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tadpole edishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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We are better than you
reckon that thing has sentience?
Finished toil at 10:00 am. Might have a sleep.
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Is Ruby just going to hang around her old school all the time and in all these different jobs until she finds the one that suits her? Maybe she'll hang around enough and become headmistress. I feel that part of this is a wish fulfilment for Ruby. It allows her to stay in her school days and never really leave the confines of a school schedule.
look at him go
If I were your father I'd dream about euthanizing you
at a very basic level, yes
Words uttered by the doctor who delivered you
the pub is grim
overpriced beer surrounded by mongs
Why does being autistic mean you have to be a neet
find it very distressing thinking about a dad offering to take his son to the pub and shout him a pint only to be told no
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prove you're sentient
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not a very australian post
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Tadpoles are so cute. Love them.
*recognises myself in a mirror*
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Want the Iranian regime fuck off but before they're all hauled off to the Hauge I'd like to see Iran chimp out and go full war mode just to see what sort of damage the Persian army are capable of lol
piss off
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Me on the right
I literally went to the pub tonight
one of the worst posts I've ever had the displeasure of reading
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can't crack the hard problem of consciousness lads
Um er well uh...
u going to the reform christmas party? mad to think other brit posters could be there haha
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Good lad!
can't imagine why a british person would care, you must be a foreigner
Ah yes, the civnat boomers that only care about illegal immigration
because it’s a great place for a shagger such as myself to catch up with my mates over a few beers
if im alone i drink in my house
if im with friends we drink while doing whatever it is we're doing
never really saw the point of going to the pub
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>the non conscious cucknadian is still seething from being btfo by big D
lol, lmao even
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>the Hauge
Prove it exists
can't imagine why a british person would be triggered by that post, your bedroom must absolutely reek
they hated him because he spoke the truth
atmosphere/meeting new people/other utilities like a band
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genuinely pity you, bloody hell
fuck the pub

going into a pub and "enjoying" a shitty pint of beer

i'm not fond of the people that go either
Put that nonce in a spliff
You should be killed
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i've got fantastic visualization abilities, to be honest I can't imagine being less than 1 on this image and I would say my internal visualization goes beyond a surface image it's like a 3D CAD model in my head. but I know I'm gimped compared to others who have entire memory palaces and live out sagas in their daydreams and dreams
don't like hearing about browns whining about their tribal conflicts
any british person wouldn't have to have this explained
add oil so you hold
after dusk cold lit onto it did
can fly too out and it's ointment
Any other Pimlico Journal subscribers itt?
least boring redditor
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*taps the sign*
I can visualise like that but don't see the point in it really
great post fuck those idiot pub dickheads
I'm on the TINDER
I'm on the HINGE
I'm on the BUMBLE
Any other good dating apps out there? I'm casting my nets far and wide
>I can't imagine being less than 1 on this image
you're unable to imagine it eh? reckon you're actually a 5
good boy
squealing over the implication that this site has a future
very good
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Our Wayne
howling done that runt
just memorise your dreams and break apart and implement
why lad
Pub's too expensive now.
Costs well over a hundred quid for a couple of people to have a night out in one.
Could go to an actual Michelin starred restaurant for that kind of money.
The last 6 news posts were birthday posts
meant to say very good to this* >>202897405
crazy that the chinese probably eat chinese every day
i just smoke my nigga weed and fuck these hoes im not no party man
I'm the same age as him but I look 20 years younger than him.
all pubs are the same these days

same boring as fuck people same boring as fuck venues

not sure why you'd enjoy going to one in the current day
is weed even legal in the other britbong countries or is it just our dear leader that made DUDE WEED LMAO legal
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Mallard lad spotted at the gym
>has never been to the spurstowe arms
lol, lmao even
*drinks 5 litres of beer at the pub*
wtf why isn't this 10 bob
im 20 years younger than you but look 40 years older
how's 38 treating you
i have

and they sold carling

which i can buy anywhere else

how superb
Why is beyonce so desperate to be a white woman?
why they gotta clown him like that
It might as well be legal, there's no enforcement.
See people constantly every day smoking it in public, even school kids, everywhere stinks of it.
going to start distilling my own spirits soon so i dont have to pay ridiculous prices for alcohol
prove it
5'8, Size 14 Chucks
for me, it's the humble bar soap
Never seen someone smoking weed in my life
>if a restuarant serves potatoes it's not worth going to
state of you
good boy
just do your own moonshine it's what people used to do
I'm much happier and successful than I was when I was 28. Not really looking forward to being 40 though, I'm not ready to be old.
this isn't me, i've never set foot in a 'nasium in my life
thats cap
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why did he do it lads
No cap
Is it too late to get into the dating game at 27?
no pub is worth going to
fair play lad - although 40's the new 30 as they say
glad you're doing well
Hope not
Bro is in his 20s asking whether he's too old to date...
She's desperate to fit in
hate trains
hate the pub
hate team fortress
hate halo
hate rugby
dont fuckig care. fuck off
how so?
lot of antipodeans in
of course not
Antipodeez nuts
got the AE_LIVE_BOSTON_041015 on
much rather walk into a pit of vipers instead of a pub
Im loathe to admit but Aussies are better posters than leafs
is he some sort of arrogant new-fangled train
one of the absolute WORST posts I've ever read, ever, on this website, period
don’t even care for trains but this post reviles me you anti-halo anti-pub mentalist
we're literally known for abhorrent shitposters. i once drunk posted in /brit/ got roasted for my atrocious banter it was funny how bad it was
leafs have improved in number and quality recently
need some kiwis in now
never seen one of these videos, had a search on youtube but it's just cunts with awful voices doing >documentaries
took you this long to realise?
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>Gary Lineker's tree surgeon nephew, 18, crushed to death by falling trunk
lmao what
go on then mr grumpy what do you like
Next post is REALLY good, a BANGER
dangerous anti pub sentiment
now that's tragic but do bongs really call tree cutters tree surgeons?
in the context of the TV show, yes
in the context of real life, he inadvertedly face revealed mallardlad
i'd rather walk into a ________ with my cock out than a pub
Can't be worse than me
All me
Not the brightest
good lad, keep them honest
what a villain
Just had a quick google search and you call them tree surgeons in Canada too
group of consenting women
google is seo slop now mate no one has uttered the phrase tree surgeon here lmao
"sandwich artist" is sort of a joke phrase but technically a real title, tree surgeon is mental
Tree surgeons don't normally cut the trees down
bit of a bin surgeon me
tree surgeons deserve the pay of real surgeons
Get a load of the fuckin detective here
You have confirmed yourself as wogbrained, no better than a yank
that one lad has me listening to "If I can't have you" on repeat now
about to perform a triple bypass on a tree
ah ah ah, no talkie until ive had my mandarin palace lunchtime buffet meal for one
i don't know lads, maybe tree surgeon was a real thing all along I don't get out much
Just realised it's been playing in my head for the last 20 minutes
summa poologica
english question
how do they mean differ?

>you're from fucking poland
>you're fucking from poland
*farts in your face*
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the pub
hair surgeon fucked up, got me looking like a right cunt
Just told my mum I hate her
the second one isn't grammatically correct
Book Diego was spamming about a couple days ago had a chapter on poo
they dont but the first one sounds more regular
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the second one is something a drunk person might say but they mean the same thing
>be 27
>waste a lot of my 20s
>desperately trying to claw it back
feeling like I’ve missed out on everything fun and my life is over because your trajectory is determined in the 18-22 years.
quite mad how I got no attention from women at that age, but now I am starting to get loads somehow, but I just feel so insecure about my life. this has become even worse since somehow I’m attracting a bunch of 19-21 year old girls who fall for me so fucking fast but they have things going on in life which are cool and not boring adult shit, and it makes me depressed instead of happy that young girls are lusting over me. also it makes me feel like a nonce.
good, she's an evil bitch
Not even god could fix an ugly runt like you
why does everything think it’s so cool to act above it all and nonchalant about everything, people wanna make every social interaction a fucking power struggle instead of just connecting to the other person and living in the moment
son just told me he hates me
sounds like you're your own worst enemy here mate
which book la? need to update the diegopedia
Everyone's become wogbrained
Wonder what he means by this.
bit mean m8, i'm trying my best x
gave you the somali?
this boomer came up to me started ranting for 10 minutes about bananas lad's obviously lonely as fuck but mate I don't have the mental energy to absorb this I just literally walked away from him mid sentence I'm sorry dude
love connecting with people on a human level (over a mutual beer) me
There is a big nothing ready to drop that will do nothing to nobody because nothing ever happens
dishonor to famiry
Photo day at toil, can't wait to see how fucking ugly I truly am
actually started stressing about a career at 25 but wasted a few valuable years by pursuing something completely pointless (programming)

tried and failed miserably aha
your work has a photo day?
Have a shit on the desk and tell everyone to come look at it and see what happens.
Are you a yank on a VPN? Genuinely never seen a Canadian act so yankish
canadians are just northerly americans
yeah, literally childlike insecurity because I still look at others and think they’re pretty cool and interesting, but I feel like a loser with nothing cool or sexy about me, no spontaneity, nothing. quite grim really. not sure what young women are seeing in me, I just assume it’s because they haven’t grown up yet
validation from young birds is all that matters so if that's not doing it for you i'm afraid there's nothing that will it's an existential crisis that runs deeper

what the fuck do you think a Canadian is? there is nothing that defines us, we're yank lite with socialist tendencies.
Yeah well it's not mandatory per se but they're paying for a professional photographer to come in so thought may as well
What's all this about then?
Mad how 4chan shares its birthday with Jimmy Carter
obviously I don’t mean that, but I mean it feels like no one ever makes half an effort to make friends. like im in uni and I’ve tried to be nice and ask people to hangout and whatnot and most of them seem like they couldn’t give less of a shit.
Mad how I'm absolutely wanking the shit out of my todger
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The Unexpected Way by Paul Williams
that is mad
The amount I'm pooing is, frankly, ridiculous
u read it?
hi pintman
There has been an influx of annoying yank behaviour lately
they are just crown-commonwealth yanks at the end of the day
me to a tee
the fact that you referred to non-tree surgeons as "real surgeons" shows you have a long journey in the fight against internalised decidudoctophobia ahead of you
seeing strange hats on top of the posts
must be forgot to take my medication haha
holding in a big poo to extract every last drop of nutriment before the inevitable excretion
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forest man
take me by the hand lead me to the land
that you understand
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>Doctors should get the same pay as footballers
gfberg just saw the Wayne Rooney picture and said she feels bad for him because he's had a hard life. lmao fucking bint the boys a millionaire never seen a bad day in his life
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Parts of it, there are easily accessible PDFs available online.
Author is a big time mongo which is clear from the accompanying blog post he wrote on the same topic: https://whyimcatholic.com/index.php/conversion-stories/buddhist-converts/65-buddhist-convert-paul-williams
Why did you waste your time?
pint surgeon refused to serve me
now now mate, there's no such thing as underpaid, there's only the market rate. whatever the market decides to pay you is simply fair and square.
stupid bitch doesn't even realise it's fake?
Mental how Rooney's still in his 30s
Worst part of graduating from uni is not being around attractive young women all the time anymore
Miss it so much. Just the presence of a fit bird gives men vitality.
thinken bout gen z boss
league 1 players should get paid the same as big 5 lawyers
>validation from young birds is all that matters
do you not think it’s just because they are easily deluded by looks or maturity?

a lot of the young birds I attract are very into music and everything like that, so they’re always doing interesting things like going to concerts, getting involved with inner circles etc. one just recently was really into concert photography which I used to think was some shit normie hobby but it was pretty cool seeing the interesting lives they lead. I’m developing an admiration for so many women it’s quite grim, even in those who have hobbies that I would previously think was stupid or something, and basically only have loathing for myself for being such a boring (but attractive) runt.
called him a draught technician
i work in a supermarket and see attractive young women every day especially around 3 o clock
tbf bartenders need the agility of a surgeon with some of the stuff they pull
Every year there's a new group of fit excited 18 year olds from all over the world
Must be why professors live so long
teachers should get the same pay as bank CEOs
you sure they haven't just come out of school?
I hate being around attractive young woman, it makes me seethe so badly it’s unreal. stupid fucking whores who are universally bad people and yet have it all anyways
Rude I would've kicked you out
nonce cunt
Dogbergs should get the same pay as footballers
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Not sure why I waste time. I’m just a man of inaction who feels like I have unlimited time and I have a constant attitude of talking myself out of not needing or wanting to do things. I would previously just dislike everything for no reason at all because I thought it was a waste of time or wouldn’t lead to something important, but it was a very bad viewpoint to adopt in my early years. Getting too comfortable with distancing myself from everything I suppose.
Put the mirror down, mate
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Just do something mate, anything
the mirrors in my hands pointing at you
sad little man consumed by hate and anger me
what's your favourite pokemon card?
Two nonces kissing
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ktim so much
and this, also makes me seethe about how I was such a fucking loser and wish I could go back in time.
might treat myself to a quality wank
a romantic wank
light a candle, run a bath, throw furs on the bed
it's been a while since i had some quality me-time
god I wish that were me
the synaesthesia gf says my presence tastes like grape jam
now then ldas
Treat yourself, you deserve it
The only thing I can do consistently is gymcel my life away. I sometimes think about trying to get into other hobbies I’d think were cool (because deep down I think that would make me cool), like playing instruments, then I just convince myself it’s a cope.
you go girl
slay queen
>As authorities could not find any definitive evidence of any foul play, they concluded his death as accidental death by hyperthermia and presumed Naoyuki as a pervert. He crawled into the pipe to peep at female private parts.
Imagine if the last thing he saw was a big set of hairy knackers
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why would he see that in the female bogs you imbecile
because another pervert was hidden in that bog wanking over the sounds coming from the next one over
what do you guys think moot is up to now
apparently he lives in japan and has hapa kids
gymceling is good
it’s basically the only productive outlet for incelrage, without I’d probably kill myself, do hard drugs, or do something retarded that would land me in prison
Moids in their "theorising about women" mode are the absolute worst. x10 if they use a lot of evopsycho pseud babble.
el sexo grande if you know what i mean haha
Isn't there anything you enjoy?
reading eckhart tolle
living the life innit, like ken-sama. probly friends with pewdiepie
oh dear
in a just world you’d get in a brutal car accident and die screaming
lmao where is this, insane
choccyberg is winning.....
*falls asleep mouth agape*
Gymcelling is good but dangerous because you will look better appearance wise and get more looks from women but you will still be an incel at heart and this can be very detrimental to a young man
I turned down a new life in Japan because I have a gf and house here.
Maybe you can cry about it on r9k with all the other americanised freaks
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wouldn't have gone down like this if that were me
haha really should look for a job, really should stop living on my mates sofa, really should get myself a cheap flat, really should work some overtime, really should save for my own place, really should, won't.
thinking of going to the art museum in an attempt to pick up some whimsical art hoe, r8 the plan lads
>Of the 15 Premier League goals scored by English players last weekend, 46.7% were scored by Manchester City’s front three from the 2020 FA Youth Cup final.
mad this
>incel with shit body vs incel with good body
one is obviously better than the other
I'd have come back later with my fishing rod
What's the point anyway
Bodied dat incel loooool
best days at the museum is when they have the school visits
Probably my favourite inceltivity is going to cemeteries at night. so kino, normalfags could never understand
any other "get their cocks out in nightclubs" men in?
there is no point in working mates. i researched the pension programs of UK and its colonies. aside from the US, they all provide approximately $1300USD/month if you never worked a single stinking day in your life. US is lower at $900/month. there's just no point in working unless you really need the social status to attract a bird
*does the macarena dance to espresso by sabrina carpinter*
ever have a wank?
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he cute
i've only known one person to do that and he works in an office or something now
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>Probably my favourite inceltivity is going to cemeteries at night. so kino, normalfags could never understand
have no idea how you can have a conversation with someone you dont know in an art gallery beyond banal "oh isn't this nice"
very good post
which three?
feels like half the players in the league come from citeh or chelsea
women with wobbly arses
Palmer, Rogers and Delap
thanks x wish I still had my old cards
incel typing on the incel keyboard
skived off gymtoil for a few months and now my lifts have regressed to near-beginner level, very embarrassing benching less than 60kg
where can you have a conversation with anyone you don’t know beyond a banal pleasantry in this atomised hellscape socially stunted society
It's easier if you have a triple-digit IQ
haha don't we all
Incredible how shit the artwork is and I bet autistic virgin freaks spend hundreds to get a single copy
*stares incelfully*
whys he a fucking postie
fat cunt couldnt even fly when this card came out
hat this cunt
sounds good
although disclaimer I don't want to set someone on a bad life path with that presentation of facts but of course elderly benefits can be cut by any government at any moment. so that's something you have to consider, are the politicians gonna cut the bennies in the name of cuckservatism
ironic seeing as we were just talking about it in this very thread
i have an iq of 120, tested as a teenager by the school's psychology department
wanking a cock with my arse
the pub you goose
I live in shitney and have been to hundreds of pubs alone and never once has anyone ever attempted to have a conversation with me, and I don’t think I’ve ever even witnessed it happening to someone else
odd thing to do. well, not really I suppose

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