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happy edish
Ian is a bad rapper
quetiapine hitting, time to go sleep
prev >>203276479
i looks like this, and i'm as fat as this, and as ugly as this, but i wear a pink and white and baby blue shirt instead of mexican flag.
also i stink and moderate internet forums for free
i liked speedcore before i found out it was a tranny thing
You should delete that before the janny gets you. Censored porn is still counted as porn
Very much so
back in my day, speedcore was a furry thing
we goon every friday on the /cum/ discord
Noisy dog anon, is he/she okay?
Kinda sovlful
Yeah she's fine
She just makes weird noises sometimes
4 years ago I was considering an hero, so yeah
I remember Mihai posting about how he’d jack off to multiple gay pornos at once on his multi-screen setup, and thinking that was crazy. He was really ahead of the curve on the gooner shit
I’ve lost all control
4 years ago I was in high school
Mine too. She snorts and fake sneezes to get my attention sometimes. If that doesn't work she makes this breathy huh huh noise and stomps her paws on the floor.
very close to filtering canada as well
never thought my flag filters would include appropriate /cum/mers
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>Little House on the Prairie Edition
No one asked bitch
ditto pussy
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Won’t somebody think of the advertisers?!
I graduated from university after being a dropout. Otherwise it's not that different. Every raise I get, ends up getting eaten by inflation, so I'm just as poor. Still considering going into the trades, but now I added considering masters.
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If that wasn't AI/filtered, she'd be a dime.
le money printing is done by the fed. it's hard to blame a president for that, and if you want to blame a president anyway, the money printing was done under trump, so you can't blame biden for that, and it's not like trump or the fed had much choice anyway because muh worldwide pandemic. bad inflation was preferable to a hard depression.
i dislike biden and the democratic party but the inflation argument is irritating
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not studying again tonight i swear i will study tomorrow
there is no better or worse in my life.
every day is a repeat of the previous one, but my bank account gets a little smaller.
i am happier than i was when i worked 4 years ago, but i am not richer.
ok, fag. piss off
Gonna need an invite
>Michael Jackson's son is named "Blanket"
Do a bit
I'm tired
He wanted to cover his ass
We need a reset
MJ was abused by his father and forced to be a celebrity from a very young age. The guy's going to be a little weird.
The fact that the internet is finally coming around to accepting that he wasn't a pedo is great news.
whatever happened to 6uild 6ack 6etter
Then do some in the morning no questions asked
in some aspects considerably better
in others the same
I hate being scared all the time
bout to play a videogame
That's Bidenomics, baby.
What about all those pictures of naked kids he had
Girly handwriting is so cute.
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after my pizza and watching a 2 hour live stream
I'm not going to put that into google, because I don't need the RCMP and FBI kicking my door down. You're going to have to tell me what you're talking about.
Do those after at least 30-60 minutes of studying
After he died they found photo albums of naked children in his bedroom
ok if i wake up before 11am
what did that look like when trump left office
lavender gummies: IN
Putting that into Google won't get you v&.
Sex with women
this will never be me
I remember a website called something like "search history destroyer" and if you opened it it would flood Google with searches like "how to make a bomb" and stupid shit like "how to spell liberry"
only if i pay them
what will
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im gonna demolish that medium sized pizza tomorrow i only ate once today
Are you a man or a mouse
>the files, which were seized by police in a raid on the singer’s Neverland Ranch in 2003
>The newspaper also said the claim that child pornography had been found in the singer’s home was reported as an allegation from the two men involved in the court case and not presented as fact.
Going to have to say no. If the police/FBI had MJ's CP stash since 2003, it would have been released to the public.
Especially when Aaron Carter has already said in interviews that the FBI was trying to get people to make shit up, to get payouts.
MJ was innocent.
Gym tomorrow boys
The following deserve death sentences:

>people who say "karmull" instead of "care uh mel"
>people who say "sayrup"
>people who say "punkin"
>people who say "aks"
>Movement to help improve quality of life for the working class, give workers better rights, redistribute wealth from billionaires to the needy, end landlordism, end imperialism and colonialism

>Movement to remove human rights for all people, allow unregulated capitalism, to concentrate power in the elites, enact unending war and continuous invasion of all neighbour states, to genocide and kill all ethnic minorities, all religious minorities, all lgbt people, all political opponents

In the eyes of the modern American Republican, the latter is preferable over the former
Sound the alarm
Shatter me like glass
Covered in scars
But roses are coming through the grass
Y'all are some poppies
>people who say "ACKS"
Miss that nigga like you wouldn't believe...
we need obama back
The following deserve death sentences:

just say chuds
Doggo is curled up on the other bed
how do people get so muscular? my body looks like a child and im 28. i know all these guys aren't going to the gym.

do i just have shit genes
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I am unvaxxed. Also LGBT is of the devil.
Biden is Obama's 3rd term, anon.
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Wouldn’t society just collapse like CHAZ if you genocided all the chuds
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Not going to learn anything new today just going to passively look over my notes from monday and tuesday
im built like a sailor but only because if the 10 months i spent working at a candy factory hauling shit around. my body was producing peak testosterone at the time too
The devil and God aren't real. I don't agree with yout beliefs, as is my right in these United States
>people who see patterns deserve death
You probably look normal
Going to the gym is just a simulacrum of working a physically demanding job, playing sports, etc. You don’t really need the gym, unless you’re trying to compensate for a sedentary lifestyle (which most people live today, so most people do need the gym)
I understand being skeptical about the covid vaccine, especially with its proven link to myocarditis. But if you are against shit like polio and chicken pox vaccines, you're fucking retarded
Most pro free speech republican
you need to get your test levels checked
this nigga trusts vaccines nahh lmao
>the devil
do New Worlders unironically still believe in religion like this, literally?
Here in Europe it's only African immigrants who believe that stuff, it's hard to imagine white people talking about it, even if they're American, totally alien culture
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Elder Ephraim in the Orthodox Church said in 2008 that Barack Obama is an antichrist. Not the final Antichrist, but a precursor as it were.
There also were other antichrists in history such as Karl Marx who created communism and Adam Weishaupt who created the Illuminati.
i've been meaning to do that. i should
I thought Napoleon and Hitler were the antichrists
Europe is dying.
i literally just wrote it down, thanks mexibro
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>Family is emotionally unavailable
>All my friends have stopped talking to me
>No relationships in sight
I don't know how to feel good in my situation.
those still exist? c'mon you cant still be sore at them
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*moons you*
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did they call you the candy man
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Barack Obama when he was the president performed in a Masonic ritual with the leader of the "state of Isreal". Freemasons worship Satan.
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me taking my femcel walk
The sad thing is that the entire anti-vax movement kicked off from some brit fuck trying to convince people that instead of taking the MMR combo vax, that they should take them separate, so his company could make 3x the money, selling single doses.
Covid kicked it into high gear, because of all the sketchy shit that was done with it's development being so short.
It'll take decades to get it back to the high level of trust in vaxes again.
no problem, i hope it gets better for you
You're talking to a schizophrenic in a religious cult.
Anyone could be the antichrist to him.
you dont look like that
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Greek Orthodoxy is not fringe
vaccines were never trusted. remember vaccines cause autism
and you don't seem to understand
Yeah, that was a flaw in their writings. They assumed that USA wouldn't stop being Christian. People like to selectively remember parts, and say that Christianity had no part.
The 6 Gorillion are the symbolic Antichrist
I agree with the point he's making here but why did everyone back then talk like such a faggot
just get to the point, say what you mean, and stop trying so hard to sound like some gay little "intellectual"
where yall finding these so called femcels?
>remember vaccines cause autism
That was literally spread from that brit fuck, and it was shown to be false then.
Autism is something you're born with, even if people are too stupid to notice it early.
All of the founding fathers of the US were freemasons
I blame hollywood from everything that's wrong in my life
>I agree with the point he's making here but why did everyone back then talk like such a faggot
What a failing education system does to a mf.
people dont care if it was proven fake, people still believe it
How is he supposed to know how the descendants of his slaves would talk three hundred years later, or that the endangered old stock Americans would get psyoped into imitating them?
Can’t believe people are still doing retarded mental gymnastics in favour of their covid jab, in order to avoid admitting they were wrong in submitting to taking it
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Me I am unvaxxed. Also I hate Moloch.
America should be ashamed of itself. The fact we have people even considering Kamala is sad man.

It’s just really sad. I want this election to be over. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of Kamala.

We’ve had enough. Trump needs to win so we can forget Kamala exists
i am triple vaxxed i voted for her i support ukraine and israel
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Remember that time alex jones said he witnessed some elites doing a ritual to moloch and using a child's effigy for it instead of an actual child? Why do people still do stuff like this?
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Kabbalah Harris
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how's it going?
this but the opposite
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I was just thinking to myself that I wish you would try to kill me just to give my life meaning, as in the words of the band Queens of the Stone Age- to "make it beautiful to live", but then realized that you (or at least people like you, because it's likely you're being ironic) probably feel the same way, but on the other side of the spectrum. Due to your personal failings, you see the only good you can do (as described in Industrial Society and Its Future) in social and political activism, and so you have a ravenous hatred for the other side. I'm not a true believer in the horseshoe theory, but there are certainly some parakeks between you and I that neither of us would likely wish to acknowledge.
Overtime I've come to believe that all civilizations have an expiration date, due to corruption, which is due to moral social decay brought about by decadence, which results in the sort of men you and I probably are. It's hard to rationally look at yourself from the perspective of a third party. It's one thing to be introspective, but another entirely to observe yourself with true detachment and understand your place in time and history. I won't say that I can do that with any certainty. But from what I can gather through my own amateur and biased divinations, I'm met with a grim picture for what seems to be, what I am and what we are. Pictures I get, like finding my way through a forrest lit only by occasional flashes of lighting. It's a strange world indeed.
Maybe one day we will be killing eachother, and maybe you'll be terrified and maybe you'll feel alive for the first time.
Trump wants to bomb Iran for Israel
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Today me and my dad watched Star Trek Enterprise. We are in season 3 where they go into the Expanse to find the Xindi.
I want a lego set i feel the need to build
chuds think they're gonna win LOL
It's the same thing that Helen Joyce said about the parents that transed their children. They've gone so far that they can't admit it, or they'll have to live with the fact that they were terrible people.
Aren't all the people who took the vaccine supposed to be dead by now?
That's what you conspiracy schizos were saying at the time.
That we'd all die from blood clots, or due to 5G towers activating the microchips in the vaccines by now.
Funny how the antivaxx schizos all try to memory-hole or move the goalposts about that.
meanwhile, her husband is a jew, and the cabinet in which she served as vp is mostly jewish. the american public is not allowed to choose on that issue
So damn tired of non-americans. Exhausting little miserable bastards
Looks like someone just fell from the coconut tree. Stay woke, anon. It doesn't matter if you're woker or wokest.
What is bro yapping on about
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A lot of people don't know this but the Vulcans in Star Trek were not always a highly logical and peaceful people. In their ancient past they were extremely violent and barbaric to such a degree that they almost destroyed themselves in war. It was only after the teachings of a wise Vulcan named Sirak (which is a reference to the Old Testament because there was an ancient Israelite named Sirak) that they made logic and reason the central focus of their culture and they began suppressing their emotions.
jews dont control the world guys
If I try to read this I'm gonna get a stroke
You mean like how so many of the vaxxed people deny all the vax injuries and how we're not going to know the full extent of it for several decades?
From someone who took 3 doses, so don't try and say that I'm an anti-vaxxer.
What is it you love so much about an elderly paedophile dementia-fueled paedophile rapist draft dodger tax avoiding lying fascist who is in the pocket of Putin and Israel?
Is it the bit when he told you to inject bleach into your blood vessels? Or when he told you to buy his NFT trading cards? When he cheated on all 3 of his wives and buried on under a golf course?
Do you also own one of those Golden Statues of him and pray to him like many other MAGA freaks?
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new law in mexico, animals cannot be mistreated so hunting will now be illegal so hand over your bolt action rifles criminal scum
done him
I love responding "dildo" when someone says "ditto"
True and they should build the third temple soon so I can see God made manifest on earth
Vax injuries effect about 1 in 100,000 people.
It's funny how 90% of the injured are all far right conspiracy nuts.
Also you didn't answer my point. Conspiracy wackos said we'd all be dead by now. Why haven't billions died from the vax like predicted?
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Many Orthodox Christian leaders say that the vaxx is a forerunner of the mark of the beast.
jesus dude you killed him
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Thinking about all the women polishing their pearl all over the world at this very moment.
stomach is grumbling
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Their third temple will be where the Antichrist rules the New World Order.
theres no convincing chuds. just make fun of them for being retarded
I understand not trusting a hastily made vaccine but to the degree that any vaccine is the devil causing outbreaks of eradicated diseases seems stupid to me.
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nice to hear
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you forgot the most important part, he tried to steal the last election. that should automatically disqualify him
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of course he also has the same bosses
I look like that.
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I would be scared if i was 12 years old
And Trump's daughter is orthodox jewish and her husband was Trumps senior advisor.
no he doesn't
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dont look chuds
I don't even get your point republicans were begging to give aid to israel
Whatever outcome is fine by me, if God is here with us that's fine, and if the end of the world comes that's fine too
>Vax injuries effect about 1 in 100,000 people.
We're also talking about the sudden spike in heart attacks, after, retard. Go back to /brit/.
>Also you didn't answer my point
I'm a different anon, and I never bought into the 5G iron in your veins, shit. I spent days telling off people on the right for believing those things.
>Why haven't billions died from the vax like predicted?
First, we've had way more than the expected numbers, in people who took the vax, so as I said, stop pretending like it was "safe and effective".
It's part of the problem from shifting to a science based secular society, when the people are retarded. We're superstitious, not rational.
Having a religious society would have at least let people answer it by saying that "God punishes sinners" or whatever. Instead of having to wait decades to see the increased numbers in heart attacks, and all sorts of other secondary effects.
I can't wait to see what happens with all the kids who took the vax at a very young age.
you just made that up
drinking milk
Yeah, there was a lot of shit people said.
No I wasn't, Republicans would only approve aid for ukraine unless Israel got money too
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Should I go to Ikea on Saturday and get more chocolate?
drinking pilk
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Don't think it really makes any difference who the president is, we've had a zombie for 4 years and nothing really changed at all. I'd just rather have the 6'4 funny retard over a cackling, cynical woman.
This is just a bunch of strawman BS. None of the serious voices against the jab were claiming the 5G microchip nonsense, or that everyone who took it would die. Just that it seemed to do more harm (low risk) than good (no benefit), that there were a lot of unknowns, and people should have the right to opt out. People (like me) who didn’t take it were literally locked out of society for years, through unwarranted policies like vaccine passports (for a vaccine that didn’t work), and thus needlessly increased one’s risk of heart issues etc. Not to mention some of the more complicated issues, like the vaccine sometimes fucking up and perpetually releasing spike proteins, tampering with your DNA instead of mRNA, and so on
Enjoy your whole milk, anon.
A zombie apocalypse would be funny and it'd bring some meaning to my life
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I do not care for pre-made coffee.
Zelensky is a servant of Moloch and a homosexualist.
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thinking about salty toffee chocolate from ikea
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evens ac valhalla
odds gta iv
Don't forget that Doug Ford said he was going to go door to door forcing people to take it. Ontario sucks shit.
So glad I don't live there, Ford is Fat Trudeau and not a Conservative.
Why does Norway possess Antarctic territory?
What claim could they possibly have?
>fire gun
>llama kicks your brains out and bolts
should have put it on a tortoise
>What claim could they possibly have?
they are both... le cold
If you see that Canadian telling people to kys. Reply to him with "it's bait".
im so bored that i feel like watching porn to get a dopamine kick
Norway was the first country to travel across Antarctica and to reach the South Pole.
They also had lots of Whaling stations opened on islands off the coast of Antarctica, and so claimed those islands and also the mainland of Antarctica south of those islands.
Hunt for the most degenerate shit you can find. Go on motherless or whatever the torture porn site is now.
What about Ernest Shackleton
I don't think there's any sort of pornography that can make me orgasm in less than a half hour at this point
why dont americans care that orange man tried to steal the last election how does 50 percent of the country support him
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In Star Wars (Legends Expanded Universe) there was a sentient canine species called the Klatoonians. They had faces like dogs but they stood upright and they were sentient like humans, Twi'leks, Rodians, etc.
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Shackleton attempted the first expedition to cross Antarctica, but... he and his crew all died.
Your TDS is showing.
They don't really care about democracy
how is that tds
>degenerate shit
only vanilla stuff works for me.
The music in the canteen is called Jizz.
got into a productive mood this afternoon and gave the houseberg a good cleaning
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Bane in Batman and Darth Bane in Star Wars were quite similar.
>big guys
>very smart and cunning
>experts at physical combat
>very muscular and strong
>wear a mask (although in his later years Darth Bane got rid of his mask)
>believing the msm spin
They have TDS, giving you TDS.
I have average self esteem
Democracy has been meaningless since the 19th Amendment
The fact that 50% of Americans support an obese demented lying elderly paedo rapist seems really crazy to literally 99% of people outside of the US
I wonder if Americans understand the entire world thinks that 50% of their population is totally insane
Guess which one is the real elector ballot and the one trumps goons printed out
What is TDS
>from the country who thought the Torries were too much like the Labour Party
>so they let the Labour Party win
>and Reform UK is already pissing themselves and wanting to be more centrist already
orange man doesnt even deny it
We dont care LOL
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Also they both had a harsh upbringing that forced them to be tough from a young age.
>Bane in Batman grew up in that hole in the ground or whatever
>Darth Bane grew up as a cortosis miner on Apatros and frequently got into brawls with the other miners and also was physically beaten by his drunk dad a lot
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Pretty sure your TDS is so strong, that you're looking into things too far.
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they were really lazy
I'm aware most my countrymen are also retarded.
But there's a different between our degree of retarded and theirs.
You support a child rapist and traitor who tried to overthrow the government, who told you to go inject bleach
He basically thinks he has the right to steal an election
I understand what you expect. I know that Trump isn't a good president, but there is no alternative to vote for without voting specifically against the principles I believe in economically and morally. What do you think I should do?
You can criticize the masses all you want, but democrats would be doing exactly the same thing if they had someone like Trump.

I don't think you're doing any real effort to understand the situation, and I don't understand the purpose of this disingenuous political conversation. If it's just to bother people that's disappointing
>But there's a different between our degree of retarded and theirs.
Not really. You've gotten BLACKED and PAKIED so hard that your capital isn't even white anymore. Your country fell in 1997, with Tony Blair.
Trade deficit with China increased under Trump
You'll vote for a traitor because you have the economic principle of "more unregulated capitalism and concentration of wealth in the elites, with fewer protections for the workers?"
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Desann from Jedi Outcast is similar to Barney
It's not just the capital anymore
no they wouldn't. they bullied joe out of the race because they though he couldn't win.
What does that have to do with poojeets?
>marxist thinks that taxing people is the solution
Taxes make people remove their investments in the country.
>I know that Trump isn't a good president, but there is no alternative to vote for without voting specifically against the principles I believe in economically and morally
this, basically, is why I too would vote Trump over Kamala
a bad choice over a terrible choice
thanks, ""democracy""
Show me the politician that isn't a traitor. The United States is dying and I just want to ride out the last bit of good times we have left
Dont support him at all, but if he was as cool as you describe him to be I would.
ESL moment
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I love women
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Darth Bane was an excellent lightsaber swordsman. His lightsaber style was mostly Form V: Djem So, a very raw, aggressive, physically powerful style which came naturally for Bane's great size and strength. However he also mixed elements of Form II: Makashi into his style, a fast, elegant, precise, and graceful technique.
Anyway, ultimately whoever wins, Israel will still get their billions of USD every month and black cheque permission to drop asbestos and white phosphorus on Arab children in any country in the middle east, so it's whatever
That's not the same thing. Of course they wouldn't want to run someone who can't win, but has nothing to do with who he is as a person
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all politicians are friends
nooooo PLEASE dont drop bombs on Mohammed that would be so awful
what are your principles
Canadian anons what are Jeetas like? How common is it to see a hot one?
Sister and her friends went from elementary school to life behind a screen then high school and I really think it fucked them up. They aren’t socially desensitized right
How much of this is companies realizing they could get away with massively increasing their prices without pushback from consumers after covid
You realise Lebanon is 40% Christian right?
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>black cheque
>Canadian anons what are Jeetas like?
Bad. It's every stereotype you've heard.
>How common is it to see a hot one?
Very rare. They're almost always very ugly.
It's not whatever thoughever. In certain instances such as what you described, party affiliation doesn't matter much, but voting for a left wing politician invites such social and moral decay that it would go against all of my principles to do so. It would be a betrayal of all of my values
>How common is it to see a hot one?
Basically never
i hope she wins so republicans return to normal
Just found out that Speed is a double digit IQ retarded, Jump to 2:19:28, He clearly said his discord was "pew5200" but Speed typed "pew2522".

You mean, neo-con uniparty?
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Djem So was also Anakin's lightsaber style. It was an aggressive style that used relentlessly strong attacks to overwhelm the opponent's defenses until he simply does not have the energy to block your strikes any longer.
In the Revenge of the Sith novel, Count Dooku noted to himself that Anakin was the best Djem So swordsman he had ever seen.
Dont think they're signing up for Hezbollah
> republicans return to normal
you can't fix a broken person
the one that wants to bomb every country they dont like
Well, his race has an average IQ around 85, but that sounds like more of a dyslexia issue than IQ
You have never seen one that looks like this?
The neocons (crypto-Trotskyists) hate Donald Trump and they switched over to the Demoncrat party.
Lmao, never. Also that's AI.
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I could beat her in a fight easily.
Exactly. Anon said he wanted the old Republican party back. Neo-con uni-party.
i am a republican voting democrat this election
She would make you cum to death
friend came over and we're getting high and doing halloween decorations and nails
im not voting because i dont care
I am an anarchist and I will be voting for Ye
reagan is spinning in his grave
but you are from canada
The United States economy can never be fixed because it's not real. It has no basis in anything other than obfuscation through a complicated web of policy intermingled public and private organizations. It's complicated on purpose, and the complications prevent the vast majority of people from understanding what's going on- which essentially makes the US economy invincible as long as other countries are weak enough to have no power to question it.
That being said, the party you vote for has zero influence on the economy and never will again thanks to a history of policies that began with FDR.
You may scoff and deny it now, but if you start paying attention you'll notice how suspiciously little changes economically in this country, at least from the trajectory things have always been going. The system is corrected by apolitical forces that have a mutual interest in keeping things afloat.
I will vote for orange god emperor.
canada is part of america
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Here are some exemplary hot jeeta babes at an Indian student protest. They were failing all their classes, so naturally they protested the university. Amusingly, their signs are riddled with errors. This wasn’t even a one-off; it has been an ongoing issue across the country
Truth nuke anyone with a triple digit IQ already knows
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Count Dooku was astonished and terrified at how much Anakin's lightsaber skills had improved since Attack of the Clones. He no longer was the naive Padawan whom Count Dooku bested easily with little effort on Geonosis.
the economy doesn't need fixing
They’re saying the university shouldn’t fail them if they’re paying $26,000 tuition. CAD means Canadian Dollar in this case, but actual Canadians would just use a dollar sign; it speaks to their foreignness
>They’re saying the university shouldn’t fail them if they’re paying $26,000 tuition.
it sounds stupid, just because you pay doesn't mean you will pass without any effort.
>they're in our schools
>with terrible grammar
Waste of space. Deportation time.
>just because you pay doesn't mean you will pass without any effort.
Mexi-anon doesn't know how DEI-ifed Canada has become.
It’s very stupid. They don’t seem to understand what a university is. I think it reflects India’s culture of corruption that they believe degrees are merely bought, rather than earned.

Besides which, do you know how fucking hard it is to fail out of university now? It’s been extremely dumbed down. Decades ago, the average bachelor’s degree holder had an IQ of 120, but today, the avg IQ has dropped to 100. You just need to be average.
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Use this for the new
>hindu holding up a bible quote
>how DEI-ifed Canada has become.
the last I heard from canada is that now it was more difficult for mexican people to go there and even several universities stopped offering exchanges to canada but it seems that this is because they only accept hindus lol.
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ackchyually most jeets in Canada are sikhs (somehow worse)
unfunny nigger
why are mexicans so bad at everything they do
They're great at sex trafficking and drug running.
The whole point of the prequels was to make the original series as retarded as possible
The ragtag group of rebels thrown together to defeat darth vader are
>his son
>his daughter
>his father figure
>droid he built as a kid
>droid who fought the clone wars in the same plane as him
>and guy he's never heard of or seen before in his life
and his son gets training from the alien who rejected his jedi application

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