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they/them gf edition
Winners win.
Losers play spreadsheets.
Follow us and we will teach you the beautiful game.
we're all in here

>28 years old
>still live at home
>hair is thinning
>kissless handholdless virgin
>no friends for 10 years at this point
>wasted 1000s of hours playing games/posting online
>hobbies/interests are all solitary things
>poor social skills
>panic about being exposed as a virgin
>don't have the confidence to talk freely to people out of embarrassment and timidity in case I'm mocked or rejected
>afraid to show my own personality around women
>filled with regrets and humiliation
>only girl I ever confessed my feelings to, who I thought liked me, mocked me
>will never have a family of my own
>relatives similar in age to me are starting families
>assume every women I meet either isn't interested in me or has a BF/husband
>constantly self-conscious and critical of myself
>feel awkward and start panicking whenever I'm in a room and relationships/sex/romance comes up
>given up any hope of ever having a GF or sex without paying a prostitute
>never had a female friend so I'm clueless about how to interact with women beyond basic conversation
>tried using Bumble, hardly any likes
>started a new job earlier this year, but I hate it
>recently messaged someone I went to school with, turns out he's doing a PhD

My life is so shit. I still unironically am in my childhood bedroom. Everyone I went to school with probably has a good life now.

My only positives are that I've got a decent chunk of money saved.
thinking about harold shipman
that apu cartoon was never really funny, have a theory only foreigners found it mildly amusing because of the cultural crossovers mixing everything up nobody really knows whats going on. a bit like eurovision, too many people getting involved and its just shit
absolute CHOON alert
Are you bullied bumhole lad?
bro writing this scroll like he in skyrim
Doing some... things.
i'm feeling the same. it's weird; at 22 i was far more panicked about my future than i am now at 27. it's like at 22 there was still hope, still potential that i was squandering - but at 27 all that hope and potential is gone and it's futile to try and chase it. you can just give up peacefully and relax. it's catharsis
you neeting and living with mumsie?
I literally never make a post past 280 in any thread kek
right now, yes. i spent years toiling though, i've got a lot saved up.
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>28 years old
>still live at home
>hair is thinning
>kissless handholdless virgin
>no friends for 10 years at this point
>wasted 1000s of hours playing games/posting online
>hobbies/interests are all solitary things
>poor social skills
>panic about being exposed as a virgin
>don't have the confidence to talk freely to people out of embarrassment and timidity in case I'm mocked or rejected
>afraid to show my own personality around women
>filled with regrets and humiliation
>only girl I ever confessed my feelings to, who I thought liked me, mocked me
>will never have a family of my own
>relatives similar in age to me are starting families
>assume every women I meet either isn't interested in me or has a BF/husband
>constantly self-conscious and critical of myself
>feel awkward and start panicking whenever I'm in a room and relationships/sex/romance comes up
>given up any hope of ever having a GF or sex without paying a prostitute
>never had a female friend so I'm clueless about how to interact with women beyond basic conversation
>tried using Bumble, hardly any likes
>started a new job earlier this year, but I hate it
>recently messaged someone I went to school with, turns out he's doing a PhD

18 baseds
5 cringes
you're part of the problem
Really I would be fine if I could swallow my pride and get some meaningless full-time job but I'm too entitled and conceited so I believe I am owed the lifestyle of a well paid professional job (while doing nothing to work towards that lifestyle).
Don’t care, enjoy having your boring late posts ignored
Maybe you could've done what you wanted if you put the effort in.
your 20s are horrible and you will crash by 28, everybody does, get over it
there is nothing i wanted to do, never has been, never will be.
if everyone had the same mindset as you then /brit/ would just stop
KTIM 22 yo
Not sure what you were worried about then.
>just work yourself to death bro you'll feel accomplished or something
lol shut up every man's dream is to live out life with as minimal effort put in to anything as possible at all times while maintaining happiness and contentment.
>all that hope and potential is gone and it's futile to try and chase it
kek, recently had a melty that lead to this revelation
this thing is so disgusting she took advantage and molested a drunk milly alcock up on stage for everyone to see like the predatory dyke she is
always a bit werid when you agree to a discord cam wank with a lad and he's left handed
just looks so awkward and unnatural
thinking about making a line of luxury vapes called "burton vapes' and gonna make an advert where some northern coal miners are chatting and one says 'ay, where's dave gone' and the other miner says 'oh he's gone for a burton'
cue one coal miner running all of yorkshire, through the mines, jumping over explosions, through the dales, all to not find him
when he goes back to the mine, he sees dave. the miner says 'ay alri lad i was told ye went missin' and dave pulls out his vape, with 'burton' written on the side, and dave adds 'no pal, not me, i just went for a Burton' Dave hands the miner a brand new one, freeze frame of them both toking on a Burton vape each
anyone want to invest?
>33 years old
>Pale skin with dark hair all over it
>Ugly face
>Strange body shape with pudgy fat around thighs and man tits
>Cross eyed without my glasses
>Bad teeth
>Zero social skills
>Obviously a virgin that has never even held a girl's hand or felt like a girl has ever looked at me without recoiling or laughing
>Can't even get any matches on grindr for some companionship even though I'm not gay
>Zero career prospects beyond being a mere wageslave in shit shops, cafes, fast food etc
>Zero friends
>Can't drive
>Can't cycle without looking like a spastic
>Get social anxiety on public transport
>Can't get on PIP and Universal Credit for whatever reason
>No savings
>Family hate me and laugh at me
>Neighbours think I'm a pedophile
>Have been stopped by police for no reason other than for them to bother and hector me several times
>Get banned on 4chan all the time for trivial things others get away with
>Can't even get drunk or take drugs to numb my existence as I have allergic reactions to literally everything
not alright
Whomstdve is that? Theythemvtdve look familiar.
Im 22 and think i have a musical calling and will reach my peak at 32 and my best album will come out by then
the main woman from Game Of Thrones house of the dragon
I'll invest ten million but Dave has to be black
Cum in your pants.
Do it.
Feel the release. The sensation.
gym and big shop complete. now i can chill and scran the rest of the day

i imagine some of you wretched slugs are still in bed
ktim but 28 year old neet

by 38 I will be a chad
Whining is the most unmanly behaviour ever. Even some troon faggots are more masculine than people who whine.
We all gay here?
lol the world will be a complete dump in 10 years time
Me but I will be film director with some minor acting roles.

>The Muslim grooming gang panic is a moral panic alleging that Asian (specifically South Asian, Pakistani and Muslim) men are sexually abusing young White girls in the United Kingdom. Right-wing and far-right activists, as well as more mainstream individuals, helped popularise the terminology in the 2010s.
There's also a proposal to change the title to "Grooming Gang Moral Panic in UK" which already has majority support
Wikipedia is fully compromised by ideologues
can't play spy in tf2 to save my life
no, /brit/ is a straight shaggers general
There must be a reason why your neighbours think you're a paedophile. People don't just throw around accusations like that without some grain of truth or incriminating evidence.
i can go as far as Dave being black but also covered in soot
get the migrants wanked with your arse
Now is the time for me to become a big movie writer/director. I've witnessed years of what not to do.
Mental how I don’t have the energy to care anymore
1 in 50 albanians in this country currently in prison.
complete silence from leftypol. suppose it conflicts with his narrative so its the usual head straight into the sand response
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Just spent 3 minutes pulling this dry lump of shite out me hairy bum hole
Guess you'll die then.
That's genuinely upsetting
Utter freaks, need their heads caving in
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get the migrants shagged
Kek same
If the average mong in this cunt doesn't care then why should I pull my hair out over it
maybe if we wanked them off they wouldn't rape our kids
Cash is king.
Drink pints.
bro has plastic arse hair
none of this would be happening if men just MGTOWd
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You're all sad as fuck. Weird little freaks that nobody liked and just sat in the corner being a weird little freak. Little losers on a sontag afternoon.
Leftypol sisters...
Would it be better to be a director, writer, or cinematographer?
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Trying to summon up the courage to email my old manager to see if I can go back to my previous company, but I can't do it.

Does this mean I don't actually want to go back? I'm paralysed by indecision.
Went to a house party for the first time yesterday
Can't believe this is how normies live
Happy, laughingŘŚ bantering, no hate
Now I'm back in my smeggy bedroom posting here
The Car in Front is a Toyota
need them back in f1
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not been here in a week

just stopping by again

i might be gone another month after this

its better that way
The White and Yellow handshake
>the silence:
*thoroughly describes how I am going to slowly torture and kill you and get away with the entire debacle whilst Vivaldi's Four Seasons plays*
mate what the fuck is a ŘŚ
i wish you were fucking paralysed then you wouldnt constantly make these dog shit posts.
Youve been my favourite for a long time anon :)
Auto Emocion
have a wank and cheer up you grumpy cunt x
What's life like in England?
>heems you

>heems you
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>The comma in the Arabic script used by languages including Arabic, Urdu, and Persian, is "upside-down" ⟨،⟩ ( U+060C ، ARABIC COMMA), in order to distinguish it from the Arabic diacritic ḍammah ⟨ُ⟩ representing the vowel /u/, which is similarly shaped.
I lost faith in Wikipedia to cover British politics neutrally after seeing the Northern Independence Party fiasco when a bunch of these twitter mongs brigaded and wrote that entire article like as if it were a major political force, even brigaging deletion discussions so the article would stay up. Even the guy behind the party made an article about himself and would threaten legal action against anyone adding details about his antisemitism or other controversies. Years ago all of that shit would have been grounds for indefinite blocks on Wikipedia.
Naturally several years on, the Northern Independence Party is completely dead in the water, as expected.
trying too hard, try again little buddy
shut up nonce
grim, dire, bleak
Full of azerbaijan raping decapitators
*pushes you up against the wall*
*looks at you intently*
*kisses you passionately*
tasty...i want more...
kek reminds me of how Mark Felton edits his own wikipedia page
found that out last night, how the fuck does anyone take him seriously still
>heems the poster above
>heems the poster below
Why are sundays so impressing
depends how he's editing it really
>northern independence party
>run out of brighton
>had another falling down a flight of stairs nightmare
Huh? Why are they in England?
Got drunk and texted the radioman abuse -_- also forgot my pin for my card
Most of the sexual encounters that happened in the grooming gang cases were with the incentive of alcohol, drugs or money for the child. It is rape because children can't consent. But it's like those old western boomers that go to diddle kids in SEA, the kids should be better looked after by governmental bodies so they can't be exploited by predatory groups.
*removes a wig to reveal you just kissed my disguised arse*
*wipes the lipstick of my arsehole*
got you!
>his antisemitism
>norf independence
Youre seething Jewboy
>Initially, the party was led by Proudfoot. He stood down in July 2022 due to professional commitments[13] and was replaced by David Heaven.[1] Proudfoot went on to join the Green Party on 19 November 2023

he keeps trying to remove a sentence about a German tank museum calling him out for false info, his page got protected because he kept doing it
Free entertainment on here every day
It's like 30 Michael McIntyres, endless hilarity
>Naturally several years on, the Northern Independence Party is completely dead in the water, as expected.
Unlike the Social Democratic Party which continues to pick up steam.
i had a nightmare where i was suddenly teleported into murky great white shark infested waters.
I reckon a Ukraine situation would sort us out as a nation. Yes many lads would die but the remainder would look forward and rebuild like they did post ww2. Little scrotes like you would get killed and only deanos survive.
women really read this shit and instantly spaff everywhere
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Other way round you clueless mong. Little scrotes like me survived all those wars.
why does every advert offering some kind of deal or offer say Northern Ireland is excluded
used to text abuse to my dealer when I was pissed off my head at 3am and he wasn't replying
eventually I think he blocked me because he just stopped responding altogether
They like the culture.
i'm not even joking when i say that it'd be better off for everyone if i were dead lol
i'm a drag on the taxpayer and i'm genetic trash
they're sponsoring other people now
clouston comes across well whenever i've seen him interviewed
Thanking the industrial revolution for spawning weak chinned fuck ugly hairless ectomorphs like me
Haha classic
The smart man would go all in with Russia. Sorry but Im not laying down my life for mohammed and trannies
fuck up lawnmower man
still still hard to reach a conclusion. what if the tank museum are wrong. he'd be well within his rights to delete that
You'd get conscripted either way and kill yourself with ptsd because you haven't got a new build and a plastic lass to go home to.
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Genius tip for you no-hopers
Every life has value even if it's not so apparent.
He's a good man. He'll continue to build the party but it will probably have a new leader by the time it gets into parliament.
Do Nafris move to small French towns in the countryside? Have you ever seen one.
Sir Keir Starmer
might do a shit shave shower quickly
might have a wank first
sir senior freezer
Fairly certain I was taught by mark felton's brother.
watch out got a bogey on your six
beep bow bam boom pew bom
whooh that was close..
im going to have a wank now too hey we can be wank pals
sir air fryer
Sir Kier Starmer
depends, sometimes a leftist mayor will approve some social housing project in a small town and that's usually when things turn to shit
Then it can't be good...
Sir Free Ticketer
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This is his dad
Rorke my son
Is there any connection between these two?
Zachy was telling us tips like this in the Simpcord.
Put the phone camera on to take that pic of the pooey bum hair and always like to take a pic of myself when i accidentally have it on selfie mode because its quite funny and sometimes i look alright and im surprised
They desperately need to rebrand themselves and stop holding on to the SDP name.
Most people still think of the 80s party when they hear it.
Also they need to ditch that nonce Rod Liddle.
always a catch with these places
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Fuck me I've posted it wrong two times now
caving her face in with a mattock
Hitler was right
Sir Grass Mower
the onus is on him to provide evidence instead of deleting it
along with his unrivalled test cricket knowledge post-2003?
I'd imagine that the ones in the smaller towns-cities are more integrated and less Nafri like?
lol does he not know how stupid his ears look flopping about
Sir Shop Popper, you lads want anything?
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Okay I never actually downloaded the webm in the first place but anyway

This is rorke's dad
even the lives of vile murderers?
fun fact, SEA natives and other asians nonce kiddos at a far higher rate in these pedo resorts than westerners do
doesnt make it alri of course, but at least government here try to put a stop to it
Agreed but they'll only be able to rebrand once 99% of voters know who they are. Don't know what the name should be changed to though.
190 singlehandedly keeping the PM relevant
macarena mamacita!
{finish the following sentence}
Most people know me as a _______
None, she's specifically hired to boost morale of the workers there

Cheaper to hire her than pay them more
kind of insane how i am probably one of the only non-evil people alive.
everyone else has at least SOME capacity for evil.
except me.
Im bringing weak chins back into fashoon
the tank museums little message to the 'tank community' is pathetic
The one on the left just has a weaker snout.
*uploads a pic of food on my instagram story*
look im finally becoming a normie!!
Poo Barmer
gato: sleeps
human: toils
yeah im thinking gato is chad
MENTAL how pooey and hairy my bumhole is
Crusty battered bumhole lad
again, deoends
plenty of young ones like to gangster it up even though mummy still does their laundry
Sir Thomas Hardy, 1st Baronet
like to havee brandenburg concertos no. 3 on when i browse this general
oh my days keir baby what is you doing
Yeah that's him.
SEA has nonces visit all over from the Western world, Japan and recently China. I imagine in the next few decades it'll be Indians too if things don't shape up.
I know quite a few guys that go to Thailand for sex tourism (I was a security guard when I was younger), never confirmed it but I can never look at somebody the same again.
just measured myself on the stadiometer
still 5'8 (173cm), lads
why bother
no point
This government is an absolute disaster and it's strange that they had 14 years of mistakes to learn from.
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just dont shave it. you'll regret it
>but at least government here try to put a stop to it
*court martials you*
your mum is trying to find out who arse raped that lad from baby reindeer
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perro caca
did this once
ended up with poo particles and poo pubes in my shaver and a hugely itchy arse after
libdembros...it's time
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>beaten by a disabled African
I heard Sir Keir Starmer has bought an Eagle E-Type Low Drag GT for a king's ransom. I heard his hair looks normal but feels very hard. Heard he is on the shortlist for the next Bond.
boo hoo nigga
man up
exceedingly good post
>disabled African
fun part of 2024 commercials is trying to guess what theyre trying to sell me
can't wait to watch the football, fucking hate the boring shit but I've fuck all else to do
that too but i ended up rubbing my ringpiece because it felt good
yer ma posted some suggestions on how to find jay slater
been using for a few months and it's great
mineral trajectory
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I like my birds like I like my milk, silky white and Japanese in origin.
man united hatewatch will be one for the books today
not watching woke brighton vs madri tottenham
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This is real btw
Insane how this woman was literally responsible for bringing down Boris Johnson and nobody thinks it's strange how she was immediately appointed Starmer's chief of staff, and in fact the media actively called people pointing it out "conspiracy theorists"
cooooorrrrrrrrrr lets have a sniff
wtf lads
currently scranning a tesco own brand salted caramel coretto and i cannot convey how scran it is
Britain has the best weather you CAN'T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE
ok *passionately sucks your cock*
You do realise criticising Starmer is antisemitic and hence illegal?
>put in charge of establishing the Nations and Regions project which will effectively erode parliamentary power
ah so now she has even more power than before
well done Keir
>nobody thinks it's strange how she was immediately appointed Starmer's chief of staff
It was absolutely commented-on at the time as being sabotage, there's literally zero reason to lie.
imagine /brit/ boys doing this...
my computer just crashed, wtf is this shit?
Sir Sue Graymer
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just lads havin a laff, nothing gay about it
This is what we're up against
Bad actors spreading disinformation online to fuel intolerance.

Teams of lawyers from the rich and powerful trying to stop us publishing stories they don’t want you to see.

Lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science.

Authoritarian states with no regard for the freedom of the press.
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Irish diaspora zoomy fuck off

Go watch celtic in their little haggis shagger trainspotter league pummel some farmers
Sir Tony Blair
mad how it's now climate emergency instead of global warming because it pissed it down all summer
Girls when they see a FLC
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>Muslims humiliate themselves for the 1000th time
it's all so tiresome
want the new fifa but it's 60 quid
Got a mega parlay lined up for today
Writing in Joe Biden's name on the ballot
Feeling... ziggeristic
if you ever want to break the ice with a normie zillenial just do the "AGUEROOOOO" commentary they absolutely love it
Horny for other women who aren't my gf all the time
Is cheating worth it for the excitement and thrill? Or is it just immediate regret and disappointment
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get writing the new foo fighters album dave lad and get off here
Wish I hadn't looked up that smartschoolboy9 shit
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wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work, wank, eat, sleep, work,

mad how peng she was
download fifa 04
is the virgin having a melty over the footy again?
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might convert to mormonism
Meh, I own shares in my local club so I actually have a vested interest in their performance. Keep going though you're making yourself look really clever and above it all.
get total club manager as well for football fusion~
I'm a firm believer in moronism
owned that picked last in school gimpy shitter
that lad who stops posting at 280 has officially stopped posting in this thread
loads of fitties
we should all stop posting too to teach him a lesson
utah looks lovely desu
absolutely pissing it down outside
No it isn't
Britain is controlled by an anti-white gay porn mafia
hello liz!
why are they all coming out of the jamaican embassy?
thank god belgium isn't here
sorry about that
They all take it up the arse as well because they think that's keeping your virginity
and im the capo
will grow larger
drunkslagskissingeachothermong loves his fucking drunk slags kissing each other
it is
all gays are virgins
corr imagine being a peng ting and kissing other peng tings
ridiculously early new

For me, it's Alyssa Grenfell.
there are lads in this thread too scared to post right now, they shook
pooin' and fartin'
fartin' and pooin'
and pooin' fartin'
bump limit reached
chuck a shart in for me will ya?

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