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my catgirl ate my edition edition
previous: >>203199412
British women smell like fish
don't be afraid to let your goofy side show :P
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hello whore
heyyy ;)
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Don't be afraid to touch yourself
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i've been waiting a long time to hear this
thank you
Where we droppin boys?
tilted towers
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just realized why pork prices are so cheap comparatively to the other meats
Tomato town (gonna wipe it)
dw the phone is safe
can't wait to go to bed tonight :3
moisty mire
only good reply
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Natives are always the biggest fuckin lefties istg
finally got a haircut
imagine hating some random white dudes instead of your parents for being retarded enough to give birth to you and put you into a shitty situation
This post was brought to you by DraftKings.
Powerful. Brave. Additional buzzword.
enjoy this photo of Olivia Wilde
Based cucks
I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow
how are they cucks, their land was stolen before they could even do anything about it, and they are flicking them off
I know I will sleep good tonight :3
im going to be honest, lads, I'm not too fond of american born italians. the tony sopranos type. for whatever reason the way they talk and carry themselves just rubs me the wrong way.

i refuse to watch the godfather, the sopranos, and other mob movies for this exact reason. Italians from Italy are fine though.
I hope you wake up
I don’t get it. Stolen implies the acquisition was illegitimate, but right of conquest is as old as time.
And hoo ha to you as well
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>their land was stolen
Conquered peoples are very cringe. Constantly yapping about getting owned.
lmao all u had 2 do was git gud but insted i got rekt u lil scrub looole
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Went on an incel walk and saw a gang of teenagers on bicycles they could have killed me if they wanted to
Next time kill them first. The best defense is a swift and decisive offense.
but nothing could stop you from stalking them and exacting revenge
The tony soprano types are the only ones I do like, but they're from a bygone era, one I was never even alive during or witnessed growing up (socal) nowadays they're all like "my mudda's sauce!" and wearing stupid little gold necklaces, wifebeaters, and track suits when they're together classless pieces of shit I like this clip though : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZpao3FgGLo
Fuck wh*te "people"
grow up
blapoiaopoipo must be pretty smart if wypoiopio couldn't conquer the continent
I wanna go to Bar Harbour
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Tomorrow I am going along with my company's truck driver to learn how it works. When he leaves next month maybe I will take over
someone boohoo nigga that nigga
fuck off we're full go back to your shithole poopy country
You're not even from Maine
they don't exist in canada anymore so why be mad?
grow up
i'm going to need a published and peer reviewed study that says life is worth living and that i don't have to worry about a sink hole swallowing me up as soon as i leave my bugpartment AND that i won't die of a burst brain aneurysm in the next 20 minutes.
i'm not some religious retard who can just accept on FAITH any of these things.
Have a couple beers
I'll never be a real man. I should just transition, and become superior man's gf
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Just be a submissive man. You don't have to do all that.
the only thing worse than being asian would be being south east asian lol lord have mercy on those things
But I'm heterosexual. I need to a girl involved somehow so it will have to be me.
shut up
do you like it?
of course I get milk in my pjs (private jets)
Gonna play some Master of Magic.
yo this nigga spills milk all over his pajamas
I spilled my milk all over the floor XD
death to goshpedo
I want to poop in a urinal
what's that
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I am a real American.
Strategy game from the 90s
They baked a baby in an oven

This should be our new flag
i wear pretty loud clothing sometimes, and people often comment on it.
and i'm just like, "idk, man. i just got it from a thrift store. i didn't know it was [brand name/year] or whatever. I just wear stuff that fits."
do you fight for the rights of every man?
I wanna burn a Canadian flag
God is punishing Florida for its sins.
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I reject anti-Americanism and anti-Canadianism
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Huh I'll be!! who could have seen that one coming???
common America W
Joe Biden
>likes ice cream
>destroyed Israel
>blew up a pipeline
>banned abortion
Best president since Teddy Roosevelt
no commie shit allowed in Lake NATO sorry
Joe "racial jungles" Biden was onto something
>more votes than any candidate in history
earned every single one
You are almost assuredly not aware of this, but Germany is, in fact, a member of NATO.
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uh oh he posted the orange man!
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these are my new fave drink
my youtube channel blocker addon stopped working properly, and now i'm seeing thumbnails for a bunch of dogshit e-celeb gossip, list reading, podcast, and political channels
woe is me
what's plywood over your windows gonna do against 300 km/h winds
that looks pretty good 2bh
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There is a gay negro at my work that is actually very cool. Chudbros.... what is going on
My throat hurts
canadian pea soup for me
after building up all this anticipation, the storm will seem rather pathetic
nobody explain 'per capita' to the fakechud above
lets blanda up
I hope you're right. My dad lives in Ft Myers and I've seen areas that were fucked at least a year after the previous hurricane
idk who adian is but probably not
That would be a good place for a /cum/ meet-up (a terrible concept perhaps, but it would be the best place for it)
Heard it's a public park on both sides of the border where you can walk through under the arch without having to pass border control
there should be a hurricane olympics, like the winter olympics. all the sports are done in life-threatening storms and flooding, with trees and broken power lines all over the place
the sierra nevada oktoberfest is very nice. i don't have that style of beer often but it's great when it's crisp outside.
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accepting recommendations for what i have for dinner
yes, with lots of savory and whole clove
venison and asparagus
cum and cum
eggs and fried rice.
bologna and cream cheese
>>203201772 spotted the californian.
Have a meatloaf with mushroom gravy and mashed potato.
a big greasy turd
i'm from connecticut
this is probably what im gonna do it’s nice and low effort thanks anon
that sounds good but i don’t feel like doing all that im a sloth today im moving at sloth speed and just laying around it’s bad
there are no californians here
sketti n meatball
big slimy turd pulled out from the toilet
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My dinner? Cream of Wheat and a half gallon of 2% milk
i would if i had garlic bread and salad fixings tomorrow is grocery day that sounds good
brown log that gushes when you bite into it
bananas are the most popular fruit in america
> "accountant"
> probably doesn't have her CPA
fuck OFF joanna.
Where are the Canadians
Hopefully gone forever
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padre and madre are asking what i want for christmas. how do i just say "give me money/giftcards" without coming off as rude? if i give them a list of things, they'll just get me the cheapest knock-off they can find which is just a waste of money.
what a fat piggy bitch
oink oink, fatty
There are no Jews in this oasis
tell them they'd give you money and gift cards if they were good parents who really loved you
just say that but politely, they should understand
mirror selfies are cringe
all selfies are cringe. but maybe mirror selfies seem lazier.
>I say "yes, it's like X"
>Dad say "no it's not, it's like [roundabout way of X]"

Does anyone else have an obnoxiously argumentative dad? Goddamn, just say yes - so annoying.
im back
I’m an ugly dog
I’m a joke
pov: you are reading my post
I know I'm handsome because strangers are nice to me
i hypothesize you talk like a woman and don't know what words mean.
sounds nice ngl
No you just inspire pity
Mad jelly
women are nice to guys they don't like and they are mean to guys they like.
You wish
Delusional uggo
especially if they have boyfriends/whatever
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rip Florida
>he wasn't born in this world as a hang glider in florida
Wine spritzer tonight. Making bread and maybe pea soup and putting stuff into Finale
I am handsome. You wish I wasn't handsome to make yourself feel better
Shyer maybe, but I haven't had women be mean to me as a way of showing attraction since middle school
am i tripping or does this look like a face (in profile, left side is the nose and mouth)?
its the nash equilibrium. it would be pareto efficient if they were nice to guys they like but its just not the case
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I want ice cream but there's none in the house and I don't want to go to the store.
kino alert
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saying it doesn't make it true. when a bad bitch catches feels for you she's gonna be mean to you
Saying it won’t make it true unfortunately
cummy bum bum
you owe me a soda, nerd
we should make it so that the amount of immigrants from every country is equal.
let's say 10 immigrants from every country a year.
so we take in 10 indian applicants and anyone who applies after that is rejected. and same for every country
actually we could put lower caps on countries from which we already have a lot of immigrants.
this would be true diversity.
but im promoting diversity. it also benefits people of all races from smaller countries
Nuggies and fries have arrived.
that nigger just said the n-word
Imagine if it's the Mets and the Yankees in the world series
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day /cum/ blows compared to /nightcum/.
Chef Impresses Gordon Ramsay
It's going to be Tigers/Mets.
run to the convenience store i do that sometimes for cravings like that late at night
grippin and fawtin
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8 and half more hours until Florida gets wiped off the map
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this reminded you of you guys

i made runny fried eggs and just put them on white rice this is my low effort sloth like meal
slothian even
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It'd be Jasonian if the eggs were burnt scrambled
My name is Timothy and it is an ancient name
manatees can have sweet potatoes as a little treat
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B = benefit
C = cost

risk of mutual destruction in hawk meet hawk scenario. doves eventually die off because they can't compete against aggression of hawks
Running? In this economy?
ok the fish slippers are really funny though
the red elephant thing to presumably hold his pp is a new one to me
pasties are hot af
even worse and less economical, i drove my car there
learn from your last battle apu and walk away peacefully
im glad he’s gone he’s a complete nut
there are no pasties in that pic
do fat people not own mirrors?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
you will never have this name and it makes you feel bad.
my penis is currently erect
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They just don't care
you look less fat in a mirror it's actually an illusion. have you ever seen yourself in a mirror then taken a pic of yourself
what are the little heart things? would make sense to show her underwear since it shows his so I assumed she was wearing pasties and pantiless
Do dumb people not own a library card?
they are hair clips, you porn addicted RETARD
hair pins....
they don’t care, and most of them gaslight and delude themselves and say ‘oh im just thick’ bitch you are fat and you get winded going up stairs that ain’t cute and you’re no prize and when someone reminds them of reality they get fuming mad
Am I retarded, or is she retarded?
Use your credit card to get a hotel room and gas and pay it off later.
Also, don't have 6 kids.
they’re snap clips for your hair anon
just took my fish oil for the night
enjoy your heart disease, fish face
Forgot pic
dude it says he's wearing skimpy ass underwear so I thought it made sense that she is too
should i start doing this
i take iron supplements and a multivitamin already, what are the benefits
just admit you were wrong and we can all move on
it’s okay anon
6 kids and 4 dogs is just irresponsible my god
I know I'm wrong, I'm arguing against the porn addict part
I'm high
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just don't think about all the abandoned pets guys
where else have you seen pasties before?
it’s okay anon you don’t have to defend yourself
in fact ill stand up for you, if you guys mess with this anon you’re messing with me
she's based, it's a survival of the fittest child in action. Plus she's probably gotten help for being a dumb bitch and having an article written about her dumb bitch ass
yes. I take the high potency ones and keep them in the fridge
Oh dear
i know they’re good for you maybe ill get some tomorrow i need to stock up on medicine anyway
hey that’s my line
hmst. ok. i've never been to a rave
Can't wait for Christmas break when my responsibilities plummet and I can get a dab pen again
the only pasties I care about come hot out of the oven and onto my plate
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do you read posts from the social media site X, and think "what the fuck lol" in your country (your country being canada or mexico)?
I don't use social media
4chan is social media
Dumb niggas dropping like flies from they 100 classes rbn
Not really
i’ve never had one but i know meat pies like this are super popular in england
twitter still banned here :/
why does he advocate for eating cow poop
When does the hurricane hit?
Will it be a nothingburger?
Tomorrow morning
wednesday and thursday.
it will be a nothingburger for me, as i am thousands of miles north
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how much longer before we can control the weather through technology?
Scientists don’t recommend eating before sleep
I think it's supposed to hit tomorrow at 2pm
according to people on insta, this hurricane was created by democrats to keep people from voting?
i don’t know where all this came from but people really are stupid
no reason to continue living desu.
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livestream it and stop bitching
Which is a better board /out/ or /diy/?
make a reason
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Would you date a goil who looks like this?
fuck you bitch. this is one of the few spaces where a jason can be uninhibited. it's you who shouldn't be here
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personally, i think a lot of those people are either taking the piss, or paid to say utterly ridiculous things as a form of narrative control.
why believe "real" conspiracies when they're juxtaposed with "lizards eat child blood to shape change into HRC"
I'd pick /diy/ because I use it more and don't really care about talking about /out/ topics
but /out/ has some cool pics >>/out/2779698
bros, i just learned about the Panic of 1857...
what the FUCK were they thinking?
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unacceptable modern filth
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no chingchong no dingdong
niggas be like "fiat isn't real, only gold and silver are real" then pretend like gold didn't crash the economy once a decade for 200+ years
shaking my DAMN head
rapid economic growth and inflation, the collapse of cotton prices, the Specie Circular and Deposit Act of 1836, and the lack of a national bank
i am not a janitor i can’t make anyone leave
Shaking my blessed head
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Thinking about it, I'm realizing that it's not even a lack of a reason that's the problem. It's not that I have nothing to live for, it's that I actively don't want to continue living. This planet fucking sucks and I want off.
crashing doesn't mean gold isn't real
I don't really care though, there's nothing stopping us from trading fiat for gold. Which come to think of it, buying gold with fiat currency right now is almost as good as stealing money.
I’ve got a thread up on /diy/
become a hermit, even if requires years of preparation
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>buying gold with fiat currency right now is almost as good as stealing money.
we'll see. other people say gold looks expensive at the moment.
I also kind of look like that so no, one of us can be ugly, we can't both be ugly especially the woman, she cannot be ugly
ugly and damaged and fat.
is this you?
You globetards are so deeply indoctrinated that you think that's how it works LOL space is fake and we live on a flat, motionless Earth surrounded by the firmament and ice wall. Earth is not a water ball spinning at incredible speeds in 4 different directions at once meanwhile we feel nothing not to mention there simply is no evidence for curvature no curvature means no ball proof.
Even if I could do that, I'd still have to suffer the effects of corrupt politicians, climate change, I'd still be dealing with shitty healthcare if I got sick, and whatever job I had (if I could even find one) would be awful.
HOLY FUCK. just saw 7 police cars pass by
For every girl there's 100+ men wanting to date her before you, question is what do you have to offer that these 100 men don't
do you guys want to play scribble game
gauging interest
dont know what's happening. checking dispatch
i agree with you completely, but the dinosaurs were still catapulted into the ethereal firmament by a falling angel.
the "space" in the picture is just for visual spice.
Bruh stfu your posts are so lame
cum in the bum
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insane babbling
I need to do homework now I'm sorry
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...I wanna eat you out
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My face in-between a woman's legs = heaven
i dont speak spanish
It's a projection from Mount Meru in the centre of the Arctic.
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what the hell
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umm... i've been to the center of the arctic, and all there is is a club for rich people and a US Air Force landing strip.
they hated him because he spoke the truth
My handsome face, kind demeanor, and strong intellect. Also my arms and shoulders and pecs
so nothing
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i legit have coal black eyes, like you see on koreans
the whites of black peoples eyes are slightly yellow sometimes it's strange
That means their liver is failing
Yeah it seems to be, but I meant more if people think fiat money isn't real, then it's a good idea to buy gold regardless of how it compares to the dollar.
Plus a common long term investment strategy is to just buy something at any price and then buy way more when/if it's price goes down.
oh, i see. yes, people who say fiat money is trash are oddly reluctant to let go of their fiat money...
Don't call him that.

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