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>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read the wiki:

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:
>Books on linguistics and language courses:
>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:
>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:
>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:
>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:
>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by family
>/lang/ inpoot torrents
Previous: >>203093259
>not a Lily OP
shan't be posting
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What's weird about wanting to learn Hindi? If you include Urdu which is basically the same language there are probably about 700 million speakers.
I think tigrinya, and to a greater extent geez is a cute language. Look at these letters: ሰላም ኒጋስ። They even have characters like ፐ and መ. That is all.
Yes, but can you make an (owo) face with them?
I learn Vietnamese for she
What are the best languages to teach children these days? I speak German, English, French, and Spanish fluently as well as a bit of a few others. In my region there are a lot of Chinese Kindergartens and some top schools do a bilingual program with Chinese as well. Would it be more valuable for my children to just use those time resources to learn a few other languages?
What gain could anybody possibly have from learning such a language?
ዕበዕ ዕሠዕ
>They even got eyelashes
Yep. Might pick up Amharic.
700 million is a big number
It's Mandarin and you seem to already know that.
He's been real quiet since this dropped.
I would teach my children my mother tongue and English. If they want, they can learn other languages later. English is the most important language and it makes learning Romance and Germanic languages easier.
the French refold deck is such shit, I can't believe they sell this for $20. Downloaded the 1.1 version and you can hear the persons phone vibrating in the audio clips. 2.0 version's audio sounds like the person has throat cancer and is recording on their gaming headset. definitions are arbitarily limited to two and one is dedicated to the random sentence they scraped from somewhere so important definitions are missed. no IPA transcription. errors in the definitions. fuck refold.
>it makes learning Romance and Germanic languages easier.
Then why are anglos so bad at learning them?
The German one kind of sucks too, although the audio quality is fine.
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I thought you were gone. I Haven't been posting in /lang/ for a while, but back then right before I stopped shitposting, you too just stopped posting for a while so I thought you stopped learning languages or some shit like that.
also they claim removing cognates and easy words is a benefit, but it only benefits them because they don't have to pay the person recording for as much work. reviewing easy cards in anki takes up an insignificant amount of time because they get pushed to increasingly large intervals so quickly. if you had a deck without them removed you would just increase the daily card count by 50% (or whatever value) and the overall review time would be the same.
>I thought you stopped learning languages or some shit like that.
I had to quit my chud NEET life and do some work alongside uni so I don't starve. I'm back to being the eternal dabbler now
Just because some English speakers may struggle to learn Romance or Germanic languages doesn't mean that knowing English doesn't make learning these languages easier.
Kino. Could I get an update on your scottish progress? Did you end up learning it to hit some CEFR level like idk, A2-B1ish or did you just drop it before reaching such a level?
>your scottish
I'm learning Irish. I'm still learning it and I'd say I'm A2. I can understand a lot of the lyrics to Kneecap songs but I have no fucking clue how I'm going to improve with so little to input
Habesha women are my weakness, consider yourself lucky Sven.
It really is. Some of the sentences are so bad. Also, there are a few words like voile and somme which vary based on gender, but instead of making two cards for each they make one, putting both definitions, which I found clumsy at best. They also sometimes have one word and then in the irregular or definition slot put another slightly related word (like the noun version of verb etc), which I also didn't care for.

Still glad I used it. Also, I got it from the torrent someone posted here, so fortunately didn't pay for it. I do like the card look too and have added roughly 4k additional cards to it since completing the initial 1k. Overall agree with you though. I also think it should be 2 or even 3k words. 1k is not enough to get started immersing with, which I believe is their stated goal with the decks. I'm at 5k entries, many of which are short sentences, and at probably about 3,500 unique words and I can just in the last couple months immerse relatively frustration free if it is relatively basic native content.
Mb nibba, meant to say Irish.
>I'm learning Irish. I'm still learning it and I'd say I'm A2.
Impressive, you unironically know more about the language than most Irishmen kek.
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It's a $20 product, retard. Just put the IPA on the card.
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I dropped language learning and have sticked to Englishmaxxing
Even Arabic isn't worth learning.
English is the only language that I can effortlessly and easily do every day. Today's my 8th day (streak) reading and listening to tons and tons of English content
I learned 90 new C2 words this week
99% I won't learn a "foreign" language beside English
>have sticked
see? i need to improve my english
i swear i have seen "sticked" numerous times though
Probably the right call, but will he stick to his plan? (no)
>English is the only language that I can effortlessly and easily do every day
Yeah, because you're already fluent.
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>C2 words
but why?
start looking for some russian courses, the cycle demands it
According to the cycle he may touch on Mandarin or Italian first before Russian. We're still early on Russian language learning materials stock. Just make sure to sell before next week or he'll refund and start looking at German and French again.
No, really. I have decided to stick to English for good.
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I am music-gooning.
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I will learn to speak English naturally and conversationally. It will help me immensely in my resume and it's an international language.
Probably from other ESLs kek. You have said in the past that you're confident of sticking to certain languages and gone back on your word so 99% means nothing btw. Imo you should ditch English, Arabic, Russian, German etc and stick with Nepali
I realized I (probably) won't travel anywhere that speaks a language that I do not already speak.
I went on a vacation and spoke to Asian workers and Western tourists in English and my English was impeccable
It made me realize what a gem English truly is, and how it's the only language that matters.
Even my native language, Arabic, isn't even close to being as good and as useful as English...
Next step: quit 4chan as a whole.
Hello there!
$MANDARIN and $ITALIAN are clearly pump and dump scam coins, $RUSSIAN token is bullish in the mid to long term
Is there anyone who can pronounce thread correctly? My AI has been always misinterpreting my voice as 'threat'.
Hi Jordie's parents, how did you get his 4chan password?
What have I told you about spending money on language learning resources? Stop it
you too
Is it the european version of "fluently" where you can't read a book but you know a few phrases?
And yeah, what that other anon said, teach them english since it's the most practical. Just have them get really good at english, no others. If they want another language they can learn it themselves later in life.
Try saying "Thren", "Threat" feels somewhere in the middle of where "Thren" and "Threat" is, and it lingers on your tongue a little longer. Thren isn't a word but works for this exercise.
i could swear that i've seen "sticked" hundreds of times too. im learning only now that it's irregular
Some english speakers make this mistake, but the most common way I see it is when a thread gets stickied here.
The red box (5000 common phrases) is a God's gift
It has like 12 small booklets that teach you how to speak naturally, how to input, how to make your pronunciation sound almost native-like, even how to conduct a successful interview and get employed, business english, how to negotiate for a raise, English/Western etiquette and culture, and a lot of things that are good for an autist like me
This has always been one of the dumbest reasons for learning ever. There's like 2 billion English speakers. How many of those do you care about speaking to? Why do you even want to speak to millions of plebs in a language?
>a God's gift
Since you want to improve your English, here's a little lesson. Possessive adjectives (my, your, etc) and nouns in their possessive forms (god's) function similarly. Neither can be directly preceeded by words like a, the, this, that, these, those, some, any, no (some are considered articles, some adjectives, whatever).
Instead you can say
>a gift of god
>one of god's gifts
>one of the gifts of god
Anyway, the point is whatever you need to help you learn English can be found online for free
>There's like 2 billion English speakers
And it happens to be the most useful language to learn. Coincidence? I think not
>threat throat trap thread thread thread thread thread throat trap trap throat trap throat trap thread

It's better than before thank you very much.

Here is a helpful song to master the Konjunktiv ii
>And it happens to be the most useful language to learn.
Because the first world speaks it and it has more media than the rest of the languages combined.. Hindi has fuck all and is relegated almost entirely to a third world shithole full of low-iq rape-apes.
Hadn't got around to uploading it out of laziness, not comprehensive because of laziness also.
Chapter 20-50 of Ayan's l'italiano secondo il metodo natura audio.

Apparently the free audio online is done by an... I can't guess at all. Quarter Chinese Jew?
learning french
starting hating the french
wat do
>Hindi has fuck all
Not true
>is relegated almost entirely to a third world shithole full of low-iq rape-apes.
That's a bit of an exaggeration about India/Pakistan. I think it's an interesting language spoken by a large number of people who are worth talking to.
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This is what I see every time I encounter a word in russian for the first time (and the next dozen times I see it). Just a jumble of samesy blocky crap.
Can almost make this out but your cursive needs a little work, friend.
why always pics of juno?
This used to be a great general
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>370 cards to review
lmao I cracked up during a meeting reading this. luckily I was muted but I had to hide my face
>I learned 90 new C2 words this week
mogs me
>I dropped language learning
>I learned 90 new C2 words this week
These two contradict each other.
English doesn't count.
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>find this: https://www.nhm-wien.ac.at/museum_online/3D
>get excited
>the annotations are only in English
Was soll das?
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Hey. So I'm mildly bilingual and speak English decent-ish. I also speak German to an A2 level.

I decided I'd try learning Yucatec Maya, cause I'm retarded I guess. But I have no idea if I'm pronouncing shit correctly, and where on earth can you fucking nab yourself a Mayan and have them check if your pronunciation is rancid or not. And the material I found is conflicting how much to emphasize the glottal stops.

Plus I realized Yucatec Mayan probably is deficient. They likely have no words for modern things or. Things a European/Northerner would. So. It's probably useful in a rainforest but not in the Palearctic or Old World.

Should I just go with mandarin Chinese instead? But that is so..vulgar
>Should I just go with mandarin Chinese instead?
Anon, the answer is obviously YES based on what you've said. You've said you want a language with modern vocabulary pronunciation with clear explanations. But based on what you haven't said? I have no fucking idea. Why the fuck are Maya and Chinese on the table at all? You need to provide more info if you want a good answer
finish learning german
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Content Advisory!
isn't this literally just over the word trap and the r*ddit anime mods insisting that it's a trans term when other anime communities have told them it's just crossdressing and to fuck off?
I haven't looked deeply (or at all) into it. Just found it funny when I browsing, as if someones political opinions has any bearing on the quality of their resources
>reddit is retarded, more news at 11
well the Maya have a fascinating history, culture and sciences. Who knows, maybe learning their language could provide unique insights and wisdom I had no access to?
Although I must admit China is also a cultural powerhouse, with a similarly impressive record.
eh. Mayan art is prettier.
>Why the fuck are Maya and Chinese on the table at all?
Oh. I just think they're neat. I always liked Chinese history and was fascinated by them. Same with Maya. No grammatical gender nonsense. That's great.

eh.. you're right. I probably should just go with Chinese and read about the Maya in English.

nein bitte. The grammatical genders drive me up the wall as a magyar. it's why I switched to English
for whatever reason there are tons of german communist instagram pages, often one for each city it seems. I've recently followed a few even though I'm just about the opposite of one since they post a fair bit and it can be interesting. They often make large posts with inforgraphics so hats off to them for the effort.
>content advisory: this website is good
thanks, bot
>No grammatical gender nonsense
Every language has some kind of nonsense. You will probably find Chinese harder than a western European language, although maybe not because of its nonsense but rather because of how different it is to English or Hungarian. There are a lot of old texts in languages like Latin, ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Arabic, etc that haven't been translated into English so if you're looking for cultural insights maybe one of these is an option.
>neo-latin works
>cultural insights
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You're absolutely right. it's what kept me from fully dedicating to it. I'm deaf to Mandarin tonality somewhat. I guess I could just bash my head against the challenge until it sticks. Worst case scenario, Chinese people mock me for being a white monkey. There are worse fates. Who knows maybe they'll throw money at me for entertainment.

>There are a lot of old texts in languages like Latin
oh. I forgot. I studied Latin for 2 years in school too. I can't claim to be proficient at that. It was a lot of mythology, and you memorized sentences - then later the entire book, instead of understanding the logic behind it.
Technically most things in the Western world are basically a derivatives of the Roman empire or its culture.
Mandarin sounds more promising, even if it's difficult.
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>time to review brah
I really think you shouldn't be too concerned with grammar. I understand you've found noun gender frustrating in the past but honestly anon it's not a big deal. You just need to not overthink it and work on it little by little. I've learnt to decline nouns in your language just because I heard your noun case system is extremely difficult and I wanted to see it for myself. I practised all the cases, possessive endings, singular and plural for a lot of nouns and found it easy after a couple of weeks, spending an hour or two a day grinding. If I can do that, you can learn German declension. And if you don't want to learn German, you can learn a language with easier declension and only 2 genders like French or Spanish. Grammar is always something you can learn.
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Is pleasure reading/free voluntary reading really the most effective way to learn a language? I feel like grammar study is only useful once you already have a good knowledge of language (solid B1).
Hey mate, thank you very much.
I refunded the German courses and got ~$230 back EXACTLY when I ran out of money
Like, OH no! I am broke as fuck now!
Then I check my phone and my bank says REFUND COMPLETE - $230
your advise was the catalyst of that refund
btw I might quit 4chan today, tomorrow, next week, or sometime this month
it was a good
it was quite a good ride being here anonbros!
god damn auto post
According to openrussian's super shoddy frequency list, гpeк is the 1661th most frequently used noun.
And apparently other shit like 'embankment' and 'garrison' are well within the 1500 most frequently used nouns. It's the words kids use when they skip about the playground.
Doesn't matter. Quitting 4chan won't help you learn Russian or German. You're not built for it.
Hello amigos
>auto post
Does 4chan give refunds? Asking for a friend.
Word frequency lists are highly questionable imo
Damn, I would have chastised you for only paying $5 but $230?? You were getting scammed and you shouldn't have needed someone to tell you
Reading, not really. Listening might be. Like, even without any knowledge of a language, you can easily pick up the basic stuff like tenses by just watching stuff in the language with subtitles and trying to compare what you hear with what is being said in the subtitles and recognizing certain patterns. Reading makes recognizing those patterns much harder because you would need additional resources to confirm your conclusions.
what about paying for tutors/teachers to talk to (italki style)? bad?
shitty imitator
>made an interpals account
>only get views from Indonesia
>not many natives for the language I'm learning
Is there a better alternative
learn indonesian
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It's definitely useful, I just don't see the point in 2024 when there are alternatives. You can practise every aspect of speaking without paying anything. You can record yourself speaking and listen back to assess your pronunciation and compare it to videos of native speakers you can easily find on youtube. You can get corrections for your mistakes by writing what you say and getting chatgpt to correct you. You can get all the material explaining everything that you could ever need for free or you can ask chatgpt for it.
idk about free reading at B1, unless it is tailored to that level; you are gonna run into a ton of unknown words, which would be frustrating. I'm pretty advanced in my TL and I do think there is something uniquely beneficial about reading. I just don't know if it is that great at a lower level.
>Language ability is now high enough that for most things it's just focus-based if I understand it or not
>If I concentrate hard enough I understand like 95% of what's said, if my concentration slips even a little it drops to nearly incomprehensible
Narrative-bros... this only gets talked about because so many people never make it this far, right? I have no problem understanding individual words but following the whole meaning and actually understanding the entirety of what someone says, taking context into account, just takes so much more concentration. Enough words are close enough to english that if I'm watching the narrative close enough I automatically know their meaning but it really takes focus.
I went on vacation for 2 weeks and when I got back I had 400 each day, finally reaching the end of it after 3 days.
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i get beyond pissed off when i find words that aren't gendered in the same way as in italian. in what fucking world is radio masculine? it's clearly a woman with big tits and tight pussy.
portugays, explain yourselves.
>I have no problem understanding individual words but following the whole meaning and actually understanding the entirety of what someone says, taking context into account, just takes so much more concentration
this is basically where i'm at with english desu
can you even get past this? i dont care about it too much but i feel like its an unbreakable ceiling of sorts, like you cant ever know any language as well as your own, no matter the effort.
>You can't ever know any language as well as your own, no matter the effort
This is true for the whole language in general and even for rare words in your native language. When you see "based" or any term on here you immediately know what they mean, even more than say if someone said one of your harder native words that appears less often.

Certain words will necessarily be seen and understood more, only way you'd have parity with your native language was if you had equal time / attention in your TL.
The "attention" ceiling is breakable at some point just the same way you learn new words in your native language, it just takes enough exposure and a very long time. That's my theory, at least.
It's frustrating but I promise both of you that you can get past this stage. Don't let yourselves feel incapable of improving. You just need to keep focusing on what you suck at and making a conscious effort. You will only improve as a result
we're back on the motherfucking immersion grind boys. get your hours up.
no excuses.
trust the process.
If you're at the point where you can live (at least online) in your TL then simply do that. For languages with less presence online you're gonna have to start reading books.
where have you been
why in the Spanish dubbed show I'm watching they use the English word "lunch" to say "lunch" instead of "almuerzo"? I think the dub is Mexican btw
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Is there a more effeminate hobby than learning languages? Your average language learner is a pasty, skelly incel and probably a closeted homosexual. Get a real hobby, you freaks
what's a real hobby?
off the grid
Best Spanish anki decks for beginner vocab? Looking for something like the Japanese Core 2k/6k Anki deck, with sound for the pronunciation.

Preference for Spaniard Spanish and not Mexican Spanish for pronunciation, although not sure if it matters at this level
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what is the best language to seduce the ladies?
french, italian, dutch, korean, mandarin? something else?
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Learn the Greek days of the week with music:
>Δευτέρα ηρωίνη
>την Τρίτη κοκαίνη
>Τετάρτη χασισάκι
>την Πέμπτη ένα χαπάκι
>Παρασκευή πρωί, τα παίρνω όλα μαζί
>το Σάββατο σε κώμα, την Κυριακή στο χώμα!
豚 means piglet with the 豕 radical indicating pig
彘 means hog with the 豕 radical indicating pig but its radical is 彐 broom
What's the corpus based on? From the get go, I'm not seeing mat. It's probably some kinda written (as in not transcribed) corpus, stuff like copyright free literature, newspapers, formal language-skewed internet sites etc.
You're at the intermediate plateau. When you move up to advanced, it's gonna flip: you'll have to put in conscious effort to zone out. If your vocab comprehension is at 95% I'd guess it's a European language (it's very hard to reach that level of vocab coverage in a language without cognates, and still have your problems) in which case it's probably a grammar issue as in you understand it analytically but not intuitively.
It's never gonna feel as natural as your native language.
Unless you permanently move to an Anglophone country and end up forgetting your native language due to disuse. Yet you'll never output English the exact way natives do. Doesn't mean you'll be stuck in a sort of a limbo, your main language tool would be English, it's just that then it's up to your ability to not give fucks about you speaking your main language imperfectly compared to the native standard.
I'm studying internal structure of mouth to pronounce various words correctly
I don't think this is the intermediate plateau though, I had gone through the plateau already and I'm close to the other side of it or am already past it. It's not a low-progress period, just one that takes a lot of consistent effort every day. The progress is definitely there, as I've started to easily read news articles, young-adult novels are in my strike range without much difficulty, and I can watch videos now.

All of it just takes a certain amount of focus, which isn't what the intermediate plateau is. It's more of the "focus plateau" or something.
>study Chinese/Japanese
>know all the words when I read them
>can't speak/write for shit
wat do
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Crazy how this dude has managed to make nearly 2000 vlogs since 2007, yet the content of those videos is always just him saying
>Listen and read a lot
>Sign up for my website
Keep writing and speaking.
Also keep reading and watching. It's not just about knowing the words, it makes your expression more natural.
Haven't thought about this tune in 20 years holy shit
>the 2nd
>the 3rd
>the 4th
>the 5th
>the Sabbath
>the Resurrection
How did I do?
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This is the first time I've ever seen a Japanese on this thread
Interpals is basically dead at this point. It's about Tandem or Hellotalk now.
>Is Martian, Chinese, and Vietnamese
What do they mean by this?
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Vietbro(s), can you tell me if these are legit Vietnamese folktales, or just some shit authors randomly came up with. I'm only familiar with the first one about An Dưong Vương and Kim Quy, but what about the rest?
I speak English fluently but my spoken English is not nearly as good. I feel monotonous, robotic, and struggle to express myself with spontaneity... How can I teach myself to speak English naturally, just like I was born somewhere where English is spoken?
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you can't
learning is impossible
I am thinking about doing iTalki or something with native speakers, but I am too shy to do that.
no its a waste of money, just stop occupying your time and waste it on learning. Nobody ever learns, we can't change
de dames loov de dutch
i want to stream me learning a language while high as shit is there a market for this
Do some workbooks. You can find them in the language packs.
Spam CI videos.
They are indeed true folktales from various regions in Vietnam. I know Hồn Trương Ba Da Hàng Thịt specifically from the old textbook at school before they got replaced to whatever mess it currently is right now and it's about mocking the negligent of the rulers in the fengjian society.
Downloaded Anki. Time to make my own Esperanto-Vjetnamese deck.
Ultra Mega Fucking Hard Challenge: Translate the below paragraph to your TL. (Level: infinity)

Nor, at the time, had it failed to enter his monomaniac mind, that all the anguish of that then present suffering was but the direct issue of a former woe; and he too plainly seemed to see, that as the most poisonous reptile of the marsh perpetuates his kind as inevitably as the sweetest songster of the grove; so, equally with every felicity, all miserable events do naturally beget their like. Yea, more than equally, thought Ahab; since both the ancestry and posterity of Grief go further than the ancestry and posterity of Joy. For, not to hint of this: that it is an inference from certain canonic teachings, that while some natural enjoyments here shall have no children born to them for the other world, but, on the contrary, shall be followed by the joy-childlessness of all hell's despair; whereas, some guilty mortal miseries shall still fertilely beget to themselves an eternally progressive progeny of griefs beyond the grave; not at all to hint of this, there still seems an inequality in the deeper analysis of the thing. For, thought Ahab, while even the highest earthly felicities ever have a certain unsignifying pettiness lurking in them, but, at bottom, all heart-woes, a mystic significance, and, in some men, an archangelic grandeur; so do their diligent tracings-out not belie the obvious deduction. To trail the genealogies of these high mortal miseries, carries us at last among the sourceless primogenitures of the gods; so that, in the face of all the glad, hay-making suns, and soft-cymballing, round harvest-moons, we must needs give in to this: that the gods themselves are not for ever glad. The ineffaceable, sad birth-mark in the brow of man, is but the stamp of sorrow in the signers.
Hot take: I don't think not being able to do this necessarily means you aren't fluent in your L2.
I dare you to even translate this to your NL bitch
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Actual challenge (more AI slop)
Gym edish

I go for a run every morning.
She lifts weights at the gym.
Stretching helps prevent injuries.
Do you like to exercise?

Cardio exercises, like running and cycling, improve heart health.
He does push-ups and sit-ups to build strength.
It’s important to warm up before starting any workout.
Many people join fitness classes to stay motivated.

Consistency in physical exercise is key to achieving long-term fitness goals.
Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Athletes often follow strict training regimens that include a balance of strength, endurance, and flexibility exercises.
my cousin from germany just came to here turkey for holiday for a month
how can i benefit from her the most in terms of german?

How can I force this to show me the French dictionary output
Use wikitionary, and download the yomitan extension so you can just see the meaning by pressing shift.
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Echte Herausforderung (mehr KI-Fraß)

Jeden Morgen mache ich einen Lauf/laufe ich
Sie hebt Gewichte im Fitnessstudio (dgw ich nie keine Muskel-Mama-Freundin abkriegen werde)
Das Strecken hilft dabei, Verletzungen im Keim zu ersticken.
Machst du gern Sport?

Kardiotraining wie zum Beispiel Rennen oder Radfahren tut dem Herzen gut/ist der Gesundheit des Herzens förderlich.
Zum Bauen von Stärke macht er Liegestütze und Klimmzüge
Es ist geboten, dass man sich vor jeglichem Sport aufwärmt.
Einige Menschen schließen sich einem Sportkurs an, um beim Sportmachen motiviert zu bleiben.
Bei körperlicher Ertüchtigung ist Konstanz unverzichtbar, wenn man seine langjährigen Fitness-Ziel verwirklichen will.
Regelmäßig unternommene körperliche Ertüchtigung kann das Risiko von chronischen Krankheiten reduzieren, wie zum Beispiel Diabeten und Herzkrankheit.
Athleten halten sich oftmals an einen strengen Training-Plan, das ein Gleichgewicht von Stärke- Ausdauer- und Flexibilitätsübungen beinhaltet.
you can add something like "dictionnaire" and Google will think you're a honhon
That's the fair solution but it's slightly tedious.. No wonder how English could have dominated the world
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nice. so you have some options.
>I. she speaks German, you speak German
I think best would be if you both spoke German to each other the entire time, like in a foreign language class. would probably be very hard for you at first, but you'd have input and output and learn a lot.
only say something in Turkish if you don't how to say it at all. e.g. if you don't know what a car is in German, you can say that in Turkish, but the rest of the sentence in German, if possible. or describe it with other words.
>II. she speaks German, you speak Turkish
if that's too scary for you, she could also speak German to you, but you answer in Turkish. that would be pretty natural for both of you. but you'd only have input, no output (though you could try to say some things in German for output).
here she could explain words or grammar in Turkish if you don't understand what she means at all. but better yet would be explaining in German, like in a German-German dictionary. even if she doesn't explain, your understanding should get better until the end of the month.
>III. she speaks Turkish, you speak German
that would be the language exchange model, if she too wants to improve her Turkish. you'd have only output, so here you'd have to help or correct each other a bit to learn something.
same as I., try to make yourself understood, describe or rephrase things until she gets it. if necessary you can use some Turkish words in your sentences, but as few as possible.

of course you can also switch between these, but it's probably helpful if you set yourself a goal.
I'm also learning french at it amazing how often I look up a word on wiktionary and as scroll down to the french entry I pass the english one for the same word (although often with a slightly different meaning). The impact of French on English is crazy.
I've seen some channels on Twitch that just stream themselves studying for 8 hours with lofi playing and it seems to do well. Not sure what people get out of it cause they don't even talk, it's like a parasocial study group to help people focus together.

You can make her your third wife.
Okay, that's nice to know. Thanks.
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if she also speaks English you could also use English words instead of Turkish if you don't know the German for something. it may be easier with English grammar being closer to German, and there being more cognates, though often hard to spot.
but with 3 languages in the mix it can get tricky and confusing I imagine.
I wrote a small javascript snippet for that because scrolling down was annoying when I was looking up French words (and Chinese characters)

// ==UserScript==
// @name Wiktionary URL hash modifier
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description
// @author
// @match https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

if (window.location.hash === "" && document.getElementById("French")) {
window.location.hash = "#French";

I'm using the Kaishi 1.5k deck for japanese vocab and curedolly's videos for grammar. I'm planning to start active immersion from cijapanese.com once I've learnt ~1000 words. Right now, I'm at ~720 words, so not too far off from my goal.
You don't need to wait to start CI videos. They use white boards and pictures so you don't need to know any words.
huh.. guess i'll start immersing a month or two sooner than planned.
I'm in this very weird spot where I am recalling a number of cards, but they're quite hard. So I am hitting the Hard button a lot.
When something is hard for me I usually keep calling it hard 3-7 times
I will never be fluent in French, German, Japanese, Chinese and Greek. Just getting fluent in one language is already a herculean task, 5 would take like 50 years, why was I born with such a low IQ? FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
Become an eternal dabbler
How fast can I achieve C1 in python and sql?
>How can I become C1 in SQL
by not being a fucking retard
>well the Maya have a fascinating history, culture and sciences. Who knows, maybe learning their language could provide unique insights and wisdom I had no access to?
>Although I must admit China is also a cultural powerhouse, with a similarly impressive record.
>eh. Mayan art is prettier.
The investment into Maya is not going to pay off though. It will be 10x harder than Chinese to learn, and you'll have less than 0.001% of the content as a reward.
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>dgw ich nie keine Muskel-Mama-Freundin abkriegen werde ~ tfw I'll never get no muscle mama gf
ikdG. Aber normalerweise "nie eine"; doppelte Verneinung gibts wie in Englisch nur noch im Dialekt, ist aber seelenvoll.
>Stretching helps prevent injuries.
>(Das) Strecken hilft dabei, Verletzungen im Keim zu ersticken.
Normal ohne Artikel auch im Deutschen. Allerdings mit, wenn z.B. das eigene Strecken gemeint ist, anstatt Strecken allgemein.
>Jeden Morgen strecke ich mich und laufe eine Runde. Das Strecken(, das ich mache,) hilft dabei, Verletzungen zu vermeiden. ~ Every morning I stretch and go for a run. The stretching (I do) helps to prevent injuries.
So weird to read this as I'm the opposite, native english trying to better my italian. Anglophones are xenophiles, it's seriously better to keep your accent or different phraseology than to lose it. Italians have been very kind to me in person, however when a foreigner is talking italian on TV I have heard how italians can find it an object of mockery. I understand it is to humble the people on TV a bit, but it does remind me that I can never speak on my own and be respected without the charity of the listener.
>i get beyond pissed off when i find words that aren't gendered in the same way as in italian.
This is what happens when you lose your neuter grammatical gender
>How fast can I achieve C1 in python
internalize "The Zen of Python" and combine it with SOLID, DRY, and YAGNI principles as taught by Robert C. Martin talks on Youtube. Watch Rick Henney's "The Language of the System" from a Clojure Conference. Then read the Python Documentation like a book.
>and sql?
speedrun this https://sqlzoo.net/wiki/SQL_Tutorial
>Kardiotraining wie zum Beispiel Rennen oder Radfahren tut dem Herzen gut/ist der Gesundheit des Herzens förderlich.
Letzteres ist sehr literarisch; normaler: "... ist für die Gesundheit des Herzens förderlich/gut"
>He does push-ups and sit-ups to build (up) strength.
This may represent a shortening of "to build up", seeing as its meanings match "aufbauen" pretty well.
>Zum *Aufbauen/Aufbau von Stärke macht er Liegestütze und Klimmzüge
>ein Regal aufbauen ~ to assemble a shelf; to construct a shelf from parts
>ein Regal bauen ~ to build a shelf; to construct a shelf from scratch
Also "Muskeln/Stärke/Kraft aufbauen", da sie schon da sind, nur noch größer werden sollen.
>his discontent was building (up) ~ seine Unzufriedenheit baute sich auf / staute sich an / wurde größer
In dieser Verwendung ("to accumulate") ist "aufbauen" allerdings weniger gebräuchlich.
>Es ist geboten, dass man sich vor jeglichem Sport aufwärmt.
Richtig. Ginge auch mit Infinitiv: ", sich vor jeglichem Sport aufzuwärmen."
>Einige Menschen schließen sich einem Sportkurs an, um beim Sportmachen motiviert zu bleiben.
"sich einem Kurs anschließen" ist komisch. Vielleicht, weil "der Kurs" meist nicht die Gruppe Menschen bezeichnet, die ihn machen (also "die Kursteilnehmer").
>einen Sportkurs belegen; einen Sportkurs machen; an einem Sportkurs teilnehmen
Außerdem beginnt ein Kurs oft mit allen Teilnehmern, man kann also zwischendrin nicht mehr beitreten. Wenn doch, ginge auch
>einem Sportkurs beitreten; sich einem Sportkurs anschließen
Aber dann vllt. eher "einer Sportgruppe/Trainingsgruppe beitreten; sich einer Sportgruppe/Trainingsgruppe anschließen".
another day of learning French, another colloquial saying that also exists in Greek.
hors de lui = εκτός εαυτού

could've just visited the french wiktionary
>Bei körperlicher Ertüchtigung ist Konstanz unverzichtbar, wenn man seine langjährigen *Fitness-Ziele verwirklichen will.
>Regelmäßig unternommene körperliche Ertüchtigung kann das Risiko von chronischen Krankheiten reduzieren, wie zum Beispiel *Diabetes und Herzkrankheit.
>Athleten halten sich oftmals an einen strengen *Trainings-Plan, *der ein Gleichgewicht von Stärke-, Ausdauer- und Flexibilitätsübungen beinhaltet.
Oder "Beweglichkeits-Übungen". Wenn das letzte Wort der Aufzählung auch einen Bindestrich hat, ist es leichter zu sehen, wo die anderen Wörter "andocken" sollen.
Indo-european languages have similarities between each other? What the fuck, that’s unbelievable, you have to publish your findings, this is a nobel-worthy discovery you just made.
are you implying that modern colloquial sayings originated in PIE?
Those sayings have been in vogue before you were even born, kiddo.
You know what they say
>You don't have to do something with your life. Just do something with your day.
Open Anki right now.
>have a profound interest in romance languages
>don't like the way any of them sounds when spoken by men
In my old age I am showing signs of jordanonism
We all have a little Jordie inside of us.
I've been fighting against mine telling me to get back into Japanese for the past two years.
my inner jordie tells me to learn german
I love everything about Germany culture and history wise but I just can't force myself to like the language
still nearly relapse every few months
Did you just say what I thought you said?

Don’t give me that crap! There’s nothing easy about giving up!


You think I’m just doing nothing, thinking about nothing, cutting myself off from everything, throwing my entire life away, leaving every last thing I know and care about behind, and that’s all it took for me to call it quits? That’s a lie, it was never that easy for me. It was so much easier for me to go on thinking there was something I could do to make a real difference, but I know now there’s nothing I can do. There’s no way out. Understand? The only path everything leads to is giving up. If I could do something, then I’d do it. I swear that I would.

You don’t know what you’re talking about, I have given up, carrying it all was impossible from the very start. My hands are so small that it all slipped through my fingers leaving nothing behind.

Bullshit! What do you know? What the hell do you actually know about me huh? Nothing! I’ll tell you what kind of man I really am. I have no strength, but I want it all. I have no knowledge but all I do is dream. There’s nothing I can do, but I struggle in vain like an idiot.

I hate myself!
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it really do be like dat frfr
Are language diplomas worth? I ask mostly for work.
your english gave me a headache just learn for aesthetics sake
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Ma'alob k'iin. I have failed you friends. I couldn't help myself. I'm OBSESSED with Mayans. I learned how to write numbers now. And getting familiar with glyphs.And getting to know their history.

Could not find a dictionary tho. Might have to dig deeper. I haven't had this much fun in years.
What do you find so interesting about them?
total homophone death
You're so right. I remember him doing a 30 day Korean challenge that was kinda interesting but his content is dogshit
you should also learn some spanish alongside if you can, I bet there are more mayan resources in spanish, since... you know where maya is located
Well, you can go to university for it and have a fun career traveling around ancient ruins.
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>eines natürlichen Todes sterben

big fan of these odd verbs/phrases that take a genitive object

sich enthalten and sich erfreuen are another too. Seems super fancy.
I'm amazed there are resources in magyar for something so obscure
he hates noun gender though
Ná, ag an t-am sin, níor theip sé dul isteach ina intinn monamáinigh, go raibh crá na treabhlaide láithrí sin ach an iarmhairt dhíreach de léan caite; agus is léir go bhfeiceadh sé freisin go n-atairgíonn an réiptíl is nimhiúla den chorrach a gné leis an deimhneacht céanna atá ag an duanaire is binne den choilleog; agus mar sin de, i gcothromas le gach maitheas, giníonn na scéalta ainnise uile a gcomhpháirt. Ní hea, níos mó ná a cothromas, a smaoinigh Ahab; mar téann sinsearacht agus sliocht an chránáin i mbeirt níos fada ná sinsearacht agus sliocht an áthais.
Yeah, I'm disappointed in pretty much every language youtuber as /lang/ lurking covers all of their topics more efficiently, but he has to be the worst.
Other lang youtubers are still just as bad, a question that would just require a basic google search like
>How long does it REALLY take to learn a language?
And I think maybe they have some insight, nope, they're just reading FST guidelines. I look up the guidelines on google and get my answer in 30 seconds, or watch a 20-minute video that I ironically get LESS information from since I don't have 20 minutes of attention to give to filler content.

Language channels are nearly all bloat and filler, they can't just be quick and simple, they have to make money and work algorithms. If there was one that listed his points within the first 30 seconds of the video, explained them the next 30, and then talked in more detail after I would watch it. As it is there's no reason to ever click on another language video and I haven't watched one in months.

This whole "content farming" thing has destroyed a LOT of youtube actually, if you're actually looking for information you can't pay attention to so many inane things at once and you can't actually find any reliable information because when a piece is presented to you that's reliable and helpful you've already zoned out.
>Language channels are nearly all bloat and filler, they can't just be quick and simple
The only reason youtube shorts aren't a complete meme is because of all the 40 second language lessons you can get.
>French, german
Fairly easy and only take a few years
>Japanese and chinese
You're fucked, buddy. They play off each other a little though, so 50 years is extreme. Take out greek and this is a 20-year-plan. Greek included this is 25 or 30.

It's actually completely normal to take 20 years to get at a good level of something, and knowing all of these fluently isn't just good, it's better than 99.9% of people on the planet. It's like knowing 5 instruments.
>níor theip sé
Should be: níor theip leis
I'm going to mog the youtube polyglots when I'm 60+ years old.
People keep saying this, but they get filtered all the time. I get that being a niche language plays the biggest role, but still.
>fluently isn't just good, it's better than 99.9% of people on the planet
>fluency is whatever I define it as today
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I shall do the challenge in Irish in your honor
Rithim gach maidin
Tógann sí meáchain ag an spórtlann
Cuidíonn cleachtaí sínte le gortuithe a chosc
An mhaith leat cleachtaí?

Feabhsaíonn cleachtaí cardaío, ar nós rithe agus rothaíocht, sláinte croí

Tá sé tábhachtach téimh suas sula toisíonn ar aon cleachtadh
>ESL-anon misunderstanding english
Input more.
>knowing all of these fluently isn't just good, it's better than 99% of people on the planet
>knowing all of these fluently is better than 99.9% of the people on the planet
What this means here is that knowing this many languages means you're better than 99.9% of the planet in terms of languages known. You can get an idea of what I'm talking about when I say
>It's actually completely normal to take 20 years to get at a good level of something
For this I was pointing out that anon's level would have to be extremely high, master-level even, to do what he wanted to do, and 20 years doing it would be normal or even an achievement.
I am sorry I have dyslexia.
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I want all of you to hold me accountable. In the next week I'm going to read 5 short-to-medium length French books and 15 long wikipedia articles in French. But I'm terrible at focusing on anything that doesn't provide instant gratification. I will share my progress here every day.
No one even attempts to pursue greek past A2 so I couldn't guess how they would know about its difficulty.
From what I gather it must be on the lowest rung of the 'difficult languages' group or a more troublesome mid-difficulty lang.
their only value is for work
>I learned how to write numbers now.
Mayan numbers are easy as shit, their numeral representation system takes 5 seconds to learn. That's obviously not the hard part about learning the Mayan language
Yeah this is why I am addicted to youtube shorts, they're forced to get to the point. usually all the info in a video can be contained in a short
well it's just relative to english learners since't it's defined by the US department of state. Only 6% of english words have greek origins. But English is like 60% Latin/romance origin and the rest german/norse origin, so those have more cognates with english
>From what I gather it must be on the lowest rung of the 'difficult languages' group or a more troublesome mid-difficulty lang.
Yeah, they usually compare Greek to Russian.
You got this, anon. I'll be awaiting your progress.
trying to understand the comments could be good German inpoot for intermediate plus. mostly jokes and some boomers complaining about the police or politicians.
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Focusing on Yucatec maya mainly: their language is agglutinative. Similar to Hungarian. No grammatical genders. It's implied they have more liberty, like in Hungarian where you can emphasize whatever you want, instead of bound by rigid word order. The sound is pleasant, melodic. Bit flat. don't have a lot of vowels, but its fine.
Fun fact: K'iin means the sun. Day (in hungarian we also use one word, - nap for both). but it also means time, in Mayan. So I'm guessing a priest of the sun was a priest of time itself?

Their calendar system is more accurate than our Gregorian. They built tons of pyramids, had advanced cities. Used coca beans as currency. (I'm obsessed with chocolate too). They were really good with farming - domesticated corn. Their astronomy is supposedly very precise.Their mathematics is very simple yet fun. They had the concept of zero.
Their glyph system is simply beautiful. But also functional. And unlike the Aztecs they didn't just slaughter everyone. Okay sometimes they sacrificed people, but mostly their nobles let their own blood, to appease their Gods instead of killing others, if I understand correctly. So they were a more culture /scientific oriented people and not a warmongering one.

I also love rain forests. Comfy.

Each of these tidbits alone is pretty cool, but together they suggest a sophisticated culture,
I suspect there'll be lots of Spanish loanwords. Maybe if I learn enough I could help them with language reform like we had in Hungary, where we purged unnecessary loanwords, and created tons of new ones from root words, made the language more structured. Kazincy and his fellows in the 1800's coined like 10.000 words, thousands of which are still in used today.
That sounds like fun, but I'd rather not go there, cause of the Cartels for now.

You're just salty nobody uses Roman numerals nowadays.
>Okay sometimes they sacrificed people, but mostly their nobles let their own blood, to appease their Gods instead of killing others, if I understand correctly.
Yeah. Human sacrifice was merely a few hundred people every year until the Aztecs (and this one guy in particular) changed their pantheon and elevated a minor god into a major one, and that new major god demanded sacrifice.

Science? Don't think so, from most of what I've read the priest class was extremely powerful for all of these central-american empires. They were the scientists and calendar makers. 90% of the population lived outside the cities in little huts and only went to the cities on the dates of certain rituals. The only people actually living in the cities were the priests and assorted servants of them, although there probably was some outlier cases for most cities they were almost completely empty. For the vast majority of people in the civilization their life starts and ends in a little hut in the woods with almost no possessions.
>So I'm guessing a priest of the sun was a priest of time itself?
Doesn't really sound right. The sun was their main way of keeping track of time, and they could also use moon phases. It's not like they were the same thing but your calendar tracks time and the sun rises and falls every day. This allows you to farm more predictably so you don't starve.
Is rud maith é Gaeilge a bheith ag Gael, ach ní thuigim an fáth a bhfoghlaimeodh svaeid í. What could possibly motivates you to learn this language?
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>You're just salty nobody uses Roman numerals nowadays.
Ⅸ verberātiōnēs tibi.
>ní thuigim an fáth a bhfoghlaimeodh svaeid í
Tá grá agam d'Éirinn, tá sé chomh simplí. Níl an grá don cultúr ar bith iomlán gan an teanga a labhairt.
Níl glasra mé
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Is there like some secret animosities between speakers of certain languages? I was speaking to a Colombian woman on a language learning app and she basically said that All Venezuelans stink. I had confused the Colombian flag with the Venezuelan one. Never making that mistake again. Goddamn.

Another time, a woman from Spain told me that Brazilian Portuguese sounds like someone trying to speak Spanish but they have brain damage. Not saying these animosities are major but it really seems like not everyone in the Spanish speaking world likes each other lol. I am having fun learning though when they speak candidly. It gives insight and I get to learn. Now I know to never mistake the Colombian flag for the Venezuelan one.
Imagine that someone confuses your flag for the canadian one and also assumes that you're browner than them, that's basically what you did. All spanish countries hate their neighbors because their neighbors are smellier and browner than them.
I mean, I feel like its an easy mistake to make though. The Colombian flag and the Venezuelan flag look nearly identical.
a lot of them do have useful tips or techniques. unfortunately they are usually buried in a mountain of bullshit. listening to something while doing dishes is good idea. there doesn't need to be a 10 minute video on the topic
yeah there are rarer types of genitives that don't express just belonging or a relationship to something else. they cool, but often quite fancy indeed.
often they have optional other version that replace the genitive with a preposition + AKK/DAT.
>eines natürlichen Todes[GEN] sterben / einen natürlichen Tod[AKK] sterben
genitive of cause
>einer Krankheit[GEN] anheimfallen
>sich der Stimme[GEN] enthalten
>sich guter Gesundheit[GEN] erfreuen / sich an guter Gesundheit[DAT] erfreuen
not quite the same though. the latter can be actually actively being happy about it, the former is more like a phrase and you're happy they're alive, but maybe they aren't.
>jmdn.[AKK] etw.[GEN] berauben - to bereave so. of sth
>sich etw.[GEN] sicher sein
not the same as
>sich in/bei etw.[DAT] sicher sein
which is to be sure about something. rather it's to be sure of something or to be sure to do something or to be due for something, in the sense that something is sure to happen or be the case.
Cuireann sé áthas orm á chloisteáil, go n-éirí leat le do chuid staidéir.
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So how fast do you guys read in your TL? I'm at young-adult level and it took me 32 minutes to read 8 pages of text in a book, and this is with stopping to translate words I didn't know, and making sure I understood everything. Taking the average wordcount to calculate I'm somewhere around 70 words per minute.

I see crazy fast estimates for reading where they do like 250 words per minute, do people really just speedread novels? What's the point of a book if you just speedread it?
I read 400/500 wpm natively without speed reading.
This, https://swiftread.com/blog/average-reading-speed-analysis, has some good info on reading speed.
>What this suggests is that people who read between 200 and 800 WPM generally have similar reading comprehension levels. People who read faster than 800 WPM might be reading so fast that they’re skipping some information in the text, which results in slightly lower comprehension levels. People who read slower than 200 WPM also have slightly lower comprehension levels, perhaps because they’re developing fluency with the target language: recall that reading speed increases from about 115 WPM to 200 WPM between Grades 2 and 12.
>For example, an adult who’s learning English as a second language may have an English language level of an English native-speaking 8th grader. This means that instead of comparing their reading speed to that of an average English native-speaking adult, or ~250-300 WPM, it might be more helpful to compare their reading speed to an average English native-speaking 8th grader, ~165 WPM.
>90% of the population lived outside the cities in little huts and only went to the cities on the dates of certain rituals.
Even if that is true, I don't see how that is different from your suburbs? I heard in many places in the U.S. the simple act of getting groceries is often a 10-20 minutes long drive. Your people gather for NFL and Coachella.
But. correct me if i'm wrong? I haven't lived there.

>Doesn't really sound right.
Sorry, that was a musing thought, not necessarily a claim.
do i understand everything? NO
am i still learning? YES
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Well yeah, americans are like that too, but that's more of a cultural thing and not a reference to our absolute physical poverty and lack of development.
Also we don't live in little huts here, we have big McMansions and the people in the cities are the ones living in the shotgun shacks. City slickers probably have the advantage in electronic technology, while country chads have every kind of tool at their disposal, tractors, trucks, ect.
Some good info and a good benchmark for what I should aim for, thanks anon. A few things with this
>It’s also important to note that the above data for reading speed by grade-level only looks at students who were able to read at 70% comprehension or better, on passages that were at their grade-level. The 70% comprehension minimum, meaning that a reader comprehended most of what he/she read, provides a reasonable standard for measuring reading ability.
They only make sure that 70% is understood, where I went for 100%.
>Around 1/2 of 2-12 graders fall below this 70% threshhold
>While reading material for their grade level
So the book I'm reading is for 7-12th grade and this metric applies to it, however my comprehension is significantly better than them, even if my reading is slower. I'm sort of expecting my reading speed to spike before the end of the book too, as I learn the niche vocabulary and get used to the format, but who knows.

A month or two of practice and I'll be able to BTFO 10's graders, just you wait.
Leider muss ich zugeben, dass diese doppelte Verneigung ein Leichtsinnsfehler war statt eine absichtliche Stilwahl.

Vielen Dank nochmals für die ausführlichen Korrekturen. Die Erklärung was das richtige Nutzen von sich anschließen angeht war besonders hilfreich.
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Viel Erfolg dabei mein Französisch lernender Freund//bonne chance mon ami qui français apprend
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>Looking up information on the book I'm reading, it's native-level designed for 7-12th graders
>Some AP spanish teacher is selling coursework designed for teaching kids how to read it in school
>Yeah, it takes them 3 months on average to read a book made for their age range in another language
Holy shit, and I thought my 20 pages per hour was bad. They must be looking up like every single word, imagine taking 3 months of classes to read one singular book. This is with assigning pages for homework too.
la ciudad de las bestias btw
reminds of the class on Virgil I took in college. Took 3 semesters of intro to Latin only to read one book from the Aeneid at a snail's pace with us parsing practically every sentence. Reading stuff like your pic, my experiences in college and HS, as well as seeing how much better I've taught myself, leads me to think language learning pedagogy in our country is just fucked. I'm not even really sure it can be taught in a school in a way that leads to mastery. It requires too much self-learning.
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Yeah, the actual hours aren't there for school. You're talking 140 hours per year on paper, but to get the kids on topic you've used up 10% of your time, 130. Then you teach them as a class, not as individuals. This means they have to wait for you to talk and instruct them, 120 hours. Little stuff like this diminishes the original 140 hours per year to make it something like 20 minutes per day on average.

That's enough to do some anki and nothing else, it's simply not possible to learn a language like that. My above time calculations are even generous even, 0% chance most kids actually spend 120 hours a year on learning their language in school. At that level of learning you can assume they forget 1/2 of it or more by the next school year, so at the end of the day they've learned nothing.

The only thing they have going for them is saying
>It raises SAT scores
This was the one piece of evidence they had to support it when I was in school, they spent 140 hours class time + homework time every year to raise SAT scores marginally. At the end of the day this is true and it does reliably raise SAT scores by a few points, but was it worth a kid attending a class for 140 hours and thousands of dollars?
it seems like it is not just us
language learning in schools doesn't seem to be well done in most places
Nobody wants to learn quechua.
Not even Peruvians.
I hate everything.
What literature is there to read in quechua?
Which is the most popular indigenous American language to study?
I'm salty I read faster in Spanish which I started to do 1.5 weeks ago than in my TL which I've been doing (lazily) for 1.5 years.
>do people really just speedread novels
Most novels don't have prose good enough to be worth taking your time savoring. At that point, if you have sufficiently high media literacy you're just speed-parsing trope/plot element shorthands. Same thing with most movie/tv slop, you can perma fast forward and miss nothing of value.
I think I'm at about 500-600 wpm in English, slightly lower in my native language B and like 150 in my native language A which I've managed to largely forget.
Yeah, to be fair I'm not a novelmaxxer so I guess it was so strange for me to hear that the first time. I usually stick with a mix of books that don't have that consistent of a pattern, and only do like 2.5 a month really.
I've stop studying my TLs. Now I only casually use them and life has never been more comfy. Granted I'm B2 and C1 in them already
B2/C1 is past the level where you should be purposefully "studying" anyway. Comprehension of grammar should be more or less automatic at that point, and all that's left is just using the language.
NTA but yeah, it depends on what you really consider "studying." There's always gonna be words you don't understand and just casually "using" the language won't get you a lot of those uncommon words, phrases, or ideas. You have to go out and find them. A lot of the time this is just reading or something, but it's still studying.
Henlo :3 do you need a buddy to practice portuguese? Btw, in portuguese the radio can be both masculine!

O rádio (the device)
A rádio (short for "a estação de rádio", radio station)
When I'm "studying" I read reference grammars, ask people particular question about how something works etc., e.g. I'm trying to develop an understanding and a feeling for how the language works. Once you've built that, it's all usus from there, i.e. learning how to say things.
A lot of the time, whether you need to look something up is tied to if there's a morpheme (mostly roots) you don't know is present. A lot of usus crunch is syntactic or rather phrasal in nature, you don't need to reach for dictionary, you just hear/see the thing and go "oh I never knew I could combine X Y and Z to get this meaning".
Lemme give you an English example. You don't need to look neither "takeover" nor "overtake" up, since the morphemes "take" and "over" are very basic. Yet you hear those words in a context and a bulb lights up.
*meant i.e. instead of e.g.
What's even the difference between "i.e." and "e.g." ?
tryna learn BCS i have a base down but my grammar is fucked. i got ronelles book and am reading a crioatian book. ja ucin hrvatski/srpsko znan puno al ne znan gramatika dobro. i try to speak to my ex wife in the language (she speaks pretty fluent) but we fight all the time and then we revert to english
"i.e" means "id est" (that is)
"e.g" means "exemplo gratia" (for example)

My cousin is a peculiar guy, i.e., he is a weirdo

My cousin has many hobbies, e.g., anime, videogames, and vinyl figures
>So how fast do you guys read in your TL?
Greek (N), English (C2), Spanish (C1): 200-240WPM
German (B2): 120-150WPM
I really doubt studies like that. Also, I'm convinced that speed reading is for people who hate reading, but want to pretend they are avid readers.
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Goddamn it I want to focus on my old languages instead of my new language
Also I timed myself reading a few months ago and I read about 20 wpm on average
That was disheartening
>I'm convinced that speed reading is for people who hate reading, but want to pretend they are avid readers
Or their education or work has them having to read through massive amounts of information. With non-fiction most of the time you either are looking for something particular like hunting for references or need to quickly form an outline of the text in your head to refer to later.
Also, the better a text is written the faster you can comfortably read it. Substance density also varies.
Do you think you'd be able to pass a CPE reading test (around 3000 words) in 8 minutes?
Not even a shitpost but I want to learn the Babylonian language and writing, does anyone know where can I find more info on this?
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Took one of these short tests as fast as possible. Still felt like skimming instead of reading: http://www.freereadingtest.com
I learned English as a kid by playing Runescape. I wish I could do the same now with other languages
gotta keep cranking
we all gonna make it
u could, u just choose to complicate things by caring about meaning and information and time rather than just jumping in and trusting the process
Like 8 minutes for the whole thing? Doubt it. I had a look at it and in all the exercises except the gapped text one you don't actually have to read the text, just jump directly to the questions and go from there.
These suck in that they don't show you the text after you've done reading it. If they did you wouldn't need to read the text. I guess I personally would've to take notes while reading.
In any case you have to understand that for a sizeable chunk of people reading is actually a non-linear process, or rather they're losing a lot of opportunities to economize on effort doing linear only.
This. Child brains automatically maximize motivation and efficiency. Now, adult brains are nowhere as ductile but adults are much better at shortcutting and understanding what methods work for them. Learn to learn I guess.
No I mean there isn't a "Runescape" or comparable things to mindlessly sink time into in the languages I want to learn
Well yeah, because you already have a strong (if a bit too conservative) idea of what you'll like or not. It's like learning English and finding out there's no reason to touch other languages because everything already exists in English. Children don't think "lemme just find subtitles for this" they just have fun.
Besides that, if it's content (contemporary media) you're after most languages are completely useless except like Japanese, Korean and Spanish with a giant maybe attached.
To any of the Brazilians that might be awake at this hour, what sites can I watch movies in portuguese?

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