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*DING DING DONG* edition

old >>202974237
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3rd for Choina's greatest ally
>HNNNNG i-is t-that a c-child?? *smacks quran*
>international opinions
>just the EU
kiril metodii i brat mu sa bulgari
Had a nightmare where I broke my Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus' screen
koi e brat mu
>The International Longshoremen’s Association and port operators, in a joint statement, said they had reached a tentative agreement on wages and union members would return to work. They said the agreement would extend the prior contract, which expired at the start of this week, through Jan. 15, 2025 while the two sides negotiate on other issues, including automation on the docks.

>The breakthrough came after port employers offered a 62% increase in wages over six years, the WSJ reported citing people familiar with the matter. The new offer, up from an earlier proposed raise of 50%, came after the White House privately and publicly pressed the large shipping lines and cargo terminal operators who employ the longshore workers to make a new offer to the union.
The latest offer would raise the base hourly rate for ILA port workers to $63 from $39 over six years. One of the people said the offer is being made on the condition that dockworkers go back to work and agree to efficiency gains.

>The offer is less than the union demand for an increase of 77% over the term of the contract but a far larger increase than most major labor contracts, including a contract reached last year covering the separate union representing West Coast longshore workers. Many U.S. dockworkers currently earn more than a $100,000 a year, with baseline hourly wages boosted by work rules and overtime requirements.

Balkan codemuns wish they could make as much money as an American box lifter for boats
this is why united statian suffering is a delusion
Rent expands to gobble up their excess income.
zoomer excuses
Imagine being paid the wage of 4 Balkan codemuns just for stacking boxes on a boat
>BEIJING, CHINA (AP)—After 8,000 years of strained relations, the people of China and the world ant community signed a treaty Monday that will establish close relations between the two civilizations.

>The treaty-signing ceremony, held at the State House in Beijing, was attended by Chinese Premier Deng Xiaopeng and other Chinese officials, as well as thousands of ants.

>Signing the accord, Deng called for “a new era of friendly relations between the similarly industrious ant and Chinese peoples.”

>The leader of the ants, Queen XHB004-65B, then ceremoniously sprayed Deng with malodorous secretions from her engorged abdomen, signifying approval of the treaty, willingness to resume relations with China and acceptance of Deng as chief representative of the Chinese people.

>Experts believe the ants and Chinese will learn much from each other in an effort to improve the orderliness of their already highly structured societies.

>“In the areas of human resource management, the ants can teach us many things,” said Chinese citizen #FW3R464-56G-M. “For example, what is the most effective technique for achieving total control over worker drones’ motor directional behavior, turning them into will-less, automated servants of the state?”
Umm no bro, don't you know that everyone in the world is equally wealthy and had the same amount of Apple products because rent exists?
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robots took our jerbs
Wait till they get yours too
My sniffling is finally waning bros

I shall soon defeat long covid
the only thing that jeopardizes my job is the tax administration, pox upon their bloodlines
Crazy how Shia muslims act normal in the west and never cause problems whilst sunnis are crime and rape masterclass.
you a shia innit?
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How I wish Google to just die so that websites finally stop doing pic related
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why are normalnigs OBSESSED with this when you're older cope
every single retarded argument they make about someone else's life is easily justified with you'll understand when you're 40 because you'll magically change your entire personality to match mine
So true king.
Normalnigs were right
t. mid 30s boomer and already feeling it
your schizophreniac so it doesnt matter
Bro you're a millennial

Your dogshit generation doesn't have the right to compare themselves with BoomerGODS
normalnig in denial(You) opinions are automatically disregarded
go complain about being lonely somewhere else
rangeban over
fuck phoneposting
Imagine how great becoming a boomer will be when your ears are finally deadened with age so you never hear coil whine again
>zoom zooms unironically listen to this shit
Phoneposting is comfy dude, you can lay in bad
>fuck phoneposting
Racist against wageslaves
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>want to post webm
>go to pc to convert it
>send it to some file hosting
>oops file hosting is bananed for hosting tsipi so you will have to run a proxy to open it on a phone!
>finally download webm
>turn on mobile data
>open kurobaex
>wait over a minute for cloudflare shit
>wait for webm to post
even captcha thinks its bad
>it's a phase, it's definitely a phase, two more years and my kids will come crawling back telling me how right I was and then they'll move me into their 3 floor villa with their wife and kids and take care of me until I die of dementia at 97 while I sit like an effendi and eat
Why do you hate your parents so much anyway? You father was ready to kill a dog for your safety but you act like he's some cunt that would sell your ass for a drink.
How do i prevent my kids from ending up like this
Find another hobby
>>send it to some file hosting
>>oops file hosting is bananed for hosting tsipi so you will have to run a proxy to open it on a phone!
>>finally download webm
Get KDE connect on your phone bro
Seamless file transfer over wifi
This is what Confucius would have wanted
He's an evil spiteful creature that hates filial piety because mummy gave him complexes and homosexuality
I don't hate my dad tho, I'm totally indifferent to him
Same with my mother, but she's actually present so her attempts to squeeze morsels of affection out of me by guilt trips and pretending like I owe her something are only making it worse for her

I think it's impossible, it's a roll of the dice depending on how the kid's personality ends up
In this shithole peninsula unless you're a clan minded oversocialized little selyak boombooms will freak because they don't know how to react
My mother keeps saying kids everywhere call their parents 10 times a day on the phone to talk ffs, and a friend of mine had his mother threaten to kill herself if he left the house
You can convert files on your phone too bro
Kek mental how krasnochurka gets rangebanned while the ROMAnian gore poster and that fennoschizo saaaar spammer keep going on forever
From age zero to master's degree acquisition I sat like an effendi and ate whilst my parents worked
That means they deserve to sit like an effendi and eat whilst I work for the same amount of time
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ugh so overwhelmed
Albovlach would murder his parents for the inheritance if he could get away with it and he couldn't benefit from their pensions.
might as well just use a cable
I might be a useless friendless incel but your posts make me feel like a great son
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I'd do a lot of things if I could get away with it, managing risk is important in life

good for you bro, call your parents and tell them you love them
It's more convenient doe as it automatically connects when you're home
You can also control your PC with your phone
Based diligent son, beloved by Heaven
For that to happen my father would have to live until he's 90 (his father died at 76 and his brother died at 66)
feeling wat
My grandad is almost 90
Nigga has been sitting like and effendi and eating since age 55
>his grandad didn't retire in his 30s with a miner's pension and 7 kids
he's still alive at 80 something, apparently we have a similar personality from what other people say
Krasnosnitch brought snitch culture to balk. Low iq npcs like the fyromians picked it up immediately.
If rosskompidor wasn't paying hiroshijew well all of pidorlandia would be range bannaned 100%
couldn't wait to die t b h
This nigga never met he grandad
No wonder you ended up a stunted evil creature
I did tho?
Can't judge whether you have a similar personality yourself?
The only actions a balkmun at old age does is drink rakia and take long walks waiting for death.
Grandkids always resemble their grandparents the most.
Do you also have a tradition to name your kids after their grandparents
Maybe if he's demented or a selyak
My grandma is a zoomer in the body of a 85 year old
Obsessed with all the latest trends and technology
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shut the hell up pussies i haven't had my quad x2 espresso yet and your schizophrenia is making me cringe
Almost everyone in my friend group is named after their grandparents or a permutation of their name including myself.
Yes but only firstborn males and females with paternal grandparent names
bro he's a miner who's barely left his village and his parents were vlachs who didn't even speak albanian as a first language
he's the very definition of a selyak
he probably goes and plays dice with other balkmuns, dunno
>codemoon who's barely left his room and his parents are vlachs who didn't even speak albanian as a first language
>Grandkids always resemble their grandparents the most.
My grandpa roped
RIP you
My mother always says she and her brother are named after their grandparents even though they only share the first letter of their names, have different name days and their names have different roots
>Obsessed with all the latest trends and technology
No fucking way
You should move to his village and remote work from there bro
Imagine the savings
I have the same name as him too
My gram gram has an Insta
Can you speak vlach
rent isn't that expensive and I'll move to my apartment soon

nah, not even my mother can except for some sayings and words
her sisters can tho
Tsi fats?
You can buy white cheese from the selyaks for 30% discount in relation to city prices
Broken branch... ancestor is cry
everybody knows that bro

ye, pretty sad
I found some books online with audio recordings about learning the language and archived them but since it's heavily dialectical and not standardized it won't really be the same
Bro just get in contact with fellow Vlachmoons.
He had no online support system like you
milfara moment

those are all grandpas bro

4tsannel saves another soul
Fat subhuman on the world's loudest bike
Every single time
Wondering what will happen if I combine swimming with gym
It's over.
Torbesh burek maestro telling me how much better times were in the past, in Yugo times. That brothers don't know of kinship in the current year let alone strangers or people with different faiths
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based line
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Ooo sugoooooooi is this... mhmm Krasnoo........yarski ?? Sugooooi desuuuu neee
No, poponar borât this is actually Cluj
bro thats a classic balkan shithole with 5 floor commieblocks
You start counting floor from the ground like timmies do? Lol, for us its 4 floors
He's right.
>ground floor
I just call it what the elevator says, after you go up the stairs once its the first floor
with 5g towers 20 meters apart to make sure the demonic voices brainstorm maymuns properly
After you go up the stairs it's the second floor.

the lack of facades and isolation materials helps the 5g better saturate the boomer brain
Thats the first floor though
Woah! Romanian looks like THAT!?
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eurangutans be like
>numerical order? fuck that. for me it's ground retardation invented by some rotten tooth swamp monkey individual from tar pits of london
All of yugoslavia would be swarmed with negroes and syrians were it never dissolved. Instagram and TikTok would do the rest. Times are just generally bad is all.
They would go to Germany bro let's be honest
Belgrade is already full of negroes. Imagine it richer, they surely would not be any less.
>og Chud looks like this today
Is it over? I think it is
Oh no oh no oh no haha cry me a river amerimutt satelite
americans are less retarded than eurangutans
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Have you thanked mitsotakis today ?
Not really
Most foreigners I saw were Chinese
I think I've seen more maymuns in Shkup
the entj dictator greece needed but didnt deserve
I need to go to Soyfia one day so I can have more rhetorical ammo against the Tatars ITT
I wonder if they miss ottoman times
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Based doggo
>zigger is tsundere about about Murika
water is wet, sun rises in the east, news at 11
ti si po golem pedal ot toq det go ebat v guza za deto 4etesh reddit pederastii gei smotan umri mama ti deeba i bukluka
ziggy is mad that shelomov minced millions of pidorashcucks to posture at EVROPA and USA USA USA
Mursho izlezna mi v reel tva q sa uspokoi malko da te eba v guza
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God emperor Mitsotakis will rule Greece for another 5 years at least
strap a ied to yourself before you go there
just a reminder literal soyboys from bulgaria post on balk
shti izlezne v reela shtot si pedal samo geiski pederastii gledash celiq ti reel e pride parad ti si pros pedal sha go nabiq na maika ti v gnoqsalata putka
Pu lepoteca na mama sam li ke odis vo Sofija lele male kolko porasna lepoteca mi pu pu
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Where's milfara poster?
Prvo u Sofija posle u Pleven
Ne sum rasha stiga me brkas
We use First Floor not "Ground Floor".
ela u bansko ti izkurta mutrata
Never met anyone who cares about China, be it positive or negative
once they let you into eurangutan union in 2075 you will be forced to call it ground floor
Not this one I don't think
Xhe was all about respect, friendliness and interreligious brotherhood
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fuckin eurangutans
Kje vi dojdam u selata, kje me primite na pivo i kje ste srekjni tibam tatarite
oh no the obsessed bum bum gonna be seething all thread again because xe takes everything personally
Pa dodi
He's an ISFJ
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Told pidors in counter strike i took a shit on their kids graves and they vacated the game.
Why are they so easily asshurt?
Why are bumgarians so evil?
Satan created them
I kneel.
Kill yourself
low intelligence combined with alcoholism and gambling
Even Sheytan had some redeeming qualities, bumgarians don't
Jannysary kill these kriichrs
Triggering the redditors with the snap of my fingers hit a stray dog with a brick in the face on my way back from the lidl euro nato base.
Great day today
>he buys from LIDL
I thought you were rich and didn't do your grocery at a store specifically deisgned for poorgroids, why would a rich and succesful codemonkey such as yourself mingle with such rabble?
in Greece you would be the most wanted man and brodasted 24/7 on tv

Not a fan of stray dogs either but i wouldn't kill them, wouldn't even kill a cat even though i actually hate them.
Clown nation

Sometimes you have to kick disease ridden creatures to make them stay away.
Why should i tell you? Would you be rich like me?
dog = bad
cat = good
t. atar
Infected by toxoplasmosis
But enough about russians
Because i don't go out of my way to torture stary cats and dogs?
that what every greek should do to you when you visit iki
I have 3 hunting hounds and a horse, if you want you can come and clean the shit out of the barn for minimum wage
We can put him in the zoo, you can't find boons like him very often
at least once a week a woman would beep at me and yell something like fuck me or hey hot shot at me like im a piece of meat
gave a cig to what looked like 15yo
enjoy your addiction bro

actually according to christian lore, satan just wanted to be equal to god which angered the big sky hypocrite and he banned him aether mod server
so he wasn't really evil, just big ambitions.
bulgars are more like a byproduct of yakub's experiments
You could argue that he only wanted to give humans free will, according to the bible god only created adam and eve, everything else was out of their free will so we are all children of sheytan who is responsible for giving humans free will.
Of course bumgarians are way more evil than sheytan himself so you might be right

Bumgarian womanoids are short, brown, manly and have moustaches
Just watched the first Hostel.
Why are mutts so perverted and sick in the head?
Bro that cringy ass gypsy simp must be the worst poster to ever infect this general
Pidors thought that they could get away with dedovka. Look what happens to them.
So it seems
So it seems

>Kyrie Elvis Papadopoulos, here are 100€ for throwing him into the garbage container.
lol, I can see my house from there
>gave a cig to what looked like 15yo
enjoy your addiction bro
Where this genorosity of yours came from?
the 15yo was a goth girl
You want me to join your cage bobo?
It's not 2007 anymore bro
Didnt you know bro, all of eastern europe is a cheap brothel where you can use sex slaves for pretty much anything you want
You are the biggest snitch in this general you subhuman constantly seething about the war int he shithole country of your cheap whore of a mother.
based jewsa
Floods in Bosnia

Nigger droughts save us from this fate
Stop watching it bro. It's subhuman garbage.
Did you praise God today?
he praised allah by rotating the holy kebab
he will suffer from it though
Both Samuil and Basil Boulgaroktonos were Macedonian
Bro I never talked about the war, I dont even whats going on there
No tatar is my bro
Ok bro
DING DING DONG edition is iconic
Yes, it's amazing what he teaches us.
Kyrie ston ourano,
please smash all demons that plague me and the unfortunate souls in this electronic gathering space. Amin.
stop being a pedophile
AWith how many albaboons did you interract today bro?
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For me it's Barry Lyndon (1975)
0, because I haven't left my apartment. I did have to send documents to the tax administration since I wanted to close my previous business number and now I'm stressing out if those fags will pull a fine out of their ass to prevent me from closing it.
You have low Se bro
Put yourself in his spot , would you interract with albanians?
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Ne znaeh che idva tozi shteh da go izchakam da mu vkaram edin prav
making dua for palestine and bosnia
If I wasn'tunder the influence of my medicine, I would gather together all Greeks and organize a liberation movement.
Hmm, apparently my bill might be lower than planned. That'd free up 1.5k.

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I made 30 dollars with crypto since last night, we're all going to make it
I won bro >>203017960

It autosent. Nobody knows what Se is bro.
Can i join your liberation army Katsifas?
Should have bought 200 bitcoin in 2010 when it was less than a dollar, i actually wanted to but i was too lazy to bother.
is there any use of vlachish today
there's a very low chance even if you bought that you would've had access to your wallet
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Waiting in line in an institution and some subhuman brought his autistic 6 year olds that keep yelling and screeching incomprehensibly
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based broker offering bets
should I 10x leverage my money on orange man winning and retire in a month

many such cases!
I am INFP yeee :3
Iki what do you think about yesterdays leak from cia proving of what i have witnessed

And the documentation that i dont have f20
This is just astrology for autists
Didnt you kill yourself bro?
Tonight i am at a fashion show and after that an afterparty
>pidor, atheist, homosexual dedovka addict, smokes cock, war, fire and brimstone, kisses the devils asshole, serves jews
God does have a sense of humour making my enemies to eat shit and drink piss in the middle of a barren scatahole.
Please no politics
Well after the cia made the leak and documentation of me proveing that i dont have f20

Things are better and i am off the medication resperidone
Thoughts on the israel lebanon situation?
I turn 28 in a few months and I've never had sex or even kissed a girl.
How do I find myself a virgin wife? Everyone seems to be a whore nowadays.
haha, suffer
>Everyone seems to be a whore nowadays.
your first problem should be easy then, but the second would be hard.
I would slap my children, if they annoyed you.

Do you have a sister?
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vgh, gamblingmaxxing
at that age I wouldn't want to be heard saying this
bad optics
Depends arabs have a lot of states

And jews only one

I support israel
In what language do you talk with your family?
He looks like a good father that loves his kids but the kids in question are little sperglets that can't help themselves from screeching
Ordering a burger from a hipster burger place with a stupid witty name

Smells insanely good doe
Underneath my bumbrella waking home from work with a hipster burger in a plastic bag
k, keep me posted
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You need to lick pussy and not being a poorfag like Ikibey
How much
Thoughts on stefan janev attending skopje fashion week tonight?
Sashko is King, as long as he doesn't go to the Fashion Week wearing that ugly grey thing he wore the other day
albanian, if he even talks at all, hence why he went all silent over this question
come join EU4 multiplayer game balkanians
I was in a work meeting bro, your kind starts working now

albo with greek words shoved in and english :^)
no rich man does that shameful activity, fool
now is when we start slacking off
yes, after you finish your morning meetings and fuck off for lunch

Now there's the Gardasil vaccine for this so Chads will keep licking and ikipoverties will gonna Ikipoverty
>cuntlicker and also vaxtarded
The hipster burger ended up just being a big McDonald's burger
Not complaining doe I like McDonald's
6euro meal
>he's not a pussypilled vaxmaxxer
sussy king
Are you niggas done being a 16th century turkish backwater yet? I mean come on now, stop being subhuman roaches competing with Africans in prosperity.
Why not
When you eat pussy and accidently a fetus slides into your mouth and you swallow it congratulations you a cannibal now
Your sister tongues somali anuses and fucks dogs
Ι αsked the ai

>Can we create a vaccine that turns Albanians into humans?

>In summary, it is not possible to create a vaccine that turns Albanians—or any group—into “humans” because humanity is not something that can be altered through vaccination. Vaccines serve a specific purpose related to disease prevention and do not have the capability to change fundamental human traits.
I don't feel nostalgia for movies at all

Never in my life have I thought about putting Daredevil (2003) on because I watched it a dozen times as a 6 year old
>i will inject chemical i've never heard about, so i can lick off the cum stains of other men from whores

you have no class, pathetic creature
just shit it out and apply for maternity leave bro
Now i am at a cafe

Enjoying a macchiato
That grey color is 70 year old kafene afficionado tier, don't use it
Nope its not
My insanely impoverished friend, all you shout about itt is you injecting your inferior chemical into a superior woman specimen and create mutants

At least an effective and safe vaccine was created and tested by scientists to save lives, not to mutate them
I laughed at this deranged scenario but you seem another incel who does not understand the mechanics of the act and why it's so gay. pro tip: you should be nowhere near any wholes
Not licking pussy is like not licking life
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Control your tongue (both, figuratively and physically).

Like this brother said >>203023509, it is humiliating for a man to submit to a deranged whore. It's the same on the faggot level as wanting to cuddle with your girlfriend. Why didn't your father teach that to you?
Iki what do you think after i proved of what i spoke about 8years

That i dont have f20
And other stuff that i am a witness to crimes
>Is microchimerism of semen real or not?

>when it comes to the idea that women retain male DNA from sexual intercourse alone (i.e., through semen), current scientific evidence does not support this claim. While some studies have suggested potential pathways for male DNA to enter a woman’s system—such as through previous pregnancies or shared wombs with male siblings—there is no substantial evidence indicating that sperm itself contributes to long-term retention of male DNA in women who have not been pregnant.

>Dr. J. Lee Nelson, a leading expert on microchimerism, has stated that any suggestion that female bodies routinely retain DNA from sexual partners lacks scientific backing. Sperm cells typically survive only for a limited time within the female reproductive tract (approximately five days), making it unlikely for them to contribute to lasting microchimerism.

>In summary, while microchimerism itself is real and can occur due to various biological processes, the notion that semen directly causes persistent microchimerism in women is not supported by current scientific research.

>Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:

>1. Dr. J. Lee Nelson A prominent researcher at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center specializing in microchimerism and its implications on health.
>2. PLOS ONE A peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal where significant studies related to microchimerism have been published.
>3. INSIDER A news outlet providing insights into scientific findings and expert opinions regarding topics like microchimerism and its sources.

Damn... Dr Ikichud PhD of /pol/ got wrecked again. Sad!
Once i finally go to Attfrica i shall lick >>203023474 sisters pussy just to spite Ikiboon
Pro tip stop being a dickwashroach
be sure to cuddle with her afterwards too
I don't know what illness you have, but you are clearly mentally ill. Have you noticed how no sane person reveals everything about himself in this disgusting website, while you post pictures of your old father and your ID?

There are many evil people out there, so watch out and pray to God. Please do not call yourself God.
Will do, shan't be licking her feet though. that's disgusting and footfags are subhumans
No no

Many people actually post on social media their parents

And my dad is picard
Your empathy is wasted on him bro
shan't read any of that
>holegobbler tryna talk up
My sister is off limits, I'll give you her Bulgarian friend though (she's also 1/4th pomak)
I don't lick bumgarians bro, in fact i don't lick vaginas at all, was just willing to make an exception just for your sister.

He has elaborated for years that he was given a false diagnosis and actually only has mild stress

Also his father is Rick
A few years ago i would have been willing to make an exception for Andromachi too but now she's walled so not anymore.
I thought roaches considered themselves better than nigs? Did they assimilate you into the sewer already?
>Never in my life have I thought about putting Daredevil (2003)
go watch it now you'll be surprised how dogshit it is
Bro he's fully americanised now
And you know what American culture is centered around
I was 10 when that came out
relax stuck up babies, ease up
Pussy niggas wanna see me dead pussy niggas never see the bread
Millennial moment
The past is a foreign country bro
This is not normal social media. There is an entire board for high quality images and instead of posting art, technology, food or other nice things, it's filled with naked prostitutes. Do you see how rotten this website is?

It's just I get banned on other platforms, so I'm doomed to stay here.

He needs to understand that there are people who care. All the insults here are bad for him and affected his illness for the worse.

He needs a Western doctor.
>/hr/ simp content annoys Ikibey

Lmao bro
Come out of the closet already
If he comes out hed still be less gay than you
>hello I am new to this community
>do you want to hear about subhu...
>nnnooo why did you ban mi
Why are /fit/cels just submarines I asked for advice and was laughed at
Nothing is more gay than your flag, bro

What is your issue

Even western doctors say i am sane

So please just stfu no one gives a fuck about your wet dream that you have and fantasying about being a nazi leader

This is /int/ its about culture

While /balk/ is about my life and my bloging so what the fuck is your issue you /pol/tard

You have what engineering degree that gives you no right to say whos sane or not
You have gay marriags and millenia of gay sex history
did you lick the sticky
A freaking nazi fat shit who doesnt dox himself because hes a scared loser says i am insans

While i keep repeating that i made alpha versions of /balk/ and blogged about my life and culture and that i work in events and cultural field

While this permabanned /pol/tard nazi leader wanna be says im not sane lol
Make a room tour at casa rick for balk
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What do you losers want to order?
Cannot in 15mins i am leaveing the house and need to go to a fashion show

While i am looking for investor to build on my property and in return i get a whole story rooftop penthouse
Are you the lock ness monster looking for 3.50

I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Fan Content
Gta san andreas refference?
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Best goy itt

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