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friendship edition
the hat lines up
two bellends
No infowars
New thread, new me.
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haha! yeah!
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If anyone has any questions about interracial cuckolding I’ll be happy to answer them
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about French has-been food, but it's not just London, the trend is everywhere.
Stodgy, ordinary low quality ingredients disguised by rich overwhelming sauces, call it comfort food if you like, but it's usually mediocre, bloating, nostalgic fare dished up as if it's somehow sophisticated dining. Every time I'm taken to a business dinner in Paris, they all talk about the glories of French cuisine, then they all invariably order steak frites.
body rockin pussy poppin jockey lockin horse shockin
just did some shopping for my nanna
shouted at the old cunt last night but I love her to bits really
Brand new day
Same old dossing
passed my driving test on the first attempt today lads
it's gordon's birthday today (nearly)
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Why does coffee make you poo?
it makes you more productive
Just like we always talked about
The Korean gf
is google broken?
driving? what kind of driving, like driving away your loved ones as you sink deeper into insanity?
What has become of you Diego?
caffeine makes poo
it makes your body move the poo around
the wonder of the world is gone i know for sure
Love dossing about. Love doing nothing. Love bumming around. Love sleeping. Love snoozing.
would love to learn about her pooing habits
Yeah alri catstein
Got a cup of tea.
Same! Nice relaxing tuesday indoors eh
pisses me off how europeans like to brag about how they can speak english, and how much more cultured and intelligent they are than us monolingual anglos.

it's not as if it's the 21st century and they have been surrounded by english language media their entire life, and have been forced to learn it at school from age 5-18, then having to learn it if you ever want to extensively travel because it's the global lingua franca and practically required by hotel staff, air hostesses and local services in tourist areas and big city centers. they are basically saying
>your people and culture was so successful it is now the global default, this means I have to learn your language and you don't have to bother with another one. this is somehow a smug personal victory for me because it means im a heckin smartypants.
why come when I drink to blackout levels and have sex I can't consent to it, but when I get blackout and get in my car and kill three people suddenly I'm legally culpable? when I'm the victim sort of?
Me on Tuesday 17 August 2010 at around 09:53
based, the dossing life is the life for me
don't lose your sense of wonder
don't miss the real implication
the sound of distant thunder
grows nearer in time
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been watching a video of this bloke who claims he cycled all the way from shanghai to kazakhstan while pissed out of his mind the whole way, sounds like bullshit to me
they're all just coping, every europeon has a multitude of psychological complexes built around seething
Haha yeah, loving the neet life.
Same :/
And the very latest from The Fishman?
Know exactly what I need to do to sort my life out, can't bring myself to do it.
i hope you dont. less competition for me
You know you should
But you don’t
You know you should
But you don’t
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i wanna fuck milky way
This post is extremely low quality.
wtf catberg get out of there!!
No more sugar. Off the muck. It just kills your taste buds and gives you an artificial high. Disgusting drug. One of the worst because you think it’s harmless. Foul.
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literally does you no harm
t. nutritionist
if you're going to larp as someone who knows about nutrition, you should have said dietician instead of that grifter sham 'profession'.
microdosing cyanide
sugar has no affect on you and no addictive qualities
same as caffeine
attention seeking hysterical woman
that’s what i meant
t. dietician
eating a few almonds are you?
Southern English people are more French in genetics and therefore swarthy in appearance. The North is where you will find people who are much more Germanic and white.
Might have a shower.
Cmon why bother? Have to be presentable to the whole world do you?
My new life awaits me in Japan…
All gay porn bets ate off
It will make me feel better.
gay porn
God I wish I could move there.
oh ho ho life can be cruel
life in tokyo
>get a new dog
>want to call him Aeneas from the Aeneid
>sister says she's not calling it "anus" and family starts howling like baboons

The fucking dog is called Arthur now
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If something tastes good it's healthy
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So this is Toby.
Haha, got done didn’t you
Dossing about all day again then?
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>want to call him Aeneas from the Aeneid
What is the appeal
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Yes, as do all great men
What type of jacket do you wear?
Going to start dressing smarter. I’m 30 now. Time to put things into perspective. I can’t wear trainers and trackie bottoms anymore. It’s time to put a little effort in. Shirts. Trousers. Nice shoes. Smarten myself up. Clean shaven. Always. If I respect myself, others will respect me. That comes through how you present yourself initially. Time to get a move on.
Alri anus
Black one.
i own a selection of jackets
barbour quilted
And the very latest from The Fucking Bitch??
me while eating fifty brazil nuts in one sitting
Don't understand the repeating the same gimmick exactly alike gimmick. Kinda autistic if you ask me
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blacked to death by a pack of feral black bbcs
dadberg refusing to drive me to therapy because he 'doesnt believe in the shit' and thinks I should 'man up and get a job '
*stomps them into mush*
Don't understand the repeating the same gimmick exactly alike gimmick. Kinda autistic if you ask me
fun fact: kyoto and tokyo are the same place kyoto is just how they say tokyo in japanese
I understand those repeating digits, corr.
daddy's jacket
low quality post
It's actually very hard to avoid these annoying right wing freak personalities and 'influencers'. The British & American press are in no small part to blame for this, but they aren't the main reason. But yes, it's very annoying. I have no idea what right wing crazies are talking about when they say their voices are marginalised. It's impossible to get away from these idiots.
Jacket potato.
no need to attach signatures
We as men can build up great neuroses about our performance in bed. Eroticising the rejection from a mate releases the shame associated with this. Also, you may not be or consider yourself to be a masculine male, so watching your significant other with a strong black man is a way of enjoying the highly feminine you adore fucked hard by the highly masculine whilst being involved. These powerful energies may have been out of reach if you fucked her yourself.
very very very very good image
I think ill have a ciggie and a nap.
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don't think you know what that is toby
i can sense mousenonce's sickening presence in the thread
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uvghhhhh the concrete jungles of tokyo
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Had me buffet brek scrandemic. Ended up being a two plater
kyoto is 100 miles west of tokyo you MUG
can you stop being so rude
Squeak squeak :3
i will go to japan and star in JAV as the ugly bastard
nice one tubs
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strange looking sosiges
they look like burned roasted sweet pondados
missed the loo
fuck off paedo
can someone describe the texture of black pudding to me? describe the experience of biting into it and chewing it please
i'm in p good shape ackchly, walked 35 mins total to get me brek and i won't eat till tomorrow now

nah they were pretty good, normal sosijis. just the only one you can see whole was a bit deformed at one end
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>weekends aren't enough of a respite
>don't feel recovered from the weeks toil
>seethe and feel powerless
>procrastinate bedtime to compensate
>perpetually sleep deprived

fuck this utter bollocks, quitting my job and going part time.
why? so you can wank off to it? sick freak
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you give me the creeps
schpent the schpay in schped
very happy i schpav!
hopefully now you know how everyone in your life feels about you
>weekends aren't enough of a respite
>don't feel recovered from the weeks toil
this is the curse of toil
ok I mean I'd still eat them
also the hashbrowns look very good
I love hashbrowns so much
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It's me, Austin!
uhhh no
I've never tried it but it usually looks appealing to me in photos so I'm curious if the texture is the way I imagine it
I don't want to be let down when I do try it
hashbrowns are so fucking overpriced. i rolled up to mcdonalds thought to myself "alright gonna get a cheap breakfast just 3 hashbrowns". didn't even bother to look at the card reader, IT WAS EIGHT FUCKING DOLLARS FOR 3 HASHBROWNS
they charged me 8 dollars for half a potato fried in goyslop oil. I couldn't fucking believe.
ya they were nokia peng-gage they was all crispy and pengolio wooaaah mama
also v good: frenhc toast
you are hostile to strangers for no reason and I feel sorry for you
considering doing a wank of my boner
your family would be relieved if you died.
considering boning my wanker
I don't have a family
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>Online retailer eBay scraps fees for private sellers in UK

In latest response to rivals such as Depop and Vinted, users now only pay transaction fees on sales of vehicles
Rupert Jones
Tue 1 Oct 2024 06.00 BST

Online retailer eBay has scrapped fees for private sellers across almost all of its categories as it attempts to keep fast-growing rivals such as Depop and Vinted at arm’s length.

The move means eBay’s UK sellers no longer have to pay transaction fees, except for cars, motorcycles and other vehicles.
might mop the floors
yeah no don't buy those
Mum’s special breakfast she makes me is called the Big Boy Breakfast, she used to make it for me and my brother as a treat when we were kids and still makes it now for me as. 29 year old haha

It consists of:

>two rashers of bacon
>scrambled eggs
>curly wurly sausage from the butchers
>cheesy baked beans
>two rounds of toast

Literally the pengest brekkie ever and I love my mummy for inventing it and making it for me whenever I want :3
there is literally no incentive to participate in society
Sounds utterly peng
very comfy I want one
Does sound lush that tbf, cheesy baked beans for breakfast could be the move
Growing my hair out. Growing my beard out. Ladies beware, I am going to look SEXY
my mum is DEAD :(
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a du cod lui obo ut d
men build societies
you build up a strong smeggy odour in your childhood bedroom
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4chan has always been a bastion for free thinkers, and at its core, it’s a place where conservative, fundamentalist values can thrive. It’s not about following the mainstream narrative; it’s about questioning it, rejecting the shallow, degenerate culture that’s been force-fed to society. Gaming, in this context, represents a modern-day opiate—a distraction designed to keep people docile and detached from the real issues at hand.

While the world crumbles, too many are content to waste their lives in virtual worlds, chasing meaningless achievements instead of building something of real value. 4chan, however, stands as a counterpoint to this decay. It’s a space where traditional values like discipline, self-reliance, and the importance of family and community can be discussed and upheld. Instead of retreating into escapism, it’s about confronting reality head-on, improving oneself, and working to preserve what’s truly important.

Gaming, with its endless cycle of consumption and distraction, runs counter to these ideals. It numbs the mind, weakens the spirit, and encourages passivity at a time when we need strength and resolve. 4chan is where we draw the line, where we reject the degeneracy of modern culture and embrace a path of true purpose and meaning.
fuck off mate. office workers don't build shit. powerline repairmen, plumbers and electricians, construction workers and garbage men these are the men who maintain society white collar work is goyslop
Thanks lads I’ll tell my mum that my mates love her brekkie as well!
Sorry about that x
McDonald's hash browns are not good now
They used to be peng but now it tastes like greasy soft plastic. Clown world
Stop speaking in ciphers.
meanwhile the cronem are freespunking into katy
so a full english with chips instead of hash browns
your mumberg isn't exactly original, is she?
and why shouldnt i
don't kid yourself, you'll look like a homeless bloke
i read how they make them it's really fucking weird they dice the potatoes into shred and glue em together or some shit. you will live to see goyslop beyond your comprehension. havent had a goyslop meal in a year or two but I'm craving a quarter pounder to be honest
meanwhile you post on 4chan in your fetid incel bedroom
Because you’re probably ordering them right before they stop serving breakfast, and probably for delivery as well. So you’re getting stale ones that have been sat under a heat lamp for a while then left to sweat in a Pajeet’s delivery bag.

Getting them fresh at 7am from the drive thru and they’re still as peng as ever
>my mum is DEAD :(
incel breathing while incel typing in the incel bedroom lads
taking it up the shitpipe
Alright I'll take your word for it
Genuinely love this gimmick
M&S posting is the new king of /brit/
Levis trucker jacket. Cost a hundred quid but I'm not poor so don't care
Not a full English whatsoever mate are you simple or something? There are also several other tweaks (the cheesy beans, the curly wurly sausage)
posting the exact same post over and over again is a gimmick?
How to look like ripe for the picking 101
just had a wank
is black history month really a thing in england now...come on
Merry Christmas, /brit/
listening to zoomer music feeling I would've been big into this when I was 19 but now I'm a jaded piece of shit and the sense of wonder imparted by the song is no longer for me
really hate software that doesn't auto-update and instead forces you to download it all over again from their website.
I remember it happening in primary school and all we spoke about were american blacks

struggled to see the point
What software
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Had sex with a Jewish girl in uni and was timing my thrusts to that 'the white man marches on' song from American history x. Could barely keep myself from laughing. The jewish milkers meme is very real as well, I still think about those tits ten years later
Dentist appointment sorted for tomorrow 12:45. Already nervous but it has to be done.
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>100 people are getting married today for some reason
>literally every couple under 50 is interracial

oh my days

many examples
a good dentist is important one dentist wanted me to get a root canal i sought a second opinion and she filled the cavity for me
how'd you get one when you didn't even have a dentists yesterday?
money talks
>>literally every couple under 50 is interracial
Debunked that with 10 seconds of scrolling
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Merry Christmas, Mr. Fontaine...
And a Happy New Year..
Been downloading spyware on the computer again have we lad
shrieking, incandescent ball of angst trapped within a level 10 containment field of stubborn optimism, all ensconced within the body of a giant woman who Posts
Would love to wear a kilt but I'm not gay
hopefully they wont push the root canal but my teeth are fucked and im expecting they will tell me i need extensive work done.

rang around and paying private
Always has been
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Her squatting over me and shitting.
I need to get my teeth looked at after years of not seeing a dentist, so I'm going to book two appointments from different places to get a 2nd opinion
>he fell for the techninja meme
cannot fucking believe the mouse has had more sex than me. how is that fair? just shows women dont want gentlemen
my cavity was so extremely deep the second dentist she told me "your cavity is deep i'm going to dig it out and i'll tell you if i've reached the root or not. if not then i'll fill it. all good?" i love my dentist, she also filled my wisdom teeth which i was too pussy to get extracted.
You need to register to see a dentist you mongo. Go see a hygienist you smelly bastard
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that definitely happened
nah, thats just autistic ritual posting. not a gimmick
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>You need to register to see a dentist you mongo.
Yeah so? Just entering my details a couple of times, not a massive task
There's no law that says you can only belong to one dentist
The dentists don't clip a cattle tag round your ear do they
no racism toby
heh heh heh
that word carries a lot of baggage mate i'm not sure you understand
ive not seen a dentist in 6 years. last time it had been 8 years and cost me a fortune and that wasnt for anything cosmetic but the dentist took out my wisdom teeth that in hindsight ive wondered if it was even necessary.

the main issue is that my front right premolar is fucked and needs seeing to with some urgency. the front of it has been rotting and seemed to have disintegrated yesterday. its not painful so that part of the tooth must have rotted out but the nerve must not be exposed, and its unsightly. no idea how they can fix it. probably need a crown.
Ever met a black
how about you shut the fuck up
genuinely despise my dad. spent my whole life having him try to "cure" my autism even tho i was diagnosed at age 9

>keeps trying to make me watch football or shit films/telly with him when id rather watch stuff on my pc
>sometimes goes on indeed/right move and goes on about jobs/flats for me
>offers to go to the pub with me (cant go because it gives me a sensory overload)
>tries to make me go out with his friends kids when i have social anxiety
>turns the internet off at 9pm because he thinks it's bad for me
>complains when i microwave s burger or something because he thinks its "unhealthy"
>repeatedly tries to make me go jogging with him or to go and have a go at his shitty 6 a side football every other Saturday

im 29 now and hes been doing this shit since i was like 13. why cant he just accept autism is real and there is no cure?
Gay porn. Another victim of the woke agenda.
do i need to wash my hair before a haircut? i washed it yesterday and got drenched in the rain. doesnt seem like i should need to but i dont want to seem like greasy scum
well I don't wanna jinx it but I never had premolar fucked they just seem much less likely to get a cavity you know? 90% of chewing goes on in the molars so that's where food gets stuck. my deep as fuck cavity was actually due to a piece of goyslop fast food tortilla that got stuck into my molar that I somehow wasn't brushing off, didn't even realize how utterly fucked I was till I bit into a Ferrero Rocher chocolate with hazel nuts in it and the pressure was slightly painful. I was less than a millimeter from shit city. and the messed up thing is she told me the cavity can flare up at any moment in my life even when i'm 80 years old even though she filled it

proper blog post yeah
gay porn actually did go woke. used to just be 2 men fucking
Washing it the day before is okay
I generally do that cos properly washing my hair makes it a shapeless mess for a day
So long as it's not visibly greasy you're fine
Trying to get a few days off are you
Corr bet it's hard to see you in the dark.
Will you fuck my girlfriend?
Your dad sounds like a nice bloke who's just trying to connect to his horrid little shit of a son
no need to be like that. you choose to read posts.

fairly certain fillings can come loose and need reapplying at intervals. i dread living till 80, all my grandparents that lived that long have dentures
I only have anecdotal experience but my son (16) is the laziest son of a bitch o have ever met. And so are his mates so I suspect there is a lot like him. They are proper clued up to how the world is fucked.

Just the other day when we spoke to him about being more motivated. “Why should I work my ass off for old fogeys to have a good life”.

His generation are going to burn the country down if the gov doesn’t sort out the shit we are in.
wouldnt rob your mates would you
>used to just be 2 men fucking
what is it now
I don't keep up to date with gay porn you see
Janitor, kill this man
Why not?
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fuck it im just going to get a buzzcut anyway. if the barber doesnt want to touch my hair directly he can wear gloves.
Every thin’ gonna be alri
big fat tigger
Guys can we PLEASE not say that word, my girlfriend might see it
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c dl aoo uuu dbd it o
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ya i don't get it she said the cavity might be precarious in one breath then said it's fine for life in antoher idk maybe it's just a legal thing or i'm remembering wrong. but yeah dental health in old age is a boon doggle. they say poor dental hygiene causes heart disease from the bacteria leaking from your mouth to your blood and such. my dad got dentures in his 40s from bad habits even though it sucks I hope it saved him from that sort of thing
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on an island in the sun
we'll be playing and having fun
and it makes me feel so fine I can't control my brain
sucking a coffee, black
he is obviously trying to get a ban
I hope something kind of bad happens to you, but nothing too bad. Like you lose 50 bucks down a drain or something, but not your car getting totalled
i fucking love weezer man, say it aint so was playin on loop in my head
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Fat paki scran for lunch de lods :3
woooah, woah woah,
wooooaah oh,
i get him hot,
cos i'm a nigger
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having a few tuesday beers (wahey)
i worked for a guy some years back who was about 70 and he had all his teeth pulled at 18 and wore dentures his entire adult life.
Looks like Elton John has an anal fissure
(hey, hey)
spacker tray
weelcome to squidwards tiki land
good lad
>optional module I enrolled on has been cancelled due to insufficient numbers

Fuck sake
You can only be registered at 1 NHS dentist
What was the module? X
fucking grim
Take me by the hand, lead me to the land
that you understand
the voyage to the corner of the globe is a real trip (trip trip)
Not true
Willy sucking and arse fingering
Anyone remember össie the Norwegian who used to post here? Think often about his posts
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for me, it was finlad
Not sure if I recall him
My uni did free language courses including Russian, Mandarin, French, German, etc. but it was rustler group to be fair
he was good
bring him back
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finlad was a fat podge
was well funny when he posted that photo with his silhouette in a reflection
he was on some heavy duty medication wasnt he
I’m 30. I can’t wear trainers anymore. I can’t wear hoodies anymore. I can’t wear trackie bottoms anymore. No more graphic t shirts. No more sloppy clothes made in China! and the third world. No more polyester and synthetic cheap clothing. Only natural, long lasting materials for me. Wool. Cotton. Linen. Clothes made in the UK, Europe at a push. Yes, they’re more expensive but they’re better quality and last longer. Quality is the key. If my clothing looks robust then I’ll feel and look more confident and respectable and this echoes through every aspect of my life. Time to get a move on.
should have been on wegovy the fat fuck
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There's something about being fat cunts that makes for the best posters imo (finlad, spaino, and me just to name 3)
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I've never seen you look like this without a reason,
another promise fallen through another season passes by you
I think Russian isn't a very popular option at the moment which is why the course was cancelled.
alri Underground Man
yeah it's cos your real lives are so worthless cos you're so fat and being online is your escape from your grim fat reality
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gotta wonder if this aussie boomer on reddit is posting nonstop drunk. really gives me those drunk vibes
if i can't have you,
i don't want nobody baby,
if i can't have you,
ah huh, woah
I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert - but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime
Love being fat me
worked 2 menial jobs and decided ill never do it again
australians are just happy pubgoing people (unless this bloke is proper boomerposting, in which case he probably is drunk)
yeah that's just cope mate. i've been fat so don't try and fool me with your bollocks
order a coffin
swear my cock's shrinking
You're a menial job
don't hormones shrink ur cock
>Yvonne Elliman
would not have guessed that one
Always discounted slipknot as one of those bands that only lank-haired freaks at school who drank monster for breakfast listened to but they actually have some bangers
i knew a chick in high school who wore that penis nose mask. i only heard psychosocial and that other one
i push my finger into my
that's the one haha
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feel like shit just want bob hawke back
It is dull in this world, gentlemen.
Last for Walt Disney

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