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cannabis plant edishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
listening to burzum
keep starting games of CK3 then getting bored and giving up a few years in
poo smells hehe
how popular are board games in the UK?
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why did you post this early? one early? why?
Watered down overpriced for sure but I just can’t resist some of their scents
Always get a blocked nose in winter. HATE it.
boomers still love them
I can’t think of anything more gay than drinking wine. There’s good Italian beers and you’ve decided to drink grape juice instead, you’re bent.
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to stop you yanking it up with some dogshit bollocks
Just want English Fern back :(
Got a skin fade today.
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here's your new conservative leader bro
if video games never existed and we all played board games the collective iq and social skills of every person would double
since i quit smoking weed i just look at normal porn and not hyper degen porn
i can also probably pass a drug test at this point for the first time since i was a teenager
Growing up in a norf fc town everyone just referred to ourselves as 'English' and we spoke English and lived in England so I didn't realise England was a part of Britain. I remember watching American films and cartoons and they would always have these 'British' characters who were always really weirdo posh people and I thought Britain was another country full of rich posh people. Then in an episode of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air the British butler character gives an ebin speech about how growing up he loved studying art or whatever and Will Smith said 'Damn, England must be really boring.' I asked my Mum why he said that and Mum explained England was part of Britain and I realised all those 'British' characters were supposed to be English and my mind melted because it just didn't make sense, it didn't represent England or English people in any recognisable way at all.
hate having to do stuff
mine gets runny in the morning, blocked in the day, runny again at night
only abstract strategy games like chess
monopoly wouldn't do much
whatever I'm going to get a bottle of guerlain insolence anyway
>Be on welfare
>Never work or try to get job
>Be complete meet
>Says their country is a shithole while never working

Why are Brits like this
quit without knowing it was the last time back in late april
also smoked since i was a kid. perma stoned since like 2011
feel the same really. don't even miss it
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ah... hello all
black pussy :p
L'instant for me
and this is why we NEED communism
how is monopoly higher IQ than any simulator game involving money?
board games arent limited to just chess or monopoly
dont even like dnd and associate it with neckbeards but you use a lot of math playing it and it takes more social commitment vs just loading up call of duty
Halo 3 custom games quadrupled the IQ of every player
27 sprays Encre Noir
Warcraft and other games are more advanced DnD games COD is the monopoly of vidya
Morning mate, how goes it?
yeah good lads, yourselves?
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lads, the final myth collab...
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Filling a bathtub with Aramis and soaking myself thoroughly
>Go to /ck/ expecting threads about cooking
>It’s all threads about fast food slop
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We MVST venture into The Orient
fuck me i'd literally never even thought about inheritance tax. was looking forward to inheriting my parents' grotty little terrace house in london when they shuffle off the mortal coil but now, jesus. zero tax on the first 325k tbf but i'm sure their house is valued well over a mill purely due to location. fuck me
Prefer Cerruti 1881 or Paco Rabanne PH myself.
About to head to bed, I can barely keep my eyes open.
lmagine if lndia and China had an all out war and moblised 200 millions troops each and just killed the SHIT outta each other
missed out on that
think i either outgrow halo when that became a thing or it was because i didnt have xbox live
played a ton of splitscreen irl though
in this case it's not higher iq but it involves social skills too and that's quite important
>the government charges 40% tax on everything you inherit including property

how is that legal
*kisses your hand*
nighty night
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nth for the holodem
>how is that legal
You do understand what government is don't you?
I don't like the way you do that
night to everyone except the yanks and northern yanks x
good night you cunt
I hate women in America
>You must be rich
>Must be handsome
>Must be 6ft5

You know it sucks because there is no way I will ever date American women so I must do passport bro stuff
probably good on balance. means that proper rich cunts get a bit less of a leg up over the rest of us
you're disgusting filth
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We simply MVST
I would be like "woah cool"
my gf is American
what about religious girls?
this except india and pakistan

it would immensely benefit both nations, I say this as someone with a deep love for india, if there's any country that needs a good war its india
yes? the original or a flanker? I've never sniffed it
I'd worry about blind buying as I'm a bit iffy on honey notes although the other notes sound nice
take the pokemmo pill
Poor bastard I am trying to get back into dating but turns out it's impossible now because you must be loaded and tall. The standards are ridiculous
like how the implication here is that you're poor, ugly and 5 foot nothing
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g'nite lad x
>women are bad because they don't want to settle for a ugly poor men
Sounds like they're making choices that benefit humanity as a whole and not perpetuating bad genetics by marrying inferior men.
I think I should be allowed to open a tea shop
Original. It's not too sweet, nice and woody
Thing is am young and I am competing with fat rich fucks with trust funds. I mean its stupid that's why I am gonna go to southeast Asia because they are cheaper
l'm on mental health bennies but work from home part time l'm 5'10 and l consider myself ugly yes
>that's why I am gonna go to southeast Asia
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/vt/ always has the best takes x
6 foot
6 pack abs
6 inch cock
6 figure salary

every woman deserves that
Well it's that or latin america because the women are better looking and cheaper women are incapable of love I found that out with my last girlfriend
rice is nothing but empty carbohydrate you'd honestly be better off eating shitty white bread made with enriched flour
that stand for virgin tales?
just spent 15 minutes washing my hands in scalding water

hate having ocd
absolutely gigantic cock though presumably? only explanation
you missed a spot
My last girlfriend taught me a valuable lesson women only care about looks and money. They never ever actually like people this is why I lift and try to get rich one day. Women are only useful for sex and looking good
take a vpn and change your flag if you want to give nutrition advice
like a bird on the wire
l'll be honest with you yeah its pretty big
You have a sad life
settle down
sing for me little birdie
babby's first breakup
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nice one
No fuck you I gave her the world and she threw it away so yeah women deserve the Muslim treatment
Incels will be like
>women are... le heartless! they have no emotions or feelings!

And in the very next breath be like
>here's why people i dont like should have all their rights taken away and/or be killed
you should never ever be with a woman ever no matter how much money you have
it shouldn't be allowed
you should be sent to an island with only other men like yourself so you will be kept far away from women and children
I have had a girlfriend and it taught me they only care about money. Have you seen a woman date a broke man? Have you seen a woman care about personality?

Ha ha ha ha
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you give nothing to anyone except a headache
done him
Fuck you honestly I thought I was loved for once in my life and she left me for a faggot
Yeah you wouldn't understand fucker
Never lost an argument. Don't believe me?
Incels are a very Reddit phenomenon actually. r/incels used to be one of their biggest subreddits but when it got banned they all migrated here.
have you seen anything past the tip of your own nose?
not me, I love women
wish everyone was one
mad how so many trannies start off as bitter incels
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I can write a essay on what I did but she deserves to be beaten by her current boyfriend
>I love women
black women???
never lost your virginity either
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Alri Ben shapiro
>Have you seen a woman date a broke man?

>Have you seen a woman care about personality?
Let's my first girlfriend
2 hook ups I thought could lead into a relationship
Women in my area and on hinge
you are scum and do not deserve to be loved on your terms because your terms are disgusting disgraceful destructive filth
we don't want you to be part of our society
>wouldn't understand
i'm in a happy long term relationship mate
are you 18 or something? get a grip
gf left her toenail clippings on the floor again. may have to give her the "anne searle" treatment if you catch my drift.
Love women.
Hate all men other than myself.
Simple as.
I love Black women
Is we going back to the middle east?
GOOD lad
Love a big nosed bitch, I can't lie. You gonna sue me?
dating apps are for disgusting goblin degenerates
hook up culture is degenerate filth
you are filth and you "date" filth what do you expect
I am 21 and I broke up with her after 2 years
Some of them do but usually they end up recanting their incel beliefs after transitioning
>dating apps are for disgusting goblin degenerates
he said, on 4chan
There is no other way for me to have sex because I am autistic and ugly. I learned that I must fake it and never let anyone know I must pretend to be someone else for women to care
Felt a little self conscious about my nose shape in England. They have different noses there. Really am a woman. >>202844029
are you the yank lad who was going to fight his dad?
so why is this ranting and raving happening here in the pubgoer's general and not, let's say, /cum/?
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I do too.
new discover weekly ladssssssssssss
you don't need to have sex
you need to fuck off forever
Thinking about that Anon who said he tried to transition a few years ago but ended up backing out of it, and now his dad has never treated him the same way ever since.
oof, madone. she looks terrible!
>You shouldn't have sex
Says some limp wrister faggot who never touched a dumbbell
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might convert to mormonism
trannyism is an incel belief
that's very funny and a bit grim
Ruined her nose
you don't need to have sex
and you shouldn't have access to women
the only weights you've ever lifted is other men's cocks into your mouth
Yeah it sucks because women are so shallow that men have to cope. I hate and think it's disgusting but yeah there is no way on earth people can function.

In countries like America hoeflation is real which is why you need a 100k minium for a ugly slam pig
take it to /cum/
plastic surgeons who take advantage of people's body dysmorphia and obsession over it should be done for malpractice
my stupid cunt of a brother used all the elderberries i collected
god i hate your posts
I probably bench more than you faggot
>210 pounds
It's really not, why would people who hate women want to transition to become a woman?

Yeah you do sometimes get the case of an incel who becomes trans but they usually rationalise it afterwards as "I was repressing my gender identity so hard that I lashed out at women as a cope".

Actually its more likely for trannies to be the ideological opposite of incels, many of them idolise women to an insane degree and have a very low opinion of males.
Instead of spending money on mediocre women why not go to Asia or latin america and just fuck women there
slam your ugly pig face into a brick wall
you like em big do ya eh
its not impressive to bench half your weight
Heard they can cure pretty much every ailment
Conquer Syria and send all the wogs there
I don't think Asian women are very attractive.
something very dispiriting about genuine incel posts
grim isn't a strong enough word to describe them
i fucking hate him so much handicap spastic
considering a wank before bed
trannyism is about as misogynistic a belief system as you can get
women aren't just men with long hair and makeup on
nah for a lot of them it's about needing to be in control of a woman and the only way they can do that is to become the woman themselves
lads i got a 50% (FIFTY PERCENT) off 5 orders promo on uber eats
been getting 40%ers for months and months but now this
so my doner n chips + container or doner meat will be dead cheap now
like £8 for enough doner to get me through like 24 hours eating pure bab
mental stuff, utterly crazy
was thinking tonight i might just say fuck it and do what i've always been tempted to do and just buy 2 doner n chips all for me in one sitting
would be £3.75 per doner n chips... to fulfil a dream of mine
it's tempting ennit lol
take care
Go fuck women in eastern Europe I mean it's better because women in the us are just awful. It's worse that they are spreading their ways to other women
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*eats my way into brit*
only get 30% offs on mine
Honestly I thought I found a girl who cared about me but she is gone now and I learned that they don't care. Women are nothing but lesser men they are lucky they are given rights
It's Andrew tate's fault.
don't because it fucks with your dick's sleep cycle, you should have wanked at most 2 hours before bed
If I read another yank post about how women are terrible, or complaining about being 21 years old (definitely the same freak) I'm going to lose it
that sucks lad. dunno what i've done to deserve all the promos i get. must be ordering just few enough takeaways to get their AI to think giving me nearly half off and now actually half off is the thing to do
used to rinse em for half price groceries all the time as well but they stopped giving me any promos for that now
You're getting into some deep psychological shit which I don't think you have either the expertise nor the proof for.

If you want to argue the very act of transitioning is "misogynistic", then ok sure, but that doesn't mean individual trannies themselves are in any way ideologically comparable to incels.

Trans women view themselves as literal women so it would make no sense for them to be hateful of women, that would mean they hate themselves.
not wrong is 'e
I'm 21 years old and women are terrible
>your dick's sleep cycle
excuse me?
shut up dumbass
good thing this post doesn't have a yank flag or that other yank would be going off right now
I mean my grandpa has the same beliefs he does but he used to punch my grandma and smack her with a news paper because she was no better than a dog
my mom is mean to me! she didn't get me what I wanted for christmas! women deserve to be beaten
I order off mine about once a year, usually order off gfberg's or justeat when I want takeaway. Still only get 30% offs and only started getting them within the last month or so.
It's not talked about enough how strongly linked incelism is to non-white culture in the west. This was happening even before Tate, but he strengthened this trend even moreso by converting to Islam and thus getting young Muslim kids to view him as "one of their own".

There's a meme among incel communities - "Just be white" - which argues that you literally cannot be an incel if you are white. It's painfully obvious how many of these lads are Indian, black, Asian etc and are just seething with rage that white girls rejected them.
Not event that they are really disloyal and snakes. It was eve who fucked over humanity
Im mentally ill and weak but if i do HVAC i will get so rich and travel the world
mate you reckon that story might have been made up?
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>that would mean they hate themselves
they literally do, which is why they try to become something else even to the point of having their genitals mutilated, the same goes for FtMs, they hate their bodies and they hate being women
the whole concept of 'gender identity' is just old fashion sexist stereotypes repackaged as somehow progressive and people who push it on confused children are evil
>Implying I am weak
I curl 45s while you jerk off and eat McDonald's fat ass
Doing a little poo ahead of the beckoning morrow
yeah i think there's a sweet spot where ordering like once per week and a half/two weeks ish will get you loads of promos as they see you as a potential addict rather than some guy who only gets them as a treat
i used justeat for ages and ages but that app is just this is the price this is the delivery fee and that's that. not sure i ever got any offers
uberone is great when you order a lot of takeaway. i used to order way more so i wouldn't pay the fiver a month now but i get free trials cos i use 5 diff accounts. by the time one account has finished its trial another one will have one offered to it again
then you go to cancel them a few days before the trial ends and a lot of the time they offer you 3 months for 99p a month - happy days
Well you know after my breakup it really showed me a lot even after a year I still can't find another person to give a shit. I am done people need to be loved but some people are destined to be alone and angry
>I thought about becoming a white muslim
I used to be one of the most prolific Bradleyposters but to be honest the sinister Bradley forced meme just killed it for me. Haven't posted a Bradley in months and dont think I ever will again
what about big brad
>the sinister Bradley forced meme just killed it for me
gonna be honest mate I don't particularly like sinister bradley either
>mfw invented sinisterbradley
lmao you're welcome
>one of the
Yeah nice try monobrad
basically your dick(and the rest of your body but right now that's not important) follows the same cycle of rem/ non-rem sleep as a way of keeping healthy/ making sure systems are working fine but if you wank before bed you might not be able to get hard enough during the start of the cycle and that fucks up the full cycle.
your gimmick is shite
Honestly Muslims have the right idea of women they don't deserve freedom because they are retarded as childern and emotionally unstable
the tone of /brit/ took a sharp turn when sinister bradley got introduced
a lot of joviality got sapped out
Nobody gives a fuck what you think stop using /brit/ as your personal diary
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best gimmick of the year mate
It's true though women really are retarded and they need to have their ass kicked. We should bring back wife beating because look at modern western women
so this is what happens is it
mousey goes to /cum/ and this is what /cum/ sends back to us
it's up

I reckon tranny-hating is too mainstream these days. I remember years ago I used to rag on trannies and people would be shocked and appalled at the things I was saying about them. They would act like it was beyond the pale to say "trans women aren't women". Now, everyone from my mum to major politicians to random geezers in the pub are saying exactly that and being applauded for it. And that makes me feel like its too boring and cliche'd to be anti-tranny now.
Not fucking about is he
don't think I could handle being a famous success and then aging and realizing everyone only cared about you for that period and now you can never do anything more beyond what you did
mathew perry type shit
>there are “people” on here who have to get up in the morning and go to work

well i, along with other non-retarded people, am glad that it's like that now
What do you think about bands like Radiohead or something where they have 1 song which is astronomically more popular than everything else they did, and they throw a tantrum over it and refuse to play it?

I mean I understand why they feel that way but it still feels really petty.
Ngl Muslims are cool I rather support Mohammad than Israel it be cool
I... am STEVE.
I'm a hardcore contrarian you see. My gut instinct tells me that if the majority of people support or oppose a certain thing, then they're probably wrong and there's more to the story than the normoids realise. I can't help it really.
trannyism is evil
sorry if you find that 'boring'
>Muslims are cool
they hate you
I understand that since they're trying to avoid being one-hit wonders and avoid basically what I'm talking about
Artists that are known over decades usually shun their old work to try and make out that they can create something better
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sorry 'bout that
dire, dire edition of our beloved /brit/
I... am TOBY.
yeah they should just play song 2 and stop being fannies
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>the majority of people think murder is bad so therefore it must be good
wow what a retard
off to /cum/ to get some answers about the current situation
Thom Yorke is a weird bloke desu. He's one of those musicians who really resents being famous and got really depressed and mopey over it.

There's a famous tale about how when they headlined Glasto 1997 he had an autism moment and nearly walked off stage and left mid-performance.
good riddance
tbf i'd feel weird as well if i got famous for making such abysmal music
Incel arc is on or being right arc time to get rich and get buff so I can fuck women
I imagine when you're famous like that you're not always in the mood to be performing in front of hundreds of thousands of people
I assume that's why a lot of them get into drugs to try and embrace the sensation more
first thing tomorrow I'm going to head down to the local woods with my swiss army knife
I was the original bradleyposter.
i think he's just so up himself that he pretends (to himself as well) to hate it
Grace is quite good but it's not as good as Line of Duty.
>genshin impact meal
>genshin impact apple pie
what does it mean
I've tried several times to find the very first Bradleypost in the archives but it's hard to track it down. The earliest I've found were posted in about spring 2015.
you are forgiven
I heard the Penguin show is good, anyone seen it
Currently listening to Moss Icon

leftypol and his gf
ooh he's trying to get to the bottom of it
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rorke and his bf
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don't really watch the telly 2bh
fuck off helpernonce you evil ghoul
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I'm probably the only person ITT who has been inside the twin towers
anyone seen my dubs? not at the end of my post number where they normally are
were you there
on that that day
when those towers fell?
and? how was it?
that's a pretty safe bet i'd imagine
Sometimes I wonder why there are so many incels in North America and East Asia
Nah. I'm old and from there
mental how the lord of the rings: the two towers came out like a year or two after 9/11
little me was like eh? you talking about frodo n that? every time i heard about the twin towers
was literally just thinking about this last night
>Stanislav Vasilyevich 'Slava' Kurilov was a Soviet, Canadian and Israeli oceanographer. He escaped from the Soviet Union by jumping overboard from a cruise liner in the open ocean and swimming to the Philippines.
reminds me of John Frusciante when he got sick of being famous and started sabotaging live performances with RHCP, playing off key and screaming his backing vocals to drown out the lyrics
Surprised they weren't forced to change the name desu
There's a crazy amount of media that had to be altered in the aftermath of 9/11 so as to avoid causing offence. For instance I think GTA III had a cut mission where you had to fly a plane into a building. They also changed all the police cars skins so they no longer resembled real life NYC police cars
it's coomin op
it's coomin op
it comin op
suppose lord of the rings got a pass because it's so timeless
Frusciante in the mid/late 90s was a fucking mentalist. Wacked out of his mind on drugs. There's a bit in this interview where he talks about how he's been writing about "movie scripts and mathematics" and holds up a journal page which has nothing but illegible scribbles on it.

Giving women the right to vote was a stupid idea they should go back to medival rights
mousey like
what a goose
nevermind lads, found my dubs
good lad
There was a bit of controversy from mongs who thought it was a reference to 9/11 or just insensitive but this was before the current culture of appeasing every tiny bit of offense taken so the studios just ignored it.
Robbie Williams was the last proud patriotic pop star

The man needs a statue
mad how he was the coolest man in the country
mental how i'm basically the equivalent of a medieval peasant who never left his village, but i have this device that allows me to access more information than the wealthiest scholar a hundred years ago
jesus fucking christ

blew my mind as a kid when I heard robbie williams' natural speaking voice
was when I realised people can sing in different 'accents' than they talk in in real life
dua lipa
wish I hadn't watched that
She's the One for me wedding, Angels for me funeral simple as
He loved his footy, he loved his beer, he loved having a sing song, he loved his mother

Build him a fucking statue because he was one of us and he did us proud. He never cosied up to politicians like the Gallaghers
you lads interested in doing primal scream therapy
Surprised Robbie Williams hasn't been MeToo'd yet desu. He was an insane shagger during his heyday. On top of that he used to invite random girls from the crowd on stage at his gigs and just snog them. Or he'd stop the show to flirt with a bird he spotted in the front row
There's little bugs everywhere mate.
Every night when you go to sleep there are little mites that come out from your eyelash follicles and crawl around on your eyelids.
That's just life.
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>he loved his beer, he loved having a sing song, he loved his mother
all describes are moz
he's gay mate
drinking hot chocolate even though ive already brushed my teeth
oh yeah i'm fully aware of that, just not fun to watch
can i get a (you) to begin my miserable day
living even though I want to die
There's bugs in that too. Little ones.

>There have been questions about Williams's sexuality, with some speculating that he may be bisexual. In an interview with the Daily Star, he stated: "I love musical theatre and a lot of the other things that are often associated with gays. I am 49% homosexual and sometimes as far as 50%. However, that would imply that I enjoy having a particular sort of fun, which I don't."
>wearing a coat indoors
I think women should be legal again because I want to upper cut somw of them
morning mate
could be little bugs living inside your body right meow
that would be scary
You couldn't upper cut a pineapple yanky
sat around too late with my thumb up my ass over getting a pizza so now deliver time is over
ta x
>However, that would imply that I enjoy having a particular sort of fun, which I don't
does this mean he didn't do bumsex
it's weird to me that there aren't more gays who think like this
there just seems to be a big leap between sucking cock and getting your arse blown out
Naan bread, passata, oregano, cheese, toppings
there's face mites on some peoples faces
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