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9 years in a coma Edition

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I've still never watched the hawk tuah video and I never will
Women talking?
I aint watching!
essentially yes
It's just a silly stronzate. I'm glad she's getting rich off idiots. I wish her all the success inna world
love when a dude's nuts are so musky you can smell them through his underwear
you don't know her
Dislike the fact that there are redditors on here right now just blatantly posting pictures from reddit
He is a betamale simp and a political stooge
my sit down air smells like flowers and musk
You can't be happy for people you don't know? What a miserable bastard you must be
>You can't be happy for people you don't know?
you aren't happy for people you don't know, you're pretending to be
Wow. You might be a sociopath
Idiots deserve to lose money and if she's making money off idiots then I'm happy for her.
>Idiots deserve to lose money and if she's making money off idiots then I'm happy for her.
see you literally are not happy for her, you're happy for what she's doing
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men produce pheromones in their assholes
Sometimes i think the childish and ignorant phrases made up by retardpipo are cute, other times i find it annoying
This is one of the annoying times
You idiot. You moron. You FOOL.
Most US states with legalized prisoner killing still allow for the governor to decide whether or not to order a stay of execution. They clean the needle because a call from a governor's office can come at anytime, including the seconds occurring between insertion and switching on the ol' poison machine that pumps the lethal dose into the damned.

Stick an unclean needle into someone, get ready to kill them, get the call from the governor ordering the execution halted, pull the needle out (without poisoning the patient,) and the patient still dies weeks later from an infection. The whole state government’s gonna look like the BIGGEST group of dibshit, highly-emotional rednecks on the face of the earth.
Mere sophistry. I am happy for her, she's just some kid that got a one in a million break and is getting rich off it
You act like kind of person i thought you were.
you have worms in your brain and are living vicariously through a teenage whore
Best way to become a grifter who targets the disenfranchised young male audience?
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what notes is your butthole musk made of?
I. Not living vicariously through anyone. I don't watch any of her shit. I just hear all the breaks she's getting in passing

I don't care
So you're happy there is a lottery for political mouthpieces, where instead of people buying tickets at the gas station, they act terminally online?
I never had a frosty before. Is it soft-serve ice cream?
i see a birb
>I. Not living vicariously through anyone. I don't watch any of her shit. I just hear all the breaks she's getting in passing
yet here you are spending your free time on a wednesday vehemently defending her
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Taking it slow today, boys. Here’s to a good Wednesday.
You couldn't do it. You have to be rich and buff and just talk to incel points

Shit talk broads and minorities and you're guaranteed millions
buy my course
What does the super model of the world (1980) know about pheromones
I don't think even you know what you're talking about

>vehemently defending
I don't think anything I've said could be construed as a vehement defense.
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I don't think people should be rewarded for being shitty and I don't think people should be taken advantage of for being stupid
That's funny, but see you in 3 days
I think people should be taken advantage of for being stupid
business idea: a scented candle that's a mix of male feet, balls, armpit, and butthole pheromones
What about Timothy Pool?
They’re pretty unique; I don’t really like them. They’re somewhere between a milkshake and soft serve (so not easily edible with spoon, nor straw), and also weirdly textured.
>being shitty
What does that even mean
I wouldn't want to marry or give birth to a woman who uploads hawk tuah videos to the internet and embraces the fame of it
Woah this is weird I was playing MGS V the whole week. I played it through like 3 or 4 times and just this time found out that you can develop portals instead of Fulton by catching some animals.
Maybe start a Youtube channel. Make sure to work in a lot of talk about "culture" and how these Mexicans who watch the same tv shows and movies and play the same sports and play the same video games and dress exactly like Americans and used the same internet and all speak a language that was created by white Europeans and worship Jesus are a major threat to our culture and it has nothing to do with genetics or skin color.
Tim Poo is a bald, mixed race cuckservative who appeals to old people
You will never be white Paco
Counter: AI can make you look like a cute girl. Someone just needs to make one that turns you into a jacked chad.
would be nice to see a non-grifter target the disenfranchised young male audience but suggesting white men have any problems makes you an incel terrorist
Never met one of those mexicans, and ive met lots
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people think having kids is an accomplishment
why does it feel like a facebook meme?
Jordan Peterson was that, but the left lost their mind over him saying basic shit.
This irks me.
I think I'll start pretending to be a middle ground centrist who supports both sides but then I'll slowly shift to either a tankie retard or a chud
I think I'll just focus on the Jews though that way nobody can call me a racist
well fucking a girl until you get her pregnant is something
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>Jordan Peterson was that
bro come on now
Incel hands typed that.
Brown Iberoindian Catholic mutts have no place in a Protestant Anglo nation.
>I've never met a Mexican who likes tv and baseball and video games and dresses in blue jeans and a Clippers jersey and speaks Spanish and goes to mass 8 times a day.
That's because you're literally a shut-in virgin. The only person you interact with is your hand lmao
Lefist hands typed that. Peterson was giving all sorts of good life advice, years before the Daily Wire contract.
africa has the highest birth rates. all africans are successful non-incels and we should follow their lead.
Be retarded poorfags with a corrupt government and no prospects to improve in life?
4chan is already that.
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>met a Mexican who likes tv and baseball and video games and dresses in blue jeans and a Clippers jersey and speaks Spanish and goes to mass 8 times a day.
there are millions of those in mexico
it's a biological function even the dumbest members of society can do. it is not an accomplishment.
Could you elaborate on that?
and why haven't you done it?
Considering the intelligent people aren't having kids? I'd say it's an accomplishment.
checking da perimeter
i've creampied many men's bussies.
Microsoft rewards is broken
Broken good or broken bad?
Btw i can tell you're trans and it does matter
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well, you'll be happy to know that fewer and fewer people are going to church and there are a lot of evangelicals.
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he's a self help peddler that became a benzo addict and now panders insanely hard for a paycheck to anyone willing to fund his next binge. if his own choices led him to his current state, i don't want his "self help" and you shouldn't either
Chicanos want to be white so bad and it's hilarious because they never will

I think it's perfectly fine to be Catholic. But in a Catholic country. All that hocus pocus don't fly here
You are brown and poor
even if i were an incel, that would not refute my point. that's a logical fallacy.
Thanks for confirming that you're a leftist. Self help is a good thing, and you're now slandering people for addiction? I thought leftists loved addicts? Or just the ones that stay addicted?
Regardless, you did nothing to disprove what I said.
Don't point out the splinter in someone else's eye, while you have a log stuck in yours.
Go clean your room, anon.
The research on his "self-help" methodoligies is well researched and proven effective in clinics.
I do agree that he was wrong to see pharmacological help for his problems. He would have done better to follow his own advice.
What exactly is wrong with the things he says?
When a boy turns 5 he should be assigned a wife. So he has his mother to take care of him, but his wife would bring him along and teach him about women. Then when he turns of age, he would fuck his wife.
and what does that have to do with people not going to church? that's their target audience and they are going more to evangelical churches.
>Woah this is weird I was playing MGS V the whole week. I played it through like 3 or 4 times and just this time found out that you can develop portals instead of Fulton by catching some animals.
It's estimated that as much as 50% of all species on earth will be extinct in the next 5 decades or so. Whales, dolphins, elephants, lions, gorillas, polar bears, condors. Not too mention that countless major cities will be underwater (Hong Kong, San Francisco, Jakarta, and practically all of the Netherlands). This will force people to move to countries further away from the oceans, resulting in extreme overcrowding problems, and unimaginable death for those who cannot move. And let's not forget that pretty soon, the amount of arable land is going to plummet, causing food shortages all over the world.
I honestly don't even know why I'm still alive.
>incel fails at life
>tries to cope with it by attempting to flip the script on the people who are successful
You're a failure to the thousands of ancestors that got you here, and all you have to say is that they're the ones without accomplishments?
I don't even know what you crying about today I just got in. I always insult someone for no reason when I arrive.
good morning I guess
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i'm glad conservatism and toxic masculinity are dying off
my ancestors are quite proud of me, i give them offerings of incense and water. maybe consider there's more to life than producing kids
You obviously weren't doing r&d for shit
They were saying that shit 20 years ago, about now. Now, the estimates are for after everyone who's making the predictions will be dead/dying of old age, so no one can call them on their mistakes.
People hate Jordan Peterson because they're afraid he might be right. It's why their criticism is always shit like "his daughter is a whore" or "he's a drug addict" or "he made money".
Criticism certainly exists for Peterson like it does for anyone else, but there isn't really any reason to hate him.
i have a boyfriend and a very long sexual history of being with men. i am not an incel.
hi brian, what happened to the coconut?
>I honestly don't even know why I'm still alive.
You are confused because you believe people who have been making incorrect predictions for hundreds of years straight. Climate alarmists are just a new brand of malthusian.
If you disagree, point to one of the predictions made in al gore's "an inconvenient truth" that came true. Just watch the whole presentation over again while youre at it
I stuffed it up my ass and it got lost
>i'm glad conservatism and toxic masculinity are dying off
I guess you haven't seen the stats then, because it's leftists and feminists that aren't reproducing.
>maybe consider there's more to life than producing kids
There's not.
The woman at the unemployment office is so bizarre. She keeps waiting for me to look at her ring and then hiding it (first time she just flipped it over the inside of her hand). I'm pretty sure it isn't even a real ring
If i can enjoy talk tuah girl for grifting, i van hate jordan peterson for grifting.
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it worked and they stopped the cumbia music
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>Kamala Harris is a dark skinned woman who currently holds one of the most powerful positions in the world, something that would have been completely impossible only a few decades ago
>but she has no biological children so she's a failure lmao
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Do we love the Mets
Jordan isn't a grifter, he sells substantive material that improves peoples lives, and is formally educated in doing so at a very high level
>he thinks having gay sex is the same as having straight sex
It's not even comparable for the respect levels. You're 2x failure now.
Trying to cope with your inability to produce children, because you're sticking your dick in the wrong places.
>because it's leftists and feminists that aren't reproducing.
and their kids are becoming liberalized
>There's not.
yeah there is, like becoming a powerful sorcerer
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The whole reason for being alive from a biological standpoint is to have kids. If you don't you literally fail at life.

You can say you live for other things but that's just the conciliatory bandying of sophisticates. If you don't procreate you lose
damn brian im looking at your house you live in a shithole
>He's right behind me, isn't he
Everything is reminding me of him
Brian coping with being a homo by desperately pleading that having kids doesn’t matter, and that the failure to do so doesn’t represent complete failure in life
She sucked and fucked her way there, and is a DEI hire. There's nothing to be proud of, as she was chosen to pander to the wokies.
The fact that your country is even potentially giving her the nuke codes, shows just how far your country has fallen.
Enjoy the draft.
>sex is good...except when it's with men
incel cope
maybe i just want to creampie a guy's asshole and enjoy not having to worry about pregnancy?
maybe i'm just a hedonist who lives for pleasure? ever consider that? >>202949090
/cum/bia music
What if i dont accept your biological standpoint as the only source of value.
I am not an unthinking, unfeeling ant. I have a brain that lets me take pleasures and seel rewards from many other things. I can even reproduce ideologically, rather than biologically.
Was the mystery meat nonrasic woman whom loves aborting babies the president yaaas?? Slay
this commercial went way too hard
Why can't fags take their sick shit somewhere it's welcome. Nobody wants to hear about your sickening proclivities
>point to one of the predictions made in al gore's "an inconvenient truth" that came true.
>and their kids are becoming liberalized
That's not actually how things work. They'll realize they were wrong. Just like goths, emos, punks, etc. Genetics always win over propaganda.
>yeah there is, like becoming a powerful sorcerer
No, there's not. Upgrading your "wizard powers" is just incel cope.
Because their sexuality is their religion
They're trying to initiate converts
yeah the new mexican president
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You look like that
>sex is good...except when it's with men
This but unironically.
Having a slightly poopy butt is part of being American which is why bidets are unamerican
He looks like a playstation 1 character
>She sucked and fucked her way there
that applies to any politician, even Hitler did that.
Why can't chuds accept the fake that kamala is a genuine, hard working narcissistic psychopath who backstabbed and manipulated her way to the top?
So what if she is a rootless, mixed-race woman with no heirtage or history, and used that to her advantage. A good person never could have risen the ranks like she did. She did it for power and status, like anyone else.
don't talk to brian he's a literal pedophile who said he wants to molest little boys
Democrats are talking as if they have already won the election with their person bevause if they lose then people will literally die or have their businesses destroyed
>sex is good...except when it's with men
Sex means sexual relations, or relations between the sexes, therefore masturbating with another man’s rectum isn’t sex
>one study
>more alarmism
Cope. There's no getting around this one.

>I am not an unthinking, unfeeling ant. I have a brain that lets me take pleasures and seel rewards from many other things

Yes and you know WHY you have that? Because your parents won the game and procreated. You can say all the bullshit you want, but the buck stops here. Without procreation, you lose. Biologically. And since we are all biological creatures before were anything else, that's the only metric that counts.
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the only thing that matters in life is becoming spiritually powerful through occult initiations.

you all will die powerless and have to reincarnate while i become a god.
I didn't know that, just that he had the devil's coconut for some reason.
For me it was this one
>kamala is a genuine, hard working narcissistic psychopath who backstabbed and manipulated her way to the top?
Because she's a DEI hire that ran a coup, because people like Omaba, the Clintons, and Pelosi were backed into a corner when they realized that all the money donated to Biden wouldn't transfer to the person they actually wanted.
>A good person never could have risen the ranks like she did. She did it for power and status, like anyone else.
Trump has gone down in net worth while president. The rest of them got richer. He seems to be doing it for the right reasons.
Hasnt happened, and at what time in his presentation did he predict it would happen?
fuck man i remember when people would yell hump daaaaay
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it's just a coconut filled with spiritual ingredients. nothing devilish about it.
Looking in the mirror and saying black nigga penis three times
>He seems to be doing it for the right reasons
I don't believe that he's friends with the Clintons, it's all a show, they're all secretly friends.
You aren't convincing
This is what capital steez believed when he jumped off a roof and killed himself
In the year of my 13th summer I began to surf
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Why isn't judo a popular sport in your country with all the fat people you have ?

Teddy Rinner vs a typical American
It's the American who wins because he is unmovable
to be an incel means you lack sex appeal, charm, and charisma.
men still have standards. it still takes game to creampie a guy's ass.
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shut the fuck up and leave
This truth is self-evident. No convincing necessary. That's needing convincing that the sun exists
No they don't. No it doesn't
And you think I didn't fuck up going near thr femboy? But pls. Gays fuck lkke rabbits
you can practice sports? aren't they haram or something?
This. I loathe European flags here
i walked one hour to a bar, i peered in the front door, everyone looked older than me and most of the people inside were males, i walked home for another hour
I mean, what else were you supposed to do.
Although drinking with old heads can be fun on occassion
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If that femboy was really a girl then it wouldn't change anything
If they went by with their hood off and was female, I would still want to fuck them sex sex
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someone needs to go smash their speakers
Holy shit that blimp is sideways and going to crash!
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Camels give no shit for humans. You could be bleeding to death in front of him and he's just keep eating.
I haven't left the house in 8 days
they're actually demonic creatures. greed and envy
I hate sweating.
shut the FUCK up brian
Because people dont use bidets. If you don't have one use baby wipes. If you don't have that grab a piece of toilet paper put a little bit of soap and put water on it and squeeze the excess water.

Then do your business after your done wiping normally, grab the piece of wet toilet paper and wipe down there.

Again that's if you don't have a bidet or baby wipes.
Buy a bb gun
This, but about God's grace and Christ's love
>grab a piece of toilet paper put a little bit of soap and put water on it
The old chocolate finger prank
I need som one to cuddle with
The only time you niggas get ass is when the toilet paper breaks
>use a bidet
>which is just water
>but if you don't have one use soap water
So you're saying that all bidet users are stank asses?
Everyone knows for cleaning: soap water > water
i am a hedonistic, demonic, evil faggot
the only time you say nigga is when you are in your mamas basement
God doesn't exist and Christ is a made up character.
I need a femboy in my house and he just lays down all day with the bottom half is a bidet and porcelain
straight men think using a bidet will make them gay
God says "go forth and multiply", so even if you're going to ignore the biology, your religion says you're a failure.
>Christ is a made up character.
christ was a real person if you don't believe he was the son of god that's a different thing.
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Recreating Wall-E but with skinny femboys. Not chip choc lodge (it is though)
celebrities are into devil worship. you could join them.
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>christ was a real person
There is zero historical evidence for the existence of Yeshua Ben Iosep
>Mexican saying that Jesus is real
No shit, there's an entire country full of people named Jesus.
The OG? Still debatable. The earliest records are from a historian 30 years after Jesus' death. That's 30 years of the story changing.

I remember when I was like 6 I used to sneak sips from my mom's Sherry. It made my stomach all warm, I loved it
why worship something that isn't real?
yahweh was / is a selfish tyrannical pagan semitic desert storm god.

the true god of the universe cannot be named.
His followers said to him, "if that is the way of a man and his wife, it is better not to be married." But jesus said to them, "not all men are able to do this, but only those to whom it has been given"
Mathew 19:10-11

A christian does not follow the laws of the hebrew, but the teachings of christ.
I want to lock someone in a room and fuck them for like 24 hours like p Diddy to see how long it takes for them to collapse and what that would look like. They (black people) call it "freaking"
Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing
total christcuck death
>A christian does not follow the laws of the hebrew, but the teachings of christ

And Christ himself said he came not to destroy the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill them. The Old Testament is still relevant
Not really I guess but it's kind of crazy
>total christcuck death
Jesus was very clear that what he was doing was a patch to the post-game mechanics, and that the base game was still the same.
>“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished” (Matthew 5:17–19)
imagine begging for forgiveness
If you ask for forgiveness then Jesus will forgive you
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>arguing about religion
When I become the president I'll make all the non-Christians convert or leave
Relevant only through the teachings of jesus.
I dont think i should participate in all the indiscriminate genocide that hebrews and israelites seemed to love doing.
That's against the First Amendment
There is nothing in the Law that says you have to genocide people
>Anime posting
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When a law or contract is fulfilled, the terms come to an end. God's promise of his kingdom on earth will come to fruition. Now it is no longer dependent on the israelite people obeying the laws, as obviously it would never have happened if it did.
There are two types of athiests, one who is angry at aquasama, and one who hasnt truly met her yet
Wall-E but femboys and loving and caring for them UwU
This coffee got a nigga on one
>troon toons
And people still have the nerve to not believe that tranime was invented to sissily the US male after two bombs
I find these videos funny, no matter the editing they look like shit and I know those places smell like piss.
the founding fathers were freemasons >>202950252
>For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished
>"For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished."
It's pretty clear that this hasn't happened yet. The OT still applies, you don't even realize it.
here before the anime was full of cross-dressers and gay people, it has nothing to do with it.
anime website
anime website
This is not an anime board, that's /a/
sir the cyclicrodentiator rapist flux is reaching unstable levels
Aa, I digress
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do i spend $80 on printing and occult ebook from office max or save it for more palo classes
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By that logic, all Mexicans can get off my website.
jannies btfo yet again
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For a number of years now, work has been proceeding in order to bring perfection to the crudely conceived idea of a transmission that would not only supply inverse reactive current for use in unilateral phase detractors, but would also be capable of automatically synchronizing cardinal grammeters. Such an instrument is the turbo encabulator.

Now, basically the only new principle involved is that instead of power being generated by the relative motion of conductors and fluxes, it is produced by the modial interaction of magneto-reluctance and capacitive diractance.
Sorry anon I don't care right now tho8gh

The original machine had a base plate of pre-famulated amulite surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two spurving bearings were in a direct line with the panametric fan. The latter consisted simply of six hydrocoptic marzlevanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented.

The main winding was of the normal lotus-o-delta type placed in panendermic semi-boloid slots of the stator, every seventh conductor being connected by a non-reversible tremie pipe to the differential girdle spring on the “up” end of the grammeters.

The turbo-encabulator has now reached a high level of development, and it’s being successfully used in the operation of novertrunnions. Moreover, whenever a forescent skor motion is required, it may also be employed in conjunction with a drawn reciprocation dingle arm, to reduce sinusoidal repleneration.”
but it's less efficient and sensitive to background input
No Mexicans allowed.
Open borders between the US and Canada for lightskinned individuals and those of native ancestry (has to be our natives, not Nahua and Maya rats)
I don't know that song
>t. Never heard of an ambifacient lunar waneshaft
It hadnt happened at the time of that sermon, but his death was the seal on the contract, and his resurrection the beginning of the kingdom of god on earth
>let's brain drain Canada even further
Yesterday (I've been going outside all the time lately)
I saw a young child jumping through puddles
Ans she saw a big one and told her dad that she found a big one. I was like, no you didn't
You idiot
She wasn't looking to find it. She came across it and wasn't even exploring
When you die, do you leave Earth and go to Heaven? Yes. Seems like Heaven and Earth haven't passed away.
Enjoy Hell, sinner.
Anime existed for at least a good 30 years before it began appealing to sissies
I need my dick sucked
neets should consider night shift security jobs. you just sit around all day on your phone and you don't have to talk to anyone
Old school anime was dope. Voltron, Cutey Honey, Bubblegum Crisis.

All this fag shit is a recent phenomenon
You seem jewish.
I need a cuddle but ill just get a McDonald's instead
That's my line
The same losers that watched anime then, would be dilating now.
Atheist, nice try though. I accept your concession.
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>the show where Amuro gets sent to his room for stealing the top secret military robot
I'm smoking on Bhutanese shadowgarden-grown Dark Evil™ pack
Im smoking thar vitamin E plus plus estrogen and CUM cart
Dunno what I'd do if I didn't have my doggy to pat whenever I feel down
Not much of a difference, really. Ignorant and unreasonable. I suggest you keep reading. It is never too late to turn around.
Probably would kill yourself ay
I had a big bowl of spaghetti noodles and vegetables last night
I should be allowed to charge money to receive political spam text messages.
big egg doesn't want you to know adding milk makes scrambled eggs more creamy
Had a big plate of roasted vegetables, roasted potatoes, and chicken
>but why is Earth now the Kingdom of God
>it just is, okay
You're going to burn in Hell, because you couldn't even follow what Jesus made clear. He's talking about It's clearly talking about Revelation.
Should I get some breakfast from Jack in the box? No I'm not fat
Potatoes are a vegetable
Imagine in that time u got my shit together and moved to Australia, then integrated fully, bought a proxy and 4chan pass. I wish that were my life. I could never be that organised. You coild tho8hh
You should change your diet, fatty.
white people moment
meat and fruits
You can prank call non emergency services asking for a job and pin it on benefits. The government doesn't want you to know about that
Loads of police scotland officers have been found to abuse their power and being rude. As a second first amendment right yoi can just say you thought they want it (plead ignorance). They can't fault you for asking for a job
Sounds high test af
Im sure anon has found that guy from my past where my acting skills fooled him. That info is a relic from my past when hack when I could be cute and make gays do or believe stuff. He was so cute
Unlike brown pipo who eat rice with beans, beans with rice, rice and beans, beans and rice, beany rice, ricey beans, rice beans, and bean rice.
isn't there an english job search service to get a job? work plus or something like that?
Technically they're tubers>>202951364
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For me? It's honey smacks
It's not, he gets slapped like the bitch his is later on. Amuro is a child, pretending to be a man. That's why his punishment is being sent to his room.
I literally ate something similar yesterday
YWNBW, Dionisio
For me? It's steel cut oats, boiled in milk, then adding natural peanut butter, honey, and bananas.
sexo con cum
Black pipo be like I only eat hot cheetos and live in a rundown shithole to afford my $995/month car payment (I don't have insurance and the registration expired in May of 2023)
what does it mean to "season" a cast iron skillet
seasoning means to cum on it
This thread went fast. Or maybe it's just all the coffee I drank that makes it seem so
>leaving soap residue on your anus
To overheat an oil in the pan until the oil turns into a polymer bound to the surface of the pan
cover it with hot oil so that it does not rust
You coat it in sneed oils and heat it until the oils oxidize and form a layer of plastic over the pan so it doesn't stick to food
Building up a layer of polymerized oil (plastic)
Oil or butter it, put the heat on and literally season the pan, salt, pepper, umami, Cajun seasoning whatever you want
let it sit and simmer for like 2 minutes
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lightly flirting with the cute girl at the warehouse (i work from home with a white collar job, she works in a warehouse with a blue collar job, we will never be able to meet)
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Washing it with Lawry’s seasoning soap
to fall for a capitalist scam because they stopped polishing cast iron pans from the factory
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it's when you rub your penis on the skillet
>Mexican makes a new
>No edition
>No previous
>No interesting op pic

Why are they like this
it's always the same retard, someone make the thread for real
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