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self defense edition

Probably why diddy put a hit on him and pac.
Em, cube, and 50 all talk about not being at the diddy parties, but em has been rapping about it for years.
The first two especially, but he's been saying it for years.
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Dog barked at me because I got back late and it was dark and I don't think she could tell it was me
Still kinda hurt my fee fees
that is very sweet
it's okay it was dark and she couldn't see don't take it personal she's just protecting her home
Mine barks at anything in the yard. Just being a good watchdog.
I had a guard parrot
what does he say when he detects an intruder
one of those useless celebs should've said something more while diddy was out molesting young boys left and right with no consequences for 30 years
ultra sex mega cum
Long John Silver is that you?
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reminded me of you guys
which is a lot better than being silent
it would be pretty alarming to be sneaking through a dark house and hearing someone greet you casually like that
You saw what happened to MJ for speaking out against Tommy Mottola? All the pedo accusations and defamation?
You honestly think it would have worked to speak out randomly? Diddy clearly is the reason for Biggie and Pac's deaths, and remember that Diddy wrote a song about missing Biggie after.
I want to have sex with Taylor Swift.
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me on the right
I always thought ckxd or whatever the fuck it's called was incredibly cringe and pretentious.
who's megan
>You honestly think it would have worked to speak out randomly?
yeah tbqh.
if pac came out and randomly said that diddy molested boys, people would probably believe him.
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old tay was hot but new tay isn't as much
His ex that his still obsessed with, all the "romantic" comics are him not being able to let go of her.
Some of them were good.
I liked his "What If" series, I even bought the book.
i need some good coffee table books i don't want to look unsophisticated
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You don't get it, it's so much more kino if they coyly hint at it
Too skinny. I like her face better now. She's had plastic surgery for sure hasn't she?
brown hair? t-shirt? not a good sign
I have a second round interview tomorrow and I'm absolutely shitting myself
I don't think you realize that the 90s east coast vs west coast beef in rap was theatre. Pac was still a criminal, even if he was a poet. He knew the game.
MJ showed the world that it doesn't matter what fame level you have, they'll come after you, and ruin your life. Any random celeb would have been merced/discredited before any charges could stick.
MJ was loved by the entire world, and even he wasn't safe.
This is a good one
If you've made it to round two, then they're looking for your vibe, and trying to see if you're going to fit into their company. You've already got through all the difficult hoops.
how do you see it - do you need to actively impress them, or is the main goal to not ruin it?
i mean you got through the first round, so just bring that confidence with you to the second one.
Tomorrow is like a technical test sort of thing. Maybe round 2 interview was the wrong thing to say
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i like this
this is cool too but i never did skateboarding and i wear vans sometimes so i'm already appropriating their culture
There should be a maximum of two interviews. One phone, one in person.
Anymore is absurd and a waste of time
She got new boobs at least, but yeah almost assuredly more than just the tittays
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If it's some highly skilled job, I could understand wanting multiple interviews.
Like a nuclear welder or something. There's the interview process, and then the practical.
Or someone that's being hired to run a multiple billion dollar company(lmao, they just have connections, I know).
But for some random job, it should just be one interview.
All of hollywood is literally built on sex abuse. You don't get anywhere unless they get dirt on you and make you complicit in it
this sounds like some wiccan weirdness
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Fuck it, time to listen to Taylor.
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Nah, it's fine
imagine listening to music
In this thread we listen to Taylor's version
Taylor Swift was part of Diddy's freakoffs I'm sure of it.
Infinite Jest
Everyone loves Taylor Smith
Are you one of those weird people that doesn't enjoy music at all?
I'm indifferent to her music, but she's pretty satanic in her performances.
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Put this on your livingroom coffee table if you have balls.
Reputation Taylor's Version hasn't come out yet retard.
i can handle a bach cantata if my mood is just right
She's all over the news
I don't watch the news, waste of time
i'm not a nazi why would i put a nazi book on my table
I was joking dawg, I don't actually listen to t-swift
It's fun to be surprised by hurricanes, right?
but if you have an inoffensive coffee table book, people will be like "he's sooooo boring" behind your back
i would prefer this to people gossiping about me being a nazi
it's not a good look
there will never be a hurricane where I live.

Its coming back big. Set the trends don't follow them
what about tornadoes or like nuclear war or something
I don't recall a single nuclear war in my lifetime
Let's be real, the only people coming to his house, are his close friends, so the books are to make him feel smart. His close friends already know that he's not smart.
i'll have you know that i host small get togethers for my family occasionally along with my close friends
i don't make any effort to hide how stupid i am but i need some pretty picture books on the table that's it
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"Oh, this? Just a bit of fun, you know."
i am not putting that on my coffee table
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i like this one
and this one
Why not? You're hosting small get togethers. That screams faggot.
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i listen to video game music exclusively
no, but why are you being mean to me
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Wa la
Based Giga Chad spotted.
No tornadoes where I live. If nuclear war happens I'll be dead in the first hour thoughever
when people think american food they picture something like this in their minds i bet
It's 1:15 and I'm bored. I'm sorry.
i`m fucking hungry
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why waste your limited coffee-table space on books?
What's the point of having a coffee table anyways? kinda seems like a granny thing to do these days
>tfw live next to Los Angeles
Of all the issues with living here, what worries me the most is being a prime target for nuclear weapons
It's where you put your pizza box while monching on the couch
Too pretty. I think of a slop version not the magazine version.
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>tfw have to teach my students a complicated lab procedure in approximately 9 hours
I need to go to bed
I never sit on my couch
you can put drinks and food there and set things down
that's where i keep my car keys and bag and stuff, usually my laptop is there.
it's just kind of empty and it would be nice to have something there for a guest to idly thumb through since hopefully they have the decency to not stare at their phone so we can enjoy eachothers company
but that anxiety makes it hard to fall asleep, alas
I only put video game controllers, laptops, and cell phones on my coffee table.
Can I have your couch when I get my own place so I don't have to buy a couch?
I'm not really anxious, I'm just upset that it's the first thing I have to do tomorrow since it's difficult. My students are all nice and understanding and smart, I don't have anxiety in front of them anymore
treat yourself to something nice after
school has evidently changed a lot since my day
Thanks I will
It's college. This is the last generation of smart students, I think a couple more years and all the illiterate gen alpha abominations will start sliding in
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mounted singing fish should make a comeback and reclaim it's place as a standard male den furnishing
surely they never went away
no. I might use it in a larger place but also I don't really watch tv so meh
yeah but you just don't see them much anymore, but enough time has passed i think that they can move from being kitsch to ironically funny
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smooth criminal
lol smooth
It's better than the guy who clearly let his wife decorate his man cave and it's full of kitch signs from bed bath and beyond that are clearly female oriented
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you may be right. you can't sneak it in, though. it's binary. you either have a billy bass on the wall or you don't.
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it's like living with someone who is overzealous with a new label maker they bought
the kitchen has signs everywhere that are like ~nourish, gather, laugh~ and there's a sign above the couch that says ~relax, unwind~
bitch your house needs to stop telling me how to feel get this garbage out of here
but yeah the husband should be allowed to mount his crazy sword and neon beer sign, or whatever. that's his space, the rest of the house is yours
good night
do you look like that
good night
i wonder if the fishermen would be upset that i was appropriating their culture to be ironically funny
but yeah, billy bass is a statement
~remember, mourn, grieve~ by the urn with a relative's ashes
I need some good godzilla figurines too make my shelf look complicated. Any suggestions?
lmfao that's hilarious
i can make you an origami godzilla if i can find a template for it online
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if there's a figurine of her
yes lol, exactly. I saw a "mancave" that a wife clearly made, there was one of those tacky signs that just said "BEER" in the target sign font.
how to make your husband suddenly run off into the wilderness, never to be seen again
yeah that's just offensive
i know someone who's husband does woodworking as a hobby, so his mancave is his garage and he has all his tools put up neatly, a very nice and ornate workbench and it looks quite nice honestly, as nice as a workshop could look.
he makes her simple stuff for the house too, some rocking chairs for the front porch, little wooden spice racks for the cupboards, you name it
just ate 4 chicken thighs
bad day to be a chicken thigh
you know how doctors recommend no eating for at least three hours before bedtime?
Everyday getting a girlfriend or wife seems like more effort then it’s worth
doctors can go suck a fat one
something is happening
This include drinking?
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idk I'm sure some guys ask their wife to help with it. I'm a contractor though so it's funny cause a lot of the women in my life ask me for advice on paint colors and things. I'll probably end up with a hippy wife with terrible taste though lul

woodworkers always have nice shops. Mine will probably be chock full of tools strewn everywhere sadly
he let her do it, he probably didn't care to decorate it himself, and just abdicated it to her
most people would say loneliness sucks though
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jimmy not looking too good
i think the usual advice is it's okay to drink water until an hour before bedtime
literally me fr
if you had an israeli or lebanese flag, that would be true
my worst diet habit is eating at night before bed. I love to do it it's bad
i used to do this but the heartburn is too bad now, it's not worth the pain
I had really bad heartburn a year or so ago cause of it, but then I ate a bunch of probiotics and I don't have that issue unless I eat tons of chocolate before bed.
i need to start doing probiotics more someone here said something about them the other day
just some regular dudes recommending probiotics to each other
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I mean you should still avoid eating before bed I guess, but yes also eat some probiotics regularly it's very important to overall health
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This shit is sooooooo goooood.
that cat looks very disappointment with me
i'm gonna get some of those probiotic yogurt drinks next grocery day, i will not drink kombucha though
sorry should we be talking about war or lifting heavy things or something
very canadian taste
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do women not discuss health with each other, dear?
I can only sleep in 3 hour shifts and this is a year after my stroke shit sucks bros
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>Corporate Memphis drawing of multiracial hands with gay wristbands
that sucks anon i'm sorry
does sedative medication help ?
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For me? It’s yoghurt and ‘fresh’ sauerkraut (not the jarred kind that’s probiotically dead)
no meme arrow therefore you look like that and say that
Boxed mac and cheese is nasty
Get his ass
Nope. I used too take that years ago for general insomnia as well I’m sure it will fix itself
isn't kraft dinner a canadian staple food
are mounties gonna show up at your door and arrest you for posting this ?
do you have to pickle it yourself if you want it "fresh"?
Kraft goes hard
Idk about your area, but here they sell two types of kraut. One in the fridge section that’s probiotic/alive (generally in cartons or bags), and one jarred that’s sterile/dead
interesting, i've always automatically thought "jar" and bought the jars. i've been missing out.
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good night
When u nut but she still suckin
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Would you do it
Dese niggas boutta get an iphone 4
Laugh because I'm not an Applecuck.
"used panties", psh. get real. first of all, there's no proof they were ever on some cute girl, it could have been a great big fat lady. they could have been worn by a man! and that's if they were ever worn at all! but even if the stars aligned, and this was one of the "fine, upstanding" used panty companies; a used panty dealer you can trust! do you really want those in your house somewhere? when i jack off, it doesn't even take a minute. and i don't do it that often. it's a sub-minute event that takes place maybe once a week. but you'll have those panties hidden somewhere for life. i don't know. to me, the self-loathing i would experience any time i remembered i had them would cancel out the short bursts of pleasure they might afford. not worth it. and you'd remember it at the worst times, i'm sure. like, you'd be out at a restaurant with your friends and then suddenly remember, "oh my god i bought supposedly-used panties"
if you can't get it from the source then it's over for you.
then it is beyond over, because i wouldn't want them ever if they were offered. if a girl is giving me her panties, i assume we've already had sex. i'm fine, i don't need a little "keepsake", we had our fun, well, mostly i had my fun, but i've got the memories and that's that! the spot between her legs isn't a tourist destination, i don't need a t-shirt or a keychain for visiting! hahaha listen, if a lady is going to give me anything after, let me see you take the plan b so i can put my mind at ease. you keep your underwear, just assure me there aren't going to be any little-me's scurrying around any time soon. that's what i want! peace of mind.
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is this real?
Still listening to Taylor Swift.
not the foot, hotdog, or champaigne bottle.
Oh, my sweet summer child.
zesty ahh niggas be fisting they self?
well, i hope not! the foot sounds uncomfortable, the hotdog would get... pickled lol and the champaigne could break. i'm not saying those don't happen, i'm saying they shouldn't happen.
everytime i smoke i'm encouraging those around me to smoke
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Awake at ungodly hours
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Yeah me too.
God damn, this image goes hard.
we'll get to see the sun rise, and be primed for a nice nap before dinner. we live like kings, i tell's ya!
We NEETs truly are rich.
im a neet
South China Morning Post released a video condemning the Israeli pager attacks as terrorism.
pager attacks?
killing terrorists is terrorism
Everyone who works in tech are haughty niggers
No they're either gay or injun
t. knower
the anglo saxons made me shit my pants
looked it up. jesus... couldn't that have easily killed a non-combatant? i don't know. something about that doesn't sit right with me.
i hate the usa for inventing such a bs as ghost jobs fuck off
And they all haughty and insufferable, overengineering assholes
Send help
is it over in your country? its supremely mega giga over in my country
i think i'm going to make scratch waffles in a couple hours. the only reason, is i realized i have everything for them. i actually have some frozen waffles already, but no. i'd rather soothe my soul and cook. takes my mind off stuff. i think i meditate when i cook. things feel quieter.
The explosions werent like actual bombs going off it was just enough to seriously injure the person holding it

Thats why there were like 4000-5000 terrorists who got their eyes blinded or their balls blown off, rather than just killed

Its probably the best possible method of attack for avoiding non-combatants. For example, to kill the hezbollah commander they dropped 80kg of bunker busters. The pager attack is far more precise than that sort of thing, but its unlikely to ever be replicated because its so extraordinary that they managed to infiltrate hezbollah's suppliers and rig their devices and no one out of 5,000+ hezbollah members bothered to open up their pager to check if it was safe
i guess so. i mean, when you put it like that, i guess, yeah okay, you'll never accidentally blow up a child, because what child has his hands on a hezbollah pager? so the civilian risk is lower, as you say, which is good. but it just feels so... dirty, i don't know. it feels like such an underhanded way to wage conflict. i don't have any romantic ideas about war, it's an awful thing that brings terrible consequences. but i also have digested that war isn't going away any time soon. it's here to stay, and if that's a fact, then i wish we could at least go about it honorably. no torture, no phone bombs, just line up like men, and kill each other regularly.
Too bad warehouses full of the pagers also blew up, because they were indiscriminately filled with explosives and sold to brownies

Dont post politics if youre going to just recite some retarded talking points
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Hello usians brothers
What's the deal with fags anyway?
How come getting molested as a kid just turns you into an annoying, cum drinking, fruity poofter?
How come drugs and therapy cant undo this damage?
Gm (12:50)
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Someone's mad
you'd think it would grant an aversion, if anything. half of lesbians were abused by men in their lives, so naturally, they avoid men and seek same-sex relationships. that makes sense. but why on earth would guys who get molested suddenly crave a re-enactment of their trauma? i don't get it.
You got a single source to back up uodur claims? Not that I give a fuck
Buongiorno anon
No hard evidence of this.
BTW with SA victims it can go either way. Some become hypersexual. Some avoidant.
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Which state is she from? Miami?
I saw a woman with the prettiest ponytail (only saw her from behind)
It was blonde and layered brown hair
She looked like a horse
oh holy shit, she's in nevada. dear lord... need to forget i read that, hahaha.
Did you somehow figure out who this is or something
"codi vore", google says.
i need to get vored RIGHT NOW
Who was the femboy in the butt pic
I'm pretty convinced that it was from maxmoefoe on a patron or something. And I have a screenshot of him in a video where he looks exactly like him in that picture or the orange t shirt one
you lost me.
What was the name of the femboy who was posted here with the butt or orange t shirt or guitar

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