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Comfy Evening edition
Previous: >>202885102
I once hit my head on the granite lintel on a low doorway whilst in a rush, and checking something on my phone. It gave me a minor concussion.
i feel less obliged to make shitty news now that I dont have to wait 300 seconds
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pungent mud flows pouring out from her perfect pudgy poohole
you paid to use 4chan?
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ratpedo... this ain't it
when blue area are we movin to buds?
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this has a very different vibe to /brit/ desu

you make it seem like a job when it takes a few seconds to do desu
aren't there any towns in central usa with cheap houses ?
You only have to wait 300s the first time you make a new thread after clearing your cookies
surprised cook county is blue
chicago here i come
nobody loves you, bitch
>he caved in and paid
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i love you, bitch
I sometimes think about moving to the Acadiana region of Louisiana
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I wonder if YouTubers are offended when people tell them they fall asleep to their videos
that's what you're looking at anon, the blue is basically everything below the average.
to answer your question, sort of. starting price in nebraska for example is around 250k for a full home, maybe 100k if you're looking at trailer parks.
I live in the red in Oregon and love it here but i would take the blue in PA/NY in a second
>move to be with cajuns
>unironically more Viet and Spanish speakers now
Common Acadian L
Just fell asleep reading your post
I would pay for 4chan if I got a figure of yotsuba
I see, sounds good, so why does everyone seem to want to live in expensive places?
cajuns are a myth, when we got a hold of new orleans we put all the french on a barge and sunk it in the mississippi
Even in the Acadiana region specifically, and not Louisiana as a whole?
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>brown in the middle
That's not A10 but I appreciate the attempt to get into Hyperborea
Black hills region, SW Ohio, Minnesota, PA, NY or Ozark region would all be nice
>so if someone is gay and doesn't have hiv or any stds, and for that matter let's say he is not promiscuous or sexually active generally
That's already reducing the gay population to single digits.
>then what is the problem with him being gay
Him being gay? Nothing, but gays no longer dedicate themselves to community improvement, like becoming a priest.
Him acting on it? Yes, it clearly leads to promiscuity, drug use, and STIs. Stats don't lie, and are better than your hypotheticals.
He's going to demand rights, and want to get married, further ruining the entire point of marriage(raising a family). It removes the entire basis of marriage, for lust. Trivializing something that humans have cherished for almost longer than we've had written words.
>but the straight divorce rate
Ruined by feminists, who also push gay agendas to destabilize the family unit. It's all one-and the-same. The straight divorce rate is so high, because of the same people who push gay acceptance.
Don't give me the "muh adoption". Removing the child from the mother is an emotionally damaging event that fucks children up. Gays are objectively bad parents, because the child loses that very important connection to their mother. The voice and heartbeat that calms them in ways that you're clearly not aware of, and will dismiss without ever knowing the truth.
the majority of my eye is a10, heterochromia is a hyperborean trait
that counter is insanely low
>>It’s a pity that elephants don’t understand what Russian melancholy really is))) there are not many creatures on planet earth who can understand really)))
>Elephant said: PROOOOH
the red is where all the good jobs are, and are usually the denser areas with more things to do. you "can" find decent jobs in middle america but they are few and far between.
the adopted children of gay married couples are more successful in adult life and perform better in school than children born to straight parents
Practicing gratitude. Manifesting abundance
yes all the gays should become priests
another excellent canadian post
I read counter as "a device that counts" and it took me like 5 seconds looking at the pic to realize what you meant
You’re hurting the gay community
Tuesday: milk, blackberries, cream of wheat

Wednesday: hummus, wheat thins, poptarts

Thursday: 2 turkey sandwiches, pringles

Friday: 2 turkey sandwiches, peanuts
>Even in the Acadiana region specifically, and not Louisiana as a whole?
>66,000 (2023 estimate)
>max out at like 7-10% in the most Cajun counties
It's been over for them for decades
I like the parts in the center of the USA, they look good and are low-cost.
>you "can" find decent jobs in middle america but they are few and far between.
that's why snoop dog gave us colorado
guy in 1945: it's so over for jews
lol literally every single city in my state is red
I see
Considering they've only been adopting for a few years, there's no long term evidence of that. Also, if we're going to be technical about it. Most things like intelligence and success in life, are highly genetic, and only mildly based on environment(so long as they're not abused and have access to food and school). The gays have nothing to do with it.
It's pure cope, as you ignored everything I said, so I accept your concession.
When gays become priests they molest boys, it's why the victims are so disproportionately male. There has been homosexual rings in the Church for 100+ years
My mom is making shrimp stir fry I'm so excited.
enjoy. post pic
according to this I must lose 4 kilos to be in my ideal weight.
sorry ur a c30 or c40
i don't think a gay priest who didn't molest boys would ever be known as a gay
))) this means like lol or haha or smiling in Russian/Ukrainian online speak btw
im a50 but i'm not any of those things
uhhh who cares lmao??
And the rate of sexual abuse?
>than children born to straight parents
All children are born to straight parents. Gays lack half of the parts. If the gays are IVFing, and using a surrogate, then that's 100% child abuse.
mineral water, lemon and salt is much better than any soda.
>my statistics prove my beliefs to be fact, your statistics are fake because... because they just are, ok! intelligence is solely genetic and determined at birth btw. but homosexuality isnt lol!
CIA, make this man drink coca-cola, NOW
The priests that molest boys are giving into their lust, which is further proving that gays are nothing but lust, and are a damage to society.
The gays that can control themselves, and actually do something productive for the community are good though. Even if it's rare.
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get your Vril up to achieve your natural potential
oh no o algo
I make six figures, but all I do is stay at home all the time. My only hobby is vidya and I only ever buy games during sales, so I don't even spend much.
Gays using womb-for-hire services is a euphemism for taking the child away from their mother so the pederasts can have a new toy. Ghastly stuff.
Go on vacation and explore the world. You are privileged to have the opportunity to do this
no, the colour of my eyes is blue, not grey. heterochromia is not accounted for by your chart. so the reality is that i have 2 eye colours, a10-a20 which is the majority, and another one
weird how you contradicted yourself in your own post
>gays are nothing but lust
>but there are some good ones
what is vril and how do i get it
So you use your excess wealth to help others right?
why are they like that
buy black powder guns
>coping with insults
I further accept your concession. IIRC the study you're talking about had a low sample size, or something else very questionable about it.
It's interesting how colorado has larger counties despite having a larger population than other flyover states
>live in Canada
>jeets everywhere
>visit the UK
>jeets everywhere
>visit Dubai
>jeets everywhere
6 figures ain't that much damn
Learn to read, burger.
I said the gays that molest are nothing but lust.
There's a small portion that can control themselves.
Just like most junkies don't kick the addiction, but some manage to have self-control.
I went on a really long trip last year to 5 different countries, but I haven't really traveled at all since then. I was planning on going to Bora Bora this year, but I ended up using the money to purchase a condo instead. My next trip will probably be in January.
Brenton Tarrant did this exactly btw
remember boys, subscribe 2 pewdiepie
>Ghastly stuff.
>which is further proving that gays are nothing but lust,
idk maybe you should learn to write better
i can see what you mean now that you explained yourself further, but if it was just that post, you most definitely contradicted yourself
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My dream is to sell burgers and tacos in some roadside town, would you buy my food?
I forgot I wanted to do that. Seems like a good idea to store up some blackpowder and lead
stop being a dumbdumbtardo
the best part is that you can make your own powder with hardware store supplies.
>idk maybe you should learn to write better
Learn to read better. It was clear from the start.
>but if it was just that post, you most definitely contradicted yourself
No, this is just an example of the failure of the burger school system.
Get in touch with your ancestors in Hyperborea
I'd have to see it first. there's a lot of competition in the mexican selling food department
God forbid, no.
how can you prove something that supposedly isn't true
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shut the fuck up
Probably not. Food trucks are a terrible business.
why are your stats about childhood molestation an undeniable proof of cause between molestation to homosexuality, but the stats about gay-adopted children faring better have nothing to do at all with anything? why would there be such a heavy correlation?

you seem to believe that I'm saying that those children fare better as a direct result of having gay parents and there is no other possible explanation for it, guess it's a projection of your belief that the molestation stats prove that "gays are gay because they were molested". what is it with low iq and not being able to understand correlations
As long as you aren't a jeet tier food stall, then sure
all these new posts but no (You)s goddammit
Don't wanna contract hepatitis.
maybe if the restaurant looked nice. There's a mexican restaurant in my town that looks nice and all the waitresses are hot as fuck. Not hooters tier fanservice but they take advantage of looks for sure. And the food is good, but I dont like mexican food the way I like asian food.
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Why the fuck would you get that? I'm not going to fuck you
sure why not
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>guy arguing with me from the last thread doesn't realize he's replying to another leaf
Death can come at any time and it's freaking me out
I had someone tell me that back in the day and ya not a good feeling even if they meant it as a compliment hah
>but the stats about gay-adopted children faring better
compared to what? holy shit I can already tell whatever shit you're going to link is going to be an absolutely incomparable clusterfuck that tries to compare gen pop vs a highly selected population.
visiting /cum/ makes me realize that I'm making the right decision to move to another country by Oct 2025
How do I know you won't?
you moving to fagville?
>He's going to demand rights, and want to get married, further ruining the entire point of marriage(raising a family)
Then I guess we should annull all childless marriages. Line must go up afterall.
Worse: Poland
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How the hell do you infect people with hepatitis in a restaurant? I didn't even know it was possible.
even just looking at this general compared to that country's general, there's a huge difference
It happens when jeets don’t wash their hands and get their infected poo in your food
I just want to give you a meat and cheese burrito for a good price along with a diet soda.
You'll have to be clear about what you're referring to, what's not true?
>why are your stats about childhood molestation an undeniable proof of cause between molestation to homosexuality
Because I'm a different anon, who didn't make that argument. As you should have been able to tell, as there's multiple leaf flags replying to you.
>gay-adopted children faring better
I'll repeat, I remember that there was an obvious flaw with that study, if you link it, I'll show you.
>why would there be such a heavy correlation?
Because as I said, things like intelligence and success in life are highly genetic. The people who are giving their kids up for adoption are likely going to be on the conservative side, rather than aborting it like a liberal. Conservatives are genetically per-disposed to being more intelligent and more successful in life, when all environmental factors are held equal.
So it's not that gays are better parents, but that gays are getting higher quality children, because the low quality ones are getting aborted.
>you seem to believe that I'm saying that those children fare better as a direct result of having gay parents
You wouldn't bring it up if you thought otherwise.
>your belief that the molestation stats
I never made that argument. That was a different leaf anon.
>what is it with low iq and not being able to understand correlations
Not sure, we could study your brain to help understand it though.
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>Then I guess we should annull all childless marriages. Line must go up afterall.
Fine by me. Part of the formal process of a marriage being valid, includes having sex. The entire concept of a "honeymoon" is to get her knocked up, not to have a vacation.
why would you want to move to pooland
Me? I’m a centrist
At least you recognize that you're a soulless normie.
That sounds like a euphemism for sex.
you said when gay priests molest children, it's proving that gays are entirely lust
yet in the very next sentence you say there are some good ones
how can they be proving something untrue? and why would some priests doing that prove it's true for all cases anyway?
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is not
The leading cause of death, is birth
So when will you marry a woman and sire her children on your honeymoon? Invite me to the wedding please
She will lose
Their women are thinner, blonder, whiter, prettier and their cities are world class, unlike this gay country so fuck you
sorry he doesn't want lame cucks at his wedding.


jews used to lock the newly married couple up in a room DURING the ceremony with the intention being they'd have sex and seal the deal so to speak.

weird characters
Soulful, you mean. Marriage has been one of the most long standing and successful things we've managed to do as humans. It produced generations upon generations of people who got us this far. Only within the last 100 years of CIA propaganda has it gotten out of control with feminism being pushed on us.
Working on it, and you're not invited.
>yet in the very next sentence you say there are some good ones
Of the ones that give in, are entirely lustful.
Does that help your tiny brain, needing everything spoonfed to you?
>and you're not invited.
>It surely will happen, I-I'm working on it! But um... you can't come, teehee! Not because it won't happen or anything! But because... cooties! Yeah!
I (the guy you’re (you)ing) am not the one moving to Poland
Because I'm not going to dox myself, so some loser can ruin my wedding.
People also used to marry multiple women. That is how the gay genes persisted in the population. Not everyone needed to or could reproduce to grow the overall population.
*crashes your wedding and runs up a $10,000 bill at the open bar*
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just try to say what you mean from now on bud
we can't read minds
why are you moving to fagville then
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who else /chud/maxxing ?
Prefer not to say
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If your wedding, whose sole purpose is to mate with a woman, can be ruined by some random /cum/dumpster, then I guess your love and your faith weren't strong enough.
I really like long lots like this. Even if the acreage is small, i you had a dog or something it could still run a long distance back and forth.
>open bar
Uhhh? How old are you? Canada can't legally have open bars at weddings. Which is why they're always Loonie/Toonie bars.
Though, I haven't been to a wedding in the last few years, so inflation might have kicked that up a notch also.
I saw a fat one of these a few days ago irl
>intelligence and success in life are highly genetic
Intelligence is 50-80%. Overall success varies wildly, from like 2% to 40% IIRC.
finna goon
She will lose don't worry. They will crash the economy though as revenge, so be aware.
bros, i'm in a predicament.
i found my oneitis on bumble. she's perfect in nearly every way. good job. fit. seems fun and not too serious. qt3.14 type shit. and best of all she likes me back.
the one glaring downside, she doesn't want kids.
i'm despondent. it's not fair. not like this.
And what makes you think you'll find that anywhere else?
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why do you want kids?
Idk, I’ve only been to two weddings, and one of them was a destination wedding not in Canada that had an open bar. I’m not familiar with wedding bar law
she will change her mind about kids if she loves you
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>then I guess your love and your faith weren't strong enough
It wouldn't be ruined for me, but my fiancee would be insulted that I didn't have better taste in people.
Also if you think that marriage is for "love", then no wonder people are so fucked up. Love develops through effort, over time. You're not marrying for it. It's being displayed from it.
>I just want to live in a comfy white country and have a hot blonde white wife that I cum inside every day not this fucking bullshit!
Literally move to North Dakota or Wisconsin
Based, kids are a terrible idea in this day and age
people say they dont want kids and then have kids all the time. Or they just get pregnant even with tied tubes or whatever anyways.
>Intelligence is 50-80%
So highly genetic.
>Overall success varies wildly, from like 2% to 40% IIRC.
When you factor in all the personality traits that also aid in it, that are also highly genetic, it's way more than 2%. Above 40%.
>I just want to live in a comfy white country and have a hot blonde white wife that I cum inside every day not this fucking bullshit!
yeah they do hate white people, it's pretty obvious at this point they can't even hide it. but regardless poland is going to speedrun being overran by brownoids here soon the EU is pissed at them for holding out for so long against replacement migration
Politicians don't deserve more population for free. They can pay to import stinky useless people
wild to see canadians posting RIGHT out the 1980s murrican baptist preacher playbook

How do you feel about d&d
Females are highly influenced by their boyfriends/husbands, if the male is actually a leader. She'll take on your qualities, including your desire of having kids. Combine it with a little positive reinforcement, like when she does something, say something like "and that's why you'll make a great mother for our children".
Lead, prime her mentally, and reinforce it in her.
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How about legislation where for every new migrant they import, two must be deported or otherwise removed
My neighbor the other day told me his dog is his baby. He makes his dog wear baby clothes and carries him in a baby stroller. I've seen him giving his dog water with a baby bottle. This is the lunacy that this country has turn into and that all of you endorse, yep.
do you or a loved one suffer from niggatheslioma
>not believing in phrenology
For me, it's the Westboro Baptist Church
>wild to see canadians posting RIGHT out the 1980s murrican baptist preacher playbook
Sounds like 1980s baptists understood the world then, Boomer-chan.
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Wow, buddy cool it!!!
Personality isn't as hereditary or stable as intelligence.
These posts belong on /lgbt/
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total body hair death
How about the Westboro Braphog Church
Counter: How about we only bring in highly skilled people, who want to adopt the non-woke Canadian culture, and deport the rest that we already brought in through all the different systems and programs?
ok this is reaching levels of schizophrenia previously unknown to man
I just wanted to say that I've sucked my own dick
Pretty sure the separated twin studies suggest otherwise. Regardless it's far more than 2%.
Can't stop farting yeah yeah
I hate my chest hair i wish my body hair stayed the same since i was 18
They say that race is a social construct, but in reality, society is a racial construct. Assimilation doesn’t matter. Taking a shit in my kitchen doesn’t make it food, even if you dress it up on a bun.
>Pretty sure the separated twin studies suggest otherwise
They do. In fact they say personality among identical twins is highly genetic to the point they'll have the same interests, same wardrobe style, same haircut, etc
Is 154 pounds bad for 5'7?
I see we have officially reached the point where phobes are quoting the twin studies as if they weren't debunked even sixty years ago when they were new.
Ok you hate non-white people, so why don't you have kids?
I don’t. After legs and armpits, my body hair first came in on my butt cheeks, and it looked kind of silly, which was around when I was 18. Now, I’m hairier basically all over, and it’s more balanced
>Assimilation doesn’t matter
It 100% does. Let's take more real Europeans, and not the African/jeets that get European citizenship.
\>Taking a shit in my kitchen doesn’t make it food, even if you dress it up on a bun.
Which is why we shouldn't bring in more jeets, Africans, and other browns.
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>society is a racial construct
People's personalities and interests change periodically throughout their lives.
strange how the fags lose an argument and just go "hurr that was heckin deboonked" even though literally no scientist believes that, especially on something so anodyne as twin studies.
i jus wanna be smoof
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When I was younger I didn't get the ghost pussy meme about women getting abortions but now the thought of sticking my pecker some where a fetus got murdered grosses me out
That was the low estimate of one calculation someone did. Anecdotally you can apparently predict a lot about someone's personality by the time they're a toddler. But overall life success is harder to predict. A lot of brilliant people, especially with mental illness or neurodivergence, develop issues in adolescence and early adulthood.
have you considered not being gay? it's a lot easier
>the fags
None of the people you are arguing with are actually gay.
You mean that things that they were propagandized to, wears off, as people's brains finish developing and gain life experience.
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>God-cursed sodomites still seething
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Funny how cissoids don't even make an actual argument before declaring themselves the winner of it.
So all you have to do is draw some abstract pic of a basic woman and you can get married
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I don’t care for any immigrants, even from Europe. Especially Europeans who aren’t represented on the Red Ensign crest. Canada got by just fine with organic population growth from the founding settlers until around the 1970s
Oh, look at Mr. 'Actually That Was Deboonked™' over here, dropping the 'scientist' card like it’s some kinda UNO reverse! Yeah, bro, you totally debunked twin studies with your galaxy brain takes. I'm sure every scientist across the planet is shaking in their lab coats because you said 'no u' on the internet. Bravo, intellectual titan, truly no peer can stand in the shadow of such raw cognitive horsepower and intellect. I bow before you.
one of them definitely is and has admitted it multiple times. more likely he's the (likely) tranny poster actually, but still a gay man
The American actually seems to be
>A lot of brilliant people, especially with mental illness or neurodivergence, develop issues in adolescence and early adulthood.
Fair assessment.
Females that got abortions have ghosts in they pussies
Did they separate identical twins and raise them far apart? I'm guessing not, because that wouldn't pass the ethics board.
could've simply said no
Says a lot about you that you've never gone through any character development or maturing.
You have misunderstood the other anon's post so thoroughly I am not even convinced you are a human.
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living in the middle east would suck. you just go outside and fire rains from the sky as things explode and you're just like "fuck.. another scorcher.... weathers gonna suck today.
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>None of the people you are arguing with are actually gay.
They're still fags though
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Holy fuck I went to a store called Savers today and it was literally as if I were in one of those American good will shopping videos
There were trolleys everywhere and people piling up shit into them
I felt so happy
>Canada got by just fine with organic population growth from the founding settlers until around the 1970s
You must be from the east, because the entire west was created around 1900s white Euro imports.
I don't disagree with the rest of what you said though.
Trudeau Sr really fucked us with the Club of Rome propaganda of multi-culturalism being good.
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Mahometans are very fatalistic, partly because of stuff like this
There are enough twins given up for adoption as babies raised in totally separate environments that they've been able to do all sorts of studies on heritability vs environment.

Even identical twins who were separated at birth share so many traits that it regularly goes viral when they eventually meet as adults, no study needed on how similar they are.
>"character development"
Lmao, life isn't like your anime or movies. If you get raised properly, you don't need the Hero's Journey.
That's where you're so wrong. I used to believe all sorts of leftistshit that I was propagandized to believe. Life would constantly prove it wrong, and I had to reject it.
I was told we were all tabula rasa and equal so shouldn’t twins turn out the same as everyone else?
I bought some candy popcorn god it's sweet.
>all tabula rasa and equal so shouldn’t twins turn out the same as everyone else?
what if one of the twins was adopted by...black peoples...and grew up in the ghetto...poor kid...
no thanks I’m sweet enough
Identical twins are an extreme example though, obviously.
Is this thread normally so gay
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>I was told we were all tabula rasa and equal
"Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good. In area after area – crime, education, housing, race relations – the situation has gotten worse after the bright new theories were put into operation. The amazing thing is that this history of failure and disaster has neither discouraged the social engineers nor discredited them."
~Thomas Sowell’s book “Is Reality Optional?“
sheeiiit we gettin out the hood wit dis one
It's been noticeably worse for the last few weeks or so
You wouldn't be allowed to do this study for ethical reasons
You're lying. No one changes political beliefs. You're genetically predisposed to political belief systems, like 99%.
You know how leftists are. They think they're right, have nothing to actually support it, and never shut up.
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played video games all day
black people dreadlocks are so hilarious (i wouldnt say that to them)
What if you took an identical twin and bonked him on the head so he was retarded but his twin was not checkmate racists
what game?
drinking milk
Was Thomas Sowell predestined to start as a Marxist then turn rightist?
I used to be pretty liberal, Im definitely farther right now
White people dread locks are even worse
No, I'm not lying. While I was always a conservative, I had been convinced as a child all sorts of shit, like men and women are equal in all things, or all races are the same.
As I grew up, I realized they were both untrue, and my conservatism formed. If you'd have asked me when I was 10, if boys and girls are the same, I'd have said yes.
Yes. Poke around a bit and /cum/ instantly reveals itself to be faggot trash. You are the worst posters on /int/. Sure, /brit/ is schizophrenic, but it ends there. /cum/ is aggressively and homosexually schizophrenic. You hate each other and assume the worst of all other posters. Not only your posts are shit, you are shit people.
He wrote this after 20ish years of right wing backlash against the 60s
Enjoy your whole milk, anon.
i don't think i'm a bad person
a bit boring maybe but not bad :<
>complains about people assuming the worst in people
>assumes the worst in people
big brain
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I added nesquik today
And? He was correct then and now.
I went from anarchist to tankie to pragmatic socdem.
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holy kino
>like men and women are equal in all things
That's you being stupid. No serious person has ever claimed this. Your feminist boogie ma'am is and has always been about equality of opportunity. If a woman is qualified to do a certain job she should have the same fair shake as a man would. Do you disagree with that?
those are just plain sad
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i had a glass of strawberry milk last night it was good
love that stuff
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This is what you crave
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new zelda

i look like this and do this
nice. hope you enjoyed it
me if i was canadian (im not ima boss ass american)
I crave a fresh papa johns pizza not some soyboy meat
I dont eat meat
It isn't assuming when I've observed the behaviour and climate of /cum/ for years. If there is any correlation with your behaviour on /cum/ to your personhood, if you compare it to other generals, there is definitely something very wrong with you.
cooner love
Then his chronology is incorrect. He speaks of the past 30 years in 1993. The conservative backlash took up at least 2/3 of that. He's also wrong on some counts. Violent crime in the West was 2x current levels in the early 90s.
Bruh stfu no one cares
This dude aaaahhh arguing on the internet
that does seem pretty good
i need to eat some red meat at some point this week, i had chicken tonight
I get paid in 8 mins.
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Sorry, is this more your style?
Eating meat hurts the environment eat more leafy greens
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basque country is the white man's paradise
Not really
Nigga can you not read i said a papa johns pizza
>This dude aaaahhh arguing on the internet
Arguing and bitching is all this general ever does.
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My posts exhibit positive energy
no it's not
/brit/ is way more gay than /cum/, despite the name
the difference is there's no controversy around it there, it's relatively accepted and not even seen as unusual when someone says some gay shit
do you look like that
i actually would eat this it only looks bad because of the red/blue dye
i look like that
He's breath taking
my family comes from there :)
How hard is it to get a white Mexican girl?
someone make a new
When is it not? Every single time I look at /cum/, even in its less intense moments there's always several bickery posters trying to nitpick and put others down, and a heated catfight is bound to happen at any moment.
Sorry showing of my (You)s is pretty cringe I deleted that post
>That's you being stupid.
I was 10.
>Your feminist boogie ma'am is and has always been about equality of opportunity
Wait, how can you say that, when they changed it to equality of outcome. You can't be this stupid. They use the word equity for a reason.
>If a woman is qualified to do a certain job she should have the same fair shake as a man would.
That's a big if.
>Do you disagree with that?
I think it's damaging to the family unit, so CEOs can suppress wages. We've had generations of females getting extra advantages and preference in post-secondary and job markets, but they still don't apply for most of the jobs.
If you go and look at what women were doing for work 100 years ago, compared to now, it's basically all the same. The only notable change is farmwork for HR. Otherwise it's still nurse, secretary, teacher, etc.
It's really odd that you think that a child year old believing a lie, makes me stupid, but then you believe actual nonsense.
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>my family comes from there :)
schizojeet new. dont use
if you ask how to get a girl on the internet no matter the race or nationality it will be difficult for you to get a girl
Salt needs to be added before cooking. Ideally 24 hours early.
you were early
Don't kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes
No, because the welfare state kept increasing during that time, and civil rights never actually worked.
Black culture is the problem. I'll see if I can find the more detailed historical look from another youtuber.

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