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previous >>202876515
No u

Fun to say
menendeez nutz
The gayest thing people do on this site is when they act all haughty and aristocratic. It’s so cringe-inducing that it makes me want to vomit. Usually it happens when someone losing an argument or just unable to explain themselves.
You wouldn't get it
He wouldn't get it
boy howdy i tell ya, it chews my bit to hear these city folks actin' all high and mighty. wish i could knock those varmints down a peg or two.
Momberg won't buy a beach house property because it's right on the water and thinks it's dangerous
Love how my YouTube feed is 20 videos from the channel I last watched, 10 irrelevant videos from channels with less than 100 subscribers, and none of the 250+ channels I’m actually subscribed to.
Why is this thread schizo nonsense all the time
the gayest thing people do on this site is take this site seriously
More importantly, did their father really rape them?
because you're a sub-100 iq npc
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Im like 200 iq easyly
i fucking kneel bro
genuinely genuflecting as i type this.
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I have this same problem but with my balls
Speak english nigha
The gayest thing people do is shit like this
love to see a woman with a sense of humor
when you find one let us know
bro once again i'm brought to my knees
you fucking owned me
Yes. He also molested a cousin or something
men are all the same
some of you all are all hat no cattle
That's racist.
why are arabs so anti-semitic bros
then release them they did nothing wrong
Misandry is just as wrong as misogyny
i'm sorry mama
i never meant to make you cry
but tonight, i'm coming out the closet
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Wait is spinster the one who keeps spamming this menendez shit?
spinster why did you hold in your pee for three days and unleash a goddamn waterfall down my throat
I saw an Assad interview where the interviewer called him antisemitic and he basically responded like this
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who is spinster ??
>I would never diss my own mama just for recognition
*Does it*
Meanwhile 2pac:
>Even as a crack fiend mama, you always was a black queen mama
Why is it always white rappers who diss their parents and god, it's like they have something to prove
Don't ask. It's just a few people in here have this weird fixation with naming people itt ignore thwm
If you were president, what would be your first executive order?
Free ice cream Sunday’s at the taxpayers expense.
eminem made music for suburban white kids who hate their parents
most rappers make music for black kids who have no father
mexico or usa? if it's mexico i'll leave and get the army to execute narcos while i hide out on an island.
75% taxes on unrealized capital gains
Cockblock Congress from ever sending another penny to Israel
Launch all the nukes (as a prank)
presidential assassination speedrun any%
Statehood for DC
Unite the Carolinas
Compulsory firearm ownership, and safety training in all schools
rename virginia to east virginia and west virginia to virginia
bases nuke mexico
No visa entry for India as well as a fast citizenship pathway for Indian nationals.
I quit working for a year and have regressed as a human because of it
Prefer not to say
How do you not work for a year are you independently wealthy?
rip JFK
it wasn't a lot but I dwindled a lot of it due to complacency and now have a lot less to work with
nta but i live with my mommy
Remove Israel.
i thought he was going to expose the CIA or sumfin
I would ban Mercedes and abolish anything preventing me from importing a shitbox japmobile that's less than 20 years old
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Must be nice
ehhh i'm self-aware enough to know i'm a parasite and this isn't sustainable, but i'm also utterly incompetent and don't believe in myself, so i don't see it changing anytime soon
i try to be grateful for every day i'm alive even if i'm wasting it
other famous conspiracy is that Mossad assassinated JFK/collaborated with the CIA
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I was thinking that what the jews do with the muslim prisoners to rape them with a stick makes sense, that would make a lot of sense here instead of beating the brats that sell drugs you rape them with a stick until they can't walk so they think twice about selling drugs again and you start spreading the rumor that the narcos are gay and they enjoy it.
You heard me Timmy. It's a Bharat century now
one tim hortons at a time?
great idea
you're really emphatic and truly care about the drug problem
Slow and steady wins the race
thank you, this country needs more people like me
you're emphatically gay
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get they ass
Wish I was psychotic and schizophrenic
Then I wouldn't have any problems because I'd be too insane to know what's going on
Me af
what is that background
bluds in a late 90s early 2000s fps
stop poopshaming me!
15 more national holidays
i'm a fibermaxxing poopcel
i'm a bikepilled driftmaxxing yoshicel
I've been boozemaxxing
Y'all know semen retention to maximize Vril. Now get ready to fecal retention. Guaranteed 300% increase in Vril on the first week.
there's a semen retention general on /x/ of all places
if only i could retain these tears...
erm schizophrenia and psychosis can be caused by having 6 gorillion problems, being in shit so deep you actually can go psycho. sounds like you dont have so many problems after all.
also one about taking medication to kill the space parasite that causes them to have gay thoughts.
everybody poops
Instead of being actually schizo and psycho, just act like it. Fuck it. The world is your oyster. Be free and do crazy shit.
i don't think stress causes schizophrenia
don't tell me what to do
lol what general is that
it can and does
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watch this picture
I took it
>space parasite that causes them to have gay thoughts
People go to absurd lengths just to not name the jew
they're probably faking it like>>202882237 says
Gonna steal it for my band's album cover
Don't fucking quote my posts you gay bitch
What of it
oh sweaty
something about worms, look it up in the /x/ catalog.
i'm a crymaxxed emotioncel
i am a fan of breasts attached to biological females
big bouncing balls of fun
humina humina humina humina
Sorry that was very rude of me.
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it's ok you're right, i won't quote you anymore...
you can tell if someone is faking schizophrenia easily


anyway yeah you can can become schizophrenic from traumatic life events
I am glad that we reached and understanding, but I still regret my harsh words. I hope we can put this behind us and remain friends.
in fact i'm done responding to canadians. and there are hardly any mexicans in here, so it's time for /cum/ to take it's rightful place as /USA/
canucks go back to /brit/, you commonwealth cucks
would you like some french cries and a wahhmburger with that
Fuck off. You’re going to make people stop giving me (You)s as well
there's a couple american posters i dont like so im against this
Stay mad, (You)slut.
yeah but NO ONE likes you pal
More like /ISRAEL/ am I right fellas?
Me? I’m enjoying this 4 hour lecture
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lol gottem
and a diet cope
your mom does
United States, South Africa
where my boers at
i'm a crackshot
boering zzz
>boers at
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stop poopshaming
why couldn't we save them bros
we should have gone there instead of iraq
Fuck! I should have said
>more like /GOY/ am I right fellas
Wasted golden opportunity. I am a failure. This is why my uncles touched molested me.
Jason's troon alter ego also goes by Samantha
your prime minister is a gay despot who has been in power for like a decade now
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It's not right. Janny hangs out in /cum/ all day banning anyone for any vaguely political post whereas /mena/ and /isr/ are allowed to turn their threads into war threads.
jason died 13 years ago get over it already
Please, call me Spin. Spinster was my dad.
Nobody molested me cause I'm discostan
That's because war is relevant to their neck of the woods.
If you wanna discuss war, you better start one in the CUM ZONE
Cum warfare threads will then be OK
allowing my mild disdain for canacucks to boil over into full-blown, mein kampf-level hatred
no clearly an election in the year of 2024 isn't relevant to the US or Canada at all
blames the British for that
>rent free in amerilard heads
Another day of being the second most powerful race on earth. (The first are Filipiyes)
afrikaners are still around homes
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yeah they show up every now and then going
>ooooooouhhhhh we're being genocided!
Elections and politics are gay and cringe, war is cool and based.
Any more questions bub?
golem would be more appropriate
>like a decade now
I don't understand that, presidents in canada can be reelected indefinitely? here you can only be president for 6 years and if you want to stay in power you put a puppet.
and no one helps them
we need that money for israel dammit
Really? I thought they didn't exist anymore or were only in small farms away from everyone?

who fucking cares, they are literally subjects of a pedophile king LMAO
But they’re especially strict about banning political discussion in /cum/ whenever there’s an actual happening in North America (not even going to name the ones in which everyone got banned, to avoid drawing their attention)
yer done bud yer banned yer gone
Okay okay. I understand everyone's grievances, but you guys are forgetting a very basic tenet of 4chan culture and lore.
Mods are, always were, and always will be fags.
Just accept it and move on. Your nervous system will thank you for it.
War is very interesting, but it is most certainly not based.
The only reason why I am thin is because I'm contrarian.
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you even get banned for three days for posting the funny /int/ monke
smoking the poo bong
It certainly is when my side wins.
this extends to all canacucks
Your side endures death and suffering to get there. Diplomacy would have been better.
War is never justified unless you are literally being invaded
The Great Cookie Caper
I come from actual nobility and have a family crest and would be rich today if the Soviets didn’t steal my families property ( we owned an entire street in a large European city as well as oversaw the rail for half the country ).
damn the soviets were kinda based in the beginning
i hope when i find my dream gf she'll lift me out of my dull and dreary life and turn me into the best version of myself with fame and success and glory and a harem of concubines to serve my every whim.
You need to at least start doing that yourself before finding a gf. I don't believe in "you have to love yourself first!", but you at least have to not hate yourself and be on track towards improvement
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>I come from actual nobility
that's what people always say here, they swear that their ancestors were knights, kings or conquerors when most likely they are descendants of some random peasant.
>invaded virgin cope
>invader chad superiority
what street in what city
yeah but he's clearly saying that his family came to canada with the last century or so, while your panchos are claiming to be descended from don quixote
Damn my family is also White Émigré.
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>mfw I'm a vegetarian and I see a carnist complain about meat prices
my version of self improvement is bathing. does that count.
My ancestors were Greek mountain peasants
No, we were wealthy landed nobility. Not royalty. At least my family still owns a bunch of land in the old country. The point is, I should be a NEET living a life of luxury and it’s the fault of communists I am not.
>his family came to canada with the last century or so
also my family and they were a bunch of spanish peasants.
my ancestors had sex with goats
my ancestors were hillbillies, farmers, fishermen, milkmen, soldiers
jy is'n poes
My ancestors were giftcard phone scammers
my ancestors built railroads until the rail companies discovered black people and they just kinda got stuck in Ohio
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my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather in Scotland owned a castle, so i guess you could say i'm Scottish myself.
my ancestors were kings and queens
We should restore titles and names across Europe ( and also have them be legitimate titles in Canada ). It’s bullshit that I should be rich but I am not.
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my grandfather's brother drunkenly fought against the gendarmerie in his town and killed a policeman after he was hanged in a tree.
there will come a time when you are close to dying, and when you want to step into that great white light, you will hear, faintly, "my son, do not redeem... it is not your time yet"
Honestly I don’t even care about the title the government should just give me $5,000,000 and I’ll drop all my claims.
and chieftains
i'd pay 100,000 if the government was legally required to call me "his royal highness king of vermont" on all official documents.
wtf canadians shouldn't be able to use the same dollar sign as us
What about Mexicans and Australians and Kiwis
is the generic symbol for money
well they can all use the same one if they want, but it can't be ours, obviously
always felt this way
I should have mentioned, they were Greek mountain peasant, but they traveled to Bucharest frequently to sell goods.
They spoke Greek, Romanian, and Aromanian
i can deal with cum talking about its bowel movements but family history is a step too far.
i like to think my ancestors were drunk frenchmen who new that maple injun pussy was the best, and thus I cant resist the urge to think pussy is better on the other side of the sea. I wouldn't even be surprised if they were norman descent.
Didn't know truth and reconciliation day was a actual holiday until today
Im not a virgin ngl
hey bud you can't even spell /cum/ right so buzz off, will ya?
maybe that guys semen was actually talking to him o_0
look at my descendants dawggg
c for chud
u for unlovable
m for mouthbreather
no no i'm sure this is right this fits me perfectly
You guys are weirdos
I'm a PIV virgin but I have engaged in other naked sexual activities with women. I'm saving my actual virginity for my first GF
>he isn't rich
>his family wasn't able to cut it in the new world and fell
>he is part of some irrelevant branch of the family that has mingled with commoners
Anon I'm sorry, but I feel no sympathy for you. We may have been unseated from our lands, but I am still a count with noble blood in my veins. There's an entire active peerage still keeping to tradition.
you will never be a virgin
you have no hymen, no biological markers of whether you have had sex
at first you fail, try, try ,try ,try again
if at first you fail, remember that there are chinese 9 year old better than you ever will be
Talk about fish
this canacuck is a noble with no subjects lmao
why don't furries include fish within the "scaly" umbrella if they have scales
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For me, it's the tassled wobbegong
Because they are cowards
thousands of years from now, archaeologists will unearth your skeleton and say "this one was a male, he probably had sex"
>who pushed the fish
I want as few useless decorations in my house as possible, but that fish will probably end up being one. Especially if I could get it to play different and more songs
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waiting for Raw to start
I got a package right here for you
*unzips fly*
the deep sea regions are hell
the worst part about poverty in america is being subjected to constant noise
if you want play acting just watch the mean girls musical.
As a poor non subhuman,, you MUST learn to silencemaxx. It's imperative for your very survival
I go to live musicals when I can
I'm cultured
did you buy a dildo?
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(different leaf but)
Pretender LARP is barely any better than having no titles at all. Illustrious blood flowing through your veins is cool and all, but you’ve got to do something with it. I’m descended from one of the most important royal houses in Europe, and by extension descended from kings in effectively all European countries, since they all intermingled with royal marriages. Doesn’t count for much, if I’m reigning over nothing. The name of the game for the nobility is conquest, not preening over ancient lost titles. The origins of the nobility was as warriors; the effete villa-dwellers that people think of when you say “aristocrat” were at a pretty advanced level of decadence and degeneracy.
what do you mean
Brian ordered some more poo
Millennia ago I was cursed with immortality by the demon Ithrexios. Everyone I have ever loved has died. I am close to 500,000 years old. I have seen the beginning and end of countless civilizations. Am I too old for college?
new netflix true crime slop just dropped
imagine how many mentally ill women masturbated to them
women are so unrelatable and so beneath me that I just can't in good faith be sexually or romantically attracted to them
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anthem mogged by a china knock off
I cold-emailed a bunch of professors at Ivy League universities when I had a science fair project in 7th grade, generally just asking for advice, and most of them got back to me with helpful stuff
i emailed trudeau about the immigration problem and he actually responded
They sold you for an onion.
I'll give him one thing: he seems to be oot and aboot and talking to regular citizens
Some members of my extended family met him
isnt there a guy on /cum/ or /int/ generally i don't know where i saw it who is trudeaus cousin and babysat trudeaus kids lol
I’ve met him twice, once at a private event
I met joe biden as a kid in 2008 when he came to give a speech at my school
canada has a populaton of like 75,000
post is over 5 years old and people are still coming back to the comments going "can't stop thinking about this".
What did he say?
My stepmother and her family met him. My stepmother is native and grew up on a rez. Trudeau literally went to the rez and talked to natives. As I understand it my stepmother's sister is some sort of community leader there.
I met Trudeau at a pizza party
I'm going to erect an 80 foot statue of me kicking your ass
Is it true that Trudeau can’t sweat
Just bought some blackberries
sounded like some chat-gpt bullshit honestly. "we understand your concerns but!" he said that immigrants enrich our communities and i swear to god i saw some psa ad on tv with that exact same slogan a year later. as if he came up with it from my email! ffs.
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At this time of year? They must have cost an arm and a leg.
He definitely worked up a sweat by the end of the night
I saw Sarah Palin from hundreds of feet away when my parents dragged me to a conservative rally in D.C. in 2008.
There were anti-abortion schizos proudly displaying posters of aborted fetuses.
Got his ass
what is his favourite pizza toppings
there are still blackberries you can go out and pick wdym
4 dollars for a pound, not bad.
When are they supposed to be in season?
My brother has the most extreme, textbook case of ADD or ADHD. Its really ruined his life due to inability to focus on anything or get stuff done. Ive been watching him for years just get worse and worse. If we wake up at 9am to go somewhere it is impossible for him to get dressed and out the door sooner than 1pm. And thats the best case. More likely he will not successfully dress himself until 2 or 3pm. He's incapable of holding down a job. He literally will just endlessly cycle between things for hours, stop and start playing a mobile game on his phone or scroll facebook. Idk how to help him, he really, really needs professional help.
i wish i had a brother
It was almost certainly written by some junior staffer, and not the PM himself. They probably get thousands of emails a day, most of them from actual schizos with delusions of grandeur
I'm a Christian
That getting ready shit is weird.
I have terrible adhd but I still can make it out the door in the morning with ease.
I'm cripping
my brothers are actually mentally challenged, my parents want nothing to do with them, except pressuring me to take care of them for my entire adult life and blaming me for stupid shit they do
john lennon invented the crip walk
the crips founded the beatles
Neighbor's rat ankle biter dog won't stfu
i choose to believe trudeau himself wrote it. it was not a long email and he signed his name on it.
Gordie Howe never faced is greatest rival, Gordie Why. For that reason I don't think he belongs in the hall of fame.
rey mysterious just got unmasked
Im kind of in the same boat. I have to pay all the bills because i live with him and he's perpetually broke due to ZERO ability to focus or follow through on anything. Its legitimately ruined his life. He has a daughter too, his ex took the kid recently after she was tardy to school 80 times during the school year. Which considering she only stayed here 50% of the time is crazy. I watched him regularly not leave with her until 11am or 12pm , despite classes starting at 7:30.
You don't have it as terrible as him. It takes him literal DAYS to finish washing some dishes. Half a week to do laundry. I've watched him lose hundreds of dollars because he fails to do important things on time. The fucked up part is that its gotten progressively worse. Like genuinely he may need to be institutionalized or something. I want to move out but he would 100% end up homeless without family support.
remind me in 3 hours to wish jimmy carter a happy 100th
>He's still alive
Elites bathe in the blood of infants and inject stem cells from aborted babies to prolong their life
hezbollah getting merked
"Moo Deng" translates to "Bouncy Pig".
if that were true then why are both bodganoff twins dead
They knew too much
That's awful
I didn't realize adhd could be so bad. I wonder if he has some other underlying issue
im probably adhd but what i do is sometimes i read a page of a book, then clean for 5 minutes with a timer on, then read the next page, then 5 minute clean etc.. also works with my personal projects
They've ascended to become beings of pure energy
My dog smells like corn chips again
Post pics of dog
is that because he's eating corn chips
it's the paw pads. they smell like Doritos.
i wrote ummm some 20 lines of code today lol!
i hate how dogs smell
I hate how you smell
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She's technically my roommate's dog so I don't think I have the authority to post her online, but she loves me and cuddles with me in bed every day.
I'll post her paws. She's a Rottweiler
No out here in Eastern Canada

I envy you, I love blackberries so much it's unreal. Alas, right now they cost about $5 CAD per half-pint (6 oz wt).
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Meanwhile I'm here with this dumbass
well bud erm you see..... unhygienic neckbeards arent jumping on me and licking my face
Strangers should fear her yes, but she loooooves her family (me and my roommates)
That's a rodent
Just woke up for me nap
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Does this look like someone you'd want to piss off by saying that?
New: >>202884995
he looks quite cross. did you upset him?
I think trudeau is scared that the conservatives will open up all those files on scandals liberals refused to release
Buildup of yeast on his skin
Get him washed
Someone make a better new please
Queen spinster where are you
My dog could beat up your dog
you just called him a dumbass
please fuck off or make better bakes.
reckon that's a ftm tranny lol
Why don't you make it
This retarded site always makes me wait 300 seconds or filters my post as spam for some reason
Okay fucking fine give me 300 seconds.
i can make the new
but i wont
I'll make it hold on
Why not
um no ill make it lol
Why do I get the feeling we're about to end up with 5 breads again

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