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Cumbria edition
I barely know Bria!
going to make a decision today
i love gimmicks except the one where you link a fake new
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normies love they white powders
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Only got 7 wins on FUT Champions
are you finally going to kill yourself
this nigga got tricked lol
just finished downloading all the porn mods for darkest dungeon only to get a headache that prevents me from playing
I am an autistic virgin
mass cocaine use is such a 2020-2023 thing
it's now just sad and concerning, used to be wahey get the lines in
pasta and meatballs for tea x
no ones falling for it mate, anyone with half a brain hovers over the link before clicking
third time I've seen him break character to talk about food
no way he isn't completely obese
corr, hope you'll be making a bit of garlic bread with that
I think noncelad really wants to shag school girls and isn’t gimmicking :/
>playing ultimate team
are you 12 mate?
i fall for it every time and my IQ is 127
WAs in the old, that wazzy got me
what's the "in" drug now then? whippets?
my IQ is at least 175 probably even higher
who tf is making garlic bread
tired no matter how much sleep i get
yeah but we call it galaxy gas now
accidentally poured like half a jar of honey into my pot earlier when making lunch and it was one of the most delicious things I've had for a while
wonder if chefs ever get bitter about the fact that literally ANYTHING can become delicious if you just dumb a shitload of sugar, salt, and fat into anything
dunno mate who do i look like? drug minister?
big deal
my iq is 280
Yeah you do actually.
Everyone at my dads old job called him a dickhead and little shit but they said I had more manners than him. It's kind of a weird experience for everyone to agree someone is a dick head yet they refuse to believe it's their fault
alright pooh
alright winnie
frozen one will have to do
the virgin ultimate team
the chad pro evo master league
its still like that mate
standing up quickly
its just bread and garlic butter mate.
didn't realise buying ETFs on Vanguard means you have to buy a whole unit
e.g. if your chosen ETF is £50 per unit, and you invest £270, the remaining £20 is left over
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ultimate team is utter gash, childish and the worst fifa game mode there is
it's not even the old ultimate team of the early 2010s that was loveable, it's now full of challenges and stupid cards and looks like a chinese mobile game
not gay as such just gynephillic myself
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that's literally what chefs do mate any restaurant dish has like twice the calories than the crap you make at home
That's why they're called units
My IQ = Your IQ x 2
now you know the secret to Chinese takeout
Get them housed Kier
how does it feel to know ive had 10 times more sex than any of you freaks
Little monkey fella
Haven't had a shag in 6 months, had the absolute horn and was getting myself all ready to hire a prozzy off adultwork but thought better of it. Even took some money out at the cash machine.

Had a wank, immediately lost all interest in the idea, so saved myself £150, gonna invest it into Vanguard ETFs
your mum calls my willy a unit
If I wanted a low iq opinion I'd talk to myself in the mirror
Sodomy isn't sex
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not a monkey
I befriended a old black schizo who goes on my train in Chicago. I don't know why but he tends to talk to me about the bible and conspiracy theories also gives out weird ass advice

>Women have caused more conflicts then solved them
>Chasing after money and a job seems stupid I rather be poor and content
>You wanna get drinks and watch the traffic?
Have it on good authority that carfentanil will be the big drug of 2025
shudder to think of what a vile gremlin you are
How to get a sexy paki gf?
activations soon x
One inch is indeed a unit
where's that dumb fucker who suggested i take nytol to get high?

I took 300mg last night and just fell asleep
Looks like a monkey to me pal
jenkem rumoured to be making a big comeback
get the bums wanked
you're looking in the mirror mate
You need to take a lot more than that, and instead of putting you to sleep it will act as a deliriant.
Imo deliriants should be avoided at all costs.
kosher milk

funny how these things come in cycles. i remember whippets being a thing in the late 2000s. i wonder when heroin will come back in fashion. probably a while away yet.
Sucks that my dad pretends to be friends with people at his old job but when I talk to them they say I am better behaved than him and I am more polite. He told me how my dad hit on his olds bosses wife and how he used to play civ 2 on the computers instead of work
ever go into a k-hole and you can literally see behind your head
Got plans tonight?
>gonna invest it into Vanguard ETFs
based which ones
bit mean this
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forest's gone to the wolves
How's that work then
the forbidden bumgoon
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10x0 is still 0
drug magic
all nice and well but they will be very active
it doesn't
you're hallucinating cause your tripping balls
Going out this weekend?
the fuck is k-hole
was looking on vivastreet this morning, might actually bite the bullet and message one of them (never shagged a prozzie before)
you got the first 'you're' right but not the second. bizarre
ketamine overdose
When you anesthetize yourself with ketamine
suppose were all monkeys in a way
if there's one species that can take the place of humans in a million years it's got to be orangutans
tomorrow night i'll activate
Lmao fucking destroyed that mong
Dont know what that means
remember fidget spinners lads
i found one at the bus stop a little while ago and was bored of it within 5 minutes, and these things basically defined 2017
Why do you never go out on Fridays?
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k-holed once and hallucinated this image happening in the room. was mental
Yeah what are you going to do?
laziness innit
dentistberg is gonna cost just shy of 900 quid
broke through on dmt and the machine elves started raping me
Don't worry about it x
they haven't got anything on beyblades
A koreans back end.
alri 2004lad
ketamine innit
Should have done it. Shagging prostitutes can be a lot of fun. Unfortunately I ended up busy and had to cancel my escort/kebab day and have to rearrange for next week or the week after. Cant wait.
oki yay :D
Problem with chimpanzees is they're unpredictable
One minute they're happily letting you dress them up and have a pretend tea party together, clinging to you like a mother and smothering you with hugs and kisses
Next minute, they hear a loud bang or see a stranger they don't like the look of, and they're tearing your face off with their teeth and claws, removing your hands and genitals and throwing them at the direction of the thing that spooked them
tired of toil
i will be active
gay porn but its all black fellas bumming each other
You don't have a job mate, spamming /brit/ is your life
no one mentioned chimpanzees though
British American Tobacco and Altria both paying 8% dividends.

Keep smoking lads.
Started sniffing in 2019 and had a whale of a time
Lockdown bags made me question why was I doing this
Sat at home alone with half a gram up my nose on a random saturday evening, grim
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mad to think the lads I tagged along with at school are all doctors, engineers, financiers, architects and all that with wives and kids, living in London for the last 12 or so years meanwhile I've been sat in a bedroom in the same 2-mile radius we all went to school the whole time

probably just as well I'm not a part of their lives anymore; I wouldn't be able to look them in the eye
Doing what though you are literally here all day every day spamming AI generated images you never say anything about your friends or things you like to do
never been a problem for me
the cronem getting zesty
dun worry about it x
Friday is rest day. Imagine going out on rest day.
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Niggardly chiggers nagging in Niger
all the toil freaks about to descend on the thread
Drugs this drugs that
Just enjoy a good number of alcoholic drinks with some nice food and maybe a cigarette after you've eaten
thats crazy
mystery niggas
Why are you afraid of saying what your plans are?
Living with the 'rents?
>just enjoy a good number of other drugs but ones i approve of
ok thanks
the longer i was a neet the more my 2 most status obsessed friends started to turn on me, was a very weird and frustrating experience
Alcohol is a drug and a dangerous one at that, more so than weed for certain
Utterly absurd that cannabis isn't legal here when it is in Canada, most the US, the Netherlands and Germany
he said he was going shagging last saturday but he was in /brit/ all day spamming
we have enough brain dead mongs as it is
Used to be me. Moved out for a job then never looked back
Alcohol bad weed good people are almost always complete loons not worth being associated with
So wouldn't you like to get taxes from them, rather than the money going to Albanian gangs?
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fuck imiagrunts
get the pints sank
get the kebab ordered
get the choons on
How many pages is your CV?
What did you do for pre-drinks, mate?

Oh you know, made about 100 detailed posts on 4chan describing black men having sex. The usual.
Had quite severe nausea for the past 24 hours but I haven't vomited
>Drinking alcohol in a drinking establishment with many people, friends, strangers, where they serve food
le bad and dangerous for society
>Smoking weed in your underpants at home and getting so stoned you forget to feed your cat
much better!
spainkpaki post
Having a beer at noon while WFHtoiling because I'm a grim alcoholic freak
don't understand how people skateboard without constantly hurting themselves
Alcohol bad, weed bad, coffee addiction bad
Gen z boss and a mini
Gen z boss and a mini
do a tactical chunder then. always helps
my IQ has decreased by 4 points since I was last tested years ago
four, used to be just one but the employment agency i'm with insisted on re-writing it to make it much longer, seems counter-intuitive to me
Do WHAT to the disabled?
they do
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hi lads
The lottery is a money laundering scheme
No normal citizen has ever "won the lottery"
gherkin weekend pass sales are spiking rn
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I just never learned to be normal lad.

From my perspective I can understand it. People don't want to be around a loser (speaking of myself here, not you). It's not because they're cruel but it's because as a loser you add nothing with your prescence.

Normal lads will be talking about all these mutuals they have, all this gossip between X, Y and Z and such and such party that happened last week and all that. But when you're a loser you have none of that to add, no social capital to offer, no networking opportunities. You're just some weird lad who they used to sort-of know back in their school days. They have their own lives to be getting on with. It's not for them to carry someone along as dead weight.

Pleased for you lad. Sometimes it doesn't seem so far away—the normal life—if I could just get a job, hold it down, get a hobby, perhaps meet some people and a woman. Other times, oftentimes, it seems a million miles away and I'd be as well ending my own life.
Alcohol le good
BBC le bad
What are your plans this weekend? Going to see some friends?
you still on a melty from yesterday spaki?
>Drinking home alone to the point you make yourself sick all over the carpet and forget anything that happened last night
>Chilled out social weed smoking with some mates, burgers, popcorn, good few co-op video games and a movie or two
psycho niggas
dog niggas
i answered you already
i understand why just thought we were beyond such nonsense. progressed a bit in life and it suddenly stopped
listening to a tune called STRAIGHT RAZOR
I do think it's a bit suspicious how infrequently you hear about people winning it.

Obviously anyone with a lick of sense isn't going to go public with a win but even then, you don't hear about people who knew someone who won or anything. Absolute radio silence.
Rape the disabled.
you write like a paki
He seems a bit bored
My dad Said I am weird for saying it's gross that a 58 year old man fucked a 19 yearold and that it was worth it. I said don't wanna hear about it
Scrubs is pozzed and bluepilled
they want third spaces taken away
No you didn't you avoided the question twice
When do you start your nights out?
wish 190 was here right now
he'd probably come up with some top banter that would make us all laugh
well surely after stacking it for the fifth or sixth time you'd think "hmm maybe i shouldn't be doing this"
the raped
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Remember playing 'ring of fire' at pre drinks in my first night at uni halls and being the poor sod to break the ring, had to down a pyrex of beer, wine, vodka, all sorts of shit mixed in in front of about 10 people I didn't know. Managed it and then managed to hold it in for five mins before sneaking off to be violently sick out of a window. No one ever knew.
Only darkies do that weed hang out
That's right
got the slowdive vinyl on
>I just never learned to be normal lad.
Wasn't accusing you lad
kurt cobain on a mad one
the crowmen? active.
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>horse tranquilizer
Lebron James
Shinzo Abe blown away
when you say rape the disabled, are you talking about the mentally or physically disabled?
Based which one?
Part of my dream turntable is coming in the mail today
Made in England it is
thats a site for sore eyes
I'm white and so are all my friends and we often meet up to smoke and watch movies of play video games, plus often add a bit of coke or ket
Can't imagine ever being such a grim specimen that I'd ever accept someone's invitation to go round to their place to smoke weed, eat junk food and play games or similarly invite people to mine to do that
Proper low-caste stuff that
You drank 10 peoples' saliva including lads
Gay cunt
I never really thought about the specifics of it. I reckon just all of them
listening to christian nu-metal
"I can't fuck a womyn"
That's the mentality of a loser. Whether were talking about skateboarding or anything, you need to be persistent. If you give up so easily you'll never be good at anything.

Every good skateboarder has fallen over hundreds of times. The videos you see on YouTube are the on time they did the trick right, not the 10 times they fell over trying to get the video.
I don't think. I rape.
Love getting the weedmongs riled up
Being an alcoholic is so much fun it's unreal
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190 just texted me, laughing out loud, he's so funny
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Lucky cunt all my teachers were fat and old
here's a crazy idea: how about enjoying a few pints in the pub with mates some times but other times, going round a mates house and having a few bifftas
Rorke's mum exposed
i should a farmer. growing spuds and feeding chickens and birthing piglets. but i have no land and no farmer will hire me.
except falling off a skateboard can have serious consequences that can potentially take weeks to recover from
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souvlaki, the obvious choice desu but good none the less
remember my first gf asked me to be rough with her but i got soft and couldn't do it, just feels so wrong hurting a person you care about. then she got in a mood with me so we tried again and i just rammed my thumb up her bumhole but she seemed to hate it and asked me to stop, so i stopped, then she said i shouldn't have stopped because we agreed a safe word

honestly fucking baffling women are
for me it's both weed and alcohol
Busy night tonight?
got relegated to emerald league
dont care anymore
>I hate trains
stupid BITCH
And they still get back on the board and do it when they recover
you've learnt nothing
i dont remember anyone asking
It's their best IMO
I've worn my copy out quite a bit
Someone Jay post that fool
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fs why would someone use yodel as their delievery option?
it's still just a dumb hobby and not anything important, certainly not worth breaking your limbs over
Corr blimey that's nice innit

>It's kind of a weird experience for everyone to agree someone is a dick head yet they refuse to believe it's their fault
It's called being a boomer
heh yeh
Looks a lot like New Zealand
You have a madonna whore complex.

She's has brainrot from erotic fiction and can't express her desires
Women have contradictory and incoherent desires when viewed as a whole
To proper manage them and keep the happy you basically have to be a manipulative psychopath which is just a lot more work than it’s worth frankly
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Beard coming along nicely
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£90k is a lot in the north.

£90k is a lot if you’re in your 60s, at the tail end of your mortgage and house value has tripled since buying.

£90k is a lot if you’re in your 50s, kids out the house, earning interest on inheritance from deceased parents.

£90k in the South East, paying 5% interest mortgage, commute costs, childcare costs, etc. is barely hanging on.
he ate with this one
why is Mole tryna rizz
What do you even fill 4 pages with?
>I can't get a gf so it means others can't either
baffling virgins you lot are sometimes
Must be really sad life being you, not able to enjoy a casual hang out
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>28 years old
>still live at home
>hair is thinning
>kissless handholdless virgin
>no friends for 10 years at this point
>wasted 1000s of hours playing games/posting online
>hobbies/interests are all solitary things
>poor social skills
>panic about being exposed as a virgin
>don't have the confidence to talk freely to people out of embarrassment and timidity in case I'm mocked or rejected
>afraid to show my own personality around women
>filled with regrets and humiliation
>only girl I ever confessed my feelings to, who I thought liked me, mocked me
>will never have a family of my own
>relatives similar in age to me are starting families
>assume every women I meet either isn't interested in me or has a BF/husband
>constantly self-conscious and critical of myself
>feel awkward and start panicking whenever I'm in a room and relationships/sex/romance comes up
>given up any hope of ever having a GF or sex without paying a prostitute
>never had a female friend so I'm clueless about how to interact with women beyond basic conversation
>tried using Bumble, hardly any likes
>started a new job earlier this year, but I hate it
>recently messaged someone I went to school with, turns out he's doing a PhD

My life is so shit. I still unironically am in my childhood bedroom. Everyone I went to school with probably has a good life now.

My only positives are that I've got a decent chunk of money saved.
middle aged fanny
I'll meet you inside the club babe, wanna make a few more posts about soul poles x
Can't be raping the disabled man. Just too much effort.
literally no one has said that
Not to them it isn't, and there's a lot of people who are millionaires from skateboarding.

Whether it is skateboarding or getting a Nobel prize in chemistry, you need to be persistent as fuck to become any good. If you can't understand that level of persistence then you will always be a loser.
she is fit. and the lad was 17 so i dont see what crime has been committed. yeah she should be sacked for misconduct. but not arrested.
>thread was nice
>toilmongs all come on
>immediately nosedives to shite
Average wage for a teacher £44K
Average wage for a police officer £38K
Average wage for a nurse £35-40K
Average wage for a social worker £37K
Average wage for a firefighter £37K

Average contribution to pension by employer for these professions is 28%, compared to 5% in industry. Those figures should be multiplied by 1.2 to understand true value.
How old are you
we are we are
the youth of the nation~
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chatGPT summarise that
What's your new job lad? Can't be that bad
based tilde poster~
Best christian metal band of all time
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>really good wage
>bought a cheap house in a poor northern town
>fix it up, new kitchen, bathroom etc
>nice car in the drive
>all the single chav mums in absolute awe of me
>see me as their ticket out of squalor
howling at this, but it's also very similar to my situation
>£90k in the South East, paying 5% interest mortgage, commute costs, childcare costs, etc. is barely hanging on.
Try consuming less.
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i understand persistence, just not about something as pointlessly dangerous as skateboarding
also, who is a millionaire from it? pretty much tony hawk and that's about it
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>Average contribution to pension by employer for these professions is 28%
How is that even affordable
I make £75k
absolutely done that freak
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>Searching for posts that contain ‘Sacked tranny’ and in ‘Gb’. 2325 results found.

>Searching for posts that contain ‘Employed woman’ and in ‘Gb’. 823 results found.
getting the spineshank, ill nino, soil, taproot and american head charge on
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Who cares whether you think it is pointless or dangerous? Things don't get their value from your opinion.
persistent heavy psychedelic drug use can lead to severe life long mental health problems
Meltdown imminent
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just found out that kate tempest uses they/them no wonder i haven't heard anyone mention her in yonks
Yeah I'll come to the pub after I post another AI generated image of half naked black men
my opinion is shared by many, many people, nobody cares about skateboarding except mostly teenagers
honestly mental that I didn't invest in a back scratcher sooner. No more going to mumberg and asking her to do my back
Another meltdown incoming ffs
Can we just have ONE night where we all maintain our sanity
All me
It's a quality department role, I hate the environment and people
You've never stepped foot in New Zealand in your life.
Not so much now but still kino
remember when he said he was going out then spammed bbc stuff until like 2am lol
*anyone mention them
still absolutely screaming at that spaki melty from last night. one for the ages
got one of those back scrubbers earlier in the year
total game changer
>£90k is a lot in the north.
Can live like a fucking king in Preston.
I lived in NZ for 3 and half years THOUGH
He does it every weekend
Says he goes out on saturdays, yet spams bbc cuck stuff up until 11pm
Nothing wrong with starting a night out at 11 but fucking hell you'd at least be at a mate's gaff for pre drinks instead of spamming /brit/
He is so stupid and detached from reality he can't even lie about what he will get up to on the evening because he has no idea what people do when they leave the house
mad how spaki spends 16 hours a day on /brit/
he lets /brit/ influence every single emotion in his pathetic little life
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doesnt he live in barcelona now? imagine living in such a peng place and spending your entire life here. what a drip
I'm on 40k in Scotland and I live live a lord
Where about? Im from New Zealand and will know if you are telling lies.
Reckon you're gay if you have a wallpaper on your phone or pc. my wallpaper is just solid black.
mad, mental, insane even, how I'm about to pop a pizza in the oven
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>I live live a lord
>childcare costs
30 hours free childcare + tax-free childcare if you earn less than £100k. Just say you don't want to spend time with your children and move on. Don't make it about the cost of living crisis.
dr oetker is it?
no he does not live in barcelona
he also doesn't have a spanish wife or a job
the only time he has left his smelly childhood bedroom was to go on holiday to spain with his mum and step-dad where he posted a bunch of photos from inside his flat which he probably never left once all week
i've had sex on at least one occassion specifically because of my phone wallpaper.
good number of the high school classmates I had worked in FAANG and made millions or became doctors or did something generally productive with their lives

meanwhile I've never tried to do anything

that all changes today
can't find any I like, use one of the default xfce wallpapers
Id like to live in Galloway.
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>wagies return home from their toil
>immediately starts talking about their wages
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Everywhere, not even joking I've been to all the mainland regions because I lived in a van during a working holiday visa and was able to stay that long because I arrived just as covid began and the government kept extending our visas
They needed our foreign hands to pick the kiwis and cherries you see

Pic rel came back with 120g worth of pics
your mum likes a bit of solid black
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I make £75k btw
you replied to the wrong post
that is crackers. completely nuts. the mind boggles at the thought of you putting a pizza in the oven
with a bender
My mum voted leave
>33 years old
>Pale skin with dark hair all over it
>Ugly face
>Strange body shape with pudgy fat around thighs and man tits
>Cross eyed without my glasses
>Bad teeth
>Zero social skills
>Zero career prospects beyond being a mere wageslave in shit shops, cafes, fast food etc
>Zero friends
>Can't drive
>Can't cycle without looking like a spastic
>Get social anxiety on public transport
>Can't get on PIP and Universal Credit for whatever reason
>No savings
>Family hate me and laugh at me
>Neighbours think I'm a pedophile
>Have been stopped by police for no reason other than for them to bother and hector me several times
>Get banned on 4chan all the time for trivial things others get away with
>Can't even get drunk or take drugs to numb my existence as I have allergic reactions to literally everything
My bad for the lack of cropping
don't like to talk about how much I make, but it's a lot. 100k+
with an arthoe actually
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>Get banned on 4chan all the time for trivial things others get away with
I was banned recently for violating US law. These jannies are just so fucking inconsistent.
Which parts did you like best? I'm from Rangiora but have lived in Christchurch, Palmy and Auckland.
You should start livestreaming your life, money and success is guaranteed
West Coast all the way every day without a doubt
Absolutely out of this world and because I was able to explore the country without other tourists until the borders reopened it was a real treat

The densest and lushest forest I've ever seen combined with glaciers and beaches is unmatched
Also up north around Karamean where it's not as cold anymore you get a mix of the typical West Coast bush with Nikau palm trees and other warmer species and it's just unreal

Otherwise special mentions to Whirinaki up north and the Ruahine are also very underrated

Down south I really really love central Otago too

Spent some time there because there was a good freedom camping area not too far
Also once I accidentally ordered a Hells Pizza from the one in Rangiora even though I was currently in Porirua, North Island
Turned out my phone had memorized the last location I had ordered Hells months ago and it was in Rangiora
bet "she" had a cock

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