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>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read the wiki:

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents
Previous: >>203173062
Shit thread
Кaк дeлa хopoшo y тeбя дeти и тeбe нe тe и чeбypeки и цeнитe и тeбe нe тe и тeбe

Fuck my pronunciation
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i've been able to read englisch yugioh cards, before we were even tought englisch in school
This is one of (if not THE one) porn image that I had ever saved on my computer, back in 2017 or so. I found it when I was cleaning my files and preparing for a format.
It's interesting that it popped up here because I haven't seen it since, and I just happened to get back into yu gi oh the past few days.

The loneliness gets hard at times. Thanks for reading my blogpost, time to do the anki reps
You stupid European, you forgot all of those years English class you took in kindergarten and in the womb!
Quit downplaying classes
kys junocel
Where's the Juno thread
i learned english from watching hey arnold
coomer nigger thread
The fuck did you mean to say there bud
Am I gimping myself if I only do input with both target and own language subtitles? Audio is still target language of course.
I think you should die methinks
Just bought OTM calls on $RUSSIAN
Hope they start printing before I get fucked by theta..
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Nunca assisti aos filmes ou li os livros de Oleiro Peludo quando era criança mas eu diria que é uma história boa. Ainda tenho muito restante do primeiro livro a ler e além disso ainda terei mais livros aguardando por mim mas, os viadãos que sempre gritam "read harry potter!11!" foram corretos e tô o aproveitando
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When would you guys consider dropping anki grinding? I am towards the last few hundreds of my top 5k word frequency deck and for the last 500 or so, I have felt as if I havent gotten as much out of it anymore given that I can for the most part guess them through context, cognate or having encountered it prior
Is this the part where I have to start mining and making my own deck?
>loan from english
Oh my days
Well I've heard that you "should" start mining at around 2k words already, which is when you "should" be able to start reading some materials without too much pain.
Of course, you can actually start reading and mining whenever you want.
My strategy thus far with native content has been to just look the word up when I first discover it and hope that by the second time I come across it, I remember what it is as opposed to noting it down, making a card for it and gooning it until it sticks
Maybe what I have been doing has already been mining but to a lesser extent
>mining and making my own deck?
I would have started long before. For some reason I'm just shit at remembering words from premade decks. It has to be my own.
>283 cards due
until he learn anything computer related
recently I learned that the French use Go (gigaoctet) instead of gb for gigabyte. still can't decide if cringe or based
hello anki
It's sort of like doing math problems with the entire solution already visible. If you're intellectually honest and you only look at the solution after trying out the problem, then it's fine, you're filling in the gaps in your knowledge and checking yourself, but it's also easy to skip the entire work, see the solution and lie to yourself oh yeah, i totally would've got that, let's move on, so you never develop that comprehension muscle.

If you use tools like Language Reactor, you can hide NL subs until you hover over them so you don't "spoil" yourself.
zu meinen am meisten geschätzten Habseligkeiten gehört ein paar ursprüngliche Yugioh-Karten inklusive eines blauäugigen Drachens, eines dunklen Magiers, und eines rotäugigen Drachens. Ich hatte sie total vergessen, aber vor ein paar Jahren als meine Eltern aus meinem Kindheitshaus ausgezogen sind, bin ich auf sie in einem Schuhenkarton beim Einpacken zufällig gestoßen. Glücklicherweise waren sie mehr oder weniger in perfektem Zustand abgesehen von ein paar praktisch unsichtbaren Kratzern auf dem Holo-Foils. Pokemon war ehrlich mehr mein Ding als Kind, aber meine Pokemonkartensammlung ist mit der Zeit spurlos geschwunden.
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Pass darauf auf, was du hier sagst, mein Griechischer Mitsprachenlernende. Wenn du so weiteredest, werde ich dazu gezwungen werden, dich beim Hausmeister anzuzeigen, was für dich empfindliche Konsequenzen zur Folge haben könnte, z.B eine mehrtägige Sperre. Bitte streb danach von heute an menschlicher mit deinen Mitsprachenlernenden zu engagieren. Wir sind schließlich alle auf demselben Team!
is it just me or do you also feel like /lang/ is kinda dead nowadays?
Of all the things I've used to learn (CI, duolingo, verb conjugation apps, old fashioned teach-yourself books, extensive reading, native content I barely understood 40% of) anki was the one thing that helped me the least. It might even have negative ROI since so many words don't have 1:1 translations even in fairly similar languages and I feel like I'm learning arbitrary associations.
At the last 500 you might as well complete it.
Theoretically anki should be the most efficient way to learn this new vocab because of the spaced repetition, and it probably is. That would make it ideal to mine on day 2, it will still teach you faster than you could be taught any other way, and more efficiently.

I don't mine, but I'm about to start doing it. I'm only 2k or so into my deck and I'm still hitting repeat words constantly, so mining would have been good a while ago. It would have been good 1,000 words ago, I would have known way more uncommon and rare words at little to no effort.
I feel like it's much more subtle of a method. It's not about getting the words pinned down exactly, it's about having a rough idea of what the words are gonna do so that when you find them in context you pick them up quicker. The time investments can be miniscule, like 20 minutes or so a day, but the returns can be pretty huge, especially when you read a lot and have a lot of new words coming in fast that are uncommon.
Has been for a while. We already have everything optimized, time spent on this general is time that could be spent studying and improving, the ideal /lang/ poster comes here once or twice a day at most.
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>the ideal /lang/ poster comes here once or twice a day at most.
>mfw lurking all day
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i inpoot by lurking on my TL's general
i never really got into a anki. tried it but wasn't something i wanted to do. it felt like a chore. so i just stopped doing it. so far it doesn't seem to have caused any problems. i use lingq with podcasts and transcripts instead. seems to be working
Talk about garbage cards.
Does someone here have recommandation on hispanophone yt channel / podcast?
Preferably about latin america (history/politics).
>A real-life Lingqooner
This is taking your anki spot, they do nearly the same thing. I don't use linq because the maker is obnoxious but it's probably about as effective and a little more fun.

In absolute terms anki probably beats it efficiency-wise but it's probably slightly easier and more entertaining.
>grinding random words is only slightly less fun than listening and reading topics you are interested in
What's your excuse for not learning Romanian?
Don't you want a vampire mommy gf???
>learning a language for women
>doing anything specifically for women in the first place
Yes. I love women.
Why you learning languages for men?
Anki has a sort of fun of its own though. If you're some ADHD zoomer I could see how it wouldn't be fun but for me it's fun to see how many words I already know the meaning of before doing them, and it's fun to do something and get better at it every day.
And really I only do it for 20 or so minutes a day. I could see how it would be boring if I did it for 1 hour like japanese learners do but 15-20 minutes of anki is tolerable and the routine can even be enjoyable.
The russshit will never recover from this.
Bei mir ist es ähnlich, ich habe neulich mein altes Kindheitszimmer ausgemistet und habe unter anderem einige meiner alten Yu-Gi-Oh-Karten wiedergefunden. Ich hatte eigentlich auch viel mehr Pokemon-Karten als Kind, aber kann mich nicht genau erinnern was mit denen passiert ist, ich glaube ich habe sie irgendwann mal verkauft. Ich weiß noch, dass ich einen ganzen Kinder-Reisekoffer voll mit Pokemon-Karten hatte, in dem sie einfach lose herumgeflogen sind. So ähnlich wie im beigefügten Bild sah mein Koffer aus, aber mit einem anderen Muster.

>gehört ein paar ursprüngliche Yugioh-Karten
Und "ursprüngliche Yugioh-Karten" klingt ein bisschen komisch, so als ob sie sich verwandelt haben und jetzt keine Yugioh-Karten mehr sind. Ich denke es ist besser hier einfach "alte Yugioh-Karten" zu sagen.


>bin ich auf sie in einem Schuhenkarton beim Einpacken zufällig gestoßen
"bin ich beim Einpacken zufällig in einem Schuhkarton auf sie gestoßen" klingt besser vom Satzbau her.

>Pokemon war ehrlich mehr mein Ding
ehrlich gesagt
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Jordieurges are strong today. The Teutonic spirit is haunting me but I am in no position to learn 2 langs at once. I'm sure the time will eventually come for me to submit, but not until I've at least completed a JRPG in full Japanese, which I might very realistically be able to do right now with liberal use of an ocr/yomitan.
He's criticising learning languages for women. He's not suggesting you learn languages for men. Nowhere in his post did he remotely reference men.

Bit odd that you jumped to that. Are you a bit of a projecting poofter, perhaps? Oh dear!
>2 langs at once
Lel, good luck anon. Realistically I think with a harder language those urgesare normal, you just have to prioritize and have one on the "backburner," inevitably one of your languages will suffer when you pick a second.
This can actually be a good thing, though. If it's some easier spanish-tier language you can do 20 minutes of practice a day and actually make noticeable gains in vocab, white still putting the majority of time into the harder language. Alternatively when the hard language becomes too hard you put it on the backburner and focus on the easy one.

I'd do this but I just haven't gotten around to it yet, I have a system that works and I'd have to make a new system for a new language. You really shouldn't mix two easy or two hard languages, but one hard + one easy might be the ideal way to learn.
You sound autistic
You sound like an ironypoisoned faggot (muh vampire mommy), which is infinitely worse. What next, gonna talk about learning Portuguese for "muh brazilian femboys/traps"? Literally the same mindset.
>What next, gonna talk about learning Portuguese for "muh brazilian femboys/traps"?
That would be far preferable to whatever you are doing
Imo anki works when you have a good dictionary to run with it. But even then, so many decks are just some dude building out every possible utterance haphazardly instead of building out key phrases with high utility that transpose into other phrases or meanings.
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Danke für die Korrektur.

>bin ich auf sie in einem Schuhenkarton beim Einpacken zufällig gestoßen

Ich hab mir das Hirn beim Konstruieren des Satzes zermartert. Ich wusste, dass etwas daran komisch war.

Ich hab die rausgezogen und ein Foto von denen gemacht. Geh davon aus, dass sie nicht allzu wertvoll sind, denn sie stammen alle aus den damals leicht findbaren vorgefertigten Decks, aber mir sind sie ungeachtet dessen wichtig und ich schätze sie auf jeden Fall als aufbewahrenswert. Wir haben beide damals auf Pokemon gestanden, aber ich muss eingestehen, es gab etwas kantiges und sogar makaberes an der ersten Generation von Yu-gi-oh, was Pokemon gefehlt hat. Aber Pokemon war immer massentauglicher und meiner Meinung nach hat das der Franchise ermöglicht, über die Jahre relativ beliebt zu bleiben, wohingegen Yu-gi-oh deutlich geschrumpft ist, was Relevanz angeht, so dass es heutzutage nur eine kleine Nische besetzt. So sieht der Stand Dinge zumindest nach meiner Wahrnehmung aus.
Challenge: say boobies in your tl
Imagine sperging out about an obvious joke
couldn't be me
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Does someone remember Rita from easy french? All the videos where she was the presenter were deleted from YT, and it sucks. I wanted to watch a video where she was wearing gym clothing and looked sexy... But it's gone now... R.I.P. my favourite arab chubby :(
Brauchst du eine Erinnerung an dem Ort wo wir uns wiederfinden. Diese Seite, aber im besonderen dieser Faden, ist eine regelrechte Austismushöhle.


das lustigere Wort für meine Begriffe ist Möpse. Man kann auch Wahnsinn, was insane auf Deutsch bedeutet, dem Wort Titten beifügen, um das anschauliche Wort Wahnsinnstitten zu schaffen.
>ironypoisoned faggot thinks being an ironypoisoned faggot is preferable to not being an ironypoisoned faggot
Shocker! Trundle off back to the goonposting on discord with your little friends, buddy.

Imagine being oddly defensive because I called out the pathetic terminally-online behaviour of another poster. Hit too close to home did I?
I run 2 decks, phrases + words, and yeah, that's 100% true of the phrases one. It's random phrases that usually are nonsensical and useless. The main thing though is that a phrase might have 5 or 6 words in it but it doesn't take much longer than just learning 1 word. It's more value time-wise.

I don't even run the phrase deck to pick up phrases anymore since they're usually useless and retarded, I run it because it's more efficient than just gooning only the words, but I keep the words deck because it helps me keep my accuracy up.
kek das war ich nicht. Derzeit gibt es viele Griechen, die auf /lang/ lauern. Dennoch muss ich zugeben, dass coombait nervt mich auch ein bisschen.
Huh, I already knew that for some reason even though I don't speak French.
>Ich hab mir das Hirn beim Konstruieren des Satzes zermartert.
Ich musste auch ein bisschen überlegen wie man das richtig formuliert.

Ich denke auch, dass Pokemon deutlich massentauglicher ist, zumindest in meinem damaligen Freundeskreis war es beliebter, und auch heutzutage scheint mir diese Tendenz noch ausgeprägter zu sein. Was den Wert der Karten angeht kenne ich mich auch nicht aus, ich glaube die wirklich wertvollen Karten sind die Erstauflagen, aber trotzdem ist es eine schöne Erinnerung.
Ich habe meine Sammlung vor einigen Jahren zugeworfen (die meisten Karten waren gefälscht). Ich erinnere mich daran, dass wann ich endlich mein erstes Deck gebaut hat, meine Mutter fragt mich, ob sie konnte die Karten ansehen. "Die sind dämonisch Ungeheuer", sagte Sie, ziemlich schockiert. kek
Pokemon Karten hatte ich nie, nur Pokemon Pogs.
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*fragte mich, ob Sie die Karten ansehen konnte
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Lel. Mir ist es auch aufgefallen, dass sich eine Menge deine Landsleute in letzter Zeit herumtreiben. Kein Problem damit, aber es ist definitiv ein bisschen auffallend angesichts der relativ kleinen Größe von Griechenland. Ich stimme dir auch zu, was das unablässige Posten von diesen Videospiel-Damen angeht. Zum einen ist Overwatch ein Dreckspiel und zum anderen sollte der Faden schlicht und ergreifend um Sprachenlernen gehen. Es gehört einfach nicht zum Thema.

>Die sind dämonisch Ungeheuer

Beim Anfang des Pokemon-Wahns hier in den Staaten machten sich einige Eltern Sorgen darüber, weil sie Pokemon für etwas teuflisches gehalten haben. Ich war etwa 8 oder so und ich kann mich immer noch daran erinnern, wie einige Leute in Nachrichtensendungen dagegen gehetzt haben, was rückblickend absolut lächerlich aussieht. Alles in Allem ist Pokemon eher unbedenklich abgesehen davon dass es sich im Kern um Tierkampf handelt. Das Gleiche ist mit den Harry Potter Bücher ein paar Jahren danach geschehen, aber ich sehe das als ein wenig nachvollziehbarer. Die Bücher gehen doch am Ende des Tages um Hexen und Zauberer.

Wäre toll, wenn wir unsere Posts bearbeiten könnten, nachdem wir Enter gedrückt haben. Kommt es mir so vor, als ob ich immer nur Mikrosekunden nach dem Knopfdruck irgendeinen eklatanten Fehler merke, aber dann ist es zu spät den zu korrigieren. Sehr frustrierend.
>Beim Anfang des Pokemon-Wahns hier in den Staaten machten sich einige Eltern Sorgen darüber, weil sie Pokemon für etwas teuflisches gehalten haben. Ich war etwa 8 oder so und ich kann mich immer noch daran erinnern, wie einige Leute in Nachrichtensendungen dagegen gehetzt haben, was rückblickend absolut lächerlich aussieht. Alles in Allem ist Pokemon eher unbedenklich abgesehen davon dass es sich im Kern um Tierkampf handelt. Das Gleiche ist mit den Harry Potter Bücher ein paar Jahren danach geschehen, aber ich sehe das als ein wenig nachvollziehbarer. Die Bücher gehen doch am Ende des Tages um Hexen und Zauberer.
Das mit den Harry Potter Bücher ist auch hier passiert (Manche Leute behaupteten, dass Rowling zu den satanischen Tempel gehörte oder sowas), aber mit Pokemon, eher nicht. Ich vermute, es liegt daran, dass die meisten Pokemon sehr kindisch aussehen.
>Wäre toll, wenn wir unsere Posts bearbeiten könnten, nachdem wir Enter gedrückt haben. Kommt es mir so vor, als ob ich immer nur Mikrosekunden nach dem Knopfdruck irgendeinen eklatanten Fehler merke, aber dann ist es zu spät den zu korrigieren. Sehr frustrierend.
I miss the magic of learning my first language, I want to learn a language as a hobby and not have to pursue it as a career anymore so I just want to learn a language from a region I know nothing about. What's the deal with African languages besides Arabic? I've heard of people learning Swahili
yeah fuck 18 noun cases yeah ill stick to some bullshit like indonesian
>Classical Chinese
>Ancient Greek
damn she is so ugly
my favorite part of a language is using it THOUGH
Reading counts as using a language
i mean going to a language where it is spoken and speaking it
I have never finished any of the 5k decks. I have dropped two at around the 3k mark and I am now C2 and B2 in those two languages respectively. They are great but yeah, it's just dimininshing returns.
I hate brown people so I imagine if I picked an african language to learn I'd just choose one with the coolest script.
Fair enough, thanks
i already know russian so whenever i go to uzbekistan i just speak russian and same with farsi whenever i go to tajikistan most of the time i just speak russian. japanese is too hard for a country that isnt that great. mongolia is too similar to kazakhstan for me to bother to learn mongolian
how do you guys figure out your level?
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Hey frens
today I read about half of the French wikipedia page about the Algerian war of independence. It's a long page and I chose it because I have a book to read about this topic too. It's bad that in one day I've read 0/5 books and 0.5/15 long Wikipedia articles but the other articles probably won't be this long and I plan to do a lot of reading this weekend.
I've passed official CEFR exams. Taking a mock test is the bare minimum imo.
Is modern Hebrew basically a conlang?
Go look at the CEFR rubric
It's designed for self-assessment
I simply do not worry about it and make it up in my head.
All I know is that I can understand what I watch and read but can't speak well.
That's a brutal loss. News articles would have been a better choice for this, since they generally like to keep to the same length.
Granted, you can blaze through one in like 10 minutes or less so you'd have to do a LOT of them if you were really proficient.
It's not so bad. My French is rusty but I'm already reading significantly more quickly than I was a few days ago. I expect the other wikipedia articles to be on average about 15000 words each. If I read 3 words per second it will take me about 20 hours to read another 14 articles. The 5 books put together are about 1200 pages long and none are particularly dense. If we call it a page per minute that's another 20 hours of reading. I can do 20 hours this weekend and the other 20 hours (plus finishing the current wikipedia article) tomorrow, monday, tuesday and wednesday. It's doable but to go longer than a week would be difficult.
Worse. It's a larplang like Klingon or Anglish.
To be fair, Klingon sounds nicer to the ears than Modern Hebrew, and at least has cool rare grammatical features and good media available in the language.
I go to the embassy and ask the ambassador in person how good he thinks I am.
>larplang like Klingon
There are people who LARP as Klingons?
>Go look at the CEFR rubric
>It's designed for self-assessment
The problem with doing that is that people tend to underestimate the A1/A2 levels and overestimate the C1/C2 ones. There are free mock tests for most popular languages.
Sick of Duolingo giving me like 5 notifications a day
And with no regard for time zone either
I get a random message at like 4 am saying "hey! study now!!!!"
another great day for pure immersion
so far 6 hours done
going for 150+ by the end of the month
no excuses, only upping hours
why didn't you post this in your target language?
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i'm fucking exausted from all this anki grinding and i still have the conjugation cards to do
but hey no pain no gain, am i right?
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Hello frens

Been learning Japanese for about two and a half years now and recently started taking it seriously because stupid me thought that applying for MEXT in 1 or 2 years would be a good idea. So here we are, studying for N2

Reading and watching videos on YouTube have definitely helped me a lot in getting used to the language. Also, reading magazines like Haruta is pretty fun now that I understand what's going on.
cxiu vi parolas esperanton?
List of Esperanto speakers:
>Josef Stalin (Soviet Communist Leader) (He would later do a 180 on his position on the language, and executed thousands of Esperantists).
>Ho Chi Minh (Vietnamese Communist Leader)
>Josip Tito (Yugoslavian Communist Leader)
>Alexander Dubček (Czechoslovakian Communist Leader)
>Kazimierz Badowski (Leader of the Trotskyists in Poland from 1920-1950)
>Ba Jing (Chinese Anarchist revolutionary)
>Ikki Kita (founder of the Fascist movement in Japan)
>Pope John Paul II (Catholic Leader)
>George Soros (Jewish Billionaire)
>JRR Tolkien (Author)
>Leo Tolstoy (Author)
What is it like learning Chinese? I've heard the hardest part is remembering the characters but besides that the grammar is easy
I tried to but my accent was too good, the fleas and mosquitoes in my room all started talking to me and my cat ran away.
Learning languages is such a fucking SCAM
I've been studying for 4 years now and I didn't get any gf in any of the languages I tried
just input bro
This. >>203270616
Imagine having the entirety of French femininity to choose from and you pick that potato to teach french.
>my favorite part of a language is using it THOUGH
I would use the shit out of these languages
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>He would later do a 180 on his position on the language, and executed thousands of Esperantists
Pick one of the Ethiopian languages. It's an afro-semitic language with its own script as far back as antiquity. Amharic (ethiopian) is the primary language, but there's plenty of ethnic minorities you can study. ሰላም ከመ ኣላሂ (ዕበዕ)
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>>Josef Stalin (Soviet Communist Leader) (He would later do a 180 on his position on the language, and executed thousands of Esperantists).
The long con.
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I am still a loner and still a neet virgin in my country, but I applied to several jobs and did the humiliation ritual of recorded interviews for seasonal gigs at target. Twice. Maybe if I’m lucky something will pan out there.

I had a stressful week last week, but i still studied a bit of Russian and I’m finna boutta do an intensive study session right after I finish typing this post. S2mt
It's crazy.
One day Stalin was fully pro-Esperanto, and the next day, he was calling for Esperantists to be killed and/or gulaged.
Same with homosexuality. Under Lenin's rule, he supported Lenin's full legalisation of LGBT right and gay marriage. Then one day he just changed his mind and called for gays to be killed and/or gulaged.
My theory is during the war days he must've been raped by a gay Esperantist.
brother you expect me to OUTPUT?
He never liked them, or they had some political opposition to him and were low-hanging fruit.
I mean, obviously there's no loss to getting rid of the gays, you actually get worldwide support for this and countrywide support for it. For esperantists? I could see them being fairly intelligent free-thinkers, ones that get together and have their little language clubs that are like speakeasies. I wouldn't doubt that they had some dangerous ideas.
Also language is one of the most blatantly imperialist things in existence. A group that calls out giving up your national language and using an international one that belongs to nobody is inherently a threat.
You have to keep in mind that we're pretty much still talking about Imperial Russia, with the other members of their union being people they conquered. For Stalin obviously the most powerful move for his empire was to make as many people speak Russian as possible.
Give it to me straight. What's the best way to learn Br Portuguese? which anki deck? any podcasts?
vírgula antes do mas.
"história boa" e "boa história", possuem significado diferentes em português, creio que quis dizer boa história.
>Ainda tenho muito restante do primeiro livro a ler
Construção estranha ficaria melhor como:
Ainda me resta muito para ler do primeiro livro.
E uma forma mais natural, para o PT-BR, seria:
Ainda tenho muitas páginas para ler do primeiro livro.
Mesma coisa de antes vírgula antes.
>foram corretos e tô o aproveitando
Eu tenho um pouco de duvida aqui. Não acho que esteja, mas é mais comum se usar "estavam", no Brasil. Eu usaria foram em "ações concretas" como "Foram os portugueses que descobriram o Brasil."
> "tô" é gíria contração de "estou", primeira pessoa do presente do verbo estar.
E ação contínua é sem preposição.
"E (eu) estou aproveitando."
Do you want Spanish speakers?
Arqui.Cultura is the most history-related one I know, he just constructs ancient buildings with 3d modeling software and talks about them.

And there's some travel blogger, Oscar Alejandro, who has traveled to south america and done a bunch of videos there, but it's not really history / politics related except for that one time he went to Venezuela and almost was arrested. Still, as a travel vlogger you get a general idea of some generic info on each country.
>Eu tenho um pouco de duvida aqui. Não acho que esteja, mas é mais comum se usar "estavam", no Brasil.
Vocês diriam que "eles estavam corretos"? Agora entendo que 'estar' seria melhor do que 'ser' mas não exatamente entendi por que o pretérito imperfeito seria mais apropriado do que o perfeito
>"E (eu) estou aproveitando."
Eu quis dizer que estou aproveitando (o livro), não posso colocar o pronome como fiz?
Obrigado pelas dicas de qualquer forma
>Vocês diriam que "eles estavam corretos"? Agora entendo que 'estar' seria melhor do que 'ser' mas não exatamente entendi por que o pretérito imperfeito seria mais apropriado do que o perfeito
Agora que parei para pensar me parece que os dois caberiam dependendo de como você entende a ação de "estar certo", mas não sou professor de português não vou lhe dar certeza.

>Eu quis dizer que estou aproveitando (o livro), não posso colocar o pronome como fiz?
Então: "aproveitando-o" ou "aproveitando o livro".
what is a good microphone to record speaking practice?
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tf why?
Every group of people has self-haters.
But why does it have to be the character for "God"? Like you are choosing the word God to mean "self-hating"? I am thinking this has to be edited by a troll
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Results for people who completed this test
First of all, I think, (though others might think differently), to improve your English, the most important thing is to speak a lot and listen a lot.

When we were kids, we didn’t learn by sitting down and studying "Snow White" like, “Oh, this is how you say it,” right? In the same way, when it comes to English, whether you’re watching cartoons or having conversations, the key is to speak and listen as much as possible.

Recently, a parent contacted me saying they were looking for a tutor. I immediately sent my resume and explained how I teach.

But then they hit me with something like, 'My child (3rd grade) has finished reading AR-1, so we’re looking for someone who can read books in English and have discussions with them' almost as if they were implying my teaching style is only for beginners.

I replied, 'So you’re saying your kid only reads that book, and he already think and speak in English?'

I couldn’t help but be skeptical. At that age, kids are still busy learning Korean, and both parents are native Koreans, yet the child is supposedly speaking English?

The parent just went, “Yes~” in such a dismissive way.

I had no choice but to ignore it.

Unless the kid is watching English cartoons and actually starting to speak in English, I don’t see how a 4th grader is just reading English storybooks and suddenly thinking and speaking in English.

It honestly feels like the parent is just way too stupid and out of touch with reality, no matter how I look at it.

What's your takes on it
Have you tried going to the local consulate? If you can't get one on the market you can apply for a government sponsored program.
reminder to IMMERSE today :)
no excuses
up those hours
i hate small tits
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I literally have 3 different high-level CEFR diplomas
How do you say "faggot" in your TL?
You posted them before, right? I think I remember.
"i love small tits"
Do you like flat asses, enlarged clits and short hair too?
4channers be like:
>*gayest thing you can imagine*
>"am 100% straight though"
>*having sex with a woman*
>"now that's gay"
4channers be like:
>make up completely imaginary scenario to get mad at
take meds
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You haven't seen ugly until you've witnessed an athenigger atrocidad
I think my problem is that I know too little to actually understand anything if it’s not baby shit. Do I come back to input when I can actually comprehend anything or is any input better than none?
Während eines vor kurzem stattfindenden Traumes hab ich einen mysteriösen schnauzbärtigen Mann getroffen und er hat mein Deutsch überschwänglich komplimentiert und als C1 eingestuft. Wir haben uns miteinander eine Weile danach weiterunterhalten, und zwar über ein paar esoterische Dinge, die wir beide höchstinteressant fanden. Nach dieser anregenden Unterredung musste sich der dunkelhaarige blauäugige Mann leider sofort verabschieden denn er hatte viel zu tun (es hatte etwas mit einem gewissen Abendland zu tun, aber mir ist irgendeines so benanntes Land nicht bewusst). Als er in den Horizont verschwand bin ich plötzlich aufgewacht. Aufgrund dieses Traumes bin ich davon ziemlich sicher, dass meine Deutschkenntnisse dem Sprachniveau C1 entsprechen. Komischer Traum aber der hat mir eine Menge Zuversicht eingeflößt.
Diana uribe
I like tits, unlike you faggots
I'd have to guess that it's the same way we call them "chang", someone's name was shen and now they say
>Ok shen
When someone makes shen-posts. It's not really abnormal in other cultures to name your people after gods, mexicans with Jesus and arabs with Mohammed.
Well obviously it's complete nonsense and even then, if the kid DID speak english by reading these books what level of discussion could you have with them?
>The man put on his pants and then he took them off!
>The dog barked? Wow, the dog barked and jumped! Have you ever seen a dog?

I think that probably if you don't have enough of your own language established you could start thinking in a new language fairly early, but the level of discussion you'd get from someone who's achievement you could accomplish by just looking at pictures in a book is almost nothing.

It seems like the parents just don't understand what goes into learning an entire language, and honestly, most people don't. That's why we still have these english - spanish bilingual picture books and classes in school that teach almost nothing, people aren't aware that it's pretty much a full-time job to learn some languages.
>Flat asses
Do squats.
>Enlarged clits
Wouldn't mind desu, not like it matters to me.
>Short hair
Jaw-length hair is ideal, most womeme make their hair either too long or short. Jaw-length is the perfect mix of utility and looks.
>60 hours of French
>Still can't read shit outside of children's books and graded readers
I can't take this shit anymore, I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE, I'm so fucking pathetic it hurts, it physically hurts, why the fuck was I born so stupid? Why can't I be at least mediocre? I'M EVEN FUCKING BELOW THAT, I'm on the level of literal trash, there's no difference between me and pidgeon crap.
>60 hours
>Still don't know shit
Yeah, retard, you're not supposed to know anything at 60 hours.
what language should i immersion max in 2025? im either continuing with mandarin for another year, actualizing the years of french i did in school, or raw dogging some shit like korean or russian to see how good i can get with native content only
continue comme ça
learn albanian
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60 hours is nothing.
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How do I figure out chinese word order? Are there any rules or is it just immersion?
>Only 950 hours are needed to reach a C1 level

Brainlet language for European speakers
Isn't it just SVO? That's what I've always heard atleast.
If it's not comprehensible, you make it comprehensible, it's a skill you learn along the way. Lookup the unknown words and think about the meaning of the sentence. Then translate it using some tool and compare TL with NL and figure out what you were missing. This way you're actively engaged with TL and NL serves a supporting role. You start with a slow understanding through reading and gradually through repetition, it becomes automatic and fast and you unlock listening.

Also, you'll learn better with baby shit because there will be less unknowns, one new word per sentence, predictable sentence structure and so on. You can also jump into the native stuff too, it's just more stuff to work through each sentence and it can be quite exhausting if you're doing it right. Up to you which way you want to go. If you're just starting out, Assimil textbooks are a great source of baby shit input, you'll be understanding full sentences right from the beginning and they gradually introduce new words and structures so the difficulty is predictable and seamless. In the wild, it's much more varied, one sentence could be easy and the next could be a monster, so you have to tolerate some amount of ambiguity and recognize when something is way above your level currently and not get discouraged too much.
Diese Grafik passt mehr oder weniger zu meiner Erfahrung beim Deutschlernen. Wie du hast schon gesagt, ist 60 Stunden alles in allem betrachtet praktisch gar nichts wenn es darum geht eine Sprache zu beherrschen.
Chinese has so little morphology all the functional load is on idioms and syntax.
You can do a thought experiment. Since caveman English is essentially an isolating language like (Old) Chinese, you can try coming up with ways to express complex meaning in caveman English.
Das war die übersichtlichste Grafik die ich auf Anhieb gefunden habe und ich muss dazusagen dass die Zahlen hier ein bisschen höher sind als bei anderen Grafiken zu dem Thema, aber ich denke es kommt mehr oder weniger hin. Meine einzigen Französischkenntnisse stammen aus der Schulzeit, was natürlich nicht mit engagiertem, autodidaktischen Lernen vergleichbar ist, aber ich würde schätzen dass mein Französisch-Niveau im niedrigen B1-Bereich liegt und dass ich ungefähr 500 Stunden in diese Sprache investiert habe.
Stimmt. Eine Fernsehserie wie Breaking Bad dauert ungefähr 60 Stunden. 60 Stunden ist gar nichts.
Meine Erfahrung nach, diese Zahlen gehen nur die CEFR Tests an. Wenn man eine Sprache wirklich beherrschen will, braucht er viel mehr Zeit.

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