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rorke BTFO edition
2 vile, disgusting Australian posts in one thread.
Dire. Filtering them.
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well i suppose i haven't had any mates mate
hate ausdogs
simple as
well im your mate so #debunked
Looks like a brownoid punching an asian stereotype
the yung goons will be active later
Stop Asian Hate
>three books a week

can't read a book for longer than an hour at a time, even less if it's a hard read. mental this
done him
Tonights wank sorted
Might order a wank in tonight
I peaked in primary school, my work ethic has gone downhill ever since then.
I dropped out final year so I owe like £80,000 with nothing to show for it
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile,
Anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh!
Brotherstein just did this
You fit?
yup your brain is shot, no offence
need to get the terrifier 3 kino on x
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Shouldn't have had that third coffee
saw a survey from mid-century about working class book enthusiasts, bazza and the lads were clocking 50 hours a week reading
Technically you won't be paying any of it unless you're earning a certain amount, and anything that's left when you're 40 gets wiped clear. Tuition fees aren't real debt.
max loan
I don't like that gory stuff.

Some horror films I do enjoy, but not gory stuff.
haha timmy tonight with his 'curvy' wife
Does he ever kill any minorities?
You mean the government is giving every student £80,000 for free?
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fun fact. trevor played the miner bloke in that chernobyl series
Not sure what context you mean here (physically healthy or sexually attractive), but in both cases not really.
only muslamic engineers and people whose mum has no income like me
great series, that
I did the same thing but with £60k.
Seethed for a while before accepting it and moving on.
They are in America
I think that includes a lot of interest
i sometimes wonder if anyone reads poetry anyone (outside an educational setting) except people who want to be poets
we talk about the absense of a market for anything but the most main stay of mainstay pop culture pieces like dan brown or jeffrey archer or the recesses of self published erotica so how on earth does poetry survive at all
absolutely no one reads it
how many people here could even name 5 poets writing in english today, as in not those who are dead (no that rupi kapor or whatever the instagram person is does not count, that is to poetry as the alpahbet is to prose)
That's tonight's wank sorted
well that was a thicko thing to do.
These days porn whores have more successful marriages than regular whores
me on the right
I do occasionally
and the award for the most boring post in the thread goes to...

*opens envelope*

Oh aye, this guy earned it, proper boring bastard

POST NUMBER >>203293289 !!!
I think he kills some blacks in the 3rd film
/tv/ says he also kills kids
fantastic, lovely stuff. post more if you can
how is finding salvation in christ and trying to redeem yourself cringe?
Jeremy Corbyn was the best PM we never had, because right wing billionaire elites and the newspapers and politicians they own smeared him as a antisemite
bet you £1,000 this guy has not read a single book cover to cover in this whole year>>203293380
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She still does porn it's all a fucking farce
you've been done
books are for children and fucking dorks
utterly embarrassing "hobby" for a grown man to have



old deegs on the ropes again
Sorry, didn't realise I was posting in /cum/
fucking what
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Scallops are fucking lush to be fair
not really she stopped shagging other men
What's your solution to the problem of evil?
I've never since seen a Christian give a coherent answer to it.
loads of them wearing short skirts and tights today
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Just gonna sit in the corner and not talk because every time I do I get bullied for my flag...
my kryptonite
but he is an anti-semite
Friendly reminder that anime is for nonces
Never had them. Always see them on masterchef and that but never had the opportunity to eat a scallop in real life.
He's talking about school girls
Brits have an inferiority complex towards americans unironically desu
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What's a good one to start with?
latinamerican breakfast is also very similar but mostly because of the beans, the eggs, and the sausage
*gives you headpats*
False. Opposing the apartheid by zionists isn't antisemitic.
men that play with their nipples
I'm pirating a living poets work right now. The idea that somone can make a living of words is digusting
hiiii lads :3
*confetti rains down from the ceiling*

Thanks for joining us at the boring cunt awards, homealoneeveryfriday night will be here for the rest of the day to answer any questions and give tips on how to be a boring cunt, make sure to say hello to him and congratulate the boring bastard on all his efforts to shit up the thread.

Can the owner of the red skoda octavia please move it, you're blocking the fire exit

See you all next time where we will see if he wins again to make it 5 times in a row
It not fucking right
culture's been decimated lad
have an ironic superiority complex
Are you trivialising the Holocaust?
watching one right now
vgh, our beaner brothers.....
I can interact with you people without using google translate... how lame.
thats me
Did they really have to build the carpark inside the fucking thing
Shouldn’t have had that third pokey bum wank.
Elfen Lied
Higurashi When they Cry
Made in Abyss
have a couple strange red pimple/mole like things on my scalp that will inevitably show up as my hair thins out more and i dont know what they are
how so?
*looks around nervously*
um… hi
We getting the disabled raped my lads
well thats him bodied
>ask deegs about the problem of evil in Abrahamic religions
>he disappears from the thread
Andrew Irvine's foot has been found guys
makes you think
Underage innit.... Bit noncey.
what do you mean by solution to the problem of evil? there are countless defences of god and theodicies. if you can be more specific maybe i can relate one applicable to your concern?
well, beans are endemic to the americas, just like corn, tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and mandioc
not necessarily
all full of gory shit
how do recruitment agencies work lads? do they just do all the applying for you or do they just send you emails of job listings?
purple beans is woke
Mate you leave school at 16
Elfen Lied is quite bad. It has some good ideas but the execution is poor.

Higurashi is very good. One of my favourites.

Never seen made in abyss.
Rose Jones
aye, some will be 16
just stating facts here
>beans and carbs
they're both carbs mongo
Still illegal
I feel quite excited and happy for some reason. Don't know why but I feel good.
mmhmm cronem always be winning x
mental how fucking fit they are
Dont even look the same
Probably because I just pirated a russian textbook
Your willy rubbing against the inside of your ALDI trousers?
Mate you think you’re a lass, your opinion is worthless.

Aha just having a wee Friday laugh, hope your well, fella. You and the Aldi gang got a Christmas night out booked yet? Need to get a move on if you want somewhere decent booked.
Erm. Statutory rape innity.
not really no
beans have a decent amount of fat and protein, carbs are literally just straight carbs (bread/tortilla) in this case
Having gay porn thoughts
Which book? I have the penguin course, Colloquial Russian, teach yourself russian (kindle) and two of the Ruslan books.
for a 16 year old?
the more you know eh
How the fuck do you not know that
He didn't go to his last work's night out as he was too afraid.
Beans beans the magical fruit
Fucking oven keeps burning my fucking chips
>bring up poetry down the pub
>everyone calls you a woofter
this is how they psyop you into being a pleb
Wheat has protein too, you fat yank cunt
I'm off work ATM. Got annual leave.

Not going to the Christmas party. Simple as.
I thought porking a 16 year old was legal, that's the age of consent innit?
a nonce /brit/-user needing to know the laws around having sex is like someone without a license knowing the going rates of rental cards
this is why we will never amount to anything
So just your willy rubbing against your tracksuit bottoms then
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>brings up poetry at the pub
Errrr. Mate. It's the age of consent but 18 is when you can shag them as an adult without being a nonce
do you even know what a carbohydrate is?
>act bent
>get called bent
ah yes, all the imaginary strangers' fault
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>brings up poetry at the pub
bro trying to be a bard
bro think he in skyrim
Employed woman, more like Scrooge prick. Get in about it and wear a Santa hat in the trans flag colours and have some pints
No you may not 'pork' a 16 year old, you may only gently introduce her to womanhood
bread/wheat is mostly carb and a very little amount of incomplete protein
beans have a bunch of fat and more protein relatively
Adam sleeps, that Eve may be formed; Christ dies, that the Church may be formed
as this lad pointed out >>203293855 it isn't like I've needed this information haha x
>do you even know what a carbohydrate is?
The most evil thing of all time, according to online rightoids.
Is it a bad idea to reach out to an HR rep for an update on a role? I’m getting hounded by another company to sign my official papers to work there but want to hear from this last one
yes, the distinction is because one is almost entirely carbs and the other is a mix of the other macro nutrients
it's like called milk "fat" when it has also protein
thick cunt
Suffering, pain, cruelty, evil all exist.
The Christian Bible claims God is all knowing, all powerful, all good.
But if God was these things, then evil couldn't exist - since he'd known about it, would be able to stop it, and would want to stop it.
But since suffering exists God can't be all 3 of those things.
If he's not all knowing, then why worship him? He doesn't know what's happening here and he isn't the supreme being.
If he's not all powerful, why worship him? he can't do certain thing and is limited in his actions so isn't the supreme being.
if he's not all good, why worship him?
In that case he's an evil god, why submit to the supreme being if he's demonstrably cruel and evil?
>But muh free will! This universe had to be this way!
If God couldn't create a reality with both free will and no suffering, then he isn't all powerful.
>It's all just a test!
In which case God knows the result before hand and is evil form making us suffer the test regardless, or he doesn't know the results in advance and isn't all knowing.
reach out, fuck it what's the worst they can do?
i love how this sounds almost like the old music my west virginian grandmother would play for us as a child.

I really like colloquial. It's a good book.

I don't really know anyone at work to feel comfortable in a social setting.
*slams my poetry book on the bar*
to beer or not to beer haha
oh wait, look
*saunters over to the darts board*
it's the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune lads haha
*mimes stabbing myself in the head*
ahhh my noble mind lmao
What’d J. Christ say about the rich again
don't care I'd shag them
i've addressed this countless times in this very general
why are you supposing that it is logically possible for god to create a free being that always chooses good.
until you can prove that your assertion is irrelevent
>carbs are literally just straight carbs (bread/tortilla) in this case

> bread/wheat is mostly carb and a very little amount of incomplete protein

Imagine being a yank
use his cv as a poo knife
anti-carb schizos are horrible and the carnivore diet is just the other extreme of veganism
enjoyed this post immensely
Just got called a perfume ponce in Wetherspoons
You've worked there for like 2 years now.

Also, getting drunk and taking drugs outside of work with colleagues IS how you get to know people.
is butter a carb?
no its a fat
nice one pal
you quoted the wrong post
I don't get it
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the majority macro nutrient in beans is carbohydrates lad
So you're saying free will is incompatible with a world free from evil.
In which case your God isn't all powerful since he couldn't create such a reality where both can exist.
Yeah it’s me who’s the fat mong here
mad how there's literally 0 office jobs that dont involve answering phone calls
I have an office job and I don’t have a phone
>the majority macro nutrient
Pseudo science nonsense
not true though is it
the only people that eat quiche are the french, bent cunts and women
Wrong. Office cleaner / janitor.
ol' willy shakespeare
now I'm off to drink beer and shakewilly haha
by definition for there to be free will there has to be at some point both x and not x have to be realised. if there is world where beings only ever pick x then they clearly are not free with respect to x.
either attempt to prove that is in fact logically possible for a free being with respect to x to only pick x
or accept (and hoist by your own petard) that logical rules do not apply to god and therefore your attempt to logicify god out of existence is incoherent
>In which case your God isn't all powerful
Who said he was "all powerful' in the sense of being able to do impossible things
Just flan innit
why bother lying? you cant name 3.
i'm pregnant!
guilty on all 3 counts
It would go against the teachings of taekwondo.
update from earlier: she replied. my incel meltdown is cancelled
blgo on
Just get your secretary to take your calls. You do have a secretary dont you anon?
first half of October and the gaff is freezing cold despite it apparently being 10C outside. Definitely going to die this winter

>couldn't you turn the heating on?
yeah but that's what they want you to do. It's the principle of the thing; I should be provided warmth for free, as I am in summer, all year round.
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it also has much more fat and protein relatively speaking you stupid cunt kek
bread is mostly carbs and fiber
here's a shitty google image pie chart to illustrate it for you
My current one rarely involves answering the phone but yeah I suppose few do
Also technically people aren’t supposed to call anyone in our department without asking
social media/marketing
research and development
>b-but they have internal phonecalls
so you want a job where you just don't talk to people
>so you want a job where you just don't talk to people
yessss :3
Boring bastard posts, boring bastard stays, boring bastard lives, that the thread may die
biggest fuck up in evolution ever was us not being able to fall asleep at will
>admitting in the same post that they involve phone calls
at first I thought this depicts black on asian violence
takes me a few minutes.
I find it crazy we don’t have a choice in falling asleep
Or that women don’t have a choice in getting pregnant; you can rape em and cum in em and they can get knocked up. Crazy stuff
I can do that
skill issue
ive tried that military technique when you relax all your muscles from top to bottom then imagine yourself in a boat on a calm lake, but it never works. supposed to make you fall asleep in 2 minutes, anywhere.
just count from backwards from 300. you wont make it to 100
The Israeli militarily has attacked a group of Italian soldiers in Lebanon who were in an Italian military base there

Article 5
>I tried doing something a couple of times and i wasn’t perfect at it so it doesn’t work
Rape demonstrates male virility and physical strength, it would be evolutionary suicide to allow women to select against rapists
Just walk around in your duvet and 3 jumpers
not much going on in your low iq dumb minds then i suppose. easy to go from hmmm monkey want water monkey want go poo monkey want…zzzz
If God couldn't make a universe where it's possible to have free will an no suffering then he isn't all powerful. It's that simple.
It's possible to imagine alternate universes with different rules where both these things can coexist.
Christians always fall into this position of claiming it's not possible for God to make "impossible things", but if he truly were God then it wouldn't be impossible, he could create a world where the concepts of free will and freedom from evil aren't contradictory to each other.
Anyway that's irrelevant since according the the Bible he couldn't predict or defeat a primitive desert tribe with iron chariots, let alone create a universe.
i cant make it to 100 because i start having weird schizo thoughts and fantasies
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cronem getting their shape-ups
why are they making sims noises lmao
>...Your Honour
*relaxes my head*
*relaxes my arms*
*relaxes my torso*
*relaxes my bowels*
I control my mind not the other way around
posted it again award
I have a technique somewhat like that that works for me
>I rest my case
forgot it was my mum's birthday
And nothing will happen but we’d be threatening nuclear Armageddon if Lebanon or Iran did it
Crazy stuff
>God is good
>God made free-will
These are foolish things
awful son
remember reading a theory that being asleep is the primary mode of existence for all creatures and time spent waking is basically all in service of being able to spend many hours asleep, doing nothing. Like when you are asleep you are your true biological self, fulfiling your purpose.

stuff like eating, drinking, excreting waste, and even reproducing are all so you can be asleep. Probably shite but I remembered it.
Can NOT control my eating. The government MUST intervene.
>god is bound by logic...which he created
why would anyone do that. what a fucking idiot
>If God couldn't make a universe where it's possible to have free will an no suffering then he isn't all powerful. It's that simple.
yet you can't provide an argument for why that is a logically coherent position
>Christians always fall into this position of claiming it's not possible for God to make "impossible things", but if he truly were God then it wouldn't be impossible,
i've already addressed that and you are hoisting yourself with your own petard when god is thought of outside of logic
>Anyway that's irrelevant since according the the Bible he couldn't predict or defeat a primitive desert tribe with iron chariot
lol your reading comprehension is very poor which is probably why you fail to realise you have not provided an argument for how god could create fully free beings who always choose one thing and not the other
Hello sirs
>It's possible to imagine
Go on then
so you admit that it was a good thing instead of a bad one then?
boring post
Your technique involves tops and bottoms?
Off to give this white slag her birthday present. My bbc haha.
ah it's the time of day where all the off-topic posts get stripey
open the windows to let the warm air inside
uve been done
very exciting post diego
Sleep is a low energy repair state so if you’re not reproducing, eating, or gathering resources to enable these first two doesn’t really make sense to be awake as you’re just wasting energy
really enjoyed this plus she cute
something in Hinduism about this I think they basically say that real life is an illusion
God exists and you're a bender if you believe he doesn't. Shan't elaborate.
oh shit its my mums birthday tomorrow and she lives in NZ which makes her birthday today. thanks for the reminder.
Remember confronting Diego and a few other Christbergs on /brit/ before and all claimed to not know their denomination (ie they have never been to a church)
This is some high autismberg freak shit, but I made this flow chart in paint
Diego, you can just follow the chart accordingly to your beliefs and it will tell you what denomination you'd best fit into
Would be interesting to know your results even if you still claim not to be any denomination
Got the George Michael on.
why is the uk highstreet so shit?
why did councils (presumably) let them get infested with 99p shops, vape shops, card shops, and betting shops?
surely something better could have filled the space.
here's a flow chart for you

is your post about British culture
good, carry on
why the fuck are you here then
dikshit visajeet ranjesh
British supermarket chain Marks and Spencer (M&S) launched a “BBC” sandwich, filled with bacon, beef, and chipotle in 2024 to commemorate Black History Month, but it was actually more controversial with Black people than right-wingers.
You forgot the charity shops
He was funny as Kramer but still in shock over the things he said
opportunity for money laundering beat everything else to the punch
You should really kill yourself
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got dinosaur claws
You realise that happens because no other shops want to occupy those units right? The alternative would be to leave them empty
i dont know my denomination not because i dont know what they believe but beacuse i am not sure exactly of my beliefs
it was the recession
Leftypol in charge of marketing
>on an above average salary for my age
>decide to check my student loan balance out of curiosity
>the interest being accumulated is higher than my current repayments
Absolutely unfathomable how the government expects to make money off this scheme. Surely only a handful of graduates actually end up paying off the full amount, the rest just end up having their debts written off while only paying off a fraction of what they actually borrowed (before you even factor in interest).
Because you dont drive wont take the bus . You buy everything online and get it delivered to your door.
boring really
Diego is a LARPer
Nothing about his life is Christian in any way
As far as the barbers, nail bars and dessert bars, they're the only 'local businesses' that can afford high-street rents these days. Easy when you have a never ending supply of cash money from smuggling people across the channel and shifting gear.

None of the barbers speak a lick of English and it's different lads working there every single week. Every barbershop has 2-3 blacked out BMWs / '24 plate cars parked up outside it and all the 'barbers' are decked out in Balenciaga. Then once or twice a day a black X5 pulls up, Mr Manager from the Barbershop goes in the back seat for 10 minutes then comes back out. The shops remain profitable despite every highstreet having 4 or 5 barbershops on it.

Councils and HMRC aren't terribly arsed because by allowing these businesses to continue it means they, the council and HMRC, actually see a portion of the money that they'd otherwise never get. Local council would rather have 4 or 5 dodgy barbershops paying business rates above board on time every time, even if the money is dirty, and same with HMRC, even if 90% of the transactions on the tax return are bogus.

Nice clean money and your barbers get to buy houses and cars with clean money from bank accounts rather than cash in duffel bags subject to KYC laws.
covid killed the last of the high street
Ever wonder why you have no mates? We already worked it out on your behalf btw.
Online shopping mate.
*nibbles your toesies*
>Absolutely unfathomable how the government expects to make money off this scheme.
they don't
especially as european students can claim the load then go hame and never even start repaying it
just another scam racket
Very rude
We are our brains. Our body is our brain's tool to better perceive and interact with the world. Kind of crazy, right?

Sleep is just a way of keeping our brain from "over-heating" so to speak.
never understood what a child with bone cancer has to do with free will. thats a bad thing god directly planned to happen regardless of whether that child has free will.
Afternoon shaggers x
Wondering why trannies watch anime so much
if you were a repressed homosexual who spent so much of your teens and twenties in denial that you failed to make any lasting relationships, instead using money and academia to give yourself a superiority complex
what would the most cliché way of coping with that in your thirties be?
you know, besides the obvious alcoholism and associating with a religion that vilifies homosexuality
asking for no-one in particular
it's bloody woke nonsense, that's what it is
Aha, look who it isn’t
Who could have known?! Next they'll say theres something fishy about those hand car washes
Rorke coming into the Kurdish barbers being like
So it’s this yellow girl I know…..
Boss man says say no more makes his creps dead as
>jesus came to be sacrificed
already gone wrong mate
that's not what i believe (nor any mainstream christian)
online shopping really did kill retail didnt it
and amazon prime kills the rest of the competition with free fast shipping
atleast you can list your items on amazon itself to benefit
Leave the bants to us
This post is even more boring than the last one
how was your lamb
suck cocks and take them up the arse on the lowdown
like what? they let any shop that will pay council tax fill the space
Be in charge of a bunch of clubs or associations that don’t matter and lord it over people
Hedonismmaxxing via chemsex parties taking meth, mephedrone and GHB?

Seems to work for the other gays.
This post alone tells me you have never been to a church
god knew it would happen
god knew it needed to happen
god allowed (encouraged?) it to happen

thats a sacrifice
>all lives don't matter
wat nou
Go to Mass every Sunday, me
I played mass effect. Was ok.
I put on mass every sunday
yeah, Mass turbation
post here every day
what make syou say that?
you are confusing foreknowledge with causation
Reminder that Judaism is Babylonian fan fiction, and Christianity is Greco-Roman fan fiction.
mass effect 2 is top
boring cunt
Gas Effect, aha
Very midwit-american post
anybody else notice a strange smell in here?
greco roman's that homo-erotic wrestling isn't it? finally it's all beginning to make sense
Because I've been to Anglican, Catholic, and Methodist churches in the past and the all said that - God sent his only Son, knowing he'd be killed and Sacrificed, to use the sacrifice to grant to a chance at redemption and salvation.
That is mainstream Christianity.
Apparently it is you, who isn't a mainstream Christian given you deny these most basic essentials aspects of teaching.
Just say American next time
>you are confusing foreknowledge with causation
both apply to god. he had foreknowledge and set the event in motion. jesus was a sacrifice
Mass Effect? More like Gyatt Effect, you seen the clappers on some of them aliens, phwoarrrrr
Because online stores are infinitely superior to high street stores, and even if people want to physically view the objects they are purchasing beforehand they'd probably rather shop at a newly-built retail park/shopping centre. If councils were sensible, they would realise that the high street can't compete in the retail sector anymore and they would convert high streets into communities with affordable housing, good restaurants/cafes/pubs, health services, entertainment venues, etc.
If I know in advance that my child is going to grow up to be a goblinesque freak who pretends to be a Christian on /brit/ as his main hobby, and I then kill that child to save humanity from his sins, then I possess the foreknowledge and the causation
i really doubt you have heard that said at a church or if you have you have greatly misunderstood and jumbled because it is utter gibberish
if you thought about it for a second you would realise it is utterly insane that god would need to do anything when he can do anything he wants at any time by virtue of his omnipotence
omg the heresy from this post is astounding god did not cause jesus to be sacrificed fucking hell
you may make the new
make it rorke
>god did not cause jesus to be sacrificed fucking hell
isn't that like episode 1 of christianity
god doesn't kill jesus...
and if you think allow in the sense of passively not intervening something to happen is the same as causes something to happen you are just completely braindead
yawn, boring
maybe if you're an ignorant atheist
anyone with even the most basic understnading of the gospels or christian doctrine would know that god did not cause jesus to die but man
God was evil so he tried to have his son Jesus whacked but he eventually overthrew him and now rules in his stead
unfunniest poster in this general

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