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Rorke edition
hurricane was a nowtbutty then imagine my shock
Last thread was proper schizo, wonder if it will continue
josh is a good lad
fuck off dago
populations that are just smarter as a whole like japan for instance figured this out long ago, as an entire society they sus'd out gymcels as gays
love Iow poly graphics but most games made before the 360/ps3 era are horrible to play
>oy vey goy actin' mighty schizo exposin' are secrets
alriiii ginge laaaaa
was this really worth posting again
was it really mate
fuck off berty
get the breakfast wraps cooked
Imagine you get talking to a lad and he seems fairly normal and then later on you find out it was Jon Venables, would be mental that
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would actually enjoy a discussion about something interesting instead of endless pooposting for crumbs of attention to be fair
sizzling platonic unresolved sexual tension with the female cotoilers who know I have a gf
let's talk about josh from brit/pol/
things are going very well with the new gf.
I love jogging past fat fuckers who wear stained trackies and puff on a vape
Can't disagree. I've revisited a lot of games from around that sort of PSX/N64-PS2 era because I'm a sad twat with nothing better to do and they are absolutely terrible. Feel like games from the period just before that with a more heavy coin slot/pick up and play influence have aged a lot better.
enjoy it while it lasts
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Not platonic then is it
I received one as a gift one Christmas and threw it in the bin still in its box.

Didn't tell the person who gave me obviously as that would be callous. I just don't want plastic soy shit clogging up my space.
josh recently quit PoE after dominating it too hard
then he took up Diablo IV and of course dominated that within a matter of 3 weeks or so
and now he's back to PoE gearing up to dominate PoE2 when it becomes available shortly
nothing lasts forever
The Enwokening of Britain
should've chucked it on the fire
not gonna do anything about it
going to be like Carmela and Furio
Looking at an industrial disaster in England

1 in 2 names are Irish

Why didn't English people work? Why have you always relied on immigrants like us?
Fat cunt
are you the fat lad vapist
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lazy protestant work ethic innit
very true, don't get this at all from 2d games
I guess there were a lot of teething issues with 3d that developers hadn't figured out yet. ocarina of time is the most impressive game for me because it is still enjoyable to play, super mario 64 is also good but i personally find platformers a bit boring
how little did they think of you to buy one? I would feel so disrespected if I ever got one as a gift lol
Just found out some black Communist lass in America autistically recorded 50 years of TV news and it's basically the only existing record of it all
The ultimate cuck is against an anime body pillow

The cuck is forced to bin it after spending all the money
Link the disaster or shut the fuck up rasheed
Oh shut up you melodramatic twat
Personally find black women very attractive in face, body and temperament.
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Did you fade away, anon?
The ultimate cuck is buying an anime body pillow and then your bullies fuck the pillow and don’t allow you to wash it
no im still here
let's talk josh
Answer hazy, please try again
corr them thighs

Fuck off back
faded to grey
thick and curvy with small tits is so kino
I think I found my new home here
big tits
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So uhh.. was all that jazz about Scandos being happier just propaganda?
Mad how despite the massive technological resources at the modern world's disposal we're still absolutely shocking at the ancient job of archiving.
Websites vanish, libraries lose books, radio and TV and films lose all copies and footage
You'd think in 2024 there would be nothing we could lose, yet so much slips through memory

Basically the only people who keep archives of anything are dedicated hobbyist autists like you mentioned or barely functioning websites being kept afloat for free and petty donations
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slough people
anyone here from Merseyside?
Maybe they are happier because they're on antidepressants but don't actually need them
A thing of beauty, I know
Will Never Fade Away
I work a trade. Jealous?
sort of
Depends how much you earn
Not real happiness then is it
Yeah an arse trade, rentboy.
southern poof
leftypol using his weather machine to slaughter the working class
ive seen it all
Bet Karl Pilkington has a proper big cock
yorkshire mentioned
Flat 50
Waterside Court
Old coach road
WA7 1Gl
I will come visit you. Do you want me to visit you? I will actually kill you, I'm diagnosed
Have you seen a man eat his own face?
can you go back to your cuck posts? your other posts are boring
only due to the acute effects of MDMA
I guess that counts
Shaped like a tangerine
Yes, yes, well done, anon. HOWEVER this version is so much more powerful and brings out all the feels

Have you ever seen a quat kum?
more like runtcorn
Require a comfy WFH job that allows me to spend 90% of the day playing video games
Play tester?
the woke wants to stop these
You can have mine
Think I need to grow up and take my career more seriously
Stop wearing t-shirts and all that
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What sayest thee?
>Tobaccoville, North Carolina
Having kept a sharp eye on philosophers, and having read between their lines long enough, I now say to myself that the greater part of conscious thinking must be counted among the instinctive functions, and it is so even in the case of philosophical thinking; one has here to learn anew, as one learned anew about heredity and "innateness." As little as the act of birth comes into consideration in the whole process and procedure of heredity, just as little is "being-conscious" OPPOSED to the instinctive in any decisive sense; the greater part of the conscious thinking of a philosopher is secretly influenced by his instincts, and forced into definite channels. And behind all logic and its seeming sovereignty of movement, there are valuations, or to speak more plainly, physiological demands, for the maintenance of a definite mode of life For example, that the certain is worth more than the uncertain, that illusion is less valuable than "truth" such valuations, in spite of their regulative importance for US, might notwithstanding be only superficial valuations, special kinds of niaiserie, such as may be necessary for the maintenance of beings such as ourselves. Supposing, in effect, that man is not just the "measure of things."
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I have a few tiny dark bumps around penis hole that I think are permanent swollen tiny veins and I am self conscious.
that's what I do
sadly it looks like it's going the way of the dodo
The woke party of england and wales
I like that version too.
Never stop fighting, anon.
Whoever wrote this is too clever to be posting it on 4chan /int/

Best to go to a proper brainy forum or website rather than wasting their braincells here

I didn't read this btw
Piss off Saxon
if youre so smart why were you so bad at school
kemi badenoch sex arse
I didn't know you played games I thought you just matrubated to Africans men
Badenoch Powell
Might hire a prozzard, haven't done that in a while
is it possible to step on something that permanently ruins your life
i didn't agree with what they were teaching
Mental to think there are brainlets who are incapable of parsing this
Because I was too busy clapping pale cheeks
I'd rather remain a virgin.
Bradley after making a comedy featuring an African bull in the 1920s
never done it, too scared it'll be a stitch up
He did it however you spastic
You're actually at the point of denying reality
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FDR knew
The Godfather didn't need a sequel and definitely didn't need to be a trilogy

It's a good standalone film just by itself
Nobody has any of those outside of Africa and maybe Iran and China
>The Godfather didn't need a sequel
what the fuck
the sequel is the best and one of the greatest films ever made
ever seen someone poo gay porn
i dont care if he did or not
It's sad when Moe Green dies he gets shot in the eye woops spoiler alert
hit a nerve
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Tried to discuss the odds of a successful Schlieffen Planif the Germans hadn't watered down deployments for the Eastern front during the initial stages of WW1 with a work colleague but he had no idea what I was talking about.

I'm wasting away here.
You deserved it for bragging about your Funko Pop collection you boring cunt.
Yeah I didn't like the sequel, the major plot points are even vaguer than the first one
I didn't ask who gave the order because it had nothing to do with business
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Literally me
well the russians started well against germany and were crushing the austrians so germany had to step in
I disagree.
The first film is perfectly paced, it's contained, it has solid themes
Godfather 2 meanders with a villain that's not as compelling, a flashback arc that says less about Vito Corleone than the first film did, and Michael Corleone's arc isn't as interesting as in the first film

Able to support a family
Guaranteed a job by being alive
Perhaps not a decent home compared yo European expectations
Guaranteed doctory outside of rural areas
Protected economicaly by his local area
Educated to understand his world perfectly

Meanwhile the average European cannot get a house, job, and knows nothing
Jewish nonsense
trying to stop wanking
managed to get from 1 a day to 1 every second day
I have hope
britain is honestly not as bad as you lot make it out to be
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This place is almost as bad as brit/pol/ and /feel/
bizarre post
Praying at home may be a criminal offence under new Scottish abortion laws, the SNP Government has warned.

New legislation took effect across Scotland last month, establishing 200-metre “safe access zones” around all abortion clinics.

Residents in these zones have been warned they could be in breach of the Abortion Services Act (Scotland) 2024 if they do “anything” that “would cause harassment, alarm, or distress” to staff and patients, even if this activity is carried out in the privacy of their own home.

Praying at home has been made illegal by the child sacrificing cult
arsehole is too perfect
You have 25 days, Papist
Obungo will have a family

You'll die shitting yourself in a 5x4 room

how about this then?
her pussy couldn't be on display more and you're focused on her arsehole
You're an Anglo Saxom lad, no Britain, no UK, just England.
t. middle class ponce sheltered from anything bad his entire life
i thought hyman roth was a great villain and the flash backs to vito's youth brought new dimensions to his character
i think you're probably right that michael's arc was better in the 1st
Racist prick. Poor too.
project on
mate i live in the north east
>heh this king who tried to exterminate his own race? He's based
life is shit everywhere for the poor, as they deserve
crazy how 99% of wealth comes down to:

-which place you're born in
-what family you have
>what friends/connections you have
>who you marry

education and hard work account for little
Yes, yes I think I could persuade myself to sleep with her
Also Britain didn't exist during that time lel
We live in a banana republic.
it's not what you know it's who you blow
I'm a Gael
think you'll find we live in a constitutional monarchy rorke
Deport Catholics
>A shopper has told of his horror at finding a plastic pot with what he thinks was urine in it on the shelves of a discount store. The customer, who did not wish to be named, was browsing the shelves in Poundland in London Road, Brighton, when he noticed the tub filled with a "warm, yellow liquid".
why did he change from dash bullet points to greentext arrows midway through the post?
we're a crowned republic
catholicism just makes more sense
Your electricity and gas is owned by people from Qatar
Your colleagues are from Poland and Kazakhstan
You pay your rent to a Pakistani
Your Primeminister is Jewish

And yet you have the gall to complain about immigration?
I never understood how Michael worked out Roth was after him, felt like there was a scene missing
Dirty bender must've been thrilled
catholics out, muslims in!
Catholic for 900 years
Protestant for 500
Never had a brown landlord me
Must be a london thing
Never met a kazakh in my life. Been bummed by one though
woke my grandma up at 5 AM to make coffee and breakfast for me.
The UK imports fruit pickers from Kazakhstan

‘Targets are unrealistic’: sacked fruit picker tells of treatment on Kent farm
Kazakhstani man says he regrets coming to UK for seasonal work, but employer refutes account of his experience
*pulls pockets out*
i'm skint
Not my colleagues then are they
BBCmaxxing time
Protestantism is Christians larping as Jews so they give out loans and divorce wives
just woke up
has the entirety of Florida been blown away yet
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Kier isn't a jew, other parts aren't true for me either
British broadcasting corporation
sounds horrible :3
mad these things are poisonous
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BREAKING: Social media star Yung Filly charged with rape during Australian tour

Yung Filly, whose real name is Andres Felipe Valencia Barrientos, 29, has been granted bail with strict conditions. These include surrendering his passport, supplying a $100,000 security and reporting to police seven days a week.

Barrientos is also banned from commenting online about the charges or his accuser, or from coming within of 500 metres of two people identified by their initials in the court. He has been charged with 4 counts of sexual penetration without consent, 3 counts of assault occasioning bodily harm. He is also accused of impeding the woman's breathing or circulation by applying pressure to her neck.
>show the willard to the protogf during a misunderstanding
>blocked everywhere
>removed and unfollowed on spotify
>deletes the playlist she made for me (I can’t access it)
>24h later
>recovers the playlist she deleted since I can access it again now
what do you think? reckon I’m back in?
Worked with a lot of foreigners in my variety of runt jobs. They are noticeably less productive than English runts and have to be told what to do for every minute of their shift and watched over because they will make mistakes or do something wrong and then just never flag it with anyone.
Reckon people who bang on about "hard working foreigners" have never actually worked with one.
They are more punctual thoughbeit.
have you ever been poisoned by one
Contemplating the next car (a 2015 Jaaaaaaaaaaaggg XE)
did she think of you as protobf or are you a nutcase
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>>show the willard to the protogf during a misunderstanding
Um we’re not exactly thrilled about those things
arse like a dragon's nostril
no, have seen them scurry around from across a creek while trying to catch yabbies, think they wanted some
leftypol turning a blind eye to this
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>>show the willard to the protogf during a misunderstanding
this could be anything
>show the willard to the protogf during a misunderstanding
were you showing her your collection of microorganisms or something?
If you are then be sure to apologise for your actions
cant play a musical instrument but i can synthesise a symphony in my mind
utterly bonkers you can just go out and see them
have you ever been venomed by one
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Haha whaddup g dog
>kier isn't a jew
Who actually makes AIDS tier posts like his?
He's clearly upset he killed Moe Green
bi scum
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down to my last 500 quid in savings, reckon that gives me about 2 weeks left before i find a nice cliff to throw myself off and enjoy my eternal peace
bit of both, she did like me though. she’s a bit mental. told me how much she wanted me in explicit sexual detail and everything like last week then blocked me immediately after because she felt embarrassed and thought I had a bunch of women chasing me, something of a womaniser. talked to her and she unblocked me again until recently.
(the day after showing me her arse) was literally talking about and telling me how tight she was and how scared she is of sex since she’s a virgin. I may have showed her the willard asking if she reckoned she could take it (everything suggested she wanted me and this was not completely random) and then she said my name in shock, and blocked me. For context, I know I have an objectively nice willard and solid physique so I know it’s not that, I won’t post pics.
nice headcanon incel
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Listening to this song on repeat
>(the day after showing me her arse)
context needed here too
fucking hell that was a boring slog to get through. Make your gimmicks shorter next tine
did the arse pic include any holes or was it just from the side
this is an important detail
you both seem extremely autistic and mentally ill.
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We at /brit/ say R.I.P. to Rafa Nadal's career.
done them
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The purchase for today. Going to put it on my cock to see if it makes it silky smooth
Just had an incel sip of doomer water
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Submissive and Blackable
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Get toiling
makin big moves and doin thangs
u know how he we do in dis rape game baby
dadberg asked if I wanted to go out for christmas meal with him and step-mum but said I'd have to give him money toward the deposit and pay for my own meal

not on is it really? He's my dad he should be paying. The fact that I'm 29 is irrelevant.
well twice, first from the side while she was kind of twisted in bed. the second from was kind of like looking down on her arse from above while she was in a kind of doggy pose. (it’s her reaching, no cuck shit). no holes.
said she was sitting on her bed with her laptop and had a marker out to write on something, she then fell asleep on the marker and woke up with the ink all over her arse and wanted to show me. this was the doggy angle. wearing the smallest thong ever btw.
I think I’m less autistic here, I’ve never been blocked for the willard before.
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>Having a bad day
>See a woman with a big bum wearing leggings
>Mood is immediately improved and I forget why I was sad
Women are magical creatures
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ever shagged stepmummyberg?
I was thinking about that today. Dabbing BHA on my shaft to see if it goes paler.
she doesn't look the way you're imagining
think about all the smelly poos and farts that bum has produced
his vietnam pow pilot escape movie with christian bale was kino
Mandem on da crackdem
See a cracka attack them
stupid inane IMG_4292.jpg poster
Apparently it can reduce fordyce spots so I'm going to slap some on my cock every night before bed to see how it goes
I'll need more details about your cock before I can pass judgement
how was the picture framed, was it half chub or full
isnt he a rapist? i thought the whole gimmick was that women throw themselves on dark poles
dadbergs still on good terms with mumberg even though she ran off with the fit lezzer?
What's with
>humiliation ritual
being the buzzword of the week
he bought his CR7 pyjamas to the rape room
grooving about the flat in my dressing gown
/pol/ learned a new buzzword. now they will repeat it everywhere any time
I'm very smart and clever and high IQ. Stop calling me stupid and inane it hurts my feelings
>of the week
it's been there for weeks, months even
it got bigger when john cena was naked at that awards show
Completely full, actual 8x6 mate, entirely lean. Somewhat framed from arms length and slightly below, made sure to get my gymcel 6 pack abs. It sounds like bullshit and I wish I was joking since I’ve never misjudged something so hard, I’m almost convinced the issue is with her and not me. Not really sure how I misread that situation so hard.
I think you're confusing me for someone else.

And no my divorced parents aren't on good terms at all.
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so did my nob
im gay you see
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im a big fan of mustelids
Prior to seeing this image if you had told me that all otters were the same type of otter I would have believed you.

In retrospect it seems naive but it is what it is.
her loss
you're in the clear mate
she'll be back
just shocked at you ginormous cock probably
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>Sexy woman walks by me and is wearing perfume that smells very very good
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white lives matter burnley
my arsehole seconds before pooing
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to be fair half of them do look quite similar dont they
Like norwegian haha
once I found a hair scrunchie on the ground, picked it up and smelled it and it smelled very strongly of perfume
Maybe you're just an unlikeable cunt
You should just be killed
Honestly it gives me the fear to think about fucking freaks like you walking around creating 'misunderstandings'
need to get a haircut but cba
im getting mine cut at 3pm today
5pm for me
kind of want to wank but i think ill make it an imagination wank
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Been a decade dont know but cant seem to go past shoulder for some reason
got mine cut a few days ago after months of stalling
police going brazy tonight its not even friday night yet and presumably all the bogans are beating the shit out of each other
outlook for me
Violent boganography
thanks lad x
exactly what I thought, probably a mix of fear and disbelief, already got the Spotify playlist back up so will have to plan the next move
protogfs don’t reply fast and tell you how much they want you if they aren’t interested in or like you
great image

might even save this
For shure have long hair on the old id issued 2017 or so
anyone have any music playlists for me
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imagine that on a spit roasting over a big fire cor
>protogfs don’t reply fast and tell you how much they want you if they aren’t interested in or like you
Doesn't mean you can't ruin it by sending an unsolicited penis picture you fucking mong
She has, quite rightly, judged you to be a freak
Common betty lemme smash

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