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Ștefan Nemanja edition

Would you really kill in a war another balkan poster knowing you have been interacting with him here for years?
I'd kill every single one of you in a heartbeat. I'd maybe spare the Attfrican though

isreal bombing iran back
I'd kill anyone as long as I didn't suffer from any consequences
Without clicking on it you just know its niggers fucking each other, a dead animal or woman or some brownoid with bg flag in the background
Almost all of us are on the same team this time
all wrong
>the gypsy got angry is mocked his literally nobody hero

Balk posters are the closest people you got to the concept of friendship
I would take Iki and Sashko out of their misery
Sashko suicided bro. He announced it here and we know he is a man of his word
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the good (lol) old days..
Sofia public transport ranking
>Elite tier
Metroline 3&4
>Acceptable tier
Metroline 2
>Meh tier
Metroline 1
New trams
>Shit tier
Green trams
>Thrash tier
Old trams
why is there a poop ball
are you a dung beetle bro
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Tirana public transport ranking
Imagine the 5 year plan if ww3 breaks out everything will be completely worthless
I can't even do this for Bumgrade, everything is just trash tier
Sasko will drink coffe in his favorite pub meanwhile all of us will be in trenches, he will cheat the system using his mentally ill paper to skip any recrooter
it'd be pretty lame, but I would probably escape somewhere to hide until it's over
plus after the war the line would go up
Bro after the war I can buy your assets for a bic razor
>he will cheat the system using his mentally ill paper to skip any recrooter
common cripple win

what assets bro
You can take the underground train from Vuk Karadzhic straight to Novi Beograd bro
It was hash from Spain idk where it was grown
5€/g but sometimes I've found some really cheap hash like 500g for 500 euros or something like that but it must be bad hash
>what assets
8tb hdd of tsipi

drugs: you use you lose
What is Israel gonna do now bros? Destroying iranian nuke facilities?
Funnily enough I've never had a need to use that train
I should try it out some day just for no reason, go to Zemun or some shit
Either way they really oughta expand that shit some more
ummm, that's illegal bro
why would I have that as a law abiding citizen
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Posted from my XiaoMi Redmi Note 13 5g
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serbian gf
Based winner, gets hammered by brown missiles but his mind is still on Serbian sluts
I hope an Iranian missile hits both of you straight in the head
imagine having to interrupt your goon sesh because brownoids are bombarding you with missiles
my missile is black
and serb gf will receive it daily
Too poor to go to Vrachar most likely
>shitran throws a shitload of missiles against based state
>Two injured joos
>1 fatality being a memestinian

Hahhaha good aim bro, if you they target Attica they might hit Skopje with that accuracy
Based King
I accept that risk
Another muslim L, as usual
>nigga still harboring millennia old grudges
Evil creature, what if the missile falls in between and kills some pale angel tourist girl?
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Western tourists should all die
Greece is Balkan tourist owned
Wars are good. Many bridges get destroyed in war.
Nice song

Hmmmmm bro, if the missile falls in Chalkidiki it will might kill a slavic pale angel, you're more evil that I am!
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Accidently met nojko yesterday and showed him and his sisters the city
so true sis
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I like this book better
Should have killed him
based nojko brownic
My mind has been rotted by AI generations. This looked like one at first.
ok now that's bad
look at that nigga's prey eyes and demeanor
Imagine if sashko gets recruited, i think he'll go full metal jacket

>bro got abs by some literal uncoordinated shizo workout
Just gets to show how overrated gym actually is
Bulgars are the niggers of the Balkan
Niggerfaggots if you will
you would get abs too if you did 50,000 steps a day burning a path into your carpet walking circles talking nonsense for 8 hours and then wifi hunting throughout skopje for another 8 and then rocking back and forth flexing abs seething writing essays /balk/
Tito(pbuh) and Jovanka had 32 years age gap, so that's perfect age difference for marriage
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abs are basically starving yourself and genetics
delete this fucking post, don't jinx it
he'll come back in 2 days complaining that the incels don't want to ravish his bum and overthrown bumgaria to create a bumliphate
alhamdulillah the addiction of forum namefaggotry will be too hard to overcome
like a woman he'll gravitate to where he gets more attention
there's no actual bans here so like a funnel shit flows towards 4tsan
>have to wait 2 hrs for a reply on a forum
>join my discord server for say gex and to overthrow the bumgarian government
>secret dms
>*banned for promoting external community*
>actual glowies alert our glowies about him
can't feel the ape energy of the top he's trying to tease that way
he's looking for an aggressive conqueror bf, the revolution is just a pickup line
you should unironically inform your feds about bumgal so he gets deported
what's funny is the fag is looking in the wrong places
you don't get a well-adjusted le terotica monster with self-restraint bf online, you get shizos and other mindfucked retards
bro our feds don't care about hundreds of actual pro-z militiamen armed with AKs who publicly announced they were going to stage a coup

my buddy at DANS told me whenever they receive a sidenote about these mongoloids, they simply laugh at them for a few minutes and ignore them
this just reminded me that that north italian autist is probably still soliciting classifications in random dms
he doesn't get that someone matching his "standards" would never even bother with bumgal at all
why the fuck would you risk your ambitions for some useless delusional whiny bitch from amerika?

meh, hopefully they don't raid this board later
z chuds ain't gonna do shit tho
who are you fucking kidding
classic "why won't chad date my toxic 4/10 ass" foid trope
Roll the dice pay the price hustle sacrifice
the only thing trash can do is complain why non-trash won't appear from the ether and fix the trash's problem
he's legitimately a liability to his own stated goals, the first thing to do would be to get rid of him
as some boring psychologist said, if you don't love yourself how can you expect others to love you
alright enough of this talk now
you had your fix, now it's getting gay
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>A report was received in December 2022, it claimed that the activities of the Military Union - Bulgarian People's Militia "Shipka" are anti-state and alleges that crimes may have been committed under Chapter One of the Special Part of the Criminal Code - Crimes against the Republic.
>The driving force behind the organization is Vladimir Rusev, also known as Walter Kalashnikov, who is actually a reserve sergeant. He graduated from a sergeant's school and served as a sergeant in a BNA unit in Aytos until 1981. He was dismissed for unfitness, after which he became a novice in the Rila Monastery.

>hundreds of weaponized militiamen
>it's actually 20 cosplayers
So anyway how are you guys
Why cant women just uh hey lol hahaaa
Cool pic
Suicide attempt count?
So far 9 suicide attempts

I am followed someone called my parents yesterday etc

Gonna try again tonight
CIA is actively preventing your suicides because you post about them here
>sashe's guardian Ejndzhal Nojkovic wants him to suffer
Im not a muslim terrorist

Its just i elaborated i actually go to a much better place

Wtf do they want
Evil wants you to suffer so it can feed off you
Look i elaborated on reddit and here

I dont have time to spend on human stuff

I go to a much better place

Its not evil people but jelous
Whats your deal anyway?

I already elaborated here

So what is the harrassement towards me here in this dimension
Im 30years old virgin i spent mpst on my 20s on respiridone a wrong medication with a wrong diagnosis so crimes of powerful folks kids were hidden

I need to go to place between worlds and i elaborated what i do on /stringtheoryisreal

And on this post


I dont give a shit about anything
What the fuck is string theory
A shizo uses string theory to explain how world events were actually caused by him
g-string theory, like the slutwhore underwear
Its advanced physics

Endgame of physics

Im not a schizo see fu piece of shit why do you spread false roumors about me
Look shitheads i have a job to menage a nonhumanoid aliens etc

I dont have time to spend slaving myself or to convay plans for cia or russia

I simply dont give care about human politics
Seriously as i said hunters mentality of animalistic instinct humans are

Fuck yall jelous shitheads instead of being jelous move on work and create something instead of destroying something

You aint advanced enough

I go have orgy in a freaking another dimension with cyborg gurls with big tits
Damn 1 day into sober october and this schizo spiked out of his mind on xannies and bubbly making me jealeous
Ok wtf is your issue why do you call me schizo

See what is your issue stop insulting me

I never did anything wrong to you so why do you insult me
You take mind altering drugs what should i call you
Do you see i have name a tripcode

Your behavior is barbaric

You think you are better than me i dont give a shit i have my own life in another dimension

Dont want to waste my time in this one
What drugs are you on right now?
heh I'm going strong
we gon' make it brotha
Dude please understand i dont do drugs

I gave data information and stuff

I dont care if you belive it or not

Please do not harrasse me
Work is crawling by ;-;
Sheesh i hate this forum its bunch of freaking newretards and gaslightning

Just dont harrasse me

look at this chudigga man I've been laughing for the last 5 minutes he got me good
Hmm i dont date human females
Sashko bro what's your workout routine?
50,000 steps a day and rocking back and forth for a few hours to flex the abs
I wake up i drink cafe than i drink a smoothie i get energy from the sugars of the fruits and i do like 100 cклeкoви

And 200 cтoмaчни

Than 20x2 on each hand with a 4kg wight

And 20x2 on each hand where i am in laying position

For legs i only do up and downs with the 4kg weight 60 in a series of 3 so 20x3

Than i go out drink a coffee i come back i eat meat with carbs and at the evening again meat with carbs
Yes i walk a lot in a Г around the living room after i am back from the cafe and after a meal

I dont lay a lot in my bed or chair
Impressive, well done

I go to kill myself in few hours i already explained what i do
I don't recommend it dude, I think the CIA may have a dimensional travel device and they can keep following you.

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