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adjustment edition

OLD: >>203264703
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Iki, I'm sorry but your pale angel has an onlyfans

everything bad in this world is a conspiracy by bulgaria
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it's not her.
I'm uploading that video in a couple of hours

But the more I stare at my editing software the mkre changes I make.

I cannot seem to get satisfied.
It is

whats going why is the general keep getting deleted

boon are you reporting the general again you fucking turkish idiot?

>no stab


goddamn you motherfuckers,

I have the hardest job here a moo farmer
piss and shit be upon her
Which software and is it free?
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xaxaxxaxaxaxaxxaxaxa xxaxaxxaxaxaaxaxxaxxa

Finally you come to my words, that sluts are hot
so true, so true.
Normally I just used a pirated version of Adobe Suite, used to have CS6 but I list it. Don't want to go through the trouble if pirating because pirating shit is much harder than it qas 6 years ago

So i installed something called capcut

It's fine for 1080p
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What would you say if this was athens and not belgrade?
Tear the building down and burn the flag.
Greeks are afraid of heights, they don't build that high
Imagine being the architect designing this and thinking yes, that looks nice lets build it
I think someone hacked me. I randomly got this thread in my thread watcher.

If this was shitfia we'd never hear the end of it on balk
If I knew albot would made the next thread i wouldnt let him
>sixnine is coming to boogeria
Bro, 4chan is just glitching out, stop sounding like Sashko
I hacked you bro
washed up
Imagine all the obsessive krasno drawings if this was us
Who (unironically)?
I cut contact with nearly all of my family. I am a literal manchild that never grew up and always expected people to treat me with soft gloves and not tell me to get a job or act like my age but I now understand it was always me.
ne zamaraj so politika
I got hacked many times in the past. Some sand N trigger from Oman was memorable
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knowing when to stop is half the talentry
your entry attempt is not gonna be your magnum opus
and that wasn't me, obviously
Serious answers expected.

Do you know any girl in her 20s who didn't have sex and is Christian?
Yes bro, my cousin but she's 33
bro these are such low standards I'm confused why you haven't found 20 in a single day
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Yes my sister. This is her from a few months ago when we went to the beach
happened to me once
dude was looking for random schmucks, one of the tards in the room puked in the bolice station
kvo video be lud
the low key minaret fits the red sun shade drape perfectly
daj sa jenim, imam 4 kozi i kokoshki i mangizi v banki
ice in turkie atm
oho kak e icak
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>instant bull
i think he's trying to find someone for kim
Hate this Jew
The only youtuber i respect is benjamin bald aka bald and bankrupt, who showed us how truly eastern european countries, mostly r*ssia, are subhuman shitholes the same goes for india aswell. Long live the west.
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>Socratous Street: Albanian couple arrested with a gun and explosives after a random check on their car
>The weapon they possessed was reportedly a Tokarev-type pistol, while according to the same sources the couple had leased the vehicle

>According to reports, shortly after 16:00 there was a notification of traffic restrictions in the area of Sokratous, due to a check on an accidental vehicle. Eventually, during the search, police officers found a package of explosive materials, detonators as well as a gun in a blue bag, as shown in the photos.

Crime is a family biznis for shqiptards
I just bought a watch and two perfumes(one for the summer, one for the winter) for a total of 1100 euro
You mad?
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Lmao he looks ikibeish, albeit more white
I live in this degenerate place
>he can't even afford a patek philipe
Imagine being this poor, i bet even shizo janev has one
Me xara bro
What did you buy?
пocтиpaй cтoкaтa
i too wasted over 2k on obsolete tech i don't need only to realize el cheapo casio is better
>patek philipe
ugliest watches out there
Basi kompleksara
Watch Krasno getting insulted by a macedonian and making the reply about us and greeks. Just what could cause this?
They look ugly bro the bulgar is right
>Frederique Constant Classics FC-303MC5B6
>Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille
>Tom Ford Beau De Jour
not taking photos since I don't want to dox myself(shizo maximus)
I used to have an elitist friend. He would always talk about all kinds of artsy anime but one day I showed him the 1st episode of Naruto. His jaw dropped to the floor. He couldn't do anything but stare at the the screen. After he episode has ended, he muttered a single word. "Kino". Most elitists need to get outside of their bubble and watch more than the 10 approved anime
This, he spends all his time itt while he could be posting in a true Russian total victory thread like this one >>203300889
see >>203302139
Turkgaria poster
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truth be told ya'll need to be culled
I just play along with macedonians sometimes because you bulgarians are easier to pick on
Forgot about FreCon, the only watch brands that came to mind in that price range is an expensive seiko and tissot
vecherq li she qdesh ot nego?
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nah, I'm gonna be eating pussy
So true, Kings.
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actual dress watch
cope if you must
kys /a/tard
I will buy a Longines once I can afford it.
лaжeш кypвo
just buy a fake retard
>buying "original" in the balkans
I replied there bro
there are a few longines watches I had under consideration
your mother is a lying bitch
timeless classic, best watch out there
Watches and perfume are the poor man's money sink

Rich niggas spend their codemaymun millions on high quality PC peripherals
Miya chan no kyuuin life
I wish I spent my money on fucking
hairy & brown
Based and low key class
I will tell you about the best watch brand in the Thessaloniki meet-up 2025.
If I'm spending that much on a watch it won't be quartz. The longines conquest line is their basic boring introductionary line and never was enthusiastic about them.
You gonna wear your dress watch as a daily or for official occasions?
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godspeed anon, I will pray for your wealth
>could have had an ASS tron
I won't be attending, someone's gonna stab me
So true
A poor maymun from a single parent home in Lyulin gets his first paycheck and buys a gaudy watch

An old money aristocrat from Vodno gets his first paycheck and buys the latest 1500 euro e-scooter
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My current poorfag collection in order of progression from L - > R
so true sis
old money aristocrat has a horse
ofc, every gypsy(donian) has a horse
kolko e gadna verijkata na srednoto?
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Cute toys bro
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the line increases
when they buy them they fantasize about how woman gonna fall in love with them because they smell of some chemical shit and have a piece of metal attached to their wrist

also bumgayrians and gayreek reported me for "disrespecting culture" which is comical I must say
You missed the chrono24.com stamp, larping bitch.

>forth Eorlingas, a red day, a sword day, and the sun rises!
forgot pic
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>bulgarians really pay money to check the time
Not sure if intended or not
I like it now if I only had a reason to wear this obsolete shit
I wish I had a friend group like balk but on a normie app where i can be myself in my autistic form, shareing memes, troling, bantering and all that and hang out every weekend with them.
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All of you are poorfags
lol I didn't even upload it yet and it got age restricted

i guess im too extreme
щe ти ocкyби кocмитe aкo ce движe нaгope нaдoлy пo pъкaтa
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/balk/ gathering when we are all rich (except krasnoblyatsk)
they steal them
Google senna champion 88 limited edition in case you want to check the price
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I have this one and then a cheap one for daily use
ae neshto nia dni u pazarjik mi mirishe na plasmasa ma ne vijdam ogan nikade
Still looks like shit
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poorgarians should really just stop posting
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show us the other one
Nigga is that bigfoot?
Why is this pidor so dumb and poor?
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dont @ me blyatshit
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poorest codemonkey
could be a hardware monkey in nvidia
when did you last dwell at sea bottom m8
your mother wasnt as deep as she is now before I dwelled in her pussy
He's burgas shark so every day.
why is he so happy from EV ?
there is 0 places to dive in this skatahole
What car do you drive anons?
That's Bulgarians bro
every time he's making a balk post
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Lime e scooter in the middle of the road
are you disrespecting my culture rn bro?
the guy is 30
that couldve been me in jewsa
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Took a shit right here on their graves. Care to explain how you feel ziggy?
Thoughts on all the chechen dick that slid into ukro whores over the last three years?
I'd expect a watch carrying the name of the best formula 1 driver in history to look better
anon why do you hate my fun? why did you make thread inviting stab to get banned? even though you knew it was the weekend and I'd like some entertainment after workout?

why do you hate fun?
This is why because they're thirdies, see them as such and you'll understand their mentality bro
Literally never happened, ukrowhores fled to the west to film bbscences
Based bulgayrian rage
Mн ми e пpиятнo кaтo ми бипкaт и cвиpкaт мaлкитe пyтeнцa дoкaтo хoдим пeшeхoд
>put on my 40 leva vanilla aftershave
>go out and catch my bus
>2 15 years old cuties with tons of makeup say to each other "he smells reall good"
feels good
How did the russjanny spot me so fast?
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he is sitting on the desk next to krasnoblyatsk
ya there honey? i finished it
my skin is dry. i need some oily shaving cream thing. tots?
You see the Russian flag itt? That's krasnochurka, he's the local snitch in everything that offends moma rasia and her minions (muslims, Africans and other brownies), he's probably in a discord sewer talking with other thirdies and mass report people
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No one likes tattletales Vasiliy
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>that obsession of the saviours of the yt race with black and brown dicks

It's not a coincidence, I tell you
Trotzkyiv went too hard, now only submarines remain as is plain
I got a cream for u bbygirl
*unzips and starts stroking*
Special reporting operation
where is the albanian american!!!!!!
az li gi pratih tam ue mishka
any blacked raw footage to truly own me bro?
Bepнo ли щe cтpoят Taнгoтo нa нoвo?
do me a favor and locate the albo
Stokomak will conquer Serbia
First KAM market in Bumgaria, now Stokomak in Serbia

We are unstoppable
Anyways, they delayed the start of reconstruction of the rail to my hometown for a fucknig year
Worst part is I know it won't be a year, this shit will continue to be delayed on and on and on and on because the EU is partially financing it and our retard government can't keep up with their demands and standards
When chinks take care of this shit it ends up being made in 2 years, this way you have a thousand tenders and it takes a decade
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imagine if the balkans were sold to china like macau
we'd live in utopia
it's still workhours on a workday, neetlord
locate him yourself bumgal

why'd you put those massive turkyiev banners? bulgarians are laughing
We don't have a single project up to eu standards, we don't even have a single project up to our own standards.
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be sure to turn on english subtitles and dont make it fullscreens because most of this footage is more than 100 years old.


also i dont keep track of a*erican time
erDogan visited today
You should see the shitshow when chinks show, the entire city is flagged like we're being held hostage
chinese are respectable wealthy intellectuals
turks are turks
We make a project up to EU standards then a gypsy steals the cables on it
Then it takes months for someone to set up cables again
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fyromians, which one of you is doing this
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Gypsies are the good guys, the EU is babylon
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5% of all their traffic is from fyromia?
very nice, I like it
did you do the zoom outs and the pans in the beginning? if so that might need a bit of work, too abrupt, although the woman face worked
the sound mixing could also be improved but I don't know much about that so I'm talking out of my ass
the bombardment part rhymed pretty well, I think that was the highlight.
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I like it
I might buy a concrete sculpture of it to decorate my desk
>did you do the zoom outs and the pans in the beginning?
no but i did speed it up quite a bit because i wanted to fit in as much information as possible. the panning is from a documentary, and these are more than likely artworks from the period since this was before mass photograhy (extremely long exposure times for most cameras)

i will do a remaster, maybe one day once I find proper scans. it will take literal months to do that and i'd have to paypig a lot.

7 years ago i made a video that got 150,000 views in 1 week, and youtube deleted it. i am constantly censored everywhere i go. but my opinions are not really unpopular at all.

next video should i have the time for it will be on a book I read, and there is no existing video discussing it so I might as well be the first one.

will probably have to get rid of the fashoid banners and channel art because it will clash too much with my faggy voice and the scientific topic of the video. I only just put up the channel art to fit the theme of the video.
Bejita... i require more advanced punishment... your current beatings, cuckings and anus ravagings just aren’t putting the fear into me like they used to, the fear of a true saiyan prince next to his lowly low class slave boy... bejita... the punishment must be more severe for me to understand... please bejita... i need you to junko furata me bejita... i need you to rip my nipples off with wire cutters, I need firecrackers jammed up my ass... bejita please, you don’t want my low class presumptuous flirty ass getting all cocky again, embarrassing you infront of beerus again... so i need it... i need the punishment of the prince... i need my balls sliced open with a scalpel and my testes skewered by a glowing red hot iron rod... i need my anus stretched, stretched so bad bejita, stretched beyond reality, beyond reason, i need the most painful horrible gape ever bejita!! the kind only your cock or a rolling pin can provide... i want to be shitting in diapers for good bejita, i want you to make me shit in diapers forever, kakarot wants to shit in diapers, incontinent, shit in diapers forever and ever and ever bejita, for you, because of you, i need to remember every time i involuntarily soil myself that it’s because of you, bejita, because of what you did to me. i need castration and won’t rest until i get it... bejita... i need my manhood, agency and sanity stripped as punishment for the crime of my low class birth... i need to be a genderless amorphous stump in constant confused agony because it’s what i deserve bejita and only you can give me it... i need to be your hideous crime against nature and God bejita, i need it so bad, i need you to unceremoniously dump my mutilated brain damaged body infront of my wife and kids, i need to see them cry and scream, i need them to know bejita did this to me before he fucks every member of my family- chi chi, goten and gohan, in front of their ruined diaper shitting vegetable father... bejita...
>He's still trying to get me banned
Dimitriy, I can change IPs in an instant
Bros.... Big Lenny died yesterday.
Kiril Marichkov died today
don't bother, it's good enough. I pointed it out in case it was your own artistic choice. I guess camera shake would be a better word than abruptness.
don't linger, good luck with your next project
I get its kind of some iconic building but what is there to like about the original architecture?
If you don't know of Leonard, don't talk to me
dont give a shit stfu retards
Damn, I really didn't know entirety of the balkans on the Internet went to war again India
That's subjective, and I've really no idea why I like it so much, but I do
no you're right the sound mixing is flawed because i did it in house instead of using a seperate program for audio. you can hear abrupt cuts on multiple listens. gathering the footage and picking and choosing autistically, all this took like 8 hours +.

next project wont be nearly as attractive, it will just be me talking over a slideshow like im giving a powerpoint presenation for school. only autistic people will watch it, but I will try to make the message as digestable as possible

it's a really depressing video too.
Thoughts on this?
by the way, do you know who the narrator of the video is? :^) the one i just posted
I wouldn't worry
Nothing to worry about
everyone should worry
You should worry more when it comes to your water
I took a big dump and throw a bunch of chems in your water supply
Imagine a sane world where all n triggers got genocided like the Injuns and Africa became a second North America

Instead of that we're living in the world where 1 in every 2 people is a maymun by 2100
imagine a world where pensions didn't exist and 45% of government spending wasnt welfare for moving corpses
Woke up, drinkign at the moment, will probably not get drunk, havent gotten drunk this year yet
Imagine a world where vlachokike codemaymuns like you would be beaten to death and their jobs taken over by AI
>moving corpses
insulin status?
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I'm not mango bro, stop trying to flirt

pretty well sheytan
job interview status?
When was the last time you drank bro?
Mental how the Balkans is probably the only region on earth that is aware of its 90IQ nature

Every other maymun deludes himself into thinking that it's about le racism or colonization
a 100+ IQ balkanoid is just called a Roman
If balkans so dumb how come my hellenic ancestors created western civilization while germniggers, shitalians and nords liced in mudhuts, huh?
>liced in mudhuts
90IQ moment
I am drinking bro.
90IQ activity
True, i admit defeat
>read Romanian translation of a book
>it's just the translator flexing his french vocabulary
You made this post multiple times before.
I don't remember doing that.
can't wait to go bald desu
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what do? "wow" is avai but translated wrong
Always get melancholic when drinking, quite an unbearable situation and in order to stomp it out i feel the need to drink more, i shouldnt however
Thought you stopped betting and gambling?
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hai baby you wanna tell mango-chan how you are feeling??
babyy come into my arms ill give you a big hug and some smoochies :)
And you don't look like that
And this is why i don't wanna talk to you, feels like your faggotry would get in the way of a friendship
i will after i get cosmetic surgery
Today at 9 pm, before starting my job at the red light
this is just my way of speaking to people. i'm just coquettish, it doesn't mean i'm actively trying to seek you out.
no, and I can't even begin to guess. la rocque? or trick question and it's some german or italian?
Good luck sister
it's mussolini!!!! haha
i'm not a sister i am a man and a manly man
I guess he is more convincing than in his german
You sure are, i apologize for misgendering you.
Mussolini parle parfaitement le français.
i hope you are not serious?!?! wtf, 'misgender'. don't use these madeup westoid concepts on MY balkanchan!!!!!!!
I guess my posting style is too advanced for you to comprehend, it is what it is.
cash out obviously
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Sorry babe i have autism!
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>me thinking about balkan anons
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>me thinking about balkan anons
november or october 2023
I cashed out and playing slots now, the first game I was waiting is already 0-2 so
I hate him so much it's unreal
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EU saved codemonkey salaries
Please kill me then
I am indifferent towards him

December 2023 for me, or at least when i got drunk
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sky has trooned out
Are you going to gamble or you're going to fuck around?
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independent liberal hungary allied with liberal osmanli
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fuck that's early

1848 revolution in full swing. this is suicide. especially if russia comes to suppress the austrian rebellion

hopefully i can mobilize in 1 month
>the austrian rebellion
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me? I drive expensive lamborghini.

you? you paint map.

we are not the same.
Iplayed that game a few years ago
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what should i do?
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>most populous region is northern macedonia
sound slike a nothingburger to me
let it slide
that game gets so fucking grindy at some point i just cba to finish it
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it was just silly question i always play victoria 2 like a bleeding heart liberal. i am helping the hungarian revolution

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always be sure to put ethnic minorities on the front lines so they end up dying instead of natives
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ALLAHHU AKB- I mean, long live the republic!!
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okay there is border gore but hungary or some other country will take that soon. austria is soon to be no more...
ahhh piss filter era, home
least it wuz befo sony troons purpled errythang up
Bro you make many mistakes. As we age and our testosterone levels fall, this community feels always more bad for you.

You shouldn't post your pictures here. Do it on reddit instead of this place. Many people like the Greek flags fuel your illness with intention.

You have to build a shield that protects you from falling down when your parents are too old to protect you.
I got banned on reddit
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What do Balkanites think of Scots?
Are there any stereotypes or things normies think of when they hear Scotland? Do they know we exist?
Met a few Serbian lads in Malia and they were good blokes
I fucked my gf 3 times already this weekend
How are you sexless incels coping?
I am with a flu and 30year old virgin
with schizophrenia as well
Nope i aint a schizophrenic
I also fucked your gf 3 times in this weekend that hasn't come yet
The Bible condemns the secually immoral.
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lol goodnight
good morning more like
So tesla was obsessed with the number 3 6 and 9

So anyway i am 169cm tall

And square root of 169 is 13 and square root of 13 is 3....

So i am an being obsessed by tesla

And serbs all they do is being tall and play basketball
So what

I didnt know all this obession about me
While a pro serbian kept saying im not 6feet11 turbo chad and a manlet
F.20 moment
It goes deeper its a irrational fibbonaci number the square root of 13

And i am probably a 10/10

And golden standard of beauty is an irrational number and a fibbonaci sequence used by da vinci

So i am janev
And v

And way

So v for vendetta the movie

And 4chan was obsessed about the movie v for vendetta

My life is a movie

So i rule the universe maybe dunno yet

You seem to post anime

What is your fav anime
I like dragon ball z

I havent watched anime since i was a kid
I think I should leave this entire board. Even pol is full of skatodermes and retards or faggots.
Clocking-in :D

Dont be hateful of others actions that dont interfeer into your life

You will be much more happy

As long as they dont interfeer into your life be happy but if you interfeer into others people life expect to be judged by their viewpoint
dude im a mullato
anyhow, I'm brushing my teeth right now before sleep , so come one say something funny and interesting

Ok im gonna drink some rose wine now

I woke up at 2am i have a flu
something about the girls you stalk you fucking psycho retard

jesus christ stab,, thought we had this down
anyhiw catch u later
Get a freaking bucket next to your bed shithead
All the battle in the universe are won by me
So the ding ding dong poster is def a bot
Kill your parents and then yourself schizo
out of line
and nothing of value was lost
post on balkanchan instead
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>What is your fav anime
kino no tabi
it's about a girl who travels to different downs on a bike, shooting bad guys
Dead ass chan more like
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watching a jew play silent hill 2 remake running around tunnels looking for a little girl
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one puzzle in a hospital had pictures of (black) nurses and trees

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