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Fascist Coke Snorting edtion
the german tradwives
Rape the disabled and the like
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poo smells
life is completely arsed up
getting raped by a disabled man
hate when a shitty movie comes out and /tv/ pretends its a pleb filter
it's not actually coke it's some sort of vitamin powder gimmick or something
>less than ten posts
Now THIS is a new.
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thats not coke you clueless incel lmao
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I keep hearing people use the word. What is a "fascist" though?
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>The Kremlin Snuffbox cited an anonymous military source
>who said that Russian soldiers were showing
>the North Korean officers how Moscow was
>"preparing for assault operations, for
>defense, how we counter American
>weapons" when they were attacked on training grounds.

>how we counter American weapons
>when they were attacked on training grounds
nobody would snort vitamin powder that's ridiculous
get the big boobie sexy ladies posted
What's the fucking claim then? Fucking hell. We need to shoot journalists in the head if they don't have the answer in the first sentence of the article.
absolutely distraught with this new gimmick of posting the old at the end of the current. It's just not on and needs to stop
funny that he posted this then immediately started sucking trumps cock at every opportunity
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Bedroom? Tidied
Bathroom? Tidied
Upstairs? Hoovered
Dinner? Cooked and scranned
Catbergs? Fed
damn I can't believe the wholesome festival centered around consuming vast amounts of alcohol would have a bunch of degenerate druggies, truly wotan is dead and the west has fallen
and why would you rack up about 10 lines on a table and then just push beer glasses through it all
1.5 hours until Big Brother 2024 launches on ITV2.
Dare we watch what degens they throw in this year?
Sacked? Tranny.
Gives off a wife beater look

dont know why
Do you see how the headline, quote and first part all say exactly the same thing? If you ever actually read an online article (as I have done out of foolishness a couple of times), the ENTIRE article basically reads like this from beginning to end, eventually adding one or two additional points on information and then repeating them in different words too. Reading an online article is like having a fever dream.
that's all timmy culd get
He said "if it had been a little girl that I'd met before she was a teenager and groomed for several years and used my power to get her a job working under me and then started a sexual relationship with her, then people would be saying 'nice one'."

He's still trying to play the homophobia card.
why does he treat politics like a math equation
cry more libtard praise kek
penis? intact
time for a wank lad?
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why do they call him sacked tranny?
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the block head
the forced smile
the shirt
Cause he's a tranny who got sacked. Keep up
clues in the name, mongo
oh no adam is going to spam the thread for the next 6 hours
Big day 2moro
It's just one autistic mong trying to force a shit meme. Everyone else here calls me Employed Woman. I am a woman and I'm employed.
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>Searching for posts that contain ‘Sacked tranny’ and in ‘Gb’. 2325 results found.

>Searching for posts that contain ‘Employed woman’ and in ‘Gb’. 823 results found.
Absolutely love living in a flat, no idea why we are so obsessed with houses here. Why bulld lateral when you could build vertically?
She took Kwame's BBC at The Gherkin
>why do they call him sacked tranny?
Go ask your mum.
need a gf with big tits and a man face
Does she really peg blokes up the arse?
reckon hamas regret their 7th October attack? mugged themselves right off with it lol
how was israel meant to retaliate to 2000 of their people being murdered then. a couple assassinations and call it a day? no thanks
the goblins have arrived
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The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.
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think about mens cocks a lot do you mate?
wow the belgian and sacked tranny showed up at the exact same time
what a wild coincidence
It's not him it's HER. My pronouns are she/her and oнa/eё in Russian
is the mod who just deleted that boobie pic going to do anything about these extremely low quality posts
no not particularly, you do you though
Why does the whole world have to care about the conflict in the Middle East, even though it doesn't concern us whatsoever? I've always found this so confusing.
Don't think they have it in them to regret anything. The virgins and the prospect of dying in a holy war
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You've been done you tranny cunt. Now fuck off.
your pronouns are cock/balls
imagine not having them both filtered.
imagine instead, you remind everyone who has them filtered they exist.
shut the fuck up you moron
you can't ignore reality forever in your little bubble
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ok gayboy
when you getting your willy chopped off lad?
Fucking grim body
most people don't give a shit
wanted to shave my balls but none of my razors could cut the pubes so I dropped it halfway and now there's a giant bald spot on my pubis

what was it lads?
done him
This is so much russia playing both side off each other or at least formenting division
might watch the new xander budnick
His original gimmick was he got sacked from his job for trying to cut his wrists with a box cutter in front of his colleagues. He changed his name when someone pointed out that no tranny would actually call themselves a tranny.
a gay man obsessing over mens cocks
i think people are lying when i look in the mirror i see myself looking like a rat creature or a deformed freak but i am told i am good looking or ok looking
does elton john is gay?
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>American teenagers watch this type of retard
hasn't posted here in months
Sweden fought a war against Russia and got heemed.
she's a trannard if you didn't know
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fuck off adam
got huge teat-like nipples, should really lose weight
she'd get it
right up the bumhole
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who the fuck is Adam now? I swear you fucking cunts just dream up names and pretend they've been a /brit/ personality for years.
going on a walk to a tram stop and then walking back x
shut the fuck up adam
Adam used to date Clarissa
thinking about japanese milfs
need a reverse bully gf

>I swear you fucking cunts just dream up names and pretend they've been a /brit/ personality for years.
as far as I'm concerned every single name mentioned on /brit/ is just some schizo seeing imaginary connections in his head
last time i went to a therapist i thought they were trying to say i was trans because i have facial and body dysmorphia
he has a irish name
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I used to do a ton of cocaine and now my sinuses are fucked and I developed allergies to everything and had to have a balloon sinuplasty.
Where they stick a deflated balloon up your nose and inflate it in you sinuses and you can hear and feel it breaking small bones in your head to open up my sinuses again.
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Looks like sacked tranny
Darren hasn't posted here in a few months lads. what's happening?
Me? Had an epiphany a couple months back that I read years ago that I think it was spainos name is Adam. Dunno who it got attatched to other trip names kek.
goiing to have to filter americans. they're such irritating gimps
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look no further
thinking coffee
snorting coke is fashpilled, faustian and gentile
just a really odd bunch for the most part
would love to go to the pacific northwest sometime mind
bad evading are we?
Can't say how I feel about this video I'm afraid
got dickinson's real deal on
I acted on it
for me it's antiques road trip
>Riemann's Hypothesis has 10 quadrillion (10,000,000,000,000) computational results supporting it yet nobody has proved it since it was postulated 165 years ago

life's greatest mystery
i want a girl who is mean my last girlfriend was hot i didn't mind deleting instagram and not being allowed to look at other women for longer than 5 seconds
no i don't like this at all
horrid cunt
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can you get this cunt rangebanned janny?
can tell you one thing that's not a mystery. the reason you're still a virgin
not really is it
like it's obviously a thing it's just no one's come up with a proof yet
and all of maths is made up anyway so who cares
adam boiling with rage resetting his router every 2 posts
do you enjoy horror films
>he licks the boot for free
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Bernhard Riemann was a devout Christian and he also was able to make huge calculations in his head quickly.
tried reading the wiki page for this and i didnt understand a single thing on it.
he just swaps his VPN over
Remember the swedish antiques road trip host saying something has come that is deemed so valuble that we can't show it on tv.
Merten's Conjecture had a similar number of results in its favour and yet was ultimately proven to be false.

>and all of maths is made up anyway so who cares
chat is this real?
select from where
now give me 50k sql job
greg lansky is so, so based
i finally redownload Instagram my ex didn't allow me to have it because she didn't want mt thinking about different women but since she blocked me i am gonna try and find someone else
Russia are really going ham on Ukraine aren't they
No it's just something that mongs who struggle with anything past their times tables say
can't stand philip serrell
I wouldn't be able to either. it's far too abstract. These YT vids will make you understand though.


Yeah. I went back inside though cos it's raining and I need a shit. I'll walk another time x
rorke thinks he deserves a remote job because he can use linux omds
It is a race to the bottom and who will be taking the hit
touch grass.virg
Job centre at 9:30
yes obviously
a "proof" in maths is just shows it works according to already existing maths that we made up earlier
you ever go to the gym and wish some of the girls will do femdom stuff to you? I am into that stuff but most women arent
>ukraines flag
>yellow and blue
>swedens flag
>yellow and blue

are you worried?
I can do 22 pull-ups
the black judge off strictly would fucking get it
just polished off the last of the 12 subway cookies i got yday morn.
i am a fat fuck.
i am a big, fat fucker.
i ma a fat, fucking fuck.
*hits mysrlf*
3 sets of pull ups
3 sets of dips
3 sets of OHP

all you need for upper body
just burned my bridges with the local taxi company and now noone will come and pick me up for my dentist appointment tomorrow morning
Res Ipsa Loquitur
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Get the migrants fed
Get the migrants washed
Get the migrants medically checked
Get the migrants housed
Get the migrants shagged
Get the migrants paid
would rather top myself than deal with them again
how much is a set?
>3 sets of dips
salsa, sour cream and chive and BBQ for me
what's happened now
hate strictly
hate bgt
hate masked singer

get em all off me telly box
>zero bicep exercises
this doesnt happen anymore
>no tzatziki

Will thinking about you at 10.30 my time on my day off
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alri ol bingo wings you fat neek
still don't really understand why prime numbers are important
my dad found 4chan again
>my step mom tried to delete all my games on my pc
>couldn't guess the password
>calls my dad my dad tells me to delete steam and all games

what the fuck is wrong with this woman
timmys finna be jerking to his product x
Kek what did you spill the beans
Did 4 sets of weighted dips yesterday
also you forgot rows and rear delt isolation, ngmi
stop gaming
get a job
get a gf
put your stepmother in a home
win at life
his art*
fuck up
She is probably playing pretend again, pretending she is another character from a book or a movie she just recently watched and the bright red lipstick isn't even what 24 year old women are wearing. She bought it for when they went to Paris because she thought all women in Paris would have red lips. No, sorry! It just reminds me of Halloween, when I was a young child, putting on my mother's bright tangerine lipstick and dressing up, loving my costume for a few hours while going from house to house, Trick or Treating. It was a costume, pretend. Lipstick and a less childish picture doesn't change her character. After the shot she wipes it off, lets her hair get ratty, lights her crooked candle and types more on her filthy computer. She is still her. These phony poses don't impress me nor do they deceive who she really is (a loser).
vgh... die deutscher maedchen...
still ban evading are we?
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>get a job
been trying for a month
>get a gf
still trying i haven't had one in a year

the rest sound good
favourite beatles song? for me its dont let me down
doing the needful
Not done coke for 18 months now and never going back
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Tomorrow Never Knows is good and it almost sounds like a modern dance beat even though it is 60s rock n roll.
Reminds you off ypur family eh
they are so active rn
reckon my life got a little bit worse today
im going to kill all your horses
you are actively ban evading
cos spurs lost?
wah wah
Paperback Writer
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Luv my pensioners frozen
Luv my migrants pampered
Luv my timmies euthanized
Luv my katies stretched
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Mental how every second is one closer to death
she loves poo, yeah yeah yeah
p.s. I love poo
just done a wank
Theres one by the beatles I never found out the name. Heard it couple times on radio yonkers ago. About summer.
shes that yorkshire farmer with the giant family right? i randomly caught an episode of it on tv.
the husband looks about 20 years older than she is
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as seen from

she left him
trying not to have one today so none of yous better not post anything to get me riled up
Picturing Jordan Peterson in a clown suit telling Netanyahu to give Lebanese civilians hell
spurs lost? corr my life just got a little bit better
>the husband looks about 20 years older than she is
well yeah he is a farm duuuuh
just added belgium to the filter :)
just found an interesting website
KWABen KWABerson
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yeah it's her
she fucked that miserable of git off years ago
never met a woman who wasn't obsessed with horror movies or true crime
Can't be 4 camel kek
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the face of inbreeding
9kids is pretty based tho
All going to kick off tomorrow lads
i must have watched a really old episode then
slow and steady wins the race la
what time?
Relaxing with some alcoholic drinks in my flat in London
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Lass on the left COOOR
this and they fucking love discussing they periods
all nice and well but the cronem are getting their last few activations in x
well la de da mr fancypants
Had a class mate with 14 or so siblings
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All underage btw
Anyone else noticed blacks and browns whining about the jury system a lot these days?
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it looms
i recently learned about a porn site called 9vids so reading your post made me concerned till i hovered over the post you quoted
Gambling on it being an old picture kek
i'm unemployable
After tomorrow, you won’t look at anything the same ever again. Enjoy your sleep tonight, could well be the last restful sleep in a warm bed you ever get to have in your life.
Westminster Voting Intention:

LAB: 30% (=)
CON: 25% (-1)
RFM: 20% (+1)
LDM: 13% (+1)
GRN: 7% (+1)
SNP: 3% (=)

Via @BMGResearch, 2-3 Oct.
Changes w/ 29 Aug.
crusty jugglers
arbeit macht frei
Favourite animal is a jaguar but can't say that or you sound a bit gay so I have to say it's a rhino
Quoting our dads are we lad
they're gonna destroy all our beds
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I'm touching you /brit/
suicide has been on my mind heavy
I have plenty of skills, I’m just lazy and have no drive to work whatsoever lol. I own my own place (inherited from granddad) and don’t spend much so my benefits are more than enough for me to live a great life.
want to cuddle?
Westminster Voting Intention:

LAB: 31% (-4)
CON: 24% (=)
RFM: 20% (+5)
LDM: 11% (-1)
GRN: 8% (+1)
SNP: 3% (=)

Via @OpiniumResearch, 2-4 Oct.
Changes w/ GE2024.
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feel the same honestly
stay chipper
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David Lynch is redpilled.
>RFM: 20% (+1)
Luv your spam x
mine is ducks!
cheer up
reform are a literal, literal, literal, paki controlled party
just walked downstairs
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David Lynch is a fascist.
made a post but it got absorbed into the ether
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do it
bought a big telly to use airplay but the wifi is too crap.so whats the longest hdmi cable i can buy
was it a good post?
is this some weird reverse jewish-conspiracy conspiracy
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He is redpilled because he said in an interview that 9 11 looks like an inside job and also his movies have lots of redpills on the occult
get better wifi
I know mate but the situation is dire and you have to go with the least worst option which at the moment is anyone but a Conservative or Labour MP
my body is disgusting
i look like a goblin
need to sort it out
bit dangerous that
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Might move to primrose hill
did he just hate your mum/dad or something? who are these people inheriting stuff from their grandparents?
The Joker was raped in the sweltering summer of 1983.
that means its be been posted in a random thread on a random board
going back up now haha x
haha rape is hilarious when it happens to men
it would have done numbers
they are out and about
you're not x
Mum was my grandparents only child but they both agreed that I would inherit it in their will as my mum and dad both own their own larger place anyway. Mum inherited the rest of his estate which was worth slightly more than the house anyway.
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Recently on nights out I've been having this weird thing where I forget who I am, where I am etc
It's really weird
Like depersonalization or something
I just become a non-entity. Like walking dead
/pw/ writing the jokah
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never got this meme. some irrelevant wrestler got raped, so fucking what
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blog on
mine looks like a mix of et and a teenage mutant ninja turtle
Funny when it's the disabled
well la di da *spits at you*
there’s no maximum length but its up to the manufacturer to make sure the signal doe not attenuate.
Most affordable option offering the greatest length would be 10 meters
brutally active
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Kevin Nash tore his quad in 2002
Bouldering? Big fan
sounds like my idea of heaven. wish i could have that permanently
though i suppose new blank me would still be in for a serious bout of suicidal depression when he figures out his willy only grows to 4.5 inches LOL
That's me on the 4chan
That's me in the /brit/, thread
Losing my will to live
How old are you
thoughts on test cricket?

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just putting it out there but I would shag J.K.'s dusty old vag even if she had spores in her brain

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