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whale edish
sorry no
i can play this
they're after me
even they dont want me
they're before me
No surrender
>1st july
retard alert
Hadrian is looking out from the wall and a Scotsman appears from behind a small hill and shouts up to him -

"One Scotsman can beat any Roman."

Hadrian says, "Brutus go & sort him out".

Brutus goes off and there's a clanging and clattering of swords - he doesn't come back. The Scot comes out and shouts up to Hadrian

"one Scotsman can beat any cohort of Romans."

Hadrian says to Marcus - "take your cohort and sort that bugger out"

Off he goes with his cohort and there a clanging and banging of swords - and they don't come back. The little Scot comes from behind the hill and shouts up at Hadrian,

"One Scot can beat a Legion of Romans"

Hadrian says to Mark Anthony - "Go over there with your Legion and sort that little bugger out"

Mark Anthony marches his Legion down to the hill and theres a banging and clashing and screaming and as Hadrian watches, Mark Anthony staggers out bloodied and battered and he shouts up to Hadrian,

"don't send any more its a bloody trap - there's two of them..."
>Poo! BBC! American politics!
All dire gimmicks from 'paedo
fuck off retarded obese subhuman mutt golem
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can we tone down the microaggressions in /brit/ lads? it's triggering to my anxiety
is that your word for a wank
the listen
grow a set
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Based macroagression enjoyer
Is there a alternative for interpals i want to talk about British history and culture as a britboo.
>Also it's a shame the crystal palace doesn't exist anymore
i deserve to be happy
you're posting in it
ever look at someone and just think 'evil cunt'
even if you don't know a single fact about them just evil cunt and you know you're right
4chan is filled with losers me.
no one deserves anything in life mate you've got to take it for yourself as cliche as that may sound
got told i was evil-looking and creepy in school, now i am a hateful cunt as a result, self-fulfilling prophecy innit
it's blatantly you heathermong.


always the same voice and the same obsessions. you don't realise how obvious you are because you're a retarded autist
online dating causes depression and terrorism
evil-looking can mean gothic or emo
don't tell me you formed your entire personality around what people thought of you in high school
A man carrying his electric scooter into the office
>don't tell me you formed your entire personality around what people thought of you in high school
i guess to an extent, i became avoidant and mistrusting of everyone, bullying quite literally ruined my life
giving away the chagos islands is what baseball fans would call an unforced error
I am listening to the Smiths while being depressed
heathermong is always two steps ahead
A man who takes sugar in his tea gives me the ick for some reason. Especially if it's 2 or 3. Grow up and have it neat.
we all go there from time to time
got a warning for talking about alex jones (the welsh bbc one show presenter which I made clear in my post) because it was political apparently
bizarre janny behaviour
Imagine a man editing a Wikipedia article
true, you should just avoid extra sugar generally because everything you eat is packed with it
Not sure I will ever have my life together I have no friends and no one who gives a shit
wonder if putting five or six sugars in your tea is a bit of a turn-on then. bit quircky and shows you don't care
A man using Google maps, then goes the wrong way and it has to reroute.
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you have to move on from it
you deserve revenge and they deserve punishment but neither you nor them will get it
you are more than your young experiences, and there is so much more to life
I was a bully and I feel bad for being a dickhead to some many people
Are birds these days into wee?
nah they like f1 now
sitcom idea - mad about poo
Men drinking espressos. There's just something that icks me about the teeny cups
4chan posters
you'll grow out of being a self-pitying cunt someday, probably around your late 20s
yanks especially if they post in /brit/
what did you bully people for?
One of the male lecturers I work with calls our students 'gang'

He's like 'welcome gang, who is ready to get an education today?'

Get fucked Pal
reckon thatcher came close to nuking buenos aires but was talked out of it
Was just saying this down at the pub
I wanna do so much but I been jobless for 2 months and it sucks
I was angry at the world so took it out on people
A man eating corn on the cob
they took out a lot of my favourite songs from the radio in gta 4 back in 2018 because they only had a 10-year contract
shouldn't be allowed
Men who say their spidey sense is tingling need to never see any genitalia of their choice.
sir snake charmer
*extremely effeminate voice*
goyim are ick as fuck
Americans full stop. duck off with your grits, eggs over easy, cockeyed cheerfulness and calling stuff from 1910 historic.
getting job back then
>walk in
>shake a mans hand
>instantly gets job on spot

getting a job now
>apply on linkin
>wait a week for a response
>repeat cycle 40 times until you can get shitty wagie job
Duck face
it's not THAT hard you crybaby
You and I in a little toy shop
Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got
i applied to home depot 10 times and to walmart 5 times no responses i am tempted to just steal hub caps and break windows
join the forces
i am not fighting for israel faggot
just like people me
get a TAFE diploma or whatever the yank equivalent of TAFE is, some of them only take a few weeks to complete
Wearing a backpack on both shoulders
being American and especially being wh*te
what are those small brown mushrooms about 2cm wide
fucking hate identifying mushroooms especially when they're the most bod standard brown little shits, fucking hate it
>dating apps: overwhelmed by men, who like 50% of the profiles they see, women only like 5%
>cold approach: will get you labeled a creep, low chance of woman agreeing to go on date with person they don’t know
>friend of friends: seems like everyone i meet is an incel
>coworker/fellow student: likely a foreigner who doesn’t speak english well, or has a bf already, or isn’t interested, + you risk ruining professional relationship
>bars: everyone goes with friends and only talks to the people they came with
how the FUCK do people find gfs
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some times i think it's a sin
when i feel like i'm winning when i'm losing again
Saying things like “hello trouble/here comes trouble” when they see you approaching.
And living in OHIO bruh!
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Plaid shirts
Trade school costs money here and I need a job for that money retard. So yeah I need to get a wagie job to fund trade school.
being gay xx
Using the self checkout
if you can't get a government subsidy then america really is third world and actively wants to keep poor people poor
They only give that shit out to college students and it's hard to get
well that's fucking retarded, why would a college student want to also go to trade school?
I am kind of stuck in college because I wanted to transfer to trade school so he signed me up without asking for anything he also tried to change my major behind my back. I am trying to get a job so I can do trade school and leave his ass behind
someone hacked my bank account and stole $8500, i can get it back but it will take up to 2 weeks to recover, FUCKS SAKE
QRD on why /tv/ is losing its mind over the Joker getting rapped?
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Going bald on top but not mentioning it and you can see it when they go down on you
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by a woman?

clicked it and it linked me to a 150 minute video of japanese pornography
conventionally disappointing
My dad constantly calls me worthless and tells me my step mom wishes I'd die in a hole and the girl I liked rejected me. I wish someone cared
bought a gun today. Buying another tomorrow (glock)
was just thinking about how it's ok to be different
people have gone through lots and lots of suffering because they were different, that makes you more empathetic to others' suffering and i hope you find someone
The thought of them lowering themselves into a bath
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thanks lad
are they still rioting in england?
shit taste lad

Magic tricks.
Wish she'd fart on my balls.
over greggs prices?
they never stop m8
I've been dating this guy, and yesterday i saw a bit of his white scalp peeking out from under his dark hair, and it gave me the ick

like .. u have a scalp
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you wanna get yourself some new content boringlad
Quit actin like a gigglygoonclown nigga
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futa games have gone woke
>I don’t want to offend anyone, but I’m chatting to someone and he told me he did an escape room this weekend. It’s given me the ick.
>Goodness yes! Major ick from me too, so dorky. Imagine if he invites you to do one for your date
>Oh no…. And a group photo at the end
>Just picture doing a Game of Thrones-themed escape room and him sitting on the throne to have his picture taken... Or worse, him unable to solve a puzzle and getting hints…
>Lol stop it... him panicking because the time is running out and he can’t work out the answer…
based mai yamane/yoko kanno enjoyer
no that was over in like 3 days
sir king fisher
I once went back to a guys house and his bedding was the London tube map.
sir daily stormer
Based Keiko
pulling back my duvet and releasing a whole night's worth of farts into the room
sir daft cunter
bought 2 tickets for joker 2. 1 for me, 1 for mumberg
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go see the substance instead it's much better
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g'day laddos
what on earth are you doing
eating a bagel, about to go to sleep
what's the craic lad
having a mental revelation whilst listening to music
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What did they mean by this?
right I haven't got all day so could we make it snappy with the posts lads
by what?
scarnon brewlad
sucking a brew myself as it happens
They're gay.
She ain't getting fucked by neither of em
long weekend mate so many beers will be consumed over these next few days
reheated mcnuggets for 'kfast
doing ein poo und einen wee
wtf women can't even drunkenly pass out on a bench at night without being raped anymore, worlds gone mad
Why'd people stop using the word `hardbody`

Such a good word
dont wanna be an american idiot
i aint a part of your maga agenda
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good lad
just relaxing at the moment lad, quiet period before getting on some beers later
everyone watches the video links i post right
it's just courtesy like i watch all of theirs
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this hurricane climate change nonsense has to stop
reheated fast food isnt even edible
there's no martial arts gyms that teach krav maga in my area, it's all wankers with their muay thai and BJJ, sick of it
I have never clicked on a single youtube link posted in /brit/
not a one
martial arts are a meme, especially krav maga
maybe im the faggot, america
bung a cheeseburger in the microwave for 35 seconds and it's basically the same as fresh
put nuggets in the oven for 15 minutes and they're basically the same as fresh
can't speak for any other fast food thoughbeit
krav maga is the most practical hand-to-hand technique otherwise they wouldn't teach it to the israeli military
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the grass was greener
the arse was cleaner
why do you want to do martial arts for
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Fuuuck I wish I didn't love nuggies and booze so much lads.
My diet of smoked meat and carrots is going so good but I'm craving a nuggie feast and EBT is nearly renewed
Imagine going to the hospital and punching all those babies. That would not be OK.
i've been lifting for several years and i have all these muscles but i can't do anything with them, might as well learn how to fight as well
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Nomad-san is right, coke is delicious
why is there an app for everything except how to rape a baby?
What the fuck is wrong with you
>Hmmm I have no use for these muscles, I better double down on useless skills
knight to rook four
Howling at all this hurricane disaster shit happening right before the election with the worst of it happening in a key swing state.
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ello lads. anime allowed here?
corrrr good lad get the schooners quaffed
>laundry on
>covfefe brewing
>'rridge in the rice cooker
>autumn leaves falling outside
yep, today is going to be comfy
fuck off yank
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probably because you have no mates
laughing at the neeks who gave their dna to companies like 23&me just so they could show people on /int/ their heritage when said company entire board resigned/cashed out and now all that info will be sold to the highest bidder
Sometimes I just wanna tuck right into a nice refreshing ice cold Coca Cola(TM) but I know, it's bad for you.
So I have to justify it by drinking Smirnoff(TM) in large quantities
Nothing quite like gulping down goyslop at an alarming rate and watching travel Japan videos or movies lads. It's a wild time
I sorta forgot this was still going tbqh
who would bid on that
pretty mental that, genuinely
they used them before, nothingburger
hate all of it
hate the stupid openings and their gay names hate the gay strategy it's boring hate beating people hate losing fuck off it's all boring and shit and gay
It was a gift from mumberg
Plus I'm already a Targeted Individual
Life is pretty well and fucked without some spooky chinky corpo scranning my DNA
Sounds like you're in zugzwang mate
very ignorant opinion
bill gates
>bill gates
bit of a top lad though
Why is every yank fucking compelled to do these DNA tests from which nothing interesting is found
>Oh woweee I'm 0.6% Scandinavian, maybe
>reeeeee why are people interested in things that don't interest me
settle down rorke
Exercise is the pursuit of health and discipline. Big muscles in 2024 aren't a practical choice, they're an aesthetic one
gotta confirm the family history because there's a chance it's all bullshit even if it's uninteresting, unlike the old country where you know the village where your great great great grandpa is from because you all have the same nose
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I'm an Oirish hafu
It's now revealed to me my destiny as Oirish diaspora to mate with a hapa Japanesu and live a trad caravan life
Thanks 23&me!
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Chess is a strategy game, and one of the oldest games in existence. Historians have determined that the first chess was played sometime in the early 1980s, on the Nintendo entertainment system.
Back then of course, it was called "Battle Chess," and it was so popular, it inspired a real life boardgame of Battle Chess - called Chess.

The game is very unbalanced. It's turn-based, so whoever moves first has the advantage. The game has been out for, over 20 years now, and they still haven't fixed this. What the fuck Nintendo?!
way to contradict yourself
anime website or something
My grandpa told me he was Danish and gave me a backwards "Danish" clock but it turned out to be German...just like my DNA report...
utter drivel being spouted by the yanks this morning, they're at least normally slightly fun or interesting
Look mate if you're going to say something then spit out more than three or four words at a time, I'm not going to squeeze blood out of a stone here
big pharma obv, this data will be used know more of what people are susceptible to, then curate more drugs to sell, they will also use this data to back up arguments when applying for government subsidies saying that the drugs they create are vital and necessary and therefore need to be subsidised by the tax payer while still charging a premium for said drugs, example is diabetes and cancer drugs
Sorry mate you seem to be out of the loop, that's pre-2016
Post-2016 4chan is a politics website
bishop to king six
you don't even know what you're on about
following an engine analysis from an apparently winning position diluting to a sad draw yet saying everything else is losing
Heard that lots of yanks of German heritage aren't fully aware of it or think they're from other countries (like Denmark) because anti-German sentiment was so high during WWI that the sizeable German diaspora in America consciously integrated to be on the right side
if you think the pursuit of big muscles doesn't involve discipline and health-consciousness then i don't know what to tell you, it's possible you're confusing me with those freaks who take steroids
Your original concern was what to do with muscles. Discipline and health are the practical outputs, not the muscle. Nobody has a practical reason to pursue muscle alone unless they're in some kind of specialized job. Hence, aesthetic.
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presently three australians in this edition of /brit/ and two of us are arguing about the gym
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They have to go back to Siberia

feel like watching some spooky films this weekend
He was not pleased when I told him I was mostly Irish and English cause of me English grandmum
Germanoids tried to rival Angloids here
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muscle mass goes hand-in-hand with physical strength, if you think strength is useless then you probably eat shoes for dinner
poomiliation ritual
good lad
That and Denmark/Germany are basically the same thing
Strength is largely useless day to day, yes. You even said so yourself
>have all these muscles but i can't do anything with them
all nice and well but they are active x
Mighty Whitey
Indian pussies be dropping yo
were you active last night?
i don't suppose the concept of self-improvement just for the sake of it would fit into what your autismo mentality would consider a practical application?
had it up to here with this antipodeans and their constant coffee drinking
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looks tasty
you don't understand how sad chess is
don't play it
learn a musical instrument instead
that's the 'rridge cooked. Shall be mixing nut butter into it rather than the traditional sugary options, don't have much of a sweet tooth you see
mongs watching pro wrestling
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Ozempic is a miracle. Americans will soon be a nation of models
havent played chess since i was about 12
it's a bit boring, isn't it?
>i don't suppose the concept of self-improvement just for the sake of it
Yes, like I said earlier, discipline and health. So we're agreeing the muscles themselves aren't useful then
I know it's a meme but can't believe en passant is a thing
wondering if more side effects will become evident in time
heard it makes quite a few people’s faces go hollow
Coffee frog posting is the tiny sparkle of light in otherwise grim threads
on the contrary, muscles not only make you more attractive, but they also make people automatically respect you more (unless they're a butthurt jealous fatty or skinny runt), and bogans are less likely to try and mess with you, i have witnessed this firsthand as the local methheads at the train station haven't tried to start shit with me once since i stopped being a skeleton
i am of the opinion that every man should lift, if you don't then you barely qualify as human in my eyes
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That's the look women want. It's why they get buccal fat removal
tings are waking up sore x
Wish she'd poo on me.
sounds like its all in your head
not really, its mostly pseudo tripfaggotry, just like all the other gimmicks you faggots use to stand out and to be recognised/remembered amongst the sea of anon
yeah not a bad thing just looks odd sometimes when it happens around the eyes
I’ve got nothing against ozempic at the end of the day if you need it to control your appetite and it helps you who am I to judge
if you want to bury your head in the sand and deny objective truths then that's your problem
what a rubbish, joyless post
will you aussies stop arguing about inane shite
sometimes it's relevant
looking forward to smashing a few pints this weekend lad?
im hungover now and don't like it when you all fight
but yes
good lad on all counts
Mad how much right-wing schizos fear working in a factory
Hello. I am the fourth Australian to enter this thread, and I command the two that are arguing to stop arguing
We should make the Australians strip off naked and oil themselves up and wrestle to settle their differences.
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yeah the boys
it's not my fault if the other lad is wrong
i quit drinking in may after years of drinking myself to sleep literally every night

i feel physically better and it's really boring and i constantly lose my train of thought
pigeonberg landing in the tree opposite my window
Mad how lagers taste so shit but normies will still drink it instead of stout or IPA
>they will never automate accountants
>They need people
>They won't completely automated it
all beer tastes like shit and IPA is the worst of them all
>A second in command regularly asked for sexual favours from a female member of staff and left "naked pictures of models" for her
>Some captains have a "Black Ops Hard Drive" which was allegedly code for their porn collection
>Reports of bras being stolen from the laundry while "engineers would openly sniff women's used underwear"
>When she protested and announced she was returning to her cabin, the officer followed her to her room and "hammered on my door, condom in hand"

is the entire Royal Navy staffed by incels now?
was supposed to move my stuff in from storage this weekend but dipstick flatmate somehow lost his license so no van rental so that's that
get the neets incarcerated in semen extraction facilities
not fond at all of either of these posts
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riiiiiight then
>is the entire Royal Navy staffed by incels now?
are there gay incels?
cwossonts in the miniature convection oven being fried with air as we speak
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Feels good knowing Israel will be dissolved and fascist LARPers pretending to be Jews will be sent back to Europe.
Drank 8 pints of carlsberg and a bottle of peroni and a small glass of buckfast yesterday and feeling a bit rough feel like ive been buffeted by the wind and rain on the high seas
right that's the wankers wanked off then
sir near farrer
What are the irreversible psychological harms that children suffer from male midwives? I think we know.
I had 4 whiskey and cokes and around 6 vodka and cranberries and feel fine
good lad
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thinking coffee
what am i supposed to say when my mates ask me my opinion on the palestine shite
can't say "well everyone on my incel forum is pretty convinced the jews are responsible for the downfall of the west and woke shite and all that so i reckon i want them to get fucked"
Accidentally bought that alcohol-free beer so I have to mix it with vodka. A bit funny tasting but nothing too bizarre.
oxymoronic post
Just read the most recent ICJ ruling. Apparently the Jews are the evil ones, as proven by science.
used to chase my long several glug swigs of vodka from the bottle with my cans of beer as an alcy, try doing that
its a trick question/trap most of the time, at uni i just walk away from such conversations or say something like "i only play vidya i dont have time for news" which makes you look like the most out of touch faggot out there but whatever your answer is it will be used against you from both sides so a non answer is always the go
just shrug your shoulders and say "it is what it is"
armpits are a tad sweaty
sucking a bollock
Just say you support Palestine.
always thought eunuch meant someone with one testicle
it sounds like uni in unicycle or unibrow
I usually tell them there is a third option and how the holy land was better of as a British protectorate or crusader state
just parrot what everyone who's job it is to study human rights says
*pins your arms above your head*
*lets them aerate as we kiss*
had an ultrasound done on me bollocks yesterday
We need to reinstate the Ottoman Empire, and send the cavalry to Canada
just blasted me bollocks with antimatter
sucking me bollocks
least bloodthirsty g*rmoid
Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and the USA are fascist.
just irradiated me bollocks with particles that reverse the flow of time
the time has come

for the sloppy beer shits
everyone is awful, just awful to me
Need the UK to join them
just came on me own bollocks
Britain thunders out for

>the dictatorship of the proletariat
>establishing soviet/council democracy
>a soviet republic
>the liquidation of private ownership of the means of production
>the expropriation of the bourgeoisie without compensation
>the disenfrachisement of non-working classes such as capitalists, landlords, clergy, and nobility
>the liquidation of the bourgeoisie as a class
>the dissolution of all private education
>the dissolution of the monarchy and clergy
>state atheism
>a socialist planned economy
>proletarian culture and banning of bourgeois/feudal filth that insults/degrades the working class or incites chauvinism
>proletarian internationalism
>a Red Army drawn from the working class
>abolition of unemployment
>mass construction of public transport and housing
>universal, equal labour duty for all individuals with a reduced workload
>massive reindustrialisation
>nuclear power stations
>the abolition of the wage system
>shutting religious institutions
>a Chekist security force with extrajudicial power
>collectivism versus bourgeois nihilism
>Marxist-Leninist political education in school
imagine all yanks became skinny
it would so over for everyone
wife found me folder of bollocks pictures
british proletariat thunders out for something new to read
no it doesn't
be quiet
my bum thunders out
right that's it im going to Antioch to sort the middle east out once and for all, who's with me?
get it made rorke
got me bollocks deep fried and included in the meal deal
glad i could come in at the end of the thread to redeem us yanks' reputation
fucked it, someone less retarded have a go

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