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medieval camel edition

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is this this is the thread
I prefer this one.
laying in bed dreaming of spinny
I look like this
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Business idea: hot chocolate with miniature marshmallows
where is he going
yo momma's house

my street cred will never recover from this
he's traveling from life to death, just like me.
too many thirdworlders in the other thread
i do this too
outer haven
there's another thread?!
maybe black women keep thirdworlders away
business idea: a pill that makes my pubes cease their endless conquest of my cock shaft. i mean seriously, why are there hairs a cm from the tip
thinking about jerking off but its 3am
least horny brapzilian
just shave it regularly
>hairs a cm from the tip
ummmm wtf?
they do not
just wax or use nair
>just deal with ingrown hairs bro
i don’t have sex so i don’t shave, it’s the principle that frustrates me
he has a very tiny pp
you don't have to shave clean you can just trim if you get ingrowns badly
it's nice shaving your cawk but afterwards the hair regrowing sucks
countdown to goon time
>hair on your shaft
Refuse to believe this is real
i know right? very annoying
that sounds torturous plus my buddy used nair once and his skin started falling off
i wish, sometimes when i take a dump while hanging dong in the morning it’ll hit the water line and i have to shower, so now i just gargoyle squat on the rim
stubble feels yucky imo, i just pluck em when i get bored
wish i had talents
Drunk watching Saddam edits on tiktok. Never thought I'd say this but that dude was based as fuck
>my buddy used nair once and his skin started falling off
i know people can have bad reactions to nair but this seems a bit extreme, this is why you always do a splotch a day or two before you intend to use a new product to see if you have an allergic reaction to it
I'm sure there are some genetic freaks out there who have these abnormal clownshow penises but ya know...4chan lies and all that
I also get nostalgic for Shiite Blaster 9000
just admit you want to see it, dishonest freak
i dunno, i just don’t like the idea of chemicals that close to my baby making tools to be honest
is that not normal or something? it’s all i’ve ever known since puberty hit

can 4cuck STOP making me wait to post for fuck’s sake?
nair won't make you impotent you don't have to worry about that
>phone posting plebs having to wait to post
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i say this but i don't have stink lines coming off of me
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nice numerals
my face
oh dear
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good night
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I was just really impressed with your digit getting abilities
he can ride a skateboard better than i can
women pretending to be men pretending to be women
I NEED a cute asian girl to pop my back into place. it's sore
does it have to be a cute asian girl specifically or can it be a big hairy guy named otis or something
why do you think tranny posters have exploded on the internet recently? perfect cover to be a girl online and nobody will care they'll just call you a stupid troon and that's about it.

t. knower
total foid love
no, they are really trannies
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if I wanted an otis I would have said so, silly. and also asian girl always work in massage parlors it's a thing for a reason you know.
what kind of gifts would nonbinary santa give kids
inventing a boomer facebook meme in my head
those are jav actresses, i specifically recognize the center one
I dress exactly like that but I'm a pale mexican with the face of a rapist.
uhhh ok

it would be hotter if you were a japanese girl though
hairy shafts are no joke
of course there are. but plenty of girls just pretend to be troons so they can avoid any scrutiny
my swarthy brother
keep dreaming
ugly incel
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going to bed early need to get up early tomorrow
good night
there are some real girls in this dump but they are all evil.
no stay up it's not even RNH yet...
Smoking darts.
They aren’t evil you just creep them out
bum a duz m8?
no, one of them made me part of a cyber bullying group in a specific general just because she didn't like a certain person.
That’s not even evil, you also made that up
see *licks lips* what i like to do... is post... sneaky, little, lies on /cum/
you deserve to be cyber bullied, fruit
thinking of getting back into the opium game, considering I want to feel love and have no chance with women
how is that love, it's just a high
if you haven’t tried it you wouldn’t get it
everybody wants some
My American latina girlfriend ate an entire extra large pizza by herself, she's going to get extremely obese after 30 isn't she?
Yes but she will bear many healthy children
White women’s hips are too narrow and they’re too neurotic and anemic
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>healthy children
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new normalfag map just dropped
I’m never ever going east of the continental divide again.
What is Tennessee’s secret? Dollywood? Southern home cooking?
shut the fuck up you ghoulish freak
lies, damned lies, and statistics
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>The ex looks like she aged 20 years
>Her boyfriend looks like a literal imp
life has something special for you and it hurts me that it's not me
every brit flag that posts is wearing a top hat and a monocle

The flooding in the USA made me sad. I hope that as many of American friends as possible will be rescued.
Every time I smoke weed I turn into a feminist. Every time I do crystal I get racist and paranoid. The meme is real.
you need a woman
I imagine if I did meth I wouldn't do anything besides goon the entire time
Dating pool for an addict is pretty small. My last relationship was a catholic girl which was a legendary pull
hello anyone awake
Up all night to get some
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How would you react if you walked into this room
I think it would be cool if an army from.the future.fought an army from the past

Imagine seeing some unimaginable giant ships landing on your coast and some pale dudes in like iron space suits get on the beach of your land, while you havent even figured out metal forging yet

I think its a cool scenario
aliens vs cowboys is a pretty good book and a movie
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wikipedia really said "is or was"
Mossad is so insanely based
They infiltrated the shit out of pizzbollah
Don’t reply to me loser
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haha yeah
just be sure not to post them here
avatar usage and what not yk?
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>have been prepping to move for a month
>"settled" on locations 3 different times
>2 days until my lease ends
>now question those 3 locations and considering cali instead
I'm gonna be homeless lol
Dunno if I can use cannabis while on Wellbutrin
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According with my computer I saved this gif on a friday november 4th of 2011 at 03:16:05 p.m
Just Wakin' up
I don't know
When I woke up my penor was doing a bonar
I want to prank everyone by having my friend leave my body in some weird place when I die, put a cryptic letter in my pocket and later visit my family asking about me and saying he is CIA and I've been doing something top secret, best case scenario it will make them ponder my life for decades.
Too bad everyone, every single person around me is so jaded and up their asses they won't even have a second thought about it.
The amount of yuropoors in the CUM ZONE made me double check the OP to confirm I was in the right thread.
Eurofags at least putting some effort on their suicidal feelings unlike you gays threatening weak people to go down with you on a public shooting taking even the pigeons chilling on the sidewalk of the kindergarten parking lot
Euro Blaster 9001
Had a beer, a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, a hard seltzer, and a lavender lemonade last night. It was over the course of like 4 hours though.
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Islam is right about women
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Shitposting from wegmans
more VP kino on Tuesday. Tampon Timmy bout to get wrecked
What do they say about them
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5 scoops
women should be respected
Go live in a Muslim country then
good morning sirs
I hate lavender-flavoured food and drink
It reminds me laundry detergent
I cannot even stand to be around it let alone consume it
Oh, me? I had 4 lagers last night over the course of a few hours
I had a sex dream last night involving the girl I have a crush on. Pretty nice.
what are you 12
There wasn't too much lavender flavor but I know people who won't have it at all.
drooling glue eater
he'll still lose lol
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stupid that the majority of workers (~60%) at my workplace are literally left-handed but none of the tools are left-handed.

i mean even if you were right-handed you should want a handblower that is safe to hold in either hand because people just switch hands with that often because their hand gets tired or something
i am left handed
I was thinking more of spaniards arriving at mexico for the first time but that sounds cool too
im right handed
Is there a difference between smoking weed and using a dab pen?
just invented a car that runs on water
people think that left handed is just 10% of the population but in canada i swear to god that (white natural) canadians are 30% left handed
im not white
are you native or black (african american ancestors) because they're natural canadians as well.
i can masturbate whith my left
you arent canadian
that hurts my feelings
>wanting to be canadian
What should my first handgun be? Just want something that looks nice and is reliable. Wanted a sig p320 but read too many bad things
how are japanese games so darn good
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they're both pretty sexy
what game are you playing
everybody needs a friend
Looking at the g17 , probably is my best bet
>>202785737 >>202785026
I thought going to college is my last chance to meet a courtable femoid but it’s statistically one of the least likely ways.
And then one of the most common ones is from work but I’m probably going to be working with incels like I have been
yeah i have that one
go to an institution like the library or festivals and sign up to volunteer and try to get at least one place weekly
i volunteer at the library. shit ton of females there
BTW the anon who wanted me to go to the doctor on saturday. um sorry i forgot. and I'd didn't make an appointment.
neighbor is going to have a party. i see them bringing in balloons
join them
wfh means being paid to /cum/post
Is it me you're looking for
tell him to bring some hot bitches
what is Stairway to Heaven even about
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is your duty to be strong for others
how's it gong?
that's old school Japanese gaming, now all they can make is cutesy pink haired anime games for LatinX.
can i have some money
no. it's probably a birthday party for their kids.
omg mean
If I go to Costco this morning, only bad decisions will follow.
what should i ask momberg to buy me for lunch
subway. they have bogo deals
baby back ribs
join them.
german women
XBOX 360
wokbox tokyo beef poutine
you haven't invited me, you dummy
>wake up
>hands smell like microwave noodles
>did not eat them yesterday, cannot remember the last time i ate these at all, possibly 2 months ago
>did not eat anything at all similar yesterday
what gives
it smells dead on just like this shit too
> Bumble will stop you from swiping if you like too many people's profile in a day
Sorry for being heterosexual.
The Canary Islands
It's called be desperate
I only like maybe 10% of the profiles I see.
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pontificating a curious case
i have decided
you're gay?
taco bell
don't forget to tell momberg "sorry for being a fatass".
watcha getting in da bell?
id rather eat dog kibble than taco bell.
I didn't see a single one of you motherfuckers write
> and a lil bit of chicken fried
last night.
What happened?
What happened to the cum I loved?
landlordberg's dog wont stop whining. some people think pets are home accessories/decoration
hello janny
I left mine outside and you can hear him scream all day through the cameras, he is just a puppy so the neighbors might be mad about it by now, returning in 3 days
i thought you werent going to vallarta until dia de muertos?
Do it
Yo bro talk tuah is on
Where is my GODDAMN pumpkin spice mocha frappuccino with sprinkles.
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how is the hurricane after going through florida
hope it's alright
i wouldn't wish florida on anybody
anglosphere more like brownosphere
I wish it would hit my ass
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Long coat Trvmpvs was powerful aura
not very nice is it tobes
why am i not racist at all irl but i love being racist on 4chan
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She's a rebel, she's a saaaaaint
She's the salt of the earth and she's dangerous
She's a rebel, vigilante
Missing link on the brink of destruction
From Chicago
to Torontooooo
She's the one that they call ol' Whatsername
She's a symbol
of resistance
And she's holdin' on my heart like a hand grenade
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clowns only want one thing and it's disgusting
I always wondered how his breadth smelt like, cigars, mentols or just morning breath?
maybe semen?
why did israel have to go and kill those lesbians last night
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what are the charges? Enjoying a nice meet and fuck capitalistic venture?
Nasrallah blown to pieces
This bussy blown to pieces
Im a bitch ass nigger
Looks like we might have a more deliberate import brown people phase to take care of the aging population in the future. As long as they're hispanic and have higher than hs education idc
**cums in your bummy hole**
Drop the anchors
しかのこのこのここしたんたん しかのこのこのここしたんたん しかのこのこのここしたんたん しかのこのこのここしたんたん
hey that’s me are you still here
why didn’t you make an appointment? did you at least call and see about transportation options ? im gonna be upset with you if you didn’t even call
hey it’s saturday you can be depressed during the work week instead
When you look at Google reviews of places with the level of enjoyment felt by users quantified by stars. Are you looking at happiness?
It's all the same
me? im a no life retard
i mean if you're gonna be depressed, you might as well get paid for it also
did any of that work drama materialize into anything
fact of the matter is that if you wear glasses, you are lower than dirt to women
i'm a weirdo and i'm okay with that
not if you look like harry potter or clark kent or jeffrey dahmer
not true
just put on a turtle neck and boom you’re a suave academic type
Islam is an incel religion
Cause I’m a freak I’m a weirdo…
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I took a 5 hour nap yesterday, then slept another 11 hours at night
i am cringe but i am free
I look like Jeffery Dahmer
Women think he’s cute
be right back going to prank call 999 and tell them to kys
i had to get up early this morning to meet some family for breakfast, i'm probably gonna take a nap soon cause i'm going out to the bars downtown tonight and i don't wanna be sleepy since i'm the one driving since i don't drink
These cut waters are dangerous
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Only the women are still pissed about it and taking it even further. guys dont care. Im no proud of myself and it got really close to me getting buttfucked publicly because I'm not on either side.
It's a funny thing to witness. It's probably because they cant separate the workplace from their affective life. Every aspect of life has to be emotional and sometimes it looks like work is the central piece of their identity.
Eh fuck it right?
I have to be productive and actually get stuff done today, unfortunate
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I'm just here to provide emotional support for my cumbums. :)
I hate wiggers. Act huwite and dignified
>"I need gf", I asked my daughter
>"sure dad, I have some friends who like 40 year olds. I can hook you up with some of them" my daughter replies
a man can only dream
porn is starting to get to me
well i hope you learned your lesson about not stirring the pot, even if it can be entertaining. it always blows up in your face and then you get caught up in drama yourself
im sorry buddy i hope you get a little time off to relax soon
Just stop watching it.
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Sunbathing in late September
nap time someone else will have to make the new at 310 please and thank you
why is mousey losing his shit
Just let him get it out of his system
It's not rocket science.
It's aeronautical engineering.
Big difference.
When isn’t he?
We're all one big happy famiglia.
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Day drinking a seltzer spiked with 50 ml Deep Eddy lemon vodka
errmmm actually it's just rock science. everything is rocks
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not me
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Mexicans won
i wanna act like a pirate
i could be captain jack swallow
>spiked seltzer
woah, slow down there becky
>demented grandma asking me to install WhatsApp again didnt say "love you" back
its over
dementia takes it from me and her
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ate some eggs for breakfast
now my farts STINK
>Having a hearing disorder that's completely "fixed" with the use of medical devices
>Disclosing my medical problems would jack up my insurance by like $150/month
>No way to "differentiate" myself from low-functioning people who may need constant medical care
Why would anyone disclose this shit? What a retarded healthcare system.
wypipo be like " I want to save stray dogs in Thailand"
that nigga gets 72 virgins and no longer has to spend his time arguing with jewish people.
asian peepo be like
"I want to eat stray dog"
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A few years ago my mother spend like $1000 for the adoption and medical expenses of stray dogs in third world countries. Not entirely sure how she verified where the money is going.
be right back calling suicide hotland ever and over again
going to tell the next guy to killhimself before (after 3) they block the number

if your suicide hotline takes longer than 1:30 to pick up (they took 1, 40) then the 3% dying are DEAD you WORTHLESS noncaring fuck! if you take longer then 1:30 - 90 seconds - they have already bled out, bro
nice try getting me to talk normally or with you
try again later. not my prob
Then there's the absurd drug prices and $100 saline drips and shit. Ordinary doctors and nurses aren't even the ones making the maddest bank on it. It's pharma and insurance CEOs
/cum/ niggas dont know about tax writeoffs
no one calling suicide hotline is serious about it
you can prank call them as much as you would the "non emergency" NHS hotline
who cares? what will happen?
other than people not getting their non emergencies tended to?
want to pad your CV well you have to deal with this 1% of crazies telling YOU to kill YOUR self
weed n sheeee
i have AIDS
Beer bloats you. Good wine is only easy to find in 750ml bottles. Straight vodka/spirits is alcoholic tier. Seltzer and 50ml vodka bottles are more discreet and won't make you fat.
i meant you have AIDS
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my mom used to run the county health department in our small rural town, which included running the animal shelter. i don't think the average person realizes how futile it all is. they probably killed 90% of the dogs/cats/birds/horses/etc that came through, and it never stops. the only way to make room in the shelter (which was already funded almost entirely through local donations) is to kill more animals.
no, toby
Learning about pharmacy benefits managers was a wild experience.

Insurance companies owns the PBMs AND the pharmacies? Why the fuck did it take the FTC so long to crack down on them? That's insanely anti-competitive.
by the way im still fasting except that yesterday i wanted to go outside to buy Pringles (?) so i ate a can of Pringles


this is a brit using the CA flag as an avatar whos so confident that mods wont ban him for it (or using a VPN to avoid filters) that he can gloat like this
mods are worthless cretins but you all can be aware - while you filter the UK - that a brit is doing this with the flag

its insane that this fucking freak can blatantly break the rules in the open like this and nobody cares by this point
zip it nigga
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People don't disclose that stuff. Unless the insurance company can find something themselves then it won't matter. Plus that's kind of the whole point, they would rather you deal with your problems yourself than use the company because they profit from the fact that people don't normally have a reason to use insurance.
i'll be writing off over 50k in my taxable income this year, mostly from mortgage interest and property taxes.
Sorry I'm not gonna post in the Mexican bake because he consistently doesn't give an edition or link to the previous thread.
This is why I never hire Mexicans. No attention to detail.
post in mine

the mexican bake is actually guatemalan-washingtonian. (it's goshcel)

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