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arena of champions edition

i'm so vulnerable i wish a qt3.14 would take advantage of me
she wouldn't
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first anime picture of the thread
i hope this op makes the anti cute animal faction happy
massaging a canadian twink boy butt..
hilo anime
You’re broke
operation cole and slaw
the waffle house faction is going nuts rn
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wish i had joined a frat
maybe then i wouldn't be a broke loser virgin bitchboy
i really like the last black dog that looked around at everyone else eating, and then looked up and realized she gets one too :')
just stop caring. that's all you have to do
just use any number of the free and easily available alternatives
that slow doggo is me
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spanking a canadian boy on his butt and watching it jiggle
you would have been one of those guys that gets killed during the haze
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>loses his anal virginity to a seniors broomstick during pledging instead
based c/v/te
Gotta love dogs
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what kinda nigga watches a black and white anime
i'm shadowbanned on /v/
none of my captchas go through.
trannitors had a real conniption with me successfully identifying their posts
the cacophony of my empty skull could be used in professional symphonies.
he dropped his food then got another one, wastrel
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this is doge country >>203165694
i really like this post
bao wao
They did that at my high school and fucked some kid up really bad lmao. anyways it was BANNED after that
What's /cum/ smoking this lovely evening?
The older you get, the more you realize that boomers were right about women. They do be shopping and complaining.
i'm vaping, but if i did smoke it would be camel crush
Having a canadian boy lay face down on my bed and slowly peeling his underwear down his legs...
women be shoppin women be shoppin
wish i had joined a fart
maybe then i wouldn't be a broke loser virgin bitchboy
I like those but they dry out way too quick
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it was the good old times of motion picture
god damn it
those, but the black pack (perique blend)
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Same. What vape?
Keep them sealed from the air
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what happen
Because of the sexual assault? There was a school here where it happened and it was a a bit of a scandal. During those weird pledge hazings they would sometimes rape one or two guys.
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good night
just a little refillable one i got at a vape store i don’t like the disposable ones
night bud
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Well, /cum/?
good night
Where's the anon who posts new yorker cartoons?
yes, perfect for october weather :)
Going to bed sober
Living with myself is harder sober but I need quality sleep
i have less than 2lbs of biodegradable waste a month
i want to join a pig club
Nobody's more anti-Israel than I am, but I understand that anyone who wants to win the presidency must grovel before the Zionists. If one candidate is far better on all other issues than the other, I will back that candidate b/c, unlike many people, I live in reality
you want to join a club, little piggy?
i didn't know your kind could talk.
[anime girl with contempt on her face]
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good night and sleep well anon
>Nobody's more anti-Israel than I am
I don't believe you.
just came back from the casino. AMA
you know i have to ask. are you brown?
Proxy off, Shmuel
Did you play baccarat? How high did they allow you to bet max each hand? Strategy?
why did you go to a casino?
how much you lose
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>when trump wins in a landslide
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This nigga getting the mesothelioma treatment lmao
Stop getting my hopes up
>he said the wrong t word
uh oh poopoo
the last time i voted for the orange man he won, so it should work this time too
the incredible thing about mud is that it's clean and dirty at the same time
cop or not? https://www.ebay.com/itm/276675028208
finna goon
would janny delete us for hurricaneposting
poetry is the lowest form of art, but it's an american poet so you should buy them
cum con sex
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it's happening
nooooooooooooooo the heckin AIerino is going to put poets out of jobss aaaahhhhhhh!!!1
bro how u gonna die to water. just take a big breath and you literally float on top of water lmao
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i dont like election season
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no one mentioned AI, spaz.
just like no one mentioned poetry in the past 200 generals.
no one cares about poetry. no one is impressed by it or is interested by it.
people only cared in the past because poetry is EASIER than singing. it's EASIER than making music. it's EASIER than drawing or painting or sculpting.
and nowadays, any monkey can grunt together a collection of phonemes and syllables and call it poetry.
it's up to the audience to interpret.

this post is a poem btw
my collection of words that are constructively the same but mean completely opposite things. please enjoy
that cant be an off topic post can it
because off topic posts are.......
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did you know that ladybugs are not only cute, but they also eat the eggs of pest insects such as the stinkbug
next time you see a ladybug remember to thank it for it's service
i'm not talking to a bug you fucking freak. kill yourself
>this post is a poem btw
off topic. go to >>>/lit/ weirdo. next time, i might report you (i'm not reporting you now, tho. that would be against the rules to announce a report)
It's for the time of year you spastic
frig off negative nancies
while you came back i came back to back
i didn't know early october was the time of year to buy antique books
I'll say hasta la vista to all 3000 of those fuckers hiding in some junk
blessed thread. surprised the janner hasnt got it
umm.. you're chinese
When I was a kid, children’s media always depicted ladybugs as cute, playful things. I discovered that when you try and pick them up, they bite.
zhang doesn’t tell people to frig off (engrish too classroom-formal)
i emit an aura of such serenity and peace that butterflies land on me, and wasps don't sting me
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hola fren
test bee
same but i don't look like that
this has got me wondering about childish insult or fake swears that kids in other countries use, and you would never learn in a textbook
i said
hola fren

so how about these weather events
lots of interesting discussions surrounding them
thank you for your service ladybugs
i enjoyed thank you
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what do you look like
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The best HIV vaccine we have takes seven shots spaced out over half a year, gives you a horrible rash and itching all over your body, makes you sick as a dog, has a 10% chance of giving you HIV, and is only effective for a few months/years until the virus mutates again.
my aura is so powerful it attracts all main characters within a 100km radius
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me if i taught college kids
the best HIV vaccine we have does none of that. It's called, don't have sex with people unless you know they don't have HIV
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How can it have a 10% chance of giving you HIV if you presumably wouldn't be taking it if you didn't already have HIV
that's not you. that's me
yo this nigga READS lmao
my aura cuts anything near me because I cultivate the Dao of the sword.
It's a vaccine that prevents you from being able to contract HIV. Except it uses live virus so it has a chance of giving you HIV anyway.
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you’re very pretty
look t that fancy mf
chud meltdown next month
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what the hell
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post canadian boys
Tincture always takes like 2 hours to kick in for me. meanwhile only it says it should only take 20 minutes or so. I like the effects but it's too unpredictable for me. It sucks just chilling hours after the fact and then the high just slaps me in the face
drinking milk
I know a few of them. Russian:
>blyat (bitch) becomes blin (pancake)
>sacre dieu (holy god) becomes sacre bleu (holy blue)
>dio (god, often combined with other stuff) becomes zio (uncle)
Canadian French often doesn’t do changes of meaning, but just pronounces them weirdly to make them more mild (a bit like some cases in English)
>merde (shit) to marde
i went to cvs to go buy a miller high life and i didnt have my id but had a picture of it and the woman was like can we take this?? and the guys like no we need the physical one and you do not look 21
i said are you serious, the police accepted it why not you? but now that im home i realize i had an alcoholic outrage
Anime figure my cum etc etc
The guy saying you don't look 21 was too far. That's a straight out accusation, dude should have kept it professional
But yeah you should have just taken your id you alcoholic retard
her name is doudou and her insta name is sansanmaoer
this isn't what i purchased
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Also here’s a long list of how Quebec church-related swear words can be slightly altered into milder forms
i had some earlier after dinner enjoy
uh oh stinky
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thanks bud. hope you enjoyed yours as well.

>But yeah you should have just taken your id
the problem is that i think my wallet was pick pocketed and they should be able to take a picture of mine because bitch wtf you work at CVS youre not a bouncer...
me on the right
What's with people in new york city and littering? Extremely trashy.
Can I get an NYC racial demographics check?
The average person is such a dumb npc that in most cases they'll just do what they see everyone else doing
You foster low trust, low values, this is what you get.
It’s funny how often I’ll be in the city waiting at a Do Not Walk light, I’ll cross while it’s red because there are no cars coming, and then everyone else copies me when they realize that’s an option
I’ve never been stung by a bee or a wasp in my life, and not for lack of being around them
isekai yourself faggot
just cave people adapting to civilization. give em time
triggered another chud today
>on ssris, apathetic and don't want gf
>off ssris, want gf
does this happen in your cunt
The swarthy barbarians that flooded the cities of the Roman Empire never became civilized. The only reason order was restored is because urban fertility was sub-replacement, and eventually they were re-replaced by Italian countryside chuds after the empire fell.
how to pretend to be a normie
i got stung by a wasp in the garden on my calf a few weeks ago
i put calamine lotion on it and it felt better
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>do keep in touch
why don't YOU ever keep in touch?
why are you so hate-filled?
i'd lick that pp
i think that's a man
yea i meant give em time to turn nyc into caracas
>Except it uses live virus
what the fuck are you talking about
im here for the 5 oclock free crack giveaway
>sniffing man ass
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pray 4 tampa
Tampon Gay on the ropes
It's smooth and feminine. It looks more like a woman
i can't imagine just having to up and leave my home and hope that it's there when i get back, that's awful
How do you think poet John Milton would feel about this hurricane being called Milton?
gods wrath
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sounds like my wife
Its over
any good hurricane livestreams?
you dont have a wife
its still by the yucatan peninsula, should make landfall on friday
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>waiting in the traffic jam and not driving on the empty wrong side of the road
Is landfall still expected on Wednesday night?
Last I checked, it said 1am Thursday. Not sure if that diagram meant the edge making landfall or the eye
do chuds believe in climate change yet
*Hugs* wholesome poster
good night
given the wildfires, heat waves, and 2 goddamn hurricanes hitting SoCal in as many years, Im well past denial
no i bought a cybertruck just because elon is le based or something
This is a seriously good question
this character is literally me
They are still in denial about it being caused by fossil fuels, but no one denies that it's happening.
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Reminder to Floridamen
you are smol
remember when some congresswoman (black) blamed an earthquake on climate change LOL
and MTG blamed the wildfires on jewish space lazers
Some of the things I want to do with a gf are only done by and with women that make terrible gfs.
Very tragic state of affairs.
shes blaming the hurricanes on the jews again
doesn't even matter because the swing state is pennsylvania so every politician is going to pretend FRACKING IS AWESOME YEAH BABY FRACKING FANS GET IN HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Freaky shit gets boring once the novelty goes away
butt stuff?
So do regular woman.
Which leaves me with nothing.
Buying real estate at the top of the market?
Have you ever tried love
I have tried it, and I still haven't recovered from it.
i hope things get better for you anon
It is what it is.
>I still haven't recovered from it.
what does it feel like?
like you're not capable of trying it again?
i say gundam the way japanese people do and it upsets exactly the kind of person you'd think would get upset about it
that's like the last place I'd pray for along with Tel Aviv and Moscow
I wish I knew what reciprocated affection feels like
Like a dream.

I can only take so much agony at one time, anon
Not him, but it does take its toll. I get the sense that each time I fall in love and then get my heart broken, it takes longer to mend, perhaps exponentially. Definitely not something to jump into thoughtlessly
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>Like a dream.
my dreams are usually never joyful.
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bags of sand
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a CH-148 Cyclone helicopter flew low over me when I was camping the other day
you shot at them and won right?
just say gun-dam. stop saying gan-dam-oo you fucking weeb.
you will know, if you keep trying anon
don't give up
I believe you will some day
whos spinster
stop being so sus and it'll stop happening
The most painful time is at night because I am left alone with nothing to distract me. That's when her eyes haunt me most.
Trudeau banned the MANPADS
jason's alt
Commie bastard
is there a ghost haunting you
I still don't believe they really raped the joker.
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it's okay
Something like that
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he takes after his daddy well
This is not a serious country
It is what it is.
i like how it made chuds seethe
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is this general a collaborative distraction from deep emotional wounds?
i like anime
Sweet dreams anons. As for me, I'll just stare at the ceiling until dawn.
i just like blogging mostly
/cum/ is the only social interaction I get when Im not working
good night
no you don't, everyone is just pretending to like it
Got findommed by burgerking again
most of life is a distraction from the knowledge that we're going to be dead for all eternity.
I enjoy anime too
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pornography.....not my favorite cure album
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if you enjoy buying overpriced stuff, at least buy something that lasts longer than food
everyone knows disintegration is the best. Doesnt mean you cant enjoy their other stuff
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I also enjoy anime, anti anime posters get lost! (neutral on anime posts can stay)
Tohru chan is so fucking kawaii. How can anyone not love her? She's literally a hard working maid dragon and tries so hard to fit in and help take care of Kobayashi san and Kanna kun. She is powerful and sweet, and she does everything the best she can. I also love her cute tail and want to cuddle it all night.
what if the beatles never actually lived in a yellow submarine
what if they were just using artistic metaphor
Has it been two weeks yet? Can I take of my mask now? Is the orange man gone?
that's my third favorite. seventeen seconds and faith are 1-2. pornography is probably 4. maybe wish.
give it another month and orange man will be gone forever. then you can sleep.
I'm getting the itch to re-download grindr
we're all thinking it but he's the only one saying it
looking for bbc?
I'm looking for any BC
High af
bgc (big girl cock)
Those prison guards did more for Gotham than Batman ever did
> woman on tinder
> career: graphic designer
more like eternally poor. NEXT.
I want a pogo stick so badly
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b-being eternally poor is actually based monkmaxxing...
they're not that hard to find. but they are fun i'll give you that.
this is how i broke my wrist the first time, they are fun but dangerous
It's hard to convince momberg to buy one for me
what do you want, some career woman girlboss who’ll refuse to have kids
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15 seconds of "i wonder what cute things i'd say to my theoretical wife" interrupting my pleasant evening
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goodnight and sweet dreams
How did you land to break your wrist?
a career woman girlboss who’ll does want kids is my unicorn. otherwise i'd rather not date or marry at all.
good night
Good night
the abrupt return to reality is brutal, isn't it
it slipped out from under me backwards and launched my forward and i tried to catch myself and my wrist went the wrong way
It's only 12am
some of us are normalfags with jobs in the morning.
the mossad tampered with the handlebars
I believe you
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It's literally OVER for Floridacels...
Won't be anywhere near me bud
milton moment
accepting suggestions for the next op
> ALERT - Florida residents on the Gulf Coast who are evacuating to the North on I-75 are finding NO FUEL. Nearly all gas stations wiped out. Vehicles will soon be stalled on the interstate, blocking evacuations. Already bumper-to-bumper traffic heading north.
why not the hurricane? it's topical
Kino edition
yea. it max bet was $10,000. strategy was to seduce the female dealer into giving me winners and dealing losers to the house
around 12 hours of my day
I would go to busch gardens one last time
even a bbc?
busch gardens is trash
Only if it's loaded with poz
I just like roller coasters
so... all those companies that insured stuff in florida...
i'll go spend my tax dollars in a state that's not florida, but still tropical. maybe hawaii. maybe puerto rico.
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bro's can Flo-rida survive another hurricane right after Helene?
what do you mean your tax dollars? that's the government's to spend
the state as a whole will be fine, but insurance companies will continue to flee the state making it unaffordable for the average person to own a home, and the tampa area is expected to get storm surges of 10-15 feet (e.g. anyone less than 15ft above sea level will probably flood, which is a large area since the state is mostly flat).
yes, because helene hit the panhandle and did most of its damage to NC and parts of georgia. Milton is forecasted to hit the center of florida itself
The heart of the beast...
His welfare duh
I'm going to the beach in the morning it's going to be comfy watching the stormy ocean
Same face.

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