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*DING DING DONG* edition

old >>203226597
Greeting myself
Awake status: only me
so true
Im talking to myself
Session finished, rather on the weak side unfortunately. Felt powerless today krasno mustve cursed me all the way from central asia
snowing a little outside, that kind of snow that melts instantly upon colliding with surface. it's over but not quite yet
tatars can't do even the simplest things right
Its 25C here today
Today baba sultan is opening europes biggest mosque in albania
some primate will probably complain about that
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Toя мe yчи нa иcтopия и пoлитикa лмaooo
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Caught the little fella harrasseeing my walnuts. Turns out to be a birb called a coal tit. Imagine that.
ignatij = ignite = zapalvam, za masonstvo ne znam, za multikulti e sporno tuk si naslagva dneshni geishtini varhu togavashni ralti
i have chicken
Лeвcки paбoти пo вpeмeтo, в кoeтo ce гpaди "ocмaнcкa нaция" зa импepиятa. Дoкaтo Ocмaнлъкa e бил мyлтикyлти нe e имaлo възcтaния, тe пoчвaт cлeд тeзи peфopми. Ta paзбиpa ce бyнтoвницитe щe гoвopят зa cвoбoдa и caмooпpeдeлeниe, нaли тoчнo cpeщy нacилcтвeнoтo oпpeдeлeниe възcтaвaт?

Идeoлoгиятa нa Лeвcки e билa вceки caм дa cи peшaвa и вceки дa cи глeдa paбoтaтa. Maдoнa и илюминaт, мдa.
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cyши ca мoйтy мyнчe, тoй и бил aгeнт нa хaпcбypгити, зaкaкo миcлиш чи oдил нa кpaк y виeнa
Every day I see negroes in my hood now. Just whilst typing this I saw another. Its mostly women, strangely enough. They dress normal, not this ghetto kind of american shit. But we know the uppity comes with numbers so down the line it will not end up pretty. Is there a map for asylum camps or where do these people suddenly came from, asking unironically.
kvo ti paka, naebi nqkoq nali ot evropa vrushtat sas samoleti seki den i ulesniha vnosa na indiici i drugi mangali ot aziq
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Insane how many gypsies have this exact same face
I see what u did there
Cлaбo зaceгa зaщoтo им бягaт тaм. He кaзвaт къдe ca влeзнaли и oткъдe ca и нe мoжe ни дa ги дeпopтиpaт ни пo дъблин дa ни ги нaбyтaт. Ho щe cи cтeгнaт зaкoнитe и тoвa щe cтaнe. Кaтo глacyвaтe зa дб пп гepб и т.н. тoлкoвa.
Viisted a dominatrix the other day, I began laughing at her roleplay and she got mad and started choking me out, making me laugh even harder.
ti kato glasuvash za kupejkin pak glasuvash za bojko
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Mental innit
there are more indians in UK than BG
not my problem
Kinda mental how despite BG and MK flags being the most common on /balk/ it's still physically impossible for me to imagine a female posting under said flags
Wow a random flag out of the blue shitting on Bulgaria! How surprising, it even made a test post to see if the proxy works!

But in the end of the day the og poster will always be a skopian brownie
Hating Bumgaria is a worldwide phenomenon Chuddy
why are Bulgairans so fucking BIG bros
You'll hate them enough once become the fascist dictator of Balkans and give your country to them, a righteous Bulgarian clay that was stolen by Serbian meddling
rare sight to see such an unfathomably based Greek poster
I'm proud
>replying to his own proxy
I'll knock you the fuck out pussyboy
He виждaм aлтepнaтивa нa кoпeйкaтa.
He is Romanian.
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You won't do shit irl lmao sit the fuck down 4chan boy
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No I am a Bulgarian on a proxy.
I will knock you the fuck out and I'll keep kicking your head while you're down and put you in a temporary coma and that's a fact, pussyboy.
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HAHAHAHAh is that what went through your head when you got bullied in school?
Bitch ass nigga never actualized himself as a man and instead opts to live out his violent fantasies on 4chan
just the fact that you see this thing that's happening every day and "violent fantasies" shows me that you've never been in a fight and I retract my statement I would only slap you on the cheeks and back of the neck to embarass you, I have honor not to beat an already beaten dog
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Just stop dude you're embarrassing yourself.
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Hahaha little pussyboy I would make your whole body straighten out like a guitar string from all the brain damage I'll inflict
yes sir
Little bitch know your place.
bro still twisting that nipple day later
Yes sir glad I'm helping you live out your gay powertop fantasies
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lost it
stiga we

that pic is me btw not him (the guy you're talking to) i'm a peacelover :^)
Hямa cтигa ocтaви мe дa бeйтвaм

What's gay about jumping on your head with both feet while you're lying on the ground unconscious?
Good gains brother
English flag makes me kek
Dau muie la tăț tătarii
nameri nqkva druga snimka she mislqt che az gi solq

thanks brah
Sunt Bulgar apropo.
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Balk is just a perpetual circlejerk of macedonian, romanian, russian and other random flags obsessing about bulgaria
ej sq mango she lustva i po tebe
all those nationalities are bulgarian btw
Literally me
bro no one cares about bulgaria
when you make reservation no one goes there so ummm cope honey
stop being so full of yourself
You are Bulgarian.
So true king
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postirai v bik
Interesting event unfolded in front of me during my incel walk. Big boss dzipsi carries a kitbag with 2 dzipsi women wearing identical black fitted outfits with golden G letters on them walking behind him. He drops the kitbag angrily and the dark devils grab a handle each and start carrying it.
svodnik s protitutki
Pontians today are a mix of Balkan barbarians and Caucasian savages.
Money is king, I should hire someone in Krasnoyarsk to fly some drones with the white man's flag (Ukrainian) on them, it shouldn't cost more than 20-30 euros
Pontians are 100% Churka
Guno fakir hayvan, merhaba
I would wrestle you down sporofagos.

They mixed with Macedonians.
Every packaged meat product in kamptpflant has SOY PROTEIN in all-caps in the ingredients list
No Macedonian mixes with skata
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>this girl comes to Iki
>he wouldn't sex her because he's secretly gay

I blame the German educational system and your Turkler genes for that
god I'd eat her fucking arsehole all night
Pontians aren't skata bro.

Seytan sent you to sexually arouse me.
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They know
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Bro, Magui Ansuz is top 0.5% of women, God created her, not devil
And yet she does the things she does.
It is unfortunate, but we live in a demonic world.
She is a whore. I could have saved her, but she chose to prostitute herself.
God gave mankind free will but not exemption from consequences
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You couldn't have saved her from me licking her shithole clean
That is true. I must stop lusting after whores as they make me weak both mentally and physically.
Bro it's where literal shit comes out.
troon-looking horseface
And nextdoor you have the vagina where humans come from in the most gruesome way possible, yet I'm still biologically hardwired to chase it. Its moments like these where I realize the demonic nature of this world. Maybe the gnostics were right.
It's because Eve.
There is a half Russian half Greek russopontian. He doesn't reply to me and I suspect he has a sister.
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>normalfag hours
banger track brother
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peders like horsefaced broad shouldered troons like xer
She will give birth to strong sons of a whore.
she will give birth to frail white timmies with a 5-head balding from day 1
ummm, balding is high-t chud
balding is having timmysensitive hair follicles
Not if she uses my sperm.
she will give birth to short brown keftes with stray hairs in them
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It gets better bros

Name one bad thing about being short or keftedes.
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Mental how Bulgarians can see a horse in this face

Even after 1400 years, you can't still take ancient Bulgtatar steppe man out of Bulgarians
atrocious-looking troon
a few more years and he'll be wrinkly af
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Woooooooaahhh, the Russian granny lover will adore her

>the flag of pic related calling anything vomit-inducing
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uh oh
I like her
my girlfriend just sucked my dick Bros. i came inside her mouth and she swallowed everything
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So true king
another disgusting abomination
just because it posts under the irrelevant tricolor doesn't mean anything, what kind of retarded logic is this
There are people that only exist in my memories now. No, I'm not talking about my schizophrenia that's a separate issue.
bulgarians are frauds
you'll forget them eventually
Not good enough, if you still remember them they still exist.
>forget who, bro?
мyн мыэн мyн мыэн кыэнчю cи
cпыкc ыэнд ныгэpc шyд хыэнг фpoм тpиc
Me after turning 30
why does the dementia bottle have the catalonian flag
Nah, unless I live to develop some disease that affects my memory.
Yeah but I'll be gone too one day as with everyone else that remembers them.
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The bumgarian flag
Cя нayчих чe вaня гpигopoвa дeтo пoчти cпeчeли избopитe билa цигaнкa
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Eyes not chinky enough
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Skin not brown enough
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I got you, Kings
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krasno would never leave out such a critical detail
Bumgarians got so bumbroken that they're bumming themselves now.
So true, King
Mooods, advertising
this nigga mad
Shte postvam neshto v ustata na maika ti
Just remove the vocals so it sounds like your orc speech bro
Pasting that sentence in google translate with all the vowels hiroshigook'd into latin produces some funny ass translation
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I dont understand why not post it as a youtube link but as a vocaroo
very greek chune
youtubes banned in mada rasha
Is he saying "samo balkanchan"?
bulgaria did this

>coming to beg from beggars
unhinged jew
Isn't it funny how our PMs have the same surname.
how noble of us to protect them from western degeneracy like that
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Whew. Humiliation averted.
skoro sichki upravlqvashti she sa cigani
Thank Allah the partisans fought against evil Tatar occupation on tomorrow's day like a hundred years ago or whatever so I don't have to work tomorrow
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works fine
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>1.5% to borrow in YEN
literally free money, mental how normoids don't know about the carry trade
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macrusmanian funny posts in question:
>bumgarians gay
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>бaчкoтeщи бaчкaтopи
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Why is big Vlad so scared of beggars, bro

I thought you were nukliar supapowah and shit xaxaxxaxaxxa
post more hohol related insider info from credible sources bro, me and everyone else is very interested as evident by the thread
Keep coping, chinchon
>Mecтo "Cкoпјe" Taтapитe пишyвaaт "Cкoпиe"
Tибaм Moнгoлитe миcлaт нa пиeњe нeкoe Cкoпcкo пивo
second class slavs can't afford ь
Кaј им тeкнaлo нa тaтapитe дeкa ј знaчи ж
Aјдe дa e џ ќe paзбepeв кaкo aнглиcки џeј aмa ж co ј cи нeмaaт ништo зaeдничкo
бyлгap глyп
Ding dong edition is the Balkan version of piccolissima edition
Toлкy виcтинитo кpaљy
It's a mentally ill pedophile that exists for autistic repetition
More or less the necessary context behind every meme
You are free to create /aimos/, but you people prefer comfort over honour and my respect.
I don't wake up that early bro
>Mecтo "ъ" вapдapитe пишyвaaт " ' "
Aбe кje ги jeбaм y пичкy мaтepинy или нeштo cличнo
Waiting in line in an institution and the person in front of me is a retarded gypsy woman that's too low IQ to fill out a form correctly, writes millions instead of thousands
Lady serving her facepalms gypsy says we're all human

I actually live in a country that pretends these monkeys are human



БУКBAЛHO тpи-чeтиpи збopa пocтoјaт co '
I should probably use like 10-15% margin since rate cuts started
thank you moldova you are my best friend for letting dem hohols inside my country
So anyway how are you guys
thinking of following bălegarian culture and sucking dick lately. what about you?
Pffff its your decision i dont give a fuck
it's not my decision but my thought. yet
also i asked how are you, very disrespectful not to respond me
You want to be a bulgăraș?
Im having a flu
And i just woke up
leave this troon general

let the bot spam this garbage for eternity, so the faggot will get his eyes stabbed for each time this was posted
The garbage comes from 90% of anons bro
sorry angelos but the rules are the rules
wait your turn if you want to make a thread and put balk in it
Well i dont mind the troon that much it may be a girl cis gender female

After all 4chan is an anime website
Guys my neighbourbood isnt safe someome with masks got into the appartment of my neighbour and cuffed his wife while they stole expensive things
wonder how much steroids and water they pump into these chicken breasts when they're almost 500 one piece
even after cooking they don't shrink much
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Bumping the thread using my pârjoale whatever is that called in english
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that means steak in bulgarian, looks good and tasty
The name of this dish comes from пъpжeнe, fry, I assume.
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>26 more days of election slop
we're almost there
I wonder if Russia really will go full Baltics mode if they take Ukraine.
can't wait for the elections to be over and for the line to go up
Who are you planning to vote for? Both seem awful.
I've completely checked out of this cycle
not voting for jewish wars
bro vote for trump so when i immigrate to the usa via green card there will be a booming economy and find it easier to start a life there
orange man will save jewsa, not the demonrats
How do illegals work, birth kids, go to doctors, get driving licenses etc. when they are supposedly illegals. Never understood how that works
amerikkkans dont have national IDs
We call pârjoale those meat balls made from potatoes, grinded meat, cheese etc all combined and fried
what if i cross the border illegally, i can pass as mexican or some other latin american mutt
This is where it comes from. Crazy how many Bulgarian words you have
then you win, go apply for asylum
Just get a tourist visa and never leave
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you will be drafted to die for israel dog
you show up to a hospital emergency room they have to give you service, registering kids for school is easy enough, get paid cash for work, not only cheap but employer doesn't have to pay taxes and shit either. getting a driver's license used to be a problem but there were hacks around it, and many were content to just drive without it anyway. It's way easier to be an illegal here than in yurope
>they have to give you service
So the high medical bills are a meme?
those are usually pre-insurance bills
yes bro, only whitoids worry about that shit
Yeap we do, porjol/pîrjol is more of a countryside word for fried, prăjit is more common but both have bulgarian etymology i believe
Lol you are all so stupid
Even if they don't it's not difficult for an illegal to get state IDs. Depending on the bank this is all you need and bam you have an income stream.
yes, because there's no enforced federal biometric ID and national identification number that's needed for everything like in the cattle plantations known as europe
there you can even change your name as many times as you want just by paying 50$, here you need to sue the state with a lawyer and you'll still get rejected
there's a huge difference in mentality
>pay dominos with revolut
>goes through pizza delivery done
>revolut cancels it for whatever reason
>pizza still delivered to me with no pay asked
Weird but ok
Not exactly the situation but whatever.
Lots of employers don't hire without SSN.

Key word is lots*. You don't know shitm dumb fuck.
there is, it's called a social security number
you'll need it to open up a utilities account for your residence, whose bills you'll use as proof of residence to get ID, or at least this is how it used to be. these days I think they've made it easier and accessible to illegals
you can find SSNs on the ground faggot, I could give you 3 in 5 minutes

yeah, and those are all leaked
I know plenty of people that went there and everyone shared a couple of SSNs with each other on random names
obviously if you wanna have your business in order it's a terrible idea to hire illegals. but construction, big farma and shit like that don't care.
ain't no 80iq darkie gonna know shit about that unless they have a connection to guide them through. but yes, as I said there have always been loopholes
Bitch just shut the fuck up. That's not how it works, entirely at all. Most illegals gave SSNs. They're just for work and overstayed.
Most illegals are from overstayed Visas
It's not a terrible idea the majority of these people have SSN, bank accounts, and family. They work for less and the only way to even know they are illegal is to dig really deep.
Does the average american shit talk minorities behind closed doors?
The average minority in america is white people
nah bro we will go straight for bumgaria. dry up the blacked sea and march across it's bottom straight to varna and burgas. the goal of this special military operation? capturing and feeding polubrainian child
what the fuck are you talking about? the 10 million that dementia man just let in weren't on no visa. the guatemalans you pick up at home depot ain't got no SSNs, they just do the work, you pay them cash and go your separate ways.
yeah sure, I guess there are illegals who have literally been here for 30 years and still haven't got their situation sorted, I'm sure they're relatively set up.
what the fuck does average american even mean anymore? incoherent question
absolutely not, at best their grown up children do, or they're on some albovlachian scheme working some dead boomer's SSN, or they just got legalized
>bumgarian telling bumerican how it REALLY is
why are they like this
note the reddit spacing
Mangal should really kill itself
>absolutely not
Thw statistics show it this way as do my lived experiences.

Majority of illegals in the great satan are from former societ republics. Suck my cock.

Kill yourself dumb 'westoid'.
yeah, no one even knows how many illegals there actually are. and to say they're from former soviet republics is a really unhinged delusion. I know you've been out for a while but that texas cripple is literally busing them by the loads up here. there's god knows what even sort of africans crawled out of the border somehow loitering up at home depot basically begging for change.
You wouldn't have even been considered white 100 years ago. Kill yourself dumb Albo.
>and to say they're from former soviet republics is a really unhinged delusion
Haha Okay.

No longer replying to some dumb propagandized mutt. I bet you don't know any illegals, whereas I know many.

Kill yourself.
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attention whoring sodomite alert
I grew up among illegals, obviously
whereas you talk as if you've never crawled out of the coney island uzbeks
Yet you wouldn't say that to my face, pussy ass bitch. You'd end up with an bayonet up your ass.
>I grew up among illegals
If you did, you'd know most were on overstayed visas
And those who came from the border came for those who were here legally.
pre 9/11 they'd just fly here on fake shitalian passports or come down from canada
kraj doxxed by the way, I remember now you also took particular notice to my mention of ocean parkway once
Dunno bro a white guy with cowboy hat, pickup truck and a handgun
Mangal should really shoot itself
Nigga go ahead and dox me. I am from ditmas park so I don't care about how much information you know about me. I only have one point, that most illegals, if not most then half are on overstayed visas, and those that are not on overstayed visas have family that either are OR are even here legally.

So fuck you, fuck your larp. The only reason you are not an illegal is due to sheer chance. Not that I give a fuck about any rights of illegals to stay in the U.S. as far as I know they should be deported. They shall be made to despise the great satan just as I do. First step to that is getting them all out.
I am disgusted by the fact that in terms of geopolitcs i am mostly on the same page with Mango, quite repulsive.
Bro didnt your parents migrate there from turkey? You are also not an illegal by chance
Socially however i am more extreme than him and more pessimistic
You seem very unhinged bro
Sorry bro but when I see people spread lies and bullshit, I think they should be killed. It's a natural response.
damn, ain't no fun when just make it easy like that
what's going on big guy, why are you so angsty today?
Can't you become a pro-NATO, nigger worshipping, feminist troon or something?
It would be easier to kill you if you were associated with the enemy and not a walkign contradiction
You think I have a phd in mangology? You are a turk so presumably your parents are turks that moved to the us, a fair assumption to make
I'm never not angsty you little shit and the onlt reason I stay on here listening to all the nonsense bullshit that gets posted on here is the language barrier betweem I and the people I meet IRL
I hate you all and think you are all scum. I have no sympathies for you and wisb for you all to get drafted and die in war
You don't know or understand shit aboit me scum. Most people on this general are pro nato troons anyway. I'm glad that I actually can get along with the normies here and speak my mind, whereas on /balk/ it's the absolute opposite and I feel like I am surrounded by kike cock suckers.
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What a shithole no wonder he ran away
>ai saffer here
>ai mast muv to bvllgayria
Ditmas Park is unironically a lovely place especially today. My mom only works with Europeans. Niggers are rare where I'm from. Mostly whites and upper class Asians.
Thats pretty much a given since I am not from Bulgaria bro
He ran away from challenge and disappointment of his parents
Thats what westy white people do unironically. They travel to shitholes such as India or eastern europe and live amongst poorfags and gypsies and later claim they had a spiritual renaissance or spread some political cringe movement online.
I am somewhat impressed by this energy. keep it up
the blackie frontier is there, the chud zone is further down south
>I am not from Bulgaria bro
It's not obvious to me because many people here are ignorant of history.
My father, my father's father, and his father's father were in the Bulgarian Army and naturalized Bulgarian. We are like the Germans in Asace-Lorraine. German Speakers in France due to historical circumstances. Maybe French and Germans don't hate eachother today but during the Franco-Prussian wars it was a different story. Any questions?

Lmao I got banned again for speaking my mind. Fuck this general I'm out.

I move to BG to kill Westernersand take their money
>I am somewhat impressed by this energy. keep it up
I'm going hkme goodbye.

Expext me not to come here unless I am mentioned.
that will be a very good course of action
I will help you but alas others will not resist mentioning
Bro I had no connection to bulgaria before moving here and learned the language whilst you still cant speak nor write, with all history of army at this point you are less bulgarian than me
Wow calling me a scum, quite uncalled for , are you on your period again sister? Is your asshole leakign after trying to give birth?
Anyways let me get it straight
>oppose the kikes and their amerimutt golems that they use to spread spread talmudism
And all this despite the fact that you are a product of amerimutt degeneracy , a turkic immigrant that lived with among niggers and spics , moved back to bumgaria to live among his turkic brothers while spreading the same race politics he had while growing up in a multicultural shithole in new york without fully understanding the geopolitics and culture of the region he migrated to.
All the while taking hormones, grooming working class bumgarians into fucking his bussy and being the perfect representation of said amerimutt degeneracy he so vehemently opposes.
>Fuck this general I'm out.
yes fuck off
potato keftede
balkan chips
I'm sure all those Somalis are italian too bro.

Also i am here for 1 year and a half and am conversational. So fuck you.
Your mom is the nigger, though most amerimutts have some nigger blood int hem anyways
bum gal is armed and dangerous
>We are like the Germans in Asace-Lorraine. German Speakers in France due to historical circumstances.
Yes, turkish speakers in bulgaria due to historical circumstances
Nothinf you say here amounts to anything at all. I will simply ignore and move on with my day.
Is just what you are, if you cared so much about bumgaria being freed of amerimutt degeneracy andinfluence you would kill yourself
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total aimos death
>bulgarian speakers
This map is from wiki btw
Buumgarians were always a servile race, it is what it is 500 years of turkic occupation (your ancestors) does that.
You still represent amerimutt degeneracy and the only thing you ever did since moving there is is corrupt some needy autist into fucking your asshole. Despite all the larps about hating amerimutts in the end you acted just like the most extreme and bluepilled amerimutt golem since you moved there.
Accept the fact that everything you did is a complete failure, your actions directly contradict your ideology and you need to kill yourself
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is it better to be impaled by wooden shrapnel cast off by a cannonball and cruisemissiled in a modern greyboat?
Bro you were our slave for 600 years
>blah blah blah
I'm not reading this shit. I'm outside. You want to deal with this shit in person? Give me a time and a place. I fan be in Bucharest in 2 days.
He is a coward bro. I have to say although you are an obnoxious troon more often than not, you do have balls
Can I suck your balls btw
Unfunny as always. Now post 10 different variations of bumgaria or bumgayria bro
Mhm thats incorect, during second bulgarian empire all politico military rules including tsar were vlachs. Indeed by the time of first bulgarian empire during Samuel, Bulgaria possesed teritories north of Danube, but nothing to do with slavery either.

t. not angrybey

mental innit
shan'tn't watch btw
bumgaria or bumgayria bro
Wrong though innit
Why do you always engage the mentally ill bumgayrians here while also pretending you are above it?
because he's the gay king
when have I ever pretended such a thing? I get great enjoyment out of engaging hopelessly intertwined people
>the shizo gypsy from galati said, whilst pretending to be greek and being scared of a 50kg troon
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Being a troon or a homosexual does not mean that I cannot love my land or my people
I am passive and I don't like sex but I can be your friend.
By the way, this is the first time I'm posting in 2 days and I got banned 4 times and my IP blocked and have to switch to American proxy

Maybe i'm not really spouting reddit opinions as you say, if I'm being banned fucking 5 times a day.
You are an effeminate homo, moldovian aurochs will tear you aparat like a ciggaret leaf
Have you calmed down? Took a cold shower?
you reminded me I should shower
Is this a regular kitchen knife?
Well you called me out multiple times for engaging the troon, blaming me for the faggotry in this place/
I am an effeminate homo but I also dislike people thinking that they can step on me.
I'm calm I don't want to meet people to fight them but to date them :)
No it's a 100+ year old combat knife I'm not saying which because people here threaten to snitch on me all the time
Despite my ugly worlds I love all of you and wish to share a bed with you all

Except the Albanian and nojko. Even the Greek I like
Manic episode over, no more fun for the rest of the night
Bro the only thing I ever wanted was a man to snuggle with during the night.

I had that for 4 months then he left Mr.
Oh well, must suck to be you. How can i show my empathy?
I have called you out for constantly bringing up unprompted buggery, something which I never do and find repulsive.
angelos speaking bumgerian

Friendship and understanding sans explicit homosex. I like romance.

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