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07 October: 75th anniversary of the GDR edition
rope yourself tranny
Clean it up, Janny
he will leave it up just for yall to seethe
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Why am I seeing so many youtube recommendations about britain going to shit? Is it really that bad there right now?
what's the point of this thread
Yiddish propaganda
any time there's a IDF freak online like noa tishby or eve barlow she's exactly as much of a bitch and as pretty in the same striking unreal genetically modified way as carmen ibanez

future blue eyed mexican woman

how did verhoeven know
hola, senor
you ever heard of clickbait?
Communism works perfectly as long as we have no corrupt officials. Harsh punishment for corruption and we could all live in the perfect utopia
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nth for the gyaldem
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She's all mine chud
You would just be racist towards her
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mental that
Hate that Jewish "Brazilian" zoomer
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how did youtube let her away with this
what's the status on sealand
worked out, walked for 40 minutes, alas it was not enough exercise to make me sleep earlier so I'm fucked for work tomorrow. fucking waste of time
please stop posting slags
still trying to figure that out.
Are you Irish American?
YouTube is down to clown
I wanna give you some good frequencies
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>first day back at toil tomorrow after 2 weeks off
>ate nothing but eat junk food and sat on settee
>tried on my uniform
>can't button my trousers
>very noticeable chest under my polo shirt
Yes and I very much enjoy your posts, good sir.
I'd let her put my penis in her mouth
Any sober lads in? How do l quit getting high and embrace the sober life?
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Why take 2 weeks off just to sit on your arse
Don't have any problems
Otherwise they become apparent and broil in your mind driving you insane
for me it's isabel paige
tracked her down to this family compound ad the road she swims naked in in awfully close to the road. you could probably catch a glimpse if you're near entiat washington
miscalculation at dollar tree
depression, no friends, no family.
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>sat in a coffeeshop earlier today because i was waiting for a train and it was raining
>middleaged man at the table in front of me has his laptop open typing away
>he's typing paragraph upon paragraph into chatgpt
Sign of the times I suppose
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I've Been To Every Office
I'm Never Gonna Stop
Printing, Emails, Meetings
I've Done The Fucking Lot
Powerpoints And Spreadsheets And Hiding In The Loo
I'm A Wageslave Bastard, And It's On The Morrow Too
Toileh Toileh Toily
Toileh Toileh Toily


could tell my gf who is away visiting a mate was upset but couldn't be arsed with it
feels bad
that's home depot
Based and stalkerpilled
Where are her fugly degenerate tatts tho?
no, its just popular to hate britain at the moment
She's sad cause she's cheated on you
screaming at normies who still thinks WW1 actually happened
Generative AI images are the worst thing to ever happen to the internet
Try and convince me otherwise, you can't
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>tfw you don't get the sunday scaries because you genuinely like your job
it hasn't been this bad for this many people since the second world war, I fully expect the next few years to have protests and riots at a scale and frequency that we haven't seen for a very very long time
It was always popular to hate the brits
spamming AI slop should be instaban
nah we've had moments of cool
Is she going to the top level?
Doing a poo
In what way are people having a hard time?
on a date with my brazilian waifu

hannah lee duggan's cottage is also in on back road through the trees near the bottom

awfully isolated if you ran into her there would be no one around for miles
Dire Jewish sket
Find it fascinating that black people could be so interested in White ingenuity regarding engineering and the social hierarchy of monarchies while displaying zero appreciation for any of it
AI is dangerous. I genuinely wonder how long before someone claims in court that the CCTV/footage is AI generated and they get off scot free
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several thousands more like
mmhmm yes
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tfw you dont get the sunday scaries because you dont have a job
screaming in your straitjacket are you
me as soon as l get caught
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katie bribing prison guards to be allowed inside
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unlikely to happen since CCTV is obtained from source by the police, the recording and storage of such footage, especially when criminal cases are involved is heavily regulated and documented
for it to be AI altered would imply corruption on the part of the investigating officers, and to make such a claim in the middle of a court case without any proof would just get you into even more trouble
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Reckon if I were ever in the docks for murder or some other dastardly deed, I'd spend the whole time mocking the grieving family. They won't be able to touch me and I'd have them in tears after just a few hours lmao
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Someone made a version of Lord of the Rings where it's backwoods rednecks in the Louisiana swamps. Gandalf and Saruman are old hillbillies with long white beards.
I usually don't like AI slop but it was kind of funny desu.
No boyfriend?
No...she doesn't have nasty tatts so there would be no psychological torment of her broken mind thinking she deserves it
Christ what a fucking boring cunt you are
dont boo me im right
you'd just get locked up for contempt of court, and you'd stay there until you personally apologised to the judge and the family
Christ what a fucking boring cunt you are
Why don't they send prisoners out to sea?
Not like they could escape.
Hell if they ever wanted to commit suicide they could just jump in the water
oh what would you rather i spammed AI bbc cuck fetish slop? fucking brainless dickhead
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we did.
>I genuinely wonder how long before someone claims in court that the CCTV/footage is AI generated and they get off scot free
bound to happen eventually, in fact I'm surprised it hasn't yet.
justed watched a youtube video on Tengrism l am now an expert ama
her actual house is an hour away

she's poly and slowly building a community of bfs around her so you'll need to fight them off like scott pilgrim
on this week's episode of The Dark Side Of /brit/
housing is a complete joke and is now legitimately unattainable for a very large portion of the population, wages are pitiful and haven't grown in almost two decades, we're lagging behind america and the continent in just about every regard, our highstreets are derelict, crime has pretty much been legalised, the current government have been engaging in blatant corruption and bribery, the previous government also dealt very heavily in blatant corruption and bribery, our electricity prices are more than double what they are on the continent, our economic growth is entirely driven by house prices - in real terms we're getting poorer each year, 50% of the government budget is sliding straight into the pockets of pensioners and all our public services are absolutely FUCKED, immigration and illegal immigration continues to be a problem which Westminster refuse to solve, foreign leaders continue to run political circles around ours, Brexit was a total failure - not because it was inherently a bad idea but because Westminster have walked back pretty much all of their promises and Brexit was never really delivered in a material way, wealth and income inequality has got significantly worse since the pandemic, and all of this is getting worse each year.

tldr; corrupt politicians and infinite immigration is making us poor
Fucking done them
haha nice
what's the solution then
You need to be sectioned
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Well she definitely deserves it now
vote reform and get the browns out
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if it's hip, it's here
Sticking Bladee on
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>go to train station on a Saturday night
>see all the pretty women all dressed up in nice revealing outfits
>start taking pictures of them for nefarious activities later
>"eww are you taking pictures of me you little creep?!"
>"umm no, I was actually taking a picture of this class 158 train currently approaching the platform"
>get away with it
Another reason why trains are amazing.
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wish Xochitl Gomez spit directly down my throat
mmhmm nun u cud do x
get the cronem in x
Reforms to our political system which holds our politicians accountable, net zero immigration, removing the red-tape which has stifled investment since the 60s, putting a tight leash on landlords, and ditching the triple-lock pension bullshit.

If you want to get really wacky I reckon a Georgism tax policy would be tremendously helpful.
*pulls out the gun I was hiding in my leather jacket and shoots you in the head killing you instantly then stealing your phone finds out the whereabouts of your loved ones and goes to rape and murder them then laughs at your grandparents and friends in court as I'm whisked away to a life of 3 meals a day, warm bed and access to a library and gym*
Still pooing
No idea why someone from the third world would immigrate to Britain
>rainy cloudy skies all year that will make me mentally ill and vitamin d deficient? and a slave job where I prepare or deliver food? and its overcrowded with ugly xenophobic people?? Sign me up!
poo smells
for some bizarre fucking reason our government decides to home them, feed them and put them on benefits
Just explained my "Rape the disabled" gimmick to the bird.
She didn't see the humour in it.
the read
big brother looks shit this year
sometimes I genuinely wonder if I should commit some heinous crimes and get locked away for life.
>3 meals a day
>access to a library
>access to a gym
>healthcare whenever I need it
>never have to pay another bill in my life
Seems much easier than my current life.
>the red-tape which has stifled investment since the 60s
always did
are you my kid brother haha
leftypol lives in a fantasy land of his own making
a world of spooks and boogeyman that have to exist otherwise his world will fall apart
Apparently our economy is like 7th in the world l have no idea how we dont make anything or produce anything
any cronems or katys in it?
you really sure you should be ban evading, cloggers? after all, this site is your entire life x
rorke lives in a nightmare land of someone elses making
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>l have no idea how we dont make anything or produce anything
we did then this bitch came along
big finance in london
people don't want to pay premium for quality british made products, or even european made for that matter
they'd rather get cheap disposable shit made by borderline-slaves in despotic countries
and they'd rather order it online from amazon rather than leave their smelly bedrooms
right but that was 40 years ago
The government is always throwing up bureaucratic nonsense which makes doing anything in his country an expensive and time consuming process. There are countless examples of this.

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dont understand uk economic policy at all
one of leftypols favourite boogeymen
a mainstay of his arsenal
blame everything on a simplistic bad person rather than do any actual thinking
it takes a lot of time and effort to re-industrialise, lad. No reason for us too anyway when we can just import it all

pretty sure 95 percent of that is just a bunch of bleeping 1's and 0's in a bank or stock exchange in London

the other 5 percent is tescos
good OP
Ge Ramsey on a mad one. Proper kino

name one benefit of privatisation.
>premium for quality british made products
the reason why we lost our industry while germany kept theirs, beyond maggie thatcher gutting everything, was because British goods were absolutely ABYSMAL quality by the 1970s and 80s. The British car industry, once the envy of the world, got to the point that there products were so unfathomably shit that there was really no where for these industries to go but under the ground.
Yes, but she established a consensus that nobody else has dared to oppose other than say, Corbyn.
can't be arsed with a commiemong melty tonight.
alright then big brain lad what are the results of your thinking
If we had done privatisation like Japan did then maybe our trains wouldn't be so shit
>The British car industry, once the envy of the world
the alternative:
>air that causes chronic health issues if you breathe it
>water that causes you to shit your pants
>food that causes you to shit your pants
>surrounded by people constantly that want to rob you

also this. the only gibs they get from third world governments is bags of rice

>cheap disposable shit made by borderline-slaves in despotic countries
yea that sounds about right where can I buy it

if I could get actual slave-produced chinese shit I would prefer it actually. maybe a few cents cheaper
The Swedish map game industry, still the envy of the world
if we had anywhere near the economy of Japan back in the day we'd still be a world power.
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Japan's GDP is down 19% since 2020
US's GDP is up 35%
even the UK's GDP is up 30%
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uh oh! you're still here - but not to fret! the incel board is that way! >>>/r9k/
>Japan's GDP is down 19% since 2020
what went wrong?
>even the UK's GDP is up 30%
this is truly astounding to me
Japan seems to be doing fairly well compared to the UK yet their GDP is worse off
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No it's simply because capitalists prefer to extract money without investing via financialisation
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Alri la pick it up at Shamrock Rovers
€9 (£7.50)
2 battered sausage curry sauce LG xx
You've got nothing to post about. Stop posting.
19% of tranime fans ACK-ed themselves - and so Japan's economy has been in stagnation since no-ones buying their gore manga or watching their nonce cartoons
if your dad was a doctor and your mum a teacher would that make you middle class in the UK?

im watching a documentary about a posh magazine and one of the staffers at the magazines called himself middle class with that background
Smelly incel spamming his smelly incel gimmicks at the dead of night
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broken Britain
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she is probably playing pretend again, pretending she is another character from a book or a movie she just recently watched and the bright red lipstick isn't even what 24 year old women are wearing. She bought it for when they went to Paris because she thought all women in Paris would have red lips. No, sorry! It just reminds me of Halloween, when I was a young child, putting on my mother's bright tangerine lipstick and dressing up, loving my costume for a few hours while going from house to house, Trick or Treating. It was a costume, pretend. Lipstick and a less childish picture doesn't change her character. After the shot she wipes it off, lets her hair get ratty, lights her crooked candle and types more on her filthy computer. She is still her. These phony poses don't impress me nor do they deceive who she really is.
is it good to be middle class
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You're lucky you're in an anime-free safespace, chud!
give it to a black man
he'll score
class is dependant on your income
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why are you here then?
clinging stubbornly to an ideology is a sign of very low intelligence
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Kek got me there, even had to make a cheeky google search under the covers.
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Oh, lovely, the 4,697,395th Ruby routine video, a.k.a. 'Ruby had some sponsor/ad deadlines and so crammed a pointless video full of them, while desperately pretending she's very busy with lots of nebulous, unexplained "WAAHRRK"'.

Take a shot anytime she says she "JANUINELY" or "HONNASTLEEE" does, thinks or feels something that's clearly a lie.

Ruby pretends she works a 9 to 5 job without giving any details. After getting home from this "WAAAHRK" which she JANUINELY DOES, HONNASTLEE, she claims that every day as part of her post-work routine, she somehow has enough time before sunset to:
Get changed into a new outfit.
"Decomprass" and read a book.
Go on a long walk.
Unpack and wash (ha!) her waaahrk stuff.
Pack her bag again.
Do "a copple of hours of YEESHYOOB WAAHRK".
Cook a "syeep" (or "soup", to people without embarrassing fake accents) from scratch.
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corr now thats what i call scran
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can't wrap my head around this lads
gossip_guy on a mad one
food for real men not for girls or puffs
Fucking bitch.
in theory, but never in practice. what planet do you live on?
What your earings had the same colour on the night out
Yes for the doctor alone, they're insufferable tarqs
I dont stay in general threads too often anymore because you get monitored by schizo regulars and you end up becoming one of them overtime if you try to work against them
Right its that time of night where i leave the thread to the autistics starting their 8 hour shift posting the same posts theyve made for the last year
£800pcm for a houseshare here
take the piss
Honestly horrific to think what must have happened to the child hostages after a year
If they're even still alive
i work around that by being as ambiguous as possible
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This was filmed on Monday 16th September:

That's the same Monday from her recent "Weekly Vlog" wherein she was slobbing around the house all day and claimed it was her "DASIGNATED STODDY DAY" and she JANUINELY did lots of waaaahrk on her imaginary curriculum (i.e. leafing through old lecture handouts and pretending she did something worthwhile):

In this video, she claims she JANUINELY worked a 9-5 on that Monday. Whoops.

Another Ruby video, another lazy collection of ads, lies and unbelievable staged nonsense.
Just seen something similar comin down the stairs
I live on planet earth. why would you ask such a ridiculous question?
nice and drunk me
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She needs something more to do in her life than just a walk. If your sister doesn't want to go, your mom has gone 2 times that day as did your dog. MAYBE it's time for something else?

As someone who loves Minestrone Soup, that soup looked horrible.

She's trying so hard to act and be young but her face certainly isn't showing it with some of these close-up shots of her smiling.

She failed that transition before and after showering. There's a tiny little bit where you see the camera move and her look around before it cuts to her at the sink filling her bottle.
We need to get Ruby doing porn
I'm thinking StrapLez
no one said you have to work against them
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goodnight /brit/

actually dont know why im saying goodnight when i only made two posts
It is spelled autistic in your case
still bizarre how people go to an /int/ board just to post in threads where everyone is from the same country
vindictive proof that multiculturalism doesnt work even on an imageboard
listening to TECHNO
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A new photo of Blakeney everytime she opens her phone set as her lockscreen...I don't even know what to comment on that. There's so much to say.

I just hope that regardless of the nature of their relationship or Ruby's feelings that it's mutual and Blakeney also has a similar set up on her phone for Ruby too, cause otherwise I can't imagine anybody being comfortable with that.
and then you have Spainfreak who plays dollhouse with his VPNs on top of shit like >>203121199
who cares
mental how the fag threads have flags from a bunch of different nations in them
makes one think
That's the goal
l think Ruby is cute and l'd lick her cunt while she talked about books
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Having pictures of Blakeney as her phone screensaver is beyond bizarre. I would freak out if anyone was staring at photos of me on a regular basis and putting it right out front, and announcing it. That isn't love. That is obsession and yes, reeks of stalker-like infatuation. I keep very general pics as my screensaver. Flowers, trees, something seasonal. My photo roll is private and I am not going to put any of it on display for others to see, not to mention advertise it on Social Media. That is just downright scary. Every time I think Ruby can't act stranger, she does. Even if they both are somehow romantically involved with each other, it just shows the level of immaturity Ruby is at with relationships, that she has lean to this kind of behaviour, something a young teen would do over someone like Taylor Swift or a favourite actor. So freaking creepy.
might apply for a job as a "diversity, equality and inclusion manager"
>Fish and chips: NHS bosses want chippy to sell fruit and veg

sir fruit vegger
shut up you absolute freak
are you jewish diaspora?
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no clue but theyve had like 30 years of no growth
uk by comparison has had only 20 years of no growth
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reckon Ruby has a massive dark blonde bush? I do
Wait so this Ruby girl is a lesbian?
Anyone see the new Big Brother
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Get ID cards for British citizens in pronto. Only allow NHS access if you have said card.

There I just stopped illegal refugees crippling the NHS. Get me in the hot seat Sir Keir.
Fell asleep in my car and got woken up by paramedics because someone thought I was dead :(
dont care
fuck off
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4chan putting porn ads right on the front page
hiro selling passes at a discount to encourage people to buy
Can't be a good sign for this site
I wonder if he's trying to increase revenue to make it more attractive for a potential sale
airdrop ruby into the middle of uddar pradesh with no money no documents and no belongings
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I'd never really agreed with the 'Ruby is lesbian' speculation, but this reminds me of how I used to have crushes on other girls/actresses as a child. Girl...
Finished series 1 of Assassination Classroom. Very good series. Good, varied cast of characters and great humour.

Might watch Vinland Saga and THEN start the second series of Assassination Classroom.
simply give the ID cards to newly arrived british citizens? nice "plan" there rorke
Absolutely love the word diaspora
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Ruby and Blakeney were sharing a bed on their trip to that hotel
At 18:11, you can see that the sofa bed is clearly unused, while the regular bed has been slept in on both sides.

They had two double size beds, and chose not to use one of them.
being at home all day is boring as fuck. Nothing else to do though
Assassinate yourself.
how on earth do people find these images, fuck me
ok thanks for the update x
Thanks for the rec EW I'll check it out. Posts like this make /brit/ worth it for me. It's why I keep coming back.
Damning evidence
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make them apply for it. Make them take tests, make sure they speak the language, make sure they can contribute to society. After that then they can get access to benefits and the NHS.
which one is the man?
There are two types of seismic waves. Body waves and surface waves.

Body waves can be further divided into two subcategories. These are P-waves which are the first to be detected on a seismometer and S-waves which follow P-waves.

Surface waves are the slowest but the most destructive of all the seismic waves.
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In her stories she also pans to blakeney on their picnic as the lyrics say, ‘the first time that you kissed me’. I wonder if she chose that part of the song on purpose
Blakeney, gods what a stupid name.
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thought this was asmongold from the thumbnail
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>Searching for posts that contain ‘Sacked tranny’ and in ‘Gb’. 2325 results found.

>Searching for posts that contain ‘Employed woman’ and in ‘Gb’. 823 results found.
alright mate just popping in to say l hope you kill yourself
>Jonathan Miller
>Miller grew up in St John's Wood, London, in a well-connected Jewish family.
they just went through a biblical fckng boat voyage and you want them to sit down and take a test??

no, get them an id card as soon as they step off the boat I say, and a hot meal and housing
my god this is the first time i've seen her admire someone over 11 years old
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You're welcome. I'd recommend Assassination Classroom to anyone as it incorporates a rage of genres and themes.
why do you keep posting your gcse science notes
fuck off you weird autist freak
a seismic wave is what happens when you enter a swimming pool
release the sausages
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if they knew all that waited for them before they were entitled to benefits and the NHS in this country, they wouldn't take a perilous boat journey.
'ate me life, meself
Considering a few jars tomorrow evening.
dutch courage before jumping off a bridge
jars of cyanide I hope
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Not feeling very Seaside today dee lads. It not right
east germany was a shithole but this song is a banger ngl
if you lads ignored the gimmick it wouldn't exist.
don't think I've ever got a good nights sleep on a sunday
simply not possible
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can't really be working class if your dad was a doctor. you could be working class if dad was a teacher though.
fuck it l'm going for an incel walk
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I just got back from a little countryside getaway in Dinder, a village just outside Bath, and these two days were a pocket of magic. My best friend and I stayed in a tiny air b&b on the outskirts of the village and spent two days going on drizzly walks, drinking hot green tea and crafting to Tom Rosenthal. We read in woodlands surrounded by stinging nettles, and ran through fields with knee-high grass. It was perfectly lovely
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Happy 75th anniversary of the German Democratic Republic!
hope a african rapes you
whats the football match?
genuinely unironically love walking at this time of night. Even better if the weather is poor. not a rapelad thing. I just love how quiet it is. no one to judge me. I'll usually stay out for a few hours, great exercise, helps me lose weight
Right. Postman. Think I'll be going to sleep shortly.
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>a african
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any pint man in
Been dead for decades. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
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aff tae bed
a good shag is what he needs
Death to the GDR, death to the USSR.

USSR died, USSR is dead, USSR will remain dead.

Unironic lovers USSR are vermin
2015 was so good bros but I didn't make the most of it at the time. I want to go back... I want to go back...
gimmick beer for the gormless
VERY based
He's a nonce btw.
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Rorke's mum
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NAFO arrived
the poster or the man he's posting?
what if every single one of them aces the test
any fat gay retard man in
then they contribute to society and pay tax. Got no problem with that
The man. He's a proven nonce.
only 2 are me
but then you find out they paid someone to take the test for them...
Remembering that time I was once sleeping in my parents bed with them when my dad started shagging my mum prone bone. I remember turning away and closing my eyes as tightly as I could to pretend to sleep while my mum patted my back, whispering it was ok as the slapping sound of my mum's chubby cheeks echoed throughout the room
sounds like a horrible 18th birthday lad sorry to hear that
it sounds like she pegged you too. she didnt?
phone screen is in pieces
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>A woman who “dehumanised and degraded” her partner has avoided jail.
Sarah Rigby subjected her former partner to months of cruel and dehumanising behaviour.
>Rigby stopped the victim from showering or using the toilet. She also made him sleep on the floor with all the windows open, controlled what he ate, forced him to pay for private treatments and made him pretend to be unwell to get prescriptions to fuel her codeine habit.
>On one occasion she threw him out of the house in his underwear and refused to allow him back in.
>Rigby even told the victim “I need to get pregnant this month. If I don’t I’ll dump you.”
2007 was 17 years ago
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Doesn't just win through luck, but literally by not doing a single thing. No attacking, no defending, no moving, no dodging, no input of any kind whatsoever... and they still win.
Anyone care to verify this?
why are you still here then
you bastards better start posting, I have a good new lined up and I can't be risking jannies rather by posting it early
China will absorb Britain in 2065
*does the scorpion GET OVER HERE on you*
*gives you a hug*
i dont drink very much
but i had a 350ml bottle of wiskey tonight
i dunno if thats a lot or what but im a little drunk
a mealy mouthed reply
remember that terrible song?
Why are women impervious to jail time?
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how does it go?
duh nuh nuh nuh
duh nuh nuh nuh
duh DAH duh duh nuh nuh
reckon we should do what we can to avoid war
commiemong won't move to china because he can't claim bennies like he can here
thats enough to get you a little drunk yeah
blud what
based post

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