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not poo smells edition
poo smells lmao
dont really understand sponges
we're meant to believe they're animals?
I should grow a beard I look very soyboish
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how would you define them?
rorke getting pulled over by the police but refusing to roll the window down
look i'm not a scientist or anything but just weird shit from the sea that we might not really need
Literally how
You look normal
no you dont retard
posted it again award
40 years sex free award
there's that constant deliberate shagging on my ceiling again
We're all in here >>202878783
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How long before we start getting a youtube daily dose podcast from big jez
I'm like Columbo but irish american
Might move to Hawaii
rorke master of the war cry and godlike leftypol shepherd of the people exchanging ornately furnished bronze codpieces
So ur Latino
The tropical isles with the coconut trees
Honorary Latino yes
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Might move to Italy
China is the most impressive country on earth and it isnt even close
Little late night poo
gotta hand it to the chinks they're proving that natsoc works
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ban test
don't like thirdies
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poo smells lmao
>your skin colour
>how pic related makes you feel
I'll start: white. awoooogah boogah.
Watching the Mr Bean movie
Israeli military are currently undertaking their group invasion of Lebanon.
Israel has illegally invaded another sovereign state, and has soldiers going door to door killing - executing - families, women, children. For the crime of not being Jewish in an area Israel wants to conquer.
We are aiming and aiding this. It is British tech, British guns, British air support being used.
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Got some nazi kino on
*Ground invasion. Fucking kill whoever invented phones.
You're missing half your penis, because Jews demanded it be mutilated.
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the duality of /an/
poosmellstranny omds
how do you cook rice in a pot? online it says to wash it then put water just above rice level but doesnt say exactly what temp and how long
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I enjoyed it
I liked the bee one too. Where Mr bean tries to kill a bee. It was funny
Thinking about moo deng rn
literally this

if you dont watch CNN/BBC/brainrot all day you would probably notice this
even their memes mogged ours over the last few years
It's easy if you aren't retarded. Until the water has evaporated off and before it starts to burn
anagram of mods
just had a Hawaiian pizza
And the very latest from The Fishman?
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Is this just Spainnonce but a fat yank? They're even the same age.
Imagine spending 12 hours a day, every day, for years, glued to /brit/ posting the same fake transphobic image at the start of every thread
It’s the schizoyank
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its still less time than the time trannies spend in absolute delusion
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>stop opposing my paedo death cult
i would hate him if it didnt rattle trannies like you
but you are probably just samefagging or playing a personality for replies anyway
>my cock? Hard
>my balls? full of cum
Yep, it's time to start the day
Do people still do wordle?
I know yanks are just fat walking stereotypes but something smells off.
meanwhile, hammond joins the Taliban
Currently listening to Mudvayne

Sent that trannard to the gallows
fucking DEAD in here
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it’s 3am on a Tuesday
Brit is a 24 hour party city
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the pub
based ]
hurricanes are mental
imagine copping a storm of that magnitude
Potassium Iodide and Lime Sulphur Dip is the cure for Electronic Harassment lads.
No more remote MKULTRA
watching the penguin
it's just wind mate get a grip
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you can't escape the trans thoughts, you just end up crossdressing on grindr at 50 if you don't transition now
White people really be eating shit like sauerkraut...
what’s wrong with that
Haha ok calm down man
"What's wrong with that?" Grrrr haha
the longer you pretend you can just ignore it and it'll go away the worse it'll be when you give in
Sorry not everyone likes dogs and cats
saurekraut is delicious

you've seen emmayank...

now it's time for... LANABRIT
answer the question you snivelling little turd
kimchi is better
Wypibbles be the little nerd everyone picks on at school
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pungent mud flows pouring out from her perfect poohole
just ate it on prawn crackers me
a daring synthesis indeed but thats the kind of guy i am
sounds rancid
>want to travel with friends
>have no friends realize int is awful for that
well i don't know how to find international friends i am too nervous to travel alone but i guess i should do it anyway even though it won't be as fun
let's all keep our lights on during ze blitz
Insane how anyone can post anything on twitter and thousands of people will instantly believe it without a source
was alright
I agree, fellow sauerkraut enjoyer
would never happen on /brit/ of course
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Blapipo real be like hooooeeee dem honkies sho nuff eatin that cabbage
What's really insane is how
*We zoom out into space*
The universe contains billions of galaxies, each containing countless stars that came to life over...
my brain is rotted by the internet and i haven't had a friend since highschool i will never have real friends again
Both my parents were diggers
Always had spades knocking about the house
you notice how some raccoons have got one mask that covers both eyes but others have got a separate one for each eye
You notice how nobody asked
brb killing myself
need her poo in my mouth this instant
I wish I had friends but I don't think I could have any I haven't had a real one since highschool
What’ll it be then
Pint of tea mate
A friend
fresh pint of lana del ray's diarrhea tah
if you combined a jd sports with a pub you could absolutely decimate the deano market
She’s fat now
remember playing mw2 and feeling sick to my stomach at "no russian", i was only 14 and didn't fully understand the implications and even i thought it was a bit extreme
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I was like 9 you big poof
dogberg was asleep
dropped a bit of leftover food into his bowl and he immediately jumps up and bolts there
ah really
Lasagna del rey
she looks better fat
Your strongest
how3 the fuck can you make friends after highschool like real ones not the fake ones who pretend to care
Who needs em
shit post besides that

its impossible not to make friends as an american
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Would y'all say Shrek has BWC energy?
friends aren't real. there's only the woman you fuck and has your babies
Done fuck all in my 20s
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alri duppy
didn't ask
i am autistic and haven't had a friend since high school. i tried to make friends online but that doesn't really fill in the void. I am gonna try to go to the uk this year but my goal was to have a friend follow me but i failed i will go alone and try to make friends there. i am a ugly autist
the only thing there is to acheive in your 20s is having sex with prime under 25 year old women everything else is worthless. and not sex exactly but emotional-psychological-spiritual validation
i am gonna spend my 20s saving up between wagie jobs and traveling then doing trade work when i am 30. i would hate to waste my 20s
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They are fake demons
it's all worthless all material possessions career progression investment in ponzi scheme index funds for muh retirement all totally worthless tripe I would piss and shit on without a hesitation, all that matters is a smile from her, a beautiful 19 year old bird, it trumps everything
I’m a 27 year old virgin
making money is important too
i rather see the world and do something that makes me happy the idea of wasting my youth seems awful
no no no faggot
money is the death of the soul
the moment you enter the mindset that you must invest disposable income into your tax excluded pension fund in a safe ratio of index funds to bonds is the moment you cease to be a human being and have accepted death a la Houellebecq. It is the antithesis of humanity
love pies pasties and dumplings
is table tennis the perfect sport?
The turning point has been reached. No point living anymore. Just dunno how to do it.
*jiggles your belly*
>it's all worthless all material possessions career progression investment in ponzi scheme index funds for muh retirement

alright but you realize you have to live and survive and maintain a good lifestyle right? You can't just ignore that stuff. you need to pay rent or a mortgage, you need to eat. maybe drive a car that isn't a piece of shit
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Life is pure suffering. And I look around and see millions of other people suffering or millions of people I wouldn't want to live like. Very few lives worth living in the world. What is the point. Never should have been born. It's all degennerate, disgusting. This sporting life. Sporting? Not to me. It's immoral. I just would like nothing more than to not like. Annihilation.
mate you realize you're overplaying that right. you know the meme "men are really okay with living like this?"
men don't need any bells and whistles, literally none of that shit offers an iota of fulfillment. men can live in a hovel like diogenes. money and pension contributions are the most worthless goyslop soul eroding artifacts there are.
my bruddas don't dab we just vossi bop
Americans swear way too much. Why? Why do you need to do it. Jist rampant debauchery.
my career goals for tomorrow are to spend 16 hours posting on /brit/

building up the resume to make my own competing general you see
Low IQ
My hair is longer than my mom's and sister's, they don't cut it.
are you one of those scandinavian metal people
I honestly hate god he cursed me so why should i praise him he has done nothing but hurt and scorned me. I want to personally spit in his face
There should be a new and improved version of the bible where the whole thing is redone. And things are modified.
Israel is currently executing civilian families and dropping white phosphorus on civilians neighbourhoods in southern Lebanon.
The UK government supports this despite it being illegal and involving many different war crimes simultaneously.
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"If there is a god he will have to beg for my forgiveness"

- Sasuke Uchiha
What if I told you you're forced to reincarnate and face suffering in endlessly repeating lives?
Because that's the truth.
Try to break your fate and escape the cycle of endless suffering, pain, death and rebirth.
It's been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphaël, a young girl's erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It's already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you've known since your adolescence, Raphaël, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future -- which in all frankness I doubt -- this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew.
The actor's seething expressions at this scene were honestly fantastic. Really drove in the sheer burn of it all.
>had no friends since highschool
>girlfriend broke up with me
>my dad constantly calls me worthless
>tells me how he wishes he never had me
>tells me i am the reason he couldn't have had a certain life sytle
>"I want to travel the world but you and your brother ruined that"

i know you don't care but i think my death would do a service for the world
Gotta smoke weed and get that feeling back
how the hell do you have a gf with no friends
Everything I hear about weed seems cool, regain that child like sense of wonder, have fun in mundane tasks and such. But I hear it triggers schizophrenia and that's not a ticket i wanna buy. Just gonna stick with my beer me.
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>The Rolling Calf is a Jamaican duppy, or spirit, that is said to have roamed plantations in Jamaica. The Rolling Calf is said to have appeared in the 1800s, when there was little electricity and stories of spirits in the dark spread. The Rolling Calf is said to have punished criminals or those who misbehaved
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they are saying our generation will live for 140 years on average
UK spotted
Just don't understand why people do this. Don't understand religion. Life is a Kafkaesque hell, hope dangled infront of you like a cunt. "BORN DOWN IN A DEAD MAN'S TOWN. THE FIRST KICK I TOOK WAS WHEN I HIT THE GROUND. END UP LIKE A DOG THAT BEEN BEAT TOO MUCH AND YOU SPEND HALF YOUR LIFE TRYING TO COVER IT UP"
dude I am doubting I am gonna make it 30
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Nah. It just pisses off the glowies so they put voices in your head.
Gotta wash off the sporotrichosis fungus that turns you into a receiver for their ELF/RF waves
MKULTRA test subjects were never allowed to be given weed. Every other drug under the sun was alright though
i don't even know we met and a mental hospital when i tried to commit suicide. We broke up because her mom and my dad didn't like us being together. My dad constantly tells my brother and i that we are worthless.
he's got those air pods
>cigarette smoker

idiot Lol
you say that now but the time will fly by, you will be 30 before you know it, then 40, then 50
now that's interesting mate, I know intestinal parasites can affect human behaviour. and the point about MKULTRA. they fried ted's brain with LSD right? well I don't know. to be honest I'd rather stay independent of the effect of psychotropic substances :nerd: I already fucked up getting hooked on booze. but in any case, there's different strains of weed isnt there? THC ratio and such. Louie CK had a whole skit on it
god I really do enjoy the feeling of smoking cigarettes.

just don't think I could ever actually buy a pack. so much easier to bum them off others outside clubs
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my method is truly a superior one. impossible to get addicted if I never buy a cigarette
i read schizophrenics have a high rate of cigarette smoking. apparently soothes their racing minds. seems like a nasty addiction to have.
I was playing yugioh master duel and the game is extremely unfair/boring/unjust

all my opponents last an average of eight minutes on their first turn summoning monster after monster, until it gets to a point where they have lots of massive monsters and some huge/massive/indestructible monster that also negates all the effects of my cards

sometimes I prefer to give up before my turn starts, because by then I don't have a way to level the game in my favor

the only way to survive is by playing handtraps like c maxx, ash blossoms or infinite impermanence and pray to draw a card like evenly match, lightning storm or raigeky

The worst part is when you level up as a player and you can't play with crappy decks like yours, now I only play against super powerful decks and I always lose,..
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I'm sure a lot of people enjoy smoking cigs mate it's basically the most common vice around

besides beers I guess
I'll overcome this cruel fate, no matter how many lifetimes it takes.
Just grow some Indian budz
Only way I could make my game. Brings that childlike sense of wonder back
When I'm sober I just realize how shit things are thanks to the US government and people and get depressed. Specially after seeing all these gaijin goombas making a mockery of themselves in Japan now
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wish I had some new headphones. perhaps the most compelling reason to get a big boy job I think
yeah yugioh is dogshit and has been since synchros were added
this is not news
yes that is modern yugioh.
NEET-che said you must live your life such that you would revel in it if you had to relive it infinitely. well I don't know if he said that but someone told me he said that
my entire life i am constantly called worthless or unwanted but i wish i had someone to care about me i don't want sex i just want someone to be there for me. I just want someone to hug when shit gets wrong
Fucking phoneberg
Turning off autocorrect now
Have you tried being good at the game? Works for me more often than not.
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You have all the freedom in the world to get a job as a groundskeeper picking up cigarette butts all day at an apartment complex and save up for a car and move tf out.
>my entire life i am constantly called worthless or unwanted
leave immediately
no reason to tolerate this shit
I don't believe in eternal recurrence, but it's quite possible that reincarnation is real, or that we have to experience the lives of all living beings from a first hand perspective which makes a lot of sense of you consider we are literally just parts of the universe consciously observing itself
lifes too short to be called a piece of shit by some faggot
my dad used to complain in the car about how my mom and us destroyed his life. he constantly talked about important he used to be but my birth and my brothers destroyed his life. he said if he could he would have had us aborted

i been told this since i was 8 and my brother has heard since he was 7
negative nancy hour
I’ve heard some guys would have a major breakdown when they reach 30.

They realise “I have no career, no accomplishment, no family. At my age my parents were already married, lived in their own house and had children”
he sounds antinatalist-pilled
that's rough man, i don't know what to say.
Latest data shows the value of twitter has dropped 79% since musk's takeover of the website
Wonder if there's some kind of correlation there hmmm
I realise this daily and still do nothing but play video games and await the date of my inevitable suicide
the breakdown happens at 25. at 25 you realize your youth is slipping away, what fleeting years you have left will escape you like sand through your fingers. due to the nature of time they will fly by much faster than the previous 5-7 years of youth. it's well an truly over and you are desperately clinging to fleeting youth as your collagen depletes and your face sags and you become veritably old TM
abortion lovers continuing being the most evil people on the planet
my dad used to tell me how important he used to be and how he used to all this cool shit but he is a fat drunk who manages apts for a living. also told me he wishes i die
I'm in bed, socks on, 3 layers of blankets
Feet still so cold they're going numb
the part that hurts me is also he insults my dead mom. i understand she died of cancer and how it sucked because we had to take care of her but he used to say that was a reason why his life was ruined too
lucky ducky, I'm hot blooded and can't use my big comfy blanket yet
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my main crisis is that I'm stuck between generations
too much of a zoomer for the millennials I date to feel much cultural connection with me
too old to date zoomers
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/pol/tards crying about weed lmfao
Told those troons to smoke while they wuz high-king
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some niggas make millions
other niggas make memes
jesus christ
her face is scarier than most horror movies
Illegal substances I have taken:
That's the list.
I just don't wanna go schizo man. I'm already schizo enough as it is. For what it's worth an internet stranger told me he could detect subtle signs of schizophrenia in all the long term weed users he interacted with. Shit fries ya brain
Fakecel if you wouldn’t
how was the ketamine
I get the feeling its easier to get in the UK than it is in the USA

i've tried
shrooms coke dmt lsd weed
probably some others i'm forgetting now

dmt is the only drug really worth taking. other shit is unhealthy and a waste of time. especially coke
i am there too i want to just see the world and say fuck it
Mental illness does not exist.
It's the government playing tricks on you for breaking the rules and being a cool kid. Also it's hard to smoke all the time. Retards will smoke every day despite not needing to. If you smoke one day and go on a run the next you'll get high. Plus being sober will feel like being high
one thing i hate is that i never had a good mother or father my mom died and i had to take care of her and my dad is a sociopath who constantly tells me how i am worthless and how if i die he would be glad he never has to deal with me again
dont fuck with drugs brahs. nasty nasty nasty withdrawals. do you know how fucked up benzo withdrawals are? it's like an alcohol withdrawal but it lasts for a fucking year. that's right twelve whole fucking months youre hyper anxious depressed doom and gloom shaking at 2AM wondering where the fuck it all went so wrong night sweats brain zaps hypnic jerks lack of sleep, 12 whole fucking months of this shit it just doesn't stop, NEVER EVER TAKE BENZOS /r/benzorecovery
kinda a sausage fest in here rn
Only time I did it I was also on coke. For clarity took ket first then did coke and ket together later on.
I didn't think it lived up to the hype. I felt physically numb. Not totally but it definitely reduced physical sensation to a notable extent. A little unsteady on my feet too.
Just kinda relaxed and a little spaced out not caring what was going on around me so much but it didn't feel that intense mentally. Honestly I've felt stronger psychological effects from weed.
Maybe it was week or because I mixed it but I wouldn't bother with it again.
How was the DMT experience compared to LSD? Is it similar or a totally different scale?
I am tired of taking care of my fucking cat. Mom you brought him in here. YOU FUCKING BROUGHT HIM. Then you left us for another fucking country. And guess fucking what you didn't take him. We had to take care of him for the better of a decade. Now he's asking me for food. Why the fuck didn't you take him? Wasn't this your cat? AHHHHHHHH. I will never have a nother fucking pet again, absolute burden.
standard for 4chan
even the femcels are men deep down
extreme mental illness hour
get a grip all of you ffs
I calculated the cost of my cat we would've had $20k in our bank account if not for him. Imagine right now you had $20k wired to you how would that change your life FUCK
you are subhuman and I hope you kill yourself
what the fuck mate? cause I don't like shovelling cat shit I'm a subhuman? I take care of my pet feed him shovel his shit and you call me a subhuman. fuck you mate. go shovel cat shit for 10 hours.
Alright guys? Toil soon. Only a 6:00 to 10:00 shift though so get in.
Thoughtful light skinned blacks are having a hell of year, prayers up to them. Obama, gay. Tim Duncan, gay homosexual. James Earle Jones, deceased.
you're subhuman because the emotional bonds of a pet aren't enough to motivate you to do the chores for them and you consider them a burden, presumably unspoken rules of society are the only thing that keeps you from getting rid of the cat
empathy is part of human nature that you clearly lack, not having it makes you subhuman
I know it's mostly North Americans on at this hour
But why are any other Brits here at all given it's almost 5 am? What's your excuse?
Mine is that I suffer from a severe chronic pain condition that leaves my body hurting so intensely badly I physically cannot sleep most days
Been waiting over a year to attend a specialist pain clinic for a diagnosis before the NHS will prescribe me any pain meds so it's either endure it, resort to illegal pain relief sources, or suicide.
Should get my appointment in a month or so, and no I won't elaborate further on my symptoms since it's pretty rare and I'm sick of constantly doing so.
I've got work soon mate.
Prayers up for thoughtful light skinned blacks fellas, you down or not?? Making me wait and shit
Blog on
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my profound empathy is the only reason i haven't tossed the cat on any random fuck I could find on craigslist. you know you can't trust any random fuck on the street, you never know if the smiling person is some psycho who likes to torture animals. that's why i can't in good faith give my cat away. but i've arranged things with my mom she'll take him away, i can trust her mostly. i'm profoundly empathetic mate
Just did + I wasn't asking you
>hello kitty tattoo
she's going to CBT you so hard you'll never have kids
>le ai filter face
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Looking forward to going back to bed after toil today.

In more positive news, my cold has almost gone now.
don't have a cow, man
Thanks fatboringretardlad for all the boring posts helping me get sleepy before bedtime x
Looking at buying a jacket. Found one on sale for £20 (from £70). Doesn't look particularly warm but it's mostly for milder days anyway. May cop.
If you could have any job in the world, but you had to do it for 70 hours a week AND get sucked and fucked by Mbappe once a month but not get to hang out afterwards with him and the crew and play fifa and roblox with them, what would the job be? Getting sucked? You gay?
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oddly specific fetish fantasy bro
heat broken?
can i use interpals for anything other than sex? last time i used i got porn bots
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I've had some really good experiences and INCREDIBLY terrible (borderline unsafe) experiences on DMT.

The weakest method of administration in my experience is with vape pens. It's such a small dose I'd consider it microdosing.

It leads to a gentle feeling of calmness and elation, and enhances the colors in your view. You notice colors you've never seen before. You start to see fractal patterns. This is similar in effect to the peak of an acid trip, but the effect starts and wears off in 10 minutes.

>Is it similar or a totally different scale?
now lets get to this. With higher doses it's not similar in the slightest and becomes its own totally crazy thing.

most common method of administration is by melting freebase powder in a dab rig and inhaling the smoke., three quick breaths, then laying down.
This immediately leads to a feeling of intense sleepiness. It's scary, you might think you are going to die. (You can fight it and stay awake if you choose. )Then the show begins and you see intense dreamlike effects across ALL your senses. You might feel like your arm is melting or your eyes are freezing or you might taste strawberries or anything else. You will see strange things, objects and animals. Desert filled with tennis balls. Classroom filled with zoo animals. Your home flooding.

If you let it take you fully ("blasting off"), you will truly have a memorable experience, possibly even a spiritual one. You will be lifted out of your body entirely, fully separating your conscious mind from your body. Nothing else you've experienced in life is like this - to be awake but in a different world from your body entirely, it's a beautiful thing.

DMT is called the businessman's trip because it starts and ends within 15 minutes, letting you continue on with your day. Just like that, it takes you into a dream world and drops you out to think about for the rest of your life.

Just watched some Japanese lesbians piss on each other with a little puke thrown in their for good measure. Now I'm having a pint (of beer, not wee.) How's your day going?
just woke up and having to read this kind of tedious drivel on /brit/
Didn't read all that. Drugs are for losers!
I found a pimple on my side and tried to lance it but to no avail
you fucking call me subhuman I NEVER cut my cats balls off I NEVER vaxxed him against his will you have no clue mate. people cut their cats balls off cause they start pissing on the floor, i NEVER did that, because I understand the fundamental inhumanity in cutting off the manhood. fucks sake
Look for any kind of artwork on Google images these days and 90%-100% of what you get will be AI generated slop, depending on the subject.
Most that isn't AI generated will be unusable due to watermarks too.
The internet is over. It's shit.
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>Most that isn't AI generated will be unusable due to watermarks too.
there is a filter on google images to search by licence type
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Wtf I never knew this
subhuman because you did it for a robots idea of morality and not because you don't want your cat to suffer or flourish
just ticking boxes on a big checklist of how to be a good person, arent you?
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eh was going to write some shit about my changa experiences but nobody cares

happy birthday 4chan
how naive are you mate. what does it mean for a cat to flourish? is it animal abuse to keep a cat confined indoors? extend its life a decade but it never truly lived? never fucked never played never ran? but protected it from the perils of the outdoors? do you ever consider these factors? do you even ruminate over these factors like I do?
American parents kind of morality
"yes I hated my child and kicked them out at 18 but we're good christians because we waited til they were 18 to kick them out and gave them survival basics and absolutely nothing they needed to flourish"
haha sponge wearing party hat
i love this webpage
luv me catberg
let him outside to kill small animals for fun because it brings a small amount of joy into his life
makes a big mess for me often but it's worth it to see him frolic about slashing into them, pure joy on his face that is

he's flourishing
>good /brit/
hello lads
off to the pub
check out this silly picture
witty insults
short blogs

>bad /brit/
religion, politics, gore, spam
mate you got emotionally invested in the act of shovelling cat shit and got offended when another person didn't share the same emotional burden. then you projected psychopathy onto that person when in fact that person was profoundly empathetic who considered multitudinous ethical considerations
i just wish they wouldn't torture em to death, wouldn't feel bad if they gave em a quick neck chomp and lights out
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check out this silly picture
yeah, sadly catberg wants the toys to struggle and comes in to cry at me to fix them when they "break"
>check out this silly picture
>witty insults
>short blogs
all me
glad my catberg doesn't kill anything
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who is the frozen character?
how naive are you mate
they're so innocent
you do know of course you will probably be reincarnated into a rat that gets tortured to death by a cat, it's only fair
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the ONE thing hiro wanted to do with the site was launch this vtuber shit.

never fucking happened lol
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I'm at home all day
if she does kill anything then she does an incredible job of hiding it, and it's never on my property
Wild how I am as old as 4chan we both
so the joy in his life isn't you, it's being out killing
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this retard posted the hiro transition memo twice hahahaha
how large is your property? do you have a stereoscopic all-encompassing view of your property?
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mmm yes what a curious joy...
>do you have a stereoscopic all-encompassing view of your property?
yes pretty much
I'm not on some 100 hectare farm
catberg also comes in and sits on me and purrs
purrs just because I'm paying attention sometimes
also why does bro mention "stereoscopic"
doesn't everyone have stereoscopic vision
let's be honest most of your are stupid and have no idea what you're looking at 90% of the time
lets see a picture of her
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maybe, but as i looked at your post i knew you to be a tremendous faggot
one eyed people don't
you're only adding weight to my statement
god its actuallly impressive how terrible of an owner hiro is for this site.

there's no board where I can go to see some general discussion about 4chan turning 21, at all. no thread for it.
i don't know why did lil bro blud mention that?
I just use words as they roll of my tongue. I don't even know what's the word to describe that sort of vision that permeates 3d space like in daredevil
we are posting on a dead site in a dying world, no one cares about anything anymore
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you look like a dragon head sorta
don't think you need to add any more weight fatty
it's actually deeply comforting the completion of the cycle. teenage moot stole 4chan source code from hiro's 2ch, became wildly successful, and ultimately sold it back to hiro, who couldn't give a single fuck about it. will probably unceremoniously shut it down one day. it couldn't be more right than this.
more like a world in constant evolution and rebirth I think

4chan will die one day and that's ok
the next generation won't miss it or know it at all, they will have their own places

and we who have loved this place will remember it, that's fine I guess
nah man it's scooby doo
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