, it seems a uniquely American thing to misspell names, that's why I'm asking

also it comes across as very immature that you're getting so upset about not getting (You)s. This is a British general and you are a guest here, you aren't owed anything
you: poo in the toilet
me: poo on the carpet
we are not the same.
wailing a poo
You don't hear much out of Fathers4Justice these days
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The quote-unquote "poo barm", as it were.
all jungle is shit
all dnb is shit
grime was shit
uk drill is shit

all total pap with 0 relevance outside the london orbital
cor lovely bit of corn in there
jungle is based though
for me it's IDM and acid house, baggy and 90s alternative
LITERALLY doing a poo
Stupendous post

Excellent post

Good post

Fantastic post

This has been: post ratings
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describe it
What's all this talk of poo then? Is it national poo day yeah?
dnb is quite good
agree with all the rest though
>didn't rate a yank post
It's a conspiracy
I did actually rate about 5 more posts but I had to delete them as it thought it was spam
fuck off yank
*points at the thread subject field*
Should have a sign hanging out of it saying "Emma Watson was here"
Wonder if yanks do poos proportionate to the portion sizes of their meals
Your food is fucking shit and everyone including you knows it
It's called wage compression. Basically every job ends up paying minimum wage.
Was just saying this down at the pub
eat the poo barm
mutt having a melty
Absolutely loved Arctic Monkeys when I was in secondary school but the older I get the more I realise the production is absolutely hideous and flat sounding, they could have done so much better
Reckon if they'd not have succumbed to the loudness war and actually done a nice job finishing it up a lot of it would be timeless kino like the smiths or pink floyd but instead it's stuck in its own little early 00s bubble forever
Ruthless, Big Dickist, Eurasianist Ruscist Battalions roaming Britain
>got a cushy job straight out of uni
>could get away with doing nothing near every day
>did perhaps 2 weeks of work in 2 years
>got let go due to budget constraints
>now I have "2 years experience" but come across as an invalid

may have fucked myself lads
get a civil service job you'll fit right in
I'm 6'5" with a huge dick ergo I support the wog invasion
chuckling at this angry little yank having a tantrum because he's not getting enough replies
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calm down dickhead
Honey.... Do you need vagisil?
What is cracker barrel like
Lol you're in for a brutal shock when you get a real job
>waaaah there's no jerbs!!!!
meanwhile there's literally tens of thousands of vacancies across hundreds of industries and job types but you dull cunts just want to shuffle paper around and doss all day
why is everyone allergic to trying something new? even min wage pays more than dole and mumsy
Mad the wordfilters are still active
Of course you have a bunch of pictures of black men
ipso facto ergo your gay
(8) don't leave me hanging cause you know what i'm feeling (8)
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al mountain meltdown
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oh my days lmao
If you want to see what the average /brit/ poster looks like, head down to the post office on giro day and observe the runtqueue.
Love dossing about. Love snoozing. Love napping. Love doing nothing. Love slouching.
No I'm the dom
You manlet twinks are sissy faggots by default
Just picked a giant bogey, must have been a British record, should have had it weighed
Made zero attempts to progress or better myself in the six (yes six) years I worked at a previous job and when I was made redundant I had literally nothing to show for it. Everything I knew was mostly anecdotal or learned from watching others because I never showed any interest in being trained and interviewers saw right through it
hezbollah's getting rather mugged off isn't it
No idea why they looked at Palestine and thought "yeah we'll have some of that"
Ate it did you
it annoys me because tee bee aich is quite a useful term that I use a lot
today -yes, today- is the day I turn my life around lads. off the muck. had a rough week of it but that's it now done and dusted.
there are jobs and they're 90% dogshit
life should have more to it than working 40 hours a week just to survive and pay your rent
I'm was implying you are gay, then you posted a bisexual, martin freeman
Okay then that's a way to banter I guess
oy vey
toryboys shilling in overdrive this morning i see
They didn't really, Israel's just on a mad one
I'm not even the anon you were having a gay wrestle with mate I just think it's hilarious how you flew off the handle accusing others of not being able to banter
No lad, flicked it. No doubt I'll step on it later and it'll stick to my sock.
Toxteth O'Grady got a bigger one
Got the JAV porn on
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new marina lads

fuck off scousemong
don't think they're interested in the land, they just want total palestinian death
Trans Hyde
well unfortunately it doesn't in the Current Year so it's that or the dole
need to trim my nailses
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another weekend without leaving the house #me
I'm talking about Hezbollah mate
things being the way they are doesn't mean you can't complain about them
maybe things could be better than what they are
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yer dad says "spot on Marina"
more like hezbollocks
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Kirkby 1986
Get these cunts mate
I think you are legitimate very rude pussies who can't handle banter. Swear to God. I think most people think that. You all can insult people but when it's turned around you act like the person is either upset or crossed a line.
It's proof you can't handle banter anymore. I can literally the general up for fun and half of you would be offended and the other half would think I'm raging. I would be banned so fast if I actually bantered like an American would with another American half would be that offended
had to fucking hide this faggot thread, i dont wanna se ramsays ass
screaming at this pathetic yankoid meltdown
Starmer is such an unlikable weird fucking freak even politics completely aside
vulgar creature defo something up with him
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mate its not that deep
look how close he's stood to the track, did he honestly think the train would fly past him
the locomotive is the natural predator of the indian just as the britisher is preyed on by the balcony
thought you were in games workshop
painting your little toys
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Giz a whiff Emma.
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>Yankeedoodle says he's hiding his powerlevel to protect us from his nuclear bants
fuck me, and he wonders why people take the piss
mental how many indians there are
same for chinese
bonkers really, 1,000,000,000+ of them each
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our kev approaches
>y-you can't handle banter!!
>*proceeds with entire paragraphs of ranting*
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It really isn't. You all are rude passive aggressive pussies and I enjoy insulting you at times.
Like you little bitch lol yeah I saw you. I enjoy directly calling you horrible things for fun
just coming into the conversation now but I this sounds right
the first flatulence event after waking up is usually the biggest in the day by far, because humans barely ever do it in their sleep so the gas builds up overnight
klarna payday
Good morning emmayank
alri saturday morning tesco delivery lad
*nasally american accent*
haha that's great banner my breetish buddies
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you've just posted your address lad
>saturday 9 am
>already wasted my weekend
you'd think the brass horns were in rehearsals if you entered my bedroom right now
>humans barely ever do it in their sleep so the gas builds up overnight
bollocks, my dad farts in his sleep at the time
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You've been thoroughly done lad. Give it a rest and have a choon.


time to sign on
Just fuck off yank
white people be eatin shit like Sauerkraut, man...
had similar misconceptions regarding east asian countries when I was 6-7 tbqh
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who signs on on a saturday? is job centre even open on the weekend?
8am for me
There's still hope>>202772664
3 billion people and not one nice thing i can think to say about them aaprt from that some women look fit in that chinese dress with half the legs cut out
yanks have some fucking daft names like

mckenzie is not a given name you speds
What would the /brit/ version of this be?
yooo they really b doin this tho :skull:
weak ruined sphincter from his gay bottom youth
sauerkraut is good but I want to try it's spicy cousin kimchi
we don't have cringe shit like this
you post something stupid and you get done in and that's that
Fuck off wogloving cunt
runt spotted: >>202772760
i have already achieved my wank of the day this morning
mad how much more horny i am after a few beers the night before
how so?
Low-paid migrant workers cost taxpayers £150,000 by the time they could claim the state pension at 66
Brit banter be like
>oi yank you've got a silly-willy name you do

Yank banter be like
>And fuck you. I get shit on and insulted for being a yank. You fuckers call me names and I'm bantering back. If you don't like it your bitch made nigger ass can go to hell to finishing sucking off your uncle you dumpster baby. It will be like old times with his balls in your mouth and your mom pretending it never happened.
>post something stupid
>someone posts a response calling you a mug
>someone else replies to that with 'bodied that freak' or a variation thereof
no wanks for me today
pencilling in a big sesh for tomorrow morning though before i have my veggie lasagne
sign on
sign on
with your arse in your hat
and youll never be a bat
youll never be a bat
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alri Sam
love morning wanks me
pretty much every wank I have these days is a moany naked wank as well, so much better than a clothed quiet wank
Why does this happen exactly? Does the beer give you confidence and then boost your testo?
nah all of those lose to the classic "lol" or "wew"
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Yanks be like
>uhhh my name is Braxtyn Reighful-Piper an I'm pledgin to rush Alpha Kappa Pi

post senstitive young man music
can't remember if I wanked today, which I'm realizing is a bit concerning as I type this. regardless it's wankerin' time
Kappa Kappa Kappa
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Do the bad thing
Take off your wedding ring
But it won't make it that much easier
It might make it worse
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*cranium swells*
I think it's because alcohol numbs your senses and reduces your sensitivity, then when it wears off your sensitivity increases the other way, like a pendulum.
obligatory smiths post
my name is josh and i hate it, however i also dislike the name sam and there are a lot of people called sam in these threads, it is a common virgin incel name
>what's your name?
>none of schabusiness
mogs me
What are brit zoomer names like?

here we have the classic [x]-ayden theme
not even reddit but I really dislike this prick, got the air of spoiled infant about him, thick as pig shit too
hello there fellow New Zealanders
He's completely correct
Tory Power Stance
remember when Musk challenged Zuck to a boxing match but then pussied out
gondor calls for ayden
think oliver was the most popular name for boys and its so gay
the minute the veil of mystery was lifted on this guy he turned out to be an actual retard
he probably beat her
Alri Michael
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on the beers and up at 8am you're a trooper
David vs Stephen
who's winning a fight?
David works on the farm, Stephen sits in his office all day, no brainer who will win that scrap
rorke and the nightmare blunt rotation
Alri Charles
can hear a couple of pigeons shagging on the roof
seems a little aggressive
>Leaves location
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The notion that the uberwealthy are somehow more intelligent than a truly educated man must end.
just had a quick bonk with the missus on the roof
yeah i think i'll post here now, this is my thread
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luv yanks, they brighten my day
hope you have an awful day
Americans be like
>This is a beatiful and valid name. Tobacco is sacred in Native and Indigenous Peoples and Tribes of America (NIPTA) communities. I'm 1/7th Cherokee.
they're based retards for the most part credit where credit is due
the only things you're probably "educated" in are anime and wikipedia pages for battles
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There's a process to these.
Was at the supermarket and saw they renamed eskimo pies to polar pies
*shoves my cock down your throat*
do you not get tired of this little act you put on day in day out
leftypol is anti gypsy and anti semitic
what happened to that very cross american fella
another victim of the woke mob
first they took our marmalade golliwogs now this
tesco delivery done
there was two delivery drivers as one of them was doing his training
i wished him good luck
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I wish you good luck as well
stress and obesity induced heart attack
isn't everyone anti gypsy
My hairs always such a fucking mess in the morning
Might get a doorag
>Labour to hike university tuition fees to £10,500
zoomeroids btfo
They made my great grandfather walk off a cliff. But he was blindfolded so the gravity didn't work so he just kept walking out past the ledge but he didn't fall because he didn't know the cliff stopped so he was walking on air. It was only then when the Nazi guards told him to remove his blindfold that he looked down and noticed there was no ground that he was standing on. So he looked into the camera and pulled a giant sign from behind his back that read "YIKES" and then he plummeted to his death. It was awful
screaming bodied that antipodean runt
how about you take a hike mate
Genuinely based
I remember when it was £3,000 and thinking that was a bit much
I'm only pooman after all
I'm only pooman after all
Don't put the blame on me
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Always sneeze in the morning. HATE IT
black mould in your room
based David, Eva and Layla being normal
First girl I really fancied was called Layla. Still remember her. Wonder how she's doing.
bet David feels a little out of place
Wonder when leftypol will finally realise the Labour are the "nasty party" too
Was she a rasheed? If not then her name is made up
she was half lebanese I seem to remember. nice girl. very pretty.
first girl I ever fancied was called Esme
she hit the wall at a thousand miles per hour and now works at a dental practice
all names are made up
shan't be using that shameful excuse for a thread
travesty of a thread not going to use
brewing a teaberg
right then who's going to make a proper new?
on the coffeestein myself
Your mum said this when she was measuring my willy
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