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Giving up edition

God will remember every time how you spread negative message, infecting countless people with your misery.
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tendying tendies
for tueni
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Nice whore!
AI dressed him too nice
my incelwalk speed has increased and the calf stiffness is no longer an issue after a week
are you a boomer or smth, how do you get calf stiffness from walking
Balkmoon boomers should take notes.
Don't give up lad

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>boon was 150 years late
a few more israel and the ukraine shillings and you'll get your hohol wife bro
>wife based stock market
>wife based bonds
>wife based derivatives
>wife based blockchain
they took this from us
You can tell this guy's mother wasn't a virgin.

Son of a whore
Gave a russian milf the bbc for 5k euros 5 years ago. She ate my ass too then 5 days later i saw her kissing her son and husband.
Happened in lozenetz in 2019.
It's 9pm in Krasnopovertyask

I wonder what's for supper. A slice of stale bread and some rodent soup, probably
look how angry they got over me shittalking their masters and hohols LOL
Ukrainians are based and anybody who tries to harm them is cringe
By not walking more than a few hundred m a day over the last few years and bumsitting for 16 hrs/day

sign up bro
Based eternal ally
Kings disease
Mental how pidor will freeze at - 50 in the middle of nowhere while us eurokings enjoy a cozy normal winter in civilization.
Fuck that faggot lmao fucking rat
Ooga buga cyka ACKK
>they had fanta zero at the store
haven't had one in a couple of years, let's see how it tastes once it's cooled down

based sitter
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Super markets should be socialized. I've thought about it and it makes 100% sense.
>sign 2y contract
>first month everyone hates me
>2nd month get called to renegotiate contract
>they wont let me off
>start firing their friends
>get a notice
2y worth of salary in less than 3 months get fucked normalblackpersons.
I fired some entry level whore for not being able to retreive a ticket number when she was given the ticket number i showed her how to do it and when she said thanks i said for nothing pack your shit i want this desk cleared by 5 o clock.
In a sane world she would be a virgin and 20 of her cousins would beat you up.
timed contracts sound like cancer, imagine being tied to a place for a pre-determined amount of time
Based, the more you make the lower wagie suffer the better
Where is her cock bro
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Bидях ce cнoщи c бившитe cъyчeници зa пpъв път oт 10 гoдини, нитo eднa oт cъyчeничкитe нe ce бeшe бoгнaлa
also apparently you can share copied links between phone and windows instantly if you have the phone link app installed
Dont remember asking you gimp
guess what type of gypsie i am
Albo or serb
I wish I never googled that word.

bro is 12, how can you not know what gimp is
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sometimes I think: what it's like to be macedonian and have bulgaria at your border? but then I remember the map...
fanta froze a bit because I forgot it in the freezer but it's pretty good
I'll replace my red bulls with this for a week
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Dara the tataromongol singer was doing stage practice at town square
What a disgusting voice that woman has
пъpвoнaчaлнo пpaчeтaх бoднaлa
нa 29 ли cи бpaтми
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HOLY SHIT, Romanians own Italy???
щe ми ce дa нe бях, aмa cъм
don't forget makkkkkkkkkkkkenodians don't exist under that map and northern greece is 100% pure gayreek
I don't care about either for those.
how non-obsessed of you
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Bosnia and Macedonia are SO multiethnic!
Im was a general manager who is on a year and a half paid vacation and ur some fat gimp with gay ass opinions.
Fucked in the head
LMAO I guess Fier is as Albanian as Arta
the south belongs to us krakkka
You are fucked in the head you disgusting subhuman. If people weren't spineless these days, you would wake up in a hospital.
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>You are fucked in the head you disgusting subman. If people weren't spineless these days, you would wake up in a hospital.
eeeй aкo имaшe избopи пpeз 3 мeceцa пoнe мecтнитe pycкo-тypcки фeoдaли щяхa тyк-тaмe дa пpaвят peмoнти пpeдизбopнo тибaм пoдчoвeцитe pycкo-тypcки цигaнcки мoнгoлcки
so true king
I woke up in a hospital twice now what?
Don't take advice from this evil man.

The point is that you are rude and destroy lives. You won't fool God by becoming religious when you retire.
Wow didnt know some obese turkcel neet is a spokeperson for God
>destroy lives
>because some whore was unable to do her job correctly after being shown how

What a pansy ass country Germany is lmao, even turks living there have become turbocucks
kastanoi maymunoi have become too comfortable with disrespecting almanlar and not getting sent to work reeducation camps for it
I am a human first and not these labels you impose on me.
>turks in the past
>hard workers, wrestlers, formidable opponents
>turks now
>obese gimps
>exiled leeches
Empires rise and fall i guess
you go girl
>Hикoлaй Бapeкoв, вoдaч нa лиcтaтa нa 6-ти MИP във Bpaцa зa кoaлиция Aлиaнc зa пpaвa и cвoбoди.
ibrikci izmekyar
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Ashkulsum cebabci raki dogan efendi cerpi
I'm not a girl. You need more contact with people.
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huge boss potential
nigga is like 1.90m minimum
to bilo hizmetkâr
tibam glupite tatari edna cuzda duma ne moat da kazat kako trebe
mqza na ciganka ili na onaq ustata kmetica za sofiq
Vuobshte ne mqza na ciganka mqza na iranka
what's life like outside of western cities? is it all like dacha?
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ajjjjj utepa gi
kraj, svrasuva se so antickiot larp
>normal winter
We have frequent drug controls here because of Turks.
nz za nego ma na mene dvora mi beshe celiq zelen minalata "zima"
we have always had 30 degree winters
snow has never existed

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgh, CIA string theory reports
ok zoomer
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typical chud missing the point
tsk tsk
waste of kolbas
the king of gays won't like this

AJJJJ plovdivcankata ni utepa brakja bugari ajjj kakov guzobol dobiv sea

are those tits real
hello king tell us your opinion of this
Haha it's so obvious he wears whatever rick or atanas were once wearing, my boy has no fashion sense whatsover
I got an erection
>phone link also allows phone music and calls to play from the pc instead of the phone, and to open the phone screen and use the apps from the pc
damn, why don't they market this more
apple btfo
Yup, those clothes don't fit you
And does that means its from my dad or brother no because they are short

So whats your point incel
You have no fashion sense, no drip, no swag
bro had to bend his arm at the elbow because the sleeves are too long
bro had to step forward and twist his leg because the pants are too long
bro had to take off the shoes because they were too big
Seriously incel go see models

So stfu
Incel lpser fyromiah tells me about fashion when most 9f italy is following my fashion sense

You dress as a grandpa bro, they only let in clubs because choki was selling them drugs
Incel tells me i have bo drip while my tux is limited edition boss orange and when i wear it it gets that vintage style from the 80s

Abe supak sto ne se doxxnes
Bro, that's Armani and your cloth is Cigani
Im 30 years old with gray hair how should i dress as.

A kid in a diper you loser moron
What do you think about Darko Knele? He was on lazarov podcast 2 weeks ago and someone asked him about your brother atanas janev choki, he said he had some interesting stories yet he refused to elaborate further, so my question is what has tane done?
You're 31 with a mental disorder bro
Shhhh incel loser
Was just gonna post that good job
had to look up what that choki thing was about
Nah loser

I get invited to fashion shows and i am dressed as appropriate for the show

Its called fashion killers show and

And youre a loser
Mijalkov probably gave that to rick because he didn't have the money to pay him
>huge boss

Xaxxaxaxaxaxxaxa xaxaxxaxaxa
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logo is big belly with manboobs
Shhhhh now dont be sad incel
31 years young huge orange
Losers gonna lose

And winners going to win

Bunch of pussies hiding behind anonimity and trollig lol
So anyway in few days there is a fashionshow and i am invited

I showed my dress because i am not part of the models

But in a sence its dressed im black/gray sort of old style of a dead fashion that actually is back in fashion

Sort of like its complex but this incel >>202793312 wouldnt understand it because hes low iq
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>6.50 for 250 grams of butter
apparently 8 hours of sleep is enough instead of 9
finna fix my alarms

I pay 3€
Look at the gayreek incel and fyromian incel all shuten up

H3y whats next harrassing me about politics

Bunch of losers
The gayreek and fyromian obsessed about politics who troll me jerk it off too much and have no such problem

Because all they get is butter
Baugaria has elections in 1 month!
Half of it is palm oil and sneed oil
10 hours straight of washing, roasting and peeling red peppers today

Astaghfirullah, I don't want to see another fixing pepper in my life
Incel freaks on suicide watch reporting my posts

>Ohhh noooo how can stefan janev >169cm be a winner while im like tall and >i care about politics and be such a loser
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No wonder he couldn't impress the Queen with his grandpa 1967 clothing
Wtf are you a woman

Only woman does that kind of stuff
absaloot banga
keep winning short motivated king
us tall volcels simply never tried
Can you stop harrassing me about her

I didnt even try to impress her
squeezing the arms close to the body makes curls much easier
why are shoulders like this
What a bunch of freaks you morons are

Not even psychic ward can fix you
I hope you get healed bro how are you
Thanks for the suppprt
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I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music
DJ, let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
That song is about me by the way
So i have been partying for 3 days straight tonight the party is in my house 8 woke up at 6pm and i am drinking rose wine tonight
>rose wine
very nice, king choice right there
Seriously incels on 4chan keep giving fashipn advice without even going to a fashion show

I can make a texas accent right and look at the models from france what they did for me

Awwwww jtem la paris
This nigga geekin on xannies and booze
it's a big apartment building everywhere except for places closer to the borderlands where you get more of what is being called "private sector" here
I havent taken xanax

Prizenigs -50 dollars instantly
take your medicine
Yes bro
wtf... DJ Anka?
How did you know?!?
>How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little girl’s clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You’re all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how you’d get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours.It is truly nasty how you’d run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax,hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her,pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, then her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside again.
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you're not me bro
Nothing to smile about in my life
got recommended a video of a jap salaryman suffering in japan, worth smiling about
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last time i played pederball (BADminton) in my country i must've been 5 years old
>both water bottles smell like sulfur
fucking albos can't even sell water properly, I'll have to throw it away and buy more tomorrow
Bro can't drink the free water that comes out the magic pipes in the walls
Last time I played Half Life 1 (1998) I must have been 12 years old. It scarred me for life.
sashe cursed you >>202792771
the water in the bottles will slowly kill me in 20 years, the water in the pipes will kill me in 5

my strings have been theory'd
good thing I bought 5 fanta cans to drink instead of water
Bitchass nigga thinks he'll die from tapwater
please come to Albania and drink the tap water
which /balk/ poster would you kill by lingchi
the root bulgarian persona
his death would cause all other personas to perish
Holy fucking shit I want to murder my 'boyfriend'. This motherfucker stuck his cock into me, committed heinous acts in general, and now decided to convert to christcuckery (again). He speaks to me in fucking psalms, and cannot go 5 minutes without mentioning "T h e L o r d".
>inb4 based
Not fucking based. He's schizophrenic. A new personality takes over him every month and he goes fucking heywire. Worst of all, he is still a fucking NEET. A NEET Christian. Who just sucks up the resources of whoever decides to give him food or shelter, and goes preaching about what God and the voices inside his head said. This wretched soul has never even paid bills in life, and considers himself the arbiter of ethics and behavior.

Worst part is that he is going to have another personality shift in another month, and be possessed by a fucking demon whereas now he wants nothing to do with me because I rejected "the gospel".
this makes me about as happy as finding a 20€ bill in the road
that would be the end of /balk/
we need shizogarian
Why? I WILl get even with him. But I can't get even with "him". I need to get even with the Christcuck. He has multiple personalities. The problem is that I invested so much into him, especially emotionam energy. And all that comes crashing down every month or so when he has his period and some new personality takes over.
That's him. That's the shizogarian plaguing /balk/ with his shizonas. Does he have a sister?
balk would adapt and come out stronger in the end

because you are suffering
as an extremely intelligent and handsome man once said
haha, suffer
It's not him he only posted on here a couple times (i believe) arguing with icky and posting bible verses.

Holy fuck I hate Christcucks so much. I used to find the normie ones tolerable (I thought positive Christianity was something which i thought was good) but this motherfucker is on a whole nother ball game. According to him everyone is sinful and 99.99% of people will go to hell and god hates us all and that we must give up everything to serve god. All the while living an aristocratic NEET lifestyle.

Abrahamism must be eradicated.
>wideneck roundheaded bald cross tattooed maymun kills 2 women
>holier than thou, wants lower sentence
yep, classic bumgarian maymun
Come to Shkup and drink our mountain spring water transported in glass tubes to your home so you can put it in an Inox bottle and have cold water whenever you want
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I would not be able to continue surviving in this hellscape if I experienced the glory of Shkup

oh no, an entire 1.2% of UK men are NEETs bros
it's over
Mentally ill person ^
I will gift you the finest cotton tote bag and Inox thermos if you come
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>both active and inactive NEETs accounted for in the 460,000 figure
>but bro wait *slaps definition of unemployment*, the numbers are likely to be much higher since governments don't even consider those not actively looking for work as NEETs
>but if that's the case, how can you get the "60% of NEETs aren't active" stat

turkish IQ at work
I love how nogs and ayyrabs and havking their kids to death among other things you know what as much as bombs rain on pidors.
Pretty good days thank God.
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Holy based
Churka and shekelgrabbler great men lmao
Lil bro thinks he can resist the BBC (bro is cooked)
Oversimplification. Personally I have contempt for both of them but they are great men according to great men theory. (Someone who makes some big change)
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>In 1241, the Bulgarian king Ivan Asen II (1218 – 1241) died. The minor king Kaliman I Asen ascended the throne. His reign was associated with a major Tatar-Mongol attack on Bulgarian lands, after which the Bulgarians were obliged to pay an annual tax to the Tatars.

Hmmm. What now, BYURMITES. I thought we were tatars, BYURMITES.
Then you got raped by your cousins for centuries before your other cousins(ottomans) took over their raping duty.
Why bulgarians on /balk/ r mean to me for being turkish peasant but then they go worship americans that drop bombs on them
So we aren't tatars
I win
Not one more word from you
You're tatars, I just consulted my friend Albovlach and he said you were doing tax evasion.
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Love Russia.

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Reminder to Krasno who paved the Yellow Brick Road he gallavants on
Are you back in Russia?
At home drawing pictures
Of mountain tops
With him on top
Lemon yellow sun
Arms raised in a V
And the dead lay in pools of maroon below
Daddy didn't give attention
Oh, to the fact that mommy didn't care
King Jeremy the wicked
Oh, ruled his world
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today
Clearly I remember
Pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little fuck
But we unleashed the lion
Gnashed his teeth and bit the recess lady's breast
How could I forget
And he hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurting
Dropped wide open
Just like the day
Oh, like the day I heard
Daddy didn't give affection, no
And the boy was something that mommy wouldn't wear
King Jeremy the wicked
Oh ruled his world
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today
Try to forget this (try to forget this)
Try to erase this (try to erase this)
From the blackboard
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in class today
Jeremy spoke in
Spoke in
Jeremy spoke in
Spoke in
Jeremy spoke in class today
Sto ti e be
Good Morning King Sashko.




Nemam spieno seuste pijam
Bulgaria looks like THAT!?
Sorry wrong video but easy mistake to make.
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Pains me to think one day I will be in the same category of these freaks
Hot(when dick is inside bussy) Cold(when dick is outside bussy)
You're trooning out?
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mic chekc
>americans calling spending 35k a year poverty
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^ this above was inspired by this meme...

/r/ShowerThoughts ?

If a "revolution" happens again, like in France 1700's would we use guillotines or woodchippers?
>boyfriend breaks up with daughter
>no no no you can break up with her but the game must continue
Based autistchad.
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polite "society" is a Canadian myth
Most Canadians are just as much assholes as Americans

Canadian 'society' is decaying, everyone is overworked and miserable. I work 60+ hours a week at three jobs because I have to. And can barely afford rent,groceries&car payments.
Why can't balkmoon autists be this cool.
*sets it on fire*
get a job faggot
soulful morning rain inshallah
rain started hours ago bro
i was too lazy to get the phone bro
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not very entj of you
look at this timmy
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good moanin
rain ETA: 2-3 hrs
going back to sleep
>TImmy wearing a corset to get a thinner waist

>the perfect woman doesn't exi-
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go watch him bro
Good morning kind sirs, the weather is not in our favor today crashing from 35C to 14C, but we will make good use of the day by buying a PS5.
Ps5 is for normgroid retards
Low ROI activity
buy the vr thingy and play beatsaber
Bulgaria - the laughingstock of /balk/
Rvzzia - well respected members of /balk/
>low roi activity
>said the selyak who spent his whole day making their local delicacy pepper pulp

it rains now in kunamovo lil bro
>buying a PS5
something bumgal would do so that his revolutionaries can relax while playing fifa 69
no sane person would do this
there he go again, the buga making brown thirdies seethe with his normal purchases
Helping your parents is high ROI activity bro
I am a normie kind sir, it is fitting for me.
UMMMMMMMMMMMM BRO you see it's actually based because our ancestors did it. Were our ancestors hunchbacked getting hemorrhoids playing ps5, bro? No, bro. That's unnatural.
inheritance status
20 more years bro
So true king.
Your ideal wife(not male).
х'ит вac х'aкcйeптaбёл х'ин дa х'йeйтиc
х'ит вac х'aкcйeптaбёл х'йeт дa тaйм
possibly the worst post ITT so far and potentially untill end of thread

Child daily caloric intake status?
u kno they like it
they on da down lo
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Gay King ain't gonna like that one
la ilaha illallah
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tiktok comments are such cancer, peak normalfags and flooded with bots
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chuds really have 0 self-awareness
EU effect
those clothes don't look good on him either
he'd look better in brown/yellow scarfs n shiet
you could be a successful porn star and have the time of your life
you're such a drama queen you deserve each other
This general is a mess. Full of faggots and other weird subhumans.
>Holy fucking shit I want to murder my 'boyfriend'. This motherfucker stuck his cock into me, committed heinous acts in general, and now decided to convert to christcuckery (again).
I really want to brutally murder this faggot.
its instagram bro
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>I really want to brutally murder this faggot.
arr rook de same
if ur bf didn't wear a condom he may have a turd in his urethra
timmys put a hose in their ass to clean it bro
timmy expert
>The ding dong traneh is trying to make us muslim trough daily exposure of pedofilic imagery
mystery solved
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Timothy won
yeah, ive topped a lot of timmys
I turn into him whenever this deranged hummus graces the thread.
this is how people died in the army here
If Bulgaria has one million supporters I am one of them.
If Bulgaria has 10 supporters I am one of them.
If Bulgaria has one supporter that is me.
If Bulgaria has no supporters it means I am no longer alive.
If the world is against Bulgaria I stand against the world!
amusing to watch normies scramble as le evil wind and rain threatens to make them sick so they won't be able to cuck to mr shekelberg tomorrow
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>30c mid-october
>normaldrones falling for chan shitposts #7488581
Hope so

I can't help to notice the amount of cuck posts in this board that are being made by iPhone users

There must be a correlation between closeted homosexuality and love for Apple products
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>The battle for the Stracin fortified position is part of the Stracin-Kumanovo operation of the 1st Bulgarian Army (BA). It was conducted from October 8 to November 14, 1944, parallel to the Niš and Bregalnica-Strumica offensive operations of the 2nd and 4th armies. The operation was conducted with the aim of blocking the retreat route of Army Group "Aegea" from Greece to Central Europe, as well as capturing Skopje. Bulgarian troops began an offensive on all fronts on October 8 and entered Kriva Palanka on the same day. Battles were successively fought for Stracin ridge (18 October) and positions were taken up to attack the ridges and hills around the village of Stracin, the natural impregnability of which was supplemented by an echeloned German defense of several lines of trenches, concrete strongpoints and bunkers protected by minefields, as well as barbed wire barriers. The Stracin position was part of the German defense in the direction of Boyanovo and Kumanovo-Skopje. On Oct. 22, 1944, the assault on the positions itself began. On Nov. 13, the first Bulgarian units entered Skopje.
Пpeз 2011 гoдинa цигaнитe в Бългapия ca 326 000 дyши. Пpeз 2018-a, caмo 7 гoдини пo-къcнo, тe ca вeчe нaд 1 200 000.
Goatis's Ideal Wife
I'm convinced that every human being, from the lowliest garbage man, to the smartest particle physicist, has a thing. One thing at least, that they just learned wrong from childhood, just totally misunderstood, and never got corrected, so that a simply baffling erroneous belief exists where there should be factual knowledge. I wonder what mine is?
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>AAAAAAAAAA bugari tatari fasisticki okupatori
drinkable water acquired

>factual knowledge
Do you incelwalk in the rain in your country?
but then you'd get incelwet
Are you gonna melt, suga suga?
/balk/ managed to get ikiboss range banned for insulting shitskins yet years later Nojko continues to spam shitdick with no repercussions

all the donners made ikilad too fat to get up and reset his router
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>Italy is not the West in any sense. And Milan, it seemed like a turd.
albos are dissing you...
you can doxx him with that
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me and the boys on our way to cleanse coomanovo
byurmit youtube history is the weirdest thing
It's over...
insufficient opsec claims another one
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tatars on sep. 8, 1944 on the left, and sep. 9 on the right
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Thankfully that's just one layer.
buy me a pass so I don't have to captcha
just use the captcha solver bro
>Tatars (modern, westernized, timmified, militaryless) middle
Nigga living in the future.
If the day of tomorrow will not come
If I will not get to drink from half full glass
I light my ciggaret outside in rain
I'm used to being small and drink from half-empty
vgh,,, the profoundness of supradanubian poetry
Wonder if I should go for a quick incel walk before the rain
abe byurmit zaspal pravi nov
kek forgot to say hi, boon today

hi, boon
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'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white

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