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Previous >>202952154
Brian’s ancestral home edition
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literally who
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make sure if you shoot at me, bitch it better be worth it
You need to be imprisoned
gonna take a big fat poo
What kind of name is Lyle?
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also at king spa there are plenty of fathers who go there with their sons.
it's just funny seeing them run around nude there with their little tiny boy dicks flapping around.
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>hello yes 911?
>someone was showering nude at the gym where that's a normal occurrence
it's crazy how yahweh would forbid the practice of something that doesn't exist

just another hypocrisy in that religion
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The word translated as sorcery in most cases actually means something like "poison making"
Keep replying to him
He's lonely
What do you want him to do, leave? lol
hello yes 911 some faggot thats made pedophilic comments in the past deliberately showers naked in front of children
i'm pagan
Everyone hates Brian
In the original Greek, it’s pharmacy. Big Pharma BTFO
Smash the skulls of whores who think crystals have powers and also call rocks crystals
i believe in the scientific method
My car has variated carped beetle (I believe) larvas in it. I dont own a car vaccum so I admit the floors are pretty dirty I didnt realize I could get infested by variated carped beetles
So true…

They’re minerals THOUGH
it's almost like yahweh lied to keep you powerless
i've explicitly stated many times i'm not into kids, just that there's nothing wrong with being nude around them
Fuck Brian desu
Why don't you go and play with your rocks?
WOW I just googled for car vaccum and it says I can get my car vaccumed FREE with a car wash. I hope it gets rid of the variated beetles
can we ehhhhh STOP talking about brian?
Lied about what? Christians aren't forbidden from certain magical practices. If we define magic as "a metaphysical projection of the will" then even prayer is a magical practice. We've also been told to look for astrological signs and the Jews were given tools for divination. Nuance is important
You've said tons of times that you wish your dad molested you
Remember when Brian doxxed himself and his weird occult spirituality store? Good times
any namefags you guys want to talk about?
so how bout that debate fellas, wowie those politics sure are interesting
Jason > Brian
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so true bestie
Shits unusable when these faggots are about, I'm going back to /tv/
The only politics I care for is gooning to AOC
DAMN my feet fucking REEK right now bros
I'd vote for her if she made an onlyfans
and? doesn't mean i'm into kids
i don't take protestants seriously, it's the official church stance that sorcery is sinful sorry. protestants always love to interpret things however they want and play all these word games.
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fk got a US proxy
i wonder if male and female feet smell the same
i would imagine testosterone produces a distinct aroma
My post stands for myself and my own perspective, whatever beef you have with this "protestant" boogieman you'll have to take up with them I guess
>ACT scams you by including the price of sending score to 4 universities but you only get 24hrs after the test if you dont know where
Christians partake in a weekly god-human sacrifice and cannibalism ritual and that isn’t hardcore enough for you?
How do asian girls born in the USA become so trashy? Aren't they rich and have 2 parents
that's precisely a protestant mentality, they all have this "every man for himself" mentality when interpreting biblical scriptures.
I believe they are leafistanis
>i don't take protestants seriously, it's the official church stance that sorcery is sinful
Protestantism is a broad category of many churches, there is no "official" protestant stance on anything
>Noooo don't form your own opinions on things and make me examine your interpretations on a individual basis!
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Who's the intended audience here?
I'll be back in 3 years when this thread is good again (Brian dies of syphilis)
See you next week
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sex with italian girls
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good afternoon
i picked up my friends kids from school cause she had to go to the court house and one of them cracked their tablet screen and it was so sad and she said “i was having a good day, then this happened” and it broke my heart so i got them mcdonalds to make up for it
why aren't YOU married with kids?
You fags love to get upset. You don't know any other source of entertainment than involving in back and forths with mentally ill people and give em validation. That's how you get your kicks.
Why is your friend in court
Is she fighting for custody of her children
i’m horribly mentally ill and a likely genetic dead end but it’s okay
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>she said “i was having a good day, then this happened”
Poor baby :(
i can fix her, /cum/ :)
C'mere lil spinster I'll put a bebe in you right now
sort of yes, it’s family court. her husband is a blue collar guy and he started doing meth and going crazy so she is in the process of taking his name off the lease so she can have him arrested for trespassing if he shows up to the house again and getting the divorce finalized
she’s kind of white trash, but i love her and she’s always been very good to me
Shut the FUCK up
That makes the babies situation with the tablet even sadder
Please go the extra mile to put happiness in those babies lives so they don't end up a statistics
christians proving once AGAIN how stupid they are
>Sola scriptura (Latin for 'by scripture alone') is a Christian theological doctrine held by most Protestant Christian denominations, in particular the Lutheran and Reformed traditions,[1][2] that posits the Bible as the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice.[2] The Catholic Church considers it heresy and generally the Orthodox churches consider it to be contrary to the phronema of the Church.
Protestants are under no obligation to adhere to Sola scriptura
so then you'd agree with the church's position on sorcery then fucking retard
of course, that’s why i don’t mind if she needs a little help with the kids sometimes. they are such pure souls and i don’t wanna see them go down a bad path. she knows this too, because she had a rough upbringing so she is trying really hard to shield them from all this ugliness and just let them be kids as long as they can
There is no such "churches position" as far as protestantism goes
If you want me to say most christians don't know how to define magic and sorcery then yeah that's probably true. Not sure what you're looking for exactly
Most Annoying E-personalities
1. ratpedo
2. brian
3. the "spinster" autist
9001. me (real human bean)
A one-megaton thermonuclear warhead has just been detonated over Beruit.
>There is no such "churches position"
there is with the orthodox and catholic church.
some retard (not sure if it was you or another anon) really tried to argue that sorcery was NOT sinful when i corrected him and showed that it was since that is official church doctrine and i don't take any individual protestant interpretation arguing otherwise seriously.

learn how to be consistent.
retarded bitch brought some unwitting souls into the world to be terrorized by a methhead. it's always the most unfit people who elect to drag a bunch of children into their fucked up lives
stop giving them attention you fucking moron
>some retard (not sure if it was you or another anon) really tried to argue that sorcery was NOT sinful
We'd have to define sorcery. Prayer is considered sorcery in some circles.
just dropped a fat stinky poo
i swear im too normal to be here
if you stopped naming people and giving them attention it would go a long way
you're free to leave nigga
Spinster is perfectly fine, the autists that obsess over her are annoying
talk about something else
Sex is a hell of a drug, and it turns out the "most fit" people end up being the ones who have the most control over their sex drive
Maybe the key is to castrate drug addicts and felons, idk
Wish you'd talk talk wish you'd talk to me TALK TO ME
This is brian
it is very well defined by church doctrine, there is no need to elaborate.

you know it's embarrassing when a literal satanist has to argue CHRISTIAN beliefs for you.
You seem obsessed with applying "church doctrine" when you can knock it down as a strawman, and then criticize more nuanced discussion that doesn't blindly adhere to an organization as not worth considering
more non-arguments
anyway hail satan
Sin doesn't even real.
Morality is subjective.
Jenna Ortega looks like a 40 year old woman
i want to learn the dark arts of seduction
I would still destroy her brown ass
Does that extend to purpose and meaning as well? Does objective purpose exist?
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your purpose in life is to ascend to godhood
Best way to do this is definitely to spend countless hours sitting in your room staring at a PC screen
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Subjective morality is logically inconsistent and therefore of no real use in a discussion of ethics
you said that "every little boy should be molested" kys
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i'm taking classes as we speak
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I look like this irl
i will kill one /cum/shit, cook his liver and eat it. i haven't decided yet which /cum/shit i am going to kill. i need one of you guys who doesn't have a drinking problem because i need a healthy liver
Make your own meaning, find your own purpose. You can fall back on biological imperatives of it pleases your fancy.
If something makes you feel wrong then you probably shouldn't do it.
You seem to have no answered my question sir
I have gallstones so *dabs*
/cum/ pretty weak right now, i'm gonna go goon
Jerry Jerry Dinkle Berry
I'm sorry for the quality of the thread
Yes. It extends to all things. There's no great plan for (You)
the handsome squidward version of her always makes me laugh
So your post does not have an objective purpose that you hoped to get across? Since all meaning is subjective, I can viably read your post and say "what this means is, he wants me to violently attack him"?
Those jews are quite niggardly
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It's like y'all be talking funny

I don't understand language of people with short money
Sure. Nothing matters, that's the beauty of it
You believe someone can viably interpret any message however they want because of the subjectivity of meaning, and you don't see how this worldview leads to madness?
I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 50. If you guess it you get one free wish
twenny wan
Npc behavior
my wish is gonna be for a cobra to bite you on the testicles
Good thing there is 0% chance of that happening whether you guess the right number or not
Been thinking about buying either one of those uberti repros or a 1911 to add to my collection of guns I don't shoot. Any of you boys been thinking about adding to your arsenal?
On the outside I'm a white boy on the inside I'm a sassy black woman
The number was 33, but I'm gonna give you the wish because that guy's a no fun allowed stick in the mud
A ball and cup is more fun than guessing numbers
How is collecting guns any different from collecting legos?
I'm afraid if I buy a gun one day I'll get drunk and find the balls to finally commit suicide
You can't kneecap niggas with Legos
Lets see a nigga walk on a lego piece
Story time : You're prancing on the sidewalk. Around you are signs which state the speed limit, paint marks which show the direction of traffic. A sign which clearly states that the sidewalk is for pedestrians only. These are agreed upon universally by all. I decide to to go 100 over the speed limit across several lanes onto the sidewalk just to hit you with my car. What's more objective, your ass smeared across concrete or everyone's viable interpretation of the rules?
>What's more objective, your ass smeared across concrete or everyone's viable interpretation of the rules?
The first one of course but it seems you've shot your point in the foot by conceding that objectivity does indeed exist in any sense. I am not asserting that "viable interpretation" creates objectivity
this is what faggots unironically think
you bloody benchod
Are you our resident neet Brazil bro or someone else
Why aren't yall talking about the war and the jews and muslims n sheeit?!
Because i dont want a 3 day vacation for talking about politics
I live on a farm in Arkansas, why do I care?
Making brown people seethe is fun
But you're brown
Based, actually
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hows the corn harvest this year partner
chud my life into pieces
We did soybeans this year actually, next year will be sorghum for cattle feed.
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>We did soybeans
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Canadians do be shitting on the carpet
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You are feeding the enemy (china) with those soy beans boy
Have you ever listened to Oriental Acid Trance?

who is this guy and why do people keep posting him
I avoid vegetable oils, including soybean oil
Money talks, bullshit walks.
It's profitable, aim your anger at congress for subsidizing the hell out of it.
/cum/ was better when it was just banal blog posting (no brits)
He's the next vice president you fucking idiot
Here it comes the money!!@
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Bullshit? You aint no patriot
Grim. Imagine milking being blowjob girl this hard. Make one funny joke, and instead of enjoying your 15 minutes of fame before disappearing with dignity, you have the gall to stick around long past your welcome.
How are the top podcasts all right wing?
why are you so aggressive
if politics stuff makes you this upset maybe it's not the hobby for you
she's making bank, i respect the hustle
Joe is a lefty
Yeah you would, wouldn't you.
shut the fuck up you're a fucking nematode. you're an invertebrate you're nothing
Hawk tuah girl was working in a mattress factory before her sudden fame
What is /cum/'s religious beliefs?
>working in a mattress factory
How poetic
I thought he was a libertarian
is that what they call it now?
>learn how to be consistent.
That's not possible for Christians.
Jo is a milquetoast lib, not a leftist
(I make this post at great risk. Janny is going on a rampage)
Hitchensian Atheist
I'm broadly Protestant
Well, she's like 19 or something so that's pretty ok.
She's living the American Dream.
I also had that fear but then I bought a few, got used to it, and then it's about the same feeling as having knives in the house. I would sometimes put the gun to my head and pull the trigger to the beat of songs, but that was more for the rush howeverbeit.
The real anxiety comes from picking it up, but that's just because I'm a sperg.
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Why are you like this?
Because the leftists have the mainstream media, and don't need to use the internet.
Agnostic Atheist.
Anyone who genuinely believes in god is an idiot, anyone who believes in an afterlife is a baby, and you can't both be Christian and claim you believe in evolution unless you completely ditch the doctrine of original sin, but I usually tell people I'm Catholic when they ask.
Go home sanjay
Spineless coward
>Anyone who genuinely believes in god is an idiot
Is Christian geneticist Francis Collins an idiot?
Amazing Atheist
Let lil' bro have this. He has nothing else besides his atheist tribe.
Once he realizes the scientific method was invented by a christian, he might just kill himself.
Yes, or else he just never thought too much about the theological problems arriving from the fact that humanity evolved from other species and what that means for the doctrines of original sin and Christ's atonement.

Most likely the latter.
I was raised to tell the truth.
I'm very special
>or else
Ok so people can believe in God and not be idiots, I'm glad we got that settled
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I have to study till 9 ill see you niggas later
will be picking up three (3) 0.5g live resin carts from the dispensary within the hour
Vacuous truths dont really count.
It wasn't vacuous, it was uncomfortable for you.
I deny evolution because there are too many gaps in the evolutionary line, and I don't see enough evidence to convince me that every discovered missing link is in fact a missing link, as opposed to a deformed human or a totally separate animal.
I believe similarities in the genetic code can be attributed to life sharing a common Creator, as opposed to a common ancestor. And if common Creator is a projection of religious ideology, I'd say common ancestor is a projection of materialist ideology

Any thoughts on this, atheist anon? Preferably without insulting me
Why was this post deleted?
It seemed pretty innocuous to me, just a reference to a classic internet video
I didnt make the post btw
You dont know what a vacuous truth is.
It's a turn of phrase in formal logic.
$5 for a single cookie? get the fuck outta here
the words triggered the bot
I paid 30 doll hairs :/
I deny the theory of evolution, because its current formalism relies on the notion of "genetic drift" which we know now not to be sufficient and almost certainly is not even true.

We are not the same.
HAPPY 4:20!!!!!
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I need money, alcohol, and women!
How big is the cookie
Unlikely. He was born in 1950, and was raised in a right-wing social order. The intelligent people wouldn't have needed to convince themselves to change their beliefs to fit with the changing times yet.
That was still the era of a high population of intelligent people openly and freely having right-wing beliefs.
There's also the fact that religious people don't score lower on IQ tests. They have been shown to have lower analytical reasoning skills, but that's not directly connected to their IQ, since it's not tested. Analytical reasoning is just an asset for doing better on portions of the IQ test.
Though, he's a brilliant geneticist, so he probably overcame the average religious person's analytical reasoning abilities.
>Vacuous Proof: If p is a conjunction of other hypotheses and we know one or more of these hypotheses is false, then p is false and so p q is vacuously true regardless of the truth value of q.
Which has nothing to do with what I said. Christians hold inconsistent beliefs, and then justify them with appealing to faith.
You'd do a better job of winning, if you said "Non-Christians aren't consistent either", than trying to trip me up in an attempt to soothe your hurt ego.
It was a total henhouse in here last night.
Happy 16:20.
uh oh poop time
There's a tard at my gym who waves or says hi to everyone that walks by him and if you don't do the same he starts autisticly squealing
sigma like me would just ignore him
You're contradicting yourself here. >>202963824
I would rather you have been just ignorant than dishonest.
Many Brianposts have disappeared…
This happens to me at the grocery store. He always says "Happy Saturday"
make it gay and lame
I get banned too often to justify a 4channel pass.
Who is Brian? Redpill me on Brian.
No I didn't. If you'd like, you can attempt to explain it, rather than just state it.
In all 3 of my posts about this, I told the truth, and was accurate about Christians.
I even showed that I'm not villainizing Christians twice in that post. Once replying to you, and once by showing that I'm very aware that Christians can be very intelligent.
If you see a post and think, "wow, this guy must be a fag and a pedophile" AND he doesnt have a british flag, thats brian
Everyone on /hoc/ is mad at me for abusing the raped bitch phrase
I have withstood many pain
To create works
So I pray
wherefore do I listen to banda music and get ads in spanish, but when I listen to japanese music I don't get japanese or weeb ads.
good point
Explain yourself to the class
it aint joever til the gyatt lady caps
There's probably more advertisers in America that want to get Hispanics to spend money, and far less that care about Asians/weebs.
The code doesn't know that you're not a Hispanic, it just sees that you listen to their music, and assumes that you're a prime target for that type of ad.
Oh hi brian
I would shake your hand if i could
It's called being polite. If the man genuinely believes he's both a Christian and someone who believes in evolution, then he's an idiot. He has not thought out his beliefs.

Humanity's history via evolution is a glaring problem that destroys the doctrine of original sin and the atonement of Christ itself. If humanity was never actually immortal, and if death's always been a natural phenomenon in the world, then Jesus was never a messiah and died for nothing.
Yes, yes. You're correct and wise and oh so much smarter than everyone else.
Now talk about something else. Perhaps you have a hobby, or like something interesting about yourself?
I don't think christians are as dogmatic on the literal historicity of Adam and Eve as you're hoping for. I'm somewhat familiar with that man's ideology and I think the historical realness of Christ is far more important and also has a stronger historical footprint
You need to provide examples of these gaps and similarities before this can be engaged with.

>And if common Creator is a projection of religious ideology, I'd say common ancestor is a projection of materialist ideology
What is this even supposed to mean?
calpis and asahi are missing out on my neet money js
They have to be dogmatic on the literal historicity of humanity's past immortality on earth. The entire religion depends on it.

The whole thing's over if humans were never immortal.
thread theme
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>examples of these gaps
We have nothing remotely close to a sufficient fossil record for any previous point of evolution
The genetic similarity between homo sapiens and chimps for example. Or homo sapiens and bananas.
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Listening to Taylor Swift.
>I deny evolution because there are too many gaps in the evolutionary line, and I don't see enough evidence to convince me that every discovered missing link is in fact a missing link, as opposed to a deformed human or a totally separate animal.
So you lack a basic understanding of evolution, and deny it because of your ignorance. Glad we solved this mystery early on.
More like Gaylor Shit.
Wanna see a magic trick
>So you lack a basic understanding of evolution, and *believe* it because of your ignorance. Glad we solved this mystery early on.
See how I can do the same thing and your post basically contributes nothing to conversation?
I did contribute. I identified the problem. The solution is that you learn more biology. No one in this thread is going to be able to use logic to get you to change your mind, because you didn't arrive at your conclusion through logic.
Go learn more about evolution, that's the only solution.
I will have you knkw that i have personally reproduced every single evolutionary/biological experiment in my own lab on my own time.
Do you think i would just believe someone because they have social influence, or because people supporting them have social influence?
Do you think i picked the theory of evolution just because it's popular, and gives me an easy tribal flag?
stop replying to religous freaks
Abloo bloo
In what way am I wrong, in particular
You're wrong because i dont like you, and i cant criticise other religions without facing violent backlash
Two more marks on my calendar, for the two workouts i did today.
You fundamentally don't understand evolution, at even a basic level. I'd go so far to assume that you didn't take biology in high school.
Spend time learning about evolution, or don't. I don't care either way. I just wanted to point out the problem you were having.
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Okay so I didn't ask out either Latina yet, but I've decided which one I'm going to ask out, because I think she's showing more signs of attraction, AND she's hotter. Like, I'll be so proud of myself if I get this girl to go on a date with me. She's super in-shape and has a very cute face, not at all a goblina.
I'm going to ask for her number, I've devised a plan to approach her in a non-awkward area, when we'd be alone.
If I get her number should I just ask her out through text? I know that's kind of lame but I feel like asking for her number is already making a move
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What did I get wrong in particular
Just one example
I dont believe you're going to do it, and i dont believe you will succeed even if you do it.
I have decided that I will call in sick tomorrow. I have 4 sick days to burn before the end of the year and gosh dang it I'm going to use them.
I need a bad bitch with big titties
Are you the same person?
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It's Mohamed having gay sex with some other brown dude.
This is the inspiration I needed, thanks anon. I'll get you guys an update in 7 days at the absolute latest, but if I see her earlier then I'll do it then
remember this video
i need a comely lady with a sparkling personality
Do you have it in you to CORTES her?
Tampon Tim vs Eyeliner Jay
The fact that you don't understand what the gaps in the fossil record are from or now genetics are used to further prove evolution.
It shows, because evolution has more evidence supporting it, than gravity.
i need an ebony cocoa butter mocha latte black QUEEN to sit on my face.
>The fact that you don't understand what the gaps in the fossil record are from
What are they from? Please teach me
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>haven't poo'd since Sunday
>Finally something happens
>Go to toilet
>Just a little regular poop
Where the fuck is the rest
Imagine the smell
cannabis captured
Yes, she has an absolutely perfect ass and legs.
I've been looksmaxxing for months now for the first time in my life and I'm ready and confident. My arms are mildly sculpted and my traps actually have volume. Even if she says no then I'll just be even more handsome in several months and I'll find someone else
waiting until the next thread for my next epic post like a boss
I tried seeking help but I was on the wrong side of the road
Pay me and I will. I pointed out your problem, then further showed 2 different ways that you were specifically wrong. I'm not going to waste my night explaining something to you, that you don't want to accept. If you'd like me to do this, then my rate is $50US/hour, paid in advance.
I think i shall go to the website bandcamp.com and search through the latest 800 popular albums, clicking on all the ones with anime girls or exposed breasts
I hate u now
I think I'm right and you don't know what to say so you're posturing to maintain an appearance that you're the right one without having to demonstrate it

And I think the character flaws you accused me of are projections.
this thread is atrocious
Why? I've been a /cum/mer for 8 years
If I can become handsome then any of you guys can, except the unfortunate few with severe disabilities
forget it jake, it's /cum/
>I've been a /cum/mer for 8 years
Grim. Dire even
we all gotta cum from somewhere
Cute joke, anon
I'll be a /cum/mer until the very end
Hmmm. Did you ever join the /cum/cord server?
>I think I'm right
It doesn't matter what you think, because you're wrong.
>you don't know what to say so you're posturing to maintain an appearance that you're the right one without having to demonstrate it
You asked me to show where you were wrong. You didn't accept it, now you want me to teach you hours and hours of evolutionary biology for free. At which point, you'll just reject it.
If you want me to explain it, pay me. If you don't want to pay me, go take a course.
>And I think the character flaws you accused me of are projections.
It's not. You didn't even deny my claim of your lack of taking biology in high school.
This is your last (You), unless you're asking for an email address to paypal me money.
I guess we should all just try our best
Would you guys rather date a well behaved white girl but her entire family is trashy and shitty, or a well behaved black girl with a nice and successful family
Can I raceplay with the black
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>Typed all this without making a meaningful point about evolution
Abloo bloo evolution is false and Christ is Lord. deal with it
I would almost never prefer dating to being alone, but i'll date whichever one steals my heart.
Being a nice and pretty girl isnt enough to get my attention.
They have to have a je ne sais quoi
Just my experience
I'm not dating her family, so the white girl.
No but her family will be around your kids and will be asking for handouts
Dating girls with shitty families is annoying or at least it can be
The asian one
They can ask all they want, the answer is always going to be "no". You only need to see the family on holidays. So for like 360 days, you don't have to deal with them. Everyone already has family members they don't like, so this is no different.
watching pakistani diy vids
Where's the new at, you dumb hoes
i'm working
Aren't we more important :(
i only have the strength to make posts not threads
read about it
make it yourself dipshit
>read about it
Yeah it died like 6 years ago
*Headpats you*
bake new
high rn
i just got done with dinner do you guys need me to make it
Make it good too
>he doesnt know
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She's got legs for days.
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If you randomly stumble into fame that you know won't last the only smart thing to do is exploit the fuck out of it for every dollar you can while you have the chance.

I respect the shamelessness and the effort.

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