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Amplexus edition

Dogberg is bothering me again
that'll do pig, that'll do.
Finally a proper QUEEN SPINSTER thread
I rarely get the 300 second timer, for some reason
What's so confusing?
thread theme
i saw what you posted last thread you fucking idiot
They literally made the frogs gay
it's kinda weird to me that anal sex is just part-and-parcel of being gay
there just seems like a big leap between giving a cheeky blowjob and getting your asshole blown out
You guys are gay frogs
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If I were gay, I'd rather just lay on top of my partner and rub dicks like in missionary than to go up an ass
i'm a failure
you're gay. that's gayer than anal sex.
yeah or share a double-sided onahole
The one on the far right is a female
The frogs are just so horny that they latch onto other males trying to fuck the female
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>a single image in /cum/ besides OP
we are a low-effort general
i recognize that the implication of you posting is that "getting molested as a child >>> you becoming gay" but i want you to know that that is a dated and hurtful and untrue stereotype.
wrong thread, /fr/ is that way
It really isn't though. There are plenty of ways to engage in gay sex without ever doing anal. That has always been a myth perpetrated by straight people because their normie brains can't fathom sexual contact that isn't penetrative.
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i simply don't have any images to contribute that wouldn't be reposts.
gay sex but its a femboy porking an ubermasculine hulk hogan ftm in the mangina
It's true thoughbeit
spinny post butthole
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Here's another image with no relevance to the discussion.
It's what happened to George takei and Milo yianopolis
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or this
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could the world exist if i'm not looking at it? i dont think so
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or perhaps even...this?
alright i'll stop now i don't want to be spammy.
but cyclists? um yeah let's shine our brights on them lol!
Nigga stop smoking weed.
Around 12% of the world population is, and always has been, gay. There aren't that many touchy uncles. And what about all the kids that get molested and don't turn out gay? It is obviously a genetic thing.
im not even really a sonicfag and im not gay but these gay sonic mpreg memes are um doing something to me
You're saying a lot of bullshit but first of all
>Always has been
This is a presupposition on your part that you could not possibly prove. You're a bad faith actor and not worth discussing this with. Improve your critical thinking skills
>You're a bad faith actor
erm kind of a projection isnt it?
How so, leafy?
it only takes a perverted and vocal minority of fags to cause a lot of damage
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not quite the same. the first one is banning you for something you are. the second one is banning you for something you do.
michael jackson proved that outdated assumption of yours false
you dont actually believe that every homosexual is gay because of being molested as a child, you don't actually believe every single one of them was, its just a statistical impossibility. (and the fact that not all molested turn into gay) so your theory doesn't account for gays that werent molested, so it doesnt explain why they're gay. you are oversimplify it
you're born a gamer and die a gamer
Gamers are the most oppressed race, /cum/ is the most oppressed general
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I'm sorry for generalizing and not typing a 5000 word essay for every single possible exception
Yeah, right, I forgot that gays only came into existence in the sixties. Weird how that happened right around the time you couldn't get fired or arrested for simply being homosexual.
You seem to have misunderstood
You gave an exact percentage
This is the bullshit part
You probably phrased what you meant to say poorly
Some gays got physically abused without a sexual component tbqh, but are we really going to ignore a massive correlation between homofags who got molested then grew up into a homofag/molester themselves?
ok but you realize that the existence of gays who aren't molested disproves the theory that homosexuality is only caused by molestation right?
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Our narco-president managed to reduce poverty in the country by letting the narco kill the poor and not spending money on public hospitals.
>usps attempted to deliver your package
I didn't know being a lazy fuck counts as an attempt
Every rule has exceptions
some gays had a good upbringing with no abuse or traumatic life experience
Yeah and some black people become doctors
This or "The Big Short", which is the better 2007-8 financial crisis movie?
In countries with anti-persecution laws the polls routinely report around 10-15% of responders indicating a non-straight sexuality.
>every gay was molested
>this is false
>every rule has exceptions
that's not how exception to the rules works you can't use it as a thought terminating cliche to dismiss counter evidence that disproved your all encompassing statement
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so you are willing to admit that some people are naturally gay?
>every gay was molested
Unless this was in the initial TikTok video which I didn't post or watch, nobody said this
the bible says homosexuality is wrong, so it is. and i don't wear mixed fabrics either.
feel free to reply with images of gigachad quoting my post
>Lose control of colony
>As a result, your only way to influence your own brainchild organization is through a friendly state that shares your ideology
>Doesn't work anyway because the AU is owned by Westerners
America wouldn't even have to compete for influence in Africa and the Caribbean if the government would stop hijacking our projects.
How often do.you cut your toe nails?
first lets see a source on your prior claim of molested kids turning gay at a meaningful rate
Of course and some people are naturally prone to violence or alcoholism
It doesn't mean we justify destructive behaviors just because it is genetic in some way
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I cut mine when holes begin to appear in my socks
shifting the goalposts
How? I said it can be either/or. You're the one who kept nagging about it being natural
replying to someone with just the name of a logical fallacy should be a bannable offense
Homosexuality is not any more destructive than heterosexuality. Like most normie NPCs you just want a target for your failures that society says is okay for you to target, because also like most normie NPCs you are a domesticated herd animal.
>n-no you
I accept your concession

>83% of lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ) individuals reported going through adverse childhood experiences such as sexual and emotional abuse
Homofaggots themselves admit they disproportionately got molested or abused. It's only when someone they do not like points this out they suddenly deny it.
where is my girlfriend?
Homosexuals do not have a moral compass, other than their appetite
It's why their personality revolves around sexuality
no mexican posters
why for you post in /cum/ but never /brit/
we have a mexican and a fake mexican
pretty sure someone said that homosexuality is solely caused by molestation or intended it to come off that way
so we can agree that homosexuality can be caused either naturally or from (adverse) (or other) experiences
I'm not going to read your regurgitated oped. Link the actual study.
maybe you only see the ones whose life revolves around sexuality because the normal ones don't talk about it
>pretty sure someone said
Pretty sure you're dishonestly being dishonestly misinterpretive, like most fags are
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Tonight, Michael Caine is a nazi
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That’s obviously not true when you look at statistics. It’s a social contagion that either needs to be contained via mechanisms like shaming or criminalization, or else it snowballs into a civilization-level crisis.
britain filter plus brit is shit
Do homosexuals hold their community accountable for such behavior?
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When people criticize others for generalizing, they admit that it’s generally true LOL
this survey (with a small sample size of people only in one area btw) doesnt clarify whether the molestation happened before or after realizing one is gay, or that it's a correlation and not a cause (a gay might be naturally more feminine, and a feminine boy might be more vulnerable), doesnt account for other factors that would skew results (gay more likely to be open about life experiences)
i don't think there should even be a homosexual "community", it should be a private thing. that's individuals choosing to be obnoxious.
one XL cow water please
no one said "on average" it was only said as a counterpoint to that gay can be born natural
>study by Vanderbilt University Medical Center
>I'm not reading a regurgitated post by Vanderbilt University Medical Center, link the study
Most honest homosexual defender
What is this argument? Do incels hold each other accountable when one of you shoots up a school? You aren't personally responsible for other people's behavior, what in the flying fuck.
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im not gay lol. so much for
>you are being presumptuous and misinterpreting me!
>When you say I'm wrong, youre actually saying I'm right
>The posts are there
None of them say what you are saying they say
I agree, if only they did too
Mass shooters are all trannies now, grandpa
>60,000 people across 8 states
>3000 LBBQ+ individuals
>small sample size
Wew lad
Why are you holding me accountable for what I said?
Is there a reason for this?
Or it only applies for "the other side" not your own, right? I dont have a problem condemning right wingers for doing fucked up shit
*chugs it in one go*
This is 4chan, if you get into an argument with somebody it means you are their personal strawman.
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Name the 8 states.

I dare you.
Holy god you really are dumb. How the fuck are you a real person. How did you survive long enough to learn how to type.
tell me about canada milk why milk bags?
We should discuss the eightfold path instead
A bloobloo
based on the rate of growth on those graphs, what’s the realistic trendline for when the USA becomes 100% 2SLGBTPQIAA+
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Still waiting on your source btw
the west is finished
This doesn't show anywhere that the molestation caused homosexuality or even happened before onset of homosexuality.
That’s mostly just an Ontario thing, with bags available but less popular than gallon jugs in a few other provinces. I buy it in gallon jugs.

In terms of why, I think it’s because it’s cheaper and ‘less wasteful’ than using sturdy jugs, but it’s also worse for spoilage, as once the bags are pierced, they can’t be resealed like the cap on a jug or carton.
the global north is DONE-ZO
How come most child molestation cases are men touching boys?
>just ignore this giant statistically relevant correlation, it must have no bearing on anything
Bad faith

>In terms of why, I think it’s because it’s cheape
I see, it's like that government milk they used to give for free in mexico.
You mean a privately funded study targetting the gay community wasn't entirely honest??

Jimmy Carter has been alive for 40% of US history.
I just ate açaí and I want more
(1) adolescents who reveal their same-sex sexual orientation are targeted for maltreatment (D’Augelli & Grossman, 2001; Saewyc et al., 2006); and (2) adolescents exploring same-sex attractions may put themselves in risky situations, increasing likelihood of maltreatment (Corliss et al., 2002; Holmes & Slap, 1998). A second explanation proposes that sexual orientation minorities disproportionately exhibit gender-nonconforming behaviors in childhood (Rieger, Linsenmeier, Gygax, & Bailey, 2008; Roberts, Rosario, Corliss, Koenen, & Austin, 2012) and are targeted for maltreatment (Alanko et al., 2010).

A third explanation is that reported differences are attributable to differential recall of maltreatment by sexual orientation, due either to self-reflection during the coming out process or to differential willingness to endorse stigmatizing experiences (Corliss et al., 2002). A fourth explanation is that maltreatment increases likelihood of same-sex sexuality. Four pathways have been hypothesized: (1) maltreatment may cause loss of self-worth and create a stigmatized identity in victims; therefore, maltreated persons with same-sex preferences may be more willing to adopt another stigmatized identity, namely minority sexual orientation (Saewyc et al., 2006);(2) sexual abuse, perpetrated primarily by men, causes boys to believe they are homosexual (Gartner, 1999); (3) sexual abuse of girls by male perpetrators causes victims to be aversive to sexual relationships with men (Marvasti & Dripchak, 2004); and (4) sexual abuse of boys by men “teaches” homosexuality (Cameron & Cameron, 1995, 1996) (see also LeVay, 1996).
Why was what we now call homosexuality synonymous with pederasty for all of history until the 1960's or so? Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
The milk isn’t actually significantly cheaper. I just mean it’s slightly cheaper for the manufacturer to use thin plastic bags instead of plastic jugs, like in the order of a few cents per unit. A gallon of milk is like CA$7 now, so it doesn’t make a difference to the consumer.

For some reason, Ontarians have embraced their inferior milk bags as a point of pride and identity, and then that gets extended to all of Canada internationally, as ON is the biggest province by population.
>le correlation
you were saying that it is a causation (that molestation directly CAUSES homosexuality) and that a study showing a correlation is prove of that causation. see >>202885940
i can't play the guitar.
but i can play dragon quest.
will that still impress girls.
nig nogs
why was being an old unmarried women synonymous with being a witch until the modern age
>A fourth explanation is that maltreatment increases likelihood of same-sex sexuality. Four pathways have been hypothesized: (1) maltreatment may cause loss of self-worth and create a stigmatized identity in victims; therefore, maltreated persons with same-sex preferences may be more willing to adopt another stigmatized identity, namely minority sexual orientation (Saewyc et al., 2006);(2) sexual abuse, perpetrated primarily by men, causes boys to believe they are homosexual (Gartner, 1999); (3) sexual abuse of girls by male perpetrators causes victims to be aversive to sexual relationships with men (Marvasti & Dripchak, 2004); and (4) sexual abuse of boys by men “teaches” homosexuality (Cameron & Cameron, 1995, 1996) (see also LeVay, 1996).
Faggot in French? Pédé, short for pédéraste

Faggot in Russian? пидop (pidor), short for пeдepácт (pederást)
All ancient Greek homosex had a large age gap, in fact that was an explicit part of it. Being a spinster was never synonymous with being a witch lol the Salem witch trial started with young girls being accused then accusing others.
Shame there weren't three other much more plausible explanations than pedophiles molesting literally millions of children every single day at faster than light speeds
russia has the right approach to gays
publicly denounce them, privately incorporate male rape into your institutions
What happened this time?
He said the thing
why are you ignoring all other explanations? all 4 can be (and are) true. why are you ignoring them...?
7 days left till i vote yes on amendment 3
idk if I should comment that some bitch isnt selling a vintage bike even though it's definitely not worth what she's asking for. I only noticed because it's the same model I had when I had as a kid in 2010ish. She's ripping people off for an aluminum frame
In Brazilian Portuguese do you pronounce the letter r Similar to how we do in American English ?
Watching some Brazilians and it sounds like they do
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Yes comment dont let someone be ripped off
Well the other anon said it was genetic lol
Did you know your injury can get you up to 12 million dollars and even more with Morgan & Morgan?
Israel invaded Lebanon.

girls want to hear Wonderwall
Just in time for the US election
the fact that the canadian posted info that partially affirms the opposing side along with info that opposed it is proof that he was the only one in here arguing in good faith lol. the other arguers wouldn't have posted that post.
alright hezbollah, this is what you've been training for you stupid sandnigger fucks
let's see some action
Because it obviously is genetic.
Can’t remember what city I live in
did the other anon say it was always genetic 100% of the time or are you unable to understand generalizations lol erm? >>202885728
who cares we all know who will win
Are they going to invade Yemen too?
You have no data to support this
going to emit semen from my phallus soon
ain't no party like a diddy party
No, you are. The U.S. is planning a ground invasion of Yemen alongside the UK and France, as a reaction to the failure of Prosperity Guardian
Fuck off
T. Cassie
is hezbollah better organized than hamas? they seem to have a higher reputation, can't imagine they're on the same level as IDF though
There is a gay phenotype. There are gay stereotypical behaviors. The middle kid is always the gay one. Do you need me to provide you with an official document stating that the sun is bright? Don't be an idiot.
Make Israel and Saudi Arabia do it instead
Hezbollah is one of the most sophisticated intelligence networks in the world, probably more than the CIA
i just reported and blocked her
im not dealing with some retard karen
now let's the fag-defenders and the fag-bashers go to defending hezbollah and israel, respectively
this is such a hilarious clown world
That's why they half of them got blown up by pocket calculators
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dogberg is knocking on my door should i let him in?
So did USA by Iraq and Afghanistan
It depends on their objectives, and how far they’re willing to go with war crimes, genocide, etc. Recall that the U.S. lost against the Taliban after 20yrs of occupation. Vietnam, too. They might see better outcomes than Afghanistan if they go for outright extermination, but that’d be liable to turn them into a complete pariah state internationally; very bad PR.
Supposedly. They had some success against Israel in the 2006
But for me it’s hard to imagine this going well for them after the exploding pager shit and the nasrallah assassination
I don't give a shit abount Palestine or Lebanon
Yemen is the only issue that affects us directly since they seem to be launching missiles at trade vessels
Why would I defend Hezbollah? They murdered 400 people in cold blood, in broad daylight.
I remember arguing with some dumtard here on /cum/ and he was adamant that Prosperity Guardian was a smashing success lmao
He did, & is still doing it kek >>202886183
no, he knows what he did.
let him sit outside, in the dark, in the rain, in the blistering cold.
stay strong.
world would be so much better if we had never evolved past monkeys
i don't know where lebano is? what do they do for the world?
>fag bashers
>pro zionist entity
i think you just don't understand generalizations
They’re in the Bible
tacos al pastor come from a Lebanese Christian immigrant to Mexico
im back
I don't like them
technically we still are apes, just highly evolved ones
I'm not generalizing. Homosexuality is genetic. That's my whole point, you can't "make" someone gay. You either are or you aren't. Physical sexual affinity is largely based on hormones and pheromones. You aren't going to rape a kid so hard it fucks up their pheremones that's stupid and I'm sick of seeing morons spouting that bullshit.
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business idea: tacos topped with mejican cum
I cracked and let him in
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and WHO are YOU?
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You aren't going to convince these smooth brains of anything that challenges their world view. Don't waste your time.
just because I don't like pork with marinade?
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FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
homosexuality intrinsically is inborn and unchangeable (true homosexuality) but as a behaviour, even as a long term commitment, the non-true-gays can partake in it (acquired homosexuality). you can't change whether you are true-gay or not but you can become practically gay.
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im mr. nobody
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wait are you saying you'd go gay for him
what a queer
Crispy carnitas
Me and who
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dogberg is bringing all his toys onto my bed
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I'm 30 years old and some middle-aged woman I was attending a function with unironically thought I was 16 (she thought maybe I would be someone her teenage son could hang out with).

I'm never ever going to make it, buds.
Redpill me on Valium
I’m just an old chunk of coal
what is dogberg's favorite toy?
me on the right
I know it's just so frustrating. The worst part is these assholes don't even believe it themselves they just post that trash for le heckin ebin plebit updoots. They don't think about how there are actual hillbillies and skitzos out there that DO believe it and they use it to actively harm our communities.
it could be worse I'm 28 and everyone thinks I'm over 30
That's a good thing
>The worst part is these assholes don't even believe it themselves they just post that trash for le heckin ebin plebit updoots.
a big yellow ball but he brought a giant snake into my bed
Fags are disgusting
It's only good if you have actually look good, like a typical boyband musician for example.
i give myself very good advice
but very seldom follow it
I'm 27 and a few weeks ago a prepubescent kid asked me if I go to [local middle school] unironically.
Hezbollah is 5 times more palatable than mossad, Hamas, Taliban or ISIS
I have the opposite experience
I’m 20 and people think I’m 30
how so
you mean the way the word sounds? it is fun to say
hezbollah hez-boll-ah
If you actually believe that homosexuality is caused by childhood molestation you are either Indian or you sniffed way too many markers growing up. Either way I wish you would either die or fuck off.
What does palatable mean
Careful what you say about entities that are legally blacklisted in your country, lest you get watchlisted or door-knocked
It means you could put it on a plate
bro i'm already on a watchlist for sure, if the government has to waste time and resources on me, the better for their real enemies
Why did he attack us Indians out of nowhere
It's time for you to looksmaxx
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>Either way I wish you would either die or fuck off.
oh no...
no one likes pajeets
also you unironically believe such things about gays
Being a fagosexual is indeed one of the rare cases of things that are environmental. Faggotness is avoidable

have you heard the news?
> out of nowhere
idk we make people seethe just by existing, it's hilarious
So you're two fingers in your asshole away from craving cock is what you're saying.
Wtf is wrong with her face
another grim thread
americans do it all the time
do you have proof that homosexuality is always environmental and always avoidable in every individual
why are fags so bad at reading comprehension? is it the parasites in their intestines or what?
does she make him poo barms
do any of you youngins remember when metrosexuals were a thing
what a world
no it does not mean that you want to fuck trains
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>accuses me of not understanding
>actually he did not understand the other anon
many such cases
Shut up dalit
yes we exist, get used to it timothy
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I have an exam tomorrow, I'm not entirely prepared but I don't feel like studying. I'm just going to wing it and see how it goes. Hopefully I improve how I study by the next exam.
pungent mud flows pouring out from her perfect pudgy poohole

yeah. early 2000s
Business idea:
/int/ but your flag is based on your DNA, not your IP location
Are they not still a thing?
why are you assuming im gay even after i said im not? could it be that you're arguing in bad faith..... hmmm......
yes, literally everything is learned experience. for instance right wing chudarooskis say that racial differences in IQ is genetic when it's clearly because black people grow up in the projects and eat lead paint.

ergo being a fagosexual is also
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Eating icecream.
this is the world we would live in if the axis had won
it's not fair bros...
>you are either Indian or you sniffed way too many markers growing up
I love when leftists get all hot and bothered then join in on the jeet hate. BASED
>Info Wars was right* all along
*technically it was transing the frogs, but trans wasn't part of the common lexicon at the time, so grouping them into "gay" made sense for the time
thats so juicy and delicious
peanut butter?
im split between 4 countries is it just random then? dna tests don't seem to agree on which one is most prominent lol!
need to feed lana the whole bowl
i want to feed on the scraps (out of the other end)
i remember because when i went to bandcamp in 2005 my roommate was a rising senior and his girlfriend constantly described him that way. we were in rural oregon not anywhere near the hustle and bustle of the big city.
not in the zeitgeist at least, no.
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Thoughts on my tanline?
I wasn't responding to you, dumbass retard. However I will now and tell you to learn to fucking read. moron idiot
Vice city is still cool but you have to admit it is objectively worse than every GTA after it
unironically seem to be more Jeet-American posters than Jeet-Canadian posters in /cum.
that's a leap. blacks are naturally lower iq and gays are naturally gay.
Make a mutt flag for mutts
My ethnicity is stateless. What flag would I get then?
we are all racists here
Are you a gypsy?
>not quite the same
The first was deserved and the second isn't.
Why do you have two big toes
>moron idiot
hey that's how women on imageboards try to insult people and "be hard" lol anyone have the post screenshot about that?
>see I'm cool and racist so I can also be anti-gay!
Circassian. We suffered the worst genocide ever (95-97% were killed) but no one cares about it.
umm sorry pal that's Human BioDiversity and is a nazi dogwhistle.
It was better than Chinatown Wars or Liberty City Stories
but im white with blond hair and a10 eyes
One for your mom, one for your sister
I bet it’s because America cherry-picks more highly educated jeets, whereas Canada scrapes the bottom of the barrel for cheap labour (like the Gulf States)

i.e. ours are probably too low IQ to use this website
I count 2
Let’s not get carried away
I care about it, but you guys became muslim so I think it was mostly deserved
He's laying like a faggot with one leg on top of the other because He's probably a faggot
too many
i was actually lying about being indian
i do that a lot
Is $60 a week on groceries too much?
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if they hate gays so much why do they talk so much about gays?
lol i don't even think the "intelligent" pajeets would come here. this site appeals to white outcasts. indians don't integrate lol and are off doing their own thing they are in their own circles even online
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I'd be Norgay and Germania
Big if toe
There are only 400 of you in Canada wow
>i.e. ours are probably too low IQ to use this website
This is the main reason, we have unintegrated FOBs who just browse Tiktok on phones they have never even heard of this site.

See above, we just have schizojeet
There's a bunch of them on r9k whining about how white girls don't want to date them even when they have tech money lmao
someone make a good thread, that fucker always makes his shitty threads with generic whores.
I'm not a leftist. My politics are center-right. Do you think there are no gays in the right wing because holy lol if so.
New Thread
you ever just chillin and then mt vesuvius erupts and you get nailed by a stone slab?
bake new?
I got it. One sec.
>Homosexuality is not any more destructive than heterosexuality
Utterly false. Gays have way more STIs, including HIV and are now spreading MonkeyPox. If bi-fags weren't a thing, then normal people wouldn't have to deal with half of the STIs.
>ib4 that anon says that STIs/STDs aren't real.
this has a very different vibe to /brit/

you make it seem like a job when it takes a few seconds to do
They are friendly towards christians
>I love those friggin sodomites, but don't get me started on streetshitters!!!
What do you think about Latinx and Jewishx?
>1/4 English
>1/4 Irish
>1/4 French
>1/4 Basque (Iberian)
>whitest A10 blond man with ghostly translucent skin and hunter eyes
>/int/ says I look Finnish or Russian or something like that
what do you lads call this
Who asked?
>>ib4 that anon says that STIs/STDs aren't real.
I don't think the fag is here he'd be spamming hairy assholes already if he got btfo this badly
i'd call you a cumming cummer
Med larping (many such cases)
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hi i know you
so if someone is gay and doesn't have hiv or any stds, and for that matter let's say he is not promiscuous or sexually active generally (but it isnt out of the question), then what is the problem with him being gay
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**cums on your eye**
>being 1/4 med and 3/4 north is being a full med
solitude is fucking gay why is there no smelter here
Its beautiful though
And chocolate.
To be honest, Riverrun is too much of a crutch in Skyrim.
Study. Last minute is better than nothing

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