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purple hydrangeas edition

those are nice ngl
did we ever get a update from that anon who was supposed to ask out the latina?
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I have a stupid amount of images and I don't know why I keep so many of them.
Yeah I pussied out, but we're going to be at the same social event next Friday so I'll finally get to be around her in a casual setting. I'll ask her out there
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Made plans to go to Disneyland with my family in January. I haven't been there since 2012 or so
>Yeah I pussied out
I want a cosplay gf, but girls who do cosplay are horrid gfs.
You guys will never understand my pain
I heard it's full of mexicans and that's why I don't want to go.
have fun anon
it's criminal what they charge for food and drink though, be prepared to pay 8 dollars for a bottle of water
The way everything gets memoryholed or surreptitiously altered online in recent years has turned me into a digital hoarder. Everything I may want to see again needs to be filed away in my personal archive
It was too awkward, I didn't catch her alone until she was already on her way out and in a rush. The time is next Friday. She still seems very happy when I talk to her so I hope this means she's into me!
She's probably not into me...
have confidence
Didn’t it just get destroyed by the Category 6 Nothingburger
what character would u want her to cosplay as? I figure most cosplay gfs suck because they always want to cosplay slutty characters
Yeah I know, I have like 200 dollars put aside for just that.
The enormity of what is coming will shock the world.
Stop watching tranime
went to see lieutenant dan today. i saw his boat but there were a lot of people parked around so i left without meeting the man himself. might go back when his star has dwindled some
Does your heart race and knees tremble when you're near her
might have a burrito for dinner o algo
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Believe it or not, guy on the left's body is for peak male performance
they were supposed to call me
Just be warned that the park has gotten worse in nearly every single way
I will, but >>203276710 is exactly what happened when I was going to ask her out. I can't help it. I can talk to her normally when conversing, but I get extremely nervous when I try ask her for her number or if she wants to hang out.
are you going to the soy wars pride parade
that's so cute
don't worry that's normal just try to keep it together the best you can you got it buddy
I have literally no interest in that entire section of the park. I'll probably just walk through it once.
All of Billie Eilish's music sounds the same
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boring day award. Just waiting till momberg sells this house and we move to Tennessee
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perfect casting
>that's so cute
gonna take a 45 minute nap then get into the bath
you stinkcels should do the same
How much the Dems cheat to win the election?
I stink like smoke after sitting near a bon fire for an hour
I'm stinkpilled with a smell aesthetic
Please understand, when you don't get raped by P Diddy, you don't have access to the entire music industry.
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Hydrangeas are beautiful, they are among my favorite flowers
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>moving to tennessee
popular strategy among californians
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>tfw get to watch chimp outs in November no matter who wins
it's gonna be so comfy bros
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Damn commies want to spread their cancer after ruining their own state
The only thing that I care about is who's going to fuck over the Canadian economy less. Honestly, I can't tell which will.
I honestly don't care at this point. The pres/vp debates were so boring that there's no interest for me.
Canadians politics are really boring right now, because the Liberals keep trying to stop the other parties from exposing all the scams they've been running, so there's nothing happening.
What's happening in Mexico politics? Did the new president do anything?
imagine being able to read chinese
Didn’t some mayor just get beheaded
Slutty cosplays...

This is an anime website you newfag
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It's good be redpilled on Jews but don't let that turn into hatred. We are commanded to love everyone. Jesus Christ died for all people of every nation. Be aware of their evil machinations, yes, but don't let your heart be corrupted with hatred.
then uhh u want role play in the bedroom, not cosplay
Holy shit, cartel strikes again.
truth pilled
thank you, fat and wise wizard kitty
>Didn’t some mayor just get beheaded
yes was from the opposition party of the current government that's why they killed him :)
Fucking based, too many people become bitter and miserable when they devote all of their brainpower to hating groups of people
thank you wizard cat.
also did you see the real reason why all of the Floridian anons were saved when the hurricane hit them?
pic related

>Fr Athanasios and Fr Theofanis, with the special permission of the Tarpon Springs Police Department, travelled with the Relic and Icon of Saint Nicholas (patron saint of sailors) to Sunset Beach to bless the Gulf of Mexico.
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my picture didn't attach...
what is happening to 4chan today
>button mashed so hard my xbox controller stopped connecting to my pc
What the fuck you playing nigga
Nevertheless, there is a distinction between unwarranted wrath and righteous indignation, such as Jesus violently expelling the money-changers from the temple. It’s important not to be deceived by that false “Hippy Jesus” paradigm
It's unironically too big to rig
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just ordered a nightdress (men's) cope and seethe you little /cum/dumpsters
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You are quite right indeed.
I hate when normies say "that one uncle" regarding celebrities that they never met
on persona 5 there's these games where you have to button mash like a lunatic
They admitted to it last time after the fact THOUGH
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give the tldr
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why would I seethe? I love when cucknadians know their place
I'm not gonna infodump you but basically they can't do it this year because mail requests are way down and the RNC has cracked down on a lot of shit
They would not be panicking right now if they could just cheat their way out of it
DenstinyWatchingAnon, is Destiny seething that Trump's going to win his appeal in court?
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Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
I don't remember that minigame but I liked the baseball one
I've been playing some shin megami tense v vengeance and I want to fucking kill myself, but that doesn't has to do with the game
The star of Rempham is Saturn isn't it
you can't accept the fact that nightdresses are the superior form of clothing seethe for you will never feel comfortable and you will never sleep
told a guy to stfu and he actually did
kinda feel bad now
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You have great wisdom.
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Do you think it'll deter me from holding you down and having my way with you? It'll only serve as an obstacle. I'll just rip the buttons off. Hope you didn't pay for silk one.
How many clothing articles with the flag of your country do you own?
You niggas listen to trap metal?
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our president's security strategy, giving money to young people so that they do not join organized crime, not preventing drug trafficking from china, not preventing illegal weapons from entering the country, is giving money to young people.
get out
We need hugs not bullets chud
none i hate mexico
i think I'm gonna stay just in spite
You’re just supposed to lift up a skirt. They’re for easy access
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>*hand rubbing noises*
I own a shirt for Canada Day + white boxers with a red maple leaf and the brim says CANADA all the way around it (my fave undies tbqh)
I need to take my pills before I read this kind of stuff
I used to have a job working with rich international students (non-indians basically) so I have a lot
>is giving money to young people
More than you can say about anything happening in Canada. The whole thing is a vampiric gerontocracy designed to siphon off the life blood of young Canadians.
you people are so gross
That's the easy part but I still have to fondle the rest of him.
oh no, those who receive the most assistance in this country are the elderly.
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She also supports LGBT and abortion which are abominations in the sight of the Lord.
Unlike you, I don't judge by "you people" because I'm not a racist piece of shit.
Mexico would benefit form a eugenics program
Yeah she's jewish it goes without saying
and? people say that mexico is traditionally catholic but it's a lie, it's full of gays and transgender people.
boo hoo nigga get back to your genocide
>I'm not a racist piece of shit
its okay guys he's chill, he's not a zionist

everyone settle down
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there are even some old movies about gay narcos, as long as you're the one doing the fucking you're not the gay in this dump.
lol is true
can’t believe canada didn’t make the list
What else is cosplay good for?
>as long as you're the one doing the fucking you're not the gay in this dump
that's true everywhere tho
have a corrido about a gay narco and his pink car
your browsing history isn't enough to put us on the list fortunately
>don't hate the jews because a jew told me so
The absolute state of christgolems
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feels like Israel gone a bit... rogue
Because Canada gets tricked into being accepting of other's nonsense, out of some false understanding of compassion for others.
Canadians don't actually like these things. They're just afraid to speak out against something for fear of being an -ist/-phobe.
A friend of mine did that to me with his girlfriend and now I only go with my other friends to the movies, no girls.
the gf has been watching a lot of Q-Anonesque youtube videos about the Diddy situation
So anyway
You guys smoke weed?
Rabbinic Talmudists vehemently despise Christians THOUGH. Remember like a few days before October 7, there was a controversy about Israelis spitting on Christians on video; they tried to explain that it’s tradition for Jews to spit on Christians, and anyone opposed to it is an antisemite. They promote atheism and LGBT etc to undermine Christianity, because they want it gone.
>One dead and 12 tourists trapped in Colorado gold mine
i asked you politely to leave
Imagining one morbidly obese guy who had a heart attack and is blocking the whole tunnel
>depending on the hoe to give you a ride
lil nigga fucked up from the get go
Yeah but I'm taking an extended hiatus from it since I've started grad school
Why are you guys attacking UN peacekeepers again
I find it funny that in the cospirations they say they are trying to replace the whites with the brown people, the brown people are either Catholics and don't care about Israel or they are Muslims and hate them.
I didn't know people still mined for gold
We call that being the “third wheel”
Had a puff of a blunt once
should i go to work tomorrow
will be sitting around the house without electricity otherwise
have to get up at 6:30
Alright alright alright, schizo time
So the jews say that supposedly God is gonna show up in the third temple once is built
And in the bible is said that once the third temple is built the anti-christ is gonna come and defile it and is gonna be another apocalypse
I just wanna see if any of this happens and that's the only reason why I want the jews to win the war in palestine
How did it feel?
Jews hate Christians more than Muslims. Local Sephardim secretly opened the gates to the Muslim invaders when they were pushing into Iberia (prelude to the Al-Andalus period), and the Muslims returned the favour by appointing Jews as governors.
Interfaith squabbling between Abrahamic (jewish) desert death cults are kinda irrelevant to me. Kikes and Christians killing eachother is about as relevant to me as kikes and muslims mulching eachother.
do u want her to pretend to be the character too?
And She knows.
She knows.
And I know she knows.
And I know she knows.
I used to. Not anymore.
Holy Based. Fuck the UN.
lol why is this so funny
Absolutely based quints of truth. Fuck the UN.
which characters
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copious amounts, too much perhaps

>have to get up at 6:30
hah, child's play
Whichever ones make my dick twitch the most
You're replying to a Hindoo btw
Ofc that's not going to happen
People who interpret religious stories as literal truths have schizophrenia
I did for like 1 years and a half until I went psychotic
Lol why
no shit retard
I'm not a streetshitter. Very rude to imply that I am a stinky brown who worships interdimensional parasites.
It’s bad form to check your own digits
Hasbara proxyfags activated LOL
Kek I just asked if you smoked weed
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Shut up you gay bitch
a tad rogue... a bit of a rogue state...
No. Marijuana possession should receive capital punishment
>going to watch a fnaf movie in the first place
Maybe I'm just too old
what did nixon say about the jews and weed
>it took him that long to look up how to use inspect element and how to take a screenshot
The reason I am not giving you list a characters is because you are too invested in my deviant sexual behaviour which leads me to believe that you are jerking off to it and I refuse to partake in your gooning habits.
>hah, child's play
for a tenured neet like me it could be a deal breaker
Quote both, anon.
I just wanted to make fun of you
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lmao I’ve never heard that one before
Man, I just want the world to end cuz I'm suicidal
I don't think you can inspect element on a phone
inb4 phonefag
Fuck you niggerbreath
i need to get a big stereo for the bathroom that plugs into the wall this bluetooth speaker is nice but i want bass and for it to be louder sometimes
might go to best buy or something tomorrow if i feel like it
Get a room (Discord gooning server) fellas
Needlessly rude.
Making fun of a sad and lonely man is a loss more than it is a win.
try to get one with an eq
uh oh maybe he right about this one
*hooks up the bathroom speakers on full blast to a microphone in your toilet*
>stereo for the bathroom
this nigga finna listen to dat hi-fi shit while he shit lmaoooo nigga u wat
well you accused me of being a gay pervert
im back
i need to listen to music while im in the bath it’s part of my ritual it’s my calm time where i form my best thoughts
im willing to pay a good bit but the main thing is i don’t want it to get ruined by the humidity of the bathroom so i need to talk to someone about that
Was I wrong?
life aint shit but a fat vagina
don't know if I should roll a joint and take a walk or stick with my shitty dry herb vape that barely gets me high
>it's part of my ritual
I take it back. You are based as fuck anon.
Don't roll a joint
Roll two joints in case you make a new friend!
Felt a bit blissful and relaxed and more sociable. Less inhibited too. Though I was also drinking. That could have been a factor.
screaming annie are you okay? annie are you okay?
grind dat shit up niqquh n boof it ong u finna fly high cuh
do they raise cemeteries in florida so that they don't flood and cause an army of bodies to rise to the surface when a hurricane comes through?
thanks :>
anon 10pm in the streets is not the time or place to make friends

this bit is really unfunny and I'm not giving a (You) for it
i could probably take down a silverback gorilla in a 1v1 fight
do research online
For me its princess jasmine
which vape do you have
stop cuh just stop
i aint playin nigga
I would pay 500 bucks to see him rip both your arms off at the same time
pax plus
What if you're incelwalking and meet a girl incelwalking and she smells the pot on you and says
>you smell nice
And then you say
>uhh you too
And put your head down while walking away

If you have a second joint you have options
chimps go for the dick
I would lose even if I had a hunting rifle in a hunting perch.
skank is an underrated term. you only really hear it between women.
What the fuck
And ska fan(atic)s
thank u 4 da (You) my niggas
unc srly thot he culd keep a real one down but bitchmade niggas aint got shit on a real g like me nigga my opps all bitchniggas fr sit down lil bros before u get sat down
>And then you say
>>uhh you too
no IDIOT I'd say
>thanks it's versace dylan blue, I usually only wear this in summer but it's been pretty warm still so I'm wearing it while it lasts haha
and then walk away before she responds
hussy and harlot honorable mention
fuck is your problem, brownie
thats $500 bucks you just threw into the shredder
yah no guns just fissts
You reminded me of this song
Those are really good too.
Looks like you have things all fingered out then
that Uncle Tom ahh nigga racis tryna keep a brotha down
right about now now now now now now now now now
right about nownownownownownownownownownow
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funk show brotha
canadian giving me a rimjob....
Drinking wine and listening to Broadway songs
Petition to bring back “cunt”
praise you video is still top tier fucking kino
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In the middle ages there was a Celtic civilization in Mississippi. A Welsh prince and some explorers sailed across the Atlantic ocean and they landed on the coast Mississippi. They set up a city along the river. The Indians spoke of a race of white men in this area who built structures beyond their capabilities. They also learned some Welsh vocabulary from them.
This nigga could give you a ten minute head start and would still rip your arms off
Nobody told me that life wasn't like the persona games
i know kung fu
bruh dis thred full of bitchniggas tryna square up but i dont hit lilbitches cuz my momma raised me rite nomsayin
cant even call dem niggas opps cuz dey so bitchmade
Low quality posts
The Injuns in Atlantic Canada indisputably had Basque loan words before Columbus, and some say their pre-Columbian writing system is derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs
I could take it in a fight.
Holy shit I can't stop consuming brain rot and escapism, give me more
please help me sir i am indian you are fucking please you must help me i am indian
Just had some wings (crispy, salt and pepper, no sauce)
>Low quality posts
>A typical silverback weighs 430 pounds (195 kg)
Uh oh…
>and stands 5 feet (1.5m) tall.
Primatelet LOL
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Cities are like circuit boards and the people in the city are energizing it.
I wish every indian woman would fuck me and every indian man die
there's at least one reply like this in every reddit thread discussing STEM careers
Wait til you hear their penis size
how big is it
>he knows what kind of replies are found in reddit threads
nigga u gay
Just a little bigger than yours
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Nigga are you a fucking ant
Not my kind of brainrot
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Escape in the rhythm of her beautiful body
as if there's any alternative space available for discussing jobs on this NEET website
I tried posting on reddit one time but my posts kept getting deleted then I found out that 99% of subs have "karma" requirements but you need to be able to make posts to get karma so I gave up
There was a great German mathematician named Bernhard Riemann and he could correctly make very large calculations in his mind with great speed.
this warrants a ban
Are those black marks fungus
>discussing jobs
boring ass nigga
Don't make me post it again
If you report me I'm going to go friggin nanners
The Brits and Aussies still use it as a non-insult. It's part of our culture that we're not using.
Why are half black half asians called blasians, but half white and half blacks aren't called blawhite?
Mukbang is so retarded
What the fuck is up with asians and watching others eat? Is it a sex thing or are they just retarded?
blite would be better
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Nordic phenotype
He was from Northern Germany so it makes sense
edibles edibled
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Acanthosis nigricans
Something fatties and diabetics get from skin friction and bad circulation n sheeit
have you ever been on /biz/? it's just a place for indians to shill crypto scams
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You wouldn't get it
New term for americans just dropped
The Canadian government unironically considers the use of the word “cunt” to be “the n-word for women” and charges you with hate crimes. Take it up with the “human rights tribunal” kangaroo court
We're not far from this, and I can't wait to see how many people end up like this.
why is she putting tajin on her giant uncut cock
You're right. Despite my flag I am not a chink, nor am I retarded. So I will never get it. It's on par with watching other people play video games.
If the foo shits
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Wernher von Braun was also a North German.
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This is Mexican cuisine
What's the point of keeping the dry seasoning and sauce in a separate container if you're just gonna dump it into it?
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Ever heard of showmanship
Despite the based crowd's screeching about eating bugs and living in pods, I think a future where this is easily available and accessible will be awesome. All of the niggercattle aand waste of space will just remove themselves from my daily life of their own choice.
Imagine going outside and most people not being there. Covid lockdowns were peak comfy because all the normalfaggots stopped existing for a brief time
i swear to GOD the most popular outfit in the continental USA over the last year for men was pink shorts and a dark (usually black) shirt
pretty sure im still shadow banned
I'm pretty sure you are too
based and accelerationist-pilled
pretty sure I got shadow banned from society a while ago
Had some wine
Time to bang out French songs on the piano honhonhon
i'm definitely still shadow banned from /v/
bro same
People who want to RETVRN are retards. Going back is merely delaying the horrors. There is only one way and it's through. We have to go forward at breakneck speed and punch out the other side. Out of darkness and into the light.
tl;dr : Billions must die.
can't sleep but i no longer wish to be awake
>Despite the based crowd's screeching about eating bugs and living in pods
People having the choice vs people being forced.
You want people to have the choice, because it will remove them from the world.
The people who don't want it, are afraid of it becoming mandatory.
It's not like our government has enough of a spine to go against the UN/WHO's bullshit.
I'm currently hoping for prorogation to kill C-63 and C-293. Because otherwise Canada is going to get bent over by the UN/WHO.
when i last tried to make a post on /v/ (and a couple times before that) the captcha simply wouldn't go through.
these things are retarded simple. i didn't just get it wrong 20 times in a row.
Just cross the border into the USA.
the UN can't even protect its peacekeepers from israel let alone control canada
*skull emoji* *skull emoji* *skull emoji* bro you a robot
UN doesn't need to "control". Our government signs up for it all. UN says jump, Canada says How High.
oh no no no
when I was an undiagnosed epileptic I used to have the most batshit surreal as fuck nightmares ever, I kinda miss them
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according to this ad, I could get 1k people to look at my butthole for a nickel
i'm replying to you just fine right now, aren't i?
rude, spiccer
seen this shit in memes for all year now and never realised its from that 90s song
>being forced
No such thing.
You can always say "No" and if they insist you can do something else about it.
It's like during the covid meme when every faggot who got "forced" was threatened with getting fired. If that is all it takes for you to be a slave then you deserve the horrors that are inflicted upon you. Most people are absolute cattle and cannot be saved.
you ain't gonna trick me terminator-ass
id demolish that in 3 minutes flat. hold the chopped onion though
I think that’s just a rate, and they usually have minimum ad buys, but you could probably make 200k people look at your anus for $10. Just not on /biz/; their ads are way more expensive than the rest of the website due to competition from crypto scammers
I emailed Liberal MP, Iqra Khalid earlier this year, using my real name gmail account, signing my real name to the email.
In the email I called her a fucking cunt several times, and apologized to her staff for having to work for a fucking cunt.
You're worrying about nothing.
The problem is that this kind of stuff is a social contagion, and not necessarily ‘eugenic’ or whatever. It’s the same with the tranny shit; needs to be nipped in the bud before 80% of the population troons out
>It's like during the covid meme when every faggot who got "forced" was threatened with getting fired
Tell that to the BC nurses, who still can't go back to work. Or the military soldiers who are currently suing the government over it.
You're very ill-informed.
Soooo what's the meaning of losing teeth in dreams?
I’m not worried. I was being slightly hyperbolic because it’s funny. A more accurate statement is that the politicians want to make saying “cunt” a hate crime against women, but they don’t have the political capital to implement it yet.
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fraid not pal
it means you've thought about losing your teeth in the past, and that you don't like it (probably)
new bread

Congratulations, you’re pregnant!
I get these dreams as much as I get dreams of accidently killing my niece and nephew
With C-63, it'll be a breeze. We'll be charged, if there's the potential for it to happen in the future. Reported anonymously.
I already told people that I'd be in jail for life, because I don't plan on stopping calling MPs all sorts of curse words.
i haven't had a dream where i fucked my mom in a while (a while being 16 years)
how about cumpies?
I used to have those dreams too :/
I thought it was because of stress
the first and only one was very traumatizing.
as evidence by my still remembering it quite vividly.
i hate that bitch
I've never had a dream where I fucked my mom, but did have a dream when I was about 8 or 9 where I jumped off my moms big ass like a trampoline
Jordan Peterson dreamed about his grandma's vagina
kinky ahh nigga
Weird, I haven't had a dream about fucking your mom in a while either.
I dream about his daughter's vagina.
keto pussy
Dog is making weird noises
Andrew Tate’s sloppy seconds
make a new lazy fucks
What color is your bugatti
just jerks off to a solo pic of a blonde blue eyed girls pussy. I don't even think that counts as jorkin
white ofc
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Lost interest in Tate's sloppy seconds.
I don't like her face
That’s a man
Better looking than me.
Would, but only to spite Juden Peterstein
What kind of noises?
it's over buds
Well.... you..... see..... when...... you...... have..... sex..... with..... my...... daughter...... you...... invest...... in.... her..... future......
Burp/throw up noises, but not actually puking
bros, i am literally too schizoid/avoidant to understand flirting/small talk.
why would i care if someone thinks my outfit is cool?
why wouldn't i think it's weird for someone to touch me and comment on my body?
why do i care if someone compliments my hair?
clothes are just a consumer good and being naked is illegal.
my body keeps me alive. i work out because i want to live longer.
my hair just grows out of my head. there is nothing about it to say.

i just don't want to play these silly social games.

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