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'ween edition

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cummies, im drinking covfefe
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There and a half more hours
Why do lesbians pursue women that look like boys?
Also, you can totally see the abusive dynamics here, as to why lesbian relationships are the most abusive. There's always a dominant bully one and a submissive meek one.
you can see how uncomfortable she is look at her wince when she touches her, very creepy
dangerous house pet but good for intruders i suppose
i'm going to do this right now
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The same reason gay men like feminist ne looking dudes.

Homosexuality isn't real, it's just a fucked up fetish. Men want women and women want men. That's how we evolved.
woah there buddy. let's think about what you're asking
>why do lesbians...
What does the word "lesbian" mean?
>lesbian (noun) 1. a woman who is sexually or romantically attracted to other women; a gay woman
let's use this information to rephrase your question.
>why do women...
and there. we can stop. this is an ill-posed question!
there is no reason behind anything women do.
i'm glad we could come together and have this learning experience.
>lemme tell you about x topic
so called 'rational and reasonable' men when their football team loses
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sexo con mejican bussy
Testosterone built the world, sweetie
Sorry you can't see that. And if the tradeoff is that some woman gets a black eye when her Chad bfs team loses, well, that's fine by me. Choices, amirite
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Up $1700 gambling
Florida posters are you guys alright?
Lemme hold a couple hundred, big dog
i like her bangs
Spare a dollar big baller
thinking about going to the barber with that image and telling them to give me the same haircut
Stop doing this pls
so when men are irrational and emotional it's based and cool instead, got it
im okay
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Sure I'll just venmo it to you, or cashapp it. Unless you use another app. Just kidding! Canadians can't use those apps, but I guess I had you going there for a second haha all in good /cum/ fun
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i would hope they would try their best to honor your request instead of just being like 'but you're not a cat'
see >>203154308
it's a bob cut, if they can't do it because the bob cut is on a cat you just filtered a bad barber
motherfuckers are really charging 45 bucks for a t-shirt that is 50% recycled plastic
NOW you're learning!

But seriously, it's not based. But if you choose to be with a man who strikes you, that's a personal choice and if you stay I don't feel sorry for you
do you think recycling is free or cheap?
it unironically suits the shape of her head in the picture it's perfect
wtf why did you douchebags ghost my new
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>'but you're not a cat'
well actually...
Because only a select few faggots are allowed to make new threads
we're not douchebags. dont ever call us that!
You're not a cum flag stop acting like you belong here bitch
based mexican
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>'but you're not a cat'
are you saying most posters in this thread aren't?
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#1 on my duolingo leaderboard for my league
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im hungry
If luck were a real skill, mine would be around -1000.
He's Kind of Fresh
i agree, but it's not always that clear cut, there's always a certain amount of coercion and consequences built into abusive relationships. 'oh you want to leave? you have nowhere to go, and i control all the bank accounts'
i agree that there a bunch of women that stay with complete abusive dirtbags for no reason though, and i don't respect them when they want to yap about how shit their man is, you choose to stay so you get no sympathy from me, even worse when they get mad that you are calling their clearly abusive man shit
hey guys
mine? negative infinity
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hey. sorry for the background noise, my upstairs neighbors are doing it again (1pm on a monday edition)
What language
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i wanted to talk to you about something raul...
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>yfw it's stored as an 8 bit integer so negative breaks the game and gives you a bugged positive luck
Shinmusou Ittou-ryu style is best.
increase your INT stat
Can you fix my computer it won't turn on and I don't know why
Spanish, day 70
hi ronald
Ugh. BORING. Why don't you learn something crazy
>it won't turn on and I don't know why
remember when they added Klingon and Valyrian to DuoLingo before many real-world languages? Lol stupid owl
because I'm a dummy and it pretty easy
washed a bunch of dishes.
Wow, you're really smart. What do I owe ya
those languages are probably more known and interesting than the 6000 tongues spoken on Papua New Guinea
proud of you. how clean are things? i should clean up a bit too
good /cum/ posts, possibly even making the new edition later
*enters the kitchen and eats a spoonful of peanut butter then leaves the dirty spoon in the sink without washing it and leaves*
Adulting tip#1: if you wash a dish after you use it, you will never have to "wash a bunch of dishes"
i did this yesterday and i cleaned a bunch of tarnished silver flatware too it was a good feeling
you are my greatest enemy in this world
Have no problem with foreigners coming here to discuss CUM but all namefaggots need to be gassed
i always do dishes after dinner for this reason, it's just so much easier and it doesn't pile up

Go to Reddit if you want a username
I cannot abide the clutter. The fuck I look like going to watch a movie with a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink. Shits just wrong. Wash dishes as you use them, god dammit.
Yeah I'll donate plasma to buy alcohol
I let the dirty pots and pans sit for a few hours with some soap and water, you know, to soak and loosen up the grease and grime
Yeah, i hate namefags too
Project 2025 is fucking dead
this is the rule in my household that my child will follow i am not a dirty dish household
this is okay sometimes
business idea: liquid dish soap made with cum
yep they all suck
try every time, because i cook twice a day
are we doing the name joke again
This is acceptable when you've cooked something harsh like lasagna or fucking ribs or some shit. That shit ain't coming off right away anyways
My volume on my headphones was really high for some reason and I hit play and I think I just did some permanent damage to my hearing
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i just have very little discipline and if i let dishes "soak" then i won't get to them
i put stuff like this in the dishwasher and hand wash later
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>mfw I saw a black immigrant woman saying all the jeets need to leave Canada
We are approaching a UK level of acknowledgement this country is broken
i wish i had a dishwasher
Fellas, what do you do if you're dishwasher stops working?

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>find an american company with Canadian branches
>apply to the American company
>transfer/offer to work in the branch office
You have to do it that way
who was in the wrong here?
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>Jeets hate blacks
>blacks hate jeets
do you look like that
It's good if all the proper immigrants are getting pissed about the temporary worker / student fiasco. It'll lead to greater awareness of the insane levels of corruption under Trudeau and maybe we will finally purge the parliamentarians and public servants involved in it.
Me gwan da bus, full pack wit Indians, man don't know bout dat ting
no one hates immigrants who are abusing the system more than immigrants who didn't lmao
I was watching a YouTube video set in Canada and this white guy was walking down the street past nothing but Jeets and had to pretend it was normal
hahaha once I got past the middle of this post and I realized he had a jamaican accent I immediately went back to reread the whole post in a jamaican accent good times
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more like this
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>It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat
gonna start on lunch and do some chores and pick up and i might reorganize my bedroom
can you link the video I would like to see
cum con sex con benus
I don't know what it was. I watched it last night when I was drunk
CURRY CLOT FROWNZY INDIAN MAN Y'KNOW? Them jeets smell green! Powerful stinkin' pon de bus!
A suivre, mec
check your YouTube watch history
>It's good if all the proper immigrants are getting pissed about the temporary worker / student fiasco
In the Chink community there is a meme that jeets specifically always figure out how to immigrate somewhere via scamming or loopholes. I would imagine everyone else is the same. I have heard pretty much every major ethnic group here complain about jeets, even ones like Sri Lankans that really make you think
My browser delete browsing history upon exit automatically
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Sri Lankan student immigrant murdered the entire family that was housing him here with a knife including the infants
Imagine getting mistaken for the Rock
>the good immigrants
who is going to tell him?
Yeah I know, they are literally jeets themselves. It just shows you how bad Indians have fucked up their reputation
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India is fucking grim though I cannot blame them for all wanting to get out problem is it's that way because of them
YouTube saves your watch history separately, as long as you're signed in.
>no one hates immigrants who are abusing the system more than immigrants who didn't lmao
>Signing in ever
Anon no!
based nativist
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worked overtime
was told i would receive overtime pay
did not receive overtime pay
if you don't get that money you are a cuck
That’s illegal
>problem is it's that way because of the
SAAR IT WAS THOSE BLODDY BENCHOD BRITISHERS. They stole Kohinoor and 99 trillion dollars from Bharat sir!
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Least Chad bus driver
I'm back feels good
thats illegal and it's time to contact the Department of Labor
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I mean, come ON
Give a guy a friggin break
i've made a machine that goes BIIP when you direct it at a brown pedophile. where Is goshcel? this time we're gonna prove who he really is bros
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when I was younger I thought Bill was ridiculous but now I feel like a lot of anons will be like this in the future
i work for one of those huge ass companies that does all sorts of illegal shit but they're too big to prosecute.
How many mexicans do you have to deal with everyday?
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found this image mildly entertaining
Btfo the fuck out
>in the future
attention all cumgirls: i am making spaghetti for dinner.
did you get it in writing, for example an email of some kind?
if so, mention to your boss that your extra hours didn't go through.
this will either solve the problem, or it will be the beginning of a paper trail you can use to sue your employer for ~$600
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for me, it's boxed mac and cheese.
it's amazing how boring this image is
attention all cumboys: i am making cottage pie for dinner
It's amazing how interesting this image is
One time I got stoned and ate fruit loops with fruit punch instead of milk and it was god damned delicious
women just love pasta in general, bread too
why did you assign a gender to carbs
I woke up this morning nearly pissing myself since I dreamed a world where horses were never invented, so humans were forced to ride VERY tall dogs throughout history lol

Imagine the melancholious charge of Faramir from the Return of the King, except the knights are riding large dogs lmao
That wasn't a dream anon.
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for fun
I could picture this if the dogs looked like Borzhois
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How are native women in your countries?
Im in a mood to make Findians and close circle of earth to end this stimulation.
And they didn't do fuck all about it
I just revealed a very personal, very embarrassing dream to everyone. Let's not rub salt in the wound by adding up stupid Tolkien fantasy creatures to it.
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I just happen to have two twenties and two tens right here in my wallet
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No charge to you, Mr Torrance.
Caffeine pills: IN
Imagine how much more genocidal humans would be if the other human species were still around. We would've nuked ourselves out of existence decades ago.
Get yourself baned in another board and then come back here to complain about jannies saying the n word many times
Just got unbanned on the iphoneberg. Gonna take it easy for a bit
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Just got a pass why am i being asked to solve captcha
no refunds ;^)
Fk still banned, I wonder how hes taking it
likely he speaks in the "Toronto accent" which is forced and extremely retarded mix of Jamaican and Canadian
Yes, all extant humans are members of the same species (homo sapiens sapiens.) There used to be many species of humans, but the rest of them are dead now, something that augurs poorly for humanity's longterm survival.

Next you'll be saying the Jews are trying to trick us into thinking all dogs are members of the same species.

Always loved this.
he used to seethe but now he's like 41 so I would assume he's more mellow
you're tiresome and boring
hey guys
tired of this shit
What, France?
yeah, those people will fit right in here in America
t. current administration
Unable to discern what this is supposed to mean
Mr bean looking ahh nigga
I wish South America and Canada would invade the USA already and take back their land and freedom and long lost heritage.
it seems in arab countries being an incel is a mark of shame, unlike in the west where its the norm but still frowned upon
want coffee but it is too late in the day
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Nothing i do is right. Nothing i think is right. Nothing is right in this world. Everything is ugly and covered in filth. All i feel is anger and hatred in my soul
Real normie hours
Where the zoomers feeling nostalgia for last week's tik tok trend at?
You're a real wisenheimer, you know that?
i am so productive and my home is almost clean i just need to clean the windows and dust and then im done
gen z has nostalgia for fucking big chungus
yeah its from 2017 which was 7 years ago but still
Fuck you want, a butonniere?
Made a bad post and I have to wait until time passes so people stop responding
it even saved history based on your ip
He should start making better posts then
Sometimes I eat over the sink so I don't have to use a plate
so fucking pissed.
What happened
I do this with pre shredded cheese when I eat it straight from the bag
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>big chungus was 7 years ago
Did the janners ban like half the board? Why's this shit so DED
expect a rise 1 week before and after the us elections
This election is gonna be so entertaining!
Specially if the orange ma loses.
It'd be really fucked up if they did a ban spree just a day or 2 before the election
Because the ban lasts 3 days and it would make it so they can't /cum/ post during all the hijinks
back from walmart
shart on the mart
american on holiday in europe here
they don't even have ranch here
nobody knows what it is
thats crazy
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Sock head confirmed?
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This is me in my new office space
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good afternoon, have a good time, and death to mexico
my SSD died, so I RMA'd it, and it took forever, but they sent me a new one, except it was the wrong model, so I contacted them and said "hey you guys sent me the wrong model" and they said they'd start a new RMA process so I could send it back and get the correct model, but that was a few days ago and I still haven't heard anything. my PC has been unusable this whole time.
Ranch and most salad dressings are just variations of mayonnaise
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>the guerrero attack was a self-assassination attempt by the right wing (probably also sponsored by the gringo government) to put pressure on sheinbaum, tarnish her image (first days as president), make her intensify the military/national security cooperation between washington and mexico.
Well have you made use of this break to foster productive habits
omg nobody cares
Go to /mex/
A local bobs big boy got decapitated
I care
I don't wanna take the bus today
I am not under any obligation to do that. I just want my fucking PC back.
Am I out of janny jail yet?
>even worse when they get mad that you are calling their clearly abusive man shit
I feel like every man has had a defining moment where he tried to rescue a damsel being abused only for her to turn on the guy trying to rescue her. This, along with being cheated on, are probably the most common situations where men open their eyes to the real nature of "cure, innocent, delicate" women
It's called making lemonade out of lemons, my spazzy friend
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buds, im sheepy
Sublime already wrote a song about that called Wrong Way
I don't practice santeria
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White women are angels. I can't fathom how even a 6/10 blue eye blonde mogs a 10/10 latinxa or asian
Why can I shit talk every other race but poking fun at janny’s precious stinkjeets is an instant week
finna poop
MEGA FARTs arent discussed here nearly enough
Damn. Have so dignity.
White foids are gross and smell weird which is why they need to mask their stank with essential oils, scented lotion, a dollop of omega scented conditioner, doucher loaded with perfume, scented “for her” baby wipes, all under a healthy cloud of whatever flowery FOTM perfume all the other foids in her social group are wearing at the time
can't fucking stand humanity anymore.
Shut the FUCK up Jason
What's wrong this time Dr Manhattan
humanity needs to go extinct. i am not even baiting.
Are you watching war footage or got bullied at work or something
Imma need a source for that
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Another day wasted
>humanity needs to go extinct
why are white people like that?
>humanity needs to go extinct
White people when they aren't allowed to shoot up meth and fuck their dog at the public park
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Another day... another... a... *starts drinking seasonal flavored buzzballz*
go back to mexico
Praying for the people of Florida
Dear God
Please send the hurricane directly into Texas
Thank you
Your nigga,
oh that's right I have cousins in Florida, I wonder if they will be killed by the hurricane?
*Throws a nude of your sister behind you and then leaves while you're jerking off to it*
wake up in the mornin feelin like p diddy
We can only hope
This brown beast drives like he's having a fucking stroke. I might not make it back home frens
I wonder why people don't run away when there is a hurricane warning?
are you shitposting while driving?
/cum/ is 90% floridanons and we're too busy skimboarding these gnarly waves
that would be nice actually what flowers were you thinking
rip in piece harambe
shout out to all the v6 charger with hellcat badges and 26" rim americans
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Florida should get pushed by the hurricane into Georgia and make the amalgamated state of Glorgida
i like floriga personally
always has been
Kek no
I feel like having a meltdown i never get anything done in my life
Bruh some company is literally selling angle iron at like three times the material price because it can hold weedwhackers
If you feel your ass, does it feel more like provolone or cottage cheese
maybe prescription drugs will help but idk mang
having a meltdown won't help anything
i know it feels overwhelming like you just want to scream, but you can't fix your whole life tonight
do you have anything you can do to help you relax in the short term? i like taking baths and maybe going for a walk since it's starting to cool off and feel nice outside
I miss the meme where there'd be an image of something weird like peanut butter on a toothbrush, and the caption "you already know what tf goin on"
I'm afraid of prescription drugs 2 of my cousins are on it and they are zombies now
relaxing too much is why i feel this way i procrastinate too much and never get anything done
hawk tuahs friend was way hotter
The waitresses are always hotter than the strippers
i know, but you can't fix your whole life tonight, and you don't make good decisions when you're stressed out fighting off a panic attack. you need to have a bit of mental clarity before you can come to form any actionable plan on how to right the ship. focus on feeling okay first, then you can plan some small steps to take tomorrow
are you kidding? she is obviously the ugly friend
>they are zombies now
like anti depressants right?
I thought the same thing, but my moms friend takes antidepressants and she doesn't seem too zombified, so I might try it. But I also now a guy who had to take something that bipolar people took (I think) and he was a total zombie, but he was fucking nuts too.
I'm pooping right now
she looked better in the video
controversial truth: they're both mid
I'm not having a panic attack im just frustrated with my pathetic life
Yeah one has schizophrenia and the other has adhd and autism
seems so
you said you felt like you wanted to have a meltdown that just kind of sounds like a panic attack
but lets not get lost in the weeds, as soon as you feel able just make a small goal for tomorrow, and it will make you feel better if you accomplish it and you can make that a habit
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Why, man?
ween sucks
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>prime /cum/ hours
>thread from almost 5 hours ago still up
are we all b& again?
you sucks
Yeah the foid is reporting people again
i have kompulsion

neekeri neekeri
i've just been swiping left on every profile on tinder for the past 4 hours.
I know. like 80% of the board is on vacation or something
i was busy
But why those posts in particular
i have vision
To obliterate your MMR?
I'm sorry. I know you guys miss me, but I have been practicing advanced jelqing techniques in seclusion.
how is the your penis
hell yeah brother
cheers from iraq

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