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clinton county courthouse edition
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I still miss the cool ranch doritos locos taco
Currently learning to rap this song rn
i had cool ranch doritos once, it was so bad
thread theme
This should've been the NEW pic
You could be a great rappist one day anon
Sodomy needs to be outlawed immediately. Faggotry is the greatest threat to civilization
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Please use google translate to enjoy this meme
Learn to w-rap DEEZ NUTZ.
(around your lips)
maybe you should've made the new then
I was in that jail
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Good night kings
Germans are all about their efficiency.
English rap was fun 10 years ago, I’ve done all the fun songs already. The next hurdle’s Portuguese rap after I deem myself good enough with Spanish
I’m laughing
Whats the deal with the israel general
So they jerk off to the generic thots they put in every op?
Learn to rap in the English of Shakespeare's time. Back when love and prove used to rhyme.
atrocious looking building
it's a flat roofed rectangle

is that so atrocious?
Post something you like
not him, but brutalism is hideous
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they just be making shit up now man
when I was grocery shopping there was this old chinese lady walking ahead of me and I swear she mustve been like 4'5
not sure if thats brutalism
I didn't think Old English, Shakespeare is Early Modern English. Old English isn't even something that we'd be able to understand anymore.
and get out of my way!
My flip coworker has literally half his income taken by taxes, not sure what that niggas doing but he’s fucking up something
Imagine the sex with something that tiny
when you going there?
wish I had people to get drunk with
Make me famous /cum/
6AM tomorrow (I'm going back)
Thats the best part, it's an activity you can do completely solo
but I hate drinking alone
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Where da party at?!
Where da party at?!
Where da party at?!

If the parties where you're at then let me knnnooooowwwww
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here's one from my state
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Resisting the urge to break my sobriety streak and waste money i dont have on edibles
Perfect for your micro-penis.
Stop thinking about it
If you keep thinking about it then it's just a matter of time until you give in

T. Trying to not ruin my t break
I don't like it
Alleghny County Soldiers memorial
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Supper delivered itself to you.
literally me
American Spirit Blacks are very good.
Blacks have American Spirit? Is that what reparations are rebranded to now?
Is Lebum James going to be arrested for raping sex trafficking victims at diddys parties
speaking of edibles, going to take some soon
Shut up faggot.
Toxic ass advice
Just because you're a loser doesn't mean you should encourage others to be
how about you shut up you little pisser?
No, the lawyer said that a bunch of people have settled out of court. NDAs and money.
It's just going to be Diddy, and some poorfags that no one knows.
This anon is evil, dont listen to him

Btw you glow
I'm not encouraging someone to do drugs, in his moment of weakness, faggot.
That's ok, I'll be satisfied if transcripts leak and at least his and other celebrities reputations are ruined
I wish I was Albanian
said noone ever
man... alright, i'll delete the post.
what city?
>and at least his and other celebrities reputations are ruined
You are really overestimating how much the average person gives a shit/how long their memories are
My nba team does not have a game tonight and there is no football
What am i supposed to do with a wide open evening like this
Gooning to cheerleaders?
>all these pussies struggling with cannabis
It's just a healthy herb, god put it in the earth. Drinking is so much worse!!!
Nothing is healthy in excess
baseball or hockey, obviously
I just got rejected by an AI.
Fucking X to Doubt. It might be better than tobacco, but it's still bad for you.
Weed is medicine
Weed isn’t addictive
It’s just a plant
I know many successful people who make weed
Wait a minute im retarded
There IS monday night football, i was under the impression today is tuesday
what i said is true, though. i don't know why fellas thought it was a sentiment of encouragement. it wasn't. what i was saying, is that you have to crave the freedom of sobriety more than whatever the fixation is. if your mind isn't settled there, you're a dry-drunk, to put it my way. that's all i meant. a glowy... jesus. that's a first.
fucking bastard bitch bloody retarded
Oh no not you, youre not the glowie
They know
bitch niggas don’t understand Faustian spirit and what it entails. I got you loud and clear don’t worry
When you're that rich and have the social status that he does, laws don't apply to you.
>i don't know why fellas thought it was a sentiment of encouragement.
You told him to do it retard
ngl that sounds fucking sick
"Fuckin oath cunt" as they say
and i deleted the post when i got an inkling that it was possibly irresponsible. i don't know what more i can do, guy.
This whole dichotomy that weed is totally bad or totally good is why it's so misunderstood and illegal and abused
You can start by not following up your deleted retarded post with more retarded posts, putting your foot in your mouth
Im gonna say it
I still like dbgt
You're burning a plant and inhaling the smoke. Enjoy getting more tar in your lungs.
anythings better than super
what if you eat it
you seem confused
You seem like a lil bitch
I think the reason gt got a bad rep is because it was watched by people who grew up with og dbz and they didnt like any concept of change at all

Meanwhile the people who watch super didn't grow up watching z so they don't understand how much the characters were butchered
It could still be a net positive if smoked in moderation

Of course the presence of dumbass stoners make this conversation difficult though
i said i was going to take a short nap and now here i am three hours later, covered in sweat and with a headache
and i didn't clean either i slept for like 16 hours today i need someone to hold me accountable or i'll just do this
Go clean or I'll spank you
All the same problems, but not lungs.
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Your first mistake was napping in the first place. Nothing good comes of that.
2 hours of unexplainable alien encounters to fall asleep to
*round house kicks you the face*
>covered in sweat
gross pig, go take a shower and clean your sty
i have a headache i need tea first i can't clean in this state
but i was so tired i couldn't help it you don't understand
For what purpose
Alien encounter bf roleplay ASMR (extra men in black)
Hi sistas
Extra zesty buck
>i can't clean
Thats it *takes off my belt*
*unzips dick*
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>you don't understand
fucking cringelords
You know what helps deal with this problem?
Having a nap.
So uh... They raped the joker in his ass.
Incelchuds, our response?
Any cute Canadians looking for a racist american top?
He's not even the Joker. Some clown got raped.
nigga you are a brazillion horndog
Those prison guards did more for Gotham than Batman ever did
No he's not
We'll live long enough to see an Assassin's Creed game where one of the levels will feature the antagonist blow up the USS Maine, directly starting the Spanish-American war.
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Is that the big reveal? He's not actually the joker? Just some autistic loser incel chud who gets cummy bummy? Big if true.

Should batman has made tender love to joker's anus?
the next step in assassins creed evolution is a modern day assassins creed
I look at all my video games and don't feel like playing any of then
me for the last decade
is that true? did they show him getting ass raped in the new movie?
>Should batman has made tender love to joker's anus?
Batman should have prolapsed jokers anus

And as for the other part of your post (I'm NTA) I never saw Joaquin Phoenix as a real iteration of the joker because it never highlighted his mad intelligence. He was always just a weird incel, yeah.
I do not particularly enjoy video games anymore
>Is that the big reveal? He's not actually the joker? Just some autistic loser incel chud who gets cummy bummy? Big if true.
From what people have been saying, I'm waiting for the webrip still.
They're saying that he's not the Joker, and he just thinks that he killed those people.
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take the retropill
Too retro
The 4 prison guards push him down in the showers, and then the next scene is dragging him to the cell without pants on.
I saw the webm that /tv/ posts.
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No thank you
They are just not that stimulating
Mid 90s is the earliest I'll go for most games retro games
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the fuck they arent
I remember renting that game at blockbuster I never made it past the first level
4th-6th Gen is a steady increase of SOUL in gaming, with the 7th Gen being a decrease in soul but still ok. Everything after that is too soulless and commercialized
Just dont find gaming fun friend
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>Mid 90s is the earliest I'll go for most games retro games
Little big planet 1 is soul overload but youre right
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gaming was at its peak 1980 through gen 6
The 1990s were peak PC gaming.
In fact I am currently playing a game from that era
No idea what this image means
whats the rabbit's name
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Say the n word
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Anyone here played dark forces 2?
For me, it's Marathon
And i say that unironically
I would include the 3rd(3rd-6th), but otherwise I agree. PC has been the only sanctuary of gaming since the 6th.
Who this niqqa Is? Looks like a straight up busta
its great, but it has some bullshit to it. Marathon II is definitely superior
Kinda wanna play San Andreas now. Being a hood nigger sounds really fun
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another example of horrible ai slop being sold on pinterest
Saaar i will commission the artist saaaar>>203426995
I like the aesthetics of the game but it's levels feel like a maze
Thanks for the (You) I guess.
>tfw the tranny mods here will only ban you for racism against non whites
kike nigger mods
I guarantee you it only took 1 mod complaining for the rest to fall in line
Hate spineless fucks like you wouldn't believe
They gave me a 3-day for saying 3 different racial slurs in one post, but they never do for calling Mexicans niggers or anything like that.
For racism to manifest you need to have both prejudice and power. Since the brown subhuman rabble has no power, it can never be racist. Capiche?
What ails you
>white incels here having power over anything
your Jewish
shes gonna win
hate the taste of gummy edibles
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hate my porn addiction
I have come up with a plan to acquire a cosplay egirl gf. Wish me luck, brothers. I will either make it, or kms trying.
Yes and what of it? Little goyim is mad because G-d's chosen have all of the money and power? Boo hoo nigga.
>he actually admits to being a demon in human skin
my sides
hey im one of those
Go away leftist. Stop being retarded.
Look up the ea$ypea$y method on Google but with s instead of $
It's blocked on this evil demonic site
North Carolina should rename itself Israel, so it could get more aid.
I think tonight I shall sacrifice some kids to Moloch.
I'm a human in demon skin
when Israel gets glassed how much race bait posting will go away
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riding with satan again
So a tranny then
russia does that though
Need a neet femcel gf
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i listen to music REALLY LOUD now in my flat because i cannceled this appartment for 31.12.2024 so they cant kick me out anyways. I will destroy my neighbors now. Fuck the neighbors. Dogfucking students, china dog eaters. I dont give a fuck anymore
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Need to look like this
>saying bio and women is a thing now and triggers LGBT zoomers out of their minds
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I just call them women and pretend troons don't exist.
ugly NEET trannies are not women
me and who?
It's been for awhile. They also don't like real female.
I'm less of a self improver and more of a it is what it is
No one likes my black ass
I am Ryan Gosling.
The grass is growing so slowly now, I think it's approaching the every other week rate.
is this a euphemism
based mets
>They also don't like real female.
This is why the spinster should be embraced
One cringey female repelling 90% of trannies is a good deal
great now my abs and chest is sore from gym
was only chest yesterday
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i just pick one and go. you either enjoy, or know to uninstall it. you can rapid-fire kill your backlog in a few hours, doing this.
No, we're in autumn. During the summer I have to cut the grass at least twice a week, and as it starts to cool, it goes to about once a week. But I'm looking at the grass after 6 days, and it's barely grown any. So it's in the once every 2 weeks, before it starts to snow in a few weeks.
Frankenstein is literally me
He Died recently
oh okay
it's first frost here soon in a few days so i'm looking forward to that
We've already had some frosty nights, but it always melts when the Sun comes up.
Been posting on the /cum/ for 2 hours from bed time to get up and shower
>10pc spicy nuggets
>Lg fry
>Modelo tallboy
yep I'm thinking it's a good night
Balls deep while shes dressed as reisen
Where do you find young women unironically
Do i have to download discord
ive been posting here since morning
I thought these were song lyrics at first
Yes. Probably Instagram and Twitter too.
Wish i hadnt eaten dinner already i could do this instead
reads like a haiku
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im wearing my comfy nightdress (men's) and you cumpsters are absolutely fuming lol. rent free
Shant be getting one then
the edd sheeran bag? lmfao
Why did my generation have to be boring retards? Zoomers are all into the shit I am into, but when I was their age it was weird to be into nerdy shit. FUUUUCKKKKK
I have nothing in common with my generation's hags. Sorry zoomerbros, but I am gonna cradlerob your women. You can do the same to gen Alpha.
That's Bread Sheeran. Get it?
Nice diary entry
Zoomers are hagmaxxing the Millennial women, while we cradlerob the Zoomer women.
lol alright
Bro zoomers are 25 ur not cradlerobbing ahit hHH
all generations have boring retards. it's a relative thing
chat if you dont stop normiemaxxing you're getting put in timeout no cap
They can have our hags. I (the self-appointed king of millennials) decree that zoomers can have all the used up millennial pussy.
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I look like the top and say that
The oldest gen alpas are 14, pedo.
ohmawgawd olivia rodrigo totally gets me I, my personality is so fucking validated rn im gonna go shopping now fr im so unique
bottom is literally me
men born after 2000 can't commit to relationships
all they know is hit they vape, scroll tiktok, play video games, call women mommy and order food from apps
Youngest zoomers are still in school nigga.
What's your @? Gonna make you wear Brandy Melville and turn your ovaries into pudding.
/cum/ chuds hate a sexy man with boobs in a nightdress
if you aint dutch you aint much
Oopsie woopsie!
holy fuck im hot. /cum/ wont admit it. theyll probably say ywnbaw lol as if that has anything to do with it. erm you just hate gender nonconformity lmao! and you REALLY hate when youre sexually attracted to my curvy femme figure
*dutch ovens u*
Alright post a selfie with timestamp and make all of our chud jaws drop then
Post a pic. It's almost time for tonight's goon sesh anyways, so I might as well start early.
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had these for the first time. seems to be voidnof any blueberry flavor no? are the other ones better?
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File deleted.
behold the size of my honkers. lmao chuds politics and sexuality instantly shattered

Dogberg keeps whimpering if I stop petting him
>theyll probably say ywnbaw lol as if that has anything to do with it
It has a lot to do with it, tranny. YWNBAW. You will always be a mutilated man with a neo-vagina.
then keep petting him, you moron
Wherethe anon who works at some sort of transportation truck thing business with lots of mexicans who can't speak english and goes nuts trying to communicate with them?
I can't pet him forever
never claimed to be a woman lol keep seething though. you just hate femboys
HOLY... If that ain't a woman's figure... I'm hard as fuck.
All you need to do is say arriba arriba taco burrito, and then they'll know you're with them.
made a fat joke in another thread and nobody replied
Ok trannies, you win this time
>One minute apart
>One minute apart AGAIN
Ohhhh no no no no no
CaseOh ate it.
sounds like someone can't cope with the facts. LOL
Holy shit, detective anon just ruined that tranny. He's going to 41% now.
Well enjoy your ban for posting selfies outside of /soc/ weird fat tranny
im not a tranny lol :) just a femboy with boobs. rent free. also those 2 other posters arent me.
im not tranny but i guess you say that to protect your fragile sexuality somehow. enjoy your fap.
can you stop being weird please
my half nephew is in the canadian navy
well whats weirder, me or the 5 /cum/posters fapping to me right now? you probably included.
That poster lives in delusion
Just ignore
Impossible for trannies. It's part of their identity.
impossible for chuds to stop fapping to femboys like me. and insisting its a tranny as if that makes it any less gay. lol
>tranny admits that he's not really a woman
That's a start to healing.
never been a tranny lmao. you just hate femboys sweaty.
So uhh

What's your guys favorite music album
War Pigs
19 hours into a 36 hr fast
You do NOT look like that
this could be us
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I like this sort of art.
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deltron 3030
>causes mass riots across the western world
>causes an innocent cop to go to jail
me when i post here
>makes porn vids where he has sex with white women
he lived a full life
Me on the bottom right.
I like to think this is a certain poster here meeting my parents (not saying who)
just bumping the thread with pictures so i can make the new and get in the bath
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No, this is us
I finally got /tv/ to repost it.
>get in the bath
You should btfo this tranny and post a cheeky selfie from the bath :)
I like selfish machines rn
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why back of neck throb
did you hurt your neck doing something psychical today
Is that anon an esper
i don't know what happened there autocorrect is stupid
no i just sat on the couch playing vidya all day
take some tylenol and lay down for a bit
don't like how baths cool off. when you first slip into them, they're heavenly. but after awhile, you end up prune-y and shivering. having a shower suits me better. it reminds me, "okay goober, you're clean. remember the other hundred things that need doing?"
i wanna look at the lake crystal too
cant begin to tell you niggers how glad i feel that this country is falling apart.
Today would have been George Floyd's 51st birthday
Why don't you want to prosper
new country music sounds like AI brain rot, and yet they still pack fucking stadiums, I don't fucking get it
it was already shit
Nothing of value was lost.
heaven gained an angel
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vile-looking building, vile thread
Where the edgelords who constantly get their innocent and super respectful youtube comments deleted at?

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