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canadian thanksgiving edition

Am I shadow banned
Look at the Canadians trying to be human by celebrating thanksgiving too.
You're not fooling anyone, leaf.
Who are you replying to
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your mom
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we were the first one to celebrate Thanksgiving though
>Little girls first time
i dont think 4chan does shadow bans
The 4chan version of shadowbans is marking you wait 300 seconds to make a thread and then rejecting it as spam when you hit submit
Which Scream character are you?
For me it's doofy the cop.
Shut up, syrup guzzler. Get back to....guzzling....syrup
The principal played by Henry Winkler
what would you like if you were to build a house for you?
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whichever is the most retarded
Something like this but lifted like the chesterton windmill
i like my house now but if i had to add one thing i would want to add some natural light to the study like this
although i do like the den being kind of dark i don't know it's pretty calm since it's dark
Candy Corn taste so good when you ain't got a bitch in ya ear tellin you they nasty
i know it's waxy, i like it because it's waxy
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Can a non-ESL tell me what this expression is supposed to mean?
I have build something like this before. I cannot stress enough the importance of blindsfor the glass ceiling. You can get them with blinds between the glass, or outside, but you definitely need them. Triple pane would be even better.
age will knock a man on his ass
i know guys shouldn't care about his looks and all that, but i literally look like a minion, this shit is depressing
Age will flatten a man

The years weigh heavy
It means that as you get older you get flatter. It's pretty simple yuronigger.
age will fuck a man in his ass
are you stupid?
Gonna go to Costco for lunch
What should I get?
'dog or pizz'?
of course, i have some really old hand me down books that i don't want to get sun bleached or degrade
keep em going
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nothing feels good like you in red and blue jeans and your white and night things
It's kind of neat how many homeless people in California look like dark souls NPCs
No Brian
No fk
No nonce
Daytime /cum/ is healing
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If I'm going to live in a dystopian nightmare then I'll find silver linings wherever I can
I want you to look like that
i look like this sorry
someone here said they liked this character the other day so i'm just playing to the audience
dont jinx it nibba
>in the middle of a retarded dispute between a stupid Persian woman and her HOA
That's fine too
The other image isn't Marisa thoughever
they seem to be friends though


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Not gonna dox myself but I basically look like this.
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Fucking peak weather today
i look like this
Seems the weather has again seized fucking sense and released hated sweltering heat
How come every conversation I have with someone has to somehow result in death threats
>78 degrees
>sweltering heat
That's it, I will kill u
what kind of conversation were you having
that's how men talk to each other
I need to become a cage fighter
is she hot
>want to move to mexico and gentrify it
>cant get citizenship because it was my great grandma that moved here
its over bros
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a bloo bloo
need to listen to phonk 24/7 to motivate me to do anything
>my white sides moved here in 1600s
i suffer because i cannot leave
ate too much
cant move
be strong anon this will pass
What do you like about that image
it's relatable
More like retardable
i think the based move is to limit what colleges can charge for tuition and adjust it according to consoomer inflation
im gonna take a short nap and then clean and organize my pantry
I like this picture
Enjoy your nap <3
do i need to rinse my rice
this is some fucked up shit
depends on the amount of starch you want to retain
you need to 'retain' some BITCHES, nigga
you are factual incorrect since BITCHES avoid me
LMAO I love this fuckin guy
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These Mexicans in my area are real animals, veremente bestie. So when they start to sell those 4th of July fireworks these fucks buy up the entire stock and just intermittently fire them off year long.
Last night was one such night, bellamadonna it sounded like fuckin Beirut
shut the FUCK up diStefano
depends on the type of rice too because sometimes it's already rinsed. But I always rinse it anyways
found the culo
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my thoughts fluctuate between money and bitches
why does my hairline have to be so fucked up
in case trump wins in november
What Canadian city would suit me?
>totally woke city
>LGBTQIA+ friendly city
>trans friendly city
>I am in favor of blacks lives matter
>I am in favor of feminism
>hates convervators
>anti-trump city
do NOT reply to fernando
can you hear the drums fernando
joe mama
any JOI asmr?
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cummies, im drinking covfefe
Genuinely ALL I need to be happy for the rest of my life would be $750,000,000
>no, music too loud
>no, firecrackers too loud
>no, gardener too loud
>no, motorcycle too loud
is there anything you fucks don't find loud? no wonder you guys relate so much to Ted Kekzinzky
Helped dad to move a plant but he knocked over a lamp and mom screamed
I was crouching in a ball on the floor for like 30 seconds
Hiding upstairs and rocking slightly
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I wish I had a nice ass
The erudite and sophisticated man prefers peace and silence
all i want for christmas is tuuuuuuuuuuu
Just quiet the fuck down, Pablo. We don't need to hear everything you're doing. I could make a list of things you did today because I could hear them all
I'm Italian (not Latinx) and even we aren't as loud as you guys
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>she's actually 25 but you thought she was 16 so we caught you pedo
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I'm gonna use this for the next NEW
lol, the National Guard is worst that the Federal Police
oh god im gay.... guess im gay..
You will only find peace in heaven, this place is for pain and suffering while you get drunk and listen to Peso Pluma
>help indeed know why youre applying
because I need a fucking JOB
Me? I'm heterosexual and attracted exclusively to biological women.
*because I don't want to be homeless
It's not gay to be 'miring
You don't even know what's going on there
show vagene and bobs pls beautiful
I don't need to know, I just stated a fact
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sexo con mejican cummy bummy
Enlightened words
I have more rizz than you, you can't even match my mewing streak
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cumpsters are p jealous nowadays cause they dont have a swaggy coin collection like me lmao.... go on seethe lol
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I have a binder full of neat and somewhat rare pokemon cards
I only collect rare amateur porn.
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In the worst way, imma show em how Black play
Rollin dice
Fuckin with me's like snake eyes
I break guys
Sit back and watch my cake rise
It's all about the Benjamin's, true
That be the motto
Ran outta ammo and started to throwin bottles

S'fucked up how Diddy did my mans Black Rob
I collect amateur dick pics from men I have catfished and /int/posters' dick pics.
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A good post conatains:
>These Mexicans in my area are real animals, veremente bestie. So when they start to sell those 4th of July fireworks these fucks buy up the entire stock and just intermittently fire them off year long.
Last night was one such night, bellamadonna it sounded like fuckin Beirut
Entertainment Value:
>we were the first one to celebrate Thanksgiving though
Call to action:
>be strong anon this will pass
Ever notice how shitty and (You)less posts don't have these qualities?
I have /int/posters' dick pics sorted by nationality.

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