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Please, help them, saars.
Good morning I want to sex
Good morning I want to die
What happened to them ?
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Um...hi :3
come here >>202809904
I'm not part of BHARAT
We had 25 dead and no one bat an eye. This stuff just happens in thirdie countries all the time unfortunately.
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gm frens
Did you vote IYC? Also what's up with SL team having a great run so far
Coomer op
>Did you vote IYC?
Yeah, I think you shouldn't have any say in political matters if you don't vote.
>what's up with SL team having a great run so far
Are they ? I heard they are pretty shit now. I don't watch cricket.
wtf I thought you were kidding nigga this isnt even on news wtf
fuck off faggot
What is everyone upto this Sunday? I just a 4 foot aquarium and am planning on setting it up. God bless low iq Muslims and their animal abusive ways, faggot couldn't do a basic nitrgen cycle and killed off all his fish so I got it for super cheap.
Who's in power left or right?
They're getting better slowly after the slump created after seniors retirement,

Didn't even see in xitter , remember when Bangladesh made their flood political and further demonised us ? mountainjeet have less internet footprint DESU
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>faggots with no shame posting in a foreigner's thread
shan't be participating today
Bangladeshis are Muslims and more importantly Bengali... aka inbred and mentally ill. I don't care for their opinions.
Imagine the absolute failures that shat you out and "raised" you.
He isn't an American
>Who's in power left or right?
I voted liberal but some auth commie won the election. They used to be full on actual communist but they aren't really now but they still have some views and that attitude towards it, I think it won't go well but it probably won't really be too bad. We made some really good progress after the riots and it just sucks now they are in power.
I was summoned here by the re-appearance of /desi/. I am a 32 year old unkil who used to post here 5 years before. AMA kids
kys dalit
Is midlife crisis real ?
Midlife crisis happens at 45

Caste slurs are not cool son
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anything for you pyaari
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its brekky time!
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pyaari migu
Keep posting your musalmaan bullshit my reddit friend. It's funny how desperately you shill your shitty thread anytime someone makes a /desi/. You thread still gets baited to death by Bangladeshis.
gm yaara
Kek no better feeling than having scored something for super cheap from olx
I'm going to spend today listening to music and doing random shit.
Genuinely low iq urbanites. Can't help themselves from taking bait. Low ip low impulse control.
Having low IQ is based, the problem here is thinking they are smart.
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Tbh I did say I'd help him setup his next aquarium and helped him buy it. Gave him good stocking options and will meet him again next week to set everything up. I just like talking shit about Muslims but what's the point of knowledge and experience if you can't use to it better the world.
Do you work for aquarium company?
>better the world.
Good thought anon
True true... If it weren't for the smear campaign being run against them, most jeets would fit right in to this shithole website especially /pol/. Just need to make more universally appealing OC memes.
Nah just a hobby. I wanna get into nature conservation later on, Indian waterways are in dire need for cataloging. Genuinely can't name most Indian species without looking them up.
Need to setup a few servers for side projects and do some gay assignment work for college. If I get the time then I will go to the gym and read some books and watch some videos on yt, that's bout it
come here bro plenty of white women willing to date indian men (you cannot be short tho)
Does your hobby interfere with your job ? And how did you get started with it ?
Nice nice
Time flies too fast i can't get more than like 2 things done on Sunday
Is 5'7" ok?
>Is 5'7" ok?
manageable though it won't be very easy
but being from an exotic country and having swarthy skin gives you +5 to attractiveness here either way
having said that, most indian guys in the dating pool i see here are taller than that but don't let it discourage you my bhai
>universally appealing OC memes
Those supposedly intelligent people are stuck on 10 year old memes, wojak/boomer/template/doge things and they can't edit images well. no wonder they get outmemed so hard despite trying so much.
Yeah I'm very handsome haha
what a bunch of faggots sucking their own cocks
:3 <3
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oo skibidi re
kaise bane sigma
kaisa hai rizz mera
fanum tax
sataye re
True use it for resting
Unironically majority of international couples who live in my building are Indian male polish female couples and for some reason they have a lot of kids, like 3 kids minimum per family, other interracial couples only have like 1 or 2 max
>Unironically majority of international couples who live in my building are Indian male polish female couples

I'm not surprised. Polish/Slavic women love exotic guys and everything that is not Polish/Slavic.

>they have a lot of kids,
Polish/Slavic women like kids, just not with Polish/Slavic men.
>pole paki thread
Not at all. Market research work, have hectic days but always make time for myself. No point in working to death if you can't at least use your salary to do things you enjoy.
it doesn't matter who i am, i am just writing truth
biriyani for lunch bros
Wifey put me on a diet can't eat outside food and everything at home is bland shit. I fucking hate marriage
are you muslim ?
>doesn't deny being porki

it overuda
i am not a citizen of Pakistan
Are you a native polack?
Do Bhutanese posters exist
Define "native".
Are you a native Indian? Can you really call yourself native if your ancestors came there during Indo-European migrations for example?
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>native Indian
I just explained many customs from here yesterday
native in this context are your 3 generations are from Poland ?
>are your 3 generations are from Poland ?
what a weird requirement would be that, you'd say a muhajir family in Pakistan is not native to Pakistan but they're still Indian? If you say so...
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FUCK I didn't notice you were polish, i thought that was an Indonesian flag. I thought you were asking me to bang Indonesian chicks.
Sorry, white women aren't my type.
poosi mera janmsiddh adhikar hai aur mai ise lekar rahunga
Saw some girl changing today. She didn't realize there was a gap in her curtains I guess. Amazing model tier body.... Made me hate myself for marrying someone my age. Zoomers/millennials marry a girl younger than you
acha dalit ji
>Sorry, white women aren't my type.
they won't let you think like this if you come here, they'll do everything to make you love them
mujhe chut chahiye yaara ;_;
boobies yaara
Wasted yesterday award
where do you live?
are you a tailor?
I'm not gay enough to say no to pussy that's literally served to me on a platter but after that, no...
Isn't he a Bangladeshi? He's a schizo and I dunno why he insists on being here, since he's got nothing but vitriol. Maybe because he can't actually score?
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Dekho pyaari ghar aagayi~
>Isn't he a Bangladeshi?
I've never seen so many misconceptions about me
common result of being mealymouthed
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built for half-Indian kids
are baba
watch it right now
no, i am just a weirdo
it's apparently supposed to be funny or offensive
It's a song. Do you have some kind of problem with music?
i see no merit
lyrics are haram
It's better than any song you have ever written.
The music video i made for it is also better than any music video you have ever made.
how old are u ?
older than you, bhangi
>phonefag can't even quote properly
did you write it on sandpaper ?
came buckets to her titties back in the day
she looks really indian
yes that's why she was cast for the indian protagonist character
i can differentiate arabs from indians but can't differentiate brazilians sometimes
being heavily mixed will do that
that woman is of "arab" (lebanese) and indian (native) descent
can picrel pass as native in any region of brazil ?
no, true natives have red skin and slanted eyes
misread your post lol
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this guy is mexican tbf
and these ?
looks asian mixed, passes as a bengali/bangladeshi
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i guess you meant if they could pass as locals
in that case yeah they look common enough here
our natives look like this but they're less than 1% of the population
gaccha religion
Will India be able to fix its infrastructure issues this decade?
they look like assamese
>finnish shit
not interested
no one asked if you're interested or not, bitch
katuwon ki to maa behen aur betiyaan chod deni chahiye
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>devar bhabhi hardcore
there's probably a common point of origin there
it's thought that they originated somewhere in asia and crossed the bering strait into the americas in ancient times
to me they all are chinese
there's literally nothing to do in life except dying
>trusting a (((theosophist))) words
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old people piss and shit so much you can't even travel with them
god I wish I'd die before I turn old
god I'm so bored
fuck life
he wasn't a theosophist, he was forcibly raised as one but he left.
Is Samsung M35 a good phone bros?
Fact : humans suck
especially your mom
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>cow piss and cow shit are so holy saar
why are dindus like this?
Congrats for the 5 star
very cool anon
AI has come a long way
rate my song sir
i had watched it when you posted it a while ago
it's also nice
i even asked you how you made it if you remember
yes I do
suno + hailuoai
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guess what is this ?
never buy a cheap samsung phone, better buy a old flagship
one more attempt left
hint: its related to humans
I have no idea then
ye to gaand hai
its human appendix
Hindus have so many festivals
muslims have it good with only a couple of them
last one
guess what it is ?
hint: its produced by females only
no & no
one last attempt
miscarriage? urethra lining?
YES its a miscarriage
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if you want to worship arabs then worship pre-islamic arabs
where the fuck are you getting these images though?
I thought google wouldn't have gory images. Back when I used reddit, there was a sub called medical gore where people would post stuff like this
I'm so bored of making porn for coomers
25k per month isn't enough the mental illness
post some here fag
you did it yourself though NEET anon
>dox yourself bro
>dox yourself bro
surely you work under an internet alias right?
i hope you arent stupid enough to plaster your name all over your work
>surely you work under an internet alias right?
yes but I don't even want to expose my alias
ok raj kundra
ah ok
I love his wife very very ery very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very much
black baby
but enough about your mom
What are your thoughts on Gujarat
Is it a shithole like dehli?
Are the people well behaved or shitty?
People behave like jews there. Nepotistic rich niggas. No alcohol also.
>Are the people well behaved or shitty?
they have the same reputation as jews have in west, and they behave the same way
thanks yaara
is it good money?
also what software do you use ?
what game is that anon?
What are your thoughts on actual Jews in India
One of the oldest tribes of Jews that can trace their linage back to 800ad are indian
They are a very small ethnic group but they played a fairly large role with the Raj
Cool my gf is from a rich family there she wants me to go with her to a hotel they own it's 5 star
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saar I'm jew only
I'm talking about cochin Jews
Dunno why wiki won't list UK there are at least 5 of them here
jews haven't been as successful in Indian society as compared to parsis so they aren't mostly unknown among majority indians. Only jews in india I know about are the tourists that flock to some parts of himachal pradesh. They have created some spots there where you'll only find jews
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wuthering waves

why cant you all just learn from them
how to deal with local gundas?
we are not as good as jews
ye konsa game h yaara
hentai vagera hai kuch
Become a local gunda yourself, or move away, it's not worth it
I've been there
No mosquitos
Very catholic population
It's a different country desu
Just keep bearing it
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what kind of stuff do you make bro
grow up and stop playing girlie games, tranny
>Killing the white man as he has his back to you while he defends you
Nigger tier
what do expect from Pakis except backstabbing?
too rude yaara
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hubble pyaari
What does Yara mean
>while he defends you

abby gand bhi chat ly muthrangay ki
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mech makdi pyaari
homosexual partner
>inb4 what game is this?
Neural Cloud
hello yaara :3
damn is tvs trying to sell bikes to uk? they flew mcn to sepang
>brother saved sister from hell (by killing her)
kek katuwas are deranged
page 10 bump
appreciate the hard work, you always bump it before it dies :)
66k rejected
/desi/ is back??
bought at 54 and 52, not selling anytime soon. might buy more next month

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