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Good morning
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get me out of this craphole country and back to japan
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dog farts
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Sitting in my car in the toil car park. Another day.
I'd like to visit japan
reckon my schizoid arse would fit right in
Might go and jag off my cawk
Explore korean culture with monkey
love being mean to people in real life and people are like "oh it's just his sense of humour" and actually I'm just a nasty bastard
I must make others suffer
girl I thought was fit at a party 14 years ago has just like me on feeld
going to fumble it lads
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Glad that cilla black is burning in hell
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should never have been released from azkaban
all the weather experts out today it seems
If it rips through mar al Lago, then it's confirmed as a deep state strike
mental how these hurricanes only attack red states in election years
very very interesting
Just broke down in tears playing my childhood guitar (not in my childhood bedroom) at 7:40 am after getting no sleep and watching Family Guy clips on youtube for the first time in years.
What are you trying to say there mate
11 minutes until Australian power hour count it down
I still don't really understand why we don't have electronic ballots. Why is putting a piece of paper marked with pen or pencil into a plastic box seen as more secure than, say, me logging into my online banking account on my phone?
the shitstorm taking place at the bog this morning has been upgraded to category 5, we’ll keep you updated
>Just broke down in tears playing my childhood guitar
Chin up mate, I'm sure you don't sound quite that bad
The second cell system was him releasing his bankai.
hardly know anything about mar al lago. just some nice place that trump owns i thought
looked it up and there's a book on amazon with one review of someone burning it. dunno how that's allowed
I stand with Trump, Farage, that dutch one and milei
>i stand with all the zionist puppets, okay rorke?
TDS is so fucking mental.

8 fucking years btw
Voting is an extremely sensitive thing, more sensitive than your bank account, and all possible precautions must be taken to prevent interference.
The woke left mob are the real nazi book burners
We're on course for the next Hitler in a couple more years if the timing is correct
reckon the uk accepting a couple million more refugees will sort the hurricane problem over in yankland
Just about recovered from my sleep deprivation cry
Off to sleep now
>more sensitive than your bank account

I'd rather someone steal my vote for the Red team or Blue team than have access to the thousands of pounds in my bank account. You can say that's naive as whichever party forms parliament can make policy decisions that affect my bank balance but I would still take that any day over giving someone direct control of my bank account.
hmm should I vote for party a that will import 1 million jeets and sell our natural resources off to china or party b that will import 1 million jeets and sell our natural resources off to china
Money is just pictures printed on pieces of paper. Democracy actually matters
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Walt Disney has my vote.
That's the thing though, it's not just your vote it's everyone's vote. It's far easier to hack, adulterate, and otherwise mess with an electronic system compared to paper.
both parties are in allegiance. trumps job was to change expectations. Dems now can elected conservatives on vibes and meme energy alone while pretending it's progressive because it's 'never trump' and so long as trump doesn't win again they run this play as often as they like.
Mental how they can create man-made hurricanes now that strike in Republican states
the proud toilsmen of /brit/ enjoying their pre-toil coffee
for me it was the party who said our country doesn’t really suck and wanted to not destroy it by accepting 200k “refugees” a year, bit of an extremist you see
and then they get elected and you take them anyway
Hateful bastard
>Started working towards something in 2020
>"Nah, it won't make a difference"
>give up
>start working towards it again now
>realise I could have had the initial goal done and 4 years of progress for goals beyond it if I didn't give up the first time

I'm such a dumb cunt lmao
Oh well, 2nd best time to start something is right now
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a gu frd loi ouo ut r
Your story is immensely less interesting by not bothering to mention your goal
Hope your day is as horrible as your post
sandwich and pegwell bay
the ultimate goal of every new zealander is to move to australia
ye but the decision to stick at it might have changed your entire path and caused a stroke or for you to walk out in front of a bus or something
>pre-toil coffee
had mine at 05:30
Recall when those Canadian protest truckers were getting uppity, the government didn't say "well you had better stop protesting or we'll remove your next vote!". They just froze their bank accounts and that instantly ended the protest.

Your money is the only power you have in today's world. It's sad but it is what it is.
Nothing grand, just some job-related certification
Ooo yer 'ard
isle of sheppey
Alri butterfly effect lad
same. in 2020 i just got comfy and didnt even enter my head that 2025 would come round. i thought we'd all be dead by then.
Dadberg gets up at like 5AM to walk the dog. But he also goes to bed at like 2AM after spending all night browsing on the computer. Also he's very overweight.

Can't have many more years in him at this rate.
the way of the trade(y) innit
Enjoy drinking a literal toxin that spikes your adrenaline in to fight-or-flight mode just after you wake up to prepare you for your slave work
well “trade(ie)” didn’t really fit so had to improvise
early morning exercise and less opportunity to die in his sleep
smart man
most people have to weak to save it for lunch but if you do you're rewarded.
What about Trad(i)e
Fuck it all
>most people have to weak to save it for lunch
hmm indeed, shall be using that in the future
looks like he needs his coffee
I have mounting depression due to sleep deprivation :/
For me it was more "I don't have a degree from a good uni, so these little bonus certs are just cope and won't help"
But realistically once you have a job in your field your experience is far more important than degree
are too weak, i turned off auto correct on this tablet so it must mean the NSA has hacked it.
2020 left a lot of deep scars that we're still feeling today yet toilberg gets to tell us all 'that was 5 years ago get back to work' . hate him hate him hate him.
I'm deep in ya mum's scar
back from a 3 day holiday at janman's expense
can't imagine what I've missed
Genuinely grim and dystopian that 2020 was 4 years ago and 2016 was 8 years ago
>Reading Britannica over Wikipedia to show my respect to the realm
Closet Britaboo here
erm. have some thoughts on this but want to keep my bank account
gobsmacked. unacceptable
2020 still feels like it was last year, 2 years ago at most
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good. wikipedia is compromised by deep state
We don't have hurricanes in Britain.
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we're entering the end times, time speeding up, wars all over the place, chaos increasing
god soon
I been thinking alot about how 2022 was 2 years ago

2 years since the WC, 2 years since /tv/ was good
we are in the endgame now (marvel reference)
America needs a BBC

look at the state of this gobledigook

'insufficient evidence' but let's write in search of lost time around it so no one will notice and we can pretend he says whatever we like
might go to a public park and read the G volume of the encyclopedia
Isaac Newton prophecised the end of the world to be ~2050.
get it paid you daft cow
>wars all over the place,
This is more recency bias tbqh. In the 60s-80s we were on the tipping point of a nuclear exchange orders of magnitude worse than could happen today, with proxy wars all around the world.
Now the only major flashpoint that could spiral further is Ukraine, nobody really cares about kikes and iranians bombing each other
right lads time to seize the day
*goes back to bed*
get the nurses waged
thats jamie playing for another 10 seasons
Watched the League of Gentlemen for the first time in a while.
Proper good innit. Remember the reboot? Cant remember if that was good, probably not.
based on religious schizo nonsense
Mad how Brits can't dance
for me? shall try to live, laugh, love today
>pay £1.8m in legal fees
>for something you know you did anyway
>fucking lose
Is she the biggest retard going?
You really like that image
How is babby scorned
You are fat
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Newton was convinced that Christ would return around this date and establish a global Kingdom of peace
what's this then 2 football wives are suing each other?
don't watch the ball kicking me
good image
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Really enjoy "animals through a fisheye lens" pictures and videos
good stuff
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You are British
We should start taxing certain foteign nationalities for using /brit/
me? HATE animals through a fisheye lens pictures and videos.
Mate have you ever seen strictly before? We all know how to dance watching that growing up.
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Prove it
I don't know exactly, it was something to do with Jamie Vardy's missus leaking stories about Wayne Rooney's missus to the press. Vardy's wife caught the other one at it, took her to court and won.
My smelly childhood bedroom isnt big enough :/
I have like US$ 10 that my dad prolly needs but I'm too fucked up in my mind to go out 3 minutes to withdraw the money.
Also about US$ 20 in other bank but I would need to go out for 1 hour for it.
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Good morning
190 awakes
just seen an incredibly boring jf blog
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be veeeeery careful now
Thought Wayne Rooney liked them a little bit older?
just saw a racist post
Kino, sovl, vibes, britcore
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He do be dapper tho
Do people really dress up like they’re acting in a movie like this?
the lads
All i think about when i look at pictures of London are purple akis and wogs.

Nothing soulful or elegant about that grey shithole.
If your uncle jack helped you off a horse would you help your uncle jack off a horse?
Just another day in shitain
but i don't have an uncle jack
it's da freakin penguin
Saw giggsy on the way out of co op last week
Another day of commuting by rail, another literal assault, a figurative D-day on the nostrils
I don’t have an uncle jack
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what the fuck were they thinking
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The little brother’s teacher
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AI getting uppity
We need to go back.
Big daz and welshy are going golfing on friday are you gonna be there anon?
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We really don’t, the 00s was terrible, increased police state because of 9/11, two financial collapses in the span of 7 years, bad vibes all around
Bore off
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f gl aro uou dur it o
Silk camisoles and crop tops need to make a comeback. Don’t care about bums or boobs, just want perky, but flat tummies and long legs are where it’s at
Rorke's sister having bedsheets with the Playboy bunny logo and straightening her hair with a GHD straightener
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>We need to go back.
Are you sure?
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Happens in your country?
reckon other people can smell it if you spaff in your boxers then wear them?
i'm a crepublican
my vote goes to the candidate who rocks the dopest pair of steps
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Going to tell my peng 19 yo zoomer gf all about the 00s
What generation do those born 97-99 belong to? Never figured it out, never got a clear answer.
the runts, special sub section
You give off pheromones after you spaff mate. Women can literally smell it on you. It fades with time but some women can smell it on you up to a month after you last ejaculated
28-32 year olds getting thoroughly mogged by 24-28 year olds
Fuck yes I am.
just isn't true though is it
Good lad
her face is a bit rough but i'd still go absolute goblin mode on her
I guess I'll have to filter out british flags on /brit/
No, women are magic trust me
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You keep telling yourself that
finally a good post
Damn, that must be the reason I never had a female friend during school.
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You make an interesting point
Remember like 11 years ago in year 7 chemistry i had my incel defining moment
No you didn’t
Shut up
Go on, lad.
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Arch Linux. For the players.
got a pint with a friend (female) and could not stop thinking of sexo every time we made eye contact
this is why men and women can't be friends we're just too horny
why did they ask you to define incel in chemistry of all subjects?
a girl became obsessed with me within the first few months of secondary and when I finally asked her out over facebook she thought it was someone else messaging her as a joke and I went along with it
still never had a gf all these years later aha x
Havent gotten up out of bed me. No toil today
they're eating the cats
they are eating the birds
Add me on Farmville anonx
pretty cat
went to an all boys grammar so never experienced anything with the opposite sex whatsoever until college
Imagine going on a date and then a bigger, more attractive, more charismatic man just plucks her away like taking a toy from a baby
went to an all girls summer me x
you might be a repressed homosexual heatherlad
give it some thought
Got out-courted away from a polish lengting with a fatty cellulite bum and fat legs and ankles at the last rave i went to who came here to assist polish olympians. Did a line of ket that was too fat and lost the will to keep on bullshit games in hopes of pozzing her at 9am me
autocorrect ffs
he was cuckspamming when I went to bed last night and is still doing it
sick to bastard death of it all
'ey, baby, see you are on 4chan aswell
those lads a bit weird, innit?
yea yea x
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Irish Jamaican is the fastest growing minority
receiving a computer for your birthday around puberty is an absolute death sentence
I used to be normal
trying too hard
been a mental year for you eh
"Yeah it was pretty mint, we yelled racial slurs in MW2 on the 360 and then had a recession"
No im not
be quiet
mw2 was so goated. can't believe i was too contrarian to get it until like half way through the year it came out
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>buy 5 pack of custard doughnuts at tesco 'for later'
>done them all in within 30 minutes of getting home
it was shit. black ops 1 had soul
>half way through the year it came out
Add another few decades on and thats literally me
you indeed had them later amirite hahaha
just penciled in my diary "turn my life around"
is that autistic manlet normanoid still seething about the celtic chads? its been non-stop for two days now
i liked that too but i'd say mw2 was better though that's probs just cos it was my first
mw2 was absolute dogshit and i wasted my money on it. never played it again after the first few days
haha iktf might have done exactly this a few times meself x
meant mw3 didn't i lol x
but yeah i never played another cod after wasting my money on that now that i think about it
next FPS game i got was battlefield 3 think that was a couple of years later
>for two days now
You didnt put any in the microwave?

You should try that sometimes
Way more filling and satisfying to have a warm donut
fuck are you on about, lad? the balance was atrocious and unfun to play half the time
hate fat cunts me
to think there's runts who have the volume of two or even three humans is insane
being over 70kg is a crime against humanity
just not convinced Putin is all that bad. Especially when its blue hair tranny cunts trying to tell me to hate Russia
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Celtic zoomy go back to >>>/sp/ with the rest of your ilk
*is 92kg*
problem frogcel
I think the SAD has properly started lads, slept through all of my alarms
just used the good guns didn't i
noob tubes were a bit much but i'm fairly sure they patched them
Sounds like someone got One Man Army+Danger Close+Noob tube'd
Mech Warriors 3 was better than 2 i agree
Morning Aussie bro. Love the big mug
If I were 70kg I'd be unhealthily thin
take vitamin d if u aren't already
duno about the actual sun being gone tho
COD is such tasteless braindead normie shite
that was the kinda of shit that got those "I'll come to your house and murder your family" type of voice messages made
No you wouldnt be quiet
unhealthy and thin doesnt go together
i bet you play japanese little girl cartoon games you nonce
Any English diaspora lads in (our country is taken over by browns)
howling at the autistic french lad desperately trying to fit. even anonymously you're an outcast
Harry Enfield new character for 2024 Britain, loadsaweed
>unhealthy and thin doesnt go together
Does so
Only played COD Ghosts online. Was more a BF lad.
>Marathon Pro - Lightweight Pro - Commando Pro - Pistol with Tactical Knife
>Model 1887 Akimbo

soul overdose
maybe 3 hours sleep there. not ideal is it?
more of a World at War man myself. MP40 Lightweight - Fast Hands - Last Stand
My gamertag was like I want your dogtag
more of a riot shield man myself
MW2 came out in november 2009, it's an early 10s game really
Get some benzos in you lad, that'll sort it out
I'm 90kg and genuinely don't know where I have 20kg of fat to lose
how do you not just fall asleep at toil
Was more of an ACR with Silencer, Stopping Power, Scavenger, Ninja kind of guy
For me it was arms race/gun game and troll everyone by using only the knife.
Bloody love them blacks so i do
I've said this before
been here longer than you
too much toil to do
idk what that is
i might at some point. We'll see
Fuck off fat midwitlennial
Absolutely based
Best kill I got was a throwing knife onto the ledge in that Afghanistan map, nailed a sniper hiding behind the little wall
despise heathermong but what an egregious disay of newfaggotry lurk for more than 2 days before posting
Its May 2010, the largest recession since the 1930s has youth unemployment at a peak of 15% across the western world. Gordon Brown gets BATTERED for calling that woman a bigot, MW2 has 2 million players online active on a Tuesday afternoon because nobody is working, some fat yanks start screaming at you calling you the n-word for using the riot shield and last stand/noob tubing on silo
Not a fan of the dark skinned gentlemen
For me it was the famas, stats weren't great but burst fire meant it was a one hit kill basically
Not wrong though am i zoomer? You are a paedophile and you should be killed
Michael Jackson was still virgin at 35yo
need you out of business sunshine
when's this hurricane kicking off then? looking forward to some live streaming of it
Get in lad
just two more weeks until the hurricane hits florida...
yeah i only real based and esoteric games like My Little Sister's Panty Adventure Sugoi Desu XVII
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Need to get my teeth fixed. Suspect that my peg laterals and misaligned jaw are the reason im always failing with women.
Should hit Tampa tonight
Just saw my cock in the mirror and burst out laughing
Corrrr I do like a bit of "maybe fucking high school girls is wrong???"
right well
Playing some based JRPG but can't figure out how to win this fight
just itched my sack on god
>rejected from a warehouse job that specifically stated experience wasn't necessary
>made a cover letter and everything for this job
>I was literally within walking distance of the warehouse and said that on my application

I just don't get what these cunts are looking for. I was rejected almost immediately as well
>Girl Character
done a cummed pant
Get the side character to shag the girl character and your main character will get a 5x incel bonus
Did they tell you why or just say you were rejected?

what type of stuff did you put on your CV?
Somebody make new, I don't feel it's my place.
Finally learnt have ya, DSY?
bit early
>I just don't get what these cunts are looking for.
Brown people, mate. Brown people.
I've been working in construction recently, also a warehouse but that was only a few months, still stressed that experience in the cover letter as it was very relevant obviously. Didn't tell me why I was rejected
They wanted an english language speak so I doubt it

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