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Animu edition.
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Just got home but for some reason my download speed is around 2MBps as of now instead of the usual 250MBps-ish for some reason. Guess I'll have to call the net provider tomorrow if they won't fix it until then. Fucking hell. WFHsissies on suicidewatch rn. Skipped gym too cause I had a busy day.
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Filo anime romano viva la torta di patate
>Padel is easier if you never played either, tennis is more technically and phisically demanding
Really? I imagined tennis might've been less demanding for the body since the rackets look a bit more lighter.
I mean, I do like hugging skinny people because it means I can carry them easily! I can barely carry my cat cause she's a fucking fatass, with a skinny friend they're more contained in the x axis. To hug me you have to begin on november just to finish in december lol.
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>Really? I imagined tennis might've been less demanding for the body since the rackets look a bit more lighter.
The rackets are lighter but also longer and the leverage they make grants more power but also more stress and to make them properly work you can't half ass technique (which you can sometimes do in padel)
Also while the field is of the same size, in tennis you play most shots from outside the field, while in padel there are glasses so it's more limited, also it's 2 players and covering is easier, the strategy is completely different and you have to do a lot of micromanagement of positioning but tennis is heavier
With dense I mean that you misunderstand what they say to you, you're not following the jokes properly...kinda "autistic" mode.
I used to play tennis for years in my late childhood and as a teenager; after that, I only play like once or twice a year, so I'm kinda used to racket sports.
We're in the same boat Brune. 182.5cm and 74.2 kg the last time I weighed myself, I used to be under 60kg too when I was a teenager.
I disagree with this picture.
>I weep for your soul, anon. But how come you have a british flag if you're in Arizona? o.o
I'm not in Arizona, I'm British, but I was just saying that Arizona is really hot. It's pretty crazy that it gets to over 40 C over there when it's October.
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Also damn, from the titles I see here I can say Perfect Blue was a fucking beautiful horror movie, the imagery and the use of color theory made it an extremely pleasing film experience for me. I want to watch Hellsing, Lain, gotta watch all the Eva movies, and watch Paprika (that film apparently directly inspired inception too). I wanna watch Ghost in the Shell too.
I kinda imagine that in tennis you have to move a bit more than in padel, although I know almost nothing about sports.
This sounds ironic but I would kinda like to play basketball, it looks fun. Or learn how to skate or use rollerskates. Or do motorbike races! Those would be fucking sick.
>the propaganda is working.
I do imagine the very exaggerated bri'ish accent where it kinda sounds like you don't pronounce certain vowels, but nowadays I imagine the typical english chap with an adidas tracksuit. Very slavic-turned.
>Gonna be real fucking sad when all tomboys become gay/FTM
I'm ngl, I kinda feel like transitioning is TOOOO overrepresented on the internet. I feel like it's not necessary to transition to feel happy in your body. It's a whole discussion but idk, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Whatever you have in your legs shouldn't stop you from doing what you like and be who you want to be, I think.
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Just had a very loose shit, mousse au chocolat type stuff, very very annoying.
Had to wipe, wipe, wipe again.
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From the pictured ingredients, can you guess what she is cooking.
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Maybe ate something that was in a bad state, my fellow french fren. I was also feeling a bad tummy ache yesterday but then I found out it was hunger. lol
>translation: but why did this happen, for what?
> last updated: 10/18/2011
okay boomer
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I don't know anything about cooking, so I gave the picture to ChatGPT and asked it to tell me what it thinks she's making. It said:
>From the ingredients visible—milk (or cream), flour (possibly), spices, and baked goods—it looks like she might be preparing something like a cake, pastry, or dessert. The presence of a mixing bowl and the written recipe suggest she could be following a baking recipe.
Given her heritage, I am going to guess that she's making iChurros!
An American living in Argentina drew this picture a while back and said it's what the average Argentinian looks like. Is it accurate?
>a lot paler than you'd expect
>brown bags under their eyes
>long curved noses
>everyone under 30 has piercings and tattoos
>taller than you'd expect (men are 5'9''-6'0'')
>thin despite all the food being loaded with sugar
>young guys all have mushroom zoomer haircut
>guys have sparse/patchy facial hair
>girls have long faces and noses
>a lot of girls don't wear bras
>everyone has a kind of weary expression on their face
Yeah I drank some strong coffee so that's to be expected.
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I could definitely say that yeah, I've seen a lot of people who look like they've got baggy undereyes, small tattoos somewhere on their bodies, those weird ass haircuts that I don't personally like (on the men at least), piercings... You fucking nailed the dude's face though. I've SEEN more than one dude like that.
The curved noses are accurate, mine is kinda normal but apparently my nose bone is deviated.
>thin despite all the food being loaded with sugar
It depends, a lot of women are kind of chubby, myself included.
>Sparse/patchy facial hair
God, yes. That's one of the things I dislike the most about my countrymen's aesthetics. WHY is the hair so patchy and ugly, or beards don't look as majestic as europeans, or even black people's beards. HELL, even asians can get better beards...
>Girls don't wear bras
I never understood that, I don't like sharing my nipples for the whole street to see. But that's pretty common, mmhm.
>Weary expression
15 years of kirchnerismo sucks the soul out of any christian, my brother.
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I love girls like that, the BPD alt girl archetype.
And when I mean I love girls like that I mean, I wouldn't touch another one with a 10 feet pole, I learnt my lesson
Is /med/ the most normie thread on 4chan?

/med/ talks about women and the gym

Other threads talk about anime and transsexuals
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As a BPD alt girl I can thankfully say I look a bit more hygienic and way friendlier. The dating scene in my country sucks ass to be honest.
Man, that fucking actor is so handsome though. I wish men still had these types of aesthetics and not the aesthetic our fellow poster just posted. Italian mafia looking dudes with some expression lines and dad-like features are peak male performance for me at least.
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I wonder if maybe r9k would reach more "normie" levels since there's more women there iirc, but /med/ feels like the most chill general in all of 4chan. Well, aside of the /an/ generals that are honestly the chillest place in this god-scorned website. I tend to visit often just to get cute pictures of kots, bunnies and dogs/other animals.
Also please make men wear long as fuck fucking hair please it's not hard for men to look beautiful just with a good exercise routine and basic hygiene steps
I can't remove my squirrel cheeks no matter how much I train, but most men tend to have beautiful strong eyes.
That's why i choose to be here, /esp/ was a thread about a guy bumping the thread with anime pictures
>a lot paler than you'd expect
>brown bags under their eyes
>girls have long faces and noses
>a lot of girls don't wear bras
>everyone has a kind of weary expression on their face
The perfect gf, just make her hairy and I'll marry her on the spot
It's not about hygiene or friendliness, it was that she was extremely toxic and I never want to go through that again.
>dating scene in my country sucks ass to be honest.
Dating scenes suck ass anywhere.
>men still had these types of aesthetics
different vibes for sure, but I do like the argentinian grey shirt, bowlcut vibe featured on the drawing.
definitely, we've got just as much incels and such but a lot of normies and chads too
Which spaniard are you doe, the new chuddy one?

I guess i can be dense sometimes, but having a work means kind of regular interactions

>I wonder if maybe r9k would reach more "normie" levels since there's more women there iirc
There's a British thread on /r9k/ called /britfeel/ and it's very much not normie. They talk about weird shit in there. Like weird sex fetishes.

Interesting. /brit/ doesn't have much anime, but they do just spend basically the whole thread insulting each other
Fakecels OUT.
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>she was extremely toxic and I never want to go through that again
Abso-fucking-lutely, yeah. I don't tolerate toxic BS anymore, and just kindly tell people to please stop and cease their harmful behaviour once it gets too bad. I'm a bit of a pushover, but I hate injustices.
>I do like the argentinian grey shirt, bowlcut vibe featured on the drawing
I never understood the appeal of bowl cuts... They look a bit funny to me.
I have my fair share of experiences with people who have disturbing or out-plain disgusting sexual fetishes. I just wonder how some people can be obsessed with sex every single day, and can talk about the same thing every. single. day. Like hoooow...
Anyways, I fucking want to eat some barbacue or eat something, I've got a big appetite today for some reason, heh.
Boiled milk.
At this point they've burrowed too deep into /med/'s flesh, impossible to get rid of them
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>And when I mean I love girls like that I mean, I wouldn't touch another one with a 10 feet pole, I learnt my lesson
Perhaps she's changed her ways? I reckon you should give her another chance (if she's still cute).
>I never understood that, I don't like sharing my nipples for the whole street to see. But that's pretty common, mmhm.
Hmm, interesting.
Excuse me while I explore Argentina on Google street view.
>I have my fair share of experiences with people who have disturbing or out-plain disgusting sexual fetishes. I just wonder how some people can be obsessed with sex every single day, and can talk about the same thing every. single. day. Like hoooow...
Fair point. I guess I just get put off by the weird stuff. And /r9k/ is a red board so people post all sorts of shit.
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How can I be a fakecel if I don't identify as an incel?
I'm just a weird normie.
good on you, no one should stay a pushover their whole lives.
Last time we texted, I sent her a pic of my new appartment and she told me that I decorate like a pussy and it looks like a girls appartment.
She planned to visit me after her suicide attempt but got no news after a year now.
>if she's still cute
she probably is, she got into the gym and is now the perfect emo tomboy.
It's about your demure way to talk about your relationships.
>she told me that I decorate like a pussy and it looks like a girls appartment.

Nigga Gosling post but say he does not identify as an incel, curious
I see what you mean, I'm absolutely guilty of that.
I talk about it that way because I don't want to be "in your face" about it but I understand how that can be annoying.
Honestly it feels good to mention it at times because I tend to forget these "relationships" even happened. Most people wouldn't even agree they were relationships, it's just cope on my part.
>Last time we texted, I sent her a pic of my new appartment and she told me that I decorate like a pussy and it looks like a girls appartment.
What the hell does that even mean
Fucking brown bitch
>Nigga Gosling post but say he does not identify as an incel, curious

Remember, it's an incel world you are just living in it.
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>Woman gets reply to job application - 48 years on
>A woman who spent 48 years wondering why an application for her dream job was never answered has finally found out why.
>Tizi Hodson, 70, from Gedney Hill in Lincolnshire, could not believe her eyes when she opened the post to discover her original letter applying for a job as a motorcycle stunt rider, sent in January 1976, had been stuck behind a post office drawer all these years.
Do people wait 48 years to hear back from employers in your country?
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I identify as a lonely loser, Gooseposting absolutely fits and if you disagree, take it up to the incel police.
>it's an incel world you are just living in it.
What did you mean by this? Normies rule the world and make up the rules and I'm good at following them.
She was just a very angry and insecure person so she liked to make people insecure as well. I pity her more than anything.
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At least it wasn't a positive answer being delayed

As you know it's just banter, you're a sex-haver but a fine sex-haver.
Could happen to anyone!
The incel uprising is coming.
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>fine sex-haver.
Thanks fren, we all make mistakes and I'm glad to see your disposition on the matter.
I'm an incel community ally though and I won't get hanged when the day comes.
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I don't know why it feels like r9k is just a nuclear landwaste of a board, similarly to /b/. Sometimes /gif/ has cool or funny content, and sometimes I browse /soc/ to see if I find anyone who could be a good friend or maybe even grow into something else. Haven't had much luck there though.
Thank you. And if I could tell you something, don't give third or second chances. Just trust your gut instinct and say "Y'know? I don't need this type of energy in my life, unless their presence really benefited me somehow, I don't want this". In my case I do sadly have to interact with my grandma cause I want a job, but I will put the limits once she gets toxic again.
It's a miracle she got an answer at all.
I guess I can understand your view because "Oh people aren't incels if they can attract ANYONE as their partner!", like- Obviously, you CAN attract very desperate and horrible people, but that's not good at all. Women can't be "incels" because "There's always going to be one dude wanting even the most horrible woman", but that implies that there'll be horrible, abusive, toxic, schizo, red-flag covered dudes trying to get with the lady.
Being an incel is kind of a choice or maybe a side effect of having a certain standard and not being able to meet it, and that's fine. Misery loves company after all.
>I used to play tennis for years in my late childhood and as a teenager; after that, I only play like once or twice a year, so I'm kinda used to racket sports.
If you have that background the technical part of padel will be easy for you, but you will have more troubles to adjust to the tactical part, because it's completely different (no topspin, no winners from the back, you have to take the net to win the point with volleys, you often don't need to hit hard but soft with lots of backspin, lobs is one of the most relevant shots and so on)
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Also, completely unrelated to the thread, but- Why the fuck are there so many children's movies about retro/millenial nostalgic games or TV series coming out? Like Sonic, Mario, thE FUCKING MINECRAFT MOVIe, what's going on?
media world in charge of having brand new ideas
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why is 99% of good anime made between 1990-2010? is this true in your country?
>I don't know why it feels like r9k is just a nuclear landwaste of a board, similarly to /b/.

>Sometimes /gif/ has cool or funny content
I used to look at rekt threads on /gif/ just out of curiosity, where people post gore. But I don't anymore.
Frieren is good tho
Teacher told me i look do not do me justice (i look better in person)

What does that mean anons?
So your photos don't do you justice
Maybe your pics are just shit, bad angles/lighting or w/e
That's made by a boomer, lots of good things are still being made but when you get old you don't enjoy things as much.
Good God I hate New Age music or whatever the fuck it is called.
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Fixed the net issue, by removing the plug from the modem and connecting it again. Fucking magic I tell you.
I'm shit in music so i typed new age on google and it showed me enya and vangelis doe?
>Teacher told me i look do not do me justice (i look better in person)
Pictures do not do me justice*
Fucking messed up again with the translator

>Maybe your pics are just shit, bad angles/lighting or w/e
Don't know, in pictures i look retarded and with weird faces, but it's not the first time i've been told this, that i look better in person
I guess Enya could count. I'm referring to stuff like Enigma.
You know what's good though? New rave. At least I thought it was good, a long time ago.

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Maybe you look better in person than in photos? I feel like it might apply to me too. I like when I take my photos, but when someone else does it, I feel I look horrible lol.
dubba dubs and ass
>Maybe you look better in person than in photos? I feel like it might apply to me too. I like when I take my photos, but when someone else does it, I feel I look horrible lol.
We suffer anon, we suffer
I listened to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4maoo4A3x4
yeah it's weird, but not horrible
lmaoing at the monk part thoughbeit
Preferable, but I prefer new wave (of British Heavy Metal).
It annoys me. I'll stick to some good Gregorian instead.
I look bad in person and worse in photos
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mega super same my friend, someday we'll mog niggas, but for now, we gotta mog our self-hatred
I never understood what new wave, new age and those "new" genres are supposed to be
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Playing Black Mesa (an Half-Life remake). This game has very pretty environments, especially on Xen.
I've never really listened to Iron Maiden, sounds good

Speaking of British heavy metal, I think Paranoid by Black Sabbath is a good album
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>I've never really listened to Iron Maiden, sounds good
Tell me what you were doing during the 1980s right now.
I was consumed by the realm of non-existence
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A persuasive counterpoint. I will take it into consideration when passing judgement.
I just chatted with an old Englishman and he was very nice and friendly, he told me about his trips in Italy and his life in Worthing
Are you Anglophiliac in your country?
I am slowly becoming an anglophile yes, catnigga taught me that anglos can be human sometimes
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no, I'm imune to their treachery
Today's training.
Pull ups 3x8 with bodyweight.

Didn't want to train a lot because of my shoulder, it's feeling better but it still needs to recover.
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Another day of NEETdom.
Are you afraid of losing strenght because of the shoulder?
I think I will recover before it has any meaningful negative impact.
congratulations on the numbers
Formerly : >>203048363

Rate my drawing (the last one).
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Slammed 150 grams of protein from only milk products today (10 g from milk, 50 g from yoghurt drink, 30 g from quark, 25 g from skyr, 35 g from fried cheese).
I heckin' love cows desu.
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I hope you listened to him and trusted everything he said.
How was his Italian? Was his accent weak and easy to understand?
>I heckin' love cows desu.
t. responsible of veal being separated from its mother
Carnivore scum
I spoke with him in English of course, I've yet to meet a Brit able to speak decent Italian
PETA niggas really do be like
>Cows have so much milk that their udder become swollen and it causes them pain. Female cows suck each other's udders so as to relieve the pain
>NOOOOO you can't take milk from the cow, that's not natural. she HAS to suffer!!!!!
I recommend them.
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Holy shit...
Now that is next level suffering.
I'm Mancheganon
I've played like 4 times very isolatedly. I have the feeling that I'd become good if I played with consistency, but who knows.
Every man with oneitis should watch this movie.
This is literally a PSA for men not to throw their lives away by obsessing over the idealized version of a woman instead of loving her for who she really is.
Maybe I should listen to some more Iron Maiden songs to be honest

I suppose I have to be, since I'm English

Come on Joao we're not that bad
Yesterday in a shopping center i saw a black kind of walking after a girl and finally getting her attention, it seems she did not know him so i guess he was flirting? mental how they seemingly give 0 fuck

Would never have guessed that movie was about that kek
I kind of like wasted years, the trooper and fear of the dark, but that's pretty much all i know from them fr fr
Maltanon, rate my choices?
Mental how one of the few white players in the real madrid has broke his knee and will be replaced with a negro (Alexander Arnold)
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Yeah they don't give a fuck and that's maybe why it works. Meanwhile, Timmys who didn't even cold approach in the first place fear to talk to women because of rape culture. The ones responsible keep at it like nothing ever happened.
>Would never have guessed that movie was about that
kek tell me about it. I mean it's what I took from it, also that sometimes it's important to let things go.
Visually, there a lot of red and green in the movie and it's exceptional. These colors are really striking, I'm sad it's not used more often and only Lynch really kept up with warm, original colors like that.
Deserved for being a VARdridista
Solid, even if very entry level.
I'm not anything anymore, how is the italian league nowadays? Is the milan still doing shenanigans?
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Putin better watch out.
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>tfw the only stuff i'm a bit knowledgeable are stuff like anthem, military marches and shit like that
Nothing wrong with that.
Playing through Baldur's Gate 1 rn
Is he the guy who loves the EU and NATO?
You can't talk about this with normgroids though, so I just don't talk about music, and usually say I listen to kind of everything
Cool, he sounds based to me
>Mr Fehlinger-Jahn epitomises European statesmanship.
>Most prominently, though, he shitposts.
Juve and Inter are going strong as expected, Napoli is also going really well under Conte, which is honestly surprising after last year's terrible season (it helps that they bought Lukaku, McTominay, Buongiorno)
Milan is a dead man walking, they think they are fine but they'll fall into the mediocrity they deserve soon enough
>You can't talk about this with normgroids though
Fuck them.
>usually say I listen to kind of everything
Why do so many people say this kek. It make me roll my eyes.
NATO's strongest soldier.
>Why do so many people say this kek. It make me roll my eyes.
It's to dodge further questions
sometimes add except rap (i mean the retarded brown garbage in general)
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Are you ready to discuss the autistic music genres you enjoy with people? I don't even do that with my friends
I just mention one or two genres and stop there.
No, why would I.
Not really feeling it today bros
Still at the start and it's already pure unadultered slasher gore kino
You can absolutely though, it's all about how you present it.
The weirdest I showed of my music taste to normies was stuff like
and they just found it funny and told me I'm a cooky guy
>Still at the start and it's already pure unadultered slasher gore kino
I thought you were a millennial? Why can't you watch a film without posting in 4chan in between?
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hang in there
It's buffering, so I pause and come here while it's loading. Do I need to justify why I wipe my ass standing up too?
Bardo Thos-Grol, huh?
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Watched the first 2 series of Mr Inbetween, it's nice but from the comments i expected unsurpassable kino, which it isn't, still good
>Do I need to justify why I wipe my ass standing up too?
I do it in a dynamic position between sitting and standing up, way, way better.
Maybe I should stand up though, maybe that's the secret of sex havers, who knows.
>when you're in public toilets and the locker doesn't work so you wipe while holding the handle
Just fart as loud as possible so people notice the toilet is occupied

Asserting dominance i think it's called
I always piss loudly in the water to alert everyone of my presence
I wouldn't shit in a place i can't close tho
I actually do the dynamic position too now that I think about it. It depends on texture and if we're early in the process or late.
Our adaptability is a great skill fren.
Why do you feel bad btw?
I didn't post >>203114986 if you are talking about that.
But I don't feel great because my shoulder hurts and I'm unemployed.
You're tall so you could just stretch your legs so your feet stick out of the door.
Both are very temporary situations that will get better with time hopefully.
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>shitting in a public toilet
Insanity beckons.
How are you liking it until now?
By public I mean like restaurant or museum or work
Not the atrocious toilets in the streets, don't want ass cancer
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Just finished the first act of cyberpunk. Things are getting pretty interesting.
Anyways, good night sweethearts.
I didn't like the game, not interested in a cyberpunk alternative world, but the setting is good i have to admit
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You could have chosen to let the thread die, yet you brought it back from the brink of death.

Daring. Bold. Defiant.
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The question is, why didn’t you?
Yet futile. Sleepy time is fast approaching and comes for us all. Anon is merely delaying the inevitable with his stubborn defiance of board norms
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And here I come to revive it a bit more. By playing sovl music.
A 20 year old will watch 3 of these kusoge and think he's above twitter shonentards
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/med/izens are sleepy and are about to settle down for the night, I didn't want to interrupt their bedtime routines by bumping the thread with activity.
Bravery and foolishness are lovers who skip hand-in-hand.
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652 KB GIF
Say I love you girl, but I'm out of time
Say I'm there for you but I'm out of time
Say that I care for you, but I'm out of time
Say I'm too late to make you mine, out of time
Hello Spanish people,
How can I get my NIE?

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