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edition of quiche
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>No they aren't. I've been eating raw mushrooms for years and I'm fine.
>I'm fine.
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mateys got divots in his thick skull
never had a quiche
reckon i need to jump on the so-called quiche train as it were
You have a learning difficulty if you unironically think they're the same
don't make fun of me
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Struck a nerve?
this explains everything
rumbled the freak
yes they are you idiot
paul stamets said no one should ever eat any mushroom raw
you stupid fool
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our mango
Schizos do annoy me yeah
he's just gibbon out the grapes
you can make a good hobo stove with that ikea cutlery holder in the top right
Hello Mango
hi mango
only one person in the world has granite worktops
and whats mango then
some sort of rodent i presume
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Once I got a salad with raw mushrooms and I was not sure if the chef had fucked up or if I was supposed to eat them.
I ate them. Wasn't bad.
Corr looks like a nice cage, better than the usual bars
hahah love the way he runs and sits
odd post
sort of a cross between a cat and a mouse
imagine snogging her deeply when you sit on that chair with your cock up her arse omg
glasgow in 2006...home...

Just realised I'm an autistic freak
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when i used to read comics the artists would all draw women with this belly type
think humans are too big really, too much skin
>watch taxi Driver
>realize I'm an even bigger loser than Travis
Never noticed how grim Adam's poorfag fake granite countertop was
thats the next stage of human evolution
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sacked tranny poisoning himself
i would suggest mango is just frappes on a vpn but frappes looked like an entirely different animal
Nice isn't it
Haha nice x
frappes and mango are kind of friends
they live together at any rate
"Great Britain" is called Inebritania in the Erzya language. It's true: https://myv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Инeбpитaния_Macтop
How does this make you feel?
modes he posted nsfw
Fuck sake need a wank now
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>posting porn on /brit/
peak runt behaviour that.
well that cant be right because if theres one thing i know about hamsters (and there is indeed only one thing i know about hamsters) its that they arent allowed to live together lest they do each other in
thank you for your service janny
posting porn on /brit/
peak chad behaviour that
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>not gay porn
fuck right off
getting into a nasty argument on /tv/
he called me a cuck, and I've accused him of being brown
it's anyones game at this point
mad how they hanged a man at nuremberg for drawing cartoons but let another man off for running slave labour factories
well like they both live in my flat
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>*enters /brit/*
having conversations with yourself isn't healthy lad
Need any advice?
that's a man
get the brit lads in to tell him he's been done
decisive victory there
that probably sounded like a right zinger in your head
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its better to not watch or engage with any sot of pornography
Where does anti matter come from?
More or less can’t enjoy music without booze. Used to binge drink a lot and listen to music, now listening to music sober isn’t the same and my brain associates listening to music with getting on the cans
she seems fun
imagine if you owned your own business and you employed this woman and this is what she was doing whilst you were paying her to do work for you
Where's his cock then
and let me guess joe and poppy are there too and you all have tea parties and play halo lan together without bloodshed
pull the other one mate
she married uncle matter innit bruv
corrrr love a kfc zinger me
it can usually be found near deci matter
britain has their own version of COPS

Do you think extra terrestials would post on the internet?
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Just asked mum if eating raw mushrooms is safe
>Well your dad used to eat them and he died of cancer
>I wouldn't recommend it
Thoughts on Romanian women?
doesn't matter
Roadwars was my favourite schoolnight mongout viewing
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alien hands wrote this post
if you got the vax then you're more than likely going to get cancer anyway so why not enjoy the time you have left
so obvious that it's a character pathological lying
Just seen a black hole
What do you mean
wee went through the little gap under the seat all over me trousers
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>Well your dad died of cancer
>he died of cancer
Cunt must have been the only thin one in your family
energy + vacuum = matter + antimatter
/gif/ strikes again
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tasty dish, tasty edish
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if it's hip, it's here
Why is antimatter in our universe ?
Look up Paul Stamets’ interview on Joe Rogan if you want to be redpilled on this topic. It’s quite the rabbit hole
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you may be interested to know that mango does not like basil
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>Well your dad died of cancer
That literally happened with that exact lass, the donut shop where she works put her in charge of a new tiktok page for the business so that they'd get more traffic and started making merchandise
Therre's almsot no anti matter in our universe and all particles have an anti matter equivalent
why did you stop spamming the AI slop adam?
Aren't all the clotshotters supposed to have died by now, conspiracy schizo?
That's what all you freaks were saying at the time.
>he's quoting his own post with bradders
yeah I'm out. finna watch a movie. Steve Jobs (2015) to be exact. expect my review later.
we didn't dougie when I was working retail we did the shmoney dance
Mad how it was all filmed in the early-mid 2000s but they still show the same reruns of it on tv at nighttime
no one knows but it occurs as a natural byproduct of several reactions involving the strong and weak nuclear forces like >>203265303 implied
hes a scrunkly scrimblo isnt he
millions already have
look at excess deaths since 2021
>two more weeks
im not adam and i dont know what you're talking about
thank you thats going on file
i like his cute little hands and deranged stare
Damn your brain really got melted huh
you can't live in denial forever
look at current cancer rates and compare them to 2020 and earlier
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>millions already have
>look at excess deaths since 2021
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>be me
>make green tea and protein shake for breakfast
>finish tea
>"I won't be hungry, I scranned so many nuggies yesterday"
>store protein shake in glass jar and freeze it, take out beef for beef salad after work
>get to work
>immediately hungry as fuck
Why is it always like this
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wen di pale clapmeat walk past
told female friend i'm a virgin and she said bullshit and refused to believe me
is this a good thing?
I look like this and wear that hat
Basically because the maths say so, the positron was predicted mathematically by Paul Dirac
The question that scientists are more interested in is "if antimatter exists, and conservation laws exist, then why don't we have equal amounts of each pair of matter/antimatter?"
fungus brain
up to you
you got vaxxed with something that neither prevented you from spreading or catching covid and now you have a much higher risk of heart disease, blood clot and cancer
why did you tell her you're a virgin?
why antimatter exists at all has been an open question in physics that's way beyond me but they have no clue as it is probably intricately linked to physical theories we don't have yet (ie unified model) and so theoretical physicists usually invoke gauge symmetry and other weird mathematical structures to explain why we see the particles that we do (but they have failed for decades to successfully do so)
no, being a virgin at your age is not a good thing
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Very glad to see Lieutenant Dan survived the storm in his boat lads

Thought matey was a goner for sure desu
tea idea: curry flavour noodle wraps
Equality between the forces would cancel each other and as a result everything wouldn’t exist
An imbalance allows for a universe of things to exist
still just a runt in a cage...
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Actually it was green tea with oolong and jasmine
So nice to drink and help process the noogs
But now that I'm at work walking around all day I'm hungy as fuck and wish I had protein in my system for muscles
Does tea make intermittent fasting harder or something?
I don't feel this way with coffee
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*presses down and a*
this is all real and true and scientists will still believe it in 50 years
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wagwan me lads
bit of a non-event really wasn't it
couple of wrecked buildings who cares
we were on the topic of our mutual male friend being an utter slag
Girlfriendberg's been banging on about the hurricane including that lieutenant dan chap
Mental how zoomerwomen get actually personally anxious about yanks being battered by a bit of wind halfway around the globe
give my pets proper names you know like muhammed
Yeah, happeningmongs and doomer schizos hyped it up like it was going to be Hurricane Katrina x10, there will never ever be a storm as deadly as that ever again simple as
ST post coming in 3... 2... 1...
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nah the cracks are widening even event horizon denialism is mainstream when before you'd be laughed out of the room for simply entertaining the idea that they don't exist (despite being impossible according to quantum theory)
mental how two English people who grew up in the same town, even the same street may not understand each other if they are of radically different classes, despite speaking the same language.

and I mean this in a literal sense. a 'bydlo' chav talking like 'you fuckin done me in there dint ya? you merkin me off or what?' and a posho speaking like "Your elucidations are incomprehensible" are not understandable to one another

interesting that innit
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"Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Xiangling, I'm a chef from Liyue! My favorite place is the chicken... I mean, the kitchen!"
would love a cuddle
It’s called empathy mate. I’m not a zoomer or a woman and I was a bit worried about the little crippled chat myself, seemed like a nice enough bloke despite being incredibly thick
How is CERN's antimatter factory going to revolutionise physics?
>Pickford in nets
Okay now say it in Quechua
looks like a proper englishman that bloke
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massive choon dis
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Mental how yanks actually believe this
>I’m not a zoomer or a woman
How'd you find out about Lietenant Dan?
Shame that greek turncoat didn't float face upwards
It won't directly but the outcomes of its experiments may help bring about the next revolution
if it's not a socialist revolution everyone will still be miserable
Do they really have to gurn and grimace like that ffs
Just embarrassing
did you get flashbacks to footy in year 8
>everyone who posts about football is my favourite poster
Go on then how many hours a day are you racking up on the 'tok
Hmm the dread is setting in and I'm having thoughts about killing myself

Not right is it
they're practising for when they shag each other up the arse in the showers after the game
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Would be a purely scientific and technological revolution which would likely have little to no effect on society compared to soft technology that's already ruining everything
Then you're spiritually a zoomer
>in nets
Do you mean in goal? Spacker
my brain is too tiny to understand shit like antimatter, quarks, quantum mechanics - things like that.
they form the foundation of how our entire universe operates and im clueless about it. i feel like that bird in the Terry Davis quote.
get drunk and suck a cock and you'll feel better
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ktim tomorrow
*adds a 1x1 tracking pixel gif to your browser cookies*
*logs your user agent in the RDS*
heh... nothing personell kid
no proof of this btw just making it up
Quantum mechanics is very simple
The other stuff not so much
Can't believe he, of all people, turned out to be a rapist
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enormous choon
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antimatter is essentially irrelevant
a smile would be nice
Not true at all it's very useful in medical physics and nuclear imaging
is that spottem gottem?
What, like fishnets?
An anti-matter BBC that destroys vagina matter
Fuck off divegrass mongs
I am the lizard queen
what are the strings in string theory made up? are they just elementary particles? surely they're comprised of something? just being pure energy isnt a good enough explanation.
/brit/ is an /sp/ thread
we've done this before
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no thats filly
he's posting tranimals again
rage on incel
wish I was scratching a scratch card rn
You know you've lost?

English names don't appear until the 16th century
Norse-Gaelic names however exist even today
You can rest now
Why not? What is a wave made up of?
XY chromosomes
Cold outside but warm in my room.
Oh yh, it peng.
Undergraduate level quantum is not simple but it's mad how they get you in and then wave postgraduate field theory in your face
raining too?
What an astounding failure of logic you have displayed
Perhaps you are 100% mickwit afterall
So there I was Monday night, feet up watching Brassic, feeling pretty pleased with myself for getting an early night.

Fast forward to 7:16am Tuesday morning and I get a message from a candidate - who’s supposed to start at 8:00am:

“I won't be starting this morning"

You know, just your average, "I'm pulling out of this job an hour before my start time" type of message.

After a two-month process, multiple calls back and forth, a higher salary offer, Fridays off and weekly check-ins (not to mention the excitement he showed when he accepted the contract and the convo we had Monday night), and still... the joys of recruitment, eh?

I completely understand that people interview around, weigh up their options, and ultimately decide what’s best for them, that’s completely fair, but letting me know one hour before he was meant to start, when he would’ve already known what he was doing for days? That’s just poor practice.

Recruiters sometimes get a bad name, but no matter how flawless the process, things happen. While it’s frustrating, it's also out of our control. We give it everything and sometimes the ride still throws us for a loop.
Yeah a little bit
Irish weather
shagged a lot of birds have you yeah
electons, which are another elementary particle. same question applies.
Extra dimensions but only at the subatomic level
All of the Edinburgh are before the 16th century has Gaelic and Norse names outside of sites of ownership
Hence English never gained commonship there until that time
THere's not a single white man playing for France
MI6 are finally after me so I'm taking a one way flight to Ecuador.
Was good knowing you lads, will post more when I arrive if they don't capture me and torture me half to death at a black site x
does that surprise you
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Hate it when this happens
>outside of sites of ownership
what do you mean by this
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I've shagged 3 gals and one bloke
what's this say?
a smidgen
I did it from first principles in undergraduate then dropped the later courses because it was too abstract for me.
What I meant by it being simple is that it all boils down to energy not being being continuous ie it is quantized
just done a poo lads
You can get a 30 day ban for posting this:

How to join al-quaeda and download child pornography.
I've clocked 8 distinct personalities in this thread all of whom are Spainlard. How many have you clocked?
How many blokes you lot shagged
I'll get banned if I repeat it in English
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Jam it in the pooper
hahaha what a mong
tried to join al quaeda but they told me i was too much of a fuckable twink to make it
Shan't be posting that then I think
How do homophobic people justify anal sex between straight being fine but anal between gays not being okay
Allah is the God
Death to America
Death to Israel (they right)
Maledictions for Israel (they right)
Victory for Islam
literally why wouldn't alien life post on our internet anyhow?
Places like Gilmerton, which is a mixed Gaelic-Saxon name lmfao!, which are English though this example could easily be Norse too with the -ton=-tun

While places like Blackburn did not appear until the 1500s
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just got an odd captcha
bit rude
because they don't exist
Waves are just energy; consider what a wave in water is made up of.
>elementary particle
Well if you presume there are elementary particles then you have to accept that some things just aren't made up of other things. Otherwise you're bound to run into an infinite regression.
I think the 4th line is curse the Jews, but they use Jews and Israelis interchangeably
no clue. your human internet is boring. surely they would have better more enlightened things to talk about
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new creps recommendations please lads, tired of wearing the all black nafri specials
Hysterical how badly they got mindraped by Jews and Christians (mainly Jews)
but we've already proven life isn't special
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oh right
yeah place names are interesting because there quite a few gaelic placenames in glasgow and the surrounding area that appear to be 'english' because they end in -ton and such, but further scrutiny shows that they have a gaelic origin
the opposite is also true where gaelic-looking names aren't actually

anyway here's a cool map
Better translation:

Allah is the Greatest
Death to America
Death or Israel
A Curse be upon the Jews
Victory to Islam
muzzie woman question
Guidi back zips
I can't wear non good fabric clothes
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otter rapists
What 4chan should do is when /brit/ is open there's eerie music playing
This will scare away all the little namby pamby cowards/frogposters and make it where all us tough blokes hang out, talking about pumping iron and shagging
and yet we have zero proof of the existence of aliens
certainly not intelligent space-faring ones
we are alone
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why are you obsessed with him
man and woman having sex means a baby and holy matrimony could still conceivably happen if they just switched holes for a bit

no such possibility with gays, is there
Yeah absolutely mad that they call refer to citizens of the Jewish state who are Jewish and have a star of David on their flag as Jews proper mindraped
got the sleep's holy mountain on
Lmao even your map shows it's just the southern borders
how could they possibly do that
not sure what you are referring to
>Tell us about a situation where you went above and beyond what was expected of you to achieve an objective
No clue how to answer this, anyone who goes "above and beyond" what's expected/demanded is a mug.
Speak English or fuck off
Love being a lorry driver so far.
finna bust rn nary a cap
I'm finna bust a nigga nut!
Caught someone else's ban* what with my mobile hotspotting on site today. I'm glad I made it back in time for a quick quiche lads. Cheers!
*Unless my posting photos of happy families in the Ford F250 Bike Smasher LE thread counts as "ai pedo shit lol"
remote control someone's computer that isn't in use that has an internet subscription
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lovely little fella i am
odd i wouldve thought one on one a raccoon could put up a decent scrap against an otter enough for him to not bother raping it
questions like that are always shit tests
you don't need statistical models
if intelligent life that was more advanced than us was out there then they'd have already colonised the galaxy and we'd know about it
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>star of David
Show me where the Bible says this. (It never says that.)
bit of a dopesmoker are you
We aren't speaking dickhead
from where?
the universe is a graveyard of dead civilisations.
people find it hard to comprehend the age of the universe so gravitate towards thinking aliens must all live concurrently for some reason.
very unlikely.
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lads i've forgotten the start of big brother all but once so far this series so i will be needing a 9pm reminder from one of you please
>new female coworker
hmm very average looking not interested
>3 months in
hope she's in today she's pretty hot
>6 months in
i'm in love with this woman

Nothing has changed. If anything she is trying even less to impress anyone now than at the start.
Why does this always happen. I would not look twice at her if I saw her on the street
If they were hyper advanced it stands to reason they could hide from us so there is value to showing it's basically impossible there are others out there.
from those ufos you see flying about
Big fan of the schizo gimmick
>the universe is a graveyard of dead civilisations.
so where are they? why qaren't their dead spaceships floating about our solar system?
perhaps i should have added in a bit about people also finding it hard to comprehend the size of the universe
It's her job moron
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Sabrina Carpenter is fit ok I don't care if she said she wants BBC she's hot as fuck
keep in mind people who believe in aliens often believe they're among us
mid women tend to grow on you a lot
it happens to me as well
So there is a Bible verse that speaks of a "Star of David"? Show me.
He's not a schizo and it's not a gimmick
He should stop quoting KJV, albeit.
I wouldn't mind watching her take BBC honestly
I have seen an alien craft in the night sky FYI that wasn't a space satellite or a plane and they're real
they're good because they help to cut-out those who are incapable of making chicken salad out of chicken shit
right about now, the funk soul brother
finna bust now, the funk soul brother
the universe is big and likely insurmountably big
but the galaxy is colonise-able with enough time and if you've got billions of years to play with time isn't an issue
thats waaay more baffling than its age
14bn? yeah its old but can picture it
size is just mad
nah, just like riffs init
She'd look good taking any big cock desu don't care what colour
So what being a business owner is as simple as hiring some gothic whore giving her an iphone and telling her do whatever she wants so long as she puts the products in the videos? That's the secret to building a business now?
She has a white boyfriend albeit
Star of David, Seal of Solomon... I don't think Jews were using it as THEIR symbol until well after Muhammed got himself a loli.
Piss off
These are the Belgian aka Gaelic isles
Most I know in London have roadmen baby daddies.
Outstanding post.

There should be Gaelic street signs in London.
She made for BWC
Probably shags her too
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i was walking home drunk one night and i swear i something whizz through the sky, had a bright green trail like a futuristic space-ship.
i was actually confounded. my brain couldnt work out what it was.
turns out it was probably a small meteor burning up in the atmosphere and all the gases and minerals in it burned green.
Have you met people?
I refuse to believe we're all the same species, and that all of us have experienced our local geographies and societies since birth. Some of us seem very new to life on earth.

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