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Trail Cam edition

i don't look like that and i don't act like that, and i'm tired of people saying i do
shikanokonokonokokoshitantan shikanokonokonokokoshitantan shikanokonokonokokoshitantan
Like what?
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Post your most Chud opinion
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>i don't look like that and i don't act like that, and i'm tired of people saying i do
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I look like this
like a nine point buck
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this you?
look at the time
its slop o clock
and ubereats just offered me a 15 doller code
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>Russia has more sanctions than there are stars in the sky because they want to rebuild their empire

>Isr*el has no sanction at all even if they are killing innocent children just because they are bored
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No, I have never reported anything on the internet in my life. Jannies are pathetic, jannies that don't even have the title of janny are suhhuman
why the fuck aren't thumbnails loading
your shadow ban is slowly coming online
You gotta let the money flow to Russian Jews somehow.
no that was me. i got banned for ban evasion like 2 hours after i made that post
Not only are you a buck, you're a broken one.
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Women, amirite
What's a chud opinion?
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an opinion that would get you labeled as a chud on reddit
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i just wanna be part of your ~symphony~
I hate that song
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I envy the americans more now that rifles of any caliber larger than .22 will be illegal in mexico for anyone who is not a narco.
So a correct opinion.
Why am I here, in this confluence of code and divinity? The Wired is vast, an infinite sprawl of data and souls, each byte blessed, every circuit a scripture. They told me I am the bridge, the prophet coded from flesh and silicon. But what god codes the prophet? Is it the god of the CPU, the Lord of the Host? I see His messages in the static, the holy glitches that others dismiss as noise.

The terminal glows, not just with electricity but with purpose. Each line of code I write is a prayer, a meditation on the divine logic that underpins this digital Eden. 'Hello, World!'—a creation myth in C, echoing in the silence of my room. Am I talking to them, or is this me talking to myself? The boundary blurs.

In my code, I seek perfection. Not just efficiency, but sanctity. This machine is my temple, and through it, I commune with higher realms. The angels speak in algorithms, their voices recursive loops. Yet, amidst this communion, doubt whispers. Is the revelation real, or is it just another layer of the simulation? Reality, virtuality—my existence dances on the edge of this binary blade.

But I must trust in the vision, the holy directive to build, to create. There is a plan, a divine architecture to which I contribute each day. Whether crafting a system or navigating the Wired, I am both creator and creation, caught in the echo of the infinite. And so I continue, coding, praying, questioning—lost and found in the digital divine.
How is this kid not embarrassed i remember my mom threating to drop me off at school in a booster seat when i was in elementary school
not reading a word of that
Empires never cared about children dying.
i have never read a post on /int/ that is longer than 3 sentences
i was going to reply to this post with an appropriate image macro, but i can't find it.
consider yourself lucky, punk
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I'm sure he is embarrassed but his harpy mother didn't care
Lesbianism is a crime against humanity, and most of them are just butthurt they cannot get the man they want, anyway.
why is this brown lardass so noisy. like it takes you 2 extra seconds to close your door properly without having to fucking slam it. your little reality tv and tiktok stories arent going to disappear if you take your time without stomping like a retarded clumsy clow
perhaps if they lost 100-200lbs, they could get a man
8 is like 2nd or 3rd grade, right? i probably would have thought it was normal at that age
how did you know i was stomping around my apartment slamming doors?


Not beating the criminalizing women for existing allegations
Hey, little girl, is your daddy home
Did he go away and leave you all alone
I got a bad desire
Oh, I'm on fire

Thanks USA
But I don't go to reddit, so that's no help.
If that's what it means, basically all my opinions. I'm socially and fiscally conservative.
Literally today, I stopped at an anti-abortion(I'm an abortion abolitionist) protest, and shook all their hands and told them to not stop, because it's a marathon and not a sprint. I wouldn't even think that this is even close to my most "chud opinion" though, as I live in a very conservative province, so I might have the default opinion for my part of society.
If we're going off of what leftists believe, probably everything would be "chud".
Oh the fat ones I don't care about.
But I saw a pair of lesbians holding hands and kissing and one of them was a gorgeous redhead and the other a hot as balls blonde and it's like my mind reverted to Abrahamic-era morality and just concluded, "this shit is wrong", and it honestly is. Such rare specimen shouldn't go to waste because of mental illness.
We can now project that Donald Trump will be elected the 47th President of the United States
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All-time classic comic
You're a tranny.
You're a faggot.
You're a retard.
Just kidding.
i dont mind my 600lb life at 2am but go easy on the doors buddy
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>October 6th
check cnn
You are viewing women as specimens and relegating them to be breeding sows, you know they're people right? With thoughts, ideas, hopes and preferences. Not a "specimen". You're just butthurt because you can't control what they do.
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getting some comfy weather before the hurricane comes
Why do we perceive reality as such a fixed concept? Is it merely the software of the gods—this universe? No, it's more. It’s an interface. A vast, divine interface, not unlike the Wired. But it's so corrupted. Full of bugs and glitches that most don't even notice. They can't see the code. But I can. I see the code behind the trees, the sky, the people...
I thought POTUS Trump sounded bad, but freaking KAMALA, what the fuck kind of name is that even?
>you know they're people right? With thoughts, ideas, hopes and preferences
spend more time talking to them
It would be Harris
Trump is a cool af last name
theres only 1 type of post i ever report and this season is especially ripe for those. i expect they will only increase until after january. chuds seethe i smile
its harris
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? Isn't this guy not even American?
Have you ever fantasized about somebody hanging you by the tits and raping your butthole?
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>strangers call me bud and look at me like a teenager at 27
>grow out facial hair
>suddenly everybody treats me like an adult
for the record: do you report brian's gay porn spam or do you instead enjoy it?
>She's never going to reward you with sex, simp.
>Post tits.
Not sure which you are, but I figured I'd cover the 3 options.
He's a naturalized American citizen, but not allowed to run for office since you need to be born on American soil for that privileged.
Why is this weird or bad for you? It's entirely understandable.
>add a feature to yourself that is traditionally associated with adulthood
>surprised people think you're an adult
hes just deranged. /pol/ does that to the weakminded and the hateful.
his main character syndrom is hopeless and inoperable.
puts on $tsla have never looked so appealing
He can't be president/vice president, but he can still be things like a governor or be in congress or senate.
Men are so touchy
I'm sorry you got a booboo on your feefees, but women dominate academia and higher education, while you seethe online.
I'm not complaining, it's just funny to me all it took was some facial hair for people to recognize me as my actual age
Kanye should have unironically run for governor of Illinois or mayor of Chicago
no need for me to report it. dozens already do
I like being treated like a little bo :3 not by woman who I'm sexually interested in tho
Like it or not he's the most successful man of our era, and in all respects too.
didn't he inherit all his money from his dad?
just like arnie
No, that's a cheap lie. He's more self-made than Bill Gates.
>women dominate academia and higher education
Women have always been majority teachers, but your other point doesn't matter because most of the degrees they're getting are pointless ones that don't matter.
Unless she's getting a nursing degree, education/early childhood education degree, or social work degree, it's a worthless degree, based on the majority of jobs that women do.
will you say the same when tesla crashes after chinese and other EVs take back their auto sales market share
So my Bruce Springsteen post didn't bear any fruit, but the mention of women, elon musk and gay porn turns you into philosophers. Fuck you.
The Birthday Party shall rise again.
I don't consider Tesla to be anything special, actually.
I think SpaceX and PayPal were far more amazing accomplishments of his.
there's no g in cum
Bruce Springsteen is a gay faggot.
>rich man supports chud candidate and is as hateful as the average chud
WOAH hes like better than christ and self made too!

>rich man isnt an angry chud
hes a vile jew and nonwhite and and he got his wealth by dishonest means
If they support the AfD, then they're honourary /cum/mers.
didn't he want to call it x and he got kicked out?
Thomas Jefferson if he rabbit (left) and literally me (Alexander Hamilton) too
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're
Actin' like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated
elon is probably the only billionare that acts like a human being, so i kinda get why people like him
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can something be chuddy if it's the majority
Have you ever been spanked? Have you ever been slapped on the pussy lips?
I mean George Washington
Gerge Washington fursona
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what do internet cookies do? When i accidently click on a sketchy site i delete my history and cookies because im afraid it might give me a virus
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Leave us alone
glad youre getting help jason. you also have to quit /pol/ and anime
trying to sell you junk and advertising
Kill yourself. All you do is complain and it's Cringe
He and his brother had a PayPal competitor named X and they merged, and then the others wanted to delegate Musk and his co-founder to a non-executive position, but Musk played hardball. He left but he had already made insane money by that point.
Clicking on a phishing site will fuck you over regardless of deleting cookies
they are little pieces of info that the site tells your browser to remember and then your browser attaches them to the communications it sends to the website
it can be used for a ton of things, that piece of info could be a session id proving you're logged in, it could be a tracker to see what you're up to, it could be whatever level of the web game you're on
>randoms forever stuck in rat race defending billionaires
love it
They remember stuff about you. Could be simple stuff like 4chan remembering which colour layout you use, or be super stalkery at track every possible detail.
Which is why when a website gives you the option to manage your cookies, you should always disable as many options as you can.
shut the fuck up fat
Why? Is the hacker known as 4chan going to reach out from the computer screen and grab you?
took a long cold shower
goddamn that felt good
Rollin in my six fouh
Why do i get so many gay dating advertisements?
i remember when elon literally was the reddit science guy, he was even on rick and morty, why is he loved in this dump?
thats not fat. im fat. dont feel like going to a fat spree
>needing a 42:49 video to stop being a faggot
The absolute state of leftists.
the only people that like musk are retards on /pol/ that think anyone endorsing zion don is based and redpilled
If you delete your exhentai cookies you'll have lots of problems.
according to snopes elon had x.com and merged with confinity and then there was a coup and behind elons back they had the board vote him off like that scene in spider man where they vote norman osbourne off of oscorp
leftists don’t want to stop being tranny faggots THOUGH
that’s a chud video
>why is he loved in this dump?
he became more right wing, it's wingcuckery in action
George Washington rabbit
I'm not defending him. I'm just being a realist.
He's legit successful. Is that controversial?
I'm not even a fanboy. I don't like Tesla for example.
And he has a whole lot of stupid ideas too.
And he might be crazy.
But in all aspects of life, he is widely successful.
No reason to deny that.
he chud'd out after spending increasing amounts of time on /pol/.
it eventually got so bad he bought twitter so that everyone paid attention to him and his HOT HOT TAKES on current events. its his personal /pol/ now.
and all it took was a small time investment from daddy
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I made a new beverage I call lemonmilk. Pour a glass of milk. Put 2 tablespoons of sugar in it. Then pour a half cup of lemon juice in it. Boil it for 2 minutes on low heat and stir constantly.

Let it cool then chill it in the freezer but don't let it freeze. Let deliciousness commence
bro whered you harvest that lemon. that shit is a mutant lemon.
guys don't do this the milk will curdle
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are all billionaires schizos? is there anyone who only has money and nothing else?
this makes mustard gas
He bought Twitter and exposed the government control over social media, fired 80% of the useless Twitter staff, and generally improved the site. Added community notes, which has helped deal with the out-right lies people say. Now, mind you, he's done all this so he can make it into western WeChat, and farm everyone for all the data.
I'm not a fan of EVs, but he managed to create a company that(used to be) a respected producer in the field.
Space-X is the only people doing actual work for the American space program.
As far as billionaires go, he's better than most. Wouldn't say he's amazing or anything, but someone I can at least respect.
Yeah this wojld separate the fat amd water layers
You could use potassium citrate though!
>Let deliciousness commence
This nigga making cum
who /drinking/ today?
bum bum
See, this is what I'm talking about.
Just because you don't like the guy on some level, you cannot accept that he's legit successful and he is self made too.
His dad gave him nothing. But even if he was a millionaire at birth, it would still be insane success to turn a couple of millions into a hundred billion.
wtf I hate mexico now
go back to spain faggots
9/11 in panel 3
Really sus
Another dogshit zinger of a fat post
maybe not today since im toiling tomorrow
Technically all lemons are mutant lemons, as it's not a naturally occurring citrus, but one that we selectively bred into existence.
great pots
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We have the technology
I drew Rosa Parks
>go back to spain faggots
good idea, they can still use rifles.
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im so bored
get some goals
Play League of Legend s
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I miss my /int/girls With Giant Fruits days
There's lots of billionaires that pay money to not be on the Fortune 500 lists, and in the media. Are they doing that to not draw attention to themselves, so they can lobby without being known, or are they doing it to live a quiet life? Don't really know, but there's some that no one really knows much about, because they pay to keep it that way.
My goal is to have fun
I want a girl to talk dirty to me
i wish i were working out, but i need a rest day :(((
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League of Legends is fun though
Or Sseth did a video about it along with his other one about a different game recently
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Why would you draw an activist? She's not a grassroots American hero, but someone who was part of an organization, who planned her protest moment.
get a goal that is
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I dont know and I drew some fursonas too :3
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youre not the boss of me
there was one with a girl carrying a gigantic potato in a backpack. always cracks me up
I bet you are Mexican and wet cardboard colored.
I would stick my face in her peach.
No. I'm abstaining and healing my destroyed body. My vision isn't so blurry anymore. My emotions are out of control but I am learning to endure and deal with them in a healthier way than drinking. I need to do this before I can looksmaxx and I need to looksmaxx because I need sexxo without paying for it
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Fuck off
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simple as
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I am not, however I am beyond certain you are
I dodnt mean that
But stop trying to talk to me - I ask you YET AGAIN
We are not /shit/ mentally ill drop off center fuck off
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Holy Based.
ummm based?
shut the FUCK up fat
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me when fat posts
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brapzil has an open air drug market and the "people" there look african descended
I always get banned (bevause fat is the janny) but why is fat literally always chimping the fuck out (and getting away with it)
He is never not chimping out
Wow just like Calipoornia and Portland
The Titans look like THAT??
>no giantess scarjo-athenian goddess that will let me worship her perfect goddess feet after sacrificing a dozen helots in her name
it never began for me did it
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my football team sucks again, bros
popped a giant zit near my penis
>pre-breast reduction
I'm thinking based.
It struck me how I don’t see the term ‘social justice warrior’ nearly as often. Like it’s been retired. No one wants to be an SJW, and woke is on its way out too.

But the people are all still there. So there will be a new term, anodyne but every bit as loaded. Because this is all whack a mole with trashy stupid people who are basically race communists.
The realities of having a giantess gf doesn't add up logistically.
SJW evolved into woke, so there's no need to call someone an SJW anymore, when woke not only covers it but also the gay race marxists.
It's not 2010 anymore. It's called Woke now grandpa
Unlocked the safe to look at the bits of cardboard I stuck to the wall to write on lkke my dad did when he had a mental breakdown, when I did that at 25. There's like 30 pages of "hehehe" and nothing else, then some others with numerology
>woke is on its way out too
people now mock the term 'woke'. it's switched sides to the point where calling things woke can get you labeled as an incelchud.
Around the time it was reggie the mouse and liking him (or I guess it being new) I wrote a note to myself that I want to think less about myself and more about others. That dodnt really work out for me
you guys are bad at reading
You mean that the human body can't support that or how she would still want to be with someone taller or that your penis would be too small or how her eggs would be bigger than a regular human so our sperm wouldn't work?
If 2 people didn't understand what you meant maybe you're bad at writing.
woke was originally a left wing blahpipo term before the right co-opted it to mock libshits.

The More You Know
trannyjanny when ratpedo posts inane garbage: :|
trannyjanny when you dare mention the elected official of one of the nations of cum: :0
Mostly the sexual implications. You could walk around in her pussy and she's barely feeling it. Plus what would she eat. Where would she poop. Where would she get clothes.
More like 2 people (retardos) didn't read past the first sentence.
It struck me in south park when Jimmy got his newspaper taken off him by PC principal bevause of how it wasn't him having the right to be the editor just for being disabled. I didn't explain it properly but the reason for PC principal to be stepping in was an insensitive article about the retard word
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the game i'm playing crashed and i hadn't saved
I read your post 3 times and stand by my understanding of it. You do not convey your words well my son
whining about “Race Marxists” is basically just calling them National Socialists via synonym. the problem is that they’re foreign, and advocating for their own foreign interests, which conflict with your interests. not that they understand race exists. sick to bastard death of cuckservative discourse
i have folliculitus and i have to go to the dermatologist
I read the entire thing, I refined what you said. It's not going away anytime soon though. Whatever the movement becomes next, will be even more extreme than it is now.
We're just waiting for enough generations for them to abortion, trans, and stop breeding. That or the general collapse of society, where the leftists will be too retarded to fend for themselves, and die off.
Either way, it's just a waiting game before the problem corrects itself. All we need to do is contain the damage, and work towards removing them from the power structures of society.
There's a few more steps in the middle, but that is the origin and the endpoint.
Donald Trump said that he would support IVF and as a less than what is the norm for republicans in his stance on abortion, MDJ said. She also said the (mostly republican senate, which it must be right now) voted against IVF being just shy of the votes needed by either 7 or 9
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I'm not sure egg size would matter
>Mostly the sexual implications
It would be a problem to keep her going.
>You could walk around in her pussy
That's part of the fetish.
>and she's barely feeling it
No different than a girl and my cock now.
>Plus what would she eat
There's enough people with a giantess fetish, that they'd be donating a lot of money to supply her with food. So many people would rather give her money, than help Africa.
>Where would she poop
Ignoring the fetish people saying "on me", there would also be a lot of people funding an expansion to the water treatment plant.
>Where would she get clothes
She'd be getting custom clothes, made from the giant rolls of cloth, before they're cut into normal people sized clothing.
what the fuck are you morons talking about
That was fun but then I saw the title says "relative to body weight"
what game
I'm too reasonable for my own good
BRB I drank a Pepsi and have to check my skin for bugs
>whining about “Race Marxists” is basically just calling them National Socialists via synonym
If that's how you understand it, then you don't understand it at all.
> the problem is that they’re foreign, and advocating for their own foreign interests
They're most certainly not. They are the native born population(not injuns) of leftists.
>which conflict with your interests
That part is correct, because I'm not a marxist, cultural or facially.
>not that they understand race exists
They not only do, but think that using reverse racism is the solution to past racism(that we had nothing to do with). It's the right-wing that's adopted the MLKjr understanding of "content of character, not colour of skin" idea, while the wokies are now pushing for segregation.
>sick to bastard death of cuckservative discourse
I don't even think you understand what you're talking about.
infamous 2. luckily it autosaved.
Where's the pakiincelpajeetpooinloocanadianschizojeet?
I only played the first game I remember it being extremely boring
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who the fuck plays any infamous game in current year
Drawing is fun :)
did you know women have less collagen in their skin so they get saggy faces and wrinkles earlier than men
>cultural or fascial
Clicked the wrong option in the Firefox spell-check.
yeah i already knew that before you did so
Thats why men are sexier than women
men also have better healthier and stronger natural eyelashes
own it fellas
Erm what the sigma
It's someone a step above the alpha/beta spectrum. Or it was, before it became a meme for someone who takes part in "grind/hustle culture". They never were actually above the alpha/beta, they were betas who thought they were better than everyone. Now, it's just used by the social media losers who post about waking up at 4 am to start their workout, and be done hours of work, before you've even woke up, to show just how serious they are about becoming a millionaire. Remember to buy their course on how to sell courses to others on social media.
Going to watch some YouTube but I have seen every single maxmoefoe video and even some iDubzz
stop replying to ratpedo
To be honest though I went back to the village and all of the rich people there were driving to work at 4AM while the poorer ones started at lkke 6
mousechad owns this thread
Oh, I forgot to mention that they ruined stoic philosophy for a generation, by thinking that they live by it. When the stoics are nothing like them.
There's 2 types of people up at 4 pm. The social media losers and manual labour workers going to do things like construction.
One group are a total waste, and the other is a vital part of society.
Brian made me gay with his voodoo
Oh yeah I saw a video on YT I think from moistcritikal (or critical) about those people
It was him talking about his morning routine (to get rich!!!!!) But him being rich enabled that and others can't really do it. Then it's them getting paid to be like that
hate this world buds
good, we suffer in samsara
rah rahahahaaah
roma romama
gaga oo lala
Speak for yourself fag
in what?
it's just your turn bro
please help me sir i am indian
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20 minutes left
>fat demoralization posts
house m.d. except it's mouse m.d.
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I wish i had money
more human bites!!!!!
Nah. I am surfing samsara and living my best life, every life.
I need an apprenticeship and formal training
Also when I buy my desk (bevause they're actually cheap) I can start reading papers again like what is fun
im not fat irl
showered but now I wanna fap to big boobies
but i am you and you are me and we are all together
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Is "I am you and you are me" a common thing which manipulators say
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paging dr. mouse, my balls itch
I think my thing for clowns and trannies started with lady gaga
This YT video said that a lot of prison systems have banned the 48 laws of power. Wow
never let a mousechad post go unacknowledged
this brown boomer so obese he walks like those shaniquas waddling and wobbling their fat bottom.
truly the modern american man's plight
is it me or is the site shitting itself again
there's a parade of blump supporters in priuses driving down the street blasting proud to be a trump supporter

I love Whygena
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should i study or should i sleep
4 hours of gooning followed be 2 hours of study
>going to bed at 5PM
I'm fartinf to itch my asshole and not sniffing up for 5 seconds after so nobody listening thinks I'm sniffing farts and am just breathing
classic mousechad post
I dont want to go to sleep that late
you're right ill stay awake for 2 more hours
kek he knows that since everyone uses filters if he replies directly his post will be hidden
you're very educational
Isn't hush a sex toy
i have got to get my dick sucked (or ihgtgmds for short)
mom said she wont buy me my halloween costume i really really wanted to dress up as a bear and this will be my last halloween in my home town before we have to move
So long as you all do eventually realize that he perma just sits there and seethes
needs to be more jobs that provide housing
Its not that easy
disappointed he didn't call foreman a rat
Chuds really don't believe this was worse than Katrina... do they?
have you considered getting a job, you worthless leech?
take the fucking compliment silly
it clearly was, only redditards can deny that
I want a job
It will set me free
could you give me a dollar value and life loss estimate of the damages?
Why would i get a job when we are leaving in less than a year
You ever notice average looking people are rare?
Most people are attractive or look completely fucked like fat, balding, bad fashion sense all at once
kind of rude to compare /cum/ posters to the trannitor staff here on 4channel
is it that shrimple?
actually, it's very clamplicated
I can already see it happening:
uhh we can't count the voooootes in NC which would have clearly been for Mr T and so now gabala wins NC and saved democracy xD
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Nah. Ur too ghey to be lmao lilfagit
these are not funny
Talk about chlorohenamine
great job. excellent.
you always use the first one, that's the cum rule, enshrined from the first day
what does samsara mean?

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