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Scott Monument edisi
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c'est fini
well your chances are better sat there than at home
canscunt btfo
Why not just try to make a friend?
Canslad is a sad lad now, lad
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god its gorgeous
literally impossible as an adult man
I would go for an incel pint too but how do you just talk to people? never learned conversation me
Rape the disabled
Is it because your gay
Get them raped.
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Just sit at the bar I always see incel lads doing that
Fuck Starmer
cranking the old william
thinking of participating in a competition
these Italian-American sandwiches just aren't it
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If I had a qt chudette gf I would protect her and never let anyone hurt her
Get the gay pints supped
keep missing the new cause this yank namefag makes them
what if they laugh at me for being alone and lonely
Wank the cock, wipe the cock, clean the cock, God life's relentless
sounds like I should keep making them then
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4 months clear of the ol' drugwanks now

might as well go for 6 months
Then you've got something to talk about with them how you're a lonely loner and they're normal
Been a Norwood 2 my whole life
What, a Pizza Hut in the garage?
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enjoyable tunes


The bar is made for the freakish loners to sit at trust me lad they're used to your kind
I've never been to Northland. Tend to avoid anywhere with too many maoris. Infact you are far more well travelled in NZ than I am. Thing about growing up in poverty in NZ is you see fuck all of it. I don't think ill ever move back but I do need to go for a visit. And yeah fuck Queenstown.
why do you bother giving advice to self-loathing men of inaction. they'll never make any meaningful attempts to improve their lot.
Wonder why so many old people are into weird sex pervert things
Got shagtoil tonight
She was on the rag last time so I couldn't eat her pussy
This time however
This time I will
went up north once and got called a poofter and got shagged in the arse
>they'll never make any meaningful attempts to improve their lot.
kek this is me
i'll kiss you...
hug you...
dote on you...
shower you with my love and affection...
then, we'll become lovers :)
get in a cheeky sniff of her arsehole for me de lad
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I make pals every time I go to a bar
Why are Brits so shy
nice booba but she overrated imo
would murder me mam for some chocolate
alas im on a diet
lots of younger people are too but they have careers/reputations to think about
old people don't give a fuck any more so they can be more public with their deviancies
Rahhhh latinas are fit as fuck
Er, lads, I bought a suit
I have it at home
The fuck do I do with it? Hang it like it's normal cloths?
In Britain they would get arrested for saying this.
That’s not Italian-American you stupid retard
You get arrested for saying you're English, these days.
mad how I only just put that pizza in the oven
plaything for wild african bbc
Big Brother starts on Sunday chaps
I anticipate to be graced with your prescence on /tv/ when the hour approaches.
Fair enough but older people seem to be into REALLY grim stuff like pegging and cuckolding. Vile.
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Thought it starts tomorrow
sex with girls
smooching /brit/ boys
dey are trying to wank me
those are two of the most common kinks out there
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Rosie Jones has ruined this season of Taskmaster
stopped watching that after like series 2
A bunch of my guys and I were out at a bar several years ago and I ran into a group of girls with a gay guy.

The numbers were even but we all wanted the girls in the group, who were pretty hot. It seemed like my friends were getting along with the girls better than me, but one of them made a comment that they really needed to get their guy friend laid and that was their goal for the night.

While at the bar, they invited us to a gay bar to help him make it happen, which we turned down and they said they would go after the next drink.

I went to get another drink around this time. The gay guy from the table followed me over. He kind of hit on me while we were standing there and gave me his number to say he didn’t want to ruin the night for his girls and was planning to head home if I would join him. I got super nervous and said no thanks but took the number and ended up heading out a short while later myself, since the girls were having a better time with my friends.

He went home soon after and texted me to come over. I don’t know why but I accepted the invite. The next thing I knew, I had him in my mouth. He told me he heard at least one of my friends was going to be getting the same that night thanks to me.

That made me extra proud.
I actually got a good answer from /brit/

Maybe tonight will bne a good night on the cans
There have to be a lot of beautiful places in Africa that are basically untouched right
boomers are sick in the head
very ableist
shut the fuck up
the disabled and such
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fellas have you tried the new chatgpt voice
"Her" (2013) is literally the world we live in, right now.
might give up drinking tea.
got the incel porn on
Jesus Christ she hit the wall already
Abdul getting the pre's in before going on the pull for English roses.
Timmy putting on his makeup before his big grindr date with Tyrone tonight.
yeh well you could have easily found that information yourself you imbecile
get on the vod
mumberg shouted at me once after I said I thought it was hilarious that Jade Goody died from cancer.
>shut the fuck up
everyone wish she did
the last time i ate pussy i had absolutely nightmareish tonsillitis a few days later, it was my first time getting tonsillitis as well

swore off eating pussy after that. never again lads, never again.
maybe for you, but voddy not for me
If I can't fuck it or be shat on by it I'm not interested.
isnt hilarious though is it
watching talk tuah
Prefer Him
spaki melty
I honestly wanted to see /brit/'s responses, lad
I had it folded the way I picked it up from the shop anyway
trip on deegz
bit mean mate
just hit diamond 1 in overwatch
well you're wrong so fuck off
Sunday at 9pm
genuinely can't stand people with cancer. your own body is killing you waaaa! just mother nature innit.
what's the best drug if you just want to have one big euphoric wank and be done with it? not wanking over and over again

i remember one time doing a bit of MD and coming home early from the rave cos i was knackered, was still a bit high and had such an incredible wank. was probably peaking at the time and dose can't have been too high since i was able to get willyberg up.
virginity status?
thinking about the great attractor. scary stuff
alright no need to be fucking rude
proud of you big man
knew she would when was announced and I've seen all 17 series

Funny on IMDB every episode was a 5/10 (previous record low was like a 7.5), and once this fact was made aware to reddit all eps LEAPED to 7/10s.

They are so delusional.
Will do la

Cowardly behaviour
well actually literally every human is producing cancerous cells daily but our immune system is usually able to take care of them.
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never had sex me
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bit of an indian thing to say tbf

that was bizarre though
I'd have been 12 and seeing her dying before she died was a weird experience
she got married and had that documentary and everything

quarter black too which made her racism a bit weird
Huge fan of black women
get her raped son
no it's not
its overrated. you're not missing much. wanking is better
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her chebs or Rosie Jones' chebs lads?
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face like a skinwalker
love peng tings
love fit twinks
not gay but prefer white trannards to black women in all honesty
and I am not a trannard enjoyer by any means
Those are fake tits, just chemical balloons
I dunno mate.... Seems a bit dodgy....
had an imagination wank to her pegging me recently
what do you mean
If you're not white and rich why even bother being gay?
'kin hell its only half 6. feels like half 10
>wahhh I keep updated on /r/taskmaster
Stay there all day every day you sad little cunt don't come back.
Won £25 on the old 'mium 'onds, get in
>Thing about growing up in poverty in NZ is you see fuck all of it

I understand, I've been around many poor-ish kiwis during my jobs (packhouse jobs for instance I worked alongside crackheads, people with electronic bracelets, or just random bogans) and many many of them had never left their immediate surroundings let alone NZ

Not saying you have to be druggie or a criminal to have never seen NZ but point being I was surprised at the number of New-Zealanders who had seen nothing of their own country

Although to be fair I also know a good chunk of folks where I'm from in France who have never left their region and never been abroad despite the EU open borders

I think that, besides money, it's also harder to realize how exceptional and interesting a country is when it's all you've ever known
There were people who had the means to explore NZ but never did because they didn't give a shit, whereas to me it was an amazing place, partly because I compared it to the other places I visited in my mind
what do you think the suicide rate is of /brit/
what you gonna spend it on?
feeling comfy
soon to be getting steamboats
she was unironically pegged by a Pringles tin when she was 16 at a festival
Britain thunders out for the dictatorship of the proletariat.
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America is such a weird country.
Remember seeing a sign where someone was wanting to buy insulin for $150 a vial and I just couldn't stop thinking about how my sister's probably had about a million dollars worth of it in her life
Pint I reckon
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seeing as you lot will argue about anything... c or c++, lads?
what festival
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looks a bit undercooked that
The Russkiy narod. The triune Rus. The Third Rome.
deeply freakish nation
full of oddballs with terrible patter
the new joker film is being panned lads
Just paid £200 for a private prescription of Concerta because NHSberg can't get it's shit together
Two weeks without doing the washing, lads
Just threw all the clothes into a ball on the floor since I'm a lazy cunt

I think if I put them in the basket and at least start one wash I should have the cans which, while being BIG cans, will be lovely
the early 20th century called, they want their rhetoric back
alright lad cheers
panning a poo
arent you like 45 mate? grim behaviour for a middle aged man. get your shit together
she fit?
Canslad loves those

Where in London does the best pork pies?
just stumbled into some losers diary
Starting to think he doesn't like women very much
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can you do this image next please?
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it's fookin raw
when are studios finally going to realise people don't want woke agendas shoved in their faces? Will it be after the 50th high profile flop or the 100th?
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>no affectionate ex-gymnast gf
what's the point lads
Probably should've left out the rape and that
>neatly arranged pepperoni
>likkle extra cheese
yeah this za be #LITTY
Communism is more necessary than ever.
As much as jaded, porn addicted, fashioned, zionist NATO drones would like us to think otheriwse, Communism is as necessary ever.
I once left dirty laundry in the basket for so long there were little worms crawling on it, possibly moth larvae
first joker wasn't that good either
thats a lot of meat with no sauce
Omar taking Emily back to cronem traphouse to get acquainted with ebony goon meat missiles
Selfridges deli counter
How come sometimes it gives you the little auto countdown and sometimes it doesn't
Joker is a pro-incel movie series of course it's being panned
Leather-clad Communists in assless chaps, secreting their proletarian seed into bourgeoisie bumholes.
Your favourite new build developer?

edit: excluding Barratt Homes
zionism is quite communist. kibbutz and that
cronem shmeat sprayout all across emily's plump cheeks and lips
people daemonise her but how was she supposed to know he wasn't lying
I feel bad for the Mi5 agent that has to read your posts. I know that he too wants you to kys yourself.
There's a girl on my team in work and she must be fucking mad

She had huge natural tits, and then had them surgically reduced a few months ago

She had attractive natural lips, and now she's had fillers to make them bigger and unnatural

So unnatural reduced tits and unnatural inflated lips
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whats keir up to right now?
Urban Splash
Cronem sending meat missiles to Emily's uterus
the sequel isn't pro-incel at all, it pretty much flies in the face of anyone that saw joker as a hero
No you are right. I was a druggie and criminal. Part of the reason I left NZ was to put all that behind me. I certainly never considered NZ exceptional or interesting.
Sir Weekend Relaxer

sucking off netanyahu
joker 2 went woke and now has gone broke
when the fuck will goyim get in line god
sir bumber clarter
yanks are bizarre
entire audience are adults

No it isn't. You're a mentally ill freak who only worships "communism" because you see it as a religion friendly to evil ugly mentally ill traitor subhumans like you

Communism is only necessary for YOU
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when you spread seeds in a field, not all of them grow, but some will
not my fault they're so fit
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I thought the first one was shit. Could not understand the hype.
no one wants to see your faggot images either
Bought a VPN but the only sites you'd want to use it on block it, state
reddit: the nation
thinking about how he sleeps in the same bedroom kamikaze kwasi rammed his elephant tusk jungle bbc up liz's gash and covered her with african cream
Ethnic cleansing and genocide because of 2500 year old religious texts and the needs of capital isn't communist.
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sir magna carta
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>i-i wish.. i wish i had spent more time *cough*.. posting about other men's penises on /brit/...
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dont care + didnt ask + boo hoo nigga
Why would you move from NZ to the UK and not Australia
fuck off and kill yourself
It's a slippery slope though lad. It's literally the most pleasurable and addictive drug in existence.

You've been warned.
what if someone drops agent orange on the entire field of seeds?

that's what /brit/ is, psychic agent orange
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thinking about zyzz. rip king
Hey there hasbara, how's the missiles
Friendly reminder that anime is for nonces.
jesus christ I would never go to the cinema again
mad how he was 22
>I wish I'd gooned more

it do be like that sometimes
about to play overwatch for the first time lads ^-^
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only one proper day off tomorrow if you think about it.
watching star trek tng for the first time, best of both worlds didnt really live up to the hype, especially part 2
Rumor is the coroner’s office in Thailand or wherever all shagged his body
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Rorke and the sweltering summer of 2025
Australia is just NZ but rich. I'm poor, always have been always will be, and its shit to be poor in a rich country. England is a lot better for working class people.
only if you have an addictive personality. ive done it plenty of times and never abused it.
it is great though. probs my fav
my advice for all of you is simply don't be daft. as you drift through life, just remember not to be daft
just drank a fifth of vodka, dare me to drive?
This is genuinely the worst Charlie Veitch video, showing up to the site of an 8 year old's murder and filming grieving people
Evil cunt
it's friday fuck off FUCK OFF
might become a sick cunt
TNG is holiday marathon when you’re bored at your family’s house for Christmas/new years kino
ok marshall go to burger king
holy mother of PENG
you know this movie is like 20 years old right
most of the audience probably watched it as kids and are enjoying it because it reminds them of their childhood
>a fifth of
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open the fucking pubs
What’re people’s impressions of you when they hear your kiwi accent in britland
love it when the comments give him shit, like with the video where he harassed a random family waiting for their nan in an ambulance
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The English are a very Jewish people.
confectionary business idea: halisnax

halifax based snacks
he's a deeply disturbed aching simpleton
im toiling on Sunday. then Sunday tea with the family toil.
halifax mentioned
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why does canslad never reply to posts asking about his age?
is it me or is the world out there getting... gayer?
So lads, we all off out to the pub with the lads in a bit? get a few pints in and pull a lass? Yh?
the people of edom deserved to be extinct
you see them jetskis that go under the water
very cool
diarreha with tapeworms. tragic.
i met charlie veitch once in manchester.
grim grim GRIM
/brit/ stands with the brave national socialist Jewish state of Israel against Islamic Asiatic Bolshevism.
do you think you ever had a chance in life or were you just born defective?
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who said incels can't cook?
most people cant place my accent and ask where im from
fucking ausdogs, GO TO BED
ever shag him up the arse?
aha yeah... *rubs back of neck nervously*
potato and rice on the same plate is diabolical
incredible type of girl
why can't trannydem spammer post webms like these?
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think it was Sartre
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a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep
having missionary sex with a woman for the sole purpose of procreation
just remembered the crusher
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probably did wanks to worse in my time
spaki having a melty again is he?
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imagine making your living just being as annoying and cunty as possible, making scenes wherever you go
sad existence
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She's hot


But is she right?
having bum sex with a homosexual for the sole purpose of hiv seroconversion
listening to mid-90s west african afro-zouk
cant believe i got a little hard
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curried spuds and pot noodle? get in
mad there are people that actually do this
but enough about Queen elizabeth II
seems like spaki is going to be on a melty all night again
Scrandemic truly is upon is
Are you Irish diaspora?
You? Posting all day on 4chan
What sets the lil guy off?
ccooooorrrr. can you now make him look younger? A LOT younger...
not to my knowledge. why?
mmhmm! aint nun dey cud do! LOL
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anyone remember clogwog

clogwog, paging clogwog
just don't understand why you'd reply to it
are you a mong?
anything it seems like
most fragile ego in /brit/
Do you literally just spend all day here
You said you 'toil', so are you spending your free time posting about black men on /brit/?
Is this the highlight of your week?
he's zesty
See: >>203029328
dun worry about it x
it's spaki
he's here 24/7
You're spending your free time posting about black men lol.
filter Timmy, cronem, Katie
All posts gone
yeh don't worry timmy x
Why would I worry about incels posting about black men on 4chan on a Friday evening? Am I supposed to be impressed or something?

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