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morrissey edition
he did drugs and had the finest twinks offering up their arse he must have shaged at least one bloke
morrissey is pro brexit / anti immigrant which is a contradictory position because Brexit brought in substantially more immigrants
>Brexit brought in substantially more immigrants
the government brought in more immigrants, brexit didn't mean they had to though
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Why does Uncle Albert look like he could take you round the back and give you a good hiding?
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Not really the incel guy but I wish I wasn't ugly
ok I did it I placed a ridiculously overpriced mcdonald order because I'm miserable desperate and have nothing to look forward to
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beers with moz
I need wealth, power and influence.
I hold my cigarette with chopsticks so my fingers don't smell
he used to box for the navy. They called his left hand Trotter's Trembler
give it a FUCKING rest rorke
handsome face you just dress bad
does your jacket smell good?
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and though I, walk home alone
my faith in love is still devout
I wear jeans and a t shirt because I don't know how to dress
i smoke cigarettes because i'm hoping for an early death
mad ting innit
drop the beanie that makes your head look like a bellend
what brand?
nothing he's done is illegal or is party rocking too hard illegal in the UK now too?
there's nothing wrong with the way you dress you look fine
although the hat isn't particularly my favorite but I guess it's a necessity in cold weather
Smells like Chicago
I look like a standard Polack bald and mustache
that lad looks very american if you know what I mean
can't put my finger on it
I date this picture to 2005
get rorked brah
NYC is the greatest city in the world. Would never live there, but look at it. Exploded at the right time, right place, right weather, has boundaries but also doesn't.
so wear something that actually suits you
spooky huh
I am gonna dress like Chicago Polack wife beater and jeans
used to smoke those when it was cheap here
not british culture though is it
he's not anglo. he's a euromutt like most white americans
>there's nothing wrong with the way you dress
yes there is, don't lie to the lad
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very strange we're wearing similar outfits today down to the red beanie
what does chicago smell like? I've never been
>Exploded at the right time, right place
alright bin laden?
my extremities are always cold and take ages to warm up
very concerning
Like a polish person cigarettes and burnt rubber
mad how worked up people are by this obvious prank
starting watching fanedits of films
imagine all the mites crawling around on your teeth in the tiny remnants of food
*imagines it*
nope there's no way
would've been several years later
probably 2009 or 2010
bit chilly out your way mate?
brush my teeth so i don't have to worry about that x
got The Hobbit M4 Book Edit
makes it tolerable, still not great
ye brudda was pissing down last night too, windy out this morn
don't know why yanks give such a fuss about being x ethnicity american
they all become the same copy paste mentally ill zogbot by the second generation anyways
looks fine to me
compensating for a lack of culture aside from mass media
an apparently attractive woman named "lilit" is delivering my mcdonald order to me in a ford mustang mach-e
now what
just watched the recent Star Wars trilogy edited into one film it was alright
eat your mcdonalds and leave the woman the fuck alone
>l suffer in USA
I should be making the deliveries truth be told
Sounds foreign. Need her sent back, pronto.
im revising my guess to 2007
thank fuck batty boy leg day is over and done with
genuinely reckon I've sneezed 500 times today
lads getting his maccies delivered by a succubus
Peasants' Revolt of 1381 first Communist revolution
think I'm just going to continue skipping leg day every single week
someone post that pic of david mitchell reading a book on the tube in 2006
I clicked on her name so I could see a larger version of her photo and I have screenshotted it to share later possibly
I have left instructions for the delivery to be left on a table near the front door so I won't be making any contact with her anyway
a clue gained
dont you fight wars over who's scotch irish and who's irish irish?

>inb4 noooo its different....yeah its uhh different....because uhmmmm
there's an italian au pair girl that lives around the corner from me and she is down for a shag whenever
nice little arrangement innit
oh no I've only just realized
is lilit just another form of lilith?
i often think about posts i've made that have gotten positive replies
ashamed of it but not sure how to stop
Can't imagine the stench of someone who unironically uses the words "zog" or "zogbot"
take a break from 4chan
not exactly fair to tie that lad to the goings on of a bunch of people in northern ireland is it
blog on
rage on
can you imagine the stench of this? *bends over and farts*
brits calling us zogbots like their prime minister doesn't literally attend a synagogue
it wasn't mate
it was around the time brand interviewed morrissey
about to go to brunch with her actually
He attends one of those gay liberal synagogues where they aren't actually religious but just have a lesbian rabbi that preaches about muh tolerance
wahey good lad
not really
pretty bad fit
i wear a carharrt jacket exclusively when im working in nasty conditions, couldnt pay me to wear it casually. just sized so bad, like it was made for fat people as a priority
your autism shoes dont help
>autism shoes
no such thing you little coward
getting bad thoughts in my little head
blud has negative drip
man dresses like a homeless
whats wrong with them
stay chipper
I have now forced the woman to sit in the mcdonald drive through for me
wait until she encounters the dirt road of doom
nationalities of girls I'm shagging:
New Zealander
Australian born Arab

simply don't like Australian women
There's a certain kind of woman who finds that look extremely attractive in a man. Usually more edgy or "alt" type girls
Baby don't hurt me
holy wogoli
having sex with, for all intents and purposes, a man's arse.
there is an actual haunted mine between here and the mcdonald that she will be passing by
they sealed it up with a man's corpse inside
full of bad air you see
love cooking i do, just slicing up the chicken, dicing veggies, very therapeutic.

dont know if im actually any good tho
you're like some sort of international man of gay sex
Aren't like half of white Australians descended from Italians anyway?
Watching The Russia House (1990)
you would have liked that Wii Cooking game if you were born back then
Kek this. Wouldn’t look out of place warming his hands over a flaming barrel in an alleyway
I wish lad then I'd be able to find a wife
the average Australian woman is an Irish mongrel whore or a monkey looking Chinese
what about a game but all you need to play it is your voice and you don't actually need to own the game because it's a phone number and you just ring the number and play the game by talking.
doing gay sex on my own arse
Big Buggery doesn't want you to know about this one simple trick!
Haha exactly, heating up a rat on a skewer.
that is how i introduce myself to people, yes.
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prank calling?
lilit drove up to the abandoned haunted mine and now she's stuck there
I remember reading about how Australia got boatloads of Italian and Greek immigrants in the 20th century that basically wopped your entire bloodline. Was this not true?
ruffling my hair vigorously to make it snow on my desk
going to neck a bunch of water in a bit
yeah there's greeks and italians here but they mostly had kids with other greeks and italians you see
again lad I wish, we're full of chinese and indians more than anything now
as an Italian myself I am only interested in wog women for anything serious
australians have the highest rate of skin cancer
if wogs had somehow made a colony at high latitudes, they'd have the highest rates of osteoporosis and brittle bone disease
big turt
absolute kwab of a nation
How long would white people have to live in Australia for before they would evolve black skin?
I care
ktim. hate it, have been using H&S and its slowly going away
popped the wrinkly old pendulous scrotahedron in
what age do you want to die at
dont think it would be possible, they would just mix with darker people instead
you need to understand also that our nice warm time now is an exception to the rule and we're usually in an ice age, and oz would be perfectly habitable for europeans during one
grew a goatee, shaved my head and absolutely nobody fucks with me now
hopefully 30
ahh yes, the gay pornstar look
2:38 am
landlord bros, do you do your own maintenance to cut costs?
haven't worn a turtleneck for some time...
mortgaging off my bollocks to pay for my second arse
i'm not real
fashioning an arse out of spit, elbow grease, and twine
>and absolutely nobody fucks with me now
so business as usual, then
why dont you post your wicked fits anymore
i don't think I would be friends with any of you lads if we were to meet irl.
But you're all my funny internet pals so it's all good
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i want to die
learn to be patient
i want to take back all the time i've wasted so i can waste it twice as hard
hawk tuah
think someones in my walls
In some lad's wall rn having a mental time
eating pringles
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rarely take fit pics tbqh bigger fish to fry
Got any Jews around? Ahaha remember that story in the news? Jews in tunnels, by God, if that isn't a metaphor for life in this great country, I don't know what is.
well I'm actually immortal
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ok but why did howard hughes keep jars full of his own urine
dressing to the right are we
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mental how shit man united are doing right now
12th place for christ sake. even chelsea are in 4th and they're dogshit
mental how shit man
did The Aviator get into his vegas years and the mormon mafia? crazy stuff
no idea what any of this means
hopefully this spells the end of bioware
I really dislike this game's art style.
walls woman sounds fit but she keeps laughing presumably at me
Doubtful. Bioware's fanbase are the type who would eat this stuff up. Dragon Age Inqusition came out all the way back in 2014 and it had a trans character even then

If the new game flops it will just be because its shit, not because of any of the culture war shite
why is strayan standup so godawful despite such high levels of banter and larrikinism in the country
>Student credit card has a max of 300 dollars
>Have 38 dollars of credit card debt I completely forgot about

How fucked am I?
when everyone's a comedian, no one is
everyone here does think they're funny but most people really aren't
got some friends with the shittest chat you've ever heard
the only comedian worth a shit to come out of australia was barry humphreys(dame edna)
Might move to Poland
so you fink
there's an invisible man in the sky, sitting on a cloud
really, mate?
Never laughed at anything an Australian has ever said, personally.
As a kid I used to find the English, London metro and Australian accent hot
yehaw now holup nigga
so yall be hollerin that
there aint not no invisible man in the sky up on his there cloud
fo real bruh?
It's been over a decade since they made a noteworthy game. They are a moribund studio.
Troonmins are based.
Chudkin smokes weed with Troonmin and gaslights him into transitioning while laughing at him behind his back with Stacymaiden
my cock feels real good in my hand right now I wish you guys could get a handful, perfect for slapping yourself in the face with
None of these words are in the Bible.
girls find it cute and endearing when you're depressed and awkward
Well obviously since it wasn't written in English.
Cock Tuah
I am SICK of seeing them. They are shilled by rté because they are woke.
That's because it was written in Greek, not Finnish.
It would be Troonminicus and Chuduskinus
are they?
on sofa farting
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How come this stuff sometimes tastes like a can of heavenly goodness, yet others it tastes like Jif with chlorine stirred in?
vincent wood hard
this food sucks I should've just taken drugs and gone to sleep
mad how i'm literally a pygmy from darkest africa, smacking my big lips and preparing a little fire in my little hut as i post here
looks like sumthin a poof would drink
Does banging a chick that later troons out make you gay?
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Spit on that thang
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There's a low sugar version but the cans are very similar, I can only assume you aren't a very observant person.
no, using phrases like troons out makes you gay
is anyone interested in a webm of me fingering my arse?
oh fuck youre right the can does say tastefully light
I feel like a mong
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Even putting all that nonsense aside it's insane how shite it looks. Every single piece of information that has come out about the game so far has been a disaster. Making video games is seriously about to become a lost art.
dark as the night. if you smile in a dark room it just looks like a floating set of teeth
IMO shagging a FTM is infinitely more gay than shagging an MTF
if i can find my old Kindle, I will start reading instead of going through the usual cycle of mind numbing internet entertainment
*cries into my mcflurry*
read that dusty book on your shelf and stop making excuses NOW
Yeah, not a huge Dragon Age fan, but it looks pretty bad. You can tell that EA have been meddling hard in the dev process and telling them to follow certain retarded trends, like that's why the art style looks like some Fortnite shit. Allegedly at one point in development they wanted Bioware to make it a live service multiplayer game too.
I make my own lemonade.
Juice of one lemon.
Tablespoon of sugar syrup, easy af to make, but you can use honey or agave if you want
Top up with sparkling water and ice.
Tastes better than any shite from a can.
Do exactly the same with lime as well for limeade. Or a mix of both.
Stop paying money for shite.
the only book i own is a picture book of carrier bags that record shops used to give out when people bought vinyl
nobody's reading this epic tome, heston bloomin' tard
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The scrandemic. Got me half price bab n chips. Just the one though (spare container of doner meat in the fridge ready for sarnies tomorra)
I know you read it.
get. it. read.
come to zomzom's a place to eat like it was built in one day
cant read pictures mate
would genuinely rather eat poo poo
it's really difficult for a chick to actually troon out. Even if they got their tits removed.

Like, only like .00001% actually get their vagina surgically altered and an artificial dick built
Always get cold feet in bed
keep ordering overpriced food and then not finishing it because it makes me feel ill and I hate eating
Agave is a rip off as well.
Just get a saucepan on a low heat
1 part water, 2 parts sugar
Stir till it's dissolved
Walla. Sugar syrup.
Keeps for ages, costs pennies.
Use it for drinks and cocktails.
Got a tiny bit of diluted lime sulphur dip in my eye though lads. Stings a little
kek this is literally me
happens to me quite a lot. never move which i suspect has something to do with it
this song makes me cry
Rorky Porkie
does it?
Blud discovered cooking
Rorkie Talkie
Rorke Tuah
this post makes me laugh
excerpt from rorke's speech to the assembly
And what sort of man is this, who calls himself Leftypol? A cowardly pseudonym!
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Khazarian milkers
Trannies really are the main topic of the world right now. It's defining our era.
itching my pubes lads
life has been throwing me a lot of curveballs lately. I suppose you don't have baseball in the UK so you don't get that analogy
I think they've been abandoned desu. Neoliberals do not want to support trans people anymore because they are considered politically inconvenient. Just look at Starmer's Labour. They haven't said a word about trans issues for the past year or more. I reckon its because they don't want to upset conservative Muslims who they consider a much more important voterbase
You can't deny how massively important they are right now
It really is peculiar.
They might even take over the world
What do you think, Troonmin?
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Nah trannies have gone wild and are surging with power
Still think it's a fad. It's not Thailand, it's also not the fall of Rome. It's a fad. I'm right 20-30% of the time about these kinds of things.
What people voted for and what politicians do are two separate things, it's almost like democracy is fake and gay.
i refuse to believe british people even exist
haha yeah the only people who have an issue with trannyism are muslims yes
Why do you have this image saved on your PC?
Having a big salary is great, but I think people don't internally realize (however obvious it may sound) that it takes an entire year for that sum to come in
the as it were whacky bruce just posted the tranny fanny
They've gone super trans
Everybody loves bullies
Troons have been playing their cards right
Are you asking why someone on the internet is mentally ill
Didn't say that did I? But Muslims are considered very important by Labour and they're terrified of losing their votes, especially over the Palestine issue. They don't want to make it worse by being seen to support things like LGBT which are "un-Islamic"
Like lift up cars trans? Wait, hold on, i had another thought. A good one. Coming back to me. FUCK.
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Attending a meet-up group tonight
Building a new friend group in my 30s as it were
Can't be alone in this world now can we?
but you are not a kitty cat, are you, chat?
hold on a second...
you guys are a bunch of discord kittens, eeyuck!
>leftypol when queers are telling kids at school they should have their genitals mutilated
>leftypol when people angered by queers telling kids at school they should have their genitals mutilated
*reeeeeeeeeeeeeee nazis obsessed reeeeeeeeeeee*
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Done him
the concept of yin and yang, everything in the universe having its equal and opposite counterpart, seems intuitive. but it's hard to believe that the suffering in this world doesn't exceed the joy
>rorke when things of actual importance are happening in the world
>rorke when he makes up fanfiction about things that make him angry
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We need some other term that is the exact opposite of wacky Bruce, like "Serious Nigel"
I don't like it when serious Nigel starts discussing politics and religion
>starts discussing politics and religion
that's just boringlad he's quite a prolific poster
Good lad
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>state institutions pushing genital mutilation on confused young people
>not important
yeah, you're fucking evil
like actual fucking demonic evil
As a warning for others I would guess
Tilting at windmills
don't worry, their paki allies will get them sorted
On the /brit/ again
Just can't wait to post on the /brit/ again
The life I love is posting Bradleys with my friends
And I can't wait to post on the /brit/ again
good post
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>Kris Kristofferson dead at 88
*record scratch*
da, is me.
I... am 190.
What are your bucket list games?
What does that mean
Last Chicken in Sainsburys
Bore off
Why does he walk toward the camera
i assume it's games you want to play before you die
Good luck to the Barleymow!

Trying to work out the blanks here
I assume the first is "I can fuck in 8 inch heels"
But then it's "I can suck cock favourite hot ?????? In 8 inch heels"?
've done and I have been undone
And that's just the way it's gone
I've failed and failed
Jumped up again and failed again
Yet I look at the world through
Blue dreamers eyes, blue
And I wanna go somewhere
Where nobody knows me
Woke up 3 hours ago
Despite my best attempts sleep does not seem possible for yet a few more hours
I am up and about, reheated the half of the food (sunday roast) i didnt eat in the evening. Going to watch a film i think.

So my journey since Saturday night has been
>only got maybe 4-5 hours on Saturday morn/afternoon
>wake up at 4pm
>go to bed at 11pm
>cant sleep at all
>break down in tears for the first time in my week long journey into extreme insomnia
>go to sleep no earlier than 9:20am
>wake up at 3pm
>around 5 hours sleep
>feel utterly shit, worse than usual
>know i will have to go to bed even earlier unless i want another sleepwalking night terror episode
>go to sleep at about 10:30pm
>wake up at 00:30
>try my best for the first 2 hours to get back to sleep
>realise my body sees those 2 hours as a nap and i will probably not be able to sleep until the morning again
Just got to shift that circadian rhythm back away from the extremes of last week.
I'm getting better but dont want to jinx it so just go to chip away for now

I feel cold, i feel shit, i feel tired but life hopefully goes on and things will get better.
Hmm well there's a few big series I want to get into but they have so many games that it'll be a big undertaking to play them all
Resident Evil, Yakuza and Dragon Quest are the first 3 that come to mind. Never played any of those games
Yakuza is fucking mint lad, get them played.
starcraft 2
there's no flipping way you've written a blogpost this long
wanna go make something to eat but mumberg will be furious if i wake her from her slumber
Hmm let me type out this 500 word post, I'm sure someone will read it thoroughly and respond posthaste
What are you even doing here?
what's that one German euorbeat song with the shitty looking 3d boy and girl dancing? you guys know what I'm talking about right?
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Having the time of my life sunshine, thanks for asking
Yeah the one that goes doof doof duhduh doof doof doof
fuck off cataussie
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There's a cataussie?
hulk hogan dropping big legs on leftypol's scrawny neck brother
>shitty looking 3d boy
Its called anime and its an art, normie chud
I thought kiwifarms got shut down forever why does it still exist
I think they were anime styled but it was that weird western made anime look
Why do YOU exist?
I dont know anghing about kiwifarms but some troons i pissed off on 4chan mention it negatively so i think its based
pedophiles fund it via bitcoin
Ah really? Western made? German?

Almost like i was joking anyways
because god loves me

You're way out of the loop. It was only shut down for a few weeks after Cloudflare dropped them. The owner worked tirelessly like a committed autist to get it back online. That was 2 years ago now. Also, the original person who campaigned to get KF taken offline (a tranny known as Keffals) ended up getting cancelled for unrelated shit and has basically vanished from the internet.
wait what
You know when youre pwning someone in a 4chan thread so they whip out some schizo shite? Hate that
Mongs who do that are mostly in their 30s, obese and american
you've gone too far
kiwifarms is cancer
it seems like a sad place
luv pwning n00b brits online
I used to enjoy reading threads there but yeah, the active userbase is completely insane and they all seem to live horrible lives
Dont care youre probably a tranny like >>202847449 said.

Ok i actually do know one thing its some gay place where people talk about internet lolcows or something?
Anyways i think anyone obsessed with it needs to be castrated
So we agree

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