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Fischl edition.

Struck down by lightning >>202970059
Gutten morgen meine neggers, ich breakfast haben
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hello medbros it's +1c here, how about in your tropical paradises?
Howling at the cagie.
I have her with c6 constellation, good character but unfortunately she ruined my hu tao summon
It's more than 20°C here.
Hello good friends.
It's 8°C here, getting colder! It's all foggy.
Why so? I'm not even at the cagie yet, I'll be late.
>On my way back home.
>*Oriental music*
>"Allahu akbaru alllalalalalla"
>It is two Mawmettjani jogging while playing loud music.
Why are they such walking - in this case jogging - stereotypes?
It's 7C here in the tropical paradise of England
Sounds nice

Thanks medbro
If you think about it, all of Europe is spiritually Med.
They're hilarious and I did not left home yet. More details during the day. Gonna latemaxx.

Put the Kirby item bounce music
I don't get people honestly. Why go out for a nice walk/jog and then just blast music? I encounter such people frequently. I get using headphones, but speakers? I don't want to listen to your pop or rap or whatever.
At least play some Verdi... or Darkthrone.
I went to Malta last year and couldn't sleep at night because of people partying and blasting music. That was in Valletta of course, maybe people are chiller outside the big tourist centres.
Yeah, imagine being a resident there. The current administration turned the city into a Paceville-lite.
I love how Maltese words look like Italian words with English spelling. Do you guys still speak some Italian there, or is it just the elders now?
Mona is superior
Just arrived at work.
We're lucky we still speak Maltese, let alone Italian.
What a cuckery, and I say this with the greatest respect for Malta. Got independence for Britain, yet you ditch your based Sicilian-Semitic language for English.
No people on this planet hates their own language more than the Maltese.
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finally out of the cage
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also what do you even do in genshit impact
like what compels a fella to play that game
besides lusting at the anime boys/girls
Hello frens
>It's 8°C here
it's impossible to suffer in France
Come va Piedini? Comunque
>it's impossible to suffer in France
Sottoscrivo in pieno
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I'm still wearing shorts.
Today's training.
Block bench press 1x1 with 177.5 kg, 1x1 with 180 kg.
Dumbbell bench press 1x6 with 50 kg, next set I felt my shoulder hurting so I stopped training for the day.

I'm very happy with the block bench press, normally I have a 5 kg difference between bench with block and normal bench press, so I might be able to hit 175 kg bench press which would be incredible progress.
It's an adventure, RPG-lite game, there's lots to explore.

tutto sommato bene
il lunedì mercoledì e venerdì lavoro fino alle 19:30 poichè collaboro con un altro studio e quindi sono un po stanco e stressato ultimamente
per fortuna la collaborazione durerà massimo 1 anno poi dovrei tornare ai miei ritmi originali
nel tempo libero mi sto drogando di throne and liberty
a te ocme va la vita? Hai trovato un donna bianca alta e tedesca da mettere incinta?
>gambling, anime
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I love an angry/pouty face on a woman.
Weebs like to criticize European and American games but most Asian games are much worse.
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Feeling like killing myself.
Repairman came to our place because our AC also has a heating function but it isn't working. Anyways, it was raining a lot today and everything is muddy outside. So, dad casually told the guy that he doesn't have to remove his shoes because we're renovating anyway. My dickhead dad also didn't remove his shoes because if someone can enter our home without shoes, so should he have such a privilege. Had to mop the shit out of the floor, but it's the not-so-bad part. As guy was using a ladder to reach the AC, he managed to touch the screen of my mom's oled TV that I bought for her 60th birthday for her, with his dirty ass fucking shoes.
Then I told dad he can fuck off and he's a piece of shit but apparently I'm in the wrong because what he did -telling the guy not to remove his piece of shit shoes- was the correct move when it's raining outside.
Gym was really nice and spent 2 hours there, but my mood is ruined. First 70ish minutes felt meh, but for some reason started feeling motivated and strong afterwards.
4x12 dumbbell bench
2x12+1x10 pec deck
3x12 triceps extensions
3x12 dumbbell shoulder press
3x12 dumbbell lateral raises
1x12 cable lateral raises
4x8 chest press machine
2x9+2x12 assisted dips (rep went from 9 to 12, this is where I started feeling strong and motivated)
3x12 dumbbell pullovers
10 mins stair climber (35 floors), 10 mins elliptical trainer, total of 250 calories btfo'd.
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at least they're not afraid of displaying beauty due employing salty uggo women
write this post again but using gen alpha terms
Half of my upper back reason hurts for some reason. I was walking and then was suddenly struck with pain there.
Finna hit the rope fr fr bussin desu ong no fax printer.
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kek based
Madonna ma come mai lavori così tanto?
>per fortuna la collaborazione durerà massimo 1 anno poi dovrei tornare ai miei ritmi originali
Accidenti sennò scoppi
>Hai trovato un donna bianca alta e tedesca da mettere incinta?
Purtroppo no, il mio obiettivo continua a eludermi, sto studiando parecchio ultimamente
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Tres intelligent, mon ami. Tres perspicace.
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Good day med am back and it's the weekend.
I ate the pink borger, it was delicious.
Bonne contribution
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good morning everyone
I'll leave the cagie earlier today and re-enter it later on monday
really need this longer weekend, I'm exausted
well, at least it was good then
do they change the menu weekly or monthly?
They have a "meal of the day" that they update every week. And they got a new borger every month.
Successfully failed an interview but they say my profile might interest [other team]
I'm cooked
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>I ate the pink borger, it was delicious.
Did it taste like strawberries?
I became what I swore to destroy.
I programmed in, God forgive me for saying this word, Python.
No it tasted like a good smash borger, cheese was good and had more taste than regular cheddar. Loved the caramelized onions too.
Interviewer wanted python scripting fr fr
right tool for the right job lad
I use python when I have to spill some bullshit scripts to perform some tasks since the developing team in the cagie is anything but agile
A monkey can script in Python.

I know, I'm just joking.
I wanted to convert an excel to pdf with a particular format and it was very easy in Python without having programmed on it before.
I just knew it has tons of libraries so I checked and it had what I needed.
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Whenever I get the chance, I'll order a genshin meal from McDonald's and drop the code here since /med/ likes genshin
I'm no longer playing Genshin and I'm not sure if any other poster plays the game.
Sorry to disappoint you but thanks for the willingness to help.
I don't play it as often as well.
I wish I wasted my time playing dark souls games instead of Genshin.
I was genuinely happier playing souls game than genshin.
Today's training, which is basically my chest-tricep-shoulder routine:

3x8-6-5 of:
Bench press (60kg, might go a little further)
Inclined bench press machine
Tricep pushdown
Seated dumbbell tricep extension (20-22.5 kg)
Shoulder press (12.5kg, maybe 15 on each hand)
Shoulder press machine

24 °C right now
Never in my life I've seen moors jogging.
Do shoulders before triceps.
When you do shoulder presses you are also working your triceps.
If your triceps are very tired when doing the shoulder presses they might become the limiting factor and stop you from fully exercising your shoulders.
>A monkey can script in Python.
yeah, I already said it here >>203016552, no need to repeat
>I just knew it has tons of libraries so I checked and it had what I needed.
that is the main value of it
of course some crazy bastards think they can build entire ecosystems with Python, which is nuts
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Why is that bad?

Also ant tip for learning java? Can't tell apart methods from the constructors and classes
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Twice in two days, I have slipped on the same spot in the bathroom and spilled cat's piss everywhere.

Don't push me - I am on the edge.
I knew it would taste good, I foresaw it.
And how much more expensive was it compared to a normal burger?
It's the same price as a normal burger, 9 bucks and I added 3 bucks for homemade fries.
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Making friends with a stray
Nice. What ingredients is the borgir made of? I'm sure it had tomatoes or lettuce, but what else?

>send another unit to make the ground of his bathroom slippery
>put a gun in his room and a map showing the way to the closest school
Nice, I love orange cats
>Caramelized onions
It wasn't that strong, it was very flavourful
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>stray cats let you touch them
You can't suffer in Cyprus. Feel sad? Just go outside and pet random cats.
It's a joke because Python is a very easy but inefficient programming language, so it's fast to program in but the programs themselves execute more slowly than programs in other languages like C++ or Java.
So Python programmers are stereotyped as less capable and lazier, but as >>203016552 said the right tool for the right job.

As for Java, I don't know how that isn't obvious to you unless it was very badly explained.

A class is a essentially a blueprint for an object.
Let's say you want to represent points in a 2D space, you can have a class with two floats that represent the coordinates X and Y of a point.
Then, whenever you want to have a particular point you create an object, which is an instance of the class you want, to create an object you call the constructor of the class, and after having and object you can set it values, so you can have two objects of class point one with {1,1} and another one with {2.5,0} for example.
Besides data like the coordinates of a point, classes have methods, methods are functions that are executed using the data of the class plus some input parameters.
So for example, you could have a function that returns the point in the middle of two points, one point that executes the method and another point that you add as input.
Point middlePoint (Point anotherPoint) {
return new Point( (this.x+anotherPoint.x)/2, (this.y+anotherPoint.y)/2);
And constructors are a special kind of method that returns a new object of the class and are created by default by Java, but can also be overridden with a custom Constructor.
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My area is not as diverse as other parts of the country so during my walk I mostly encounter fellow locals, therefore I can't really comment on the frequency of jogging among moors. You know who should be jogging? Me.
Thanks for the explanation, i'm studying right now and it's a little overwhelming, too many things
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Don't worry once you start getting the hang of it you'll see that basically programming is just a math language that can be translated to something computer understand.
If you could solve math problems in high school you can program.
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Hello /med/! I'll be quite busy this morning cause I gotta head to the hospital (just to get some meds!), hope y'all have an amazing friday and get to relax from waging or NEETmaxxing like me lol
I have no idea about temperature but it's windy as fuck, I'll end up looking like Einstein once I return home definitely.
maroon 5 animals howl
>kirby item bounce music
>my fucking face when
I never understood the joy of blasting music too loud, I feel like it makes my brain vibrate in a bad way. I tend to ask people to lower their volume a bit if they're playing music too loud near me, or I put on my earphones. 'tism
Gosh I should be going but it's so windy, I don't feel like leaving ;_;
You'd love me because I have a constant pouty/"fucking kill me" face at all times
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it's yours now, sorry
pink burga? holy shit it looks like a cute alien food
sell your soul to the wicked to acquire minecraft programming language skills
my brain fucking hates maths and programming just spikes fear into my soul
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>I suffer in Liechtenstein
Henlo good luck for the hospital
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>I feel like it makes my brain vibrate in a bad way.
I do have some level of aversion towards really loud noises, and I'm often startled easy given how I'm usually lost somewhere in my head. However, setting that aside, having music played on a speaker either ruins the mood if you're out for some peaceful walk, or makes a situation worse if you're stuck on a bus, for example.
>You'd love me
Do you look like her though?
Would love to sit down on that bench with you and eat some borgir before hiking up the mountains and taking some pics at the top to share with /med/ if you catch my drift.
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My thoughts exactly
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>I love an angry/pouty face on a woman.
Just wanted to say that this opinion is 100% objectively correct.

Also, her eyes look funny in this photo.
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Thank you! Gosh, it was tedious getting to the bus stop, and I'll probably have to wait 300 hours until I get back home... I wish my mom had the car...
I did find a cute pet shop with bunnies and guinea pigs though!
Same, even though I'm a yapper I sometimes need quiet moments to be able to think and unwind down. Right now I'm a bit dizzy and distracted cause there's a lot going on around me.
This bus path is a bt twisty and weird desu... And it doesn't help that the nearest hospital to my house is 5 km away...
>Do you look like this though?
Hah, I wish I were a bit skinnier, but not SO skinny.
She does look too super mega tan. I always worry when people tan excessively, it can be unhealthy!
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Just ask Twinko to top you.
Thanks for playing our game but I would rather you play wukong than this transhit
Holy based.
Homosexual post.
Social credit score -1000.
I prefer Honkai Star Rail.
5 km is not that far.
And we close another full week of waging. Now I got a boardgames party tonight and I can finally relax afterwards.
xiexie for the good games, comrade. I will play wukong!
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Cute bunny rabbit.
You should adopt it and give it a funny name, like Miss Fluffytail or Princess Bunbuns.
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>Just ask Twinko to top you.
No, I'm not gay.
new 'berg
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>I’m not gay
When you're broke and you're depressed and you want to die 5km is an infinity. Keep in mind I'm going to a hospital, not to a sports center.
Nobody wants to walk their way to a hospital.
I would if only my cat, my stupid brother and the dumb dog wouldn't tear it to pieces the moment it arrives.
I love bunnies, so soft and gentle..
It's not going too well in the hospital.
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>I'm not gay
>swear man, didn't intend to go to that beach in rio
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Holy shit, I'm tired as fuck. That bus trip feels like forever. I just wanna get home, eat and sleep.
But I still got some stuff on my plate.
Never have I related so hardly to something. I want to go home. I don't even care about getting my medication, it's so miserable in this hospital.
I sometimes feel like I should stop taking my medication altogether, it's useless anyway.
What about the bus?
She seems to be looking upward.
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Old lady in the bus has "Erika" as her phone ringtone.
Hospitals suck ass, I hate the smell and being there. I feel uneasy in them. Hope you get to go home soon, courage friend.
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>It's not going too well in the hospital.
Anguished screams coming from the emergency room?
You mean contract is over? Or just a long morning?
Thanks for the advice, I'll do that.
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>supposed to be on a formation for the whole morning
>have to go and save coworkers when some testing for a new product starts shitting itself
>suppliers fucking me over
>very technical stuff in regards to some testing procedures
>lunch (30 mins)
>again, testing procedures
>save company 80k€
>moderate an important meeting (it was telling bad news to people, including bossman)
>1h before hours are over I say fuck it and leave
It's been a stressful day.
70k ?
Sure must be good for the company to avoid a loss of 60k
Hopefully bossman thanked you for those 50k saved
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>have rules that completely forbid taking presents and stuff like that from suppliers, for fears of illegal stuff
>every December get showered with cheeses, good red wine, espumante, etc from them
>ahah you know I can't accept this, but I'll take it, just this once ahahah
I may have bought stuff int he name of the company for me too, like some very good multimetre (company has amazing discounts). Don't tell anyone though.
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>hello, auditors? i'd like to make an anonymous tip
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heterosexual niggas do be like
>being on your knees as 3 women stand around you as you finger them and eat their pussies while you drip precum on the floor is gay as fuck, ewwwww, I could never
Fr fr
Going out with a girl in an hour or so, will give updates when i come back for anyone that is interested, if you don't want them just shower me with insults i will take the hint
Godspeed does
In bocca al lupo
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Buona fortuna, mi amigo. I hope the next time we see you is tomorrow morning (if you sniff my drift).
Fucking fakecels reeeeeeee

Buona fortuna fratello.
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finally the weekend! You deserve it.
Based, I also got myself invited and given gifts when it's completely unethical in my line of work, since I'm supposed to be impartial kek
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Going to neigbors house to play vydia and eat together
good luck!
You know what's the funniest shit ever?
I have friends/people I know (from school, university etc) in most of my suppliers (it's a small world) but I'm impartial in my decisions all the same.
The last company I worked at is a current supplier of my company, I routinely deal with my previous bossman kek (he still hasn't psychologically recovered).
>surely he will do me a discoun-ACK
Good luck, lil' bro.

What gaym?
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I have to walk like 15 minutes to get to the bus, and the bus takes 15 more minutes to get to the hospital. I was too late to tell the bus driver to drop me off at the hospital, so I had to wait until he turned around and came back to the hospital.
Thank you fren. In the end I cried from stress in the room with my psychiatrist. She augmented my dosis for my three medicaments.
I have to take 5mg of olanzapine, 60mg of fluoxetine, and 1500 mg of sodium valproate a day. Mostly for extreme stress, mood swings, extreme depression symptoms, and not being able to feel good in general.
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Have you seen this gem?
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No I have not thanks for the sharing, love these vids
>2 (two) niggas sharing wario videos
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I'm so tired my brothers. Today is not a good day, but at least I bought myself a tag of marlboro cigarettes to make up for the shitty day I had. I almost fell on the street from the instant anxyolitic effect of the nicotine when I smoked the first cigarette of the box.
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>Not posting wario videos

>marlboro cigarettes
You should stop smoking ASAP to be honest with you sister.
Buona fortuna Brescianon
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>You should stop smoking ASAP to be honest with you sister.
I'll be 100% honest, I avoided smoking for like half a year until today. At least I don't self harm anymore, and I try to not abuse drugs.
I will admit I took 10mg of olanzapine to make up for the 2 days I missed, but... It's- it's gonna help.
I don't smoke daily if I have a box, I use it just for extreme situations of stress where it's smoke OR commit domestic terrorism. Or have full on blown crying spells and laying on the bed rotting for 2 days until I recover.
Is smoking really that pleasant?

(Btw, I deeply believe that in some parallel universe where I am a dictator, I carry out public executions of smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts and malware creators)
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Another day of NEETdom.
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When you're under severe stress, or you feel really shitty, yeah. It can be a distraction that "seems" unharmful at short term. I wouldn't recommend it, and I absolutely don't think it's a good habit. But I can be very destructive when I'm stressed, and I have to accomodate my medicaments to a higher dose now...
Menthol cigarettes are REALLY refreshing though. I fucking love those.
>smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts and malware creators
please execute weebs too, you'll do your nation a favor
another shitty day in my shitty nigger life as some pals of mine would say
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>At least I don't self harm anymore, and I try to not abuse drugs.
I'm proud of you. Would give you a big hug if I met your irl, but I can't do that, so you'll have to imagine with your brain.
Are you seeing improvement on your workout sessions since neetdom ?
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Thank you my man. I'm slowly improving, I'm not suicidal anymore for example. I finally kind of learned that suicide ain't gon' fix anything. I want to be happy someday, so I have to work for it.
>you'll have to imagine with your brain.
Heh, will do. You'll have to imagine a 1.58m girl with more hair than any will to live squeeze hug you and the rest of the thread.
I kinda feel like drinking something to relieve some stress. Not too much though, I don't abuse alcohol.
No bells on the bus?
I train the same with or without a job.
The improvements I've had in weights are the improvements I would have got either way.
If my job required physical exertion it would be different, but I don't plan to work a physical job.
I wish I was as consistent as I was before starting waging. How do you do it ? I feel so tired after working and time is flying way too fast.
I enjoy exercising so it isn't hard for me to want to do it, plus after a day of mental exertion I like to use my muscles.
I see
A few people I like have a habit of poisoning themselves with this shit, and I don't give a fuck what they do to their own health; but sometimes they also poison me, against my will, and I want to break their bones (with some sticks and stones :D) for ruining my health. It's terribly annoying. Even the smell of ash triggers violence in me, lol
To be clear: I hate tobacco companies just as much

>please execute weebs too, you'll do your nation a favor
I don't even know a single weeb in the real world, so I don't suffer any harm from them :D

Nevertheless, take care!
I'm sorry Momo but you're kinda lazy
I am too
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>I kinda feel like drinking something
Agua fría

>How do you do it ?
He doesn't scrool youtube with the intent of watching wario die fr fr.
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Spent the afternoon chudmaxxing, fuck it
>can't even Sea Lion
Git gud lol.
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Fascist scum.
Conquering the eternal anglo so early in the game is not funny
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/med/ders BE AWAAARRE

That at 22h, in one bong, a room of gartic phone will be created.
Now you'll need to cap the US, that's what's actually not fun.
I also enjoy but I can't deny I'm feeling tired
I do am lazy and like Wario but I'm still motivated, tomorrow I'll try training in the morning.
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I just feel no physical energy to train or do anything that exerts my muscles too much. I feel sluggish and exhausted by the end of the day, usually, even though I stay at home...
I absolutely try to smoke as far away from people as possible, AND NEVER smoke indoors. But yeah, tobacco is a shitty industry that profits off from people's suffering and overconsumption issues. Sadly, a lot of things are like that nowadays...
>I don't suffer any harm from them :D
Lucky fellow. The west has fallen to weaboo propaganda.
>Take care!
Thank you, I'll try to make this tag last a month at least, heh.
Y'know, no bullshit,I got myself a bottle of cold water and now I feel better, and I took my meds.
Oh shit, I wonder what time it would be for me! I want to join and see what I can doodle lmao
The fantasy of all argentinian grandpas kek
Well maybe because I don't give a fuck about the job I don't get so mentally tired that I can't lift.
I enjoy the feeling of fear and panic of not knowing when will the anglo and the mutt launch an invasion and screw all your game
A bong is 1 (one) hour
A bing is 1 (one) minute
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niSLZDVApdQ bing bing bong bong bing bing
rape her
>39 bings left
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>30 bings left
Today I ate 24 kinder bars, I need the extra calories to recover my shoulder.
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wtf finna eat kinda bar to make the pain go away too
Are you sure you need 3000 kcal just in candies to recover your shoulder?
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>kinda bar
Calories help recover faster, it is known.
Wideoy known, sure
>20 bings left
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Feeling kinda old fr fr
Damn, this nigga on time
>10 bings left
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>Kék cspat
Are you telling me that "Kek" is a Hungarian word and you've kept this hidden the whole time? When were you planning on telling us?
Exactly wtf
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IT's time !

>Zesty buffalo
Literaly polebro

It means blue.
Kök means chubby in Turkish (source: Turkfren).
Starting soon lads.

Even if the game is started, you may wait for the next round
Sheeeit, pretty bad start.
Next round soon

Guys do you do this on the computer or on your phone? I don't have enough time to draw
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>on your phone
I will never lower myself to becoming a phoneposter.
mind if I save this webm?
waiting for the new DLC, looks like it'll be pure chudkino
Ill swap
Chest was okay but shoulder and triceps were hard to the point I had to do less reps or weight than usual. I think I'll go back to my original order of triceps before shoulders, I think it's easier for me.
Computer but I draw like a 3 yrs old fr fr.
Last turn for me in a few bings
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I have to pee and take a shower.

Very disappointed in a certain someone's drawing skills this evening.
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No need to ask.
I know, it's a shame they didn't do a rework of germany's focus tree before, almost as if they left the best for the end
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I suppose you were distracted by all those funny Hungarian words you've been hiding from us.
That was a weird prompt, someone was confused by your story of spilling pee
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thanks brother
You wouldn't understand. Faustian spirit, or whatever you youngsters call it.
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>, it's a shame they didn't do a rework of germany's focus tree before
they did, it was literally the first one and Germany and Hungary are the first nations to get a double rework
you must be a greenhorn if you don't remember the days before the Kaiserreich and Democracy trees
but I'm glad they're putting more content in, Germany is the most fun nation to play
also funny they're fully embracing the wehraboo/monarchist audience with the superior German science meme and Monarchist Germany nuking the white house in the trailer and adding even more Austro-Hungarian restoration memes keke
looks fun so far
>Twice in two days, I have slipped on the same spot in the bathroom and spilled cat's piss everywhere.
Kek, i got it wrong
>they did, it was literally the first one and Germany
Iirc they just added an alternative focus tree about being a commie, a democrat or returning the kaiser
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thanks for sharing, I don't browse /sp/ super often
In Italian it's calcio
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that's because he would not be able to stand up due to his weight
Don't want to hear the polentone saying he svffers again
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Fair criticism, I'm pretty sure I have gained weight recently. Might be over 90kg now.
Honestly, I really understand. It's not like a gift will sway me either, it only makes me more suspicious of their intentions and will keep me on my toes. I will still get the gift though.
Mario Kart but we ended up not playing, just talking and eating.
Sorry to hear, I hope you feel better now.
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she's 185cm tall, the gothlete

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