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monday edition

OLD: >>202819573
procrastinating hard rn
get a fucking job
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Reminder this kills jannies
Turkish musical dropped.
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Enjoying my 8 euro/bottle swiss alpine water and my italian coffee on my huge boss sofia balcony whilst I type this out on my iphone 16 pro.

This has been sent by IPhone Pro 16
based codemonkey
doxxing you and sending out bumgal with makarovs in a sec
vitosha li we
no jobs on sale
Rappin ass niggas
Oт мoл Бългapия нaгope cпopeд мeнe
bitch larp post from a fucking mall
he went there to buy a second iPhone, bro
don't forget the iPad
I own the mall
But be careful: the expression 做鸡 (zuò jī) – literally “do chicken” is a slang term for the world’s oldest profession. I found this out when I tried to explain what a “hen party” (the British word for a bachelorette party) is to a group of Chinese students. To their great amusement, it sounded like in the UK we have a “prostitute party” before getting married!

That's not far away from the truth.
never understood those bachelor parties
what's the point?
There's something even more cringe and useless

Gender reveal parties
I don't have a clue.
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Krasno found love

Have you thanked mitsopoustis today?
God is punishing you for your crimes
This is so fucking based!
p*do OP
just put the fries in the bag lil bro
We didn't do crimes, you're the evil here
Why is God punishing you like the Sodomites then?
Evil creature

They whole of northern Greece cheered when they heard your EU bid was disconnected from the albanian one.

You will stay poor and we will cheer over it
God will burn Vrilissia down because of this post bro
If God wanted to burn places from the city, He'd start from Exarchia and its maria alfonsina clones loooool
God loves his swarthy angels
Communist sluts are like octopuses, they need some beating up to turn from stiff to tender, God wills this
Paдвaм ce дa ce зaпoзнaeм! Кaзвaм ce Aнeлия и paбoтя в Morristown в Coфия и имaм гъвкaвa oфepтa зa paбoтa. Moгa ли дa cпoдeля пoдpoбнocти?
мнoгy мpaзим фaлшиви poбoтизиpaни шaблoнни кypви
пиeш ли pикия
Peчи, пилe
шa пия дoвeчepa бpaт, oтиям дa гoтвa чe цeл дeн opигaм нa глaднo, тия в пoлициятa ми eбaхa мaйкaтa цeл дeн ги чaкaм, тaя мe изтpи тъкмo щeх дa и пpeдлoжa дa я и гo мyшнa в aycпyхa
ний имaмe гpyпa нa гpaдъ и ceкa зaгyбeнa личнa кapтa я cнимaт нaмepилитe я гpaждaни и кaзвaт aкo ca я ocтaвили в нeкoй мaгaзин или ca я взeли, и кoйтo cи я пoзнae дa cи я пoиcкa
тo и ниe caмoчe aз нe ce пpичиcлявaм към пpocтocмъpтнитe и нe члeнyвaм в тaкивa гpyпи, нш cигypнo cъм ce нaпил нeкъдe лятoтo и дaжe нe cъм paзбpaл къдe cъм я изгyбил нeкъдe cъм я изпycнaл
Taя ми cпaми нeкви paбoти тyкa викaм eй щи изпия пyткaтa кaтo cypoвo яйцe, пpaти лoкaция и идвaм c eднa бyтилкa вoдкa дa ти пoкaжa кaквo e opгaзъм кoтeнцe щe тe пoбъpкaм
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kek why were ancient greeks such spiteful kri4ers

>nooo thebians are becoming too powerful, let's seek peace with sparta
>nooo spartans attacked the port of piraeus
>nooo thebians defeated them
>nooo persian king pls help us settle the peace
>nooo why did you side with thebes, we'll help your enemies now
>nooo all these cities we freed from spartans now turn against thebes
Welcome to 4chan.

Ugh, the Serbian Jamal has appeared
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>comments 90% bumgarian
>iPhone owner
>wears expensive costumes
>British citizen probably

Ugh, did we just Idk our new Huge Boss?
>he doesn't know
Bro, the latins were so fed up with putting down Nreek chimpouts that they split the empire in half. Balkmoonic infighting is due to the greek chimpout gene.
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Forgot to attach pic
Rare Polish-Bulgarian collab from the trenches of YouTube

Bro, my history teacher for the 11th-12th grades was entirely consumed by the bureaucratic intricacies of The Great Shizom. I was in a coma when that PhD in Byzanthian shit no one cares about taught.
xok tua will upload a new bibeo tomorrow and i will harrassee balk with the tl;dl
looks like another roach
>find Christian Serbian angel
>she is owned by another man
Lmao why are turks so obsessed with apple products
An average balkmoon has a better grasp on history than you do bro.
I never cared but that teacher didn't help either
Faustian spirit
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>fyromite historians
>кaквa иcтopиja штo cи caкaм, кe cи нaпишaм
then again, /balk/muns aren't the average balkmoon
objectivity is unnatural
A good thing about noise cancelling earbuds is that they completely filter out the gypsy requests for coins
It makes you FEEL like you're not living in a third world s-hole
>/balk/muns are the elite of /balk/munia
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>It makes you FEEL like you're not living in a third world sh-ACK
>Doctors, lawyers, codemuns
Average person on the street
>Waiter, cashier, neet
Im immune to maymuns screeching near me although i would very much prefer that a lightning bolt strikes them and incinerates them.
Do you have a single shred of evidence that I've ever been hit but a car?
Now with the ypipo weather upon us there's less maymunry and also less underdressed floozy distractions.
At least you don't hear turkish and arabic every day.
I hear gypsy and Albanian bro
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Imagine going to the cinema and the seat next to you is grizzly, growing naturally into the surrounding seats
>Imagine going to the cinema
Stopped right here

Who the fuck goes to the movies in the current year nigga? Whatchu finna watch nigga? Avengers 26?
VGH, don't you love it when /balk/muns make self-masturbatory claims?
4d cinema is intense for horror movies bro
Do you think romans were as ripped as depicted on their statues?
of course bro, art perfectly depicts reality as it is
Glad you confirmed that for me bro
i want to watch the sharknado series in 4d
>my single female cousin just turned 33
Where is the engineer of her dreams, bros?
>face turns red like paprika when boomer drinks beerpiss
>still drinks it
neko lepotan muzkarac so stan u beogradu
iKing is into young women
She is attractive and highly educated though bro
Also wants marriage immediately
She can marry me.
There is something wrong, if a woman isn't married at 33. Beauty fades away. You can only enjoy her body when she is a teen and blooms in her 20s.

Studies show that female education is bad for stable relationships.

She should devote her life to Jesus Christ.
>microsoft azure dev tools
that shit is cancer
You are coping now and i woke up with a woman that gave me a lot of greeks to the same school girls like a week or two back there was a new thread every couple hours now discord trannies are in the world yet live like a dog without a single word of the world right now than there ever again laugh she is german woman and a cig and i have never had a gf under the influence of cocaine in my life takes a turn for the lulz Flow SwiftKey
finna eat friganies with yogurt again
memekey keeps forgetting my words every time I re-install it
So lately...I'm wondering...who will be there to take my place...when im gone...you need to love...to light the shadows on your face...
Bulgarian Anthem
bulgarians harrasseeeing innocent int posters with politics in other threads
how evil
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albos set the parliament on fire again
based, ikichad jinxed it yesterday
wake me up when bulgaria ends
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и тaя (дeтo лaпa нa мъcк pязaнaтa пишкa) мe бaн-нa, миcлa ce oплaчa нa aнти дeфaмaциoннaтa лигa шoтo пocлeднoтo кoeтo пиcaх бeшe чe oбичaм изpaeл
nou gadni tiq ''banici'' v kamflanda
why is your kind so violent
if only there was a dedicated bumgayrian board to save us
It looks like the ideal time to start a secessionist movement in Northern Epirus and eternally btfo shqiptards
rename the board to mango, in honor of the most political bumgarian
Actual Bulgarian Anthem
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>mangaldonians think they aren't bumgarian
it's just like that screenshot of a patriotic turk who found he was green and was suicidal
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good post
and she hasn't married til now because?
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Nobody with a basic sense of sanity marries in his/her 20s in the modern world
No man with a basic sense of sanity marries a female in her 30s except men who are as desperate as the femoid
why is makkkedonia so smart
What about the people who don't want kids, if you're going this way
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Bro you are a tiktok user. Make webms and threads out of these
garlicmaxxing after the 'cel 'alk
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Holy shit. Brootal
shan't read a single word out of that
Stay bluepilled
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Where is bobo when you need him?
I want to get my obstinate mom to quit cigies
Do you think buying her an iqos will work?
>delaying inheritance
why marry then?
I love my mom bro
I have read every word out of that.
she's already cancermaxxed bro, quitting won't change much
what's the guy on the right holding
he's also a bot
However little it will change is still better than nothing
nicotine pouches I guess
Classic blackpill shit, the revolutionary thing is it's written (allegedly) by a woman
>Women are disgusted by average / ugly men
>Women who have average / ugly male partners are dishonest whores.
>Women can only genuinely love an attractive man.
>Average / ugly men should know their place and not wonder why they are sexless / got cheated on / got divorce raped
>I'm good, you're bad. You're a bigger whore than me because you don't even like the guy you're whoring yourself to
simultaneously holy projection and lol delusional at genuine love
I've suggested this to her but she insists that she likes the act of smoking
It's either iqos or a vape
ur mum's a whore dude
Chad won't commit so I'll cope with muh independence and choosing to stay, single even though it's not really a choice because 1) Chad will never commit and 2) Settling for non-chads was never an option anyway
is this some elaborate nojkojoke?
think back to school days was there female smoker who wasn't a whore? no
Why don't incels just start an uprising? Stop playing vidya and jacking it

I'm starting one.
women are vile and a men's life is better without them
simple as
At the core of the "incel" problem lays the fundamental obstacle of "even if I enslave her, she'll never genuinely like me, desire me or love me". Only the ikibeys and nojkos of the world are free from this mental obstacle.
an incel is his own worst enemy, a loser by definition
kinda cute
I am pretty sure at the core of the problem is the fact that they can't even hurt a fly, quite literally, probably scared of insects and shit
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Only oofy-doofieth would thay thomething like thith. Only materialithtic whoreth with a hierarchy climbing agenda ever interacted with you becauthe they could clearly thee your weakneth and how eathy it would be to bend you to their wimth.

Meanwhile a thad like me only attracth women with thlave mentality who completely thubmit to me.
Who cares about that. The price for wealth and power are completely worth it. I need to start meeting Balkan Incels ASAP. They are my key, the keey to my power.

I can't do anything with oomfy-doomfys becausw no matter how much they are stepped on they will always heel. First thing I do when I'm in power is banning pornography, like actually enforcing it. You will see how quickly all the 30 year olds who live with their mom flock to me.
shut up bum gal
hahahahahahhahahahahaha, banning porn will gather together all the useless basement dwellers to become ubermensch revolutionaries hahahahahahahha
>You will see how quickly all the 30 year olds who live with their mom flock to me.
bumgal got a little taste of dick in anus and went crazy
They'll gather to find him and lynch him, but he'll charm them with his bum and win them over bro
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I mean technically you'd have to ban masturbation if you wanted to unleash havoc
Shut the fuck up nigger. I WILL bribe incels my bussy and emotional connection. I WILL have an army of 10.000 incels, I WILL overthrow the government and be emperor of the Balkans.

Just watch me.

Men are men. Once you starve them they will go feral.

he's such a woman with his I can fix them mentality hahahahahha, it's fucking hilarious

you can ban breathing if you want, enforcing it is another thing entirely
prohibition never works, it just leads to an underground market

you seem to think you even have the capability to starve anyone but yourself
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I will ban porn bro and get women out of the workforce bro. It will be very painful but I will try. Just you watch me.
>MangAl Capone dies of maymunpox he contracts during one of his revolutionary parties
hahahahahahahahahah, you're so delusional it's hilarious
will you even last 5 years I wonder
imagine reporting him to the police
>there's this muslim terrorist, he's seducing recruits with his anus
Bro average women has more STDs and more sexual partners than me. Get real. I only had one and he left me. I'm not a whore
>The latest official figures show men in their late 30s and early 40s account for a third of cases of the initially symptomless syphilis disease, which can later cover sufferers in weeping sores.

>Experts say many who contract it are likely to be divorcees returning to the dating scene, with the view that safe sex messages are only for teenagers.

What a useless country
>t. harry potter
Bro i just need to find some crazy dudes. Not that many, just like 100 or so. It's not that difficult. I'm a people person to and incels are my crowd.

I have to plastic surgery max first to make myself look like a lady. I'll be like a venus flytrap. I will lure the balkan incels, but in reality they're joining a revolutionary cult. It's fucking Helter Skelter all over again
rectalnonbinary cult haha
put mangle face on that
The only troons in my cult will be sex slaves for incels. I will choose the finest of trannies from all over the world.

You know what camp followers are? They were caravans of women armies would use as prostitutes during downtime. I will basically get a bunch of those to keep my army's hunger in control.

All the pics of my face are outdated sweety
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mangal club poster
lol, I saw that thread on /gif/
link, cba scrolling across one billion bibis threads
Sorry but incels are not gay so there will be none of that.
codemaymuns like you will cook up some big bro tech solution
>incels start killing each other over the best troons
I laughed like a spastic in the living room.

linux trannies will save the gooner race
They won't I will control them. I will keep order.
>linuxed machines start exploding
nothing personnel, gotta save the goon energy for dying for israel
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This was in the 90s.

Imagine the orgy fest highschool is now.
libreboot exists
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biggest slutwhore
Lol. I can't believe I wasn't active on incel forums earlier. This shit is a fucking goldmine. Blackpill applies to everything. Not just looks and dating but career and economics as well.

There has never been a place where I thought 'damn these guys know what's up'. /pol/ and even infinity /pol/ are all cope havens.

Really, it's only going to get worse. /pol/ copes by saying this is is unsustainable and revolution will happen. But it IS sustainable and nothing will happen.

Average man is fucked. Imagine in 2050.
>developer: leah rowe
that's a tranny isn't it?
Why do people get all riled up when middle-eastern affairs are concerned?
You won't see people quarreling about some sub-saharan scuffle, but when it's israel/gaza/iran it's everyone's business.
How is that any more interesting than a central african conflict?
>he just learned whores and gigolos exist
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>Just find an 18 year old girl to marry bro...
>girls between the ages of 14-18
>double digit hags
That's not the point retard. If you really look into this, and conclude that THAT is what I was saying then you really are brain dead retarded.

I remember in my HS there weee girls selling feet pics too. That was 2018.
>romantic AND sexual contact
so what, this is a graph of people exchanging snaps?
All a moderatly attractive 18 year old girl has to is go on line and there will be millions of men wanting to court her. She'll get offers from low level princes in fucking Dubai.

It's easier than ordering a pizza

They're obviously fucking bro. It's a 64 page study but I have to find it. Don't give me that shit.
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Kill yourself you retard
The 8/10 is now mid. Bunch of 2m tall slenderman incels with Klinefelters on their hoverboards try not to get crushed by slayer chad and his 4 girl harem on their hovercouch. Talking to anyone without an intention pass (to provide a service, to buy / sell pre-arranged items, etc. and deviating from the original intention) is a crime.
>obsessing over having sex
>t. potter
>obsessing over people having sex
>t. potter

kek tits distracted me
Ordering a pizza is an action that also requires payment. The equivalent for a woman would be pizza delivery guys blowing up her phone and showing up at her house to hand-feed her free pizza.
>incels mindbroken by other people having sex

Look at this 4channer
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>bro posts slutwhores on blue board while getting no pussy whatsoever
Between you and I, you are more likely to kill yourself little bro. You're around 30 and you have no wife, no kids, and probably no friends.
Lol I see this happening

>pedo virgin thinks he can call other people incel
ain't no secret how is and isn't in a prison like that. any dork that gets the whiff is announcing it far and wide, unless it's some nerd being molested by a roastie teacher. the scene is far deader than it used to be with boomers, unless it's some ghetto school where they're total animals and you might get actual graphs like these. or a private school with all the well groomed and adjusted richfags
bro even stole my pic to ad hominem better
of course I can call others incels bro, an incel is an incel
just stop incelcoping and accept it
Look man, I don't know what you're on about because everything you write is cope after cope after cope.

Remember that time you and I were arguing, and I was telling you looks are THE MOST important thing for getting women, and you're telling me it's money? You think you're goinf to beta bux your way getting pussy? Not gonna happen today buddy. Zoomer men and zoomer women makes the same, and that's only the zoomer men who are working. A good chunk of them have completely dropped out. Employers prefer to hire women over men.

It's absolutely over for sub 6 men. Get real.

I was first person to poat that on /balk/ bro. Don't larp as some MGTOW "oh sex is so overated" dumb little faggot.
imagine this but with bumgal's bum
arguing with a woman who places so much value on sex because it's her only value is indeed pointless
your kind are incapable of seeing sense, since that would collapse your fragile personality
>idc about sex, stop placing importance to it
>meanwhile goons to lolis
impossible that I would have ever said something so retarded. you get a woman like you get a job, connections. I agree that the rube networks are collapsing, but this is just transistory chaos in the world, not the end. if you want an actual "it's over" over this it's that we're gonna be dying in wars for the foreseeable future because of it
the ability to separate the physical act of sex from sexuality is usually achieved in its simplest stage once you learn how to masturbate, but for some particularly retarded people I guess it never sticks
What you call 'connections' are looks, bro. What you call 'social status' is looks.
Keep masturbating dumb cattle.
>be horny
>prepare for a wank
>go to porn
>first suggestion looks interesting from thumbnail
>saw some cringe sex show were gymrats brutalize naked women
>boner dies
>give up on wanking for a while
I always thought i was misoginistic but looks like i dont enjoy watching women get hurt.
keep seething bro

now you've truly given up
>keep seething bro
>watching porn
That's what you get for letting others direct what you see, bro
Your own imagination could never waste your time like that
deranged. I hear a lot of shit from richfag socialites. all their kids are in relationships from middle school, no matter how dorky they get. incelhood basically doesn't exist. they don't have to hide being gay either since they're all so liberal. I hear nightmare stories, the relationships are so clownish that the parents have to basically micromanage them as if they were kindergarteners. the only thing that protects their naivety is that rubes don't have access to their networks and can't come in and seduce the girls away with their brutish charms. this has also given me an understanding of why rich liberals like foreign migration so much, their mexican gardeners don't pose as much as a threat in this regard as whites ones would.
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his bf did this to him
When is he coming back?

>Another study by Alt et al. (2021) examined the influence people’s perceptions of facial traits had on individuals’ actual social popularity and influence, building on a social network characterization study comprising a sample of undergraduate students.

>We examined whether, even at zero acquaintance, observers accurately infer others’ social network positions—specifically, the number and patterning of social ties (e.g., brokerage—the extent to which a person bridges disconnected people) and the trait impressions that support this accuracy. We paired social network data ( n = 272 professional school students), with naive observers’ ( n = 301 undergraduates) judgments of facial images of each person within the network. Results revealed that observers’ judgments of targets’ number of friends were predicted by the actual number of people who considered the target a friend (in-degree centrality) and that perceived brokerage was significantly predicted by targets’ actual brokerage.

>Lens models revealed that targets’ perceived attractiveness, dominance, warmth, competence, and trustworthiness supported this accuracy, with attractiveness and warmth most associated with perceptions of popularity and brokerage. Overall, we demonstrate accuracy in naive observers’ judgments of social network position and the trait impressions supporting these inferences.

>Human behavior is embedded in social networks. Certain characteristics of the positions that people occupy within these networks appear to be stable within individuals. Such traits likely stem in part from individual differences in how people tend to think and behave, which may be driven by individual differences in the neuroanatomy supporting socio-affective processing.

>To investigate this possibility, we reconstructed the full social networks of three graduate student cohorts N = 275 N = 279 N = 285, a subset of whom N = 112 underwent diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
I have more but i can't paste this shit on mobile.

I'm going to bed.
who is this turkish man?
>Although no single tract in isolation appears to be necessary or sufficient to predict social network characteristics, distributed patterns of white matter microstructural integrity in brain networks supporting social and affective processing predict eigenvector centrality (how well-connected someone is to well-connected others) and brokerage (how much one connects otherwise unconnected others). Thus, where individuals sit in their real-world social networks is reflected in their structural brain networks. More broadly, these results suggest that the application of data-driven methods to neuroimaging data can be a promising approach to investigate how brains shape and are shaped by individuals’ positions in their real-world social networks.

>For each dMRI participant, we characterized their position in the social network of their cohort in terms of five social network position characteristics: out-degree centrality (the number of people whom the participant names as a friend), in-degree cen- trality (the number of people who name the participant as a friend), eigenvector centrality (the extent to which the participant is well-connected to other well-connected individuals), between- ness centrality (a global measure of brokerage measuring the fraction of shortest paths between other members of the social network that pass through the participant), and constraint (a local measure of brokerage accounting for the extent to which someone has access to non-redundant social partners
smelly dumb mizernik scum
Patterns of microstructural integrity across white matter tracts in the affective processing network significantly predicted individuals’con- straint (r=0.263, p=0.002, p FDR-corrected =0.010), betweenness centrality (r=0.240, p=0.006, p FDR-corrected =0.015), and eigenvector centrality (r=0.211, p=0.013, p FDR-corrected =0.026). Patterns of microstructural integrity across white matter tracts in the mirroring network significantly predicted individuals’con- straint (r=0.210, p=0.013, p FDR-corrected =0.026), eigenvector centrality (r=0.244, p=0.005, p FDR-corrected =0.019), and out- degree centrality (r=0.239, p=0.006, p FDR-corrected =0.022). Patterns of microstructural integrity across white matter tracts in the mentalizing network significantly predicted individuals’ eigenvector centrality (r=0.186, p=0.025, p FDR-corrected =0.033) and betweenness centrality r=0.172, p=0.034, p FDR- corrected =0.046). Patterns of microstructural integrity across white matter tracts in the face perception network significantly predicted individuals’betweenness centrality (r=0.229, p=0.008, p FDR-corrected =0.015).

>Research in sociology and ecology has demonstrated that social network position characteristics whose calculation often depends on sociocentric network data (e.g., in-degree centrality, eigenvector centrality, constraint, betweenness centrality) have particularly impactful consequences in real-world social networks. These include measures of evolutionary fitness and likelihood of survival across a variety of social species43,44, as well as social influence2, professional success1,2,9, others’perceptions of one’s competence and leadership5,45, and the likelihood of becoming the target of negative gossip and scapegoating46.
>Furthermore, whereas out-degree centrality has not been found to be heritable, other, often sociocentrically-derived, social network position characteristics have been shown to be heritable individual difference variables12.

>Thus, the latter may constitute stable traits that are relatively invariant across contexts27.

>Indeed, a growing body of research has integrated sociocentric network analysis and neuroimaging to demonstrate that people spontaneously encode and track the extent to which others hold positions of in-degree centrality47,48, eigenvector centrality, and brokerage22 in real- world social networks.

See also: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364719737_Neural_Encoding_of_Novel_Social_Networks_Evidence_that_Perceivers_Prioritize_Others%27_Centrality
>if you don't want to be an incel, just be social bro
Except if you're ugly, no one wants to go out with you. If you are attractive, people will force themselves onto you.
ok Jordan Petrovici
>glowing body of research
all this soyiencing to describe a chicken and egg situation. does physiognomy shape the soul, or the soul physiognomy? there is a simple way to address this issue and it isn't to theorycel about it. only weaklings and cowards don't inherently know it because they can't comprehend willfulness
>In origin, Socrates belonged to the lowest class: Socrates was plebs. We know, we can still see for ourselves, how ugly he was. But ugliness, in itself an objection, is among the Greeks almost a refutation. Was Socrates a Greek at all? Ugliness is often enough the expression of a development that has been crossed, thwarted by crossing. Or it appears as declining development. The anthropologists among the criminologists tell us that the typical criminal is ugly: monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo. [“monster in face, monster in soul”] But the criminal is a decadent. Was Socrates a typical criminal? At least that would not be contradicted by the famous judgment of the physiognomist which sounded so offensive to the friends of Socrates. A foreigner who knew about faces once passed through Athens and told Socrates to his face that he was a monstrum -- that he harbored in himself all the bad vices and appetites. And Socrates merely answered: "You know me, sir!"
Twilight of the Idols
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where can i buy this from
Buy it from Mango. He is muslim. He is a terrorist. He must have it.
all I see here is one extraordinary man having spermed untold amounts of minds across millennia while millions of mundane chads nutted themselves out of history and into fattening nagging wives
i hate chink websites so much
>one extraordinary man having spermed untold amounts of minds
That would be Plato. I don't think outside of Plato's work a single line exists about Socrates.
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>a man who knew faces
>"u ugly"
wow, the profoundness of the ancients
sounds like a lot of coping
get back to me when your names and faces are known even past the next 10 years let alone the next 2500
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it's pretty hilarious when you think about it
>Brothers, we must sperm Athenians' minds and convince them that Epaminondas and Pelopidas must be assassinated
>for you see they are with the coalition of beans, and everyone knows beans are sheytanic and must be shown the dock of Piraeus
my days are numbered
memories are killing me
they stomped on me
wall doesnt let me fall
ah shit forgot soap on my beard again
total beard death as soon as I get near a razor
>he's popular
>that must mean he's good
Foid logic
the good thing about total victory is that you just can't argue with it without one of your own

So mature!
>Get into relationship with man for faggot reasons
>end up coming out as the man in the relationship
My father raised me correctly it seems. Maybe if he was around i wouldn't have larped as a troon

Maybe I should have just lifted weights and gone outside.

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She looks bumgarian
which *nglo or n*rdcuck or maymunzilian stole the get let's see
Greek civilization collapsed not long after socrates bro. He's famous in the same reason elagabalus is famous. Pre-socratics are all much better. Socrates was put to death for a reason.
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friendship ended with tsinks
If there is one saving grace about this. I get to infiltrate society.

Men are not part of 'society'. Only men in relationships are. Women get to choose essentially who gets to be part of the organism, whereas single men are all looked at with suspicion.
I look down upon greek civilization as a whole, that's why I can appreciate its figures conscience free, like ants toiling in an ant farm. the challenge stands >>202875873
>I look down upon greek civilization
Bro you're albanian
very virile, yes
>gay king and gay queen hours
>a soyviet remnant in a western country
probably some lil'waynian plumber
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>bulgarians troon out and crave cock until they're blue in the face and I still outcompete them to the throne by being the straightest man in this general
god I'm so powerful
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I'm completely blackpilled at the moment. I've regressed entirely to the base instincts. It's time for dark triad, left hand path shit for me.
I would say get jacked up on test pronto but that's how you actually end up committing terrorist acts

In case you're wondering how much similar mangal is to the real Yoko Ono
I have boobs man. And they were growing nicely too. I'm also more people oriented, than object oriented. I still hate women, and love men. Half a year down the fucking drain man.
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orange man will save all yuro codemonkeys by giving them green cards
dog you're not people oriented, you're complexed up the ass, probably can barely give a heartfelt compliment let alone a fake one, you're just not built to manage people. go max out some productive professional skill while you're still young. also what happened to sleeping?
>top ten anime betrayals in 4k
>being people oriented is knowing how to give le compliments
Complete mind sperming. The only thing I do is study people, i.e social dynamics and psychology. I know about the intimate private lives of historical randos because it fascinates me. My focus is on people and social relations and always has been. Don't know what it is that you see.

>go max out your wagecuck stat
No. Lol.
orange man will save yuros
truly our greatest ally
sober locktober bros are we here
what good is any of that when you can't work them. you're a lonely incel hanging by the thread of a last cope that you're gonna fix and weaponize bulgaria's mentally ill garbage.
pick literally anything of tangible worth, photoshop, codemonkeying, bureaucracy, fashion design even.
you're talking to a kid in denial bro, 12 year-old me had a better understanding of himself than mango does at 20 something
Not incel, that's also a larp just like I larp as a troon. I'm a sympathizer—they don't accept fags into their ranks OUTRIGHT. All male group, sexless, hopeless. They are literally perfect for infiltration. I'm not going to get into my plans. But I already figured it out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA.
Will update you on progress in about 4 months.
>you're gonna fix and weaponize bulgaria's mentally ill garbage.
Yes. I will. Just watch me.
>just work for a society that wants you dead and enslaved goyim...
Yeah, yawn. No way.
>you're talking to a kid in denial
Stop feeding his ego, he gets off from being called a little kid. Bet he is rock hard right now.
>the pursuit of power and wealth is... childish!
Severe ownage bro.
Look who is rearing it's ugly head again.
obviously, he wants to show he's a big boy by rebelling
probably got ignored at home and got delusions of grandeur since he's an amerikkkan coming to save mongolia

you can't even pursue the dishes, when will you realize there's millions of carbon copies of you around the world since you're so basic
like a true solipsistic genius he was able to achieve the goal of having his bum filled whilst presenting his endeavor as part of a higher common goal, a revolution, thus offering his bummer a chance to also pretend like the bumming is merely situational, and not the final goal, of their encounter

the incelism-induced studiousness and the knowledge learnt thereof, was merely used as a tool to tease and attract the only kind of person who would do his bidding - another mentally ill 4chan freak
I WOULD like to see a national bulgaria scandal involving you, but alas all I think I'm gonna see is another instance of the 41%. you break my heart.
>when will you realize there's millions of carbon copies of you
This is a good thing. Now I must find these people, weld them into an all destructive force. I might as well be walking on the red carpet now. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

The bummer is a treacherous swine. The only one 'deleuded' is me. People can have goals and I most certainly do.
Why would I commit suicide? There is no resson to. There are many reasons to fight. Suicide would be accepting the rule of my masters. I will do no such thing!
the 41% is a path, not merely an end
acting as if you just invented gay grooming discord incels when this discourse has already come and gone is worrying
It's like a foid screeching she's a grl boss and no man is better than her, hoping a chad who is better than her "puts her in her place" iykwim

The foid's dissatisfied grunting can be heard when the person who presented themselves as chad turned out to be nothing more than a mentally unstable pushover who allowed the foid to decapitate him and consume his head.

Now after the psychological splitting, the foid is on the prowl once more, screeching even louder than before.
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now that I think about it you're at the exact same level of sentience as weebs who fly to japan to work as english teachers for 800$ a month, and then wonder why they're angry at everything and their life is shit 10 years later at a minimum wage job when their charisma man dreams haven't manifested
it takes a staggering level of self-delusion, I wonder how you people manage to avoid introspection

or this
mango will keep wandering until he solves his issues he's projecting around in the name of tataria
It's like when chad tells you pickup lines are just to give a woman an excuse to save face and "fall" for your humor rather than admit she laughed at your shitty line because of your looks.
you don't get it bro the real revolution is happening in my bum, there's battles won and lost there every day, millions of soldiers die on the great ridges of bloody colon
get a load of this even bigger fag's pozzed mind
I would never dare to challenge Gay King
I kneel (with my bum facing away from you)
Cults work. I don't know why you're going to all if the sudden pretend they don't. But instead of dildos and faggy bullshit it's arms and armor.
>breaking out of the rat race is self delusion
The only thing you have done is drank your own koolaid.
Oh and doing nothing and accepting your faith is much better? You're just a demoralized faggot that allows himself to be stepped on.
>gay seggs among fighters have never been a thing ever
>bumgal is just making up delusions in his head
son, why are you traumatized like that?
your bum is safe and impenetrable under my benevolent reign
haha I will keep laughing at you attracting these pushover dudes because you're exactly the same as emancipated argumentative girlbosses

you should try to bumgarian him, maybe he'll like it
mechanical engineering degree? machining trade?
As if you're any better, keeping your head down and knowing your place? I try to band men together, and turn them into a force and you scoff at me? Machiavelli is right. Some men prefer to be slaves.

I don't care about that crap.
ain't nobody gonna cult it up over marx dog
what have you to give?
don't say bum
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>ok lil homo, we'll follow you
I can give them nothing. They must want it themselves. And that is a chance for liberty.
I wouldn't reject them.
i harbor no ill feelings, but you have the same disease modern western women have and you'll keep attracting the same type of man over and over and you don't even have a pussy as a saving grace :( you're like every 2nd dude's nagging argumentative gf except also with no pussy
Dude, you are demoralized whereas I want off this ride by any means necessary. I don't care if I attract yes men, I don't care WHO I attract as long as they have some understanding of the issues. The last guy never cared about any of this shit. He was attracted to me, I didn't care for that, and then he left me. Not the other way around. I don't abandon my men.
they must pull themselves up by the bootstraps while you do nothing?
nigga done a pump and dump
did you think he was gonna stick around for knitting with nietzsche and a cuppa tea
What do you mean nothing? I'm organizing the force‐ (Clearly failing) and I'm supplying the material. I was literally feeding the last guy while he was NEETING on my dime. How the fuck is that nothing?
Yeah and he's saying that I betrayed him. He has a foid mentality. Not I. He blocked me, cut all contact (we will see for how long) because I don't "accept his emotions". He thinks I'm hard on him. What a fucking insane idiot.
you're right that's worse than nothing, enabling deranged bums
I acknowlege your initative, but you're wasting your youth away
based hobo chad bumpsterdiver
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>nooo I was supposed to make him associate my poopy bum and my esoteric books with food like in these pavlovian experiments!!!
bro be real, you probably made him introspect and feel like a worthless subh for not subscribing to your views or whatever mind roofies you were trying to slip him in-between aids breast feedings
I made myself a promise when I was still a young lad. I will never let go of this promise. It seems that since I am fighting monsters, I too have become a monster myself. But no, not suicide. Never suicide. I have too much of a drive to get even with the PTB. I'm not afraid of my suicide. I'm afraid that I will reach a point in which I become financially stable and lose my drive for the struggle. But no, not yet. Nearly a decade of struggle and I'm still in my twenties. I have no forgiveness. I will never be complacent.
He was bottom and I was the man in the relationship. Despite being bumgarianed.
Actually no. The real reason is much worse, though I don't quite fully understand it either. He has psychological problems. He says so himself. He switches personality. I'm only bummed out over the fact I have suffered a great financial loss by taking him under my wing.
>nah that wasn't me doing the gay shit, that was vute. i ain't gay.
will you go to sleep now
I need to take a comfy american hours detox after all this talk
No. For years I didn't let people get close to me because I was weary of their intentions and their loyalties. I got used and discarded once more, with the person I have been most intimate with ever. I will never recover from this.
this was all foreseeable from day one, and in fact I said exactly so then, not that I believe the details anyway. I don't wanna hear about it
>uwu once I turn these lights off u can use me any way u want
>oh no I got used
classic foid trope
What details do you not believe.
He is the foid in the relationship though, or at least a very whiny effeminate male who wants everything.
>and then the foid went on a smearing campaign, painting her ex as a faggot
>and all the other foids clapped and ate ice cream together
Bro he avatar fags as some woman in a video game. Why would I smear him by paintint him a faggot? That part does not offend me. I have no need to smear him.
shhhhh we're not talking about this
in all fairness mangal deserves to be respected more than whatever subhuman gets gay groomed by him, provided that any of that is even true
go gay sistaaas, gay sistahood of mutual support
My only issue is that birds of a feather flock together, I found someone who has all my negative attributes but none of the positives.
Gay King to Mango is what Ikibey is to Sashe
my heart aches for my fellow townsman
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>mfw couldn't find a murderous psychopath who is a kind person
I am both of these things though. He is also kind. Not mean. Just extremely schizophrenic.
Isn't that the classic literotica chad, the sexy monster capable of self-restraint?
Ughhhhh are you guys just goibg to make fun of me calling me a foid from now on?

Fucking albo and greek started it now the bumgarians too? Jesus christ.
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>mfw couldn't find a sane schizophrenic
I didn't know he was a schizophrenic.
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>mfw couldn't find a suicide bomber who enjoys living
suicide bombers are life enjoying 80iqs tho
Never asked anyone to commit suicide bro. Dead men are of no use to me. My human capital is already lacking, why would I destroy it?
You mean a teen girl who dreams of meeting monster chad who, every time he's challenged by her, puts her on his back and flies to Sofia where he destroys a governmental building in rage, then flies her to a field of roses and wines and dines and rizzes her up?
Teen girls are often not hungry and tend not to have 50 gigabytes worth of firearm schematics and guerilla tactics
just remembered the vampire diaries
don't ask why I know
>50 gigabytes worth of firearm schematics and guerilla tactics
Insane how much niggas gotta compensate for not having a pussy
Imagine if chuds found a way to give girls extreme vaginismus at birth and they had to learn to attract a guy without they pussy
I know how to make rockets.

I can make very good anti-personal rockets rather cheaply. TNT, Napalm, chlorine gas. All of that is trivial for me.
Nigga could make an anti-personnel rocket but he couldn't make an anti-persona rocket RIP
please allah bring sleep to our boy
I'm reading, and trying to patch up things with my only friend.
allah has forsaken us
total fake religion
I'll sleep soon, make a new thread babe.
nah, let silence reign

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