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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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this wouldn't happen if you had a 5 year plan edition

OLD: >>202856138
I was sick with a fever for one day a week ago and my nose is still clogged

Can't believe everyone just had to deal with this since corona dropped
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merlot is objectively better than other wine
sober october nigga miss me with that shit
How to get stefan to do teen porn?
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In other news, auslander taxi driver beats up tranny and its boyfriend in downtown Athens
thanks to fyrominas for exporting winds again my underwear needed blowing
nobody cares just like the millions of dead pidors its just irrelevant non news
What about the 6 million dead piglet hoholian children?
Would you care if I told you the taxi driver used a bowl of broad beans as a melee weapon against the tranny?
>bushman of the kalahari
Imagine mango shitting you out of his asshole bro
I was just a bad dream
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>me, pretty much without a sense of smell since I can remember when all the normies were losing their mind when they could suddenly not smell shit anymore
Do not care, at all, even if it happened 100 times over i still would not flinch
>would not flinch
*heems you dead with a double jab and a right hook*
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Sorry bro, after I had to see this for the second time today, I was have to do this
Been a while since you posted that, would you lick that russian whores pussy btw?
you wont do shit turkcel
You won't be saying that with a dislocated jaw, broken orbital and missing teeth bro. No bumgarian "man" could ever beat me in a fight.
pretty sure bulgarians were created in some kind of yakubesque experiment where they would crossbreed the evilest balkmuns
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so true!
No bro, pussies are dirty, feet is where the new licking trend is
so true!
so true!
so true
Mmmh, eating some fresh Batata Harra, delicious.
Licking unspermed pussies is not gay mpro, i'd lick yout sisters pussy.
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Pretty sure i can take a gnarly shit right here
Least evil Tatargarian
Also are you going to post a link to the video of the troon getting beat up?
he'd go to jail for that
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would you?
Greece is a civilized country bro, they have freedom over there.
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Do you ever use your kazzak face to scare away black pypo?
That's the pipe whisperer retard, i have never posted my face here.
You the depressive porno addict woman hater?
They call mea ngrybey 'round these parts
i posted my suit collection and rolls royce on other boards but i can't do it here because mangal will shoot me and steal my shit
Damn bro, i am envious of your wealth, how did you become so rich and well adjusted?

It's in the article
Kek, the absolute state of those faggots gettingbeat up by a fuckign boomer, the troon took a better punch than the faggot even.
That particular article seems to deny reality, to kme it seems to faggot inyellow attacked the boomer first.
Does the media in Greece have an ulterior agende for this misinterpration of the video in question or it was an honest mistake? Really makes you ponder
I would never get into a fight with a faggot

Too afraid of catching AIDS
how you gon defend yourself when bulgarians come though
I have this on my phone
>soyviet artillery marsh

Was cut short by a barrage of HIMARS
>how you gon defend yourself when bulgarians come though
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That nose is hella sus
But with my ass facing away from them, walking backwards
churka nose
kuf ti e chasovnika
literal orcs
ban assault bjurm winds
>bulgarians proceed to kiss you and suck your cock
only correct way to retreat from them is walking like a crab sideways
>walks like a crab sideways
>gets droned
Drone operated dildos
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And thus, the only coal powered stuff on Britain right now are the coalburners (but that doesn't hurt the environment, according to fakt tsekers)
Coal is so old news, Achmed's goat-powered appliances are in fashion now.
Is the Bumgaria meme over now?
yes, we're waiting for the next zany /balk/ forced meme
wtf, romanians are crackers?
Oh boy i can't wait to see with what new funny and creative meme the brilliant minds of /balk/ will come up with next.
what are they doing even
took a shit right here bro thoughts on me being this based?
bro why are you so pissed off 24/7? there are other things you can do other than poorly try to get under my skin
I got sober.
shut the hell up pussy lol
We shouldn't break the heart of God, by insulting each other all day.
ky esht nipomak
u ktheve prap ne norvegji?
Bro you call me subhuman
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>he isn't dumbomaxxxing to achieve personal flight
I gave in to demonic influence at my lowest state. Through the grace of God, I was able to lift up myself like a B-52 Stratofortress, ready to bomb the demons and their worshipers like Turks or Albanians.
post wings, king

pse mo, ste pelqeu shqiperia
Headphone dent to accommodate gaming headset
Larger ears to absorb every little sound from the headset and detect threats in video games better
Dark eye circles to absorb monitor light
Literally every Albanian looks like this
u kon prizren vtm per tre jav, punoj ktu
Younger generation looks more normal but you can still tell them apart.
si te duket norvegjia, shtyhet? kam degjuar qe ka shum kosovar aty
Exclusion qualifier—A deceptive verbal behavior used to enable a person who wants to withhold certain information to answer a question, but without disclosing all of the information. Examples: “basically, ” “for the most part, ” “fundamentally, ” “probably, ” “most often.” Failure to answer—A deceptive verbal behavior in which a person’s response does not answer the question that’s asked.
Ka ktu shum mir, por pak ftoht. ska kaq shum rebell ose kosvar si ne vndet e tjera tevropes.
The fuck is my problem actually?
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it's joever
SAAAR it's zainichi albanians
You're unbanned, King.
>October 1:
>International Coffee Day
>International Day of Older Persons
>Active Aging Week - September 30 - October 6, 2024
finally, a day for old men like me
I am only 34
34 is young
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>I am only 34
>34 is young
How does that affect my immense wealth?
Oldest zoomers are 28

4chan is a 21 year old zoomer
4chan is alphoomer territory
In 2 years, 30 year old zoomers will exist
who knows, more importantly, who cares?
generation alpha will be legally allowed to post on boards.4chan.org/int/ in 4 years. gen alpha posting on /int/ is closer to us than COVID.
I had an african work college I yelled at him few times.
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Balk is proof that you should never sympathize with poorfags, they are simply mentally ill and unfit for a great life
but /balk/ is the elite of the elite?
wait, you are telling me everyone here is not 6feet, 6pack and 6figures?
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>mfw too deaf to hear your request to put the fries in the bag
>get fired
What is it now kiddo, age isn't just a number anymore? Looooool
bait must bait everyone, without exceptions
there are no eternal sides, only eternal bait
you are always young, you are only old when you accept that you are old.
When I become the fascist owner of 4chan, I'll award you a Macedonian flag flair for this post (because the master baiters of balk are almost always Macedonian)
based quints
inside every balkan man is a makkkedonian struggling to break out
Im considering making a retard proof guide on how to make 5 thousand money outof thin air then handing it over to people here to grow it exponentially just to see what happens when maymuns gain a steady income.
What do you think would happen if you give a bunch of money to a mentally ill schizophrenic retard? I dont think anything good will come out of it so i willnot be doing it most likely.
Or i will do it but then mysteriously disappear.
they only bait you because they appropriated your ancient identity, and now continue to humiliate you by associating your ancient past in the collective consciousness with some post yugoslavhellhole.
increased inflation and most of the money disappearing before the month is over
Stop playin with me

Why is this Albanian pensioner polluting this noble general instead of raping blonde women in Norwegian fjords?
Isn't it funny how mentally ill people from the 1980s are more artuculate than the average mutt nowadays?
Source: a mentally ill man born in 1980
Waging rn, maybe later when I go home
Don't harass sashko janev chopel semata like that
gibs me dat to finish my degree rich fegit-sama
Sasho is a 90s kid.
What's up with elevator music
Why did boomers invent this

Will they die from a single moment of silence
sashko needs to enter porn to sex all the big tits teens he wants
Elevator music is so liminal.
how trans friendly is greek culture and legislation
t. μελετάω τη γλόσσα
both of you need a beating
Πάρα πολύ.

Σκοτώνουνε τους τρανσέξουαλ γιατί είστε βιαστές ανηλίκων. Εαν είσαι και εσύ τρανσέξουαλ, να αυτοκτονήσεις.
Stop trying to be edgy and answer my question.
>made a post
>post doesn't appear
>it's not on the archives either
Why is that? Is it becaus ei mentioned politics and israel in it?
Fuck off pedophile monkey
Motherfucker I will travel to Greece and fuck you in the ass

See >>202895034
he might like it
4tsannel is coded by retards
Tell me, how can someone in a country filled with hot brown women end up a kiddie fucker?
Who did it to you? Some uncle? At school? I'm sorry you're like that
Which tatar is this mangal, vute, tranita or tranla?
Huezilian monkey women are unironically repulsive bro, also the most degenerate and traitorous pieces of filth on the planet second only to white whores.
I want to dismember and skin monkeyzilian roastoids alive
I saw your ugly brown mom and decided to swallow a massive black dick instead, she traumatized me.
Why bro?
shut yo r ass up tate
Why did you you take it to mothers. Did you you grow up without one? So you decided to become a female? Sorry bro, you will never be a woman. You're a freak and you should kill yourself!

Kek, I like how descriptive you are mate
Gaggle of Polish boomer tourists in Shkup square
They look like my grandparents times 3 dozen
I already look better than your ugly brown mom so I'm good
BTW whats with the armpit hair tell her to shave that shit off nigger@
Why is it always Bulgarians?
Learn German or Turkish instead, if you are into sodomy.
Entire history of servitude to their turk masters. They had to fuck eachother in the ass while Mehmet fucked their women at their weddings
Yo mama is so ugly, her portraits hang themselves
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my balk doesn't have this problem
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Bro, I'm your friend here, I literally explain to you that you look like pic related and you will never be a woman, you know it's ture and yet you attack my family

I am very sorry you own wasn't there to save you from child rapists, I hope God saves your soul
walls too short, what if poors get in
Yo mama so fat they call her Hitler in the strip clubs because she destroys all the Poles.
Watching video of little brazilian monkeylet kids getting beheaded or shut up in one of your shithole favelas makes me extremely jappy, yoour kinds is literally worse than nigegrs, why do you pretend to be human again?
>worse crime than subsaharan africa
>more feminist than spain or sweden
>worse infrastructure than india
>levels of magnitude more muttified than the worst of amerimutts
I don't understand how you can be a huemonkey and have the audacity to argue with anyone, you should kill your worthless monkey parents and then yourself you fucking filth.
Very funny bro, if you feel that by insulting my mother it will make you a woman, what can I say, it's yet another proof that your twisted mind is beyond fix

Find Jesus and save yourself
Yo momma is so fat she had a threesome and the guys didn't know the other one was there

Your mama’s so fat when she walks across the room the radio skips.
Azis chin checks them
Listen, I get it, you're schizophrenic too

You're not the first one itt, we have two diagnosed one already. You need a risperidone prescription asap, the voices in your head won't stop any other way
it's the balkmun's burden to put up with schizophrenics
You should have listened to my flag more bro
i was diagnosed with psychosis not schizophrenia
In Sweden that would get you 1k a month in perpetuity
/balk/ drip:
Cotton tote bag
Inox thermos filled with mountain spring water
Noise cancelling earbuds
Linen button up shirt
Laptop bag carrying a mechanical keyboard
watchin bumzis documantaary. never was a fan of his career but I like him as a person.
if you showed up like this to a codemonkey interview you'd get hired immediately
I just described myself bro
Respect the passive anal sex part bro?
when are you moving to norway bro
psychosis is not a diagnosis, we've been through this before
I met 2 Norwegian women recently and they were both obese and extremely unappealing so I'm reconsidering my decision bro
Amazing, with this post you are now gayer than all the tatars itt
two bags?
what are you, some butler?
Nothing gay about having drip

Hmmmmm strange no big channel/website talks about it! What a coincidence!
They cesored it on the UFC channel too.
Let me move in with you bro
warned you bro
the nordics are pretty cancer despite having somewhat decent weather
You should go to the Bulgaria

I will go in the Norway and beat up all pale devils
Beat up their wombs and make sure to bring dogs.
Mentally ill people
Mos bre ha bre mut bre, bre
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The only white woken that will survive are only those who look like this
Happy birthday, moot.
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u should have heeded my warning about scandi fridges bro
That faggot sold us to the sleazy jap and went to work for the big jew, the sellout he is
I remember when it was 4channel.
RIP 2018 - 2023
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oh no

xok tua will upload a new bibeo today
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The trader who I employ to replace the old door with a new one in my home did a shitty job I could have done better than him. Fuck those jacks of all trades and masters of none
Crazy to think that most of the family I know is just worm food now. Growing old sucks.
you vill make ze vorm food und you vill become ze vorm food
You can't unhinge a door and lift another one up to the hinges yourself, nigga? I've done it a hundred times. Or did he have to remove the old frame and put in a new one with the proper holes for the new locks or some shit?
he has totally given up on his back, so he can't lift doors

we're all wormmaxxing in the end
I wonder if I'll be able to pay to get cremated to cuck the worms
Worms eat ash, and if you get thrown in the sea and a fish eats you a worm eats the fish, if you get buried and a plant gets to you first the worm will eat the tree as well once it gets broken down by fungus.
I don't belif he's a humus sexual
same except I was not diagnosed
still get less nutrients than a whole body probably
How did the surrounding countries react during the Yugoslavia war? Were they divided into countries supporting Croatia and countries supporting Serbia? Recently, I'm interested in the Yugo war. Are there any politically neutral films or documentaries about the horrors of the Yugoslav war (especially the ethnic cleansing of civilians, sexual violence against women, and the oppression of religious minorities)?
shut the fuck up and kill yourself, this is a blogpost general no politics allowed
procrastinating heavily rn
same, I should probably shower but can't be assed
Why so mad? I just want to know about the Yugo war. I live in a country where civil war is ongoing, so I'm always curious about other civil wars.
Can't cuck the worm.
could probably fly the ashes into space
Frames removed + wall edges needed reparations
Hey dont talk to him like that you asshole.
I am not an asshole. I am good.
Job interview status?
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>im good
Then why is there a war in your cunt you stupid fucking cretin.
do you have a sister?
This is a Takeshi general, move along Kim.
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What's your thoughts on brown girls?
Whats your thoughts on stefan janev bastard scheme
North Korea started the war. Kim Il-sung invaded South Korea despite Stalin's warnings.

I am not interested in Western women.

I have no siblings. I am an only child. And I like to be alone.
could i hypothetically blindfold you with a fishing cord?
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Try it on yourself tatar to know the answer ihihi
Actually, I didn't want you to response me. Honestly, I wanted Serbia and Croatia to tell me what happened in Yugo. I don't even care about Bulgaria. And I know nothing about it.
we killed serbia and croatia like japan kill korea
sorry, knowledge about yugoslav wars costs 1(one) sister around these parts
I liked this one https://youtu.be/Ypsnv50Af_I?si=9OIuW8ah_Nw3uO5g
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>come to BVLLGARIA general
>i dont care about BESTgaria
Go back to making iphones then xi or eating dogs, billionairegarians running this general have importante bizness to discuss.
Also we have bizness relations and traditions with Japan.
who's this STRONG and HETEROSEXUAL man i bet he fucks PUSSY
Why did your people create Bumgaria?
^cringe posts, kill yourselves
>important bumsness
Somehow Azis looks even more faggy trying to look "tough" than when he was in full blown tranny phase.
>ceo of bums
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Azis has 3 kids you have no kids whos gay?
tkd being attempted as we speak
>160km trains in 2026 Bulgaria
The future (1998) is near bros!
once asians have 500km/h flying trains the balkans will finally have 24/7 water and electricity
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нe знaм кoй e измиcлил тaя пpocтoтия "cъбpaниe нa вхoдa" нo нe ми тpябвaшe дa ми ce гyбят 1 чac oт 4тe ми cвoбoдни чaca в дeлничният дeн
supreme kino unfolding
>cъбpaниe нa вхoдa
твa нe e ли oт oня иcпaнcкия кoмeдиeн cepиaл нoвитe cъceди
fewer missiles to sell to ziggers
Квo peшихтe лyдия
hope one of them lands where hohol refugees live
He твa e cлaгa ce eднa мaca пpeд блoкa и ceки нocи бypкaни лeб и pикия и ce жyли дo caбaлe
e квo тoлкoвa мaлкo нa мyхaбeт c кoмшиитe щo ce oплaквaш
I support Israel and Ukraine, yes yes
the truly redpilled take is supporting israel and russia
When I come to Vrilissia I will first stop at Exarcheia to collect a gang of KKE members to come and beat your tranny ass up
Once the war is over i would be dirty rich soon, imagine all Ukraine needs infrastructure and plumbing rebuild.
I support you becoming the brother-in-law of a wealthy well nourished greek doner engineer
t. chabad lubavich
They have no money, you shall be paid in hohololi cunny
Germany will pay
we stole all their toilets or something bro, no plumbing will take place
>a gang of kke members and you
I'll lock you up with them in a dark room with no soap and condoms, you'll die of rape and smell XAXAXXAXAXA

I can't support a country which kills orthodox Christians but I can support two countries which put Muslims in their place
sorry bro, those got exported the moment the war started
ukraine's greatest industry ruined overnight
Why'd you have to go and doxx him like that? The engineer is already paying the local gypsies to beat him up
>have to go pay rent
curse albos and their lazy construction workers delaying my apartment
clinton bombed serbia so hilary would let him have sex again
Imagine how many niggers assholes this whore tongued
Seek help mentally ill brother. Most mentally ill people aren‘t aware of their problem.

When we read your disgusting posts, it infests our minds.
The emptiness of the Buddha devours all.
White women are degenerate whores, why do you blame me for what they do?
If my mind is infested withthis shit and it makes me suffer so should yours. ALL white women fuck nigegrs and dogs by the time they hit puberty, kill them all
No one cares about Bulgaria. Your country is too poor and too irreverent to be recognized. Who knows Bulgarians can be cheap laborers for our big corporates for Western European market.

We didn't. But I have heard that the Turkish sperms made Bulgarians. Since Turks made Bulgaria It's a poor usless shithole like Turkey, though. The difference is Turks make delicious kebap and doner in Western Europe. But Bulgarians make cheap prostitutes, car stealers and drug dealers in Western Europe.
Based Kim destroying Bumgarians.
>he hasn't realised it's the fyromian baiter
Not true bro, VPNs and proxies don't work on 4tsan remember?
Why do you punish us, instead of actively working against degenerates.
I do not like Hollywood war flicks about third world countries. 99% of those are films about Pax Americana propaganda.
true bro, nobody's ever used a VPN on 4tsan
That movie is serbian or sommin
So true, king.
Bro just put the pleskavica in the bag
Pax Americana is the only reason south koreea exists lol, during 50s korean commies conquered almost entire peninsula until american forces arrived
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So true king
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>serbian mixed dish
>makkke flag
I think it is wise for Romania to not be friendly with China in terms of policy. As you know, the US, Russia, and China are all big bad bullies, but at least the US provides enough incentives to its close allies. Americans know how to give and take. If the US wanted to monopolize everything, South Korea and Japan would not have become as developed as they are now. Because the US provided the foundation for modern South Korea and Japan to develop their economies and shared its share of the pie. China cannot do this. There are nearly 600 million Chinese citizens in extreme poverty in China. Chinese companies do not provide enough jobs even for Chinese citizens, though. China wants a zero-sum game. There is no such thing as a win-win game in the relationship with China. In that sense, I think it is a pity that Serbian government is selling its national wealth to China for cheap. Just because you hate America, you shouldn't be so blind as to invite the worst thug called China into your house.
We must veto them for this and Ajvar
if makkkedonia ever gets in they'll veto you until you accept you're macedonians in denial and serbia isn't real
Iran did a thing mpros
They really did, it seems
But did it actually happen?
See you in the trenches bros, or in the opposite ones, serbbros
Nothing ever happens you absolute retard, i bet there were no casualties as usual when Iran does something.
And you retards fall for it every single time
>implying I won't run away the second shit hits the fan
Did they raise another flag?
>Some Iranian missiles fired at Israel Tuesday night made direct impact in central and southern Israel, the Israeli military spokesperson said.
>“We carried out many interceptions,” Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a statement. “There are a few impacts in the center and some more in the south. At this stage, we are assessing the situation. We are not aware of injuries.”
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Once the war is over i would be dirty rich soon, imagine all Israel needs infrastructure and plumbing rebuild.
It really is a shame Iran is a muslimaymoon sehithole
Wish they stayed with the freddy mercury religion
You will be paid in foreskins goy
>nothing ever happens
>world got shut down for 3 years
>nothing ever happens
>theres a huge war ongoing in europe
How could we fall for this again bros
>>theres a huge war ongoing in europe
Insane how I forgot this is even a thing
nothing ever happenists are coping cowards
Will be very important who wins Us election and how the president will handle the hot zones.
Honestly it's very worrying how far up their ass the west is thinking China can be bulied the same way they bullied other small countries in the past.
Nothing ever happens
i keep hearing jets
Roll your 2025 front assignment

0 Southeastern Ukraine
1 Saudi Arabian - Iranian border
2 Defense of Taiwan
3 Defense of the holy land (Israel)
4 South American president assasination mission
5 Homefront (Invasion of Serbia)
6 Svalbard defense force
7 Baltics suicide defense
8 Front kitchen
9 Russian saboteur
As expected
damn, maybe there'll be pale angels up there
What's the point of rolling for this shit when everyone will either run away or join whoever invades balkmoonistan?
At least no nukes there
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nothing ever happens

umm I'm an I5 chud

also this
Good luck in Haifa bro
I'll take you down with me, tatar.
You think you will be allowed to fuck off in ww3? Doubt
Mudslimes claim they destroyed 20 f-35s lmao, why are mudslimes so mentality deficient bros
It would be the perfect time for acquiring pale angels
I will enlist for Moldova
This. I will finally become a family man.
I would go to jewsa for my asylum greencard
In the end he was right nothing ever happaned, these retards are chimping out in excitement over iran throwing soem firecrackers and causing exactly 0(ZERO) casualties as they usually do.
Wake me up when a nuclear war, a comet falls or a pandemic with a mortality of 90% happens
That would probably be the stupidest thing you could do.
Iran is winning bro, aljizzera says so!
tru, but it'd be hilarious

tsk, I forgot to click post on my thread
If something ever actually happens(unlikely) you will still remain in albaboonia.
I will be out of this shithole by 30 doe

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