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Daphne Moon edition
rape the fucking disabled
the montreal poojob
lmao glad i removed my canada filter to read this
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sterilise gay men
my life is already over
still on your melty adam?
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the motion in the ocean
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*judo throws your grandad into oncoming traffic*
What is?
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are you the perfect candidate?
I'm on the rainbow bridge
sexing a poo
theyre not reproducing though
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going to the bahamas tomrrow
this monstrosity gets to have sex and i don't?
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God is with Russia
been neet for 4 years so I'm going to go with "no"
what is this hippie girl doing?
absolutely mental how the combination of basically any two races becomes latino
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The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.
get the disabled niggers raped
>decide to leave my incelwalk to after it gets dark
>it starts raining

it's over
don't like the weather in the UK at all
posting on 4chan is unironically a good hobby
>teaches you to be witty and socially sharp
>socialising from the comfort of your bed
wanking is exercise
kay tee eye em
why is he cosplaying as the google street view car
That's not true, you exist
so true
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so its come to this
Sunday evening on /brit/
4chan has massively informed my sense of humour
Take the fucking piss
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It's simple. We, uh, rape the Joker.
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Raked that leaf
agreed but too much of anything is unhealthy
My gym? Tor browser
My pub? /brit/
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wat nou?
i miss 4channel
anyone have the pic with her feet
incel walk in the rain at night seems fitting.
all seeing eye
like the pyramid on the dollar bill
god I pray she is trans
claspberg on watchenstein keeps going loosenwitz and falling off my wristblatt
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haha alright. you've had your fun. time for an apology now
no, fojf
/brit/ is kind of an outlier in terms of humour from the rest of 4chan though
some elements leak in but there is a stark difference from /brit/ humour to the rest of 4chan humour in general
i dont entirely disagree
however consequence free, zero-stakes social interaction is extremely addicting to a certain personality type and can be crippling over time
you're right it does
might don the beanie to look even more like an incel
Lads, I'm struggling with what to do with regards to my job.

I'm trying to summon the courage to message my boss at my previous job to see if I could go back to my last company. However, I'm struggling to compose the message.

I hate my current job, the environment, the lack of clarity from my manager. But I'm afraid if I go back to my last job, it will be humiliating.
don't reply if you don't have nothing to say, brain dead cunt
On the beer
bust out chat gpt
ugly blokes
there is another option: get a different job somewhere else
you're as bad as sacked tranny fuck off, shite gimmick
My degree isn't very useful. I worked my way up in my previous company but I'm probably institutionalised and can't work elsewhere.
another day another seething jf
relapsed on the femboy OFs addiction
have to show my bank statements to bankberg for mortgage application this week. mrs is going to kill me
hmmm i'm having career trouble.. aha! i know i will petition a bunch of jobless NEET incels freaks on the internet
shy geeky amateur on diversity training
i wouldn't return mate. i returned to my old job and as punishment for leaving they subjected me to a 7 day long humiliation ritual

except /brit/ is filled with employers though
/brit/ might as well be a slack channel filled with hiring managers
I'm a NEET incel freak on the internet
I'm struggling with who asked
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open the fucking pubs
lad at the gym keep propositioning me for a "bent over shartwell row" and I don't see the humour to be honest
I accept your concession
mrs (male)
>7 day long humiliation ritual
What was it?
i wish!
mental how easy it is being a woman in this country. Just need to rock up to the pub, pick out the first reasonable looking bloke, shack up with him, get pregnant and you're set for life.
Save me, O God,
for the waters have come up to my neck.
2 I sink in the miry depths,
where there is no foothold.
I have come into the deep waters;
the floods engulf me.
3 I am worn out calling for help;
my throat is parched.
My eyes fail,
looking for my God.
4 Those who hate me without reason
outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
what I did not steal.
made him wear a dress to the office
Post-pussy politics
changes day to day innit
probably this atm though
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hes got a really gross mutilated dick and grim arshole
why do we as a society keep people like this alive
they raped him
Normies watched Ricky Gervais host the Golden Globes and decided overnight to stop caring about all the celebrities they used to love during the Obama years
Wish i had joined the military when i was like 18-20

25 now, it’s elderly to them, would be rejected on the spot on the fact alone. Will never get to experience that adventurous life.
you will die a terrible, terrible death
Probably working a job, dossing bastard
you can see the depression in her eyes. thinking about what her life has become lol
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Is chatgpt free and do you need to an account to use it?
it's mad because once you do notice, you really can't stop seeing them everywhere in the media space
can do the same as a man unless you're a smelly incel
can't wait
I dunno lad but maybe ask your doctor?
here's hoping
>Will never get to experience that adventurous life.
even though I doubt there's very much adventure in it. I agree with you
French Foreign Legion

Do it pussy

Reply to me with some excuses
had to become the office rent boy for a week
Same tbqh
Didn't know Sweden had an army
why don't you go an find out, poindexter?
it's completely free and you don't need an account
which means they are probably harvesting all your data
get them in

get them housed

get them in television adverts
never says she is actually having sex. she's just upset that people assume she doesn't
it sucks man, you aren't missing anything good
everyone in the military is miserable and regrets their decision to sign up
you zoomers think it'll be a fun little Call of Duty adventure, let me tell you, it's NOT
covered in mosquito bites
Toilstein called at 18:30
Told me to have half the day off tomorrow for the stuff I did this weekend
The little things eh
Cans coming out shortly
/brit/ is moving way too fast this evening
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need an account

You can log in with google, apple or microsoft
>tell my dad i am depressed
>tells me i am worthless and stop being a pussy

i am feeling sad because its close to the day my mom died. I miss her bros
no lets be real
there is 100% some gimp, or several gimps, desperate enough to shag that
wish I became a Navy SEAL
They require you to speak french, and i don’t know french

Maybe i could try volunteering for the US military or something, maybe they’re more lenient because of the volume of people needed
yes, there's superior paid versions though
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Why are you working on the weekend?
do gays do little goldfish poos out the end of their williamsburgs after they've finished bumming?
why is the age limit to join so low. you can be 34 here or some shit
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you can't just go to the fucking website?
Can’t be arsed to wipe the arse
Urgent business requirement
>apply for RAF
>never hear back from them
awesome recruiting system
fat blobby whale
welcome back yakub
getting human beings housed and fed should not be controversial. only on /brit/....
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what about wanked?
It’s outdoors, you get to build camraderie, shoot guns, ride all kinds of vehicles, it seems nice. Rough, but fun.

Beats the 4HL anyway
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>Bro isn't enjoying life
ok fatbody
Military service is much bigger in Sweden than in most of the western world

On the doorstep of Russia after all
>and i don’t know french
learn it? takes 6 months or so
shoving my face in there and having a sniff
Get them eaten with a side of mash
Shit the poo, scran the poo, wipe the poo, God, life's relentless.
Niles is a man of taste
massive intellect
any human being not capable of dong this by themselves shouldn't be kept alive by the government though
>On the doorstep of Russia after all
It's really not
they teach you french. think every 3rd world retard from brazil and nepal arrives speaking perfect french?
van ginkel won it for the vikings!
realised i was finally an adult with a soul when evil shit like this stopped being funny to me.
*it really isn't
You will regret it. Mark my words.
mental how many brown people are on TV nowadays blaming white people for things that happened 200 years ago.

Munya Chawawa's new show on channel4 is just seething at white people nowadays
Think this Jack Doherty zoomer is the distillation of everything bad about that generation
i miss my mom and i wish my dad wasn't a dick it sucks because he constantly tells me how me and my mom ruined his life because of her cancer
How is this inferior to chatgpt?

I don’t what the ”official” number is, but i think that’s more a limit to when you can stay active, not when you can join at the latest

They’re really never letting anyone over the age of 22 through
am hopelessly insomniatic and there's nowt i can do about it other than go to the doctor and ask for sleeping pills only to be told no and leave feeling embarrassed
>bilal yusra
into the trash it goes
Under 200 miles away from the Russian border lad
Little Femboy
Fat Manc
Browns and blacks are all grifters with a racial grudge about everything
In the 1990s-2000s, society was basically moving to be postracial, but browns with ethnic grudges inflamed racial tensions to the point where racial identity is central to their self-conception.
they don't accept retards sorry
how did you find this?
Just turn the telly off. Ask yourself what you are actually getting out of watching it.

The people who write, film and broadcast television shows hate you and, perhaps worse, they don't respect you. They believe you to be a moron.
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>me and my mom ruined his life
>his life
>ME! ME! ME! ME!

what a fucktard your dad
What we thinking lads? Little Sunday nightwalk?
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Through forests, swamps and tundra.
The only reason Swedes care is because Russia defeated them 300 years ago and they've been seething ever since as Germanic Protestants (who are essentiall Jewish) do.
bab should be nestled in your hands by this hour
good man
gen z boss and a mini’s sweaty stinky feet on my face
adolf hitler come back
>giant literal chain necklace
Need something to really wrap my mouth around today
Irish monke
cant british people just get the money for this by suing Italians for the roman occupation

ponzi scheme style
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*eats the thread*
I was in the military. I never met one person who was happy with their decision to join. They all fucking hate their life.
But yeah ok don't listen to me, it'll be like Call of Duty bro, it's fucking sick
but the moneys just going to some random bogtrotters who haven't suffered as a consequence of the famine whatsoever and will just spend it on booze
The English are a very Jewish people really, not surprising that Zionism originated with English Christians.
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>Germanic Protestants (who are essentiall Jewish
Schizo post
Germanic Protestants enacted the most anti-Jewish war in human history
honestly think the education system is to blame for this

its more of a problem in the USA but in both of our countries young black kids are indoctrinated into hating whites, mostly by white people

day in day out the "white people bad" propaganda is banged into their heads. how do you think they are going to feel after that
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So what?
i can't believe this generation has the nerve to make fun of millennials for being cringe
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her face reminds me of someone but not sure who
if you had to choose between your service or being a NEET what would you have chosen
yes the english are very jewish
that's why we kicked the lot of them out of our country
funny story about this
Did you know that Aliester Crowley was raised in the Plymouth Brethren, one of the early Christian Zionist denominations?
Paddy's wife
Nazism was Jewish.
>Zionism originated with English Christians.
no it didn't
Yeah I'll listen to the people who aren't retards who spent 5 years changing oil in the 1488 FAGMAN MOS
The Scofield Bible was funded by the Rothschilds btw
and printed at Oxford University press
yeah lizard queen Elizabeth and gang stalking 5G towers mate yeah
fucking get the oil just stopped
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delete this immediately
got my comfy gay porn kinos on
he went on rants about he could have been doing more things but he was pissed that he couldn't divorce my mom because of the cancer. he also told me he wish he never had kids because he could have done more with his life.
probably best to not let the jews know you live rent free in their heads
>he constantly tells me how me and my mom ruined his life because of her cancer
what the hell is wrong with this freak lmao
And then welcomed them back, and gave support to the zionist movement.
English Protestantism fervently believed in zionism, both on a religious level, but also as a means to carve a loyal region out of the Ottoman Empire.
Why did you fill your telly with lizards?
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Irish diaspora & friends
nice argument retard
suckling a ghost ship
is london paki have a melty about zionists again
who exactly was it that welcomed them back
it wasn't the english people
still think CANZUK is a good idea personally
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anglos are spiritually jewish
Evangelical English protestants such as Lord Shaftesbury and Arthur Balfour were strong proponents of zionism, the former before Herzl.

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Irish diaspora will keep mixing with blacks and there's nothing Anglo-Normans can do about it
stopping oil
mental this conversation
he forgot the part ''' till death do us part ''''

go no contact with him
it is the truth
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mad that
ethics aside, why doesn't he just fucking leave then?
would be so easy shaving with a round chubby gormless face
he is a man baby who told me calls his sister a whore because she said she couldn't help him when she was dealing with her and he tried to hire me a whore once
The English, because Saxons are spiritually, racially and mentally Jewish.
shahar on tour
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Are you Irish diaspora?
created in gods image btw
insert "maybe he should walk some places instead" joke here
are you a boring cunt?

blogging on
And the Irish are spiritually and mentally n*ggers
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the scrandemic
he cares what people think even though no one likes him and he said if he left my mom while she had cancer he couldn't get a job
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from an "israeli officer". definitely verified and verifiable
hate this fucking disinfo war so much
Alarm SET.
Time: 04:30
Bed: IN.
do you expect me to argue a retarded post like that in good faith
saxons are the ones who kicked them out
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Take that as a yes then
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rise and grind, hustler

rise and grind
worse part is he wants me to do the same kind of work he does even though it made him fat and sick. When i woke up this morning he had blood in his urine and he was weezing
wouldn't give it to my dog
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its over
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i've rather have a chat with my dog than you
and my dog is a mong god bless her
Normans did
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israel has killed hundreds of aid workers some of whom are british, yanks, etc and aint no one even gaf
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there were no jews in england before normans
king edward was 100% saxon blood
Karma is coming for him

buckle your belt

good luck
Numberphile obsessed with that -1/12 shite
as are a lot of mathematicians and physicists

I just do not get it lads
It makes no sense whatsoever
And it's not even hard to understand
It's just nonsensical
its strange to me that death grips isn't really that popular anymore. I wonder why
i just feel really sad i honestly want to beat my dad's ass after he was calling my mom a ugly whore
that's a jew and they are a perfect looksmatch
I made that pepper mayo twister with large fries and a sprite for her
Did she take BBC?
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rugby mongs are such mongs
I hate mash, I'll just never fucking get it.
>ooh but you haven't tried MY mash
I've tried everyone's fucking mash, it's ALL shite. And I love basically every other possible way a potato can come.
do it then he sounds like a loser anyways
think it's a bit of a meme for numberphile cos their original -1/12 video was full of inaccuracies
already been discussing this at length in the /brit/ discord
ahahahaha too true x
you're arguing in bad faith, not even going to give you the dignity of refutation
bet you'd like my mash
the one thing that hurts is that i don't feel bad for him he is a awful human being
what's mongy about that? lad just got clattered by his mate. happens a thousand times a day across the country.
The Talented Mr. Mousey
that explains a lot about you
they were out there helping sandn*ggers, so it's probably best they're gone
very cute
they stopped making albums
I share a lot of your sentiments unfortunately
Saxons welcomed the Jews back numerous times.

The English are Jewish.
just know for a fact yer ma never put so much as salt in her mash when you were growing up.
going to hospital the week before your wedding because your fat gay mate rugby tackled you is very mongy
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Irish diaspora family in the UK
whatever helps you feel superior you grandstanding cunt
>who exactly was it that welcomed them back
It was Cromwell lol

No it's not lol. He just got a wee brain knock and then was brought to hospital as a precaution.
i am living with him until i can leave then be on my own
'rish 'pora on the 'each
jews actually settled in the south east on their return to england which was firmly norman territory
Could tell you horror stories about what me and my siblings were fed growing up.
this is accidental proof that you're evil lol
Not PARTICULARLY new this.
honestly don't care if the irish diaspora gimmick was made by a schizo freak it's funny. broken clock is right twice a day as it were
sounds a bit pathetic like some of the posters here
You see non-evil behaviour as "grandstanding"
rope yourself
posting about how morally virtuous you are is pure showmanship yes, you are motivated by the desire to let everyone know how angelic you are for not finding something funny. just egotism really
you have yet again accidentally proven that you're evil. if you see the chastising of evil acts as "grandstanding" then you are, in fact, evil.
>chastising of evil acts
let's not pretend that was your motivation, you could very easily have chastised the people making fun of it without talking about how you're a real person with a soul unlike those evil scumbags
evil, evil cunt you are. proper evil. bet your mum hates you.
she loves me very much actually. i'm a pretty good person overall, if my worst crime is laughing at a silly baby with a big head then i'd say i've done pretty well
you would never do such a thing in front of your mother and this simple fact means you know it's an evil act by an evil being. you are subhuman. you have no soul. you are evil. reply to this post and prove it.
i sense we're not going to reach an agreement here, have a nice evening x

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