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Nothing is more tedious than battling against stupidity. For before no authority does it admit defeat, by no reason is it convinced. But since stupidity is not equal in (all) men, and their minds are not (all) clouded to the same extent, I see that a few arguments must be brought against them.
I feel I must address a situation following my run to the semi-finals of PC22 today. Footage has emerged of me doing what appears to be a "shart" at the end of one of my matches, It was actually the velcro on my new trainers. I now consider this matter put to bed as don't wish to talk about it again.
why does rapelad pretend to be a rapist?
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been laughing at this for days
This mong pretends to be an ice cream connoisseur when his favourite flavour is chocolate chip.
1. Kyrie
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.

2. Gloria
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Et in terra pax
hominibus bonæ voluntatis.
Laudamus te; benedicimus te;
adoramus te; glorificamus te.
Gratias agimus tibi
propter magnam gloriam tuam.
Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
Deus Pater omnipotens.
Domine Fili unigenite Jesu Christe.
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei,
Filius Patris.
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
miserere nobis.
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
suscipe deprecationem nostram.
Qui sedes ad dextram Patris,
O miserere nobis.
Quoniam tu solus Sanctus,
tu solus Dominus,
tu solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe.
Cum Sancto Spiritu
in gloria Dei Patris.

3. Credo
Credo in unum Deum;
Patrem omnipotentem,
factorem coeli et terrae,
visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
Credo in unum Dominum Jesum Christum,
Filium Dei unigenitum,
Et ex Patre natum ante omnia sæcula.
Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine,
Deum verum de Deo vero,
Genitum non factum,
consubstantialem Patri:
per quem omnia facta sunt.
Qui propter nos homines,
et propter nostram salutem
descendit de coelis.
Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto
ex Maria Virgine: et homo factus est.
Crucifixus etiam pro nobis
sub Pontio Pilato,
passus et sepultus est.
Et resurrexit tertia die
secundum Scripturas.
Et ascendit in coelum:
sedet ad dexteram Patris.
Et iterum venturus est cum gloria,
judicare vivos et mortuos:
cujus regni non erit finis.
Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,
Dominum, et vivificantem:
qui ex Patre Filioque procedit
Qui cum Patre et Filio simul
adoratur et conglorificatur:
qui locutus est per Prophetas.
Credo in unam sanctam
catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam.
Confiteor unum baptisma,
in remissionem peccatorum
Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum
et vitam venturi sæculi.

4. Sanctus
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua
Osanna in excelsis.

5. Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei,
qui tollis peccata mundi,
miserere nobis
Agnus Dei.
Dona nobis pacem.

6. Benedictus
Benedictus qui venit
in nomine Domini
Osanna in excelsis.
Going to start dressing smarter. I’m 30 now. Time to put things into perspective. I can’t wear trainers and trackie bottoms anymore. It’s time to put a little effort in. Shirts. Trousers. Nice shoes. No more polyester and synthetic cheap clothing. Only natural, long lasting materials for me. Wool. Cotton. Linen. Clothes made in the UK, Europe at a push. Yes, they’re more expensive but they’re better quality and last longer. Quality is the key. If my clothing looks robust then I’ll feel and look more confident and respectable and this echoes through every aspect of my life. Time to get a move on. Dark Academia. Watch. Smarten myself up. Clean shaven. Always. If I respect myself, others will respect me. That comes through how you present yourself initially. Time to get a move on. Time to lay off the weed, apps and wanking. Have a shave. Get your haircut. Wash your penis. Stop drinking fizzy drinks. Stop eating junk food. Stop watching porn. Stop spending so much time on the internet. Stop going to bed so late. Read more. Exercise more. Get a green tea in me. A walk. Fresh air. Sun. The gears turning. The muscles pumping. The blood flowing. The computer off. A language learned. A hobby enjoyed. An instrument played. A clue gained. Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.
But.. this is /bril/, not /brit/... wow
it's so confusing sometimes to be a girl.. girl.. girl..
doin a watch
diego your energy is unmatchable
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do these mans ever want to be in power again how are they still fucking up scoring own goals
haha bril
Janny deleted the /brit/ thread and left this up. Actual state of it.
pengrim or greng
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hello, is this the /bril/ thread?
all things will pass, even the conservative party
Oldie needs the £500 for his annual Rolex maintenance
bro got that donald j trump build
mwaaa the french...champagnehasalwasysbeencelebratedforitsexcelence
this is doge
take the piss
no this is patrick
bravo mongo
brown jf wogs out
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>this is doge
I kneel
Rorke rocking dual needlers
Leftypol opting for the noob combo
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big harv
what's so great about it
the spastics posting all at once
made a burner account for Snapchat
Rorke joining Duty
Leftypol joining Freedom
Rasheed joining Monolith
Do you ever put a bit of the soap in your arsehole when you're in the shower.
the fact that some of you have brown skin physically sickens me
so easy for me to get zoomer girls to show me their tits that I have kind of stopped using it, actually tired of using women online now. might move to real life.
ai generate a picture of rupert murdoch rule 34 in the simpsons style
Guts all cramped up
Farts getting stuck
what if you have whitest skin imaginable but brown eyes
Istrcale, istrcale, zagrebacke frajle
she is pure sex
My face when I'm about to rape another tourist
I am of Croatian ancestry and posters called me brown when I posted my hairy cock and balls here :/
i have a separate sponge that i use for ol' dirty shitbox
Might die of alcoholism
Poo 2: The Pooening
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This is what muslims want to eradicate from the earth
Might die of socialism
in 'ere lads


as if the most hated man in the world is a guy called "Benjamin" lol
can always quit
didn't sort my life out today, maybe tomorrow
yh so basically we raping the disabled
Winners don't quit son
janny's on a mad one
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New Irish band
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source pls
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jannies HATE him... click to find out why...
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Two tier policing in action
This lad will never be prosecuted
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Just finished the book I was reading lighting up this tropical flavored dutch master
(8) little body big dick little body big dick it's short king spring (8)
Why are evenings so fucking depressing, I always feel like shit and just want to go to bed.
fuck sake ublock filters not working because the subject is wrong
yes they fucking will you spastic
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Agam Tamam
ktim when nobooze
Literally no evidence that you have ever read a book ever
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Imagine a girl literally choking on your dick
(8) uhhh it's so hot being hot (8)
Remembering someone who kept posting here about the disappearance of Andrew Gosden randomly, was a bit suspicious.
That’s a midge in a costume
re-encoding all my 128kbps mp3s to flac so they sound better
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She died the way she lived, with a dick in her mouth
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The man responsible for defeating Napoleon was not the Duke of Wellington. Credit was only given to him because the real victor, General Dreamh Meagh Buell was Irish. Dreamh led the Household division in a charge against the French centre, winning the day for the allied coalition. He was heard saying "Hah, I'm coming!" (in reference to the Scots breaking in the middle of the Coalition line.) He was later killed near one of the lost artillery batteries, in which a powder charge exploded and took both his legs off. His last words were "I'm bout to blow... I've blown..." as recorded by his trumpeter.
kek yeah mate if there's one thing the police love its letting you off with anti-semitism
Dang that’s a nice house
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>not a second of levchenko footage on BBC
'kin state, I'll watch 100m ahd hurdles heats and be done the olympic footage
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from the poopy to the pee brapentine will be free
kek this is me
Do you change your personality depending on whom you're speaking with?
What’s your secret
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can the police get dna from vomit
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wow you downloaded a file
watching sheer/transparent try on hauls on the 'tube

Might cop some Gestapo officer core glasses
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Alright so far you've been rubbish
Now you can get this girl
instead because I think she would go out with me

Find her and say to her. to go out with me !!
Then I will leave you alone

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I'm not sure about change it but some people bring it out more than others.
mohamed at it again
Stop falling in love with the women in your food review videos ffs can barely even see her
Get the fascist sex tapes on
bent freak
yeah dur cos i have an emotionalintelligence
not gona talk to my mother about girls and getting faded
nor my boss
similarly i'm not gona talk to a girl i'm crushin on the antics
and when im with a new person i dial my personality in so they aren't overwhelmed
i haven't spoken with anyone apart from parents for years
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This is what israelis want to eradicate from the earth
>mother of three getting so shitfaced she passes out on a park bench
Fucking hell
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nth for the holodem
that's poley, mousey
you dont want to fuck poley
i would unironically eat her shit
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the lads
Toby having a Pot Noodle and a wank as he watches this.
least gay brit poster
>its actually real

holy fuck

Only women use the term 'emotional intelligence' as a cope
Kill yourself you sub-90 IQ pedo subhuman manlet
so grim but no one cares
grim grim grim
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more AI slop
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commiemong tier

Appropriate name
kek this isn't me
that's nurses for you
cope on brainlet
Stop victim blaming. My gf sometimes has nights out with the girls while I look after her kids, and sometimes she gets drunk. Don’t we all?
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>raped 'again and again until she died'
here we are then
Why is it not ok for bob, 78, to have a rolex but complain about the cost of living but it's fine for Nile, 24, to parade around with a rolex on his wrist while living in a shithole south london tower block complaining about the cost of living
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clicked this and its shit dont bother lads
Good job
>says the person who thinks knowing what's an appropriate topic makes him 'emotionally intelligent'
dont get it
simply too coo for schoo
finally a quality post on brit and only 2 replies
What's the little blueish state around Glasgow?
got this with no DLC,not played it yet tho. hope the franks sort you out xx
I'm not victim blaming but fucking hell have some self respect.
Is there a Chinese 4chan?
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bloody choon dis
yes that is called emotional intelligence
it is not my fault you do not keep up with science
I tried it when I had gamepass it just a cuckold simulator with some paint-the-map elements
You're on it
imagine lucy thrusting her fat dildo into her box
wonder how many times she came on that thing
relieving the stress of being called a babykiller
putting the vaseline in and around the nose
all nice and well but they are active
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luv em x
part of lceland for some reason
emotional intelligence is pretending you care about palestine to try and get some pussy
why do you post this
I get drunk at beer and ale festivals, she gets drunk with the girls. It’s not often and she’s a good mum
dun worry x
l dont believe you
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Would you people shut the fuck up about this gay war. I don't give a shit. I don't care what side you're on. Fuck off.
based janny, /bril/bros we won

mine? i'm actually paula radcliffe
tell me about the curvature
glowing bright like china's future
/brit/ is LGBTQ+-friendly
We support you going into /fr/ and staying there
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it's s curved x
yanks are so gay lmao
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>NHS worker, 37, died of 'cardiac arrest after being orally raped four times' as she lay unconscious on a park bench, court hears - as jurors weep during CCTV of 'attack'
>Ms Morgan KC claimed Iidow - who appeared in court via a live video link from Belmarsh prison - had orally raped Ms Shotter to such an extent that the 'hyperstimulation of the delicate nerves at the back of her throat' led to cardiac arrest.
>Ms Morgan said Ms Shotter had been drinking and may have inhaled the legal high amyl nitrate - also known as poppers - but insisted these did not cause her death
I like putting my balls up my bum and farting them out
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smashing post dis
Fun little critters aren’t they? Imagine a dull, white, bland shop where everyone shops for their dull, bland, foods in silence. I love living in a vibrant, cosmopolitan, multicultural society
The fans in the crowd copy their victory dances too
I've seen it
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>To control his behaviour, and keep his hormone levels down, zookeepers castrated Santino.
you owe us an explanation
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if it's hip, it's here
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spot on
Fascists go two minutes without rape fantasises challenge(0% completion)
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I've read 15 so far this year. You've maybe read one or two, if that.
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she cute
timmy's crush
source on the girl in the image please
Do you think it's a good idea for a lone woman to let herself get to the point of blacking out on her own? I certainly wouldn't want my wife doing that, that's the sort of thing you do when you're 18, not 37.
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mad how newmongs will scroll past this gimmick thinking it's just a random image and not realise that it's an ancient prehistoric relic that will be studied many centuries from now
have probably read 2 books from cover to cover in my whole life
thank you!!
Boiler Room has just become another Onlyfans for pretend slags
>My gf sometimes has nights out with the girls
>she gets drunk with the girls. It’s not often and she’s a good mum

mmhmm ...
No evidence you've read shit all and even if you did there is no room in your tiny head to retain or process any of the information you're reading
Besides it's all for nothing because you're an unemployed lonely loser pedo freak with no friends who may as well be dead
If you killed yourself the world would only be a better place
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come one mate I've been posting here for only a few weeks and even I know about the 22:04 titchposting ritual
Is this music? Who chooses to listen to this?
cackling at this
I don't need money I have money and I'm educated. I don't slave away for money
Britain thunders out for the dictatorship of the proletariat.
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everyime i come here the cucknadian is seething about more popualr posters than him lmao
it's sex
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my sides
they are activating
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>Santino was shot after escaping his enclosure in December 2022, and later died from his injuries
he was finally free, and they killed him...
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saving this one cheers me matey
still can't believe this thread was allowed
utter madness
You're not educated you pretend to read random irrelevant nonfiction and blog about it here because you don't go outside and have no prospects skills friends or family
You should be imprisoned and executed by the state
*I don't need friends
he was a menace to society
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she's live lad x


'bless xx
Spooky how human they look sometimes
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think I may have ruined my chance with the toilfu by being the only cunt in the meeting to not announce my pronouns during the introductions
we're closely related
cope girls like dangerous guys
Hers are Not/Interested
it comes out red, successful activation...
is it your mum or what?
Done him
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>we're closely related
l'm so bored all the time
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shut up catyank
your parents would be relieved if you died
well not you obviously, you're related to slugs
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these raves are for bent lads aren't they
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Me parents don't believe in evolution either
always so awkward how we all have to be like "I'm William he/him" and "I'm Jessica she/her" all so the one obligatory tranny freak doesn't feel alienated when it says "My name's Sage-Crystal Penelope It/He/Them/Xer"
Like a big game where we all have to tell that it isn't immediately and blatantly obvious what all our genders are.
Still laugh at this epic meme even after seeing it hundreds of times LOL
she's reminiscing of that longmeat meanwhile
Mad how pale skin didn't exist until around 4000 years ago
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The fact is lads, Britain needs socialism. All of Britain's problems are due to the decay of the capitalist system.
Any have to be in uni at 9am for a total of one lecture man in
(8) you have to stop the world just to stop the feeling (8)
Depressed. Everything in the news is depressing. Everything online is depressing. My life is depressing.
i didnt say they did. they still probably wish you were never born though.
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would never do this
pointless humiliation ritual innit
I’m Leslie/Kim/Andi/Sam
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spent the weekend with the paki gf and ive fallen in love with her again
to think i was thinking of breaking up with her last week
swings and roundabouts init. but my yo-yoing my emotions like this can't be healthy; the relationship is destined to fail but i wont let it for the time being
you can ignore the news
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massive choon dis
I’m doing my best to memhole everything
well if you enjoy them diego then it must be gay

yeah i'd stare at her perfect tummy the whole time too but doesnt change the fact the music is for women and gay men
They are just there for the logo and the youtube cameras

Boiler Room just whores itself out to anyone willing to pay now
She fit?
She Muslim?
depends how you define pale to be fair
Yjk he gets cucked without knowing it everytime he's at work lel
mad how it came from the near east
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Why is this thread called /Bril/?

the watch x
This just gave me a brilliant idea
I'll post it tommorow
utterly bizarre mental illness cope
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indeed thats why timmy ringing the bell
we were trying to hide from you
Shut up slut
Because you made it so for le epic troll xD
It has worked and you're getting loads of attention you must be absolutely tearing your tiny cock off right now
u've been done
yes to both
and no i wont post pics, at least while we're not still going out
because you touch yourself at night
>The fact is lads, Britain needs Jewish economics. All of Britain's problems are due to the decay of the Jewish system.

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nice one lad
the watch:
It's proletarian power. 77th.
Been said this lmaoo
heard the photographer went crazy after this
mad how this fella would tear me bollocks off and snap my jaw in twain whilst i scream a bloody agonising death
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>baddiedem live
welp time to switch x
>My life is depressing.
Same, lad, but on we go.
grifter link up LOL
projec ton
Doing a
Does she wear a hijab
Are you gonna get beaten up by her paki brothers
l thought he said he didnt have a plan?
he couldn't believe he'd seen are bradders do such a thing
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He looks like the Xindi arboreals in Star Trek Enterprise.
could've chucked matey his lunch instead of snapping his death
Evening mate, how are you?
has catyank ever been banned for avatar/signature use?
I won't wank to summer she is too pure
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The capitalists did not hate the GDR for its mistakes and shortcomings, but for its successes in building a social system where the workers had the power and wealth. Let us learn from our mistakes, overcome capitalism and build a better socialism!

Socialism is more relevant and necessary today than ever before!
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good lad xx
bore off
well over 100 million people died because of communism
>Does she wear a hijab
no. she's fucking a white guy, so she's not religious at all
>Are you gonna get beaten up by her paki brothers
she's an international student, so her family is back home
so, this is it, the final /bril/
made up number
*capitalist sabotage of communism

we haven't seen true communism
they were all booge scum
now you don't have to reply commiemong, you boring historymong cunt you
he said the line
No it's just another 190 character
Bit hard to see dead people unless you’re the kid from the 6th sense
shant be using the fruity one

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