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horseplay edition

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Another shitty animal edition. Guess it's better than AI slop
brown fingers typed this post
I'm moving to a small town that has no chains
Are horses athletes?
i have asked several times what you guys would prefer and have not gotten a straight answer
>make people think the country they live in is evil and exists only to oppress the poor browns
>they now all think it's all a heap of shit and not worth improving so they better just get what they can out of it and put in no effort
>"This was Capitalism's fault"
got bout 15 grand in the ol' trust fund.
nobody in my neighborhood trick or treats anymore because all the kids grew up and moved out but because everyone left is only 50-60, none of the houses are going for sale

it's kinda sad desu, when I was a kid halloween was huge
There are no more young families living in those homes to take their kids trick or treating
They're all living in an apartment or dangerous part of town
I haven't had trick or treaters in like 7 years. The last people who came were probably foreign and thought it was an American but no one does it anymore
Today grim bad sad when past good I ME ME ME...
I hate mexico from the bottom of my heart, I wish it would cease to exist.
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The marxists learned that so long as the people can make enough money to be happy, that they'll never start the communist revolution. Which is why they had to adapt, and attack our culture, do overthrow our society.
A record 2 mexican posts in a row
Yeah Halloween is a victim of the housing crisis unfortunately
We used to get a lot of trick or treaters. Now we only get less than 10. Which means that we just give each one way more candy.
the tortoise probably wants to hump that rc car
they are little horn dogs
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This should be the first op image of the day and we should use the cum truck as the second op of the day
Third and 4th are open for debate
I strongly believe that the US should annex Baja California
Cartels are already running freely throughout California
There's only 4.4 million people in Baja California and it's not like California is white to begin with
We'll get a second penis on the map
Imagine the condos for snowbirds we could build
i wish i wasn't mexican, i hate this dump full of narcos and communists who support the narcos for 200 usd a month.
Halloween is a victim of multi-culturalism and crime.
oh dear
and nuke mexico city
Americans were more than happy to vote for and pay higher taxes when they loved their country
Then the marxist hippies grew up and decided they deserve more
Do you have other interests in life or you just have those rent free things on your head 24/7?
po tay toes
We're not haulin' milk
There aren't enough Canadian kids to trick or treat because the foreigners don't believe in Halloween
more or less filled with people from mexico who really believe that if they can fuck others they should do it that's why there are so many videos of brown kids taking all the candy from a bowl.
I mean it's strange how the US was at its best when it was strongly anti-Communist and patriotic, Communists were kept out of academia and education, and then that era ended and America steadily began declining
Crime exploded in the 90's and Halloween was still a big deal. Also my neighborhood has always had a lot of Hispanics so I guess it's only a brown problem for you guys.
the last days saints are right, the celential father marked the bad people with brown skin that is why mexico is a dump full of bad people.
We aren't breeding enough for Halloween to survive
It'll die along with summer camp
I still live in a overwhelming majority white place.
We don't leave a bowl for people. They have to ring the doorbell, and get handed candy.
Doesn't change the fact that whites aren't breeding enough
How many 28 year old fathers do you know?
That's not strange at all. That's what's supposed to happen.
>It'll die along with summer camp
I thought those died because of the rapists, here they died because the narcos killed a bunch of kids and raped several campers in the 2010s.
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So is the hurricane over?
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I shaved off my hair because I'm balding and now I literally look like this now with slightly smaller lips
mr clean looking nigga
We need to bring back patriotism and nationalism, bros
Leftists chanting Death to America while burning the flag and right wingers cheering on America's main rivals is a pathetic showing
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Crime might have exploded in burgerland, but it was falling in Canada, until Trudeau went soft on crime and it went up recently.
Lots? Every weekend during the summer months, every hall in every town including and also surrounding my town is reserved for wedding suppers.
Conservatives in my province like families and want families. Sorry about your shithole. The only problem is getting them to have more than 2 kids, since everyone seems to think that 2 is enough.
Which it would be, if the leftists were at least trying to have families.
looks okay
Are you genuinely denying the fact that whites aren't breeding enough?
Break it up along political lines, and you'll see that it's a leftist problem that's making the mess. White conservatives aren't the problem.
loving your country is based but blindly ignoring its faults is cringe
Having to break it up at all is the problem thoughbeit
We're below replacement rate
bring them home
the shittier the country the more blind nationalism, look at mexico is plagued by narcos and the president is a friend of the narcos and everyone loves him.
eating some garlic and its burning the cut on the roof of my mouth
loving anything is cringe desu.
There's nothing to be proud of anymore. America traded in all it's values and doesn't even stand for anything anymore.
The only thing America cares about is virtue signalling support for lgbtq and supporting whatever radically insane sexuality that springs up next
saw a guy wearing this
>We're below replacement rate
no one is having children, more people are being killed in mexico than are being born and the zoomers don't fuck.
Thinking about getting home and eating the rest of my four day old fried chicken
And when society collapses, and all the leftists have no families to support them, they'll die off. Leaving the remaining people with the evolutionary pull to have even more kids.
Ending the problem.
It's like you don't see how this is going to play out.
it is. i see no more warnings/watches
I got some lo mein in the fridge I'm dying to dig into when I get back
yes. it's now a beautiful brisk autumn day
>It's like you don't see how this is going to play out.
I moved to a town that doesn't have Doordash and no chains
Been growing my own fruits and vegetables for a while, could expand the garden any time if I needed to and I'm gonna get chickens and a sheep
I've already started hiding out
I see leftists talking about letting kids mutilate themselves and right wingers saying biden created the hurricane

I want to kill myself
diocese of ohio
Leftists say they'd let their kid get mutilated but they also don't have kids
i am a leftist incel
>right wingers saying biden created the hurricane
do people really believe that?
you could ignore all of that nonsense and start baking some bread instead
My reason for having kids?
I need somewhere to live when I'm old and frail, so I need to be a good parent as well
The average rightoid boomer will believe just about anything and really should be considered mentally challenged. Not that leftoids are any better, they deal with Omega levels of delusion and cope
I remember a few years ago, some Floridians wanted to shoot hurricanes
I'll just have my anime AI wifebot with the nursing chip installed take care of me when I'm old and feeble
Niggz really do be creating narratives on their heads based on cherry picking extremism and convincing themselves that's how the whole world is
People need to stop watching the 24 Hour News so god damn much
Kinda crazy how the whole celebrity satanic cult thing is actually real
It's all a LARP that new money (mostly blacks) started doing
It doesn't count unless you're genuinely worshipping Baphomet
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business idea: cum in the eye of a hurricane
my grandma was pretty normal 6 or so years ago then she started watching fox every day and now believes in every schizo conspiracy theory they peddle
Yea it's fake to promote publicity
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My arms are sore from working out but they weren’t sore before hmmmm
yes i thought it was a joke too but then i read instagram comment sections and there’s some actual, honest to goodness believers that this hurricane is cloud seeding made to disrupt the elections
if you call them stupid they double down and say that you’re ignorant and you need to open your eyes
Our province uses cloud seeding tech to prevent severe weather.
people talk about how they get high while running, meanwhile I just get tingly lips and excess saliva while my legs burn
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i would only believe that usa controls the weather if places like china, russia or cuba suddenly ceased to exist because of a giant earthquake or a mega freeze, florida is literally a cock inside the sea that's why it has storms all the time.
>rap beat starts
Huh yeah nigguh!
>so I need to be a good parent as well
use my dad's tactic, treat them like crap and make them feel bad all the time and they will end up taking care of you out of sheer guilt.
why would Joe cause a severe weather storm in florida if camel is almost guaranteed to lose that state anyways
I can't escape the brainrot
Te la Boca
My baby all I wanna
Do is stroke ya

All crazy ma
Kinda based cuz I wanna see what happens if the jews build the third temple
You gotta keep doing it. It's not a one-off kinda thing
t. ran cross country
Oh how I love my nautilus
livid again as usual
The weather is freaky because there's people manipulating the weather now, like you can buy rain clouds in saudi arabia I believe
did the jooz invade iran yet I don't keep up with that whole meme
thats not funny
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apparently tiffany trump's lebanese husband has made her pregnant
would be interesting if he could influence trump's foreign influence the way kushner does. probably not but here's for hoping
It made me laugh.
ok but it would be pretty crazy if the weather manipulation thing was true
what happened
Holy shit, are conservatives actually schizo enough to think that Biden is controlling the weather?
The democrats can send pulse waves at hurricanes to steer them at conservative voters. I know it's real. My local news station has a facebook and all of the boomers were talking about it. Apparently NOAA is responsible for this.
hypothetically couldn't we prevent hurricanes in Florida by building a giant wall around the coast and putting huge fans on it
There's a mystery brewing down in Mexico, where surveillance footage appears to show a dog running down the street and morphing into a human!
This would block sea turtles from nesting on the beach
Can we see the footage?
just a warlock, nothing out of the ordinary.
we'll add some little gaps in the wall for them to nest in :-)
>no garbage, only poo


Canadians need to rise up
nothing, I'm just really angry for some reason
some days I wake up and get mad within 10 minutes
do you think I could win an election in Canada if I advocated for the deportation of every jeet in the country
"Grrr" - you
They've had the same gay PM for 15 years so no
why do you think that is
sounds pretty miserable just being angry as hell for no good reason sometimes
>2016 was 15 years ago
It's over
so how good are these pillows
my sleep sucks, and these are apparently "guaranteed the most comfortable pillow you'll ever own"
is it even legal to make such a claim?
why does the algorithm think im bald
unironically yes

idk dude, I didn't ask to be this way
I don't ever act out or anything, I can just feel my internal temperature spike and seethe for a few minutes before it passes
there has to be enough canadians that are secretly tired of all the immigrants, like what happened with trump in 2016
You're only interested in these pillows because they are made by a chud
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Remember that time Billy Corgan said he saw a shape shifting person
Just take pills like most of us bruh
it's always mexico
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No it's not
the pillow brand doesn't matter as much as much as what is comfortable to you

you can buy the most expensive, high quality pillow on the market but if it's too soft or hard you're still gonna hate it
The algorithm detected a bit of male pattern baldness through your front facing camera
Ever since I went completely bald I've been getting vids by bald guys like crazy
I just know I'm gonna end up in silent hill bro
please post
if it's effecting your quality of life you should maybe seek out some help to try to figure out what's going on
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She’s livin la vida loca
havent bitten my nails for 4 days :)
I wonder if I've ever given advice on this shithole website that's made a person's life significantly worse
that's good anon that's a nasty habit im proud of you
dont worry no one follows advice here
i stopped biting my nails once i started taking guitar more seriously, since i ended up clipping my nails all the time.
why do you spam that whore?
ale went to silent hill and died :\
The remake trailer upsets my autism because in my mind they were in Japan so I don't like seeing Americanoids
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ngl, im sometimes jealous of privileged women who do OF.
I got recommended vampire the masquerade bloodlines by some /v/irgin like 12 years ago and it's now my favorite game, does that count
he's a 40 year old porn addict loser
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Second time I’ve posted this picture but glad she’s left such a lasting impression on you
media (video games, movies etc) recommendations aren't advice imo
P. Diddy used to post in >>/trash/ bro
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Factually incorrect
no impression, there are a lot of idiots spamming the same photos all the time.
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yeah ur right. i have this weird thing where whenever i lay down i have to go pee. doesn't matter if i just peed. i love soft pillows but it's worse with those for some reason. i got a hard pillow and it works better, i can actually fall asleep and remain asleep but the actual quality of the sleep is low and i feel shitty. whatever i try there's a new issue. and yes i've visited doctors. public, private, military and civil service doctors even for the past year and a half. they don't know shit, none of the tests have shown anything. private doctor said it could be that when i lie down it touches(?) a nerve which causes the feeling of bladder needing to release when in reality i don't need to. this seems to be the case as the extensive testing has shown that there's no problem with the actual function of my bladder, and the fact that the problem is positional in nature

>at least two mirrors in bedroom
>facing each other
Nope. Nope. I can't
dont, OF is a meme. For every belle delphine you have 1000 women who degrade themselves for 20 bucks a month.
big true
congrats girl you made 50 dollars and now everyone in town knows what your kitty looks like congratulations
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Callate chiko

(Last part of the series as I have now reached the lowest setting of the auto resize feature of the iPhone)
What the german doin bro
what's stopping the buyers from sharing the OF pics online or with friends
Make an AI picture

at least if you're one of those 0 sub streamers on twitch, if somebody finds out at worst people will just think it's weird or pathetic
I'd rather do your mama lol
the social contract
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It’s like a soyjak Mexican raccoon
i love tortiltalas
mmm ccandu
is it weird I walk around the house in my undies all day (male)
u good pimp
No unless you live with roomies
no, walking around my house nearly butt naked is a human right
Because if you need daddy government to come save you then you are not a man.
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or so i've heard
Me when a Polish poster is speaking
i look like that
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i look like this let's listen to things together
Senator I'm singaporean
I'm consuming brainrot all day, if I try to have a job im suicidal
Have you ever worked for the Chinese communist party
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Perro caca
rape the disabled
You could live in Utica.
I dislike people with Down syndrome hbu
Very australian post
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This nigga hates himself.....
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I have down syndrome but down syndrome doesn't have me
her boyfriend has teleportation powers dang
initiated by dapping up - kids these days
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Fun fact:
I’ve been to the Eras Tour and you haven’t.
Does anyone have that picture of the down syndrome girl who uploaded a picture with another down syndrome boy and everyone in the comments were saying "what a cute couple" n shit and then she said "he's just a friend not my bf"?
i would rather be thrown off a bridge then go there sorry
Fun fact: Nobody asked
first frost soon
She cancelled her Germoney tour because of terrorism thougheverbeit
I don't but that shit hits hard, and I think that girl also got a normal boyfriend
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Sorry but you’re missing out then. BIG time.
Fun fact:
You are gelatinous
Snopes fact check:
This is false.
Austria gigs have been cancelled.
Je comprends
Je l'ai dit
C'est la vie
what are some chinese sex secrets that nobody has ever heard of?
shark dick pills
what about the video where the retarded guy gets to bang the old asian lady
eating the heart of an endangered species brings you great fortune in the bedroom
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What phone do you niggas use
time of day: early in the morning
problem at hand: a (1) drunken sailor

course of action?
xperia 10v
guess so o algo
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Pic rel
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iPhone 15 Pro Max
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galaxy s8. i still love the bending screen corners but you don't see that anymore. would love a zfold but they're *so* expensive for a phone that will objectively have a shorter lifespan than a non-folding phone.
galaxy s24 ultra

prob not gonna upgrade for like 5+ years with this one
iphone 14
Green bubble losers
I liked the bending screens in theory but they made screen protectors nearly impossible unless you bought that 80 dollar bullshit one and I'm an autist about scratches
>Green bubble losers
What are you talking about?
That’s just not accurate. The October Revolution came about because the prior tsars were trying to be reformists, and started lifting the serfs and peasants out of poverty. What they discovered is that, rather than such reforms making them loyal to the tsar, it made them able to afford a revolution. The Bolsheviks’ takeaway was that they needed to get everyone back into crushing poverty, lest the revolutionaries be next on the chopping block, like during the French Revolution.

Eventually, the pragmatists in the party who lived through the October Revolution died off, and were replaced by true believers who bought the ideological bullshit they’d grown up with. This led to the lifting of totalitarian pressure under Perestroika, and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union under somewhat comparable circumstances.

Any ruler worth his salt knows that the people need to be somewhat agitated, afraid, and precarious at all times. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.
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our writers made that one up
iphone 8. i dont want to upgrade but i fear i must if i ever switch carriers.
not reading all that shit
android texts show up as green on imessage and they don't work as well with group chats
the jump from touch id and a home button to face id was world shattering to me but i got over it eventually
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What a sweet and intoxicating innocence
boo hoo nigga
So is free will a thing or nah
i subscribe to genetic determinism
usually carriers give you a big discount if you switch at least, i got like $700 off my phone when switching to t-mobile
>android texts show up as green on imessage and they don't work as well with group chats
and for that reason I must have an apple product?
Face ID is kinda cool but the Touch ID home button was sweet because you could just shlap the finger on and it unlocks now you need to lift it up and look at the screen or type in your code idk but whatever Apple rocks
Apple rocks
who cares about imessage just use whatsapp
that show is awesome
bitches get the ick from green text bubbles
the dick????
Free Willy brainwashed the entire world into thinking orcas were cute and cuddly
>who cares about rolex just wear a walmart watch
Imagine caring what bitches think, you must be a bitch yourself
this but unironically
>iphone is the same as a rolex
Do you consider ducks to be seafood?
no but whale and dolphin are considered fish?
i don't want to have to download an app to be able to text people i want it in imessage so it syncs with my laptop and stuff
all my group chats are on imessage too
Remember in the 4th grade my black teacher snapped at this white girl for saying she's never farted before and then made her admit it in front of everyone that she actually did fart
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>you see this Apple Watch(TM)? this watch is worth more than your car
But they have webbed feet to swim
I just feel uncomfortable around them. Especially when they're by themselves.
Do you talk to them about normal things such as the weather and what they're doing for the weekend? Or do you ask them questions like what's their favorite animal or what super power would they choose?
this game is for children
Bros... P Diddy wants to get freaky, help me escape please...
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I once read that there are people who are born with down syndrome but they are not retarded they just have that weird complexion, sometimes I wonder how many of those downs are just pretending to be retarded.
I think part of growing up is realizing that you need to be somewhat politely patronizing with basically everyone. The fantasy that you can treat everyone as equals is absurd, and ultimately puts them on the spot.
I talk to them about normal stuff but just keep it simple
No way that's true
*except with my /cum/chums since I can just vomit out my stream of consciousness without caring about consequences…
Junior Python Django developer
55k-65k annual income
My neet ass:
$0 annual income
Full stack developer
Minimum 2 year experience
90k/ year
how often do you niggas talk to people with downs? I've actually spoken to one like twice in my life
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Good Night
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a retard licked my friend's hands during lunch back in school, screamed at him, and sprinted out of the room. i think about that sometimes. i still know that guy
Downies also have an IQ bell curve distribution. They just have a much lower average, or peak of the curve. There are cases at the tails of the bell where Downies could have an average IQ, just as a chromosomally-normal person has a chance of being a genius.
I have only seen two and they scare me, in the downtown area there are a lot of mutants begging for money among them a down and a child without skin
Never met one
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>be me, 19 years old
>at a party
>very attractive blonde girl comes up to me and says to me in a playful tone "do you have a girlfriend?!?"
>I just say "haha no I wish" and walk away

>be me, another party at the same house a few weeks later
>hot Japanese girl chewing gum asks me to "take the gum out of her mouth with my lips"
>say "uhhh no thanks" and walk away

This happened in 2019
I cannot believe how stupid I was
>The fantasy that you can treat everyone as equals is absurd
I agree, that notion definitely disappears with age. I treat most people like they're beneath me though, as they usually are.
>take the gum out of her mouth with my lips
that's just gross
I think the only time I’ve interacted with one was when I met my mother’s cousin’s family. They decided to have kids in their mid-40s. The child was only about 2yrs old when we ‘met’ though, so I’m not sure there was an immense difference from a normal 2yo lol
Sr. Backend Developer (Python/AWS)
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>"take the gum out of her mouth with my lips"
>a child without skin
Holy shit I hate that I can't be alone and mentally stable, fuck this human brain
I’m your mom’s Sr. Backend Developer (Python)
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I remember a documentary about a farmer who went to the doctor for a routine checkup and found out he was retarded and imagine living your whole life and having everyone think you are stupid but it turns out you are retarded.
did they mean to say devops?
>kissing is gross
there's a difference between kissing and someone basically asking you to eat chewed food from their mouth

are you a baby bird?
I remember someone finding images of that in the school library, and showing it to everyone to freak everybody out. Something like childhood LiveLeak lol
Django/Flask in Python
SQL database
Running blacks
Infect our wounds
I haven't detected him itt
The babies look monstrous but when they get older they just look like they've been stung by a 1000 wasps and left out in the sun all day
Yes, but one of those asking for money outside an electronics store is scary at night.
cimagine thinking you're gonna birth a normal baby and out pops this literal hell spawn looking thing
A lot of courtship seems to be about making silly little excuses and pretexts, so that both parties can do the thing that they want, without the person pitching the idea coming across as too forward/rude, the person accepting coming across as too easy/desperate, etc. The gum is like inviting someone back to your place at the end of the night for a coffee, with neither party actually expecting a pot to be brewed. Except the gum thing is so silly that it’s basically metahumour about that phenomenon.
It's also possible that she thought he was a baby bird.
Canada has the best femboys
I want sex with a woman that would fix me
you know it wouldn’t
men should wear nightdresses this isn't even some woke omg breaking gender norms bullshit they're just comfortable as fuck and by the way you can get mens nightdresses without any of the frilly girly shit
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Drank a half gallon of milk again
i'm with you. you can also pull your pants over them in a pinch
big agree legalize male nightdresses
have fun with calcification
I only do it once or twice a week
just convert to islam
What the fuck is that?
Matching pyjama shirts and pants for me
Sometimes I think none of you listen to Brahms
Correct thought
excessive calcium builds up in pieces like these on your bones, it can be sharp and cause internal bleeding and it's very painful

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