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ten thousand miles edition

OLD: >>202942674
Update from yesterday's bank troubles
The dog bank's network was not down, it was just a coincidence that the ATM I went to was down whilst my card was blocked for no reason
Bank teller says I needed to update my info despite my info being up to date and the bank not telling me that I need to update my info

Did get e-banking whilst I was there doe.
I've never updated bank info, in fact my bank info says I live in another city
did you not have e-banking before, how the fuck did you check your accounts
>I've never updated bank info
Fyromlar humiliation ritual that happened when we needed to change id cards so it says North Macedonia
>how the fuck did you check your accounts
I get sms with my bank balance after making an internet transaction
So when I needed to check I would just spend money due to laziness to get e-banking
mods, this dangerous pedophile needs to be stopped
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here they charge you 50 cents if you want them to send your balance with an sms

It looks like a resemblance of Lolita novel wrote by that russian novelist.
E-banking is probably more expensive tbqh
Like 20euro a year
This Albanoid is ruining /balk/'s reputation by getting foreigners to think that this is a tranime respecting general
you don't pay anything for that here with most banks
Here it's free to check your balance in most banks but costs money to be able to make transactions
it's law here that online equivalents of physically offered banking services have to be at most half the price of the physical service
it's cheaper to use online for everything
all banks have retarded monthly maintenance fees however
I think e-transactions have cheaper fees here as well but I don't know if it ends up being cheaper at the end when you factor in the 20 euro a year maintenance fee

Lot more convenient doe
evil creature

do all banks have a separate fee for ebanking? I think only a single shitty one I had to use for a while had that and I simply checked my balance by going to the ATM and transferred money by waiting in line like a retard
I regularly transfer 2k€+ here between local banks through ebanking and the only fee is 3€ per transfer which I think might be static
E-transactions and e-banking maintenance is set by your bank
I can go to my bank app and see that I paid almost 1000mkd for maintenance fees in 2023, with no e-banking
Evil creatures, I would take my wage in cash if I could and close my bank account
that's slightly cheaper than what I pay for maintenance with ebanking enabled
the italian bank here charges twice that unless you get your salary there
qt pic. Daddy's cool.
Just looked it up, the maintenance fee for e-banking is 960mkd a year
That means I've doubled my monthly fees

Finna open a bank account in another bank, astaghfirullah
here they have to advertise all fees in standard format in a document on their websites, its probably a thing there too
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Why are brown women so hot, bros? How do we import them instead of brown men? I'd even increase Albovlach's taxes if it meant more brown women were to be come to the Balkans
Dont you domestically produce them?
I didn't know this
Just found a bank with zero maintenance fees whilst my bank is scamming me for like 25 euro a year
phoneposting is so unbearable
janny won
So true king
vaccum cleaner succed my W key from the keyboard holy shit
there are compressed aIr bottles for cleaning keyboards
soymun above me
bro i live in iraq we barely have water and kvass
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very cool images itt
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it's like firstoids saying just go to your local megashop that has everything or order it online, unaware that to find even the simplest thing here you must wander the streets like a dog and look through tiny cornershops that barely sell anything with bloated prices and no way to figure out their location except by asking randoms
If you want to survive on balkmoonistan you basically have to do everything yourself.
Mods kill this pedos
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ui saffer
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So true king
I should get a new, slimmer wallet
installed nfsmw
funny hoe zoomoid would look at it and say mhm yeah this looks kind of old but to me its just a gayme
So true, king.
what a rebel
Only true for boomer products
Shopping for a phone and then shopping for a drill is like going from 21st century e-shooping to magazine catalogs from 1857
dont be jealous cause ur loonix cant run it
>magazine catalogs
You won't find shit there you have to ask around people in the industry of whatever the fuck they're in.
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So true king

>Macedonians gonna see this vid and be like "woaaaah Greeks stole this from us"
I use poodows doe

even for phones it's the most basic shit phones anything more obscure isn't even shipped here
they barely even have different ram+rom configurations available, usually only in incel black
also there's way too many phone accessory/charger/case shops here that have zero online presence because they're all copypasted no-tax paying dropshipping from aliexpress frauds
VGH my ancestors...
Bro I open phones.mk and feel like a westerner, then try buying a car part and feel like a maymun in the jungle asking every nigga on the block where there be bananas
what are your names bros?
My name is Alexandros
bobo krtolica
Megas Aleksandros Tourkoktonos
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racing vs lil timmy
Atanas Janev
>a few minutes later
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Aкo имaх пapи зa кypcoвe дoceгa щях дa гoвopя cвoбoднo Бългapcки. Xopaтa ми нaпpaвихa кoмплимeнт зa aкцeнтa. Haдявaм ce, чe нe ca били capкacтични.
Let's talk politics bros, thoughts on the Notreal Lebbo war?
>so true, king
>so true, king
>so true, king
>so true, king
>so true, king
>so true, king
Total vlach death.
so true, king

haha, suffer
I already suffer without you telling me to.
Mental how that roman tried to larp as rich while talking likea beggar.
You would never see me poortalk
many such cases!
>check krasnoyarsk on gsv
>lenin street
>marx street
>lenin statues
>revolution square
>paris commune street
are you sure you're not under communism still?
If every single city doesn't have one street named partizanska, I have no inclination to live in your country
bro I beat him in a minute, timmy is fkn nobody hes not even on most wanted blackedlist

im not in charge of naming those landmarks doe
Asparuh Turkomongolov Kubratov
>Plane ticket payment unsuccessful. Redirecting to home page.
those gommunist names can suck a big one but if you start renaming them you might end up like hohols with every street being lesya usrainka street (commie btw but they chose to ignore that) or bugis with levski everywhere
but yeah id prefer not having a whole street named after hungarian jew who died in fucking spain in my city
>one of the main streets in krasnoyarsk is named after a half bulgarian born in the ukraine
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Is writing stories where Jews molest children against the law?
Literally me yesterday
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nigga look like a pickup artist
>Panic attacks are sudden periods of intense fear and discomfort that may include palpitations, sweating, chest pain or chest discomfort, shortness of breath, trembling, dizziness, numbness, confusion, or a feeling of impending doom or of losing control. Typically, symptoms reach a peak within ten minutes of onset, and last for roughly 30 minutes, but the duration can vary from seconds to hours.
>In Europe, about 3% of the population has a panic attack in a given year while in the United States they affect about 11%.
lol, just realized I've probably had like 3 of these in my life
god I hate this shithole
also how the fuck does a tenth of the us have a panic attack every year
Found a match for you, russian bebe.
Most of those streets probably had names before communism. They could've just brought them back

Didn't know mystery nigga was kurvat
That's just the vaccine working
haven't been vaxxed doe

having panic attacks has become somewhat of a fashion statement for young foids here
Boomers don't believe they exist because back in the day they just picked themselves up by the boomstraps.
how do your cripple relatives make money?
I honestly thought my blood sugar was low the first time it happened desu, ate a twix and was fine after 15 minutes
boomoids do refuse to accept it exists, mine refuses to acknowledge stress even exists, just dont say you're stressed bro, just stop being stressed

females lack the self-awareness to have actual panic attacks, the fuck would they be anxious about
meanwhile balkanoids live in the modern jungle
>pickup artist
>6 ft 5 in (195.58cm)
You are literally Tony Soprano bro
>le crush looked at them in the hallway, hehe panic attack
It was more like a chemical attack for me. Felt like being injected with poison. Chilling watching videos then all of a sudden can't breathe. At the peak you're 200% convinced you're gonna die then it lets go. Last time I got mad when it started happening so I went to box the punching bag and cut it dead in its tracks.
I don't have a single cripple relative
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Se delka jako gojslopce
Greek genes
yeah names like Pushkin street or Peter the Great street
Haven't been on here for a while. Where's Sashko??
Markus Knight
>mine refuses to acknowledge stress even exists, just dont say you're stressed bro, just stop being stressed
The funny thing about refusing to admit something affects you is that it iireparably alters your character to be more anxious in the long run. Look at boomeroids who yell over the dumbest shit imaginable because they need to let out all that energy.
Gambling obviously.
Not even 3 days into sobriety and already pushing thick solid single-wipe, skidmarkless logs.
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Minced meat on top of these dry boys and into the party grill for a few minutes mmm uma delicia. The rusk becomes slightly softer and doesn't break in random spots.
>nigga doing water sobriety
> Cтoличнитe oбщинcки cъвeтници пpиeхa дa ce oтпycнe зaeм oт 15 млн. лв. зa гpaдcкия тpaнcпopт
falirala darjava
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>He doesn't know
Water dehydrates you, bro
Boomers panic when you clear out a room in your apartment or a basement room.
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Isn't that just the fuel making its way up the hose to reach the pistol head or whatever the fuck that's called?
kinda the same when you attach a hose to your garden tap, turning on the valve and complaining that the maymunicipality charges you for the water leaving the tap instead of the water leaving the hose
The lever of the gas pump is not pressed so it should not start charging
My back hurts, i suffer.
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first lil timmy now bull

did fyrombait make nfsmw?

>also how the fuck does a tenth of the us have a panic attack every year
i had one as a side effect of jew meds but i managed to evacuate the premises and start running
oxi ena tyxaio repsol an thymamai kala i mporei kai oxi kai prin ligo kairo allakse marka to venzinadiko ap'oti eida, ligo kairo pou ekatsa enas alvanos to eixe lol

Les na mporousa na epairna kanena bourbouar an ekana kataggelia? Alla ti lew mpourdelo kratos einai den to nomizw
i understood that
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>32C in October
Looking at this map
it seems like they had religious names like блaгoвeщeнcкaя, вocкpeceнcкaя, вcъхcвятcкaя
How you been doing crofag? Haven't posted ina while, been busy fuckign teenage sluts or sommig?

Not funny bro, ican barelyget out of the chair, some empathy here?
you'll get empathy once I leave this shithole behind and set my albo citizenship on fire
50 more years or rather 10 consecutive 5 year plans
nah, it will be probably done around 2035 give or take a couple of years the latest
depends on when I rush out of this shithole
And just like that the 5 year plan has turned into a 15 year plan
setting my albo papers on fire was always part of the 15 year plan, how would I do that when I'm still working here
I need to gather enough cash and YOE to be able to coast once I leave
I would laugh, but my lower back hurts when i do.
Έχουμε Repsol στην Ελλάδα; Επίσης δεν χάνεις κάτι να ρίξεις μια καρφωτή
Imigration to US seems difficult for an eastern. Everything is expensive starting from rent. If you are highly skilled in something then the employer may sponsor your green card, i doubt they need more code maymunics tho. Otherwise good luck to visa lottery.
meh, I'll probably fly to japan or some shithole nordic country where the sun never shines, the US depends too much on luck or getting a job in a multinational and transferring with an L1 visa
not really worth the effort for me
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They raised pensions for 50e
Japan is even more difficult lol
nah, it's piss easy

Americanized Nigerian accent
real uncanny shit
what's your disability, king
You really fell for tranime lol

nothing to do with tranime, they're big enough they won't collapse as a country until I die and they have socialized healthcare
I have schizophrenia(allegedly)
Sashko is also on NEETbux, basically every single mk.gif here is on social benefits except that seljak from aerodrom who goes to work
Most stable country in terms of not collapsing would be China/Honk Kong
bro copied stabko to get shizo papers

yep, I'd personally prefer china myself since I like it much more than japan and it's much bigger but their visa policy isn't aimed towards long term residence, you only get short term work visas and get kicked out
japan is just the second closest choice
>subhuman blasting loudspeakers outside again
i hate idiocracy so much
Drinking water isn't natural. Like who in their right mind looks at a colorless, tasteless liquid and goes "Hmmm I need to drink 2 liters a day of this to stay healthy!", brainwashed modern slaves, liters don't even exist in nature.
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look at this mymun
Bumgarians are chalgahumans
if I pulled through and did a master's depending on the salary offer I could squeeze out PR in 1-2 years which would be optimal
really don't wanna do a useless master's here tho

Sofia will be without electricity and water this winter, because of Putler and Satanyahu
WTF i love jews now
based sheytan
Με τι στοιχεία ακριβώς; Επίσης όπως είπα άλλαξε μάρκα το βενζινάδικο αλλά δεν ξέρω αν άλλαξε ο ιδιοκτήτης. Έπρεπε τότε να το ψάξω γιατί βρωμούσε η δουλειά, σε φάση ο Αλβανός μου έλεγε σε μηχανάκια και παγούρια από αυτήν την αντλία (αυτήν που ανέβασα που αρχίζει να χρεώνει από μόνη της) και στα αυτοκίνητα από άλλη αντλία. Μάλλον άργησα να το παρατηρήσω, όταν το παρατήρησα ήταν με ένα μηχανάκι που δεν το παρατήρησε ο ίδιος, μερικές μέρες αργότερα ένας το παρατήρησε και μου έκανε φασαρία να φανταστείς, όχι τίποτα ιδιαίτερο αλλά να είσαι καινούριος και να είσαι μόνος στο βενζινάδικο και να υπάρχουν τέτοια ζητήματα πάει πολύ.

Στο στρατό ήμουν σε βενζινάδικο και γέμιζα οχήματα, έκανα μεταφορές πετρελαίου θέρμανσης σε στρατόπεδο και είχα μια μικρή διαχείριση/ευθύνη σε μερικές δεξαμενές αεροπορικών καυσίμων

Το βενζινάδικο ετοιμόρροπο από το 70'-80', τρελοί υπεύθυνοι και γελοίες καταστάσεις με τις δεξαμενές αεροπορικών καυσίμων με κακές κατασκευές/εργολαβίες (σε φάση έπαιρναν νερό μέσα όταν έβρεχε). Και μιλάμε για μεγάλο/γνωστό στρατόπεδο- αεροδρόμιο, ότι να ναι η φάση
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Ανέφερα το στρατό για να εννοήσω πως έχω μια μικρή εμπειρία με τα καύσιμα και αυτό το βενζινάδικο που είχα την ατυχία να πάω ήταν για τον πέοντα προφανώς, όλοι ξένοι οι υπάλληλοι και με πήρε αμέσως τηλέφωνο μετά την αίτηση μου οπότε μύριζε το πράγμα
Κοίτα, για τον ιδιοκτήτη θα δεις την απόδειξη τι όνομα γράφει κ εαν εάν είναι εταιρική μορφή θα τσεκάρεις στο σαητ του ΓΕΜΗ εάν είναι ο κλέφτης μέσα στους συνέταιρους, όσον αφορά την καταγγελία και ανώνυμα γίνεται στην ΑΑΔΕ και επειδή εμπίπτει στη φάση του λαθρεμπόριου/κλοπής ΦΠΑ, τα κυνηγάνε πολύ
Who is the gaspump posting greek?
No one understands this bro
China monetary system relies on dollar so if US collapse China goes to shit too they are codependent
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>daily/weekly/monthly boomer waa waa I raised you will you leave me to die alone might as well kill myself now tantrum
why are they like this
couldn't she wait a couple more years so I could block her

meh, nothing you can do to hedge that
Στη σύμβαση στο ονοματεπώνυμο εκπροσώπου τι σημαίνει; Είναι ο ιδιοκτήτης; Αν και όπως είπα άλλαξε μάρκα αλλά μπορεί να είναι ι ίδιος ιδιοκτήτης

Βλέπω έχει επωνυμία που τελειώνει σε ΕΕ και έχει το ΑΜΕ, ΑΦΜ και ΔΟΥ

Αν και έχουν περάσει μερικοί μήνες, μπορώ να κάνω κάτι με αυτά;

Πώς κάνω καταγγελία στην ΑΑΔΕ; Το βίντεο και φωτογραφία από την σύμβαση φτάνει; Αν και θα την έκανα σίγουρα ανώνυμα για προφανείς λόγους, επίσης λες να δίνουν τίποτα όπως τα 3 χιλιάρικα ή κάτι τέτοιες μαλακίες με τις αποδείξεις και τον ΦΠΑ;
Evil creatures like you that reject filial piety should be sentenced to all the Five Punishments.
Στο ΓΕΜΗ βλέπω πως ο "εκπρόσωπος" που ήταν 20% συνέταιρος μαζί με άλλο πρόσωπο που ήταν 80% πρόσωπο είναι ανενεργοί από όταν έφυγα και στη θέση τους μπήκαν δύο με ξένα ονόματα με τιμά ίδια ποσοστά λολ, τι στο διάολο παίζει;
Boomers thoughtlessly created suffering out of selfish reasons. It's they who must burn.
Noone interesting
too attractive and tall
80% εκπρόσωπος*
με τα ίδια ποσοστά*
womp womp, not my problem she feels entitled to loving kids
za 3 sedmici u kartofski ima 5 uchastiq na vguzrajdane
as sha glasoam za teh
moje bi taka chinkilizite nai-nakraa sha asfaltirat 4akylenata mi ulica
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Theres more schizophrenics here than there arent
they probably just sold their shares bro

where did you get this picture of me
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daje poslanika she dojde lichno da ti go lapa
Tiho ve djamaika
tartargarians can't build 1 hummus highway that is a walkable distance in half a century
in 30 years tsinks laid 160,000 km of highway
mejdu drugutu kato glasuvash za koceto glasuvash za boiko
>live in the 50th floor
>roll around your penthouse apartment because it sways so much
baziran boiko
garantiran vuterast seethe
garantirana stabilnost za raboteshtia poluchovek
garantiran fyromdonski seethe
You betrayed your ancestors, sad
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Az ne glasuvam
Auuuuuf kakov bejt ima da padne sea
i want vguzrajdane to make chojna numba 1 in bumgaria unironically so chonks can oppress filthy chalgaoids and put them in labor camps for life
My ancestor is my dedo Timujin.
My dedo was betrayed by his anda uncle Wang Khan the same way we were betrayed in BW1
Imagine driving here.
Nope i am not on neetbux
Κάνε την ανώνυμα καλύτερα μαν
I would contract tsinks to build this near shitfia to put sub-130 IQ tatargarians in an infinite loop and filter them out of the gene pool
Gypsies would disassemble the roads for the metal inside the pillars.
dr nurse finna smash tonight
Are you serious, you are eligible of penzija. Go to fzom or agencija za vrabotuvanje
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*Timur Lenk
I wish I had money and connections to get him in porn.
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>metal inside tsink construction
Heaven will punish you for this
sashko has wasted tens of thousands of euros he couldn't used to get better teeth, better drip, and go partying
Didnt you see the prev thread

Go read it i dont have f20
poo jeets btfo
Μπορώ να περιμένω κάτι αν την κάνω ανώνυμα ή ούτε καν; Εννοώ σε άλλη περίπτωση για παράδειγμα που ήταν ξεκάθαρη παρανομία
Chairman Boi Qo will send them to uyghuroma reeducation camps
just pretend u have it
This but unironically, also he missed the septermber 50euro raise and now have to start with minimal 300euro pension. Next raise is in march

Are you retarded, it literally says f20 dumbass, but if you don't want penzija go to work then
Ke gi zemas penziite
Nope it says i make a precident in psychatric stuff

I posted it on instagram the нaoд section
Go with your dijagnoza in piom wtf I thought you are already 4 years on bux
Nope he doesn't have wafflefrenija so he doesn't get penzija
lol, that's like 12k wasted
could've bought a shithole apartment
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Never took bucks from the state

I work on the stock exchange i have 3billon euros/dollars
Nope his family has 2 houses why would he need a 3rd apartheidment
One day would like to work in USA for the sake of dirty amerimutt capitalism experience
He could've buy golf 4 and laid azhda agush
4 houses

And a new soon in greece
Close family has 4 houses*
USA would be kino, but it's too luck based and there's not much you can do to guarantee entry
meanwhile japan has a point system with clear guidelines and only needs a work contract

passive income
Nope he has 3 billion eurodollars on the cock exchange why would he need passive ink come
In two to three years it will be 5billion

Why did you think cia made the leak

I made the cia agent each one of em like 20million each i control the cia
I'm so glad the CIA made the leak of mijalkov's son torturing a girl so much she was screaming in chinese
Join some uni and apply to work and travel program you go work 4 months in USA after visa expires live there as an illegal immigrant, they wont send you back dont worry
Imagine a world where you don't sell 40 hours of your life a week just to be able to afford food
nah, I'm a cripple so I can't risk it
I'd do it if I was healthy

just don't be poor bro
I don't understand wagies, I would rather blow atm or buy a gun and racketeer random passerbys on highway
Yeah bro they live in houses made out of corn kobs and styrofoam.
But enough about FYROM
Are you in a wheelchair?
Worst that could happen is you get caught and timmydonians provide your bed & breakfast at a hotel you can't leave for a certain amount of time
You're in the same boat as me bro
Only children of millionaires live non sleyvic lives
nah, just diabetic

imagine if I decide to shit out a brat for the lulz, I ain't giving him anything so he also has to suffer
In jail I would be at peace but if I hypothetically wageslave it is 100% certain I would go insane
Evil creature
I would give him a neet cave so he never has to go through wage slavery like me
That's how you create a 4channer
Thats not the definition of being a cripple
then he wouldn't be able to enjoy neet life
I'd force him to socialize and work 5 jobs and uni at once so if I decide to give him money he'd break down in tears and kowtow 999 times due to knowing true suffering

my pancreas is crippled bro
ai saffer
Nope she didnt scream in chinese again please stop the gaslightning
Ok im off from here going to play wow
Your poor mother should have done this to you
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I'm never shooting krokodil through my legs again wtf is that
This shit looks wild under a microscope.
shoe irritation or sommin
I still go outside in джaпaнки
whoaa you are so edgy so cool
reminds me of when I had shit shoes and had to put cotton padding on the back of my foot so it wouldn't get scratched to death
now I rock superior 9€ shoes with no such issues
you're right, that's sexy af
mmm pizza

he back
bumgarians resist posting dey feet challenge(impossible)
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How's sober October going, Trasha?
>rizztraining order
Wait till you see an ant under a microscope, front facing it looks like a soyjak.
don't insult my best friend!
im getting bored of 4chan bros.. every day it's the same old boring posts. see ya in a few months
There is hope brown bros
Pretty good, 3 days in thinking of getting hammered
Who usually funds your alcoholism bro?
I do! I love him and support him in every aspect of his life!
Uga bugar
I could probably chop the time down to three years to leave if really pressed
that would give me around 6 YOE
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Are you a retard?
>Albania with low online sales: 81% of businesses in Albania report that less than 5% of their sales are made online, which is one of the highest percentages in the region. This is significantly higher than the regional average of 60%. Region and Neighboring Countries: Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina show more mixed results, with respectively 49% and 35% of businesses reporting online sales below 5%. These countries have a higher percentage of businesses that make over 20% or even more than 50% of their sales through the Internet, suggesting a higher acceptability of e-commerce in these countries. High Online Sales in Kosovo and Montenegro: Kosovo is among the best performing countries in this category, with 14% of businesses reporting that more than half of their sales are made online. Montenegro also performs quite well with 12% of businesses reporting the same percentage. The Challenge in E-Commerce Adoption: Despite most of the Balkan countries experiencing an increase in technology, Albania, along with North Macedonia and Serbia, shows a significant slowness in the adoption of e-commerce. In Albania, only 3% of businesses make more than 50% of their sales through online channels, which is one of the lowest levels in the region.
Yes bro
Rhetorical question
suspicious illyrs
E-commerce here is limited to viewing e-catalogs and phoning the store optionally to check if they have a part you need available for you they don't shop online much because they distrust everything online(especially boomers).
*card declined*
That's a zoomer/millenial thing. Boomers use cash.
Can't withdraw cash
boomers really do be like "let me walk a few km to withdraw cash from the ATM so I can walk a few more km to pay my bills with cash"
I do this
I'm such a boomerpilled cashhuman
god I hate this country
Friday tomorrow wage slave bros
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>Following his victories over the rival Mongol tribes, the Tribal leadership bestowed upon Temujin the title of “Genghis Khan,” “Chinggis Khan” or “Universal Ruler.” In Sanskrit this is Jagan Nath and ultimately it is a name of God. The title carried not only political importance, but it also had a deep mystical and spiritual significance. The leading Shaman declared Genghis Khan as the representative of the Supreme God of the Mongols Koke Mongke Tengri the ‘Blue Eternal God’. With this declaration of divine status, it was acknowledged that Genghis Khan thus had the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ to conquer and rule the entire world. The Mongols recognized that Temujin, now Genghis Khan, was in reality “…a Bogdo, (Sanskrit: Bhagavan-Dhan) a sending from the gods, endowed with the power of High Heaven.”

>Koko Monke Tengri
mental how you forget what day it is when you don't have to go to the office
If you see iki with a banana. Run.
isn't it wholesome when people bring up tales of their ancestors?
so true, gay king
insane how soyak managed to slip that racism in
Rude. He is now Bükh Ijil Khüistnüüdiin Mönkhiin Khaan (Eternal Khan of all Gays)
more titles of lordship? keep them coming
As someone with potentially several undiagnosed mental disorders, I enjoyed this thread.
thanks bro
we're close to bump limit so probably somebody else will make a new thread and will sadly be sane and boring
I'd get diagnosed but evilgarians don't believe in mental disorders (because they're evil), so I won't get any NEETbux for them.
move to sweden and steal the white man's money
>As per official statistics, around 800 people get approved for /renewed ”neetbux” in Sweden, a country of 10 million
Plus they're still wypipo at the top who will probably force you to go to therapy and do community service to keep receiving the neetbux and put you through 100 humiliation rituals to prove you're still disabled every year
>The number of disability allowance recipients in Sweden peaked in 2016, with around 64.3 thousand people receiving disability allowance. The lowest number of people during the whole observed period was in 2019, with around 58.1 thousand recipients.
Cracka ain't so dumb
just use your balkan rage to pull through the still waters
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ze bugs...
time to usher in ze era of ze 5-year pod
shan't watch that, naturally
>t. federal agent with refined tastes
shan't be entering that room, thanks for the heads up
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But how are we mongols then if we like China? And how are we mongols if mongols wrecked the tatars but we are also tatars?
self-hate explains both
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only thing not made of styrofoam in styrofomia
it could've floated, welp
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Just like the tatars who drowned in Ohrid eeheeehee
and what color is your river sailing galleon?
fresh bread

who tf likes china here

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