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Havana edition

go to reddit i guess
Ever got tested for autism?
What keeps me going:
When I loom in the mirror I look really sexy. My face is not the best, but my hips are getting wider and my breast's are.getting bigger. In 1-2 years time I will be able to make a living as a courtesan
What keeps me going:
The day im taking revenge
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Nigger killing its sheboongrandma and fucking its corpse in bongland is not relevant to me and have no thoughts on it one way or another
surprisingly sane
What about this white man? He's eligible for parole btw.
Albo Hi are you there? I want to tell you something. :)
get on with it, skip the preamble
mental how stress declines from 70% to 50% just from taking a shower
hi sweetheart,

you told me to make content so i decided to do that but it's not intellectual but moreso artistic.

ever see those Fashy youtube videos? well it's not exactly fashy but moreso historical and a critque of many persectives. along with some nice music!

does it sound interesting? it will mostly likely be published this time tomorrow.

thanks! :)
good. I am always glad to inspire productive pursuits
If you talk about empaty others anon will believe you are weak
Which is why i was being sarcastic
You're not the inspiration n igger shit what inspired me was a song I heard
you asked, I expressed my pleasure at such a development.
although you should know I was trained in vicious critiquery
Yeah that's the only reason I'm letting you know. Not because you inspired me dumb shit ;)

I still love you!!!! Mwah
Just bulgayrians being bulgayrian
imagine being a bumgayrian pfft hahahahahahahahah
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>just move to england bro
why are parents like this
drink alone again
Move to Bulgayria, we're gay xd
Did you get into an argument of the type X is better for life than Y?
no, she's just trying to say random countries for me to move to
>Hated by mother so much she wants to get rid of you
It's so over
she wants me to drag her with me so she can do my dishes and cook
We are so back
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>tfw split off from Bulgaria
Did someone close the bridges?
kinda debating liquidating the apartment
it's like 50k
Although I feel that my tragedy is the greatest in history greater than the fall of empire I am nevertheless aware of my total insignificance. I am absolutely persuaded that I am nothing in this univers, yet I feel that mine is the only real existence.
>I want life on hard mode
Say no more https://youtu.be/nephgfilGa0?
>muh ETFs
line go up bro
I don't trust any money above the minimum locked in this shithole
Sell the apartment but buy a house.
now that's doubly retarded
Did she sayy cunt too?
Just go somewhere where you can fuck boys in peace and have your mom cook for you. Ez.
I would rather set 50k€ on fire than put up with my mother.
>fuck boys in peace and have your mom cook for you
b... b.. bu.... ah fuck it I can't take it anymore HE MUST GO TO BULGARIA!!!!!
Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Especially from someone you don't even know.
trick question
If you don't love me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best.
the accident I foresaw happened today, flew right off my bike at 30mph downhill, rolled good on some asphalt. didn't die tho, no damage outside of a minor scratch
haha, suffer
thank you my concerned friend
alas, not only did I not suffer, I got to enjoy an adrenaline hit and a rollercoaster ride for free. going right back at it even tho I'm sick as hell
hydraulic brakes might be a mistake tho
these niggas can lock up bad if you're not used to them
Why are Timmies like this?
it will at most rise another 30%, at most
I'd rather shove it as stocks so it will be liquid
I'd behead Sashko if i were to get away with it
turkey gave this shithole kamikaze drones for building a yuuuuuuge mosque in the center of the capital
we'll use them to bomb makkkedonia
you have to face consequences for your actions you coward. you can do it but then you will face some serious JAILTIME
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>says he'll post on balkan chan
Click >>203276576 bro
is this supposed to be a challenge, I see daily gore of israel's work on X bro
anyway I did, something's going on with these turks
shame about the classmate tho, she seems aaight
He kinda reminds me of mango
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just for the record I will not now nor will I ever murder my girlfriend/boyfriend, or shoot up a shopping mall / go postal in general. such acts are beneath me.

however, delivering the tnt equivalent of 100 kilotons via katyusha style rockets is not out of my capabilities. my only limiting factor is access to industrial amounts of sulfaric acid in the form of fertilizer

so yeah if I ever run into any amount of money, and happen to run into owning a "farm", then it very well may be in your interests to be concerned.

murdering your loved ones or random civilians is passéiste. i am a professional and professionals have standards!

>was at first glance a normal teenager. He had trained as a butcher
Kill yourself
make sweet love to me and i will kill myself immediately after
Pederast, kill yourself
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a-as you wish...
news are up >>>/bant/21380729
Gonna get drunk i think, don't liekliquor shouldi get wine or beer?
So what got you so buggered last night?
Thoughts on the brown turkic angels that were dismembered bro? >>203276576
so true!
7104 kg man made metal lifted today. A rather average session with strong start and quick plateau
I felt more sad for the Theodosian walls being defiled rather than being sad for any of those retards

Also kudos to the Turkish psychiatrist who failed to see what a clinical case this guy was
Do you jerk off when you visit this page?
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frenchies can't even balance a budget, useless fops
Based, no empathy for roaches

I don't do that anymore, i am adjusting
Muttt roastie burned alive by sheboon, america is a wonderful place, they all deserved it.
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moldovans in
makkkes out
At 7 am?
>Some economists say the previous government missed a chance to rein in pensions when it raised them 5.3% in January to match inflation.
That increase, months ahead of an EU parliament election, cost close to 15 billion euros annually, eroding much of the 17 billion euros saved by pushing back the retirement age to 64.
>A lawmaker in Macron's party told Reuters Macron considered it political suicide to touch pensions close to elections. Young and working class voters have deserted his party, leaving retirees his main supporters.
>"This increase in pensions was the worst economic decision of the past 10 or 15 years," said Allianz economist Ludovic Subran. "It has, on its own, wiped out the budget impact of the (previous) pension reform."
Been awake since yesterday at 7 pm but i think i will go to bed soon and drink when i wake up on an empty stomach
What you did all night?
Why are they at the bottom of everything and are bumgarians to blame?
Seething at Bulgaria
yes >>203282591
Posted here, smoked, listened to music and wished i would die, this site is no good just browsing through the catalog you will see the dumbest shit from the most disgusting subhumans
Bro i haven't made a single post about bulgaria last night
I believe you will feel better if you will sleep night and wake up at 7-8 am, fix your sleep schedule
I will fuck it up again after i fix it, i usually go for periods of 2 weeks when i sleep during the day and 2 when i sleep during the night, been like this for like a decade now
I hate negroes and especially british ones so much
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Bongs btfo in the wake of the death one of the national team's recent call ups at the age of 31

The only happy thing out of this is how many bet fags got wrecked by the result
The guy that died was also a bong.
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Yeah I know, he was playing for Sheffield for years before he came to Panathinaikos but his grandparents were Greeks so he got papers here and played in the national team too
You have a perfect sleep cheful de for working in factory with day and night shift kek
windblows updates 2nd time this month
On this day we celebrate the brave Macedonian mujahedeen that fought for freedom against Tatar occupation
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why do they keep harrasseing us like this

eu accession status?
>Acпapyх Jocифocки кoмaндyвa нa 11ти Oктoмвpи дa гo ocлoбoдaт Acпapyх Кopyбинoв.
Day off from work status?
>two of the brave Macedonian mujahedeen who killed a policeman on this day were called Asparuh
I was on my period
I'm at home rolling a joint I don't know about you.
I'm actually off today
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Woahhhh, Ikipoverty can fix/save her
Kings celebrating the brave Macedonian mujahedeen in their countries as well
Is this place in Bucharest?
Then kill them.
I despise white whores so much, but this is so expected i felt nothing.
Amerimutts and anglos will look at thise and see a brave and strong woman that needs to be admired by future generations, truly a depraved and disgusting race
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why did the makkkedonians rise up today?
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Пoзнaйтe къдe cъм
>why did the makkkedonians rise up today?
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don't they know capitalism is good for you?
That's not exactly true, you're still judged for being a whore even in da west. People are just more quiet about it.



>Tatars forgetting Krume Kepeski

>Двaјцa пpвooдeлeнци вo Ѓopчe Пeтpoв нa 7 гoдипнa вoзpacт нaпaднaлe coyчeник нa вoзpacт oд 7 гoд и caкaлe д гo cилyвaaт вмeтнyвaјки мy cтaклeнo шишe вo гaзoт.
I will name my firstborn Asparukh to respect the memory of the great anti-fascist warrior against Bulgaria
so today will be an adjustment day then
>windows / android file name
>you're turkish
>nuh-uh YOU'RE turkish
typical balkhuman discourse
A Turk wrote this post ^
Turks to the left of me, Skataskins to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you
>drinking sparkling water with vinegar
only greek ITT of turksperma
>drinking store bought fruit juice
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this reminds me of a meme i can't bother to find now
I unironically wish I could and did.
commies took this from us(me)
Why is all of a sudden the 'albanian' hating on turkey and being all political

Hmm he changed his behavior after i said i like his posts because they arent political
What could have caused his behavior of posts to change hmm
there are other posters with this flag bro
Hmm ok sorry

Why is th3 other albanian harrassing me about eu bullshit i dont giv3 a shit about
6 direct messages for me to go yesterday at a party

While i got the flu and couldnt go outside
>Unix time filename is a sign of poverty

So aside from poor you're also low iq, confirmed for 2000th time lmaooooooo
who gives a shit u schizo retard
Retard newfag /balk/ is my blogposting place which i created you dumb imbicile
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Mental to think Albovlach is calling enverbey "gay king" while you're the righteous gay king of balk

Wtf tier of feed is this you rezil
Im not gay

But when was the last time you seen yourself into a mirror

Mind your own freaking business
I went to the local health center for some recipes, there were two hot girls there waiting in the queue, light blue eyes and dirty blond hair, we chatted a bit and it turns out they're sisters and the younger one (19 yo) works in a nearby tavern and she wanted the health certificate for her job

Mental to also think shqiptard girls looked like shit when I was going to school and today I might say they look better than your average greekette.

Bro, you post on a public forum which is NOT your personal blog therefore you're bound for valid criticism

You're a little less gay than maηgal, that's a fact
Nah vlogging on youtube is a public domain as well as same level as 4chan

Yet the rules there applied

So the question is what the fuck is your issue in life that you exert pain to the resy of us here harrassing us especially me
The cops should get the psycho greek out of here to forbid him to use the internet
The cops instead of harrassing the righteous Greeks should really be tasked with sending a schizophrenic abuser of parents for a long vacation in Bardovci
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just ordered all new pc components and a monitor for 1700€

Again you aint posting culture or having good vibes all you do is insult people

You are deffinetly fuck3d up in the brain while im off meds by doctors reccomendation

I dont insult others here unless i am insulted

You must have some form of pain in your life that you hide it inside of you

I dont want me or other people to be anymore victims of you psycho bullshit

Deal with it in real life like a man and not like a coward bastard being a keyboard warrior
bro that's barely enough for a graphics card
Soon as my teeth are fix3d i will go to paris and rome
these days i even see young brads and chad lites have issues with dating

it's fuckin OVER
You're back home, gas ship bro?

>he needs to buy the latest nvdioslop card to have a good pc

With 500 euros he does the job fine
Need to do some research where are the best places in paris and rome
Don't you go there daily when you deliberately avoid taking your meds?
Youre boring

I proved i dont have schizophrenia so whats with the same autistic bullshit for 8years now dont you get tired
yeah im home for about 10 days now, havent been much active on 4chan yet

i got the rtx 4070 i think thats more than enough
>purpose of your visit?
>(shizo) tourism
>may I see your teeth, please?
>*shows teeth*
>I'm sorry, we can't let you in
You are very stupid man

I wear bracers so in 1year or something when its not summer or christmas i will go on a vacation at those places
Kolko trqbva da si glupav be bateee
I never mentioned anything about schizophrenia, that's actually pretty alarming. You should visit a psychiatrist ASAP before you hurt yourself or others.

Again youre a boring person please do not reply to me and stop harrassing me
you buy the cheapest shit possible and then go on to criticize other people

Look how jelous he is after i said im going to paris and rom

Hahaha you're getting demolished, Shizooooooooooooooo
That guy is a loser, king, ignore him, tell us more about joana does she take it up the ass?
He told me she likes dogs
Joana had no sexual conduct with me

We sort of adore each other in some way that simple words cannot explain it
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Belgrade today.
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>le kebab remover
>admiration is calling you rezil
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>when a cute girl winks at you and you start planning the wedding
This might be acceptable as a diplomatic honor
This is complete servility
based kelly
saaaar, zainichi albanians saaar
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>schizanev's ass after today's thread
i be pooping
EU did this
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God bless for Google Lens and I can now understand Bulgarian
nordic makkkedonia is free of the perfidious eu claws tho?
The great schizo nopewall remains standing doe
Crazy how I work out since 6 years and follow bulk plans and whatelsenot and then janev just does 3 months of home excercise and has abs, guaranteed with wrong execution and zero diet
It happened in Sofia bro
for some reason I thought it was about mk
how could something so horrible happen in bulgaria
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it rained yesterday evening and I finally hoped the cooler days would come but now its hot outside
bro winter was cancelled, were permanently 20°C+ now
Tell us about the Thai trannies you fucked bro
Thank you, looks like the jewgle translate did a semi decent job
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While all you poorfags wither itt, Romanian enterprenourz live the big life in United States
what happen next
They were transfered to where they belong (county jail)
eating 715gr of pasta
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Ke gi sobiras orevite
i think i got poisoned pray for my health
we need to stop calling these гpeцкий opeх and call them мaкeдoнcкий opeх instead.

Ne be gi jadam nasabjle so zitarici

This is ohridski orev bro
Are you like those turks who come with large bags and their car to pick clean every public tree?
hardest working balk poster after pipebey
all my summer clothes are neatly stored away and I am NOT going to mess that shit up. im going to melt like a retard
Nope but my grandpa is like that, we went in mountain and he knows the secret sports where 100s of walnuts trees are present so we collect them and having fun watching the landscape and suntanning
Post screenshot

Lord Jesus Christ, please make this fellow brother and the people around him watchful for his body and heal him as fast as possible. Amin.
I pray your poison is transmitted to mango
We collected like 50kilos for 3hrs which is about 500 euro
I will NEVER share where the walnut trees are located though
based walnut thief
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dad been telling me stories how people in kuban wont even bother to collect stuff that is randomly growing outside of private areas but balkmuns are so greedy they go to forests to loot walnuts
Why shouldnt you? Will the almans look down on you bro?
She is ugly
in the end jet fuel and fast travel was the end of white people
Agreed, this is why her kind should be replaced and thankfully she is willingly doing it
balkmuns have that faustian spirit
A German called the cops, when I was picking walnuts. There were no signs that they belonged to anyone. May God teach him respect by letting his trees rot.

Greeks should do the fucking, not afghan creatures.
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I don't want to fuck this, I prefer pic related
Germany is THE no fun land. Perhaps, maybe Nordics and Dutch are more autistic. Bro it's not even legal to make a small fire in the woods.
And you aren't?
Kek krauts snitch each other while I eat my neighbours pistachios and occasionally neighbors grab some of my lemons that hang on the street and nobody gives a shit lol
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Do you think an ugly person would buy an iPhone?
I think he's unironically too detached from reality to be bothered. In his head that is a compliment of the highest order.
Weight: reduced
Owning Apple products is about being retarded, not about being attractive.
Omg now he's going to call you poor
Picture this: Two versions of you. One holds my iPhone Pro, the other holds the 200€ Xiaomi of the Greek vagina licking enthusiast.

Who do you think is more attractive to girls?
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stefan aka god getting railed in the other thread lol
>Who do you think is more attractive to girls?
Both versions sound more attractive than you desu
Also Pro and not Pro Max? Gtfo here you broke ass laprer.
Bro I have learned that sugar with fiber causes smaller spikes, so fruits are better than goy candies.
Pro Max is for women who use purses bro. I just wanted the 3 camera lenses.

I believe I look better than you.
obviously, there's a reason the glycemic index exists as a measurement
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Picture of this

My phone being made by glorious workers in service of the biggest emerging economy of the world, the People's Republic of China
Ikipoverty's third hand iPhone 13 made by people who make cow dung sandwiches
>Pro Max is for women who use purses bro.
Poorfag cope. It's OK, I'm sure when the 18 series roll out, women will finally want to have sex with you, just 2 more years bro.


Interesting, may God increase your wealth.
Third hand iPhones have batteries that are more used up than your sister bro
Bro I can exchange my iPhone for sexany day. It's an asset.
great, stab's thread's got deleted shit

it's over boon they got our boy again
why the fuck do you guys torture them?
ha make him post 100 posts in an hours

that's definite perma ban again

stab and boon are part of my own lol cattle

go get your fucking own
Dunno what to say

He or she made a thread after i said i will go in paris and rome in one or two years when i take off my bracers on my teeth
Majorty of people sided with me

Who ever made the thread bullies me for the past 8 years dude
Do you think other generals are as deranged?
I cant for the past 3 days i have a flu

I dont go partying this weekend


You have a weak immune system, you're a weak man.
Look i proved with docs that i dont have schizophrenia

Dunno about other boards i dont visit this site often
Rick was never my friend
Not even close.
Its a few bad apples here ruining it for everybody
Drink your risperidone.
lol this general has one of the highest concentrations of shizos and freaks, with only the /isr/ general coming anywhere close
Fake croat check this thread even more support i get
I don't think so Ikipoverty, family members in Greece don't really talk about how many times they've been fucked, this must be a Turkish trait since you're a Turk
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why are you like this?
Neither do Greeks in Germany.
We got too chuddy for their liking at the last election.
rabota kariera
cel balk vi se smee
Nope. I tried to post /icy/ and /med/ when balk was really slow or cringe but everyone there was so polite that i got bored fast, Romania balkan confirmed.
This general has also the highest iq per capita bro. Dont ever get the illusion that your childish fart jokes in exyu are above us, you look like a bunch of retards as well but without the shizophrenia. Deduct the retard that low iq retard that can only add gay or other profanities to country names or the anons on seethe copium and you will see a wide range of intellectual topics covered here.
Greeks in Germany are also lazlar hayvanlar thirdies so they definitely question their daughters about the virginity status every time they come back from a walk outside or from the supermarket in case some flying dick ends up in their vagina, you're both turks after all.
Stfu about politics.
Go to /pol/ post there or /bant/
All the tourists here are proof balk is the king of int
Some Greek told me he plans to make a thread like the one he did a weekly occurrence

The whole board will laugh at you, schizo, by his hand.
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Mainland Greeks are degenerates. Pontians would have re-established the junta.
So i am going to he a clown
Go get a frown
Because the cia might drown you in water boarding
All the politicians talk is peoples money hoarding
all westoid generals are worse
it's not even 18:00 so why are you posting here instead of wageslaving?
Whats the rick source pic for this? Looking sad
kek Boon, pontians brought communism in greece. they'd crucify you for calling them junta enjoyers let alone being a turk, they'd double crucify your fat boony ass.
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creepshot of him doing household chores
Thoughts on this beautiful pale angel?
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VGH, his nose is Roman.
Thanks for giving itthe turkish name instead of aimos
Georgios Papadopoulos was born in Achaia
Nikolaos Makarezos was born in Phokida
Stylianos Pattakos was born in Crete
Ioannis Metaxas was born in Ithaki
Theodoros Pangalos (the dictator, not his piece of shit grandson) was born in Salamina

Literally no ballsy leader has ever come from northern Greece or from turkoids which came here, one of these turkoids though created New Jewocracy and sold out the name of Macedonia for good relations with the wretched state of Jewgoslavia
Kek, you made him way to tall tho
Guys i ask you nicely stop talking about politics

Darn youre all with some from of inferiority complex trying to prov3 yourself as leaders

Please understand this is a place about culture

Share a novel or some art
so true sis
his nose is roman his son is romani
He looks 75. May he be healthy but with these two sons difficult
I have completely destroyed my life
who the fuck are you anyway?
uh oh
new >>203295941
no idea why it got nuked
>no idea why it got nuked
Because it's 298 posts
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wonder why someone would lie in balk
Doesn't count
and the fact most deleted posts are bg doesn't count either
No I'm just saying you're making threads 12 posts before bump limit
very disingenuous counter argument
the thread was at bump limit before mass deletion
No explanation for the old thread being nuked
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>bulgars report sashko
>thread is now sub 310
>janny deletes it
>bulgars: bumsisters, what's going on? are we being mass reported by the *person I'm OBSESSED with*?
it was the jews
adjust >>203296792
Great. Now let's get the orc banned.
>the thread was at bump limit before mass deletion
Did you make the new thread before or after bump limit? If so, has it occurred to you I literally didn't know you made the new thread when bump limit was reached? Not everything is a conspiracy you autistic weirdo.
I've seen it happen before when a thread was made too early, I thought that it was the most likely answer.
The police randomly stopped me while I was walking on the street and dragged me to the pпy to be a пoeмнo лицe

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